THIS PA PER si pooiished every afternoon, Bandayi e by IOSH. T. I AN K8 1 rni Wit. AND PROFBIKTUK. .;ii;Ht:K!KI JONB.l,08TAGE PAJD. v.r, S 00 -ix months, $2 50 ; Three n.ntha, ft i&; Uat month, 50 oenta. .t- paper wiH be delivered by carriers, . charjrts, in any part of the city, at the . "kt(ss. or 13 cftta per week. : -. rti.'iiK rates ow nd libernl 5Fu'-criber will ( lea report any and lures to rocoive ihAr papers regularly. Tot iiLl Review, VOL- v WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDA Y SEPTEMBER 7, 80 FafS S Vf 11167 flock, CHEAP BEADING! MOWN & RODDICK 43 Market Street. Senator Bayard In view of tbe fact that Senator Hayard niay return by this route in a few davs would it not b a good idea to t'r.' and in doce him to atop hr and give us a talk ? What say our people ? ai.d v bat say thu Democratic Executive Co mmittee :J I,t is true that we have recently Lad a grauJ demonstration, and it is equally trut we believe, that another, at even a trill j g cost, would do good. The entire vat of Tbe WiLMiyQT:2r JcuknaIi published J tne ratification msetlng was but a littie For the Campaign. The Daily Review, to Dec. 1st, for The Wilmington Joubnal. .to Dec. 1st, for 50 cental every Friday, gives l of the news of tbe week! " jtidlttfi TO INrfHm THfc PUBLIC ti nerally and Wholesale Cash buyers in var ticalar, that we are full up with the Cheapest Line! . op Dry Ooods that has ever been offered in this market MO BUYER visiting this city will do him i f j stioe by passing our door, aa we are nn leraelling the market inminy oftbereg- u ar Staple linea. We have marked down all goods that be long to Bummer wear and are oflering luy Special In ton ... , J-he Daily Ukview, published every afternoon, gives' the news of tbe day and tbe latest market reports, i v Address Jo&u. T. James, Wilmington, N C. over $300, wheu everybody expected tnat it would cost at least $G-X. it it be pos?L ble, let us Lave the old Roman with us- There are ptwp2S"wfio,wouid g.t hundreds of miles to hear him. A city correspondent, wht-se note is peop'e iQ eloquent language tbe dutie and perils of the hour, abd we must feel that hid words went borne to the hearts of His listeners. We feel well assured that i' his words are heeded and acted upon mere will be no doubt as to tbe result i Tender ine roung Mt-LB Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club will meet at the City Hall court-room to-inorriw evening, at 8 o cluck LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. B C Mrs s Administrator's Notice. Johb M Kobinson Removal F A Schutte Fete Ch .mpetre Postponed, through bere last night on his way to Columbia and may be expected to return to-morrow night, if he takes this rcu'e n his way back. Since tbe above was in type we have learned from Capt. Price, Acting Coa'r man of the Coun'tv Commitf-HA that t.h ou t iei to iook out tor the grand Committee bave had some correspondence 3llcct or VouP 8 circus on lours- with Senator Bayar 1, desiring bim to ' .' "' ' j8top here on his way to or from Colum Save your money and buy our Build. I Dia ant give us a talk and that he has re Tbe Fete Champttre intended for Oak Grove, at Wrightiville Seund, to morrow evening, has been postponed until next Wednesday evening, when extensive preparations will bt made to entertain just at hand, expresses tbe same desire as the large number of guests expected we nave given uttenuce to above. Lie then. further suggests that an eff.rt be made to et Senator Han n on to acp .mn ah v n 1,J tuun' ator Byard as far as Wilmington. We w M'Qg Hil1' colored not It. venerable socood bis auction hut w,,m rpm.rt rmu' oupermtenoent of Pine Forest that if anything is to be done i should ceetery. bu-t a youth of wild proclivl be done at once. Senator Bayard passed , ' aS arre8teu last night for being tJfl ir Europe. Mr. D. P. O rcnes, Superintendent of the Telephone Exchange in this city, has Dien ordered abroad. Lie will leave here tomorrow morning for Washington City eu route fur New York, at which p;rt he will sail on the Thursday of next week, the ICth inst, on the steamship City of Brussels iox Lmdon. lie is to hive charged the work of erecting telephonic lines and organizing exchanges in Lon don, Glasgow, Dublin and other cities in Great Britain, on the completion of whick he will settle in Loudon as Suterinten dent of that division Mr n,n i. very , clever gentleman and has made many friends' here who will p.irt with him with much regret. The Exchange In this city will be placed In "charge of Mr. vv. U. burling, Manager of the Western Union office in this city, until Mr. Ormes' successor is appoiuted. PLEASE &0TICE. We will be gl ad to recelre oommunicationi SiS fuSS!"bS, Md rf The Of .amIu. . " - wmm WW I4KU U1IUI M.I W WW nj W ft 9 nine4 to the Editor - annittIonj itiut be written" cn onl one tide of the paper. . Personalities biuaj voided. And it 1b eapeefali-r i m DarfmliriT-.; tood that the Editor not aly. endor. e the views of correT02iinH ei . .. Ul the Affltnvlal vuia "US. Ji.8 H CxaRAWAT Notice P HiiHBBaasaa School Books Julius Hah n Grand FU Opening. Yatkj Complete 8t ck tchcol Bookb. Window Glass all sizes at Altafler & Prix's. " t Arousing its Readers. Ad alarm nf (ra j m::ia - drunk and disorderly and resisting the startling thing, but not half so startling twv. xuo uayui oruerea sentence to I J u iJcm as would be the be entered agnast the defendant, nf in 8l?ddfn knowledge of their own dane.rous i " v " mu v I nhnm in I III." fn . . - fine or ten dava in th a P f-'A1 . UUI xnousands of thou- - - ' i HMiifis Km nnrrvinn . . i " " 4 j iueir graves bo- Evervbodv canpp.t Snif.f.d wifi, o CdUBO lDoy artJ carelessly indifferent t -r , - . . a wbcl i u ;i j; : i ,. ;. a.mre, awo Table Cutlprv. at -Ti ii i ; . j i .vvjjj. o jli ai u ware Lienor. the insidious inroads of disease and the means oi cure, it is the mission of H LI Warner & Co., with their Safe Klndey and Liver Cuie, to argnse men to a eeuw Tuesday, the 7th lest- - 38 illarket St. The Monument to Br. Kin? The monumen! which the friends efllrlllfl then cure .them. tbe late Dr. J. Francis King proposed to erect to his memory has arrived hflra n ilmlnRton District. WITH AX Entire New Stock of Fall Goods ! Consisting of latest pattcrr s and designs of the richest and most elegant DRESS GOODS ! Ever brought to this ci'y, at , H mm mm 38 Market' St. FLANNELS ! FLANNELS ! FLANNELS ! 5 - to our patroBs. VVe would call particu'ar attention toil f-'llowinf . GENTS' DOGSKIN DRIVING GLOVES Nightly spotted, 75o. Worth'$l.E0, mg Supplies from Altatt'er A Price. fused, savin? that ho wnnnf. mnt tho I Kaa kn j . . . 1 Fourth round of nnartrlir maHr,o r-l rrt. . .... ' r r ,WBUWI uaKuaie jemetery. tTT . ... : i me most extraordinary ouftlit;P A valuable horse, tbe pmpeity of Capt lnv,tat,n now, owing to a press of en where it is to be.erected. It is of beauti- vvnmingtoa JJistnct, Methodist E j . f . T. J. 2utberland, dkd onMhe road be-J8a2emeuts.eIsewbero, but that he is to ial marble and will be alicoes ! tweeu tbis ci'y ar.d Middle ouud on Sunday last. ' It may bo some consoUtion to our friends to know that Turner's Almanac promises very rainy weather on Friday next. , yery attractive to, , K . , ,0 Bladen, at Antioch. weighs nearly 18 .000 7SJa:.': " ept 4 5 mswicK, asonaiotte Uamp..8ept 18-19 etc , at prices never before known in this ci'y. Mr. John M llobin&on lias removed bis hit store to the store on Market street, return to North Carolina in October and J structure. It that he will then visit Wilmington. pounds and when nnrivht -ni d.. , I "i' " "O -v rw ilk .tHUU I UI Ul rou can buy No." 1 Cookioe and Heat nearI7 18 feet high. It is a eraceful VVaccamaw, at Cypress Creek'"aent 2i 99 BLACK ALPACAS. A PA5MUCDCC i ing dtoves at almost auy price at J a.cobi tribute to one whose memory will long re- ?T??!th viI1 Sept 25-26 The larges t stock ot ALPACAS ami LLAl U VV kX CJ 17C1MJL I T . . I WW 1 : I I 1 1 II LF I f Ul a T H'trtn T ?M w 1 A. Cm r t V A W -n main green in tha hoarfa rf fV,na 1 . ,(n"w uci uaouaiMES rpr tonf in n,;.n:( ""v Wl m nctnn. af. PifthHf n.i n 1ft . -r 1 uavc 111 1 r 1 1 mi 1 mm 1 ttt 1 -. - ' . . . - - . I wniievme. at auiloh " 0..f i.i7 m .. - " www vs.t xopsail, at Union. New River.. : x " - - - The Jewish Kew Yesterday was knowu among the J;ws as Itjah Hishanah, the New Y'ear's Day McCiammy Will Be There. HIenclieil and Unbleached th?, ounty Extcutive Co,niuillee:-has Cottons I Wo have laid in a very heavy atook of the ab ve and are oCering them at lower figures .... Oct 23-24 i.....v Ctrt07 Capt. Buxton speaks at Burgaw ton a uee,n 8 Ureek Oct 30-3 year is observed with special services by morrow. as we announced yesterday that Clinton, at Clinton.7."!'..".. ..Nov 13.14 Capt. K. VV. Price actin Chainnan of u"UUUUi ucwb. uesa services were 1 7 U1 "wta one ur 1 w""")' bwhiu u.ove. . . .iNOV zUl:l neia by those ot tbe laith iu VVilming- kV;u 4CBSser "SutH wno wia- pertiaps "jinel xjoi evekt OFFiCiAL member be sure called a meeting for to-morrow evenirg at ton in their synagogue yesterday. Dar- lfl ae cnorus- Maj. C. "W. McCiammy to be at the fourth quarterly conference. and at priees that will aslon ish you, at N. w Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful I nxt East of Lippitt's orner; lately occu- I of the Israelites. The openirg of the dftMirna pied by Capt. -W,alter Conev. IMAM. 38 rWarket St. o'clock', at the tili e of Mr. F 11. Darby. tbe daJ tue places of business of the waa ia towfl to-day and has been induced Dear Brethren, let us pre 38 the battle - ' devout Israelites were closed. Yom Kip- to reP7 to the gallant Captain, He will all over the-District and look to God The cost of Dr Bull's Cough Syrup is pur or 'Day of Atonement will fall on be at Burgaw to-morrow and will de- F0B icrrbgr. only zo cents, a uoJ.tie will convince even ,the most incredulous of its excellence,- - . Innumerable Quantit Domestic and other Staple Good ! ICS of than ever. We have all the popular brands. t-ur 4 4 BlaAching at 10 cents per yard is R K'. Bryan, Esq , of the Fayetteville without any exception the boat value ever Examiner arrive 1 here this morn'ng otlered. the 35th of September. It is the great mana a aivision ct time. It this is con Full Metal and Wainnf s- n.,.. .11 fast day of the Jews. However a Jew ceded W9 al1 know bow th( "suit will be. y,s&nd ses fct Altaffeb, Piacs HOUSEKEEPERS may fall back on the faith of his fathers roor i5"11 He may well be sorry Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cent. Iheae goodd require no comment Give us a Call! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 EUlarket St. an 28 New School. T 1IA.VS DETERMINED TO OPEN A Jririt."lft Male 8ch,ol in thii city about the and relif may be near at hand 1st of October next. Fall particulars will be given on my return to the city. iept4-3t JAME8H.LNE2 School Books. mn Itnkii. i:W 1. Li. ri 1 . . 1 that h abAnnnnnM tha omi.,. : 1 j i,tw uauiw itu& iiiui tu uia vuurcn, one is I vw iajjuu, ounea 1 y MEM0KIAM tn nrftv Trr thn ronnsa n( ha onn 1 uj 1 tuuuu it, was. t.h . ... e o t :m' j 1 .1 , ir--j .wrw v.. .uv u, mo , - , ren asieep t noontidfl nf tha Aty. - irum x' ttvciioviuu auu uas none iDiouen I j j x . . 1 . 1 ty,a -oj - - . - v.,.., g Head parents on the anniversary of their Jmprovlne. u3J AhY W U1B 14U1IIY HI XUUBilll OOUUU. j' .1 r . ,1 I iauDI , TOUCC Oi 16 late William ' death. Yom Kippur is a very solemn I VVe are clad to be abla tn .1,. J Brinkley. The wind is from the East to-day, but fast for 24 hours. The fast is complete. Cntin .Tnn N Mufflf J Uonei?m.e 7h door through which hat fact seems to have but little elfcct on not even water being allowed. It be- l03a of his right thumb several davs a. SI0Bd 1 na here alone: 1 ! . o , .1, ' T. JU Ue" glDS at 8UD8et on the PrecediQg da. and at his residence, on Wrishtsy ille Sound faCd. to"-' fTlTa "d ."-n.-. T ouuu. wilb6o!effin ceremonial. A favorite a,d u now steadily imnrov.. Th- ging to follow where one loved has ff one!- iDgKwoo, uiuuubcibCKHoa. DOwerfnlJewiah tradition ia tht tw, .v,. Like a silent river who. Cat! R. M. Mclntireha,7m.d to the Haahanah clnS,3 th "7 omeaerate cruiser eless, wa, the true merit of the subject of i " -- ouuureu woue tne aoctors were maDipu u uouoe. uentie, retiring, and un- city from his regular Fall visit to the thence to Yom Kippur angehi scan and latins the surgical knife ard aan, l,a 5,UfllT.e ia,mann'', ffble and loving in Nero eu boft dUpUt8 , he record, but ca'that da, the Lf h" T XSl and expects. to sell ditto. He promises statU8 Df eierv Jew ia fixed for tha . . , , . the sunehfue of a Bammed av. hdrfr ., . . .... 1 " " i icuttuce. uuiwiiusianaini? nn reruHArt anv. u hrinnrno.. . . r: : mat inn patrons 01 ma uevie t snail near vnr i-V m tha co!a u 1 l . . . w i" l :r" f tserj imng, ana Keeping fmtn o fa, h.o year, tr.m the services of that day thing like arcoithetics. One TwouId have h!arof tio8a. who knew d lovedher 7 : " every dew ,s believed to go forth with a thought the "old sea dog" was contem. One'felt SI S xuc iic 10 uun uiiiuiuiwuij ,Uff. wUW.,Uvv. r.c vun(llu WUu iiiug tui-" plating a pleasure cruise in a nae steam , . . en"e,llIIaence otrickenwith Steamboatmen are complaining bitterly given all eomities and sought also God's yacht. S mnch fn, nMW ,,-- k J .l;? PfuI..dis.eBei k.r ref. . . . . r 11 . . T I . . v, o tue tuui; uunnjf ue mt w weeks ttuu arc cuucriHg uiucu tucuu vcuiuucts uy I luiinouucoo mr an irausgreomuus. the low' stage of tbe river. Xhere have (newness cf spirit, recouc TAKE THAT AT 1OTICE ft H AUM ! 38 Market St. Is the place to get Bargains in Shrctiu " x a 010 iueng, Towels, Kottingbam Lace and hundreds of other ani clea tconumeroua to mention at prices far below thos3 of the panic , -Corsets! HA M been some rams in tho interiur, however, Uod und his fellow men, the Jew closes 8ime heroic old Confederate ran the VI U?' fl t wa a,0 her B9reno nd Poefnl the solemnity of Yom Kippor, wUch U g.notlet of the enemJ,8 whole flec( in e.hT.riT Z2&il?l?Ei Window GIass ofall siz-vs, Do r ,S:sh and Blinds', Builders' Uirdsvai'eo Liow est prices at J A. corn's. began with a religious service, with a mind eased of offense toward bis Creator. Mobile Bay. As announced in our advertising col- Purge out the morbid humors of the nprwir-ps rf t orn nTrfllloFit lvarhora ami hair I DOuies. 1 HAVE NOV OS HAND a full aunt 1 v nf ..t.., T V 1 n7:f: 1 ---r.v - ,uu.,0, --f - s Uu MTu-iam Speaking at Burlaw. cooI Books mnl 8chool Stationery. Teach- ongiasa; .iue ur nameu nas mary In accordance with announcement. Mr actions wer recorded . i t . . ' i trteuds nere, ue naving been m the bus: j J igressions. In a kind must have been displayed when the f er Ute' were a,Da0,t jond deecription, OO liarkPt tfaf )nciled to hntb . l. r, but no murmur everpassed her lips: patient. 1 OtECei- Mdled to both gallant ship forida, commanded by this g entle, selfacrificing, as had bee hePr iove Keeps the lanreat ... this city; The celsbia-ed GLOBE NURSING CORSET, THE Indestructible Kip Corset And a o z:n other Improved ar;l I superior kicds. house in order and trimmori hr imn ni although ehe knew not h hnnr f r . . - - Coiiritvf ftmmfss'nnprs I wuemer m tne morning or i i-OUnii tODimiSSiOners. I at noontide, or ia the last watch of tbe n&ht. VVe gave in yesterday's issue the nro-1 ?; r WM re - when tho "ammons 'Lo ! the blood, bv a dose or two of Avkks Pii-t f , .r :" . unaegroom comethl" fell upon her dvirj umns Jas. 11. ( arrawav has Bornrpd tK and vnn will Viav plnaror h,Ha UQ ..u WULXi- I . j J ..... ' ..v.v. unuw no nil! no In et and witfr ateadr ft. sioners np to tne time of our goin toi immP HDe passea noueiessiy in and the door press, at point a uutifclast night, when' the ButOod has promised to be with oj In trouble. recess was taken WBf. cl?"ed npon er ! Jt is therefore nigbt recess was taken 1Q the household, a night of sadness and or-! e following trans row, missing oie io cherished, so rsvered. He will remove no earthly good, without pess. in W urriogton lor many years, Woody & Currie. cf thh city, addressed the month ot Aturust.- &li ina.Kai nnn. . darkest hour, ever causinir the 10 since which time be has resided in Greens- the people, of Pender county, at Burlaw, hand ror the caudal fund , eio 71 mourn1: 1 the rare of your " " m ' ' , . . . . . . one. pause Detere tbe fresh-made jrcavoxuajf. mere m s vef luieingert -ioo.oz, ana ror scuooi iunu, 0 7S3.G4 I mouna ia ,Q1 a idience in attendance, to whom Mr. Cur, balance due on special fuud account ne spoke lor sometnn g more than an hour S791 24. D X Junkias, D D , and Frank IL Norton fiosenthal, who has just returned from m an address replete with practical com- The Treasurer also submitted his annual ers and pa ents will find it to their advan tg9 by first calling at UEINSBERGEIi'd. The Life of General Winfield 8. Hancock, boro 1 efonai, auiurj and FoUUCal. By Kev .We hand, thin morning IthHo. yv m - I I TV 111 IC1UUTO UU Hl inlT OAiail u. currie, or 'ire ..commercial hrm cf 'l ho Treasurer :preatiitPd his account for leaving as . greater." HeW briihtonaS . PAI iPflCCf h ft I JfT"?V ? oody & Currie, cf thh city, addressed the month ot August, sin wiug. balances on dwk,e8t h"ur ever causing the sorrowing to VHLlUUCwi uALSfjIih; The nicest Hue cf Fall j 1 , r ui For sale at st 6 THE LIVE BOnK HTORK. the Northern Markets with his stock of man sense and wisdom, to which his report, which wa examined and fuuLd bouts and, shoes. IPs search for the best hearers listened with evident profit, er joy-, correct. and the prettiest and the cheapest was mnt and instruction. We expected to The followiug is a list of jurors drawn IMOtlCe patient and thorough , and be bought have taken copious notes of his sj eech fr the first Monday in October Criminal largely tu Philadelphia, New York and lor publication in the Review, but afttr Court: jyp PATRONS and the public geaerally Bostofa. He is just receiving tbe first in- his ex rdium becams aware th it we cou'd S P Collier, FA Newbury, John D are respectfully notified that I have st cored stallments of h;s new stock, and will g ve only a synopsis of his remarks. This Nixon, lsham Q lick, L Brunhild, E W the serviees of Ja. E. King a-id William talk to our readers"in a day or two. is unfortunate, for there was not a Rue, C C Ketchum, Preston Spriggs, W 1 . m 1 woru wnicn uv uuereu uui wuuia oe auaiK, u v,xryant, j V Taylor, Ed VcnrLp' QUBr "i?ff7 wad aDd pondered upon by every pario1 ward Howard, W E Springen Joseph l'c of his country or U aare of the vital K A Kingsbqry, J T Eiens, D U Love, J Interest which are now at stake before Chibourn, Jr, W I Gore, V;H Mont- the people Ee waa listened to with omery G N Moore, D M Bryant, C M profouod attention, was frequently inter- ?f mDU?8Si Abram Moselej, T 1 Douglas, two cf the best workmen in the pwmi, wb3 wiu nere iter oa nmnd at my sh ip, ready to serve them all.' J AH. U. CARSAWAY. sept7-lw Barber and Hair Drewer. My life waa Kidrey and LivUr, Cure cxlma, Ala. Removal. 1UAVE REMOVED from my old iUcd oa Kr-nt street to the conTcieiit and eommo- j 1 Masls iiim Lai kins, rale's Court. iCOiOred. was nn txfnro Justice Gardnerlloday unon the chart of asauU and biary, and ordered to pay fine and costs. Tne saine defendant si rupted by a hearty applause, and his ef ii Sykes, R P Hall, J G Dardem, Phby Ct pt; fall u . a la my liue sept 7 Hatter over to the custody Al the Sheriff. greadlonal and local, urging upon the tbe walks of life. mound, aid think of that eloriouj unonnM. meni : -i am tne ttf surrecuon and the Lire he that believe) h In me. thnntrh h dead, yet shall he live 1" And as the fast gathering: tears fall upon the sweet flowers, love's last tribute, mho can bear the thought that year loved one is triumph, ins in the b eased fulfilment of the predie- uqd-"u ueain, wner u tny euncT O rraro. where is thy vieor r ?" "Tlanks be to God which giveth ni the vie orj through our Lord Jcus Christ i" AND UPWARDS! Hew AdvertiBements. Kid Gloves ! 1 he I at gaL and finest line of KM GIm k ever enown m hls ci y. ,arn-o, umiUiaLrULUr S IlOUCe. VJ5S,ai:d will rffuo ! u IUoi, v for THK UNDERSIGNED having qualified as ' V tw t.wy.ig satiaia ad minisUator of George if vers, deeeaaed I ltemfiub;r v.e liAvu hereby giree notice to ail persona koldioC I doaen p'u Ki i Glotes'at same to him oa or before the 7th day of 8t. tember, A.U..188L K, C. MTERfl, r sept 7 oaw-Cw-'n Admittrator. -tou. a it oi .0 Postponed; fTlHERE WILL BJC KO TETE fTTTlir. X petre to-morrow evening at Oak Grove. ' uuiazi eoneaKiav l night, when extra preparations will be made to receive ue targe nunner or gueata who . Am BOHUTTW . . feptMt Manager. 25 Gents per ?air I X Do;'t forget the dto f the gri 4i opening, aid remember that HAHH'S,38Marlet5t Is tbe place to get joarmensi v. i rH .Jf. JULIUS HAKf, wi38 Market St. 1 w . .

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