THIB PAPER . 1, pnliBhed every afternoon, Baadayi wptod DV jOSH. T. J AM 8S, KlUTOa AND PKOPRIKTOR. 1 Ml ITION8, OSTAGE PAID. At, Zb 00 Six months. $2 50 ; Three 7lf. .the, $1 ; One month, BO oenta. ht paper will b delivered by carriers, .! c;ir?e, in any prt of the city, at the c rnie, or 13 cents per wek. k : -r'-r.ii-.k rates 'o andlitier&l . r-ur-ribirB will please report any and . , -are to receive t'aeir papers regularly. BRDWi 8l RODDICK 45 Market Street. j.rJIttE TO INFORM THIS PUBLIC g Derail y aod Wholesale Cah buyers In r ar t-calar, that we ae full up with the Cheapest Line! OP Diry cods that has ever been offered in this market. SO BUTE vhiting this city will do him self j by pasting our door, as we are unierselKnz the market inminy ofthereg o'ar Staple lines. We bT3 mrked down all goods that te hn g to Summer wjar and are offering to our patrons. We woaldcill particular attention to ti e ftlluwiig GENTS' JOGSKIN DRIVING GLQVES Flight". spotted, 75o, Worth $l.t0 alicoes ! New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs- K tonclied aufl Upfoleaclicd Cottons I We have laid in a very heayy stock of the ab-e and are offering them at lower figures t'an erer. We have all the popular brands. t n- 4 1 BlecVing at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever i ffered. Linen Handerchiefj, A Job at 10 cent. Thse good rf quire no comment. Give us a Call BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. an 23 Removal. Ill A. YE HKMOVED from my old stand on Frnt street to the convenient and commo t.ioua Str r on JLarket street, receot'y occu pied bv Capt Cone.-, and next last of Lip p t.'s corner, where I will be pre ared this r'all t ffr the hardso - est stock of goods in my liae ever brought to Wilmington. J0. M. ROtflNaON, sept 7 - Hatter Cheese. Cheese. tOO Boxes CREAM CHEESE; For sale by Hall & Pearsall. sept 9 Hank ins & Bates JJ- Yi KEMOVhD ONE DOOS NORTH roni tneir Old Stand. A usual, the bet and freshest GrooerUe will he kept. pt S.3t The Lowest Prices JjlORALL KINDS UK HUNTING, 4 At E. S. WAUUCKd Job Office. Get estimates at this offio 'before having jour printing done elsewhere. (Office in Review building.) nn Yf jL u Many Spcial Inaocemeiits r VOL: V WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER1 CHEAP READING! For the Campaign. The Daily Rewew, to Dec. lit, $1.00! 1 -;. for The Wilmington Journal 1st, for 50 cents! j to Dec The WilmingtoK Joubnal. published every Friday, gives nil of the news of the week I The Daily Review, published everj afiernoou, give tht news ol the day and the latest market reports. r ! Address. ' i Jorn. T James, Wilmington, N O. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements, j John Mo"!archsk, Prop Bear it In Mind, Butobbrs' Company Don't forget it. P HaiHSBiaeaa 8he t Music Jflius Hahn Grand Fall Opening. Yatbs Complete Stock School Book. Window Glass all sizes at .Mtaffer & Price's. I j t Oae"'by one the Summer absentees arr r i returuiug to the city. S?.ve your noney ana D' jour Cuildm g 'Supplies from Alt&fler & lri The first. Uop of tbe season waa given at Geramiiu H ill, on VVeiuetlay' night, by the L'Arioso Club. I j , . , , At noon t day tbe thurm meler u this fflice registered 71 degrees, which is five degrees below Summur hat. ' Tha ftw incipient hairs cu the upper lip of macy of our youths look graud gloomyar.d peculiar through a micron scope. I Full Metal aud Waluut iihaw Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffbis, 1'juck & Co s ! The mauia now is for immense bo qnets; some an; s large as to be burden jome to carry. This is well for tht dorista. I i ' I . Col. W. Foster i?rcucii, of Luraberton, 13 iu the city to-day on one of his rare viiiis. We were pleased to see him look, ing so well. Little Annie is the daughter of one of our most prominent citizens. Ycotcrday she told us, in her wiy, what a good medicine Dr. Bull's Oaug'h Syrup was, as it had cured her of a very severe cold. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ingdiovesat almost any price at Jacobi Sard ware Depot. j Mr. Nath'l Jacobi baviug been appoint id agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in vtaxt of this celebrated Tlow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. There is a sort of betwixt and between age when it is surprising how much a person knows, Ee f-estimated, and it i equally surprising how little the persoi knows, esttmated by others. This is for tbe young from 17 to 22. Th6re Is a difference between land and water. A young roan miy be able lo earn only a salaryof 812 a week, but pet him lu tie sur'fVi d f he b s attronp arm and knows bow io swim, he is the king anaong the ladies, while jthe bloated mil lionaire" hangs disconsolately and alone on the safety rope. L See a woman on horseback in anotter column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from wh ch Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for ibe use of inva'ids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by DrnggiBti. The. stockholders meeting of the At lantic Railroad will be held on the 16th inst. The Goldsboro Messt nger learns fr m a reliable source that both tbe R & D. Riilroad and tbe W. & W. Rail road have agreed not to press the lease matter at this meeting, and. are wi ling ihat tbe matUr shall be postponed to sfme future day. No action i will there fore be taken. i . I Everybodycanget suiu a with a" Pocket Knife, al Tabla Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ... . . - I .CH Court. , Abraham McKethan, color 3d, charged with vagrancy, was sent by the Mayor to the Work House for thirty days. David Mallett, colored, via arrested yesterday, while dfunk and down, and carried to the Guard House, and this morning arraigned upon the foxegoing charge. Bat owing to the recent very good behavior of the dfdudant, the Court was lenient iu this ins tar ce, and released the accused without fi ie or Imprisonment. 1) hit 'Review . Lst night wa cool and "bed kivr' wm found ecessary for comfort. This morn lug tbe wind Id almost due North and fires and winter clothing were brought into requisition- 8ti II, winter is no there yet and we will probably have lots of warm weather yet . i Window Glass ft. I! sizes, Do-;ra, and Blinds, Builders Hardware,&c Low est prices at Jacobi's. Returned. Mr. Thoa. E Bond, Agent of tbe New Trkand Wiimington Steamship Line, whoee health was so precarious during the Summer that he went, by the alvice of his physician, to the Warm Springs, in this State, has returned to the city, looking like himself again and with bis health apparently entirely restored. I The Mary Bear. The schooner Mary Bear has recently hid new masts and a new cabin placed in her. She is now considered an A No 1 sea craft and stands as a monument to the judgmant of Mr. Sm 1 Bear, who purchased her some months ago. She is a good vessel With a competent Captain, and we trust will prove a profitable in vestment to her foreseeing purchaser. Enlarging. ' j By referonce to our advertising coU nmos it will be seen that the Butcher's Com parry , corner of Second and Market streets, advertise a plenty ef good th'tDgs to eat to-morrow. They also propose in a few days to enlarge their market and to keep during the winter oysters, fish, venison, etc., and will be able to furnish aiytblng in their line. They keep only t ie best of meats, etc., and persons call ing on them will receive the best of atten tion. Ceful Recipes. ' An exchange says: If a bottle of oil of pennyroyal be left uncorked in a room at night, not a mosquito or blood sucker will be found there in the morning. Mix potash with meal and throw it into the holes of the cellar, and rats will depart. If a rat or mouse gets into your j pantry, stuff into the hole a rag saturated with a solution of cayenne pepper, and no rat or mouse will touch the rag for the purpose of opening a communication with a depot of suppHt. These recipes are worth trying. 1 i How to set Sick. Expose yourself day and night; eat too much i without exercise; work too hard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know How to set Well. vVhich is answered in three words Take Hop Bitterel See other column. Ex press. ,1 ! i a The Oajy Outrage tie Ha? Seen. Mr, J. W. Hamilton, advance agent of Coup's circus, , who declares thU be is neither a Democrat nor a Republican, writes to the New York Sun relative to hat he has seea in the Sonth. He de clares that the people are most kindly iisposed towards tbe general government and the people of the Novth, that they a 9 minding their xwn basiuess and en deavoring to rebuild their waste places and the general desire is to forget a about the war. He was iu Wilmington when the grand ratification meeting was held here, describes the crowd of ragged ragtajuffins who . fo'loed the Demo cratic procession, howiiog and cheering forGarneld, and declares that if such a thing fcal happened in New .Y-'tk there would have been a riot. He also speaks ot the rocking of tho procession and de scribes this as the only Southern outrage he has seen. Wilmington District Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South: Elizabeth, atE!izibethtown..Sept 11 12 Brunswick, atSbalotte Gamp .Sept 18-19 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek ..Sept 21 22 Smith vllle ..Sept 2$-26 Wi'mlngton, at Front S,t. ..... Oct 2 -3 Wilmington, at TiRh St, ...... Oct 9 10 Whiteville, at Shilob Oct 1617 Topsail, at Union , Oct 23-24 New River... ... ., Oct 27 OnsTowv at Queen's Creek . Oct 30 31 Duplin, t Wesley -. . . , Nov 6-7 OHoton, at CliQton, v..Nov 13 14 Coharfc, at Newton Grove .... Nov 20 2 1 Let kvbbv mciAii mbmbek be , sure to beat the fourth quarterly conference. Qear Brethren let ua fbb3 the battle all over the District and look to God rOBVICTJBT. L. S. BUBKHKAP. ' Presiding Elder. Magnolia, N. G.. Aug 18, 1880. Mr life was saved by Warner's Safe -J r rt r D Kidrey ana Ldver vure, v. x. -c,Vf Mr. J. Mcl). French, of Lumberton, who iSj in" th ; city to-day, pale' us a brief visit. He says that the Democracy of his county are fully alive to the situation, and are determined that old Robeson must and shall go Democratic this time. Yacht Race. . The next race of the Carolina Yacht Club will be sailed over the Wrightaville course od Wednesday, the 15?.h inst, com mencing at 2 o'eknk. The yachts Restless, Flirt, Lizzie and Ripple have entered for the race. Accidentally shot.1 The young son of Mr. J. W Barnes j was accidentally shot this afternoon. He was leading or had just loaded a gun which was accidentally discharged, the Uad taking effect in his right side.. The attending physicians says his case is a precarious one, though may recover. The accident occurred about 3 o'clock this af tsrnooni Cot. McKae. I We are glad to learn that our distin guished fellow-cltizan, Hon. D. K. Afc Rae, hae consented to address the people of this city and section on the important issues ot the day on Friday next, the 17 th inst. The speaking will take place at the stand on Third street, at an hour to be announced hereafter. Our people will not be disappointed when they look for a sp'endid effort on this occasion Lost: Lost!! Lou!!! A newspaper reporter .is supposed to be everywhere at the -same time, and to be able lo report everything that occurs. Last night, when the circus was out, a reporter of the Review followed the crowd, to see (?) what would happen and where it was going. In a short time 'the crowd dispersed, and ten different squads went in ten different directions. Well, we followed the largest lot, and after walking for. Borne time, we brought up in a ditch near the Athletic Grounds. We sang out : We are lost ! when the provincial small boy broke out in the melodious strains of, 'Oh, Lord ! Oh, Lord II wanter go home! ' So did we, but how to get there was what troubled us, until we saw the tombstones in Oakf dale, when it would have required Dexter or an express train to oach us . 'Misery loves company,' and we had plenty of it. Everybody was lost, and no one leenied to know where he was or. where he was going. A young friend of ours who had "stepped out to see the ani mals" sang out, "My friend please tell me where I live." Ho was carried to the Second Presbyterian church and was then able to get some beariegs to steer by. Another lyoung friend of ours, who deals in the understandings, walked his girl out to Hilton and had to pay a col ored man and brother twenty-five cents to direct him to the Fourth street bridge. We have heard of others who entered, up on walking matches, who struck the rail-q road track and taking the wrong direction haubd up at Smith's Creek. The Circus. , 1 Coup's circus has come and gone. It is the first we havs had here in two years and of course it drew well. Tbe crowd was very large at both, performances, af ternoon and evening, and it is estimated that about 8,000 persons saw tho show. It had been so extensively advertised and ! so many wonders were expected from the inducements held out that it is no wen der there was a feeling of disappointment among many who were there. Candor compels us to state that it was not by any means the best show of the kind which has visit 3d the city sines the war and weeannot understand how it la that our State apd Virginia exchanges could have gone into -such raptures over it. The riding was good, but not extraordinary, as was also the performance of the Jap aiee, the trapeze act, the performing dogs and the Broncho horses. The tumbling was ordinary and the p!owns were poor, while the Indian per formance wis simply ridiculous. The display of animal, birds, &c. was, bow ever, above the average, 1 The electric light showered its beams for a time on thering and cn the audience bnt it was withdrawn when the performance was about whalf ' through with, Tht tent were pitched on exceedingly disagreeable place, difficult of attain, ments, and the promised electric lights which were to, illuminate the approaches, consisted of the napths lights in front of the ticket wagon and entrances and which, instead of assisting, dazz'ed and blinded those who were compelled to stroll through ditches and bushes to reach the gronnd. The troupe, however, labored under 10, !880; NO 470 mayj difadvaiit-igf-s rfhil. here, amone-j which may be itckoned the condition ca the ring, which was very heavy In conse quence of the recent rains Excellent or" dsr was preserved throughout the entire performance and the care and attentloa shown to the comfort of tbe audience was more and better than wa , have eve known under a circus tint. DIED. GROOM At bis reaidese oa Moore's Orek, in Peuder eooatr, Acfftut iTth, 1880, N. K. CBOOI1, aged 62 -ears New AdTertlmexs.' Don't Foreet that We Have It. FINK HAMPTON CODNTY BEEF, Lamb, Mutton, Kid, Pork And 8aus tire,. for to morrow's aarxet, at the corner of Market and Second streeis. Give ui 'a call and see for yourselves, sept 10-lt BUTCHERS' COMPANY. Bear it in Hind. HAVING BOUGHT the interest of Mr. Altz- Oldham in the General Feed Store on Market street, I am now prerared to fur nish JTeed, Hay, Flour, Meal, Apples, Pota to8, Turnips, Cabbages, eto , at the lowect prices. Goods delivered promptly. JOHN fc'cSAOHERN, ' sept 10-lt Proprietor. S IN I IS 17th VOLUME. THE RALEICH NEWS. P. M. Halh, Editor, L. L. Polk, Cor. Ed. Edwards, B&ouqhtob M Co., Bus. Mau'grs. A N. C. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. DAILY AND WEEKLY. Term? Daily, 1 year. $7; 6 months. 13.50: 4monthg.l.75. Weekly, one year, $2.00;;six montns, i. ' ac areas, THE RALEIGH NEWS, jylS Raleigh, N. 0. Mrs. S. J. Baker, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, Wilmington, N. C. Corner Third and Orange Streets. IANOY GOODS, Notions, Hats. Bonnets, Flats, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments of all kinds. Will renew and work over all kinds of old hair, braids, combings, Ao. , root them and make tftem equal to new. Old Hats made to look like they were t9W. Call and see my specimens of work. jelO MRS. 8. J. BAKER. Sheet Music. T HAYJS NOW IN STOCK a very large -i- i I supply of the latest. Sheet Murio. Also Instructors for Pianor, Organs, Vio lins, Banjos and Guitar?. For sale at UEINSBERGER'J, Live Book Store. Hancock and English Badges and Pictures, also Bunting Flags, all sizes, at sept 9 HsIlNSBERGER'3 A Card. THE UNDERSIGNED have taken charge of the Purcell House Barber 8hop. where they ill be pleased to serve their friends and the publie generally. The saloon has been thoroughly renovate! and refitted, an a we promise the best of workmanship, with polite and courteous attention, PRINCE D. SMITH, sept S . 7. H. NAttH. For Rent. COMMODIOU3 STORE, npHE JL . No. 3, Granite Sow. Possession given immediately or on October 1st, as pre ferred. Apply to :" 1 , a 31 1 P. B. JEWETT. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, VLTiMlNGTOKf N. '? Large Sample Kooraja lor Commercial Travelers: rpHE PROPRIETOR having thoroughlj renorated this House aad furnished It entire ly new. Is preparedte give to the trartflaf publie all the oenvsnlsa dst of a F1R37 CLASS HOTEL. It b located La the vtr j eentre of the business part of the dry, beta; eonvenie&t to the principal businea Loum Pottofloe, Cutom House,; City Sail and Oourt House. - 5 7" A llrst-Clasi Bar aad Billiard Saloos eonaeeted with this HoteL j RATES 12. FEB DAT. Joot 24 F. A. RCTTUTTii. , 28 MOOBEXBUSinESSIUniVinSITY, Atlanta. Gsu, 3 QO eorsn tota? ezpeases for three months.. Bend for inns' trated Circular ) ZS-UwdAr. PLEASE 5 OTI CP, w wm bef'ad to receive jk.idp uui stiooi from our frUnc" on ay rd all' rofcjfctU & faaeral l&ttmv$ut ; Tbe ft am Ofths writer most slwy be far aiihtdto tUJkfcor. 1 Ooamunit5oai nut be wiitten oa oa'.i oae side of the par. Personalities m an oWei. Aad It Is especially a wat.calarly cr.1er rtood that the Editor Sws jct alvajs ecdort a the views of eorreepoaJfuaia. unite c tuti ha the editorial eolu err t. BRAND FiUrOPEU! Tuesday, the TfchTs si. j. M-,A Dfl N ' 5 38 EWarketSt, WITUAN Entile New Stock Fall Goods ! Uonsisting of latest patlensacd designs t f i the richest and most elegant DRESS GOODS ! Ever bronght to this cl v, at IHlAlHI'M5,, 38 RIarket St. FLANNELS S FLAHMSLS FLANNELS ! The most extraordinary qualities, had; etc , at prices never before known inthiscHv. 1 BLACK ALPACAS &, CASHMERES ! The largest stock ot ALPACAS and CASHMERES ever kept iD this city and at prices that will aston r ish you, at 5 38 Market St. Innumerable duantif es Tomostic and othrr Staplo Good i I of HOUSEKEEPERS 'TAKE THAT AT NOTICE 5S 38 Market St: Is the place to get Bargains in Sheet"' Table Linens, Towels, Nottingham Lace and hundreds of other arli cles tconumerous tpfnention at prices far below those of the panic. Corsets-Corsets! MA- f 38 Market Street, Keep's the largest stock ever shovn In this city; The ceiebiaVed GLOBE NURSING CORSET, the Indestrucliblo Hip Corse I And a oz 'n other improved u superior ki.-us. calicoes! msmm The nicest line cf Fall prints from f AND UPWABD-J! I Gloves t 1 he laige.t and finest line of KM GxVri .. . ever "eh wn i!i this d y, " We g jre'vuf every p-irof our ce lebrated GLOUE KIO GL VK5J, and will refund thenionej for every pair not giving satisfaction. XT' Remember we hxw a I t cf 200 dozen pair Kid Gloves at 25 Cents per Pair I t6F Don't fvrget the date cf the and jpoiin;, acd remember that , HAHK'5, S3Harlt;St. Is the place to get your mbaeyV 'wori' . JULIUS HAHK, 38 TJJarket St. ecptd

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