PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg.'ad to receive ccmmocicatlort . ii S ' ..'.. S" ; ' L' I PT ! N ,s l' A (i K " A 1 1 !" . ...itr..-! 4- --, W c-r.t . -a j' V o tvlivr.1 nc earners, - nv ;iifi t! .',-i:v. M tee .vert:. ? ,cw a&i.i!-ru " :,J,:.;'.-r wt'.: r: .-. uy awa from oar friends on aiy and all ; enbjecti o general Interest bat : The natce of tae writer nccn al vaji be fc r ftlabedto the Editor. CommutioatloDi runt be written; on oclj oae aide of tte paper Pettocalitioa mnn - cided. And It Is efpeclally 4 -a j .'uiicalarlyDder tood that the Editor lte aot always eadorie VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. 'C. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, !K8(K 172 the views of co rr' oa Inn Is tj n a te In the editorial c ' Review. A 1 1 j 1 5ss I ' HJ 1 J W - W 4t " vi -l Market street. ir T IN V; "KM Tilfc PI-JLIC !) j jitr.-i:! 7 m;-l Whul -salo Tah buyers irri ar- t;pa:ar, tht w e full up with the "c-ft r- err OF oods r that has e?er been ollered in this market. 0 1JOYER vLiting this city will do him self justice by passing oar door; as -we are DQ lorBcllinz the market iniany oft'io reg nlar Staple lines. .. Wo havo marked down all gooda that bf- i oC Summer vear and are oU'eriQiT Many - Siecial MBceiiits to our patrons. ' We would call particular attention to the following GENTS' DGGSKIH DRIVING GLOVES Blight'.y spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, New Fall Caliooea at all prices in Beautiful designs. i'Ucmchca and Unbleaclica Cottons I We have laid in a very heayy stock of the above and aro offering them at lower figures than over. Wo havo all tho popular brands, Cur 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents por yard is without any exception tho host value over c tiered. Linen Handerchiefs,, A Job at 10 cont. These nqairono comment GiVB us a Gall T- 3ROWH & R0DBIG 45 Market St- an 2fc Removal. I ii i vv. UKTttllVEI) from mv old stand on Front street t; the convenient and commo-1 tiious Btr-re on Aiarket street, reeent'y occu 5..a hv f'ant (nnfir. and next Kast of Lip iomflr. whore I will be prooated this Kali t "oiler tho hatdso i est stucS ot goods in iuy lino ever b-ou2lu to W llinmcton. J NO, M. KOB1NSON, gept 7 "ft"cr Cheese. Oheese. TOO Boxes i . ii K A in i; For sa'e by Hall & Peaysall. aept 'J r E rila fiWP.S C r 1 TK1 . . ,, ,n.ivn IjlUHAlil Kl.MJvr Ihinil.lU, At K. S. WAUJl'jCK'S Job Oilke. (1-jt ostin.ates at this olliec'hefore having your -print lag done elsewhere. (Utlic ; ' lie view building.) jy . Steamer Passport rlll'l U IVI T It V V a- r..r. vv ".;. aUr trirs to BciitbTiiis tDU t&, rirff Fort Juoe 'tttb, leaving bsr Wharf footot Calicoes!'' je 21oax-Moa Master and Agent. LOCAL" NEWS. ew AdTfiWisc! sen:. Yat&j Complete Stock I hool Hooks. Altaf7ER, Pbics A Co.--dash, Uoorg.ic T 11 McKoy The Best ooeries, Clyde's Now York Steam tip Lioe F A Schatta Fete Ch tin -ctro. C iiOrtSNTUAL HOO'3 and SuO 3 J Ai W Kiso Stonewall Lodjra I'ukcsll HoiriB Special Inducements P llKiNEiBBOca Piaaoe and Orgt-M HENttV S A vagi City Taxes 1830 Uaxditi Bird FooJ, Ac . Wirdow Glass all sizes at iutfer "& Trt;;b!e3, lK's.e babies, j;ct large by AVhen people bunt for happiness tbey do not want to find fault. ThQ thermometer iu thia office to day, at 3 o'clock, registered 84 degreed. Cordova Poitoflko, on lb.3 mail route between Town Creek and Supply, Las been reestablished. Everybody can get sui-d with a Poeket Knife, also Tabi-j C'utliry, at Jacob I's llardw are Depot- The oonuuetor who divided his eollec tions with the company claimed that it was a fare arrangement. Never looked down upon a man because ofhia occupation. Tho collector of kitch en refusa may bo an offal nice man. Oao case cf drenonkness, which Increase od tho City Treasury to the extent of $5, was all there was for the Mayor's confiid-! eration thia morning. Window Glass of all sizes , Doo rs,S&sh and Blinds,-Builders' DardwaiOjJkc Low rest prices at Jacoui's. John Robinson's circus was in Greens boro on Saturday. Tho ralriot says that it was the best it has seen in twenty years The Menagerie is also' very good. The enormous sale of Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup has had the effect of bricging out numerous similar remedies; but" the peoplo aro not so easily induced to mako a trial of tho now article, wnen tney value tho old and reliable 'one. Dr. Bali's Cough Syrup. Miss Loulao Clarke, of Alabama, a pu pil of Edwin Booth, tho great tragedian is in tho State and proposes to giro an ovontng of readings and recitrtlons in this city at an early date, time and place to bo announced hereafter. Mr. NatbTl Jacobi haviug been appoint ed atrent for the Atlas" 'Flow, 'parties la want of this celo orated riow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Ilard-i ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. Wo bavo ?alroady notod the fact that Qcn. Leach is to speak at Burgaw on Thursday noxt, and wo now learn that F. II. Busbce, Esq., will also address tho people on that occasion. This is an op- portunity which none Ehould neglect. M11.i,v wo. i Cooking and Heat r w . . j i - - a - .. -t u : t . .. r, r I ln,TftLOV03au aiuiusLttuv ticu m aA.yjvii. i Uardware Depot. Is it Possible that a remedy made of such commoD, simple plants as Uops, 15uchu,ManaraKo, wanuouou, cvf ttU"."v" !.... r. n . I uinnlortn CIITIO O J l!nn Bitters do? It must be, for wnen old and n ton c other column; TU irnnnnlAnM rMnltin-r from the o want cf a fractional paper currency Is so so divided as to represent quarters and hat uus the amount detached. Consolidated. The .lUleiah'A'etw and Observer havo mil tl-.o now rin hi iation Utt" .u " 1 .u., r v,.o rt,7 apiHjara uiiuti tut: ljio ui -into c a, v in T' , " andCoh L. L. 1'olfc as Corrcspoudiug LI- .. r 3 0 le's retirement from ced a few days ago. been compelled, by I itor. Mr. i . m. xiaie s reiirciucui iiom Ltno Jicws was announced Wo regret that be has , T 7 w TV ud wo shall miss him. We ari glad, however, that Cap:. Ashe does not relin qubh the holm, but that he will guide tho l jliilcai destinies 01 th.j n-w It consolidated piper. Thev could ut-x be in letter hand.-, : My life was saved by Warner s Safe Kidcey and Liver Cure E. B. La ktiy, 3 Szlmat Ala. Try Hall's Vegetable Silciiiin Hair Kenewcr if you would hive a luxuriant! young, rich and poor, Pastor and Doctor, "Railroad matters of interest wacn Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having haVe been under discussion fjr Eome time hnon rural bv them, we must believo and hv the nrcsidents of Southern iine3 assultw 11 L 1. W Cb .1 I'Jtil IO wwww.w. - ID1' UUit. Ub U1G J atioD at tlio Treasury far obviating it by timore, at whisb tho tollowiog aud two dollar no.S, tho re- were present:) Co!. , , , . , . , , preaideat of the Seaooari, com- vcrse Bides of which, however, shall bo r . . . fcb y geaboird end Roai- vc3. which cau bo torn off and used as road and Riltigh and Augusta ivatiroio; , , . ;i i ,.f .., ...,fa Mr. A. S. Buford. presiaonc ci tnenci- ?Ucu,ieawo5 iu..cui.uu 4 - L; - - co-mpostd Uf the bgal currency, of its original value, mi- nirhmond and Danville Railroad, growth of hair, - he . iiiuc-rats ivfCoIumnti-; The Dj-mocrits f Coiuiri us county assembled . ia Convvuti : sit hitevi.lf, the County' Suit, on Sat'ir.iay 1: -l for tie purpoac ot mtking. ticminatioDS fjr the: county t-nia-rs and to select a IV pre ' scntative fc-r the itrcr h-..Ute t-i ih'j g --r lituie. ilr. I). T. Iiiiii, Carn:- tf (he County Excutivo OjiL-i.'-ittce,' ciUt-u t lit; iiaectin to c-r:cr ty r--j-.oa s - ' II. B. S'iort, of WiOoa:i..i;v t, v. i.iu: to act as temporary L sumiug the Chair, Co!. Short mide a few appropriate remarks, staticg tho object of the meeting oa'd cour.s--::ir:2 barmoi y aud good felling, Viv- ravctii v:rj tlen further organized'- by rt-questiiig . 'Ivi'-srs E. D. Mcared aud G. I). 'Ibu.s-jr. t'.; act as Secret aii'id, Col. Short - was then, upen ac tion, mide perinaiient Chairraau of the meet ing aud. the Convention proceeded io business. Col. T. F. Toon, o f the i!!aat .old 20th N. C. r.cglment, wag chosen a the nominee for the House of Keprcsectatives and in answer to loud calls made -a tslliag speech in which ho gracefully acLnovi edged the compliaent rid accepted the nomination. Sheriff Arch. McCalium was renomina ted for tho same office. For County Treasurer, Captain M. A. Byrne, the present incumbent received tho nomination. Rev. J. W. Dickson was nominated for Register of Deeds and J. V. Thompson, Esq., was made the choice of the Ccavcn tion for Couuty Surveyor, and Thompson was nominated fcr the office of Coroner. Everything wrs harmonious and picas? ant, so cur informant audrf, and business was dispatched with ease and rapidity. Before the adjournmonfef the Conven tion, Col. Short, the Chairman, made an eloquent epecrh in which he predicted aacces3 for our cause in November next, provided, wo worked in perfect har mony, frown down everything l;ko laae penden.tism and put our shoulder to the wheel and work with energy and desr mlnation until the l't ray cf the depart? iug sun has disappeared below the hcri' zon on the 21 day of November, 1880, Tho, time consumed in transacting the business of tha meeting and listening to the speeches did not exceed two hours, when the Convention adjourned sine die. Full Metal an I Walnut Show Gasea, all styles and sues, at Altaffeb, x kick &CoTs Tho Railroad Combination. The Review has been the first and thus far, we believe, the oaly paper in North Carolina to publish, authoritatively, any information relative to the important change in the freight and passenger nian- aement of the R. & D. R. L. and the Atlantic Coast Line. We stated on bat, . ... . . ... ui. V.o rr in An rul nositivo. uruaj man w " j-w..... hv bean eerecd upon and would certainly i j " - . . go into effect on the 15:h met. ihe fol lowiuK. which we find in tho Baltiraore c Friday's dato, will confirm all w haw stated relative to the matter " within the pasi week ci Wednesday in an agreemsnt on the part ct the roads by which freight rates to OC cquauu, uuu u; i t: 1 !-iOi ffinrn fa i . t mn.n tlnr r t ra f s. i r.n , t yva3 con3urauiated at the meet- ly LO L.O UiUl o uu.a - u.u t .v.o PhrmU rn Hot'I. in U:l- QG Kulroad, K.eigh and Gistoa Rail Richmond North Carolina Railroad, aud Char lotte. Columbia aad Augusta; M-srs. TV F Newcomer nd William T. I Woitprs. reDresentiucr the Atlantic Coast I T.lnn whir.h conjnnscs ttiQ " , - . I . 1 .rui pptprahnrtr Kaiiroad. Wiimmg'oa i o , . ma veiaon iuiii, ...0. Columbia and Augusta Kuiroad, aad nt intrrr i. oinere. j. others. The combination ol interests ia to g0 int0 effect cn September lo. Mr. Uaashas been made general freight agent of all the lines, with . a salary of A. Popa will be general passer A nJf nta i a controversy will be settled ft coumiseicn of one frcm each line t ja stated that there i3 no intention to cither advance cr diminish freight charges at thia tiaic.j but ;only to com 3 to tn agreement which wiilt prevent ta3 necei-. sity of the roads 'cuttsng ca:n oncr throats,' and to at the same time reduce expenses, Co!. Robinson went to New I ' . vrt nftpr tte mceimc. JSvo jour money and buy jour lu;. I ina Sur-nlies from Aiiaucr i nw. 7 aln.ilcrous Family. I'i ttr , Leach, who .: t'Cidence-i to., be h iv.g r.t Lumberton on the 21th iatt. is of . - murdsreus' f imily , One cf hid brothers Las already suffered the death pesaity -and dcricg the trial cf IVtcr.aa-eih-.T i rot her slow his victtc. The Lrot'.cr c.-cipc i but lt:r is r.oT iu j ii go weak that he cannot stand up ar.d '-'."ill be hung !j ing down. I)rowr:c:i Vtlriie in a Fit Yest jrdai aUerj o m, ab-rit :J u'j'.o-.v, a coliic 1 -ran wh'i, uv to t.vo' week3 i g wc-s in i h 3 tmidoy of ilrfeorge Jeriiigan at Li;:'cn .fiddle. wa" ix -n wi'h a li, while ?n a ilit iitur P l'ua, a d w.V'e un der the in'dueticij oi the p ;rosysms n''ed o;eib ;ard una bnibre -is's'.aaco ;w!tl reach 1 im was drowned. - We ii.ive betn unibic lo leiru the umi i oi the uaforlu nae mxv, Mr, Jorirgu hiniSeit" inform io U3 thai ho oaly knew him ts Henry. The deceAe'd had recently been engaged in the lilting or lightering bu5ines3 and had made cue trip up the North East rer. A last accounts th ldy h'd v.-d n recovered. County Commissioners. The Board meet in adjourned session this afternoon. Present: Col. Smith, the ChairmaD, and Commiesionera Worth, Grady and Montgomery, The taz books prepared and computed by Col. Jes. G. Buir were delivered to the Board, examined and found orrcct and ordered delivered to the Sheriff fcr collection, the bond given by that official in December I' t being eatisf ictory' to the Board and ho having settled with the State and County for the year 1879, lathe First Ward, Upper Div.sion, Charles W. Stewart was appointed Rega istrar, vice Charles Murphy, and Cbar!e3 Murphy was appointed a Judge of Eleci tion, vie j Charles W. Steward Ia the Fifth Ward James B. Dudley was appointed a Judge of Election, vice Ilenry Green, excused, The Treasurer presented b's annual statement, which wos approved by the Finance Committ .o. , Adjourned to the first Monday in Oc tober, at 2 P.M. Oa the adjournmentof tho Board of Commissi ;ncrs, the Board of Education was called to order. Census reports were received from dis tricts 1, 2 3i 4 aai G ari financial ie ports were received only from the 2d district. By order of tha Board, Chestnut street was made the -dividing lino of tho two dis tricts for tho colored schools . The census for tho distribution cf the school fund for the ensuing year is as fo'lows: No. 1 White, 9 SCG; colored, 1,559. No. 2 Whito, 910; colored, 1,400, jjo. 3 Whit3, 74; colored, 91. Xo. 4-Whlt3. 121; colored, 97. No. C White, S9; colored, 44 G. The Beard th-2n proceeded to the nomu nation of County Examiner lor the ens suing year. Messrs. A. J. Grady and R. W. Chad wick were put in noadnp.tijn' and 'Mr. Chad wick waa elected The Board then adjourned, Public speaking. Messrs John W. Shackelford 'and Wil liam 1 Oanaiay, Candidates for Con gress, will address their fcilow-cltizcns at the following times r.-d place.-: Lisbon, Samp m County, fcopttinbor 17th, 1880. i ' . Clinton, Sampson Couuty, beptcmber ISth, 1880. Blingo, Sampson Cour:ty, September 20th, 1880. LiUington, Harnett County, September 21et, 1SS0. Johnsonville, Harnett Cac";ty, Septem ber 22d, 13S0, Joaesboro, floors County, tseptembcr 23d. 18S0, Carthage, aiooie uoanty, teptcmoer 24tb, 1S&0. Caaje-or, icoro L-oanty, .optemuer 25th, 1S80. Fuvettsjville, Ccmic-iUnd Covuty,. Sep tember 2"tb, I860. Kingsbury, Cumberland Comiy, Sep temher 23th, 1SS0. Rocknsh, Cumberland County, Sjpttm btr 29th, 1SS0. Hollow, BUdea Cuuaty. S ptcun-r COth, 1SS0 ' . E.'isabethtown, Blad.n Coua'y, Ooto Ut 1st, 13S0. .,. Turnbull, Bladea Quaty, Octoa.-r -M, 1880. The speaking will tske plce at 12 o'clock, M., each da. Olhor can hl-Us for Congress are inv.ted to atieni. Sept. 13. d&w. The Chicago Times eays: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly the walks of life. endorsed by mlnutera, juigea, pnyi.ciius surgeons, by men of literary and scholar, ly distinction, and by individuals ia alt !so vv A.dvorti3Dmoats. Pianos and Organs, , JN'TONK F NI.SU AND DURABILITY saperior t) esj ia market. lusic Books M Y. .' HIANS, GuiUrs, Yiolina aad ail ether oal int' uaaente BOOKS. TXKS, MUCILAGE, Gold ens. Peacils. 1 Stationery of every style and variety. For stld at 'sept 13 aEIdULGKK, v A LA RGB STOCK CF Boor3f Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK LUMBER LATHS. &c ' For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFEfi; I'RICl. & CO. Factor?: Office: foot of Walnut eu ant l, ne&r lied Orou at. sept 13 To My Friends and Customers I AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall atocfc of cots and Shocs Con6iiting of all the liikTEST STYLES I My past etock and my enccesa epeak for themselves, and I oaly ask a continuance of your favors so liberally bestowed on me) KjP Please Call and Examine my 0 OStoek as regards Qnality-a and Prices ! -33 No trouble to tliow good. Will be pleased to see you one aad all. Respectfully, Co ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. eept 13 &ip;n of the Show Case. THOMAS H- McKOY, SUCCESSOR TO Boutwriglit & McKoy WISHES IT DISTINCTLY nn- derstood that llO has m StOCk tnOl finest Selection Of both heavy and light groceries ever offered in this market. Those who buy at retail know that they can t do better than with him. To his country friends who buy in quantity he will state ho is able an d will ecII good poods as low as ha who sells lowest. Then why Kfind vnnr orders North when he! can demonstrate to you in a short ixo tco Ju v, -jr wuiuiu In'V-r ' Come and sec him or writo for pricer. Oner aad Liqaar Dealer, eept 13 67 North Front Bt. Now AdvortisemontE. Bird Food, &c- UAYE JUST RECEIVED a fret h jf ply of prepared Uockicd: and Canary Bird Food, a'so a tine waortiHSnt of Toilet JSoa; e, Toilet Powder and Waters 1'xtract?. lc. ' Al! for sale low at J UHARDLVi, Apothecary. se t 13 New Market. StonewaJMe No. 1 K. cf P. i K w or HTONEWALL LODGE are hrrc j natili.d to be present at their "Cattle Hall" M03DA.Y Evening, Sept. 13th, at 8 o'c'ock, as basinees of importance will come- up for their consideration. JAfl. W.KI.VO. sept 13-lt K of R 4 8 Office Treasurer & Collector, City of Wilmington, N. C-, j Sept. 13th, 18S0 City Taxes 1880. fJlHE CITY TAX BOOK for tha jear 1880 is now In my hards for collection" of the Taxes. All parties interested will take notice. . Prompt payment requested. . UENKY SAVAGE, eopt 12 moa-wed sat Treas. A Col. Special Inducements PERMANENT BOARD FOR YOUNG MEN and business men given at PURCELL 110 USE. FETE CHAMPETRE, Oak Grove Park? WMGUTSVILLE SOUND, From 0 to .12 o'clock, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SElT. 1st, 1880. F.'Ae Bcliutte, Manager Table D'Hote Buppllcd with all tho Del . icacies of the season. . Boats for Sailing and Rowing. Still Wai or and Surf Bathing. Music by the Harpers. The' Manager has spared no pains or expense in preparing for this occasion, and can assure all who may at tend that everything w"l bp done to promote the pleasure and convenient of his guests, as it is his intention to make his "EVERY WEDNESDAY" a feature of the Sound. r No objectionable persons allowed in the Park. sent 13 Cape Fear Academy; A CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND Commercial School. Session begirt September 27, 1880. Commodious and cod- XT CkTt nATn teUK all la ia t mr-.vtVAm Arstm known as the 'Meginney School Rooms", on tne corner ct jrourtn ana rr in cess su; Initrnfttinr.g thnFOHiy'h. Prrtrii for TTni. I versities. Fspecial attention also to English. rau corps 01 instructors ihe principal 1 s determined to make this a firrt class School. W. CATLET1, : au 16-oaw7t mon ' Principal. Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, PRINCIPALS. MRS. M. S. CUSHIKG, MUSICAL INSTRUCTRESS. mHE BIX fEEXTH ANNUAL SESS10.V 0fthij BcLool wUl open on WEDNESDAY, OOTORRRgth. Tne course of iostrucUon wiw o tjuct ic and t&orouirn, each pupil receiilosr ia' I ual attention. The traa'ag of rovso fi sthenics and Vocal Mmic without W pil. ih. Krhnnl. Tfl Paintlnr. or Pictareique Drawing, o 1 01 ue BcaooI WU1 D aecommoaaroo or twenty is formed for instruction infthk arts, a liberal deduction in price will be made. A limited number of pupils ean b accom modated with board La the family of one of the Principals. For tersas and further particulars fee fna- dpals. aept 11 MR. J. U. UATiSS, Newepaper Advert New York, b aathorixodto contract fjr ad vertieemeota in the Dailt Rivnw aad Wilt weioa JooaaAL, at our lowest rater ,