THIS PAFKB n0o!Iahed every afternooa, Sttdayi jO 8 II. T. JAMB8 jOITOR AND PROFRIKTOK. . rfvH'RlFTIONH, POSTAGE PAID. r.J r.r,S 00 8Ls months, $2 50 ; Three F Bi ths, $1 16; One month', 66 oent. paper will o-j delivered by carrier, .Ifobanre, in nj Prt ' ity, attk ...j, or 13 certs per week. ..irMtJc i te low and libera! j- - . .Triijcri wil! plesereport any and - io r-i . if tVtir papers rejrularly. tock. BiiWil RODDICK 4 v Blarkot Street. lySRB I3VJRM THS PUBLIC' ner&lly and Wholesale Iah buyers in rr ticuiar, tht we a e full up with the Ghcapsst Iine! OF Dry Goods that has ever been offered in this market HO BDYE& vioiting this city will do him id!f j etloe by pasiing oar door, as we are un ler?9llin the market inminy of the reg n'r Staple lines Vj h . ve marked dcwn all goods that be long tj Hammer wear and are ofierintf to our patrons. We aj J ci'.l partlcarar attention to the c:nts joqsxih driving clcves Sii.h y spotted, 75c Wt:. $ '' .K aficoe f X w Fall Calic es at all piiea in Beautiful designs. B leached aud Unbleached Cottons I We hare laid in a very hay stock of the ab 'Ve and are offering them at lower figures thin ever. We hire all theppula' brand?, i n, 4 4 Blecliag at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the b8t value ever i fiered. Llnsxi Han derchicf z9 - A Job st 10 cent 7haeegocda r;qiireno comment Give us a Call ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 PoJarket St. au '2S New School. HAYS DETERMINED TO OPEN A I jriret-laM Male Pchjol in this oity about the 1st of October next. Fall pa ticular wjll be fciven on my retu'n to the city. srt4-3t JAMES H. L NE Removal. 1HAV8 H MoVPD from my old stand on Kr nt street to the convenient and comroo t ious Ht ra on Market steet, receot'y occu pied bv Tapt Cone-, and nect Fasof Lip p t.'s corner, where I will be pre ared tbis r'all to u"er the ha' duo est stock at goods in my line ever brouihtto Wilmi-g'on. J.0, M. K04lNriOX, sept 7 Hatter Cheese. Cheese. lOO Boxes CREAM CHEESE. For tale by Hall & Pearsall. Hankins & Bates TT V KEMOYtD ONE DOOR JJOBTH rom their Old tand. Is usual, the bet and freshest Groceries will be k pt. . pt 3-3t Iw Special wmmi r rr Tf VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, W LOCAL NEWS. New AdYartiseineota. P HiHsaaaa Phe t Mosie Hall & Pka&sill Cheese -Cheese Dm'l F Biatty -Organs J B McCaw, M D Medical College of Vir- giaia " i i Bcbb&kd Bans life of Gen Hacc ck Lyon A UkIlt Band Ins rutneo-a Ticioa F LAWeOH The L hiot.go Weekly News 1 '. ,) Sie ad Malt Bit era Jclius Bahs tii aad Fali opening. . Y at tt.aiplete t- ck rchooi boukb. X of wTftiig ir lu tbe city to-day. Window tHaoa -all aea rt itaffer A t Rica birds jumpid to tweuty ceuts per dozen this moruiug KlsBea ewceiuu m lareweli. They are the cre im of ta ta, as it were. Save ymir money and buy your Puild. ing Supplies, troin AltatVr & RriOf. The jest that gives, pain itno jest, nor ii that lawful pastime which inflicts an injury. The marketa this summer have bce 'iterally ruuning over with the fruits o" thi eaith. You can i) ty No. 1 C ioki;ig and tlt ingoveM at .Ituostaiij priCv.' at J.tcom Prf . Vendor predi.. ts another warm ?pell, and then very Cold idghts with sharp frosts. - Ti ere are nifn'iu this wornl 60 poor that tr ey cantio't even to keep a r:!ean corsiencei My life was s;ied by W-irrmr'n $afr Kidrey and Liver Cure E B. Lak"'y Mbia, Ala. A se-idal rtiiideuce ia ttie h.sf phrase invented to d-iscribea to-roonvd liut within sight of the ocear.. The dog d ya are now over but tie cats will continue to claim all the nyglne during the remainder of the year. . Full Metal and Walnut Show Oases, all styles and &ue3, at Altkkku, I'jjice sl Co's Mr. Nath'l Jacobi haviug been appoint- ed agent for the Atlas Plow, pa lies in want ot tnw celebrated Plow cn now have their orders filled at Jacoki's Hard ware Depot, No. 0 S. Front st. See a woman on horseback in another colunoD, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from wh:ch rfpeer's Port Grape Wiue is mide, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold bv Druggist?. Tom. Dick and Harry are now appear ing with their Grandfathfr's recipes for Coughs, etc. and seeking a fortune through advertising, but the people know the value of Dr. - Bull's Cough Svrup and will take no other. Price, 25 cents a bottle. A valuable milch cow, the property of Dr. J. E. Winant8, died on Ohotnut. between .Sixth and Seventh streets, yes terday evening from the effects of eating the trimmings of a (lower garden, sup posed to have bad am n it the s; rub known as nJcjck-orange. She didi not get a Fqnare away from the spot were she ate it before she was down. 'More food and less medicine, more of nourishment and strength, less of the debilitating influenced drugs, is what our feeble and exhausted constitutions require said BaroD Lieb;g, when he perfected the composition of h. Mali Bitters.' sept 9 Caxar covered nis ba.d head and gray hair with a laurel crown AyEU s IJaiu Via k covers' gray heads with tho std more welcome locks of youth. ! Arousins: Its Headers. An alarm of firn at midnight Is a startling thing, but not( hall so startling to many who hear it as would We tbe sudden knowledge of their own dangerons phjeL'al Condition . Thousands of thou sanda are bjurrying to1 their graves be causetbey are carelessly indifferent to the insidious iu roads of disease arid tbe means cf cure. It is tbe mission of II. U Warner & Co., with, their Safe Kiudey and Liver Cute, to arouse men to a sense of their danger and then cure them. Mempkit Appeal ErrB Beiew: . "- ' VeahSir: We respectfully ask If you consider a transaciion in spirit turpen tine between a seller in Wilmington and a bnyer in a northern port and merret a fair quotation of the Wilmington market. Wo ask this question because tbe quo tation of 33 ceuts at the Produce Ex change to-day is based on suh a transac troo while it is generally conceded tbat the market in Wilmington will not ad mit of any further sale at any tujh price. Betpectfullyf . Water Strelt. l.nnx Train Mr. H. Haaks, a freight ei g ueer m the Carolina Central R til road, brought into this' city yesterday a freight train constating of 56 'o--dd cars. This it claimed to te thr ' largest train ever brought into tbi city, and we presume that it is. Everybody euu get suiu a .tita a" Pockf 'Cuife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacoih'.' Hardware Depot- General James Madison Leach, the elo juenl and ndiud speaker, has accepted an invitation from the Democratic Com in Pender county to be with and tddrcss the people of that county at Burgavv on Thursday next, the 16s.n inst, the occasion beiusi ih meeting of the County Convention, -when it is expected that almost every ciau of prominence and influence in tbe county 'will be pres ent. The Committee ant ounce that they will be glad to see a large a:t ndanct from thif ciy and from the surrounding counties. Window Glass ofall siscb, Dorsf,SwSh and Blinds, Ii lilders' Bardware,t5c3 Low jst prices at Jacobi's. . 'J hey are all cievtr. We had the pleasure of a call this morning from Mr. Harry Evarls, Press Agent ef Coup's circus, and we are pleasid to say that Mr Evarts,; like all of the business men connecteJ with tbis monster show we have encoun'ered, is both agreeable and gentlemanly in his de portment. In tbis respect Coup's circus' agents are very different from those of the olden time, and we are glad to bear tirs willing testimony to the pleasant change. llow to get SJCk.. Expoee yourself dy and night; eat :cx) much without exercise; work too ;iard without rest; doctor all the time; take aii the vile noHtrnms advertised; aud the. j joa will waut to know How to get Weil, Which is answered in three words Take Hop Bitters! See other column. Ex press, Callle Thief S i.urd ay last Ben Johnson, col ored, was arrested in this city oa sua picion of having stolen an x. Tho ani mal be claimed looked as though the eai marks had been changed, but as there was no evidence against him at that time he was di charged from custody, but the ox was retained by the cattle weigher Yesterday Johnson brought a ma: ket and in a very short time thereafter Jr. D J. McRae, of Brunswuk county, claimed the cow, and Juh'ison. the cattle dialer, wm arrestol. A Ir. Granger. wiio lives near Mr. Mcllvo, ehumel the Oi and proved property, aru J ihcs -n ?s now in jiil iu defaul. ot a justified bond of $200 Doartlof A Itlei hien. Th Board met in regular monthly session yestorday afternoon at 5 o'clock, It was ordered tbat the Committee be granted further time in tbe matter of the Infirmary. Committees on Public Buildings and Fire Department were also granted fur ther time oo matters Ufore them. (Committee on 8-reets and Wharves, in tbe. matter of opouing Frout street at the Northern extremity of. said street, report el progress. The aame Committer, on the ma'.'cr cf Fourth street bridge, rt ported progres?. The Special Committee on the matter of the Fifth Ward Market House, report ed tbat the Market House ehon to said Committee in tbe Ward in qnetioo was not suitable and is incomplete, which re. port was received and adopted. The City Clrk was instructed t re fer to the Board of Audit and Finance all papers in his hands relating ' to the Wilmington Market Company, far their action. Petition from J. R. Bosscm & Evans, in relation to the erection of telephone wires in the cityaa referred to a Special Committee, consisting of Aldermen Fos ter and Bowden. Petitions of Northrop & Camming and others, for lights on certain thoroughfares were referred to.the Commiitee on Lights. An oil lamp was ordered placed on the west side of Fourth, between Church and Castle Etreets, and on Hanover, between Third and Fourth streets. Petition from J lmes Wi'san to have Wood street opened, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves with power to act. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot op 80S bales, the largest of the season thus far. mmw. Joint DUcusvion at Burgaw. YteUsrd.'.y (the 8cn inst.J was tbe day appriHted for Ju !ge Buxton, the Re publican candidate for gubernatorial hon ors, to address the people of Pender coun ty at Burgaw Loarning that it "was ex pected that Mij. C. W. McClammy would-be present and ask for a division of tbe time, we went to hear the fuu. In a coaversttion with tbe Judge, prdvl(U3 o thi speaking, he stated that he expecteu we shou d abuse him, to which we re plied hat we should, to the best of our ability, keeping, of course, within the bjundsot fact. We regret that we made anch a rem&rk, for we luive no heart nor drsire to say only the most tender and consoling words of either him or his ef !ort. The severe usage he received at the hinds of the eloquent, fearless and gifted McClammy, though just, was so excoria t ng that it aroused a sympathy in behalf of the man who will never be Governor of North Carolina. -The Judge very graciously assented to a division of time, and opuned in a speech in which he laid down a number of postulates, closing each with the interrogatory, "Isu't that so?"' His speech occupied an hour and litleen minutes in its delivery, and we must confess that it was the most unin tere8tlng, wearisome effirt to which we ever listened. His aunlence, by actuaj cmut, consisted of 54 whites and 47 col ored, a number of the latter of whom were :emalc8. After Judge Buxton had concluded, Maj. McClammy took the stand and taking the postulates, laid down by the J udge, seriatim, he tore them to tatters aid convinced the intelligence present tbat they iv&re ?iot so. Major McClammy spoke an hour, and it was one of the best efljris to which we have ever listened. It was such as he may well be proud of Pender coun ty may well be proud of, and North Care liua be proud of. After most effectually disposing of the positions taken by the Judge, he propounded a series of questions to the latter, a few of which were an awered, a Tfaw evaded, but the majority of which remain unanswered. It is seldom tbat the corruption and wickedness of the Republican party has received such a icatning rebuke as it did ye-terday from the gitied tongue of Mj r C. W. klc Cbumiy, of Pender counly. We regret that space will Lot pennii us to give a fud report of nis fp- cc-i, fji ii. vvou id be val uable reading to every voter in tne State. Jad e Buitou, having tbe cio. ing r.. nv.rks f. liowtd dong in a general waj, Without making' ny new p!int or adding aay foice to l. s fl st tli'nt, for ha'f an hour, when he uosided with a forced lock of resignation al i is wnt ( f tuccrss iu Pouder coumy. ilr, 1J. E tco t, of ixh city, then tock t're stand, and made a speech of half an hour's dura' ion. We did not hear bis re mks, but it was the unanimous verd.'c of those who did, that ha made by far the best speech on the Republican side. We have no doubt that he did, fer if he did not it must have been a teiribly t2n,e affair. The Street Fazeant. Well, everybody and bis sisters and his cousins and his aunts came to 'town to day to se the circus and the street pa rade. Lng before the hour for the grand pageant to appear upon the streets the principal thoroughfares were filled with curioue people of all classes, both white and black; young men and maidens, old men and matrons all'came out to see the ehow. Finally, ,the sound of music and tbe rattle of wheels put every one on the qui vice an 1 the crowd on Fiont strojt about the Parcell House aud : vicinity eoaicDfci-ced to stra.n their nccis and eyee iu anxioU3 6carcblor the tiL:, and here they came, first the large band wagon drawn by( eix horses gaily decorated with p'umes and caparisoned with nashy 1 barness, then came th mounted lady and geutlcmea i riders whj were not so gay looking; then came a pretty lady, attireJ in a lady's riding habit, mounted cn a beautiful horse and driving another graceful moving equine n tandem; after this came the wagots with the animal, some of which were drawn by beautiful iitle ponies, then tbe pretty horses that march in platoons. Then the man in the lions' Gage, sitilog as composedly as if be were listening to the music of the syrens, while the lion, lioness and a panther paced tbe same cage impatiently and uneasy. Then came another band wagon with colored musicians, who, by tbe way, discoursed better music than the first band, we think Then the Japanese performers, ilttlog in regal style ia their carriage 169 Wi.or 8i : i- A; u two ele piiDts aal tLij dromedaries wiih tLe liu!e clown. LVken altogether it was a rary creditable pirad? and only servel a an appetiser for those who want to jo an 1 must go to ee the rint performances this afternoon and tonight. Only, one circus in two 'year .is encuh", to make everybody hungry for a li tie smell of the sa w dust . Now Ad vertisQiueats. flRRft 14 '"P8" ' ub t. C rop. Ul.Urt.10 ier Vox CVie-te'- and Fox Ho maca. Serst on trial wrr av ted. onlv ,G ". Pianos 125 up. Uataljae free Add.esfi UaniL Beatty, Washitgton, N. J. sept 9-w MEDICAL COLLEGE CF -VIhGInTa Iti liuiond, Va., Re . ala-- Heaei n bgin Oct. iet, ftnd contic oes NINE AlUN'fas. InteraeJite Exam inations on tbe Klemectary Branches at the close of first fusion. Fina fcxan-iaation on the Practical branch- s at the eud of sec ond session. lihten montbs Coleiate Instruction. . Laily examinations and reei tations. ttly four lectures a day. Ample opportunities for Clinical r-toay and Praoti cal Anatomy. Fees for the flipe Months' Coarse, $125. For anouccemsnt or par ticulars, addresj J B ilcJAW, MD, Dean. Bichmond; Va. 8ept IMMENSE BOCCEiis! 30:000 in SO days. More Agents waated to eell the official Life of CEm. HANCOCK, "'ciodinfiT the 1 ife of the Hon. WM. H. ENGLISH. This work is eniorsdi by Gen. Hancock and tha party leaders, is low-priced, Immensely popular, and selling like Hot C&kes. The harvest-time Ib fepUmber and October. Outfits 6Cc. Act quick and coin money. For the best terms, and full par ticulars, address HUBBARD B OS., At lanta, Ga, Eept9-4w ss a 5e5 Sd -.eo aj ? tte d .3 r-usi'sa 14 e m a w m i.-" m" 1. i.1" " - oo U X c j rr. (Q w OI Q Sea 22 a CO) r.. rt SB o a 1 1 (JTT L d O fS m rt 3 aZZrr 0x3 ooJ.S DO not confound this Matchless Benva tor cf Feeble and Exhausted onsdta tions with violeat cathartics, chea? decoc tions of vile drugs, aad ruinous intoxicant ioncce-.Uy labelled "bitters." MALT EIT TEK8 appeal , to popular confidence bec&ug prepared from Un fermented Malt, Hopt, and Qiirioe, and other precious ingredients, acoordicg to the process of Liebijr, and art richer in the elements that ret tore to perm a uent health the Weak, Convalescent, Over worked, Nervous, Sleepless, Dvspeptic, Bil o us, aud Kickle in Appetite, than all otbe forms of Malt or Medicine. The renuine are plainly signed bv tbe company. 8old every where: M &.LT B iTrEEd COMPANY, Bos oa, Mass. : sept 9-4w Sheet P-usic. 1 - HAViS SO W I STOCK a very Urge sapply of the latest Sheet Muiio. Also Instructors for Pianos, Organs, Vio lins, Banjos and Gaitarr. Tor sa'.e at 1 UEL8BERGERS, 1 Lite Bookstore. Hancock and English Badges and Picture, also Bunting Flags, ail sizes, at e?t9 1 HaUNriBLIiGEB'i A Card, THE USDERS1GNED have UVen ahafge of the Parcell House Barber Hhop,wbere they ill be pleased to serve their frienL and the publio generally. The saloon has been thorougniy renovate i and refitted, ni we promise the att of workmanship, with poiite and courteomj at'entkm. PCINOK D. BM1TU, ICftfpt W. H. SAHB. Hriei:S5 THE NEW FOOD N PLEASE EQT1CE. We will be glad to receive commtinlraUoai from cmr friends on any and all subject o reBerai internet hni The nlme of the writer mcrt always be for nished to the Editor. 1 Ctomm-anlcatlotti must be irritteo cia only one side of the paper. Personalities n:ii- voided. And it is especiailr . iSkJ r t'taltrly'tmfler stood that the Editor cot Alwayr sr-doTta iae news or eorrepoatr-ati. -a-jIms so taed in the editorial coluarr. n 'H m mi mm Tuesday, the Tch laat. 9 38 .''Market St. WITH AN Entile Kew Steel: o Fall Gcods ! Consisting of latest pattertsnd deigns c f the ikhest and mcst elegant DRESS GOODS ! Ever brought to ihis cl r, at 2 FLANNELS I FLA-; IIS FLANNELS ! The most extraordinary iualitits, 6hadv's, etc , at prices never he ."ore known in this . ?". BUCK ALPACAS H.Z&lXtfatZ I The largest stock oi ALPACAS ana C ASUMERES ever kept in this city and at r r 'ces that v ill aston ish you, at 38 tVlarket S Innumerable Quanticloj or ' romostic und other Staplo Gocd? ! UOUSEKEErERS 1 1 - THAT AT j ri lathe place to get Bargains f i fi'.xuf.i. Table Linens, Towels, " yottiur.) Lace and hundreds of oih r tr. dC3 toonumerous to ir.ei:tkn at prices far below thoo of the. panic. MAM 38 ElSarkttt Keeps the largest s'.oci ever show a' 'in this city. The celebrated . . GLOBE NURSuiB CaRoT, THK Indestructible Kip C. 1 And a oz u othr in; proved -1,1 ! . sufcibr I.I: . Tii-5 nicest line cf Fail pnnt f-. S Cent 1 ASl) UPWAilut: !, ' 1 Kid -.Qlo-ues I The latest and finest linccfll-u -v -. ever fchv.wn in this ci y. We g iiar,;-. every piir of out g l,brle.I HLOBiu.iilsj GU'VZd9 ayd m rcfaa-i 1 Ui .;..' ijt every-pair notching satuUcrtioiv 1 I X IUrnf ra'r ve hivj a I.., c,i - ' , dozin pair Kid i!oves at 25 Cents per Pair I I JKsJ Don't forget tin dato f tf.e r. opening, a.d remember tLa: HAHK'5, 38 Muki Is the place to get 5 oar iouc v. 1 : ; . JULIUS HAmi, 38 Market St, (IRA ILM ARB 38 m aiauu UvJ HAH 38

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