TH18 PAPER ;S oaoliebed very Afternoon, Sudsy r -!t-p:sl by JO an. T. JAMES K'-HTOH AND PKOPEXETOK. - L- L':C III PTI ON3, POSTAGE PAID." to year,f" 00 Six months, 52 50 j Three i-oithi, $1 Oqe month, BO cents. ffee parser will be delivered by carrier, of charge, in any part of the city, at the M.-jve rite;, or 13 cent per week, i !-eri:;ir;r rates low and liberal 's-Hibcribers will please report any aad rsiiuresto receive their papers regularly. We will begad to rew fro a oar frianda on aiy ana-v general Interest but 1 . rtv . Ta nam of the writer must always bff... nlahed to the Editor. : . ? Ooafflcalgattons gist be written; on otlj oae side of thepaper- ; Personalities maxie:- voided. And it Is eapecUTly a particular gander ttood that the Editor t tci cut always endori e the views of correspoadUata, tales 10 tatd la the editorial columns. JLLJ VOL. V .WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1880, NO 176 daily lock. gflDWN- & RODDICK 49 mariset street. D' (E3ItlE TO INFCHU THifi PUBLIC c-nerally and Wholesale Ca3h buyers in t ar ticular, that we are full up with, the icapost lysine ! OP ' that bai ever been offarei in this market NO BUYER visiting this city will do him self jsstice by passing our door, as we are underselling the market la many of the reg alar Stiple lines. We hare marked down all goods that be lor g to Summer wear and are offering ' to cur patrons. We woild call .particular attention to the following GENTS' COG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.60, coes ! New Tall Calicoes at all prioes In Beautiful i - assigns. Bleached aufl Unbleached Cottons I We have laid in a very heayy stook of the above and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We have all the popular brands. Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the bast value ever offered. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These goodj require no comment. ive us a Call BEOWH & EODDICK, 45 Market St. au28 - To My Friends and C u stonier s- I ABSOW DAILY receiving my 5 all stock of iBoois and Slioes, Cos&iatinf of all the . LATEST STYLES 1 My past stock and my success speak for themselves, and I only ask a continuance your favors so liberally bestowed on me CP" Please Call and Examine my 0 n"?"tftoV nn Tpcrorrla O.TinHtir Tl ITT" and Prices t Q . No trouble to thow goods. Will be pleased to see you one and all. Respectfully,. 6. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. eept 13 8ign of the 8how Case. Winberry Oysters THE FINEST OF Dozen, Qwtor Gallon, at.: JOHN CARROLL'S, Market st Or Ooods any SMial mmm sept 15 CHEAP BE ADinG ! For the Campaign. The Daily Ratrsw, to Dec. let, fcr $1.00! ' ' - i r 1 - Tbe WiioiraaTon; Jouftxu. to Dee 1st, for 50 cents! The WriiMiNQTos JcumiUj, published every Friday, gives all of tbo news of the week! . 1 , The Daily BevibW, published enrj afternoon, gives the news of the day end toe latest market reports, i lj f:i- I Address i Josh. T. James, Wilmington, N. O. LOCAL. NEWS. New Advertisements. First Ward Democratic Club, Attention ! P HsiasBaaeaa School Books Y atm Complete Stock School Books. Mr. John H. Allen is now keeper of the Oak Island Light House. There' is a city ordinance prohibiting the sale of! gaapea on Market between Front and Second streets. Everybodycan get salted with a Pocket Knife, also Table. Cutlery, at Jaoobi's Hardware Denot- , When a grkaldla gives an enter tainment! from the top of a wall it Isn't the cat we object to It's the waul. Window Glass ofall sizes, Doors,Sash and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,&o. Low est prices at Jaoobi's. 1 A rnUkman .was very angry yesterday because a customer bought a quart and hen told him to chalk it down. - j ; 1 Try Hall's Vegetable SUcillan Hair Renewer if you would hayo a luxuriant growth of hair. 1 Elopements are becoming - fashionable A hores ran away a day or two since with one of th6 oldest maids in this city. Yon can buy No. I Cooking and'Heat IngjStovesat almost any price at Jacobi Hardware Depot. There has been a better supply of rice birds la the market this season than has baen known for the past fifteen years. The imitation frogs now worn as or naments by the ladies are rather sug gestive of the leap- year, now so rapidly passing away. . Quito a large number of enormous sized sanfish were captured on the beach yesterday orning and sold In market last evening. Their weight would aver age six pounds each. , Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jaoobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st: A greater variety of fish have been caught hereabouts this seaeon than has ever been known before. It is thought that they are attracted by the breakwater at New Inlet. Lobster have also been seen on the rocks, and it is possible that in a short time lobster will not be a rarity in this market. . , . The Chicago1 Times says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians surgeons, by men of literary1 and scholar ly distinction, and by individuals in al be walks of life. i . A Statistician (batchelor of course,) insists that courtships average thee tons of coals each, and we would, add, scores of bad coughs and colds; but then every prudent gallant is provided with a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough 'Syrup. Price. 25 cents. ' 1 1 ' Flakes for the Ladles. Short redingotes are again worn. High back combs are no longer worn. Polka dotted stockings are much worn. Bead embroideries retain their: popu larity. Cardinal and old gold remain fashion able. Derby hats never go entirely out of vogue. . Ophelia ia a new dark shads of helio trope. ' Crown braids and puffs have gone out of date. Gold and tinsel will be as fashionable as ever. - . - French and India costumes will again be worn. . Dotted fabrics are growing in . fashion ble favor. The new coif ares are all very flat and smooth. Short dresses are worn on all sorts of occasions. A cord with tassels, is considered more stylish that a belt with woolen dresses. - The store under tin old Holmes Hotel is being fitted up for Mr. T. H. Smith, who purchased it a few months ago. There Is now about thirty inches, of water on the shoals near Fayetteyiire Navigation is now comparatively easy though the water is failing slowly. Mr. B. J. II. Ahrens and faxily who have been on a visit for the past four months to the 'Old Country' returned to the city last night. The steam tug Blanche arrived in pert this morning; she left here some months ago for the rivers cf Maine j but has re turned to embark ia the towage of this river this season. ' 1 The rice crop in this section -of the country is said to ba very fine. The planters commenced to cut their crop about the 10th Inst and it is now thought that it will yield about fifty thousand bushels. 1 1 Messrs Fletcher Manning and Duprey, Fred. B.! Rice and Julius B. Penny left for New York on the steamship Regula tor this morning. . As the steamer pass ed the city her passengers jwero saluted by the steam tugs In port. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Pbick &Co's - , 1 1 ' ,. City court.! Mayor pro tern Bowden held a levee this morning. His first case was one of Infelicitous conjugal affection, Grace Waddell and her other halt Cato Wad dell came to blows when the gentle Giace bawled murder and a plumbed knight appeared and marched them off to the Sta tion House. They were released upon ths payment of costs, A yosng man from the country who broke Dr. ScharffV show glass was re quulredto pay the damages.1 This end ed the levee and Court was dismissed. Pender County Convention. At a convention of the Democrats of Pender county, held at Burgaw, yester day, Mr. E, A. Hawes presided, and the following nominations were made for the different county offices : 1 For Sheriff Captain A':C Ward. For Register of Deeds W H Hand. For Suryeyor Jno W Rowo. For Coroner Dr Geo F Lucas. Captain Ward received the nomination for Sheriff on ths tenth ballot. Sheriff Paddison's name was withdrawn. Captain Thos H W Mclntire was the choice of the convention to represent Pen der in the next Legislature. The Idea of the Poor House. Rhodes' family, who was discovered on Saturday in a starving condition in one of the rice fields near this city and who was granted a permit to the Poor House; refused to go. The Superintendent of the Poor House, sent a cart for them on Monday but they refused to par take of the county's hospitality because of the idea of being sent to the Poor House. Rhodes himself spent three days in the Poor House and refused to stay longer because the 'hominy was too coarse His family are expected in town to-day, but we are not advised as to what the Com missioners propose to do with them. Resignation of Dr Patterson. We very much regret to bear that the Rer. Dr. Patterson, rector of St. John's EpiscopaltChurch in this city, has re signed the rectorship of that Church and purposes either to accept a call to the rectorship of a parish in Athens, Georgia or to accept a position tendered to him by the trustees of the University of the South, at Swanee, lenn., this last sum rher. In the event of the reverend gen- tleman's .acceptance of the latter position, he will in all probability continue his residence in this city. This we know will be joyful intelligence to the many friends of tbis esteemed clergyman, after they have heard the sorrowful news of his resignation. The position tendered Dr. Patterson by the University of the South, is to solicit an endowment fund for this noble institution at- Sewanee. But whatever may be tbis eminent di vine's election, and wherever his field cf labor, he will carry with him, not only, the best wishes of his late parish who parted with him with unfaigned regret, but we might add nearly the entire com xaunity as well. Save your money and bay your Buiid ing Supplies from Altaffe.r & Price Window Glassall sizes at Altaffer fc FrWa. t 1 We are sorry." We cheerfully 'give. place to the cotnmu nlcation of "vidi," published below, in which he undertakes to correc- the repoit contained in tLe Review, yesterday, In regard to the recent Regatta ,tn Wrights, ilia Sound. We humbly make our ac knowledgement of the error and stand corrected. But ia the language of our correspondant, "permit U3 to slate" that the lime published in the Review as made by the Ripple was simply a typographical error, which is liable to occur to any well regulated newspaper, the New York ZZcr. aid not even being exempt from this poa sible human frailty. It . id a fact that 2 hours, 28 minutes, and 54 : seconds was the liijle's time, which throngh the courtesy of Commodore Wig gin?, wo ascertained yesterday, and and eo itended it should appear in yesterday's report of the racel 'But man proposes and God disposes.' As we said before, however, we make our hum ble acknowledgements of the error and stand corrected. The only consolation we have after reading our cvrrwjiuGdeni'a incisive communication is that, it is human lo err, 'divine to forgive, but who ever thought 'Vidi' would have drank 60 much razor scup, and been so terribly sharp and cutting to our feelings ? , Editor Review: In justice to . the Regatta Committoe of the Carolina Yacht Club, I will ask that you permit me to correct errors in your yesterday's report of recent regatta. It appears in your report that in said race the yacht Ripple made the course in 2 hours,' 48 minutes and 45 second, while in reality she sailed the entire course in 2 hours, 28 minutes and 54 seconds. In reference to awarding the prize your re port states: There was some misinter pretation of the rules by the Regatta Committee, and the Commodore refused to give up the champion flag.1 To this part of your report I desire to call particular attention, as the Regatta Committee have long been members of ths Yacht Club, and I believe are per fectly familiar with the rules governing such cases. The Regatta Committee was not present at the race, hence could have made so misinterpretation of the Tales. There was but one member of the Re gctta Committee present and he placed neither interpretation or misinterpreta tion upon the rules but. deferred the awarding of the prize until the following day. , Please permit me to state further that the Regatta Committee can never give to a yacht the prize when it is an off race, and no one is entitled to it," 1 It is true that by the rules all regattas are required to be run in 2 J- hours, but the resolution subsequently adopted, re quire that 'the yacht making the course firstshall alone be requirhd to make it in that time. The yacht Ripple, having made the course in leas than 2 hours, was entitled to the champion flag, and the committee, wh learn, have so decided. Respectfully, Vidi. The Meeting Tonight. Let every Democrat in the city who is physically able to do so, attend the open air meeting at the Grand Stand on Third street , to-night, and there listen to the words of soberness and wisdom as they fall from the lips of the eloquent speaker who is to address the people on this occa sion. The members of the Young Men's Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford Club will meet at the City Hall at 7 o'clock. All gcod Democrats are requested to join in the procession, which will move shortly after the hour above named as an escort to the distinguished gentlemen who speak s to-night. The Radical Nominees. The Radical Republican renominatirg convention met this morning at the Court House, and had a rip-ranting rousing rer nominating. The meeting was anything bat harmonious. The 'ring had every, thing cut and dried, and ths following re-nominations were made: Legislature Wm H Waddle, James Wilson. Sheriff S H Manning. Register of Deeds J E Sampson. Treasurer Elijah Hewlett. Coroner Edward D Hewlett. Upon resolution, S H Manning, S Van Amringe, Geo L Mabson, H E Scott, weie elected delegates to the Rocky Point Sena torial Convention, to assemble cn the 18th instant. The nomination of Constable was left to the city delegates. Upon motion, the Convention decided not to nominate a Coonty Surveyor. The city delegates convened after the adjDurnment of the Convention, and nominated J C Sxith Constable My life was saved by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Care. Et ?. Lalztlyj &clma, Ala, General James II Lane. General James H. Lane has returned to Wilmington after a short absence in Virginia, to locate permanently in cur midst, and will open cn October 4th an Eogiish and Mathematical School in this city. Teaching is General Lane's pro Session, and we should infer from the numl t - f high testimonials in his pos session :rom professors of universities of learning who baye been associated with the General, that he is perfectly compe tent to teach the young idea bow to shoot as well as he taught the young jnea how to shoot in a different way, during the late nploasantn ess between the States. Death of an Old I ltizen. 1 It ia with great sorrow that we- an nounce the- death of Mr. William A. Wil liams, one of our oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, which occurred in Fauquier county, Va., on the 15th inst, Mr. Williams was on a visit to his son in-law, Captian Littlo, in Fauquier couns ty, where ho has been in the halit of spending every summer during the latter years of his life, when he contracted a cold, as we have heard, while attendiug an open air meeting there a few days ago which finally terminated in his death. Mr. Williams was born in Wilmington in the year 1809 and was consequently in the 72d year of his age at the time of his decease. It was the custom of this venerable gentleman on his annual return borne in the Fall to make a visit to this office and narrate to us, In a very interesting way, the doings of the people where he had visited during his Summer trip, as well . as to relate other things of interest which came under his observation. He very much liked the people and the country of Virginia and he used to delight in telling all about 'them. Kind and genial by nature,' ho made no enemies, and we doubt if there was a man, woman or child, of his acquaintance! who will not hear with severe and heart felt sorrow of the, death of this-estimable gentleman, 1 The funeral takes place to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock, from St. fames' Church. Judse Fowle's Appointments Judge D. G. Fowle will address the people at the following times and places: Rockingham, Richmond county, Tues day, September 21. Fayetteviile, Cumberland county, Wednesday; September 22. . Reldsville, Rockingham county, Fri day, September 24. Tarboro, Edgecombe county, Wednes day, September 29. . King's Mountain, Tuesday, October C. Shoe Heel; Robeson county, Friday, October 8. Rich Square, Northamption county, Monday, October 11. Winton, Hertford county, Tuesday October 12. Centre Hill, Chowan county, Wednes day, October 13. Plymouth, Washington County, Thurs day, October 14. ' Jame8viile, .Martin county, Friday, October 15. Washington, Beaufort county, Satur day, October 16. 1 Kinston, Lenoir county, Monday, Oc tober 18. Louisburg, Franklin county, Tuesday, October 26. Brassfields, Granville county, Thurs day, October 28. ' Kittrells, -Granville county. Saturday, October 30. 1 The ladies are specially invited to be present at these places. - Public Speaking. Messrs John W. Shackeliuru And Wil liam P. Oanaday, Candidates for Con gress, will address their fellowcltizens at the following times and places: Lisbon, Sampson County, September 17th, 1880. Clinton, Sampson County, September 18th, 1880. Mingo. Sampson County, September 20tb, 1880. Lillington, Harnett County, September 21st, 1880. Johnsonville, Harnett County, Septem ber 22d, 1880, - Jonesboro, Moore County, September 23d, 1880. Carthage, Moore County, September 24tb, 1880. Cameron, Moore County, September 25th, 1880. Fayetteviile, Cumberland Coucty Sep tember 27tfa, 1880. Kingsbury, Cumberland County, Sep tember 28th, 1880. Rockhsh, Cumberland County, Septem ber 29th, 1880. Hollow, Bladen Coonty, September 30th, 1880. Elizabethtown, Bladen County, Octo- r 1st, 1880. Tarnbull, Bladen Couaty, October 2d, 188O. The speaking will take place al 12 o'clock M., each day. Other candidates fox Congress are invited to attend. Sept, 13. d&w. r WILLIAMSOn the ISth In. :.i r.n. qoier county, Virginia, WILLUJ1 A, Wli. iiiajua, agea 4 Jjears. The funeral will take place to-morrcw, f8at8rdar) moraine, at 9 nVl James Oaurch, tSence lo Oakd&le Ceme- LJMUH New Advertisements. First Ward Democratic? Club. AT' TiON ! You are hereby ordered tj w et t Brooklrn Rail to-nizht, atT!! u cioc, 10 join in theprocearto to the ape ik ing on Tnird atreet by Col. McRae. All who have lanterns will please brln them. By order President, mn JOHN L. DUDLEY, W H SraArga, Secretary. sept 17 LANE'S ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL- GEN. JAS. Hf LANE, Principal. JOOMS JTEXT TO St. John' Church. .. The first Beaalon begins Monday, Oct. 4th. Circnlara at Bookstores after to-day . sept 16 -2 w School Books. gOUOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, and School Stationery, forale cheap at HEINBBERQER'3 JFamilv Bibles. JN LARGE, VARIETY 1 At HEINSBEKGEK'3, ept 16 Liye Book and Mntic Store . For Sale rpHAT ELEGANT BUILDINg LOT & Third avenue, opposite the residence of M , Cronly, Esq. Also a' valaable" Iot-on Third atreet known as the oM "Harriaa lot." Terms easy. Apply to" NORTHROP A GUMMING. septl5-3tnac BirdFood.&e J HATE JUST RECEIVED a fresh supply' of prepared Mocking and Canary Bird Food, also a fine assortment of Toilet Soaps, Toilet Powder and Waters Extracts, 4c. All for sale low at , , , , t J. H HARDIN'S, Apothecary, sept 13 ' - New Market. Rlrs. S. J. Baker FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, ' ' Wilmington, NV O. Corner Third and Orange IpANOY GOODS, Notions, Hats, Bonnets, Flat, Flowers, Feather, Ornaments of all kinds. Will renew and work over all kind of old hair, braid, combings, Ac, root them and make tdem equal to new. Old Hat made to look like they were new Call and see my specimens of work. jelO MRS. 8. J. BAKER. Removal. 1HAYE REMOVED from my old stand gn Front atreet to the convenient and commo dious Store on Market street, recently occu pied by Capt. Coney, and next East of Lip pitt'a corner, where I will be prepared this Fall to offer the handsomest stock ot goods in my line ever brought to Wilmington. JNO, M. ROBINSON, ep 1 VJ7 ' yy?fciiatter ; A LARGE STOCK OP Sash, Doors, Blinds, AND : . . o..: . ALL KINDS OF MILL W0RK1 LUMBER . LATHS &c. For sale very cheap, at ALTAPFEB, PRICl & Faotoryt Offlee:, Foot of Walnut rr. ITatt, near Red Cross it. sept 13 -. Female School. ; i 3a:- MISSES BTJEB &;?JAHES; PRINCIPALS. .-ij HES. L S. CUSHIHG, MUSICAL INSTBUCTITESS rpHE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION M tils Sehool will open on WEDNESDAY j OCTOBER 6th, 18S9. The coarse of Instruction will bssystimat le and thorough, each pupil receiving iodivid ual attention. The training' of rorard child, ren, a tpeeiality. Free hand dxawisg, Cal isthenics and Vocal Music without extra eharare. . . ' -1 l' Pupil, for the above School of Jftule, Pais ting, or Pietnreeue Drawing ouUide of the behooL " will be accommodated with eonvecient hours. Where a eiaa cf fifteen or twenty is formed for tnttraetloa In tho arts, a liberal dedacdoa in price wfll be A limited number of pupil esa baecoB modatod witli hoard ia the family of one of the Principals For terns and farther particular! see Prla dpa!f " sept 11 DIED;

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