TSI8 P1PKB PLEASE ffOTICS. We will beg? ad to receive oonuuanicationi from oar (Hands oa aay and all subjects o Ceral interest bat t Tae naaie of the writer mast always be for aba4io the Editor. Ooamttnltatloasnnjt be written oa onl one side of the papa - . Personalities aw an. voided. And It Is especially atu particnlarlynnder ' stood that the Editor ts not always esdort e the views of eorresponosti, anleu so t te.it d in the editorial coin sns. 1, pooiUhed rj fleraoon, Sundays e sapted or JOSH. T. 'J A MEM, EDITOR AKT PROPRIJCTOK. uiCRIPTIOOi.laTAGE PAID, -ear, 15 00 ix months, $2 50 ; Throe ooottu, 1 35 ; One month, 60 cents. :t .,Pr will b delivered by carriers, fchrK, i ny part nf the city, At the ve rxtaa, or li waU per wek. lrTerti"'ajr ratet iow and libnr&l S-Scbscriberi will p'eafwreport tmy and -.: u f to receive their papers regularly. i VOL. V WILMINGTON, ,N. C, SAT UK DAY, SEPTEMBER 4,. 1880 NO. 1G5 "Review 1 IN II A V H 11 A V V ft IE Fall Slock, MOWN. & RODDICK 45 Market Street. TvsiitK To INFORM THE PUBLIC 1J generally and Wholesale Taih baycrs in rar ticalar, that we are fall np with the Cheapest JLsine ! OF Dry (Soods that baa ever been offered in this market f J BUYEK Tutting thi city will do him self justice by pawing oar door, as we are underselling the market inxniny of tbe reg ular Staple lines. We hard marked down all goods that be- loLg to Bummer wear and are offering is to our patron p. We woc'dcall parti ou'ar attention to te f)lluwio GENTS' 30G SKIN DRIVIfiG GLOVES Might.y spatted, 75o. Worth $1 E0. aiicoes ! New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beaatifal designs. Hioaclied and Unbleached Cottons ! We hare laid in a rery heayy stock of the ab ve aDd are offering them at lower figures than erer. We hare all the Doimlar brands. -ur 4 4 BlecLiag at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the boat value ever offered. . . Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These goodi rqaireno comment. Give us a Call BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. aa2S Seed Cotton. 500 000 LB8,8EED c0TT0W wi" od. for which a fair price, IN CA8H, will be paid. Apply at WILLABD'S, North Water St, Wilmington, N. C. an 2- The New Hat Store, JALL AND 'EXAMINE Ml SUMMER Btyles of Straw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOPN M. ROBlNSOy, No. 13 Front street, u 3D Next to Pureell House. A LARGE -STOCK CF Sash, Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK, ' - LUMBER' LATHS; &c. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFEB, PRICfc & CO. Faetorv: Offiee: Foot of Walnut si Aatt, neax,aa Oroea et. ao 30 d Card. fpUE US DKR810N1SD (are taken charge 4- of the Pureell Uonse iUroer tbop,wbeie they aill be pleased to serve their friend aad the publie generally. The Uoon h as been thoroughly renovate I and refitted, anu we promise tbe but of workmanship, with puiite aud coartecai at ention. PKlNUK D. 8M1TH, septS W. IL NAH. Many Special Mbhiii C LOCAL NEWS. ' flfOTT Advertisements. James H. Lawk New 8chool JpLiog Hah -Grand Fall Opening. Yatbs Complete Stock School Book. P HaiassBaeaa The Little Tin Gods on Wheels " ) ' , ( "No Interments in OakdsLuhis week. Day's length 12 hours aud 48 .minutes. Window Glass ali i'rice's. ' i ' sizes at ltafler & t , There 'wore no internients iu Sell vue Cemetery this Jwek.; . J New o'clock moon at 38 bis forenoon. minutes past 11 Sunset 'to-morrow atterooou minutes past 6 o'clock. at 22 To-morrow is known in the Church Calendar as the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. I Burglars have been bndiug out lately that there is a good deal of danger in a safe robbery. If you have a pretty daughter you will have a brain full of anxiety and a house full of scented note paper.! t Full Metal and Walnut Show Cass, all stvita and sizes, at AlTAPFKJB. PlilCK & Co's .1 .i Th-re vtere six interments in Pine For est Cemeteiy (colored) during the week four children and two adults. R -v. J. B. Taj lor. Pastor of the First Baptist Church, has returned to the city, and will occupy his pulpit to morrow. The Register of Deds has tsEtted four mirriage licenses this week one to a white couple and! three to colored couples. , ; r Vhen a man and a woman are made one the question) which on ? is a both ersome one nutil it is seltKd, as it soon is It is not tiue tbtt a mirriml imn can ever become a bird, although when he comes home at 2 ia the morning his wife very ot ten makes him quail. There has not been a-smgie white per son buried hore this week ; and yet this is what the urrCouutry paople call the sickly time of the year iu our City by ihe Sea. Purge out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Aykr.s Pills, and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies." ( London Queen says that , white bath ing dresses are, for olvioua reasons, not advisable, while stays are good, it adds that silk stockings and gold lace are out of place in the sea. ' j Mr. Goodman and Mrs. A. Liebman and sou 'arrived safe at New lorfc on their way from Europe last evening. They ' will remain m that city about a wetk before they return to Wilmington. Ca;ar covered his bald heai and gray hair with a laurel crown Ansa's Uaib Vigor covers gray beads with the still more welcome locks of youth. . 1 Mr. Jos ' B. iWorth has on exhibition at his doors two sh rts which were dot e . 1 r up in his steam laundry here.wh'ch those who have ever bad any thing done up in a steam laundry iu New Yok are i- vited to call and examine and compare. ; . Never defer until to-morrow what should be attended to to-day. A slight cough ought never to be neglected when a 25 cent bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will prevent it from becoming chronic. A sprightly writer in London L fe suggests for those complexions tnat are neither blondes nor brunettes, this pretty toilet: 'Dress of brown and jeilow bro cade, made with a waistcoat of cream colored satin, with yellow rose aud brown leaves.' i .,, j ! i- Everybody's wife and his sisters and his cousins and other female relatives, as recorded in the lg bookj of the Pinafore, are preparing fd rub back to town. They will come down like the Assyrians on the fold, when they read Hahn's ad veriUement in this fcsue. You can buy No. 1 Cookiag and Heats inijoioves at almost any price at Jacoiu' Qardware Depot. Large numbers of false turquoises have lately come from Vienna to Lon don, and are still arriving. ' Their de tection is difficult, the b.ck of every specim n caving ocoa peckeu oat and filled with black j I cement, to imit&te the matrix of the genuin- stone, i Mr. Nath'l Jacob i having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas llow, parties In want of this oeie jraiod l'iow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard. ware Depot,; No. 10 b. From at. tf. i .Unmalables. Uumailable matter, directed as fallows, remains in the postoffice in this city: Letters for Surgut Fi'.oe, Furt Henry, V.; Misb Mattie H iskett. Neuse, N C William Evans, Pender co, NO.) In Harness 4 sain. Capt. Joseph Price. Harbor Master at this port, has returned to the city attar bis summer euting at the Sound ' Ht will take uold on Monday, we presume relieving Capt Walter Goney, who has tilled the position very acceptably during bis absence. ' - Jewish New Y ar. Oq to-morrow, Sunday, evening, at o'clock, our Jewish ci'izors will onter r upon their next new year, Tishree Rh Hashaunah 6640. Ail Jewish stores will therefore, be closed this evening i at ( o'clock and until the same hcur Monday evening. , The Rlrer. Steamer D. MurchUon arrived here to-day abont noon, with a very full and valuable-freight. She I left Fayetteville jesterday morning at the ueual hour. She did not have to pull over but Capt. Garrason says that the water is getting so ow Ai to impede navigation. i County 'Jommiisioners. .The Bard of County Commissioners meet in regular monthly session next Monday afternoon, at 2i o'clock. The coming meeting will be one of uausual importance as the Board will proceed to revise "the jury list for tbe year and also aonoint Judges and Registrars for the coming election. ' 1 Wiadi vGlisa ofall siz33, Do ra,S:sh and iiiiuds, li alders' Bardware,&o Low est prices at Jacobi's. Personal. Rev. Di. Patterson, Rector of St John's, bus returned to the city after an absence of several weeks and will conduct the services as usual in his church to morrow. We are glad to know that Dr. Patterson's health, which has for some time past been precarious, is better now than it has been for years. Road Masters' Association. The Second Annual Convention of the International Road Masters Association will be held at the Matterson House, Chicago, on Wednesday next, the 8th inst. Tbe questions to be submitted for discussion are many and of importance aud it is likely that the Convention will be a prolonged one. Capt. John Barry, of the Wilmington & Weldon R K , will be in attendance. i i Bee a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for tbe use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. Value Received - The only man in America who has complete facilities for collecting national statistics is Hon. A. R. Spofford. Libra rian of Congress. All the data which he secures during ihe year U carefully re tained and has been put into a book. His last issue, The American Treasury of Facts, nas ceen sent ua oy oiessrj. a., a. Warner & Co., proprietors of the famous Safe Kidney and L:ver Cure, and it is really a cyclopedia in itself. In this busy aje one can grasp national affairs only by statistical figures.1 and the work under consideration reflects much credit on Meserp. Wa-ner & Co., wbo have se cured it, -i . . Everybody can get saitod with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jaoobi's Hardware Depot- , Lookout Tor Bey tcmb sr. , ' Astronomers say that some time during this month the earth will be in a direct line between the sun and Jupiter, the largest planet of the 6olar system, and this too when Jupiter is in that part its orbit nearest' the sun. We are told that this condition of the earth will produce great disturbance upon it. It will be as if it was pressed by two great orbs, the smallest of which is 'fourteen hundred times larger than the earth. We are to!d to look out for intense heat, earthquakes, destructive cyclones, ter rific thunder storms and raio. When you visitor leave JNew Vork City. stop at tbe Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms" reduced to fl.QQ and upwards. Restaurant unsurpasseu at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ol the city. ly We have had two very slight sprinkles of rain today. Splendid weather this tor rowing and picking cotton, but a lhtle rain would be more comfortable. The therm mter in this office register d 91 degrees ttvday at 3 o'clock. At 10 o'clock this forenoon it stood at 86. Ine O M. Stedman Fire Uompapy and the Brooklyn Bucket Company have eich been reinforced with a supply cf new ru ber tire buckets. ' Mr. Frank H. Darby, Chairman pf the County Executive Committee, has gone to the mountains to recruit his health. Capt R. W. Price will act as j Chairman ot the Committee daring Mr. Darbj'i ab. sence. Journalistic We have neglected to notice the fact f V, i ;. , . i . r 1- that the Newbemion, heretofore a weekr ly, has made its appearance as a daily paper. It is still under the conduct of Mr. Carpenter and is doing good work during the campaign. The Enterprise is the name of a new and very handsome weekly paper which comes to us from Lauiiaburg. It is pub lisbed by Mr. McDufQe, late oi the Fay etteville Banner, and makes an excellent beginning. Wa wish it substantial sucl cess. The Chicago' 31 mes says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly surgeons, by men of literary and scholar, ly distinction, and by individuals In all tbe walks oi life. Lumber and Shingles. The business done in lumber and shin- gles at this port during the past two years has been a remarkably good one. 1 For the year ending August 31st, 1880, the total experts of lumber amounted to Sl,795,272 feet, of which 22,514,189 were coastwise and 9.2S1.083 were foreign, while the shipments of shingles for the same period were 3,822,800 coastwise and 3,925,375 foreign, a total of 7,748,175 shingles. For the year ending August 31st, 1879, the exports of lumber accounted to 12 550,185 coastwise and 8,923,382, foreign, a total of 21,474,167 feet last year, as ajainet 31,795,272 tor the year ust closed. For tha year ending August 3 Us, 1879, the exports of shingles amounted to 4,611,375 coastwise and 2, 216,883 foreign, a total of 6,827,758 shingles in 1879 as against 7,748,175 in 1880, I The showing in favor of 1880, as will be perceived, is a very handsome one The figures are correct j as they are taken rom the boo e s of the Secretary of the Produce Exchange. i i How to set Sick.. Expose yourself day and night; eat too much without exercise; work too bard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know ! 7 How to cot Well, Which is answered in three words Take Hop Bittere! See other column. Ex press. Gen. Lane's school. By advertisement in this issue of the James H. Line, the gallant commander of Lane's brigade of North Carolinians J Hnvinn tVia afar ia t r rram a Arof oln.a I male school this Fall in Wilmington. It is with peculiar pleasure that- we recom mend to our people this brave soldier and accomplished gentleman; many there are however, in thia city and vicinity to whom General Lane is no stranger. General Lane, although a Virginian, commanded North Carol in iauf during th entire war and like the brave old Early, when their record was wantonly attack ed by Walter H. Taylor, a year or two ago, he came forward and in a manly way bore willing testimony over his own signature to their heroism and gallantry on near a nunarea neias battle. General Lane has, we understand, the highest recommendations as a teacher and professor, from some of tbe most em inent men in Virginia. Is It Possible that a remedy made ot such common. simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, fcc, make so many and such marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do? - It mast be, for when old and young, rich and poor, Pastor ahd Doctor. Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having been cured by them, we must believe and donbt no longer, ttee other column. "t My life was saved by Warner's Safe KUrey and Liver Cure. E. B. Laid, iximfit, Ala i GRAND FALL (Nil! Tuesday, the 7th Inst. 38 Market St. WITH AX Entll 6 NeW Stock Of FaJl Goods ! ous ing of latest patter: sand designs of I ! m. j .- mo iicu -i aoa most elegant DRESS GOODS ! Ever brought to this ci'y, at HAH R9 ' . i 38 Market St. CI A MM IT I C FLANNELS f ii anMiiii.i? FLANNELS I The most extraordinary qualities, shades, etc , at prices never before known in this city. BLACK ALPACAS & CASHMERES ! The largest stock ot ALP ADAS and CASHMERES ever kept in this city and at prices that will aston ish you, at H&HM5 38 Market St. Innumerable Quantities of Domestic and other e Goods ! HOUSEKEEPERS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT H AH M ' 38 Market St. Is the place to cret .Bargains in KhPoMnw WT t I - X ! rw, . ' xwe jinens, rowels, Nottingham Lace and hundreds of other arU- cles tco numerous to mention at prices far below those of the panic. 38 Market Street, Keeps the largest stock ever shown in this city. The celebrated uLUBE NURSIlIG CORSET, THE inCleSirUCtlOle Hip LOrSet i And a doz n other improved and superior kinds'. CALICOES! CALICOES! The nicest line of Fall prints from i " Cents I AND UPWABUS! I The largest and finest line of Kid Gloves ever shown in this city. We guarantee every pair .of our celebrated GLOBE KID GL 'VES, and will refund .the money for every pair not giving satisf action. X7" Remember! we have a lot of 200 dozen pair Kid Gloves at 25 Cents per Pair I tS Don't forget the date of the grand opening, and remember Vt HABU'S, 38HarIr.otftt. Is.the place to get your 1000071 worth JULIUS HAHH, 38 Market Ct. CHEAP HEADING! For the Campaign. The Daily ReHw, to Dec. l8t, for $1.00! The Wilmisqto Journal, to Dec. 1st, for 60 cents I ! Tbe WrLMiKQToif Journal, publisiftd every Friday, gives ill of the news of tha The Daily Review, published eerr afternoon, gives tha news of the diy and the latest market reports. Address i 1 J 0 ill. T. James, ViImington, N, C. New Advertisements. New School. J HATE DETERMINED TO 0PS5 A f irtt-Class Male Bchool in this city about the 1st of Oetober next. Full pa Ucnlara will be iven on my return to the city. sept4-3t JAME8 II.NLIKE. J HAVE JUST HECE.VfcD an tleant assortment of Toilet Soaps, which I am sell ing rery cheap. Call at 1 J. H HARDIN'S, Apotheciry, i sett 3 Jiew Market. THE LITTLE Tlfi GODSON WHEELS ' ' ' OB, : . I Society in Our Kcdern Athens. TRILOGY after the miuer of the Greek. By Bobsrt Grant. Illustrated by F. G. Atwood. From the "Harvard Lampoqn." Who is Your Wife.? A Com r lex Conundrrm colic qnially j con sidered. At HEINdBEBGER'3, sept 3 Live Book and Mnsic Ftore. M.CROJLYjJAuclioaicor. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. 1 Coimnissioncr's Saio oi Valuable Ileal Estate. gr VIBTUE OF. A DECREE OP THE Superior Court, I will sell at public aoction on Monday, the 6th day of bepterober axt. ai 14 o oioca, n., at ine uourt uouce door in this city, the following described property, to wit : That large and co smodlons brick dwelling, containing 14"room0. Ituated.on rent atreat and well known as the residence of the late Sli W. Hall, deceased, fciie of Jot C9 feet cn Front street, running back 150 feet. Also, that large f a me Dwelling containing 13 rooms, situated on the North aide of Mar ket street, between Second and Ikird streets immediately West of and adjoining the DeBosset eorner, and at present eccapiM bv Dr. F. W, Potfrar. Biie of Lot 40 feet ou Market street, ranniag btck 132 foet. Terms liberal and made known at sale. vALEX.T. LONDON, Com'r. Wilmington, N. 0 Aug. J, 1880. au 3 ts HL CROWLY, Auclioncer. BY CBONLY & 1IORRIS. - Commissioner's Sale. VIBTUE OF A DEG2EE OF TKE Superior Coart, in the case of Them as Nichols, et ah, for caTe 0 Land for partidos, I will sell at the Ccort Uoute door In tbi city on Monday, 8epteaiber 6th, 18a0, at, 12 o'clock, M., Honae and Lot tituated on !tb North side of Hanover between Hecond and Third streeu, the same having l front o 40 feet on Hanover street and ranniog bacx 16S feet to aa alley, and known as a 't of -lots 3, 4 aad 6 ia Bloek 362. Terms L'ah. WIlKEU MOIIRIH, ConiV. Wilmington, N. U., Aug 3, lfc80. aa l.lawts For Rent OIHAT LABOfi 8T0BF, situ ..e cn Third street, opposite Ci!y Hall, and recently occupied as a Dm? Etore, can te rented from October 1st, by applying to sepfl-lw A. 1 RTOAfJD. For Rent. rPHK COMMOOIOUi 8T0K1', K t tl t. r r I 1 1 given immediately or cn Oct ber lit, as pre ferred. Apply to ai 3l B, B. JfeWiTT. Cm W. Yates, yyiSBta TO GILL THE ATTE2XTI 35 ofTsacbtn aid Par eats to his complete. stock of School Books aad ScLool 8titi nery Those wanting to bar wCl find It to their ad vantage to call or correfjonl with hlm.- Bosdav School Boots, Uymn Ikoki,Blbl(f, Prayur fioeks, aa t Seward Card, la gnat variety. rAtiB BOOK tfTOBiS.