Tilift PAPER . puciLsnc- ry afteraook, Sflmdsys ex- JOS - . T. J A W EH, jcom.rt ANP PEOPKfKTOB.. . !JB:OK1M,IONS,1,OSTAGK PAID. . .-, rtiT,i' 00 Six mouths, $250 ; Thrsre 5?ot-tht,fci 2S: Oao moEth.'&O cent. ' I j pircr will daliverod by carriers, ..j fcLiri;a, --a part' at the r. fgts, or 23 cents per week. , 'rirlir.i-.z rait: 5ow ?nd liberal sv"r.afc;--ri'--rs will pic-asa report tay and h.-";o receive fheir papers regularly. DT T 1 OP VMTTnn ' - I - I We will beg? ad to receive coannaaicatioas from our frienJs on asy and all eabjertj ,v Kenerallataresi but: T , f. , i The nam 0f the writer xnc;t always be far n&hed to the Editor. ' Communications exst bo written; cn on' oae eida the.paper. i Personalities muft f ciJed. And it ia especial! 4 tu t--2r!calary;ct4er rteod ttat theEdiw Tscs Eoi alwsjondDrrs the views of corr'-.-LiontfuiiU, ir.I,j in the editorial ceiuens. Abe Daily X- Be vie w9 1 , . . . .. . . i . t ' - , .- - VOL. V WILMINGTON,. N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1880. . NO. 17 1 1 . ; 1 - -. . 1 - . 1 . . 1 - - : ; "l ' ' - j j. - j - -j Fall Stock. m 45 Market Street. r - .l if; TO INF'.'ftU THE PUBLIC 1 ) r.eraiiy ru i Whni Caj.h buyers ia '. er ?icu!r, tht we a-e full np with the that taa ever been ofTjre l i a this market. AO BOYEIi vLiting this city will do him 'self justice by passing par door, as we are cn Jersellinz tho market in many of the reg- u'ar Staple lines. We hava marked down all goods that le- 1 jcg to Hummer wear and are oilerintf law 'Special' Iiiilocewls to our patrons. Vo woald call particular attention to tho following . GEWTS' BOG SKIM DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and -Unbleached r Cottons J We hare laid ia a very heavy stock of the ab.ivo and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We have all the popular brands. Cur 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever cllered. Linen Handercliiefs, A Job at 10 cent. Ihesegoodj rtquiro no comment. CSve us a a BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. emoval. 1H AVE REMOVED from my old stand on Frcnt fctreet to the convenient and commo dious Htr re on Aiarket street, recent'y occu pied by Capt. Conef, and next Kast of Lip P't:'s corner, where I will be prepared this r'all to r lTer the hatdso rest stock ot goods ia my liae ever brought to Wilmington. JNO. M. ROBINriO'X, sept 7 Hatter Cheese- Cheese. i OO Boxes CREAM CHEESE. For sale by Hall & Pearsall. sept 9 The Lowest Prices JI ORALL KINDS OF PRINTING, At E. S. WAR MUCK'S Job OlSce. Get estimates at UJs cHic before having your printing done elsewhere. (Oflle-iin Review building.) , y Steamer Passport YILL RESUME ier reg ular trips to Smith ville and the Forts Jane 20th, leaving hr Wharf, footot Market Street, at 9 SO A. M. J. W. HARPKB, je 21-oar-Moa Master and Agent, Goods 2 CHEAP HEADING ! Por the Campaign. '' -1 The Daily Review, to Dec. 1st, for $1.00! , Tho WlLMISGTON 1J0UUNAL. to Dec. 1st, for 50 cents The Wilmington Journal, published every Friday, give nil of tha neves af the Tiro Daily Review, published every afternoon, gives the news of tho day and the latest market reports. , Address , JvSii. T. James, . . . , Wilmington, N. 0. "xAOEWS. 1 ; Now Advertisements. ' Ki33K3 Buaa & James Female School. P liBisaBBaeea Sheet Music Jclios Baits Grand Fall Opening. Yatkj Complete Stock School Books. Day's length 12 h. ura and -33 minutes A good j prophet One hundred per cent. Window Glass all sizes at Staffer & Price's. f Sunset to morrow afternoon at 11 min 1 utes past 6 o'clock. I, One interment in Bollevue Cemetery this week an adult. , ' .. , The receipts of cctton at this7 port to day foot up 657 bales. 1 A barber ia not always a wis9 man it his labor is mostly head work. 1 -i 3 : Save your money and bay your Build, g Supplies froia Altaffer & Price. Not a svngle marriage license has been ifl3ued by the Ksgistcr of Deeds this week. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and szes, ,at Altaffeb, Pmce & Co's .-" ! To-morrow is known in tho Church Calendar as' the Sixteenth Sunday alter Trinity. ; Oay one interment in Oakdale this week, that of an adult brought hero fcr interment. ' ' The Sunday night services at th9 First Baptist t Church will be resumed to-mor row evening. In Pine Forest Cemetery there were nine interments this week beven children and two adults. ' You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat Ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi Hardware Deiot. ( Manufacturers of plaster know enough to advertise. That is tho only way .1 to make anything: draw weJI. Try Hall's Vegetable Silcilian Hair Renewer if you would havo a luxuriant growth of hair. There s many a man whose highest ambition is to successfully contest a seat on a nail keg in a corner grocery. You- can never convince a man , whoce lawn has been trampled down by a crowd but that there'are sometimes mere than three feet in a yard. We were shown this morning an apple blossom taken from a trfe, by 1 Mr. John S. Harriss, on his farm near this city. The tree is in full bloom for the second time this season. " Mr; Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties :a want of this celo orated Plow can new have their orde'rs filled at Jacobi's llaid ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. An old maid suggests that when men oreas tneir ncaris it is an me same as when a lobster breaks his claws -another eprouts immediately and grows in its place. There is a fortune in store for the milliner who shall devise a bonnet that can be worn in any part of tho church and always present its trimmed side to the congregation. The Chicago Times says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is "highly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians surgeons, by men of literary and scholar, ly distinction, and by individuals In all the walks of life. Window Glass ofall sizes, Door,Sish and Blinds, Builders Bardwaee,&e, Low est prices at Jacobi's. ( Happiness is wonderfully like a flea.1 When you put your finger oa him he don't seem to be there, but when you follow him to where he" actually is h,e doa't seem to be there also. The. American Union. I Messrs Worth, Cronly and Tylcr, the Commissioners in the matter of the Railroad? aod the American Union Tele graph Company, hve cot yot'submitted theT report. Judging frun V remark Lt drop by one cf tius geri'tlemen,' we tbould say that their decision isae jet v.li known, even to tbemselve In ths argu ment befure them tha couuWl for the Roads claimed that -they could cot, under any circu in stance?, award (esss th.m $50,000 danaes vn.iinst the American Union and realiy thought that it would bo but light and proper to award three times that amount- Per contra, the coudscI for the American Unipr, CoU D. K. McRae and Messrs Russell & Ricaud, thought that nominal damages would suffice. This is a matter in which our people as a public and a3 a mercantile commuui ty are deeply interested. They ear&esU ly desire toseo the American Union lines hero and the business of tint company opened in our city. They are, many of them, coparceners in the enterprise, as they havo subscribed liberally tov.ards the completion of the line. They are weary of the caprices aad extortions of that overbed monopoly, thd Western Union, and they think that a healthy competition is needed to briDg it to a realization of its duties to tha public. They want to see the American Union here, not for tho benefit of American Union but for the benefit of the people of Wilmington. This is tho ground they stand on and this is the ground we stand on as well. SelMnt6rest is the first law of nature and it is tbi3 very self interest our people consult when they desire compet itive telegraphic facilities ia Wilming ton. But wo are assured that these fav cilities will never be ours if excessive damages are awarded agaln6t tho Amer, ican Union for the right of way. Already offices are opened and busi ness established by the new company to the North and the South of us,, at Peters burg and' at Augusta, and if the proper, arrangements cannot be made they may give us the go-by and seek another and a more hospitable route by which to con nect those two points, i It ia notour intention to say anything which may be by any means construed into a desire to influence the minds of the gentlemen who compose the' Commission. They are all honorable men who will de cide strictly in accordance with what they believe to be right, just and proper, and hence we make no apology for1 publish ing here, for tho benefit of many of our readers who are interested intne subject, a short list cf railroad line3 to the South of us where damages have besn assessed, and we have tha assurance of Mr. Mor ton, the Division Superintendent, that in no instance have the damages exceeded 150. The Mobile and Montgomery E. R. is 182 miles in length and tho damages as sessed were. $50. Toe Western Alabama R. I. is 88 miles in length and the damages assessed were 50- The Atlanta & West Point R R. is .137 miles in length and the damages as seated were 100. The New Orleans, Jackson aud Great Northern R. R. is 600 miles in length and the damages assessed were $75. The Rome B. R. to Kingston, is mi!e3 in length and the damages assessed were 30. The Ylcksburg & ileridiau R. K. is 150 miles in length, and the damages as sessed wore $20. In the case of the Mobile & Ohio R. K. the Commissioners found that there was no damage. We are informed that the American UnioD.declare openly that , they instiim ted these proceedings in the belief that thev could obtain a aubstantially free right of way over our lines as ! cn tho lines above mentioned and if they fail to do bo Jhat they will dismiss the proceedings and abandon all idea of coming to cur city. Caisar covered his ba!d head and gray hair with a laurel, crown. Ayeb's Hair Vigor covers gray heads with the stil more welcome locks of youth. Returned ' jir. V. D. Goodman has just returned to this city after a five weeks' thorough inspection of the Northern I markets. He has laid in a very largo and superior stock of goods which ha U daily expecU ing and will have a grand opening in a few days. The time will be announced ia the Review. , The Railroad Combination-Its Effect TJnon the Business Prosperity of Wilmington. We published, a few days ago, ou pretty reliablo authonty, a contemr lated combi nation or coalition between the Richmond & Danville R, R. on the one side and tho Atlantic Coast Line on the other, by which there would be a change in the manage ment of the freight and passenger depart ments rf the two lines, whereby Mr. Sol Haas, the General Freight Agent of the R. & D. R. P., would become GeneralFreight Agent of tho Atlantic Coast Lioe also, and Col. A. Tope, the General Freight aad Passenger Agent of tha Atlantic Coast Line, relinquishing the freight department altogether, would assume the entire man agement of the passenger business of ihe two rou'.e3. This change in the manage ment, we saidf would go into effect about the 10th or 15th instant. Tha coalition, we now hear, will tako placa on tho 15th of this month. Under this combination or coalition or the two routes we learn that Wilovisrt "m will no longer be djscnmtuat&: ugjiiust by tha Richmond aud Danville Iliilroad, but w ill be permitted to offer her goods at the same equal rates as any other com peting city as high up on the N. C. Rail road aa Salisbury, and perhaps to points along the lino of the Western N. C. Rail road also. If k this be tho case, then our Wilmington merchants have only to ex ercise the proper degree of energy to re claim much of the business that in the past few yeara they have lost on account of the discrimination in rates against this port. Wilmington, whichwas once con sidered the best market on the Atlantic Coast for salt and molasses, can now again enter the field of competition for these ar tides in tho same old territory. Besides, we are inclined to think that this combi nation of a syndicate which is com posed of the stockholders , of the Richmond & Danville Railroad and the A, C. Line alike, meat, of necessity, offer equal advantages to shippers over tho W. &W.R. R. and W C. & A. R. R. to points on other roads under the same General Freight management, and vice versa, for it is all ono general interest,and tho GeneraiFreightAgent of tbeRichmond & Danville Railroad, who Is also the GeneraiFreightAgent of theAtlanticCoast Line, would certainly not discriminate against one set of stockholders for the ag grandizement of tho ethers and It , Wil mington does not now send out and gather in the trade it will be the fault of her own merchants and business men; she can no longer cry out, unjust discrimination of Railroad, tariffs, and if wo understand the natureof tho combination exactly new territory will also be openod up to this port,and the merchants of Wilming ton and other cities will enter as compo. titers for trade on equal terms in the same tsrritory.and it remains with the business men of each city to determine which market offers superior advantages for trade. Norfolk will enter the xaco cf com petition shortly after the 15th instant, as we hear that it is currently talked from Norfolk to Wilmington that shortly after the coaliticn between the R. & D. R. R. and the A. C. Line is effected the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad aud the Raleigh & Gaston, and Raleigh & Augusta Air Lino, and perhapsTlhe Carolina Central Rail road, will form a coalition. In fact, it is rumored that Mr. Jno. M. Robinson President of the Bay Line,the Seabcard & Roanoke Railroad, and the Raleigh & Aiu gusa Air Line has already agreed to a cch alition over his route as far as Hamlet. Without a doubt this combination of the R. & D. and A. C. Line is the best thing for the interests of our citizens, as well as for the prosperity of Wilmington, as - a commercial port, that . has happened since the war. At least, we so regard the mat tar, and we think time will prove both our judgment and assertion carrect. The Fire ibis Morning. The alarm of fire this morning, about 5 o'e'eck, came from the residecce of Mr. Rohert M. Houston, corner of Thirl and Ann Btreetp The kitchen was found" to be on fire and before assistance could ar rive it was in flames and was soon com pletely destroyed. Tha dwelling house was saved in a somewhat damaged condi- 1 i tioa. The loss 01 the kitchen, which wai insured, will amount to perhap3 8450, while that on tha dwelling was about $350 or S400.1 This hist ia covered by insurance in the Wilmington Mutual for $500. Mr. Houston's furniture wa damaged considerably in its removal from the house. The house belongs to the estate of tha late John U. Bailey. At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 78 degress. Church Services Worship in tho various churches of the citj' to-morrow as follows; ST. JAME3 PARISH, corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Sept. 12lh. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School at 0:45 a.m. Morning Prayer at 11 c 'clock. Evening Prayer at 0 o'clock. ST. JOUN8 CHUBCII, 1 comer i ud and Red Cioss streets. Rev. Geo. Pau.rson, D. D., Rector Sept. 12th. Sixteenth Sunday aftor Trini'y. Celebrs tion at 7:C0 a. 'in. Moruini: Prayer at 11 o clock. Evening Trajer at 5 t'ciock. st. Paul's evano. 1 lutIieban ciiurcu. Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D., Pastor. Enclish Service at 11 a. ru. and 6 n. in. iSundav School at 3 p. in. FIFTH STREET M. E. CUVliCA (SOUril,) on Fifth, between Nun aud Church streets. Rev. T.P. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. in. Sabbath School at. ' it D a. in. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve ling at 7:30 o'ciock. nin FP.OJiT STEEET M. E. CnUKCII, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. a. lates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, sun't. Praver Meptii iff ann Preaching Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young Men and Women's Chris tian Association first! and third Tuesday evenings in each month. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9;30a. m. Brooklyn. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday Dight at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night , at 8 o'clock. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUBCII corner Fqurth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Services at 11 a. rn. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Seats free " SSAMEN'S BETHEL, Dock, between Water and Front streets Revj Jas. W. Craig, chaplain. Services at 11 a.m., to which seamen are cordially invited. The public are invited to attend religious services at the Tileston upper room, in the Tileston Normal School building, on Ann, between Fourth and Fifth streets, every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ! TRINITY CHAPEL j of tho Methodist E, Church (colored), cor Brunswick and Seventh streets. Rev. E. Morton, Pastor. Preaching Sunday at 11 a. m., 8:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Class Meeting at 12:30. Tuesday night Clasj. Wednes day night Preaching, Friday n!ght Trayer Meeting. SECOND BAPTIST C -1UEC2, on Sixth, between Church and Castle sts. Lev. J. P. King, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. i FIRST PBESBYTEBIAN CHUBCH, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 4 p. m. 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (COLORED.) corner Fifth and Campbell streets. Rev. A. M. Conway, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting on l nursuay mgnt at b o'clock,' FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Memorial Hall, corner Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister. Sunday services at 10:30 a. m. and, 3 and 7:30 p. in. Praise and Conference meeting every ueunesaay nignt at, 7:oU o'clock. 8T. LEWIS' CHAPEL, corner Seventh and Bladen streets. Rev. John Lewis, pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3.30 o'clock p. m. and8 o clock, p. m. WOOTEN'3 CHAPEL, corner of Bladen and Ninth streets Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Preaching ouuuays, at n a. m., 5 o'clock ana 7 o clock p. m. VVednesday night at ' o'clock. Prayer Meeting Friday night Sunday School at 9 a. m. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup gives by far tne bet datislaction and takes the lead of all cough preparations ou our shelves. Carter & Palmeter, JamestowD, N. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from wh'.ch Speer's P"ort Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro- i6ssion lor the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold bv Druggists. City Court. Solomo i Nixon, colored, charged with disordeily conduct, was fined $2.50 for his infringement cf the city ordinances. Susan Frank, colored, (an old offender) charged with te ing drunk and disordeily, was ordered below for ten days. Every bodycan get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Tabia Cutlery, at Jacoiji's tlaniward JJerx)t . llow to cet SlclL. ' Expcie yourself day aud night: eat too much ' without exsreise; twork too hard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know . How to get Well, Which is answered in three words Take Hop Bitters! See ciher column. .Ex press. My life was tared by Warner's fiafa Kidcey and Liver Cure. , Lakdy, &tlma,Ala, Tho Harvest Mco:;. , The September rcooa 'full. t.a 'tic LSth It is the lovelicct rcoou of ril tI:o -ci'- The old moon was near'2!crcr.ry en tho uiuiuiugci imj oj, ana near i ranuc: tho 4th. Tii3 nev? meon cf tie 5th w.s in conjunction with both Venus ykAVA Sunday, the .3!h. The full moon the iSth is in fo ; ot ion with Jupiter oa thc20:h, ann wirL oatura to night. The s!cy ua rolls at intcrt,:,, pag0 oa September mgii - .r tho who lovt to&zi upon the 1 . ..u.'ing records. The -reatest epoch J id the much.talked cf perihel ion of 1 .Tnr.ifrr -i'w - wui.iuj; . aoout o'clock pxx tho evear.-' of the Tha. specially favtJT&Ko con. seven 24th. ditioc 8 for the study cf Japitcr r.cd S-- tvrn must bo borne In mind, as well a3 the enjoyment of watching thcscJ planets as they rise abovo tho extern h:I!3,trans cendaat ia beauty," pursue their stately cons to zsnith, aad slowly - descend to the west, being visible throuhsut tho night. The harvest moon is another prominent object of beauty rising night after night almost as sooa as tho sua- has set and seeming to prolong tho shorten ing autumnal days with her food of' oil-" very light. ' ' It is a contradiction of natural pLKcs ophy, but cold, cold ica cream -will' warm up her heart. New Advorti semontc. Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, PRINCIPALS. MRS. M. S. CUSHiriG, I MUSICAL INSTRUCTRESr:. 1 fJIHE 8IXTEEXTR ANNUAL SES3H:. Of this School will open on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 18S0. The coarse of inatrnctlrm vcVl Un tt.-,.,t- ic and thorough, each pupil recsh iay iodiv-d ual attention. The trainiog cf tolmj child ren, a speciality. Free hand drawing, CaN isthemca anq Vocal Music without ext-a Pupils, for', the above Pchools of iluric, Fainting, or Piptnrefqao Drawing,' outcidc of the chool, will bo accommodated with convenient hours. Where a cl 33 or-fifteen or twenty ig formed f6r instruction ia tho arts, a liberal deduction ia prico will bo made. A limited number of dudUs ran h modited with board in the family of one of the Principals. ' For terms and further particulars see Trin- clPalB SSDtll IN IIS 17th VOLUML'. THE RALEICH KEVS. P. M. IIalk. Editor. L. l.l EdwAhds. liaoceHTOH k Co., lias. U&n'gre. . A N. C. DEMOCRATIC JOUHFiAL, D AIL Y AND WEEKLY. Terms Daily, 1 year, $7; 6 months, SJ.tO; montns.1,76. Weekly, one year, $2.00; six months, $1. Address, TILE RALEIGH NEWS, 37 " - , Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. S. J. Baker9 FASHIOWABLE MILLINERY, . Wilmington, X. O. Corner Third and' Orange Streets. lANOY GOODS, Motion?, Rats, Bonnet j." x Flats, Flowers, Feathers, Ornamentj c f all kinds. Will renew- and work ovr all kinds of old hair, braids, combings, tc., root them and make taem eqaal to new. OM Hata made to look like they were tew. Call and see my specimens of work. J10 MRS. 8. J. BAKER Sheet EVIusic. J HAV NOW IN BTOCK a very large sapply of the lateet Sheet Music. Also Instructors for Pianos, Organs, Vio lins, Banjos and Guitarr. For sale at RElN'SBERGEIi'8, Live Bookstore. Hancock and Eneliah' Badjr also Bunting Flag, ail sizes, at Ra.INdBERGEIi'J 3l Card. THE UNDERSIGNED Lave taken chsre of the Purcell Rouse BirDer KhoD.whcr they ill be pleased to serve their friend and the pubhc generally. The saloon hJ been thoroughly renovated and refitted, inu we promise the best of workmamfcio. with polite and eoortecmj attention. PCINCK D. Sill Til, aeptS W. fl. SAHU. For Rent- fJIHE COMMODIOUS STORE, given immediately or on October 1st, as pre ferred. Apply to 3x B, B. JEWETI.