THIS PAPER ; pushed every afternoon, 8fii7 e ,r-i bv JOSH. T. J AM K'JITOB AND PNOPUKTOi. : r ;a4('Kl PTIONM. POSTAGE PAID. . . r.$h 00 riix mouth, $2 50 ; Three .-, 1 '15 ; m-.mth, 50 oects. :&( paper wiU lelivred by carriers, of charge, 1b any part of the city, at the , rt-3, or 13 cents ir v. -tiMTijr rites f -y t.v.'i 4 , :uDer!iri wii- riof-ar report ny and ,t i:ursto reccivo their papers t-egularly. PLKASE 20T1CX. We will beg' ad to receive communication! from or friends on ay and all subjects o eeral interest batx The name of the writer mnt alwayi be fur " uiahed to tae Sditor. Oomaunleationj stuit be Written on only oae side of the pap. Personalities "muz voided. And It is especially a .artictilarly under stood that the Editor not alwiyi en lors e the views of correal ondau, u&ietf so i takd in the editorial ooluoans. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1880. NO, 164 rP to Da Review ,1 took BROWN & RODDICK 45 Slarket Street. ly'SIHE TO INFIRM THE PUBLIC if.oertllr nd Wbolsflal. Cjhbay.ri ia r ticaLr, thAt we tre fall up with the Cheapest Line ! OF Dry Goods that baa ever been offered in this market. MO BUYER vuiting this city will do him self justice by pawing oar door, a we are no lerselling the market inmwy oftbereg niar Staple lines. We bare marked down all gooda that'hf lor g to Hummer wear and are offering ts to onr patrons. We woald call particular attention to tl.e fallowing GENTS' DOG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightly 'spotted, 75o. Worth $1 50. alicoes! Nt w Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. lUcached aiid Unbleached Cottons I We hare laid in a rery heavy stock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We have all the popular brands. Cur 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Handerchicfs, A Job at 10 cents. These good rrqiireno comment. Give us a Call BROWN & E0DDICK, 45 Market St. an 28 Seed Cotton. 300 000 heku uuriujx. want ed, for which a fair pries, IN CASH, will bpald. Apply at WILLARD'S, North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. au 2 J- The New Hat Store, JALL AND EXAMINE MV SUMMEB Style ot Straw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Front street, au SO Next to Par cell Horn. A Large Party, f .FORMERLY RENT PAYER, tird ot L la idiom rale are now on my monthly in stalment list, t very dollar heretjfore paid by them for rent now goes to purchase a home and not where the, woodbine twinetb. Under the instalment plan no rent is paid, thereby avoiding a steady drain on family resources and enabling parties to secare comfortable homes and to become their own an 18-1 w . A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL W0UK, LUMBER LATHS. Ac For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, TRlCfc & CO. Factory: OJfiee: Foot of Walnut St. Nott, oear.Ar4 Crjet st. Fall S Many Special CHEAP BEADING! For "the Campaign. The Daily Review, to Dec. let, $1.00! .. for The WlLMIXQTuN Joubnal. to Dec. 1st, for 60 cents!. The Wilmikutok Ji uaNAL published very Friday, gives ill of the news of the wek! The Daily Review, published every Afternoon, gives the Dews' of the day and the latest market reports. Address Josh. T. James, Wilmington, N O. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Yatm Complote Strck School Hooks. Butchers' Company We Have It Hal Cabeidkt Pigeons J 11 Hakuih Toilet Soaps - P HsiNsssBeaa The Little Tin Gods on Wheels See ad HostetterV Bitters . fee ad Ifxcursion Window Glass ah sizes at Altaffcr A Price's, t Hon D. L. Kusseli and - wifu returned to the city this morning t " Save your money and buy yoiir I'uild in Supplies from Altail'er & Price. Industry, brains and cheek -these three but the greatest of thee is cheek. Eggs are a little cheaper ; they now sell at iiO cents per d z m, though they are quite scarce. NA, photographer lately took the por trait of a lady so admirably that the husband preferred it to the original. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffkb, Thick & Go's Several notable happy marriages have been made on two hours' courtship, but it is a pretty safe rule to know the girl for at least three days and a picnic. Purge out the rmrbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Aveks Pills, and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. , The riLging of the market bell at 7 o'clock p. no. has been suspended for the season. It is now dark at 7 o'ebek, and the stores; as a. general- thing, are closed by that hour. Everybody can get suited wij,h a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery,, at Jacoui's flardware Denot- Always add a lina or two on the mar gin of a letter to a lady. 'You can't imagine iiow much satisfaction a woman 'obtains in turning a letter upside down to read a postscript. Yabborough House, KatjEiou, N. (J. I have used Dr- Bull's Cough Syrnp for my children, servants and myself and think it the gulden remedy Mrs. Dr. Blackwell. Adam never "loafed about a hotel, kept a seat all to himself iu a railroad car, wrote a po8tal caid, listened in another man's telephone, told a 6sh tery, cr drauK schooners of b er. Window Glss ofall sized, Liu r,Sssh and Blinds, 13 ulders' fJardware,&o Lw est prices at J acobi's. Any one in want of a sio k of Gne pigeons would do well to call on our young friend, Hal Cassidoy, at Mr. J. C. Munds' drug store He has some fine ones which ho will dispose of at reasonable rates. Yo j can buy No. 1 Gvking and Heats ins stoves at almost uj price at Jacobi' Hardware Deot. ;. 'A great many ujorally inclioed busi- nets men will tell ou that the people of to-day are not as Lou est as they were in their lime but they'll 6hovo a bogus quarter on a near sighted "man just as quick as a man of more modern make. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having beeu appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, pa-lies ia want of this celebrated Ilow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. , The Fayetteville Examiner says: .The Criuilna! Court of New Hanover county is .one of the institutions that the people will do well to preserve. Justice is ex ecuted more promptly oq criminals in New Hanover county than anywhere else in North Carolina. Ciusar covered his bald head mud gray hair with a laurel crown. Ateb's Uair ViGB covers gray beads with the mill more welcome locks of youth. THE MTJRDEBER'S DOOM. Steuben Richardson Hang for the Harder of Luev Phinnty Ills Last Moments on - Earth Brave and Plucky to the End- liis Seek Broken By the Fall. Stephen Richards-tn, who was convicted of murder at the hist leini of ihe CriminJ Court, aud who was sentenced to be bung to-day between the hours ot 10 a. m. and 4 p. in., expiated bis crime to dav at 20 miautes to 1 o'clock, on th? same f!lowf ou which Allan 3Ithis was liunched into e ernity som mouths ago.- N-jwithstau('-iag the fact that it was known that the execution would be hi private, thousands of men, womeu ud caildien,' draw, t'lither by a morbid cu iosily," asss: inbled abound Hie jtil yard in hop-.-s of Cilchi. g a ylimpse of the doomed minus he was 1 munched into eternity. Kieuaidsou was ver co mposed, and sign itied his wiiin g U533 to die. Yesterday he stated to the w rkman ho was engaged in cutting a dwr through the south wall of the y.Vt leading iuto the gallows, that it woulu bo the GREATEST DISAl'i'OINTMLST of his liie if he was not hung to-day. He said he was resigned and ready to die, and was certain of everlasting hap piness. lie spout most of the tiaie yes terday in prayer and earnest thought and hid the Communion administered to him. Wednesday he was baptised in the Meth odist faith by the Rov. Cornelius Samp son, who has been imparting religious instruction to him since his convic ion. lie rested well last night and this morn ing partook of a slight breakfast which he ate mechanically. Since his incarce ration he has not seen his wife, who is sid to be slightly demented by reason of tQe blows indicted on her head by him, bat on yesterday he was visited by his sister,' Mary Simmous, to whom he de Birei that his body should be turned over-. About 12 o'clock High Sheriff Man ning, followed by the jury and county officials, marched from the Court House to the jail yard and ascended the scaf fold. The "ministers of the dilf srent col Ored churches of the city were wito the condemned in his cell anJ their prayers a id admonitions could be 'distinctly heard b those on the scaffold. The ropes, trap, etc., were thoroughly examined by the Sheriff in order to pre rent any mishaps or bungling in the un pleasant duty he as High Sheriil was call eJ upon to perform. TlJE IIEAR3E AND CFFIS arrived a few minutes bofore ' 12 o'clock and the latter was depooitel on the ground imder the gallows. The crowd had so gathered around the hearse as to require the aid of the police to move the crowd to make room for the solemn cor tege which bro the last earthly tenement for the body of the doomed man. At 10 minutes past 12 o'c'o k the ministers sig. nlced their readiness to appear when the he vy iron door swung on its hinges and TEE FAD ritC CESI N, headed by the Rev. J. O. Frye, marched down the west corridor, thence up the south corridor to the new door an 1 on the ga'lows. .Hichardson ctme cut by the si le of Rev. Cornelius Sampson, with a detachment of the Sheriff's guard behind I him. He smiled as he rxsoguizjd bib friends and acquaintances and bade them gol-bye in a strong, clear vcice, not the slightest tear cr tremor being 'perceptible aj Jhe grasped their extended hands with both of his, which were socurely tied at the wrists. At 12 minutes past 12 o'clock tha doomed man stepped on the stand amid the singing of the attending ministry acd looked around the crowd, making nods oi recognition to those Le knew. He was very COiirJSED AND CHEWED T. BACCO, and occasionally expectorated on the death trap. During the prayer delivered by the Rev. J. G. Frye he kneeled on the edge of the trap and would frequently raise his eyes, which were open during the entire prayer. At the conclusion of the prayer, the S jeriff asked if he wished to say anything, when the reply, "YES, SIB," I in a strong firm voice wa3 beard by all those around. Bespoke for about five minutes, statins that he bad made his peace with his Maker and that he was ready and willing to die. He caid he did oot dread death; that he had, through the mercy of Jesus Christ, put the last enemy, Death, under bis feet, and that he would to day climb 'the ladder that Jacob saw ia the cloud leading up to Heaven, He begged others to confess their Qod and to profit by his sad ending. He then recited THE PARTICULARS OF THE MUBDEB as follows: On the evening of the homi cide he went to his house to see that everything wa right and b came involv ed in an altercation of words with his wife, when old man Phinney told bim not to use his narre in quarrels with his wifr. He then quarrelled with Phoney when the latter drew h s gun on him Richardson says he then ran back to bis house and in the ' HEAT OF PASSION caught up a shovel and ran back to where his antagonist was, when a general melee ensued. He struck each of his assailants and at the corner of Sixth and Harnett streets he struck old man Phinney a blow which felled bim to the ground. The cry of murderl murder! murder! was raised when he ran and was subsequently cap tur d. He says the mistake he made was in not standing his ground and letting the officers of the law take him with old man Phinney and his (P's.) gun lying at his feet. He spoke in a clear voice and showed no signs of tremor, and called up on God as his witness as to ths correct ness of his version of the murder of which he was convicted. He further Btated tha1 he had no idea of committing the deed when he went to the house, and that the report that he had threatened that evening to kill them was a falsification of the gross est kind. At 12:30 Sheriff Manning read the death warrant, and at .12:31 Richardson stepped upon the trap, and the Sheriff told him to say his prayers. While his arms and legs were being pinioned, the attending mic isters sang tha last hymn he heard cn earlb. THE NOOSE AND BLACK CAP were aajastea ai rz'.6i waiiet&i rope was being adjusted the Sheriff asked if it was too tight, when Richardsoa answer ed, So, thank you. It's very comfor- table " He then shook hands with the Sheriff and the trap fell with a dead heavy tbrud against a stauncheon made to catch it. Richardson fell eight feet and his ne;k was broken by the fall. He died very easy. There were after the fall some slight muscular contortions and in twelve minutes aftei the fall Richardson was pronounced dead by the physicianp, Drs. Wiuauts and .Burbank. When he fell his feet very nearly struck a man un der the trap who was passing heedlessly across from one side of the enclosure to theothtr. jWhen life was pronounced ex tiuct the bedy was lowered into the coffin and tha remains were carried to the resi dence of his sister, Mary S'mmons, from whence they were taken this after noon and interred in Pine Forest ceme tery. The dooniqd man was plucky and game to the last and showed no more signs of emotion than one would if he was getting ready to take a plunge in the river for a bath instead of a plunge into that mysterious bourne from whence no traveler returns. Richardson's finale should be a warning to others. Had he not been a too frequent disciple of B .cchua he might have lived to a ripe old age instead of dying on the gallows in com pliance with the scriptural, denunciation: VVboso shedueth man's blood by man shall hU blood be shed. The rape Fear Acad my. The Fall term of the (Jape Fear Acad emy will open in this city on the last Monday in this month, the 27th inst. The very commodious scnool rooms, with the beautiful grounds attached, corner of Princess and Fourth streets, have been secured for the ensuing jer. Oapt Catlett, the Principal, has been amjng us for three years or more, first as assistant to Maj. Burgess and afterwards as himself in charge of the Academy. The military feature of the Academy haJ been abandoned, thus affording a more thorough attention to the various braoche8 of a good academical education. 1 Excursion. i v Oa Tuesday next, the 7th of Septem ber, an excursion will be given on the steamer Passport to Smith ville, the Forts, and the Blackfish Grounds for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, under the auspices of St. John's Lodge No. 1, F. & A. Masons of this city. The prices of tickets have been fixed at 50 cents, chil dren and servants 25 cents, at which low price it is hoped that it will be liberally patron zed, Hot only by the members of the Masonic fraternity but by all of our charitable citizens who are inclined to wards aiding the orphan cause. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from wh'.ch Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is se highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for the ue of invalids, weakly persons and the aped. Sold bv Druggists. Ilv.w to set Sick.. Expose yourself day and night; eat too much without exercise; work too bard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know How to get Well. Which is answered in three worJs Take Hop Bitters!' See other column. Ex press. New Advertisements. IMotice- OSE wishing to purchaie a very fine let of rige"ns c&n gtt then cheap by applying to HAL CASSIDEY, sept 3-lt At Munds' Drng 8tor. J HAVE JUST RECE VED an elegant assortment of Toilet Soaps, whicb I am sell ing very cheap. Call at J. H HARDIN'S, Apothecary, ' t 3 New Market. We Have It I piNK SAMPSON COUNTY BEEF,Lamb, Mutton, Kid, Pork and Sausage, for to-morrow's market, at the corner of Market and Second streets. Give us a call and see for yourselvea, BUTCHERS' COMPANY sept 3-lt THE LITTLE TIN GODS OH WHEELS OR, Scciety in Our. Kodern Athens A TRILOGY after the manner of the Greek. By Robert Grant. Illustrated by F. G. Atwood. From the "Harvard Lampoon." Who is Your Wife ? A Com lex Conundrum colloquially con sidered. At HEINSBERGER'S sepf 3 Live Book and Music Store. Excursion. rpHE STEAMER PASSPORT will leave Market Street Wharf, at 9 o'clock, SHARP, on TUE8DAY, the 7th of Beptember, for Smithville, the Forts and the Blackfish Grounds. t Faie 50 cents. Children and Servants 2lc This excursion is gotten up under the aus pices of tit. John's Lodge,No. 1., F. A A. Masons, for the benefit of the OXFORD UHJf HAN ASYLUM, and it is hoped will be liberally patronized by our citizens. Tickets to be bad at the Express Office and at Parker A Taylor's. sept 3-iri-mon Though Shaking like an Aspen Lea. With the chills and fever, the victim of mala f ria may still recover by using this celebrated specific, which not only breaks up the most aggravated attacks, but prevents their recur renew. It it infinitely preferable to quinine, not only because it does the business tar more thoroughly, but s'soon account of its peifeet wholeenmeness and in vigor aticg action upon the entire sst m. For sale by ail Druggists and Dealers gen erally. septS FISH. FISH. Itiew Mackerel. BARRELS, HALVES and , QUARTERS. For sale by Hall & Pearsalf. Ui He Advortisomonts, A Card, THE USDER8IONED have taen charce of te Purcell House Broer hop, where they ill be pla)d to serve their friends and the public generally. The sIonn ha been thoroagnlf "eoovatei andrefituJ, mu we promise the but of workmin.hin. ith polite and courtecut at eatioa-' PftlNUB D. RUlTfT, spt S W. H. S ASH. : For Rent rpHAT LARGE 8T02E, situate on Third street, opposite Cily Hall, and recently occupied as a Drur Store, can be ' " i '.fx-. rented from October 1st, by appljieg to septS-lw A. G RTOAUD. For Rent. rjlUE COMMODIOUS STORE, No. 3. flrinlf V. ' ! given immediately or on October 1st, as pre ferred. Apply to 31 U. It. JEWKTT. . C W. Yates, Yy'lSHES TO CALL THE ATTENTION' of Teachers and Parents to Lis complete stock of School Books and Scho-1 Stationsry . Those wanting to bay will fi-d it to their ad. vantage to call or correspond with Man. Sunday School Books, nymn B joks,Bibler, Prayer Boeks, and Reward Cards, in great variety. YATES' BOOK STORE. au 30 Fresh Every Day FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for sale. THE ONLY. GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, wilt be found every day, fresh and sweet, three doors South of the Postoffice on Second street. Alao, Nuts Raisins, Fruit, Ao. O. E. J EVENS, jan 23 Near the Postofiice ILTONV.JOllGOL', Commission Merchant, . WAOZZZSTQZOIV, . C. mch3 2- Benj. F. Gbafton, Ktoby B, Laud, H ALBERT E. PA INF. . Late CommhiBioner of Patents. PAINE, GRAFTOH & LADD, . Attorney s-at-Law and Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents. 412 Fifth Street, "Washington, D. C.' Practice paten law in all ita branchrq in the Patent Office, and in the tiuprema and Circnit Courts of the United Statec Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. au 28 The Cosmopolitan Bar JB THE PLACE TO GET ANY AND 'a.l of the fancy, delicious eooMrg drinks of tLe Season. Ice cool Lager always on ha'id. None but the very beot of Ao wrn on t at this Bar. Cigars of the ont brands caa always be foud atrh Jomoplitaa. JOiiN fAHKOfili, Prop., jy No. 12 Market st. TheJfGw Bill of Lading p0& THE RVIL K"D8. Also, Carolina rfntrli Tvaiiroa I Rocoit . Veeiel Bill e t Lading, Chattel Mortgage, lujpeetor's Certificates, Magistrate's BUnks, Ac fiZT Pria'ed at lowest rtsaf E. B. WASROCK'8, Job Office, (Offi i j EevIew BaHdlne) au 31 A RA2E UPPORTUMITT FJS THE LADIES ! WE ARE L. J iMi m Rlnci rices Miwt a 4nl (JJvildreo's I)cse and fT0de wev, 1 j i t-o I'iriu taed Hats and IC n -ti ,r ti I Wj wilt ni ..q oar tiotK .t b v' tsmed aiticics at KkU hD TKlL'th' to make room for it di - Hair Work o'1 nft solicit. WISEST K.u: icUUWAN. YOl WW l h' - T,le kt Practical A J UjA Uf J p l ticiia A tux Uie tin MOQRE'i BUSIHiSSlUNIVERSITY, Atlanta. Ga, 55X00 covers total expense for tbr xaccihi. nnd tor Illus trated Circular. V 2S-12irdAw. For Sale. PERFECTLY NEW OFFICE SAFE, Moaler, BabmaaA A Co., manuracturersi combination lock, weight 1, ECO lbs. For sal cheap. Apply at - I taea THIS OJF1CE.

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