THIS PAPER bUli.KiPTIOFOSTAOB PAID 3 . 1 25: 02s month, 60 oenU.. rx, p6?, -,- will bs delivered by carriers, JArehargc, in aay Pt of, the city, at the b-e rate, or 13. cants per idT-rtwia rates low and liberal Ssbseriberi vili please report aay and - uMur.-to roeciTeihcir papers regularly. OCct. RODDICK 45 Market fetrset. n rt! -tK T IN IHE PDBLK tnerally ar.d VYbol a.o ( ah buyers in -articular, that we a -a fuli up with the oodls that bas ever been otfered in this market wn TiTTVEK. Vnitinar this citv will do him salt justice uy passing uur j underselling tbe market iaminy of tat reg ular Staple line. We have marked down all goods that be-' : 1 - . long to Hummer wear and are onering any I to onr patrons. We woaldcill particular attention to tte j following ' , GENTS' DOGSKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, alicoes ! Nw Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful tidsigas. r Bleached and Unbleached Cottons J Wehavo laid in a very heayy stock oftna above and are offering them at lower figures than over. We hare all the popular brands. I Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Handercliiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These gooda require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROWN & RODDICK, i 45 Market St. an 28 TO iJy FrienClS and Customers- I AH SOW DAILY receiving my Fall stock of Soots smd Shoes, Consisting of all the L.&.TSST STYLES I My paststocx and my success speak for thsmselves, and I only ask a continuanoe oj your favors s 3 liberally bea'owed on me ( OT" Please Call and Examine my -0 OSStock as regards Quality aad Prices ! 23 No trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you one and all. Bespectfullj, C, ROSENTHAL 32 Market Street. sept 13 Sijrn of the Show Oaxa. AdiiiiuistratoT's Notice. THE UNDERBIONED having qualifled as administrator of George Myers, deoeased. hereby gires notice to all persons bojding claims against the said estate to exhibit the same to him on l or before the ' VdaP- teoaw-tuU yffi8Sr. ; Li 7-C i 3 Or SD6C1Q1 r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1880. 174 cheap Reading ! i Tor tho Campaign. 'Tha Daily Rxvkw, to Dec. 1st, for $1.00! . " The WiLsnsaToN Joust al, to Dos 1st, for 60 cents! . Tha "WruciKaTOH Joubxal, published Tery Friday, g3 11 ol tho ntwi of tte week! - The -DAiL)t Rsyiew. iublish?d rery afternoon, gives the news of t be day acd tbe latest mirbet reports. Address Jon. T. Jamej, Wilmineton, N. C. LOCAL NEWS. . New Advertisements. Noatbbop A Ccuame For Bale. Atkihsob 4k Makhino- Underwriters Sale of Lumber. Yatxs Complete 8tock Sohool Books. FA Bchutte Fete Ghimpetre The Last of the Season I P HamsBiaoaa Pianos and Organs I His Honor, Mayor Fisabkt', held no Court to-day. Did the man who returned after mmy days gt them? Making political capitoal assessing the officeholders. Any girl with an '.Income of 850000 a year has a neat figure. Lota of youDg men about town talk stocks but do not own a dollar. Evervbodvcan tret suited with a Pccket &.mie, also raDie irauery, at u awol o war . m m v 1 . . A, T" A iTIT'O Hardware DeDot. The smaller the calibre of the mind the greater the bore of a mouth open perpetually. Full Metal and Walnut Show Oases, all tvlps and sizes, at ALTAFFEE, PBICE & CO'3 The recent picnio season has forever shattered the delusion that all women are small eaters. Rivals who blow each other's heads off fer the eyes of any woman, prove that they have no brains. The Treasury Department hare de- cided that silver coin shall ' ba sent by mail, but in sums not larger than $100, Trv Hall's Veeetable Silcillan Hair Renewer if you would havo a luxuriant growth of hair. When milk sours scalding will ' render it sweet again. The whey separates from the curd, and the former is better I. than shortening in bread. Window Glass ofall sizes . Doors,Sa.8h and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,&ot Low est prices at Jacobi's. A certain minister prayed for those 'who are smitten with illness, and those who have gone a fishing, and also-those ioo lazy to cress ior cuuruu.- T r n.;i be present at Burgaw to-morrow and ad- drs83 tbe .People. The Pender County Wo have no news to-day from Maine, although we hal every reason to expect a special. Our correspondent failed us,, although we waited on him until 5 o'clock Caasar covered his bald head and gray hair with a laurel crown. Ateb's Hair Vioob covers gray heads with the stii more welcome locks of youth.. The corner stone of St. Stephen's new brick A. M. E. Church, now being erec ted at the northeast corner of Fifth and Red Cross streets, will be laid ou Mon tfee 27th jD8t wJth appropriate cere- monies. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ui'dtovesat almost any price at Jacobi Hardware Depot. Itis no man duty to deny himself everv amusement, every luxury, every rscreation, every comfort, - that he may get rich. It la no man's duty to make an iceberg of himself, to shut his eyes and ears to the sufferings of his fellows, and deny himself tbe enjoyment that results from generou actions, merely that Le may hoard wealth for his heirs to quarrel about. The. Chicago Times says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure U highly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians Burgeons, by men of literary and sc holar ly distinction, and by individuals in all he walks of me. Mr Naih'l Jacob i having been annnlnt- ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties la want of celebrated Plow can now 3 their orders filled at Jacoci's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. ji The Siar and the 11- R. Combination. The Star has -waked up at -'est and. found out about ten dajs or two weeks after the publication of the fact :a the Revibw all about tho railroad combina tion which was perfected by tccn holders of the different. 1 ws -n.e .ito Since in - Baltimore, and wY.j'i n :j;,c- aent goes into ettey, to-day. v - :' gratulate our neigh'o r upoa vutir- prlse in at last givicg pubiij-.tke t a matter Which concerns thj iaiererf el Wilmington very nearly tut which ginerally wrll kcown ih'ougboai lie State before the Star waked up to u.c importance of thf fact, and which, m rn reliable and trustworthy iuijrai-ition, tie R a view had given iu ti-'i wt r!d near y two weeks ago, all of which Lua bctn oopied tiom the Review ia dlffc-rciit pa pers in tLis and other Sutoa So that not only has the Keview enlightened the pablic of Wilmington with regard to one of taemojt important railroad combita tloaf ever entered into within the limits of the State, but tho people in other loc al Itles throughout North Carolina have, through the medium of the Review, teen also informed upon the S3me 6ubjsct, In matters of this kind, where the interests of Wilmington are eo nearly concerned as in the matter of thU railroad combina tlon, our readers will find the Review in tha future, as m the past, an autheatio source from which to obtain the latest and most reliable in formation. When facts become known upon important . matters of the kind, as they have been through the coin umns of the Peview, then we remark up on the advantages and benefits likely to accruo to our port, but we scrupulously avoid indulg ing in 8pccnlativo expressions as to tho merits or effects" of any propos ed arrangement, unless we accompany such expressions with a full and inter eating account of tho facts in tho case, certainly if v a. waited until ten days after the news had been published to the world, we would be very loth to express any opinion at all, and would rather seek to apologize for our unpardonable neg lect to our readers, in not giving such im portant information before.rather than in dulge a sneer at those who may have been more enterprising. Upon second thought however, wo will not commit ourselves to an opinion upon a matter of this kind aa we hardly know what would be our course of conduct in such a case, never having been placed in a position where we were so derelict in giving to our readers full and late accounts of such important occurrences or. transactions os this great Railroad combination.and which any sane man must see, from tho very nature of the arrangement, is so pregnant with bene ficial results to the merchants, business men and roal estate owners of Wilming ton. - . Important. Do not let your Druggist palm off on you any new, cheap remedy for colds when you inquire for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup or you will be disappointed. Price, 25 cents a bottle. What N ewspapes are Published For. Some people have an idea that a pub lisher publishes his paper for almost any thing but to make money. In facr, this class of people is very numerous too numerous for the good of the newspaper fraternity. Compliments are, very ac ceptable, and thanks cheer tho publisher, but bread and butter Is what be an his family live upon. Publishing is a busi ness just the same as manufacturing or keeping a store. A manufacturer or storekeeper would think a roan crazy ha came into his cfBco every little while, and after complimenting his goods, asked him to give him a few of them. This is just the kind of customers the publishers must expect to deal more or less with six out of seven days in tho week. We are not speaking of men who are advertisers and who have bought a right to some privileges in the paper. We are speaking of that immense class of dead heads, who send a six cent puff of their business in a three cent envelope, closely written on bothides; ind of another numerous class who are'eonstantly dropping in, or drop ping it in on the publisher, in littla drib lets Jsandwiched in between a smile and a compliment and a mustard seasoning of cheek. The sooner these people find cut that every inch of a publisher's space is so much money to him, the sooner wili publishers see a little profit in their busi ness. 7 - ' My life was saved by Warner's tiafo Kidney and Liver Cure. E. 27. Lakd.y Silma, Ala. KETIEW. dominated for the Senate Mr. S. P. Tharp, of Brunswick, h e received tbe Demccratic nomination of Stale Senator from the counties of BruLS wick ar;d Bladen. Mr. Tbarp is said to be a. very popular gentleman and it is j thought will poll the full party veto. Good Hauls i iJi I.f r fisheri s,on 13 aM LleaO, rc na ' ViZ y. ilb y,ood success tLis ye-r. On Monday they pulled in 20 barrels ot uisl 1 its, and yesterday they euccecded in get ting 30 barrel?. We are lad to k:ow that all ilia fisheries on the coa3t are d n n: v. t j.', and that t ic Dosher seines are surprising their fxpectatiors. 3Iacistratt:'3 Court. Frances" Moore, colcre3, was arraigned bsfuio Justice Gardner upon a peace warrant this morning and placed under bond of $50 to keep tbo peac3. Liura Ilaggett, colored, was arraigned b fora the 6ame Justice of the Peace :p on a charge of willful t res pa" un.l in do fau't ( f of payment A tiuy a .d c. s ii in ths case, wa3 committed. The Telegraph and tne Railroads. The report of Messrs. D. G. Worth, Jno. D, Taylor and M. Cronly, the Commissioners appointed to decide on the matter in controversy between the W. & W. and W. C. & ATRailrcad?, and tbe American Union J Telegnrph Company, have rendered a decision which will be found below. It is as follows: State cf jnorth Carolina, New Hanover County, . In Supericr Court, Sept. 15, 1880. The American Union Telegraph Co, vs. The Wilmington and- Weldon R. R. Co. The Commissioners, M. Cronly, D. G. Worth and John D. Taylor, appointed to "ascertain and determine the compensa tion which ought justly to be made" by the American Union Telegraph Com pany to tha Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road Company in the above enti tled cause, having heard the evidence and the argument of Counsel, met on Tues day, the 14th day of September, 1880, (all being present) and after due delibera tive the undersigned, a majority of the Commission (M. Cronly dissenting) re spectfully make the following report: They find the amount to bo paid by the said Telegraph Company to the said rail road company to bt ea thousand, eight hundred dollars. In coming to this con c'usion they endeavored to ascertain what the right ot way over the land would be worth for the most available purposes to which it could be put. They Knew of nothing for which it would b3SO valuable as for telegraphic purposes. They then endeavored to ascertain what was its value tor such purposes. From their in terpretation of the contract between between fctha Western Union Telegraph Company and the Wilmington & Weldon R. It. Co., the said Telegraph Company, only pays in money to tbe said K. Ji. Lo. an annual rental of four (4) dollars per mile, the balance of tho -tourteen men tioned, viz ;Ten dollars'is paid in tele graphing, which, withother telegraphic arrangements, are counterbalanced by free transportation of mehjand material of the said Telegraph Company. The said American Union Telegraph Company '.cllered to the said Railroad Company to pay to it four (4) dollars- per mile annual .rental. Thus the two tele graph companies have fixed the market value for therental. The length of the said railroad is one hundred aud tixty-two miles. The annual rental then wouid be, at four (4) dollars per mile, six hundred and foriy..eight dollars. Six hundred and forty.eight dollars being the interest on, ten thousand and eight hundred dollars thev have fixed that turn as a just compen sation to be paid by the laiutiff to the defendant. The evidence 13 herewith submitted. D. G.,Wobth, Jso. 1. Taylor. 1 The same decision will hold good, pro rata, as regards the W., C. & A. R. R for the G7 miles of road of which are in North Carolina, and therefore coming under tbo actionof th9 Commissioners- Ths W. & W. R. R in North Carolina is 1C2 miles, and the pro rata ia there fore casliy calculated. It is understood that the American Union will appeal against this decision and that they will apply to Judge Gudger, in Chambers, for a new commls sion, failing in which they will pay the costs and withdraw the fuit, and then we will have no new telegraph in Wilmington. Tho third and dissenting member of the Commission is M. Cronly, Esq. The News and Observer of yester day's date, says; Mr. Paul C. Cameron has just returned from Virginia, where be saw Bishop Atkinson, at the old Sweet Springs The health cf the venerable Bishop hia somewhat improved, but is yet precarious. He hopes to go to Ashe viile and spend tha month of October there.- Window Glass all sizes at Itafier & Price's. t Not Generally Known. It -s net genera' Iy known that if a $1 greenback is neat y cut in two each of the halves is good for 50 cents at ihe Federal treasury. Th same process can be car ried on till the I ill s divided into tenths, without injuring the aliquot value of its pari?. has beeu euggestad as an easy way o: ;inin Email eums to send by mail now ihat tho extremely convenient fractioml currency bas disappeared; but it is not likely to be general;y adopted, a Lali-boto being an awkward thing to pass except at a bank - DICD. gUtEIlAN In this citVt this morning, of typHoid pneumonia, MARGARET, daughter of John and Ann bhihan, age l 15 years,' 9 m onths and 17 dais Tbe frinds and acqutinUnces ot the taml ly are respectfully iarited to attend the fu neral tomorrow (Thursdav) morning, at 9 o'clock, from the residence corner Eighth and Chestnut streets, thence to St. Thomas' Catholic Church, and from tbence to 8t. Thomas' Catholic Cemetery. "May sl-e re t in peace " 1 tar copy. Now Advertisements. For Sale, rpaAT ELEGANT BUILDING LOT ca Third avenue, oppoaite the residence of M. Cronly, Esq. Also a valuable lot on Third street known as the old "Harries lot." Terms easy. Apply to NORTHROP & GUMMING. septl53tnao Underwriters' Sale of Lumber. QN FRIDAY, I7th insU, at 13 o'clook, M., we will sell at auotion the entire cargo of Lumber saved from the wrecked brig Fred B. Rica, now on the beach of Topsail Bound, about one mile north or Topsail Inlet. At same time will sell also the said wreck ed vessel and all the rigging and materials saved from her. This lumber and wrecked materials ban be readily transported by smallVvessels to Wil mington or elsewhere. i sept 15.2 1 Underwriters' Agents. State and County Taxes, 1880. rpHE TAX BOOKS ARE NOW READY. . Pay your Taxes promptly and save costs. AH property on which Taxes are -unpaid November first, will be advertised. S. H. MANNING, Shetifff sept 14 2tnac Mortgagee's Sale. gY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS contained in a certain deed of mortgage ex ecuted on the 21st day of February, 1878, by wuuam campson ana wire Mora, to Joel w. Woolvin, registered in the Register's office of New Hanover county, la Book N If N. page 689, Ac, I will sell at publio auction for Cash at the Court House door, ia tha city ot Wilmington, on Monday, tne lltadajoi October, 1880, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the fol lowing lot is said city : Beginning ia the Southern line of Fanning street 82i feet West from the intersection of Anderson si, thence West on Fanning street, 82) feet and runring South 68 feet being part of lot 1, Block 269, official plan of Citrof Wil mington. E. B. MARTIN, Attorney for Mortgagee, sept 8,15,22,29&09. - FETE CHAMPETnEj , . AT. Oals Grove Par&7 WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, From 0 to 12 o'clock, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. lCtb, 1880; The Last of the Season. F. A. Schutte, Manager Table D:IIo .e tujplicd w'.tb aU the Deli icacies of the season. Boats for SalliDg and Roiug. Still Water and uxf Bathing. Music by tbe Harpers. The ilanajer has spared co pains cr expense in preparing for this occatiori and can anre all wbo may at tend that ev.rythin' will be done to promote the pleartu e and coLvenlence of his guests, as it is his intention to male his "EVERY WEDNESDAY" afcfiatnre of the Sound No objectionable persons allowed in the Park. 'septH PLZABB NOTIOE. e will beg? ad to receive eommunicstioai from our friencf on aay and all subjects ffeaeral Interest but: Ta aaat of the writer mast always be fnr aUhodto the Editor. Oommaaleation cut be written: on onlr oae aide of thepapar Personalities mui voided. And it is especially a mu tarticularij under stood that the Edft-. 1 not always endorse the riewf of corrr.-Ko Jt u vrM m tt i ia the editorial columns. Mfcw Aa vqrtlsements. Bird Food, &c. HAVK JTBKCEiVBD afrcihEUFfly of prepared Mcckirg and Canary Bird Food 0 a fine assonmant of Toilet Hoa-s Toiul saJeWlow af W tXil' ' J H'RniVi?, Apothecary, "ert 13 New Market. .10 , aad Organs, JNT.. . k SN! AND DURABILITY period to any ia market. VI usic Books jyELODIANS, Guitars, Violins an i all other mu ical instruments. BLliK BOOKS. TNKS, MUCILAGE, Gold Pens, Peacils, X Stationery of everv stvle and variety For sale at P 1 HEINSBERQER'd A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, ! AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK -LUMBER, LATHS. &c. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PRICi & CO. Factory! Office THOMAS W. MnTrnv SUCCESSOR TO Boatwrightif& McKoy; WISHES IT DISTINCTLY un derstood that Lg has in stock tho finest selection of both heavy and light groceries ever offered in this market. Those who buy at retail know that they can't do better than with him. To his country friends who bny m quantity ne will state he is ablo and will sell good goods as low as he who sells lowest. Then why send yonr orders North when ho 1 ... can aemnrfitrotn frt i w m can Day fr0m lower ? Oome and see him or write for prices. thos.;h, incKOT, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, 6 A7 North Fronts'. sept 13 Female School. MISSES BITER & JAMES, PRINCIPALS. MRS. M. S. CUSHING, MtJSICAL INSTRUCTRESS. rjlSE B1XTEENTH ANNUAL 8E831CN of this School will open oa WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1840. The coarse of Instruction will be trite nut icand tborouffh. each budII rM.!nnTt.:.:j ual attention. The training of todmo ehild- '" Viuij. r nana drawing, Cal isthenici and Vocal Mosic without extra charge. Pupil, for the above Schools of Vtuic. fiiBuag, w ncturecqae drawing, outside of the ttchool, will be accommodated with convenient hour. Where a class of fifteen i.u-i w luiHicu ,or uuirucnon in the arta, a liberal deduction ia price will be made. AHmJt!i.utt?l6ri,f.P,,Pilf beaccom SfpdpaU. of oae of l tMB" aad farther parUculan see Prin V1 sept 11 ':,