1 THIS PAPER uiishod erery Afternoon, Bundayi Vbr ' JOS II. T. J AM F v-::: AND PEOHBIKTOK. , . :.'!:! l iDNH. POSTAGE PAID. (so Six !oonthB, $2 50 ; Three ?! 25, Cae nn-nth, 50 cent. -.war wUI delivered by carriers, ...v. in av i5rj( the city, mttfie t -s, rr 13 C9tt3 per wk. p-iisia.' r.t.-s U-t r J literal iincribers -i:J p report any and , ri.9 to recirreieir papers rejralarly. took QROW & ROBDICK 45 Market Street. MkXIKB' TO INFORM THE PUBLIC nrall y ami Wholesale C'ah buyers in rar ticuiftr, tht we are full up with the Cheapest Line ! OF oods ry tht has ever been offered in this market $0 BUYER visiting thia city wilUdo him- i'lf j at'ce by pasting oar door, as we are on iersellinj: the market inminy of the regj- u ar SUpIe lines. We hova marked down all goods that be- lorg to Summer wear and are oflerlnjr . laarSpci Is to our patrons. We' a;d call particular attention to tl e f illuwiag GENTS' DOGSKIN DRIVING GLOVES Mightiy spotted, 75o. Worth $1.60, ailflcoes N. w Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. -Uleached and Unbleached Cottons ! We hare laid in a very haayy stodk of the - u . . i xr ii -a.i a ive uu am oiiering mem at luwur ugures tbanerer. We hare all the popular brands. Cur 4-4 lileachiag at 10 cents per yard is W 1 f" h A n f a n ?r nTtontinn rVn Iktof vkTn a A tr AT" offered. Linen HanderchiefSj A Job at 10 cents. These goods require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROWN & B0DDICK, 45 fVaarket St. an 28 Seed Cotton. 500 000 LB3, BEED COTT0N wjmt ed, for which a fair price, IN CASH, will be paid. Apply at WILLARD'S, North Water SL, Wilmington, N. G. an 2-i- The New Hat Store. lALL AND EXAMINE MY SUMMER Styles ot Straw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Front street, u 30 Next to Parcell House. A. Card. THE UNDER8IGNED have taken charge ot the Purcell Hoae BarDer tbop,where thev H1 be d! said to serve their friendd ten thoroughly 'eaoTatel and.refitui, anu jwe promise the -bst of workmanship, with polite and courtecmi at ention. I Pt.'lNUk D. SMITH, s-ptJ W. U. NAdH. For Rent- I1HAT LARGE STORE, situate on ; hird street, opposite Ci'j Ball, and JLili l 1 - ,: tsbtly oecufied as a Drug 8tor, can be intod from October 1st, by applying to teptMw A. ! R10ACD. For Rent mHE COMMODIOUS STORE, so. 3, Granite Eow. Possession m men Immediately or on October 1st. s pra- l r:e;i. Apply to Fall-S G il a. at 31 R. B. JEfiTT. Tie VOL. V , WILMINGTON, N. C MONDA Y SEPTEMBER v- LOCAL NEWS. New AdTercuemenu. . P HiiHSBi&aaa School Booki ALTArraa, Paics A Co. Bash, Doors, Ac FA Hchut Fete Champetre P L BaiD. s Co The Outlook T H McK -Fresh ArriTals. Jtlios Hai. -Grand Fall Optning. Yatm Coic lete Stck Kchool Books. For other locals see fourth page. Egs bII fvr twenty ceDts dozen " . -t, - - Watermelons are about p fayed out. Wirdow Uiass-ali sizes ai Itafl'er & Price's. .'. f The boom' ot the rice bird hunters is on the increase. Scuppernong grapes are plentiful a' twenty cents per peck. Where are you going toiive next year? is cow the usual salutation. Another hot day and no cold wave yet. Oh! Vennor, Vennor, why raise false hopeb? 1 Stop coughing at once by the immedi ate useot Dr. Bull's Cough Bjrup; 25 cents a bottle. Wiiiu6.v Glass otall 3izjs, ri.S.sh and Blinds, Builders Bardwavo.&o Low est prices at Jacobi's. Job, according to all historical belief, wae a patient man, but he never eDtered a barber shop pn . Saturday, niht just behind the fellow who got a hair cut and bhave. . Pure out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Ayki: s Pii i.a. and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. .- The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen will be held on Wed- nesnay afternoon, at 4 o'clock, instead of t iis afternoon. ' The Democrats of Pender county wi 1 meet in Convention at Burgaw on Mon day next, tholC:h inst, for the purpu of nominating ccunty office's. I XCUlSton. We would again remind our readers of the excurti to be givu'n on tomorrow, Tuesday, the 7th icst., on ,tbe steamer Passport to Smithville, the Forts, and the BlackGsh Grounds, under the aus pices of St. John's Lodge, No. 1, of Ma sons, and especially would we again ca! attention to the fact that it is given for the benefit if that worthy, and charit able institution the Oxford Orphan Asy- um, and that the steamer leives prompt- Iy at 9 o'clock. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ndtoves at almost any price at Jacobi' Hardware Depot. County Commissioners. The Board met this afternoon in regular monthly session, with Chairman Smith n the chair, and Commissioners Bigg, Worth Grady, and Montgomery present. Registrars and Judges fur the ensuing election were then appointed as follos; First Ward Uppir. Division Regis trar, Chas Murphy; Judges, O A Wig gins, Gha8 W Stewart, Simon Richard son, Owen Nixon. Lower Division Registrar, Simon W Sanders; Judges, Jno L Dudfey, L L Boon, Sol W Nash, Josh Mcares. . Second Ward -Registtar, J O Lams- den; Judges, L T Bo wden, R F Eyden, Geo Jackson, Geo Burden. Third Ward Registrar, W L Jacobs. Judges, Jno L Oantwell, John T Keen, John Hargrove, Allen Evans. Fourth Ward Registrar, R U Picketf; Judges A L DeR sset, F C Singletary, John G N rw2od, James W Green. Fifth Ward Registrar, Gaston Hill; Judges, J U Miller, Nicholas Morris, John Waddell, Henry Green. Cape Fear Township Registrar, Irj dell Johnston; Judges, W Q Johnson, JohnH W St George, Eiackwell 'Wi!- iamB.Joeeph A Sharply. Federal Point Hegiotrar, J H Home; Judges, Jos P Montgomery, Jcksoa J Farrow, H O Davis, Geo C Greea. Mosonboro Registrar, D S Moniford; Judgis, W C Fergue, John A Farrow, Joseph Smith, Geo W Hewlett. Harnett llegistrar, James N Macom- ber; Judges, W B M-Koy, A A Mosely, J A Holt, Jordou Nixon. The annual reviiion of the jury .list was being mada op to the boor of our going to press. gee a woman ou norseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch ot u rapes Irom which Speer'a Port Grane Wine U made, that is so "highly esteemed by the medical pro- lession tor tne use oi luvauas, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. The Railroad Combination. The combination entered into by tia Richmond and Danville corporation at d the Atlantic Coast Line seems to be ex citing a good deil .of interest ab nt Acg usta and other cvorhern points. Ite Augusta Evening News says: 'These two great rival iin s wi 1 now be controlled by the same officers, and run schedules to equalize the rant budi- U688 from and to the North in the p sseu ger and freight departments " "This '8 one of the largest and mott powerful railroad combinations of the day,' and controls ail the land avenues from the North through this section. What portion of the road will be made trut k. lines or the regular through line is not known, but for the Florida travel Doth routes tnrough Auunta and the Ooast Line thn-ugh Charleston and ba vannah will be principally used." We understand from a pretty reliable source lhat the change in the manage ment ot the freight and ptsaenger de partment of this new combination gots into effect about the lOlh'or 15ih of this month, whereby jCol. A. Pope, who has been the General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Atlantic Coast Lice, as sumes entire control of the passenger de partmeht of the Richmond, and Danville Railroad as well as the passenger business of the Coast Line, at the same time re linquishing the freight department of the Atlantic Ooast Line to Mr. So Haas, General Freignt Agent of the Richmond and Danville R R. Thib will give, both of these gentlemen greater territory in their particular department than they have ever enjoyed before. Col. Pope, by Jiis excellent business qualities, untiring energy and indefatigable and persistent labor has developed an im mense business, both in freight and pas seuger traffio,on the Coast Line, hitherto unknown to thia route, and he is regarded as one of the most competent and capa ble officeis, in his t articular department, to be fouud' anywhere from Maine to Texas. Mr. Hass, the successor of Col Pope, ii well ktiown to our citizans by a resi dence of several years in Wilmington shortly a'ter the war wh r at one time he did tho'largest wholesale and commission business that was done by any one, firm, perhaps, in this city or in any other city lu the State. Of Mr. Haas' business qual ities therefore it is useless for m to speak, except to remark that' after an experience of only about ten years iu the railroad business his promotion has been unprecedented. That he is a ger tlemau of excellent parts, quick perception and thorough business capacity, his ad vancement to the very responsible position which be has been called to occupy by the Urge capitalists and tusiuess men who torm the syndicate oi the new combina tion is the best evidence iu the world. Courteous iuliis bearing towards ail with whom he has intercourse, either iu busi ness or otherwise, Mr. Haas never fails to make friends wherever he goes. That he is as thorough a railroad official as any one of his competitors in the freighting business, -no one wbo ever encounters Mr. Haas in a business way will be likely to doubt. We trust that Mr. Haas and Col. Poe will both be pleased with their chants and happy in their new fields of labor. Everybody cau get. suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot- . Electric Lights. Mr. Frank J. Pillirjg, Press Agent for the W. C- Coup Mammoth Show which will oxhibit in this city on Thursday next, on the beautiful cmpus on Prin cess, between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets, dropped in to see as this mornirg. The approaches to the tents from Market and Chestnut street will b9 brilliantly Illuminated by the electrict lights, and in orde.- to ayoid the rash at the ticket wag cms, tickets will be on sale at Ueinsber ger'abook store without extra charge. On the third page of this issue will be found a very interesting history of the origin of this Aeat show. Duxton and Moore. Capt. Buxton, of the Horse Marine, will speak at Eurgaw oa Wednesday and give several reasons why he should not be voted for for governor. Another candidate for obiivion, familiarly called by the darkeys about Bargaw "Giialus Moore," will ako preach, at that place, his own funeral sermon on the same occa sion. If the gama is worth the candle doubtless more Democratic speakers will meet them, cm the happy occasion. Hell,' you know, hath no fury like unto a Radi cal who can't be elected to office.' Save your money ami buy jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. J Review. Arouslns Its Readers. An alarm of fire at midnight is a startling thme. but not half so startling to many whojiear it as would be the sudden knowledge of their own dangeronB pnysual condition. Thousands of thou sands are hurrying tp their graves be cause they are carelessly indiffereut to the insidious inmad3 of disease and the means of cure. It Is the mission of H. U Warner & Co., with their Safe Kindey and Liver Cure, to arouse men to a sense f their danger and then cure them. Memj his Appeal Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffhb, Peick x uo s New Advertisements. C. W. Yates, y-y ishes to call the attentiou of Teachers and Parents to his complete stock of School Books and School Stationery . Those wanting to bay will fiadit to their ad vantage to call or correspond frith him. Sunday School Boots, Hymn Booki,Bibles, Prayer Botks, and Reward Cards, in great variety. YATES' BOOK STORE. sept 6 A LARGE STOCK CF Sash, Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK, LUMBER,! LATHS. &c. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PRICi & CO. Factory: Office' Foot of Walnut st Kutt, near Bed Cross st. sept 6 School Books. J HAVE NOW ON HAND a fall s apply of chool Books and School Stationery. Teach ers and pa ents will find it to their advan tage by first calling at KEINBBERQER'd The Life of General Winfield 8. Hancock. Personal, Military and Political. By Bev D. X Jankins, D. D., and Frink, H. Norton For sale at sptfi THE LITE BOOKSTORE. The Outlook . TN A YEAR OR TWO there will be no A lawyers, doctors, clergymen, or arm v. Railroad men, editors aid politicians are not wnat tney used to be. When a man can car ry a year's phf sic in his vest pocket, what's tneaee oi a JJocto. t uar narbor will soon be batter uefaiided by electric batteries than omnon and there will be no soldiers. We have no time for speeches, 7 he Banks do tne collecting, aad soon lawyers will be as soaroe as lamp lighters or hen's tee.h, but people MD-T EAT, and so there will always uegrocenes. P. L. Bridge rs & Co., 20, 22, 21, 26 & 28 Front St., Wilmington, N. C, are only one of the ninety. Abjnt one in a thousand of- a 1 the people von see sell Whis key, Mola9ea, Dried and Chipped Beef, To matoes, Potatoes, Gin, Sugar, Spices, Mo lasses and Coflee, for a living; something te eat and to wear; while the rest are fed and clothed oat of the prohts of tee Wholesale and Retail Grocery Bueness, in which the now Celebrated Establishment of Pa L. Bridgers & Co., 20, 22, 1i, 26, and 28 North Front St, Wilmington, N. C. holds the leading part. We understand and appreciate the reasons of our success" in bniid icg up this trade, and they are briefly these We keep the b st good ! Wc sell fer the least profit i We rire credit to those who socure us from loss. We keep a fresh stock, ana we have luk in our investments, sales acd pure ases We consult no opinion other than that of our customers. We keep Dosted a all matters connected with Groceries and Grocery sales, and above all sell ont at the proper moment Keep no stock over for the next season, and hare no n sal ess expenses This enables us to divide profits with our patrons and to keep p ices down. We have done more to make groceries cheap in WiU mington than ah tne other stores conbined. ; We ar in no rine or clique, and belontr to no bdy or corporation. Hence it is that oos in ess is always brisk with us, and stran gers coming to town invariably - qiire for ae immense njtaDUsnotent oi L BBID8ERS & GO, 20, 22, 21. 26 and 28 Front Street.' WILMINGTON, N. C. tept C Excursion. TT HE STEAMER PASSPORT will laara Market Street Whaif, at 9 o'clcck, SHARP, on TUESDAY, the 7th of September, for Smithville, the Forts ard the Blackfisb Grounds. Fa:e 50 cents. Children and Servants 25c This excars'on is srotten ud under the aus- icea of Bt. John's LoCge No 1 , F A A. asons, for the benefit of tha OXFORD unfit AN ASYLUM, and it ij bored vriH be liberally patronized by our citizens. Aicaeu to De naa at tne x xpren vmss aso at Parker A Taylor's. sept 3-c rt-rnon fi, 1880 NO 166 GRAM) FALL OPEK! Tuesday, the 7th Inst. HAH'KI 38 Market St. WITH AN' Entiie New Stock of Fall Gcods ! Consisling of latest patten s and designs of the richest and most elegant DRESS GOODS ! Ever brought to this city, at NAHM-' 38 Market St. FLANNELS ! FLANNELS I FLANNELS 1 The most extraordinary qualities, shades, etc , at prices never before known in this city. BLACK ALPACAS & CASHMERES ! The largest stock ol ALPACAS and CASHMERES ever kept in this city and at prices that will aston . ish you, at HA MM 38 Market St. Innumerablo Quantities of Toitfestic and other Staple Goods ! HOUSEKEEPERS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT HA MM 38 nlarket St. Is the place to get Bargains in Sheeting i awe iuens, rowels, riottingbam Lace aDd hundreds of other cles to numerous to ention at prices far below those of the panic Market Street, Keeps the largest stock ever shown in this city. The celebiated GLOBE NURSING CORSET, THE Indestructible Hip Corset And a doz n other improved and superior kinds. CALICOES! CALICOES! The nicest line of Fall prints from Cents I AND UPWARDS! ! I The largest and finest line of Kid Glovrs ever shown in thia city.- We guarantee every pair of our celebrated GLOBE KID GL-jVES, and will jefund the money for every pair not giving satisfaction. XT" Bemember we have a lot of 200 dozen pair Kid Gloves at 25 Gents per Fair I JCST Don't forget the date of the grand opening, and remember that HAHIT'S, 38 HarketSt. Is the place to get your money's worth JULIUS HAHU. 38 Market Ct. sept 4 PLXABK NOTICE War will bag! ad to roeelva communications front ov MaaoYon any and all subjects o faaaralteUrert buti i Tka name of tha writer mut alwayibafur abba to taa Editor. OoBUBualaatfoai cut be written on only oae aid of tha paper. Panoaalitie Bin voided. And it is especially i particulajly.'under stood that the Editor not always endors t the views of eomepoarfun ts unless so t tate 4 la the editorial column. He7 AdvertiBemonto. TH0LIA8 H IHcKOYf SUCCESSOR TO. Boatwriglit & McKoy; QFJTERS THIS W ELK f re h arrivals , VIZ- 30,000 Lb c R BIDES' "800 BblfF!0ttr' 15,000 LbsUrd' 50 Bblf Sugar, 150 Btl 0offee 100 Bblj Iriah 10lale9' 100 CMel Lje ind Pot',h 350 BoBp i 10Q BxeaTobacco , j Bexes Candy, 800 Mei Cftnned oods, QQ Packages Ciaokers, J00 BozM BUrch lc- Ao- Also, the finest and largest stock of Liquors ever offered In this market. THOS..H. McKOI, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, sept 6 v 5 Jt 7 North Front St FETE CHAMPETRE, AT t Oalr Gpove Park. WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, From 6 to 12 o'clock, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. Is',' 1SS0. F. A. Scliutte, Manager "Table D'Hote supplied with all the Te t lcacies of the season. Boats for Sailing and Rowing. Still Water and Surf Bathinr, Music by the Harpers. The Manager has spared no pains cr expense In preparing for this occatlon, and can assure all who may at tend . that everything lll be done to promote the pleasure and convenience of his guests, as It is his intention to nuke his "EVERY WEDNESDAY " a f jatui e of the Sound. No objectionable persons allowed In 11 Park. " aeptC Gape Fear Academy. A CLASSICAL. ROIEVTIlrlO ANI Commercial P chool. . Eefslon bejtiris Beptesber 27, 1880. Commodioas d con venient rooms, witn all late insprovemrsta, knoirn as the 'cgitnej Hcbool KtoDi" on the corntr of. fourth and Priojfss st. Instructions thorough. Frrpa-es lr Uoi versiiiei. social attentioo t 1 cplitb Full corps cl Instructors. Tfce r'rineirial is determAd to make this a fltt c's HcLol. W. CATLLT , u 16 oaw7t n.on FriLcipal. Steamer Passport UILL RESUME her rejr- ular trips to PmittTiUe ard the Wrtft?22 aws mm i jmm v forts Jose -0th, leaving hr Wh;f, foot of Maik t street, at 9 10 A. M. J. W. HARP Hi, Mew School. J HAVE DETERMINED TO OPEN A ttr.t- lafs Male fc'chol in this city ab ut tbe 1st of October next. Full particulars will be fciTen ca my return to tie e'.ty. spt4-3t JAMES H. LNE. V J HAVE JCdT BECE.ViiD an el.gan assorunent of Toilet Soaps, which I am sell . lag very cheap. Call at Jt Q HARDIil Apothaearj, M?t S Iftwllaxktt.

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