rot-' . - ,C)3U. T. J A M Kfl, a '-TyKCRlFTIOJiS, POSTAGE P AID. ... year, $5 00 8 moatfes, $2 50 ; Tbr 5"-voatfci, $1 35 Onemontli.Wccat "-.aper will delivered fcy curriers, r,3 of cbor?ef in any part of the city, at the . re r&tas. or ' ce- - i jTeriisisf rates low and liberal v-S icritxirs -s-ill please report any and iteio receive ineir paper regularly. ;ock ST SQ'DDICK T J i -! , ' i, i & "J iarKet treet, i .-;:.:.!; f IN? 5I H PUHLIO 1 . nt.rA!Iv Wholesale Cah buyers in ar, ticuiar, tht we a-e f ull up wita the ..Cheapest lisis! OF thit h&i ever been olldrel ia thia market NO BUYER visiting thia city will do Mir Mu justice dj pMsmu-r uuu,, j ..... . i - a an I Odods Dry underaellini themarket inmany oftb9reg-lyork ninr stiole lines. We hava m&rkea down au kooqs iu6 uc-i . . . a. -a. v i Iocs to Summer wear and are oflbrinjr, My Special IiBceiei to our patrons. Wo woald call particular attention to the followio? . GENTS' DOGSKIN DRlVlttU uLuVtd J Rightly spotted, 75o. Worth $ 1.50, 1 ! COOS' New Fall Calicoes at all price in Beautiful designs. Steadied aud Unbleached Cottons I Wo have laid in a very heavy stock of the I above and are offering them at lowor figures than over. We havo all the popular brands. I Car 4-4 Bleaching at 10 conts per yard is I wWhnnt anv ezcoDtioa the best value ever I offered, Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These good require no comment. us a Call I ive BROWH &. E0DDICK, 45 Market St. an2S To My Friends and Customers- m I AM WOW DAILY receiving my Fall stoc. of Boots and Shoes, Confuting of aU the IiLTUST STYLES I - N. My past etcck and my success speak for themselves, and I only as a continuance o, your f&vora 83 liberally bestowed on me XT' Please Call and Examine my -H Stock as regards Quality-Q ITT and Prices ! H So trouUe to show goods. Will be pleised to see you one'and all Ite?ectfully, Ca R O SE k3T HAL, 32 Market Street. eept!3 Pin of the Show Case. Adiuiriistrator's Notice. THK UNDERSIGNED having qualified as administrator of George Myers, deeeased, hereby gives notice to all persons holdiac -t.;.h estat to exhibit the rn tn him on or before tho 7th day of Sep tember. A. D. 183 J. k-TSS;-ept 7 oaw-Cw-ta AdmUtrator. Tire IHJcj VOL. V 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Adwrttiwaeaw. I, 8 H Mahhih(, SLertff-State anoT County 01 Taxes 1 - 1 Yates Complete 8tock Behool Books, F A Schutte Tete Cbimpetre The Las I of theSewonl I P HaiMMaeas Pianos and Organs L,, a,, '' Duncaa K Mc Eaveyou beard from Maine? Good morning Mr. G aartielJ. Window Glass ell sizes at AltaCer & Prices. . , T I The Tecelpts of cotton at this port te day foot up 813 bales. - IT l 1 I of Thrfl ist alwavaroomin the wasie-bas- 1 01 - ket for the w ork of the anonymous writer. " W Senator Ben Hill, Qf Georgia, 57 years I old to day. Just in his intellectual prime I , v .t. I The wind got around to the Northwest . .... 1 , 1 1 I I last nigut, anu u j8cuoiuu jh . I Ful styles and at Altaffeb, rmw -Sr. Prt's I w w - . Reaulntor. CaDt. Doane, I r -a - I berQ thta afternoon fr0m New , I . . " , I I 'IVnm am hfaa rrirwl II Til LUU UDIU . UV & 4. n thia iuh nnvenv. noiiiics. uuu tu r- - I Say, stranger, do you know I Blaine of the great State of Maine? Well, I he says it is a great defeat. People show their appreciation 0f most political speakers by applauding them when they stop talking At 3 o'clock to.Jav the thermometer jn this office registered 87 degrees, which b one, degree above Summer heat. T; , u a h II women are augeia r,UJ " - j I , 01irr, a uy over u icuvc iuokru v B tearfully awkward job of climbing? fl-naar covered his bald head and gray hair w ith a laurel crown. Ayeb's Haib Viqcr covers gray heads with the Btil more welcome locks of ycutn. - ... if I diaoovcr them to another, and he reveal secrets; ior u jtu them he is only treacherous by your example. Just bear this maxim in your mind, and before you get very mad:,. It's eaf y I enough to spark a girl, but hard to I t-1 j spars uer uau Window Glass of all sizes , Doors,Sash and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&o, Loyrj, est prices at JacobI's. Republican Delegates. Ward meetings were held last night and the following delegates elected to the Republican County Convention: First Ward Upper Division Q L. Mabson, H. Brewington, H. E. Scott. Lower Diyision Charles Guyer, Fj. Nich ols, J. II. -Ho we. , Second Ward S. II. Manning, 8. VanAmringe, G. E. Berden. Third Ward J. E. Sampson, F. W. Foster, W. K. Price. Fourth. Ward M. Young, J. K. Cut lar, L. Bryant. Fifth Ward J. C. Hill, Nicholas rW. Yopp, Jas. B. Dudley. Mr "Nath'l Jacobi bavins; been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Flow, parties :a .tcant, of thu oelabrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's liara - ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. ' ' a A Cute Thinff. The cutest thing that we have heard of during the campaign was in a bet made Here yesterday between two prominent lawyers in this city. One of these, a gen tlsman whose wit has often provoked mors than a 6mile, even within tho sa cred precincts of a court of justice, bet the other 10 that he could name Gfteen States that would go for Girfield and $50 that onealf of the other twenty threo States would go for Dim also. . The agreement was duly recorded in writing signed and attested and the money was put up. Theroupon the first gentleman mentioned aa the v fifteen States, Mary land, Virginia; West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Flor ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas. Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. Thia left twenty three States, Including Delaware, cn which to decKle the second bet. Of course the first bet is lost air ady, but taking these States out of the way the chances are very good for winnirg tho second, as Garfield ia pretty sure to carry twelve States. Therefore Mr. Blank is sure 0 losing $10 and just about as sure of win nlng 50, which will net him 10 on the transaction. .DlTLI Democratic Kali jr. On Pri,'t r vnninor next tha Democrats iL: 1 ...trWl c.iy .- ana sorcM.gai prucasa.u.1, .m e.... from the stand on Tbird rtreet, tho same which was ued doting mass meetinc held here on tha 24th and awvu v Rie, our dibtisgulslied fdiiow-townfcmao. oneoftbenvsfc gifted of Nrth Caroling many talented sod3, wiU bo the orator ct occasion. To those cf our fellow-citi , ,,rinor tha lecture season of 1878-79 crowded the Opera House to u Ai.n.o.f in a gtricS - .. . lectures we need not remark tuat i-.iere ecture, vc ucc rica mKuaauw.-uw. - thsm. ibnt to tncs?. u a-y i"tr am.. have neyer heaid Ool. MeKao Vce w! I siy, apart from tho duty of the hour, if yen are Democrats you should attena to en r " Jaa eond. lode and JUY 1U5 lo siuuuvuw, , a ftn(i humor mat inO UlaUUgUWUCU Bpiaa.n i " - - .. . u and """""-l ' . country, we say you snouia aneuu . 1 i .11 .1 lr m anfl von will hear Dcmocialic minciDiea expounded in such a preheDsive manner, that he who listecs mav understand, and in a style of oratory ... mi B9Mnd-to no speaker lathe Btate. - . . , 0i i. Ynnriff Men 8 Hansock, JarviS anc oaatik- elford Club will be out with their torches whHe the patriotic members of the excel lent Cornet Concert Club, it is hoped, wjji discourse some of their most delight fal airs during the evening Oor JJemoN will bo amply rewarded by a trip to Wil minvf An TlPTf H rirljw evenins. The campaign waxes warm; cheering news tha farthest Northern WLUVW - State: Maine has spoken. Let us ge ready to send greeting to our ortnern . . . " - . . n i lffl friends, uome one j vxmiu uii ; w. have another real, old fashioned Demo cratic Rally. Another Club in Pender. A large and enthusiastic meeting 0 Democrats was held at Gum, tha voting nrArW.t of daintuck township, render r"" " county, on last S.tnrday, tho 11 h Inst Mr. B. F. Keith, Sr., was called to the chair and Mr. L. O. McDufiaa was re quested to act as Secretary. Messrs. Andrew Moore, J. J. Pridgen Qnd 7. J. Fiinn were elected delegates to the Ouunty Convention which meets a Burgaw on Thursday, the 16th inst The meeting was then entertained with stirring speechss from Messrs. B. F, Keith, Jr., D. J. Corbett, J J Pxidgen and others, after which a Hancock, Jar vis and Shackelford Club was formed with tho following officers: President B. F. Keith, Sr. j Vice Presidents Andrew Moore, M. F. Huffan, J. H. Squires, N. C. Williams, J. W. Hunt. Secretary D. J. Corbett. Assistant Secretary L. C. McDuffie. There was a large number present, and every man on the ground joined the Club, several cf whom" have hsretofrro acted with tho Greenbackers. Our correspond ent assures us that every white man in the township will vote the Democratic ticket. After ordering that tha proceedings be sent to the Review and Journal for publication, the meetiDg adjsurned with three hearty cheers for the Democratic ticket. Day ol Atonement. Tho least observed by oar Jewish citi zens as 'Yom Kippur or Day of Atone ment, falls due to-morrow, the 15 th inst. It is their great fast day, for twenty-four hours. The fast is complete, not even water being allowed. It begins at sunset this afternoon, and with solemn ceremo nials. The beliet i3 that Kosh Hashanah closes the year'a record, and tLecce to Yom Kippur angels scan tnd dispute the record, but on that day the status cf every Hebrew is fixed for trie new year. From the services of that d3y every Jew is be lieved to go Toitb with a conscience pure toward God, having forgiven all enemies and sought aho God's forgiveness for all transgressions. In a newness cf spirit, reconciled to both God and bis fallowmen, he closes the solemnity ol Yom Kippur, which begins with a religious service. The observance of the day is derived from the commandment of the Lord in ths 23d chapter of Leviticus. It wiU b3 strictly observed in this city by those of the Jewish faith. All business vili- ba suspended from sunset this afternoon until sunset to morrow afternoon. Services will be held to-morrow ia the Temple, which will ba open throughout the day, beginning at 10 o'clock. My life" was saved by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. E, B. Lakdy, &chnat Ala. Review. MAINE. n a -r r, n a I The Good News Confirmed A Bad Wa-iiixctov. D. O.. Sent. 14. B r AT I 4.55 P. M. I fSnt-cial to Dailv Review.! Tl, U'st. nAwr lrr,7v MalnA car. ;flrms the rtT' s tho'ront which ihoR-pub iiCins nave ia mat oiato. i "" l!aiBtcd. the Fusion candidate for U .. . :. s, .i.:4 l. Lruvfruur, n ia uiuiuitu ih eiectau oy per i laps 3,000 majority. The Fusionists Bcb. Iso c:aira fonr Congrtsmen. 1 Denver rope last baturday 20 inches but has again fallen off and now the wa-Uba tsr oa tbo shoals d;es cot exceed two and a half feet. This we learn from Oap'ain Bobeson of the steamer Wccc. Unniallables. The following unmailabls matter re mains in the city postofficer White envelope, no address, pjers, Louisa Mitchell, Ruleigh, N. C; J. J. Summerell, Salisbury, N, C; Bryant J. Dudley, L. B. Dudley, Cobbton, N C. Body RccoTcrcd. The body of the colored man Henry, who was drowned from a fiat on Sunday last, an account of wh'.ch was published this mnrninn- near the snot where the nn I fortunate man fell overboard, at Hilton. Coroner Hewlett summoned and eaipan- nelled a jury of inquest to sit upon the body. Wo have not at this present writ ing learned the verdict, but presume it will be in accordance with the facts al ready stated accidental drowning. ' You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi Hardware Depot. apom iaeai aiemuveu. Fiv3 barrels and ono tierce of spoilt mnat; wprnssnt nnt nf tha limits bv 'TtZ and was stored in the W., C. & A. Rail- road;depotat .bipper-s riband expoose where it remained, owbg to some hitch about tho consignment, until the meat became spoilt, when Mr. Yopp, the agent, had it removed, as abovastatod. Everybodycanget suited with a Pocket' Knife, also Table Cutlery, at jacobi s Hardware Denot- List of Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wednesday, Sept. 15th: A Victoria Arthur, Spencer W Ambros, Amsley Aiken. B Florence Ballard, ifranKiin iseasiey, miss Etta Bonitz, miss Anna Brown, mrs B F. Bryant, mrs Dempsey Barnes, Patrick urown, uwea uuuu, uuu owauiu, w Battle, Mtra isroaanursc. C M A Campbell, Saml Cowan, Delsie Collins, H C Cantweii, mrs Margaret A Corbett. D James Davis. E Miss Rose Erambeit. F D M Fennell. G Jno Giles, Peter Gardner, Charles Graham. II U C Habenight, Henry Holmes, Hi lard Hunter, Jno Henderson, Jno H Hankins, Jsm Hall, P Horgens, (colored) Walter Hall, Wm Howe, AnnaHuggins, Jane Hill, miss Mary Houston, Mary Hankins, L G Hall. J W M Johnson, J W JordaD, Jesse Jobson, Lizzie Jackson. K Jno R Kerr, Mary Kelly. L Isabella Loitin, mrs Lewis, Eliza Lucas, Patrick Linahan, W A Linahau, a W Liawrence. . M- Patrick McNeil. Charlotte Mc- NTfijl Doll v Malovd. C A May. Ella Mason. Fannie A Mott, Bryant McMiI lan, Dickey Mallard, Edward Morries, G L Moselsy, Jno Montgomery, J D Mal lard, Wm T McRae. La wis G Nixon, Charles Nichol ton, Prince Nixon. p Robt Petteway, Jo3eph Pickett, M C Parker. R P Pinner. -R Wm Robeson, Saml Richardson, Eliza Rowan, Catherine Robeson, J b S Robt Svreat, H S Sweat, Edward Smith. . , T Chas W Tillett, Robt Taylor, Jno T Taylor. V Liztie Van. W S H Wairick, Geo West, Boaan na Waddeil, Millie Williams, Kate Wil Hams, Anna Williams; Alfred Williams. Y O G Yates. Peroons calling for letters in above list say "advertised"; if not claim- eA in 30 days will be sent to dead letter OfSce, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. wummgiou, A, v., County, N. C. Try Hall's Vegetable Silciiiaa Hair Renewer if you woald have a luxuriant growth of hair. 173 Arrest or a Confidence Man Fd'er Croorti, colored, a professlenal thief and sharper, : was arrested this after- ' , noon, about 2 o'clock, on North vater frt f Tia ntril TTmisa TtrrJirA TiA wHl .tTlt I am a v buu viuuiu aAvtt'y a inagisLeml investigation of the eisme ot larceny, with wLich Iks is chaiged. The prison it seems, has a sharp way of fiOirC '. hi llOUSfS if 60016 of 0Uf ClU z : :S the' absence of :hi head ol ilw h k of lliu lionsfl - Mr. Smith or Mr. J-.nes, her husband, 14, 1880. had boush some houev down street andspernr - hut it ii I rii li ir I nri iiumnfiiiii). it iiiriiw to have them filled. In this way, he played eff on Aldermsu L II. Bowden J from Alderman Bo vdeu's premise. He o . , ... Jn ft manner, on . Mr. William wst.. of th Cimrnproinl TTnPl bar. To - day, however, unfortunately for the - prisoner, ha carried another lot of demi johus to theBame place for sale where he had offered Mr. Bwden'a last week, and the proprietors cf the store, who had al ready been informed of his loss by Mr. B., sent for Mr. Bowden at once and un der pretence of quibbling about the price of the demijohn detained the rogue until Mr. Bowden arrived with a policeman, when the confidence man was taken nn- der arrest. There are already ono or two Magla-1 trate'a warrants out for the arrest of 1 ll.ftnm nHi wx9t m tr si rmn t v Anna OTrtrtr several months in the Work House for stealing magnolias trom Oakdale Ceme tery. Another G aarfield vote gone up. Last of the season- Mr. Schuttd announces that the last Fete Champetre of tho season will be given at Oak Grove, on Wrightsville Sound, tomorrow evening. 4 Unusual preparations will bo made for the enter tainment of those who mav be . present as ifc detjired cloging night (haU ba tbo mo8t Bnccegsfai 0f the season. The I :n t. i ..n i j i rh0 PrP06e 10 d'118 af'Cr - ' aJ fioS?."" bottle ot Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup relieved the trouble at once. 25 cents. There are two ways of going through cms woria. une is to mase tne Desi of it, and the other is to make the worst i 0f it. Those who take the latter course I , , , e wuih uaiu tut uui pa( New Advertisements. State and County Taxes,1 1880. rTIHE TAX BOOK3 ARE NOW READY. a. Pay your Taxes promptly and save costs. Ail property on which Taxes are unpaid November first, w ill be advertised. 8. H. MANNING, ; Bheriff sept 14 2tnao FETE CHAMPETRE, AT 1 WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, Fmm-n t 19 r.vwv TOwnNTRsn AV w-,. EVENING, SEPT..15tb, 1880. The Last of tha SeasoD. F, A. Sclmtte, Manager. Table D'Hote suppHed with all the De' icacie3 cf the season. Boats for Sailing and Rowing. Still Wa'er and Surf Bathing. Music by the Harpers. The Manager has spared no pains cr expense in preparing for this occaden, and can insure aH who may at Uad lblt erjlhtaS will be dore I " of his gusts, as it is his Intention to make ma "H,vsttx wiiujUAl' a fiiimel rti. a liberal deduction in price will be ofthe Sound. No objectionable persons allowed In the . "I For terns asd further ptrtlculan see Prin- Pwt sept 14 lelpals. septU PLEASE NOTICE. We will be g 1 ad to receive eommunieatloci from our friends on aay and all , tnbjeot c general interert but : The name of the writer mast always be far Dished to the Editor. Oommunleatlons mast be written? on onl one side of thejapr. - Personalities dvi voided. And it is especially n srucalftrlylcnder stood that the Editor f a not always eadort e the views of correpoa Jurtj calentp Ut? In the editorial o: a tens. KTow Advertissments. Bird Food, &e. J HAVE JD8T RECEIVED a freeb supply of prepared Mocking and Canary Bird Food, alto a fine assortment of Toilet Soa;, Toilet Powder and Waters' Extract?, c. Al! for sale low at J. H HA RDIN'd, Apothecary, sept 13 New Market Piauos aad 0rgans9 JN T"V;. p NISH AND DURABILITY pbj it rcarket. iWlUSlC BOOlCS EL0D1LSB, Guitar, Violin, an I all oer mu-4cal instrument. 23 LANK BOOKS, TNK3. MTJOILXGE. Gold P. prii. 8utl0nery l3L'll Md TritJ-; sept 13 MEINSBEIiGEK'd A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KIHDS OF MILL WORK LUMBER LATHS. &c. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFEB, PRICE; & UO. Factory t office: rpt ,U ffMar.Bed Orosi st. THOMAS H- McKOY, SUCCESSOR TO BoatwrigIi& Mcltoy WISHES IT DISTINCTLY tin- I . finest selocUon of both heavy and OYOV offered in this woV rnu , , x market. J.H0SC wno buy at retail tnow ttat ttey do bcter than l i To his country friends who buy in quantity ho "will stato ho is able and will eoll good goods as low as he who sells lowest. Then why send your orders North when ho can demonstrate to you in a short time that you can )juy from him lower ? Come and see him or writo for prices. THOS.IH. IVIcKOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, 6 A 7 North Front8f. sept 13 Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, PRINCIPALS. MRS. M. s. gushing; MUSICAL INSTRUCTRESS. rpHE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL 8E831U5 of tkls Bchool will open on WEDNE3DAY, OOTOBEE 6th, 18S0. The course of instruction will be rritemit I ic and thorough, each pupU receiving Individ I nal attention. Tha training of tan a e.hUA. I ren, atpeelality. It hand drawing', Cal- SSrT ..." . I Pupil, for the above BehooU of Muile. I of te HehooL will be aeeommcdatad with I convenient hours. Where a class of fifteen made. A limited number of pupil can beaceam- mrwYitAi with twiArd ia lha fimllv nfmi. f 1 tne Prineipala.