: n T 'V THIS PAPER - ' .AnvnAnn HafldlVf nolLsbea Ter j j O S 11 . T. J A M B IOH,VoSTAGE PAID. r. f 00 rtlx motttaa, $2 53 ; Three . .Thsl 35; Oae month, W oents. -.-r will t-ejieliYerea' by carriers, T.. part of theeityatthe .. .r 13 cents per -week. . ..rv.si. rasesiw and liberal . oribr win piseroport any aad 2 to tf ei7 vheif paperscefrularly. r IT & RODDICK 45 Market Street. I)' waul?: TJ IN c JKU Tur. ruowi L U1T14IIJ -" J ticuiar, tht we a-e full up with the Cheapest Line ! OF that has ever been offered in this market N J liUYER vbitlng this city will do him g'f j st'ce by paadnsf our door, as we, are uniorsellinj the market inminy oftbereg- 0 r Staple lines. We hav3 marked down all goods that be- 1 P(? to Hammer wear and are offering I to our patrons. We uufild call particular attention to he f'-Sk.'winj CiNTS OGGSXIN DRIVING GLOVES Hihtiy s.x-t'Of!, 75o. Worn fi.RO, N w Fall Caliches at all piioes in Heantifal designs. lUoflcXied and Unbleached Cottons I Wo havo laid in a very heaTy.stook of the ab ve and are offering them at lower figures thn ever. We have all the popular brands. Cur 4 4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the host value ever offered. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cent. These gooda require no comment. m.Jm . m-m II ? VjiIVU U5 cm. wan BROWN & KGDDICK, 45 IVlarkot St. an 28 New School. J HAVE DETERMINED TO OPEN" A Jrir6t."lf s Male School in this city about the 1st of October next. Full particulars will be given on my retuTn to the city. sept4-3t JAMES H. L NE School Books. UAVSNOW ON HAND afullsnpily of 1 mnnl Rink l& d School SUtionery. Teach ers and pa enta will find it to their adran tage by first calliog at HEINSBERGER'S, The Life of Gcaaral Winfield 8. Hancock. Pereonal, Military and Political. By Rev D X Jankins, D D , and Frank U. Norton For eaie at et 6 THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Notice. jyY PATRON3 and ths public generally are tespectfally not fied ttat I have sheared the eervicee cf J as. E. King and William Donla two of the best workmen in the r tt ktrt, who will hereafter be found at xsy shop, ready to aerve them all. J AS. H. CARRAWAY, tept7-lw Barber and Hair Dresser. Removal. 1HAVE UKMOVtD from my old lUnd on Front street to the convenient and commo tion's ftcre on karket street, recent'y occu pied by Capt Coney, and next East of Lip- p t. i corner, where 1 will be pre area tnu Kali U offer the hatdso i eat uek ot goods iu my line ever brought to Wilmington. JftO, M. RUBlNtiON, tept T .. Hatter took Dry (Goods H 1TTT SMlal may - ? 'J ml "ST n VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER , IS80 NtO J 68 LOCAL NEWS. ATw Advertisements. Ei.BKrss A Batss Removal E BMaatim Mortgagee' 5 Bale. P HiinsBBaeaa 8chorl Books Jexius Hahs Grand Fall Opening. Yaiaa Complete Block Sehool book. Magistrate's rpw is very dnll. The buaimss boom is the best of all. ! . Rubber shoes are now kuown aa snea&tt. Candy makers huve a aeet pull for life. 1 . - , T r Kicc 'birds bow eli at 12 cents per bunch. -I Window Glass--ah sizes at jltfler & 1 dice's. ' I , t Never expose your disappointments to the world. I . Macnr Fihh!atft held U0 lcVCe this morning. The last man1 to correct a mistake is the man who commits oue. Th mnr virtuous a man is the more virtue does he see in bth rs. The September mallets aro now in their dav of sweetness The'E-isterly winds Viave ma le the tides very hih at the sounds. Save vmir tuouey aiut Dny ' vonr liuild, ing Sui p lies tnin Altall'r & Priei. At 3 o'clock' this afternoon the ther rnometer ir this ofliee registered 83 de I grees. 1 . Steamship JJeneuct r, (Jaj.t. Jones, arrived hero this mornij g from New York with a lare ca,g'. f I Wp often hear Deonie say.. ihvre is otilv nn riM)d coiiL'h medicine ai:d that is Dr. VHVHt ( . Buli's (J juyhjSyrup; it is cheap too, ouij 25 couts per bottle. TIia fi'v rlork is on a S rikf. It Stiikes without regard to tune, and s.'.ems to be running on its own hook. ( x ' " " Messrs. Ilanklns & Bates have moved one door inorth of ih r old stand. See advertisement elsewhere. I u Window Glass ofall ski , Do ;rs,bSh and Blinds, Builders' Hardware, Low est prices at J acobi's. ! The next yacht race will take piace on or about' 'the 13th inst. The yachtg flirt. Ae8less, Kippte and Lizzie will Le nt,fPrP(i fnr it ' - I . I UUW.w. . : I rufee out the mOrbid humors of the! hi.wi. 1w a dose or two oi aijcus iu-w, and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. I , 4i, n u R . dne iMnuini-vu0v. v. ... here at 9 o'clock this morning, did, not .. . a o OK LitAviriAll I arrive until aoom o p. in. auc ucku. was the result or a sngui acciuem vo mc engine at llobesonrs. Most I any jfeood marksman ought t be able to make a living new. We under. stand that tho rice planters hereabouts J furni&h powder, shot, etc., and pay men so much per dkni to go in the helds and shoot the birds. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat rr stoves at almost uiy price at JA.com ar arfl ?LrT 3 V , The Chicago imr - LlalcS iiiuueT auu a- -w - o endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians surgeons, by men of literary and scholar, ly distinction, and by muiviuuais in M tbe waiES OI me. i It Is now that iho wateringplace belle wraps her head in illusion lace and sits in the shade of a forty -five feet wide piazza, wun ner para&oi uiw u" uau, and all this to sive her eompiexion. To- mnrrow. or the day after, she will go out vachting, and return as reI as a boiled crab with the skin all peeling Irom ner nose I'nmailitbles. The following uomailable matter re mains in the Postoffice in ihu city. Let ters for Mr C S Eiiis, Savanoalj Ga; Mr Jasper King, Rocky Point, N jC; Mr L B Dudley, Cobbtown P O, CraVen co C- Mrs L uiea Mitchell, Raleigh, N C; J J Summereil, oiesDury, N (J: J Dudley, Cobbtown, P O, Craven co N O, The American Union Mcsue B. u. YYortn, ai. uroniy auui . tr . at- 1 .1 Jno. D. Taylor, tne commissioners, arei in session this afteanoon, for the purpose of taking evidence re lati.e to tbe damages to be assessed against th American Union Line for tbe right of way along the VV. & W and W., C. & A. Railroads. Mr. Morton the American Union District a- n.rintPndent. is in the city and in attend " r ' ance on uiv uio Daily 1 axs for 18 Late The tax books lor the year 1830, btate and Count v, will pass under the suprp Vision of the Auditing Committee fr.'m the Board of Gommissi'jnerB t-night ard then be turned ovtr to the 8her ff tr ej ection, possibly to-morrow. The Robeson County Ticket. The . following is the ticket n.-miiatfd by the Democrats of Rooet'i county, a week ag. It has been tu:msneu t us for the Bevies, with the assurance that it has never yet been convex ly ptib- iahed in Wilmiigto". : House of K3present itivos Alt', liow- land, Hector McEachei ii. ( ltrk Snperior Cour C. B. Townsend. Sheritf -Faulke J Floyd. 'J r as rer J jha A. M Lan. Kt gister oi Deed. Johu J lluss. Coroner Dr. J lm D. McMi iau. Surveyor John M. Bui'1. Sub-E lectors Fi unk McNeill, N. A. McLeau. . The Circus To-mrrow Coup's great' Circus will s'iow in this city, and no d ubt there will b many of our country friends in the city to see it. Yesterday they 'showed tt Wilson, and to day they are in Goldsboro. From persons along the line of the roac1. we learn that the show was well patror izod and gave very groat satisfaction. Yes terday quite a number of persons vtre turned away from the doors at Wilson, notwithstanding that Mr. Coup sprefds the largest canviss on earth. We were in hopes of being able to give the line of march of the street pagoant for to-morrow, but bave not bee u able to get-it. Ctesar covered his ba!d head and gray hair with a laurel crown. Ayek's Uair Viq. B coverB gray heads with the stil more welcome locksof ycutb. Grand Meeting of" I. O. O FV The Sovereign Grand Lodge of the In depen deut Order of Odd Fellows will hold its 56th Annual Communication at Toron to, Canadt, commeitcingMondiy, tho 20th ioet. Mr O. M. Buabee, of Rileigh, is the Representative from the Grand En campment of North Carolina, and Messrs Wm. fl. Bagley, of Raleigh, and U. J. Jones, of Wilmington, are the Represen tatives fvom the Grand Lodge of North Uarolina. Mr. Jones will leave here on Monday next tor Toronto. Each Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge has received the following Invitation: 1 - a v "W yV Sovereign urand lodge of the i. u - U. J ., UFFIOBOF THE SU. W . vJKASU . Sibe. Sak Fbakoi oo, June 1, 1880. near Mr and, fro.: Uur orotners jQ uanala desire that this Grand Lodge shall meet atlToronto on'Friday morning, September 17. 1880. so as to have a deODltratioa of the Order at noon cf Auijual A icultural and . . Indusirial Exposition of that section closes Saturday, the 18a beptemoer; ana in addition to the demonstration, it Is proposed to give us an Exposition aud a city wicome and reception. Fraternally, John B. Habmon, Grand Sire. A Rarely Beautiful Phenomenon. On the 25th of September wilt occur the perihelion of Jupiter, That gian' lanet then reaches hia nearest point to F . , the sun. and is also within a few days of his opposition or nearest point to the , Ju niter comes at that epoch 46. i . . , ouu,uuu mm uo.c. i u"-' orD. He is then, however, more than 450.0OO 000 miles from tbj sud, fortu afi far ononph awav to counteract and I ufew w--- 0 j mollify the increased force of attracticn between two such mighty masses. It is sale to feel that tbe rubicon of Jupiter s 1 periueuou i jb-ui v "icu day a yet to bo completod c unt as not h- inor in a revolution requiring nearly 11, I QOO of our days, or twelve ot our years. Nearly twelve years mus. past oetore tbe conditions will again be as favorable for observation . Jupiter comes beaming above the eastern horizon about 3 o'clock, bright enough to casta shadow and afford a glimpse of his moons through a good opera glass. Nothing can be more in teresting th4.n to study tbe phases of the four diamond points of light that bear witness to the presence oi Jupiter's moons Jnniter turni on its axis in about ten I ftQ obgerver on bU equator would be carried round at the rate of I nearly 500 miles a minute, instead of the I m. . SI wm nvtr rtA Aam maoa seventeen mue iuk iu tively moaeraw prugrcoo u u m. kabltant at the sarin a equator. Jupiter riaea n0W about 8; at the end of the montnthe risirg will be about 6. The ggpmber moon tolls on the 18th. pan Metal ana vmut oaow vses, an A styles, and sizes, at Aita7?eb, Price 1 . WWW C? mTk i m. i Review. Mail Money Everybody has lelt at times;' the incon- venifiDCe arising from the want of small change St to be sent by mail. An ex change suggests a remly in the form of open money order for te or twenty. iv cects, payable to bearer, stamped by the Gfivernmeut These orders should e Fell fur eleven and twenty-six cents respective y, and i-aued to postmters . , i , as .tamps are. and accounted fori accord- ingly To prevent7 their circulation at tractiooal currency, they might be limi- tea to a lortnight'or thirty dajs from the date of issue, and made pajable at certain designated cmce. ihe iaea is perfectly practicable, and some such l: .. a i iji I j t-.l fore now. i a complete list or articles maae oi pa- per would be a very curious one, and Among other things exhibited last year at the Berlin Exhibition were Daner , , - , . water cans, carpets, shirts, whole suits of clothes, jewelry, materials for garden walks, window curtains, lanterns, and pocket handkerchiefs. The most striking of the many objects I exhibited in this material was. perhaps, a ofrtM im a ao,fni fi Ln,rinn in i lL We have, from time to time, noted the announcement of newlv invented ;ima0 po,,,', a narria whl. , . , f. ii cnimney pow, nour Darreis, onago roohng tiles, and bricks and dies tor satmping, all made of paper. i i A material oiiQ."la nf an manv 11BPS flO ; w J very diversified in character, is obviously destined to play a very important part in our manufacturing future. Articles of this kind, which . bave just now the greatest interest, and which are amoDg the greatest novelties in this way are paper blankets. Attention has frequently been called to the value of ordinary sheets of paper, as a substitute for or, at least an addition ro, bedclothes, . My life-was saved by Warner'B Safe Ividrey and Liver Cure E. B. Lahd.yt belma, Ala. The Robeson Nomination. Bv some inadvertence we have hither- to failed to give the result of the conven tinn hld bv the Democrats ol Old Robe- son at'Lumbertoncn thelstof thismontb, Bat. thatka to tho courtesy of Mr. J. A. McAllister, one of! the enterprlsiog mer- chants of Lumber too, wc are now able to give the whole county ticket as it was made by the Democracy of that good old county in coLvention assembled at the time and place above mentioned . The candidates we are mformed.aie a l wo thy, reliable men and excellent citizane. Of one however, we can spcakfroo, our own per- sonal knowledge, to wit, Mr. Alf . Row land, who has been selected by his fellow citizens, much against his own desire,' as their candidate for the House of Represen tatives. In the selection of this talented gentleman tbe convention did itbelf great credit and brightened very much the Mr. HOWiacu is a mwjfct ui uiauuuuuu in his count and Is an ablo speaker. On the stump, we have heard, he handles that particuler protege of the Republl cad partj Xir. Norment with gloves off. We shall look for a rousing majorityl in xuuuBui aiu. wo..wv 6'" ing accounts frevm our highly esteemed youog friend, Mr. Rowland. Ab ot Drinking, No water thit has stood In open, ves sels durin 'j. tha ni?ht should be used for drinking or cookiDg. By exposure to the air it has lost its "section, and has' absorbed many of the dust germs floating In the air. If convenience requires watt r to be kept in vessels' hours before use, it should be covered. Filtering always adds to the purity of the water. Drinks j- - ' ! ing water should not be taken from rivers and lakes on low level. Surface water, or water in lakes, pools or rivers which receive the surface wash, should be avoid ed as much as possible. Do not drink much water at a time. More than two tumblerfu's should not be taken at a meal. Dj not driok much between meals, aa ex cess of water weakens the gastric jaice and overworks the kidneys. Excessive potations, whether of water or other fiulns, relax the stomach, impair ita se cretions and paralyse Ita movements. By drinking a little at a time injury Is avoided. Everybody can ger suitoa with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Deoot- I . vv liuiiiiKiou uiairici - Fourth rouud of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South . , Bladen, at Antiocr Sept 4 5 vVaccamaw, at Cypress Creek. Sept 21 22 Smithvillc.L ...Sent 25-26 WTmingtou, at Front St. .... . Oct 2-3 .imiuKu, r .u o-. oci Whitevilie. at Shiloh.. Oct 1617 Top8ai,t at UciioD. Oct 23-24 ew River. Oct 27 Ooslow, at Queeu's Creek Oct 30 31 Duplin, at Wesley NoyJJ 7 niintnn at i n t nn Qobarie. at Newton Grove. . . .Nov 20.21 UUT X--lTt Let every cff.cil member be sure t . . f fe. A -n u i-:...:i L. ttii uvcr tun uipimi.1( uuu i.ui.itv. xu jroo TOR VTflT.JRY. , prediQg jjder Magnolia, IN. C, Aug 18, 1880. I Mr Nnrn'l . I m ro m 1 haoina rumr. rrw-vint. ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow, can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. Arousing its Readers. An alarm of fire at midnight is a startling thing, but not half so startling to many who hear it as would fee the sudden knowledge of their own dangorons I physical condition, 'lhousandsof thou sanas are nurrying to ineir graves be- i wiudq buojr bis waicicooijr luumcicu iw I frin inalnmriA in marl a nf Ataaaaa anH Vio I means of cure. It is the mission of H. U Warner x Uo., with their Safe Klndey 'nd Liver Cuie, to arouse men to a seueo I of their danger and then cure them. Memphit Appeal. New Advertisements. I . mm 1 B A. HcinKlIlS VX ijatCO JkY AMOVED ONE DOOR NORTH from their Old Mand is usual, the beBt and fretheat Groceries will be kept. ept 8-3t Mortgagee's Sale. ty virtue or the provisions , , . eoued on tne al,t day of February, 1878, by I William tiannsoa and wife Nora, to Joel W I Woolvin, tegistered in tne Begiiters omce I of New Hanover county, ia Book N N N, page 583, Ac , i will sen at puoac aucuon I saa. mm . I of Wilmington, on Monday, the 11th day of a tt r m m mm mm 1.1 H. l . a., i mm b . Li a am mm a m. a mm lii rl m i m m. w mm October, 188U, at 11 o ciocjc, a.. tae 101- arnhArn Haa ofTannincr street fedt .wjt tr-m -"."rSriS i . . . . . aQd runr in? Bouth 66 feet, beiosr hi. part of JjtJJ0Ck 267 officU1!a MARTIN, Attorney for Mortgagee. sept s,ib,Ti;w&V9. A. Card. I pUrceU House Barber Bhop.where mHE UNDER8IGNED have taken charge I mrm. m m mrw mr-m . they will be pleased to serve their friends XrC"T Jd Volttl? .d we promise the bast of workmanship, with Polite and COttrteo" D. 8MlTH sept a W. H. NA8H. Iu Jiir I? Ant ' I" Oi tXeflt rpHAT LARGE STORE, situate on JML Third street, oppodte City Hall, and jlilfl. I recently occupied as a Drug Btore, can be i Mnled from Octobw 1st, bj .PP! jlng to sept 2-lw A. O RI0AUD. For Rent. COMMODIOUS STORE, fJlHE i xno. 3, uranite bow. rossession in given immediately or on October lit, as pre ferred. Apply to au31 I R, B. JEWETT. T HAVE JUdT RECEtVED an elegant aMOPtment of ToUet Soaps, whicb I tm seU- ing very cheap. Call at I J. H HARDIN'S, Apothecary, - I . . te;t 3 few Market. C W. Yates, T7ISHE8 TO CALL THE ATTSNTION of Teachers and Parents to his complete stock of School Books and School Stationery. Those wanting to bay will Had It to their t to call or eorresoad with him- Sunday School Boots, Hyma Bookj,Biblee, . Prayer Books, and Reward Cards, in great ii. variety. tpt YATES BOOK STORE. Seed Cotton. r-rf AAA LBS. SEED COTT05 want- ed, for which a fair price, IN CASH, be paid. Apply at WILLARD8, North Water 8L, Wilmington, N. S.U28- ! PLEASE JSOXIUK We will be f Tad to rocelve ooaamanlcatloni from oar frUnrfg on axy and all rabjeots o ffeaeral Interest but : The naae of the writer must alwayt bs for alined to the Editor. ' Oommtmleatlozu ttajt be written on onlt one side of the paper. i Personalities mur - voided. I ! And it Is especially payiicularlyj under stood that the Editrw Svm not alwayi endora e the views of correeponuit nnlMt ro UUd in the editorial ooln. ni. GRAND FALLMIffl Tuesday, the 7th Inst. HAH 9 9 38 IVlarkct St, - WITH AK - Enthe New Stock of Fall Goods ! ' Consisting of latest pattercs and designs of the richest and moat elegant ' DRESS GOODS ! Ever brought to this ci'y, at HAHIM' 9 38 Market FLAN 11 ELS i FLAHNELS ! FLANNELS ! ( The mQst extraordinary qualities, shades, etc , at prices never before known in this city. BLACK ALPACAS & CASHMERES ! The largest stock ol ALPACAS and CASHMERES evftr kept'in this city and at prices that will aston- ish you, at H AUM 38 Market St. Innumerable Quantities of I T- T, A - , t OiapiO UOCC13 ; HOUSEKEEPERS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT U L U l:ti J i i ini i U U iri U U 38 iVlarket St. Is the place to get Bargains in Sheeting, Table Linens, Towels, Nottingham Lace and hundreds of other arti cles toonumerous to mention at prices far below thoso of the panic Corsets-Corsets! 38 RIarket Street, Keeps the largest stock ever shown in I- , ' i . this city The celebiad GLOBE NURSING CORSET, THE Indestructible Hip Corset 1 And a ozsn other Improved anil' superior U&ds. , CALICOES! GALSCOESf The nicest line of Fall rlr.ts f.oin I AND UPWARDS! ! Kid Gloves ! 1 he largest1 and finest line of Kid Gloves evsr shown In this ci y. We guaraMoo every pair of our c lebrated GjLOBE KID ad - J GL VJ2S.and will refund the money for I eery P iot clvin satisfaction. X" Remember we have a l.t'ofi.00 doz-!n pair Kid Gloves at j . I 1 25 Cents per Pair 1 VcT Don't forget the date of the gran I opening', aud remember that HAHH'3, 38MarketrSt. Is tha pbee to get yoarinoaey's wcrtl. I will U. JULIUS HAHK, 38 Market St. - ept4

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