THIS PA FEB :ii puoits.'jO'l ftvor? afternoon, Sundays jest b ' l? M . T. JAMBS ranroK ajsu pkopbijctok. S U USKJIII PriONS, OSTAQK PAID, sa year, 15 33 His ir.outfcs, S3 50 ; Three so:vih3, f I f ; Cae month, 50 cent. She paper 4 delivered by carriers, of charge, in any part cf the city, at the t.jre rctcs, or 13 centa per weei. ''Tsriidwjr ratss Jow and liberal 7ub3crlbers will please report any and .1 failures to receive their papers regularly. too .45 -Market Street. T-jEoHB TO ISyilRlI THfE P0BLIO Ktoerally aad Wholesale t'aihbnyen la r ar ticular, that we aro fuU op with the OF ry. Goods that bas ever been offered ia this market NO BUYER visiting thia city will do him self jasttca by passing our door, as we ars underselling the market in many of tbe reg ular Staple lines. We hare marked down all goods that be 1 jnff to Bummer wear and are offering V Ml Is to our patron?. We woaldcall particular attention to the following GENTS' DOG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES 81ight".y spotted, 75o, Worth $1.60, Icoes! New Fall C&liooes at all pricea in Beautiful designs. Bleached and UnMcacIieil Cottons J We havo laid in a very heayy ajtock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We hare all the popular brands. Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the beat value ever offered. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These goodj require no comment. ive us a Call ! BROWN & E0DSICK, 45 Market St. an 28 To RSy Friends and G ia stonier s- ri I AM NOW DAILY receiving my T ail stock of Boots and. Slioes, Coneiitlng of all the LATEST STYLES 1 My past Etcck &e3 my success speak for thumselva?, and I only ts'i a continuance o, your favors bo libarally bes-owedKcn me E7" Please Call and Examine my U !X7"Stock as regards Quality E trr and Prices ! 3 No trouble to s how goods. Will be ploiced to see you one and all. Respectfully, C, ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. r sept 13 Sign of the Show Case. Winberry Oysters. THE FINEST OF the sesscn. By the Dozsn, tjaart or Gallon, at JOHN CARROLL'd, . Market st sept lti IMqcgiii Q11J Ill ' DAItl , EE VIE w. ; 1. - . ' VOL V WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1880. NO. 177 CHEAP BEADING ! For the Campaign. a i The Daily Rbiiew, x Dec. 1st, for $1.00! I The Wilmisqton JouaNAii to Dec ljst, for 60 cental , !. Tbe VVilminqtoh Joubnai, published every Friday, give all of the news of the week! 1 - The Daily Review, published every afternoon j gives the news of the day and the latest market reports. -A .' Addreay )r Jo3n. T. James, ' Wilmington, N. O. LOCAL NEWS. ! New Advertisements. . Thb McKots For Bent ;- P HaiasBiaeca 8chool Books Taim Complete Stock School Books. All ladies ara iu favor of cream atioo. Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer & Price's. 1 t i : . i Dajj's length 12 hours and 18 minutes. To pay as you go means no talk and no chaik. To-morrow is the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. .. Travel ia very good now, North, South, Eist and West. I 'Full moon this forenoon at 14 minutes past 10 o'clock. ' 4 Only one interment in Bellevue this week that of a child. It takes two to mako a bar gain, and ono must'pay for the drink. An umbrella is like a betting man. It is either put up, or shut up. On Sunday next the day and night will be exactly tho same length. The dancing master is always taking steps to improve his business. This country, as shown by statistics, writes more letters than any other. Save vour money and bay youx Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. , 1 Major C. M Stedman returned to the city last night from a trip to tho North. 'Lisle thread cloves come in great variety' finer finished and cheaper than last year's When a man lives on ' nothing but vegetables he is apt to be small potatoes; Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 1 min, ute past 6 o'clock and on Mcnday at ez actly 6. ' ! A good many boys have just made up their minds that free public education is a mistake.- I ' In this country the defeated candidates have tbe consolation of knowing they are in the majority by two to one. r Turner's Almanac promised tbat to day would be showery, but the showers failed to put in an appearance. I :- I r ' The Register of Deeds has issued but two marrirge licenses this week, both of which were for colored couples. i .i p Purge out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Aykb's Pills, and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. i , , r- There were two interments'in Oakdale this week, one child and one adult; the latter was brought here for interment. ' An exchange says: 'Kind words sel dom die in a campaign.' This Is true bat it is because, as a rule, so few of them are ever born. A lady hit upon a new way of getting rid of the grasshopper plague. Her plan is to deposit the hoppers in a savings bank. , Full Metal and Walnut Show Gases, all styles and sizes, at Al.ta.tvxb, Pkics &Co's I - , Mrs. McAllister, .the wife of Mr. Peter McAllister, J who is well known in this city, died m Paris, Texas, ion the 14th inst. 1 Mr.j James S.Qreves, formerly of this city, but now doing business at Spartan burg, is here oa a brief visit to bis family and friends. No greater guarantee of the excellence of Dr. Bull's Cough . Syrup could be furnithed than that It is recommended by all the leading Druggists. I Try Hall's Vegetate Silcilian Dab Renewer if you would have a luinrlant growtn oi uair. In the Old Market. Butchers took possession of two staUs in the oil market bonsa this' morning and were soon followed by a coup!o of hucksters. They were notified by the Clerk of the Market that they must not sell their meats in that building. The butchers, we believe, have concluded to make a test case of it and continuo to sell. Just before going to press wj learn that Mr. J. B. Melton, one of the members of the Butcher's Company, has been sr. rested and placed under bond for his ap pearance off Monday and th& a guard has been placed over the old market to pre vent its being occupied by any ote. The case excites much interest. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacoci's Hardware DeDot. i Gold Watcb and Chain . ' Mr. Edward Boas, who has been a clerk for Mr. Julius Hahn for some time past, leaves for New York en route for Europe to-morrow. In token of appre ciation Mr. Hahn has presented him with a handsome hunting case gold watch and chain. We wish Mr. Boas much success and trust be will succeed in his new un dertaking. 1 Window Glass ofall sizes , Doors,Sash and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,&o, Low eat prices at Jacobi's. I Speaking at YrhlteTille. Col. ;McKae will address the people of Columbus at Wbiteville on Monday, the 20th inst, by special invitation. In our aotice of this appointment, on Thursday 1 ist, we were made to say that this ads dress would be delivered on Wednesday; this was, an error of the printer which wa failed to correct In the proof. Mon day, the 20th inst, is the time, 'and don't yau forget it.' Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders 'filled at Jacobi's Hard: ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. Building Flats. Messrs CMville & Co. are now engag el In building flats for the government works at Charleston and Savannah, un der a contract with the government. An official who was here seme I days ago ex amined one of the fiats they made and pronounced it the "best made of the kind the government has received They are now at work on four large flats for Charleston which will be removed by a government tug as fast as completed There are 30,000 ftet of lumber in each flat. Under the contract the first is to be made in twenty days and the second is to be ready within ten days thereafter. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi, Hardware Depot. . Col-McBae's Speech We regret exceedingly bur inability to attend the Democraticmeeting last night, the more so, since we have heard to-day from those whose good fortune it was to be present, what a profound and able effort the distinguished gentleman who addressed the Democracy of this city on that occasion, made for his hearers. From gentlemen who are competent judges,' wo learn that Col. f McRae, if possible excelled any effort of tbe kind hs has ever made here before. Tbe ipeech, we are told, was a powerful ar raignment of Garfield and the Rspab lican party before a jury consisting of the peo ple, for the many high crimes aud mis demeanors of which that party and its leaders have been guilty in the past fifteen i years. ! The facts and the testimony of theun faithfulness of the Republican leaders beaded by Garfield, were gathered from the records of the past, and placed before the people in such an indisputable light that any fair minded man, no matter what his politics, had he been sitting in judg ment upon the case would have - been compelled to pronounce them all guilty of violations of the law, violations of the sacred trusts which had been confided to them, and utterly unworthy of the confi dence of the people. The succinct and comprehensive manner in which these facts were stated, together with tbe f orcw ble eloquence of the learned speaker, earn ried conviction with them in every in stance. Col. McRae was presented to the aud ience by Col. Boger Moore, in a very happy and appropriate manner. M if fa was saved br Warner's Safe Kidney and liter Cure. E. B. Lakdy, &lma, Ala, Whoa, January ! We all remember the ti ick mule Dan. Castello had with him in his circus here & year or two a ter the war, when he per formed in the vacant lot on tbe ror h fid 3 of Princess street, between Front and S cond, but few of us ever expected to hear of that mule again ia atiy other ca pacity tban as a trick mule. .It scerm that the animal ij still alive xnd kicl as the following, which wa clip from the Macon (Ga.) TeUaraph d- Mcsiewrr, will altest : We saw hiaa iu front of tha Court House oa Saturday last, him whose Lt. r . i J l r uttwruu uays oi yuu.u ana Kiorv are ior ever ended 'January .' It will be remembered that when Ames' circus disbanded near this place years ago, there was turned loose upon tho cold charities of the wcrld, for tho small sum of about twenty dollars, 'January whose proud pleasure it had been to am pear before the public in the closing set for many months. Ilia eeaaon before tha footlights had been a brilliant one, and he condescended to merge himself into an ordinary 'draught animal only after a long ana won contested hght.-in which be h a. nothing to train and evervthiny to Ke. N j;j-hA w , . . i . or niu.-ne ever Euoswe completely into w . - J D ' an orderly, well-behaved mule, but from time 10 time entered manly and indignant un Saturday last, January stood amid the polls. He had been reduced that day to the painful humiliatioa or drawing a load of potatoes to tho city, and had fallen asleep at nis post, lime wore on. Dreams enchained him. He was no Ion CTPT TiAnr a n rl artA V n m 1 1 Irt f orl Knf m himself as of yore, the spoiled darling of tne arena. A shout arose1 around him and in the excitement he pitched and i rolled and kicked: but alas, the stroniz arms of the shafts embraced him, and tne oaaen aasn board received his heels with penect indifference. He awoke to hnd Z: : ZZZZ 'auu'u-B; "iBt ""-. ears back he let drive once more with all the energy of despair and disgust, then uroppea dbck into iooy ana 01a age again r-nn'rtnaroA 'I J 1 I 7 " 1 11 Jud?e FOTVle's Appointments- Judee D. G. Fowle will address the people at tho following times and places: I t f l v m i iiocKingnam, aucnmona county, 'JLues day, September 21. Fayetteville, Cumberland county, Wednesday, Beptenlber 22. Reidsville, Rockinsham county, Fri day, September 24. Tarboro, Edgecombe county. Wednes day, September 29. King's Mountain. Tuesday, uctoner b Shoe Heelj Robeson county, Friday, October 8. Rich Square, Northamption county, Monday, Uaober 11 Winton, Hertford county, Tuesday October 12. Centre Hill, Chowan county, Wednes- dav. October 13. Plymouth, Washington county, Thurs day, October 14. ! Jamesville, Martin county, Friday, October 15. Washington, Beaufort county, Satur day, October 16. Kinston, Lenoir county, Monday, Oc tober 18. Liouisburg, Franilin county, Tuesday, I October 26. I Brassfields. Granville county. Thurs- day, October 28. 1 Kittrells. Granvi ie county Saturday, October 30. The ladies are specially invited to bo present at these places. Public speaking Messrs John W. Shackelford and Wil liam P. Oanaday, Candidates for Con gress, will address their tellowicltizens at the following times and places: Lisbon, Sampson County, beptember 17tb, 18B0. Clinton, Sampson County, September 18th. 1880. Mingo, Sampson County, September 20tb, 1880. Llllington, Harnett County, September good deal of talk and hard feeling enter st 1880. tained by tbe members of the yacht club, 21st. 1880. JohnsonviIIe, Harnett County, Septena bpr 22d. 1880. , Jonesboro, Moore County, September d, 1880. i Carthage, Moore County, September 24th. 1880. ! Cameron, Moore County, September 9 : . 25th, 1880. , Fayetteville, Cumberland County jbep" tember 27tb, 1880. Kin ssburvi Cumberland County. Sep tember 28th, 1880. Rockfish, Cumberland County, Septem ber 29th, 1880. ! Hollow, Bladen Coiaty, September 30th, 1880. I Elizabethtown, Bladen County, Octo r 1st, 1880. i Turnbull, B'aden Couoty, October 2J, 1880. The speaking will take pUce at 12 o'clock, M each day. Other candidates for Congress are invited to attend. Kept. 13. dKW. There bave been! six interments in Pine Forett cemetery this week, four children and two adult;. ! I The opinion of the people baj been cllv rnnfirmed bv wide s Dread ex Der ience bat Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup is the best and cheapest remedy lor Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, etc. Church Services Worship in the various chinches of the city to-raorrow as follows; FIRST BAPTIST CIIUBCH,- coruer of Market and Fifth streets. Rev J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. in. and 8 p. ra. Sunday School at v.oO a. in. iJrooklyn bacday School at 4 p. hi. Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday i.i .. f. at 8 o'clock. Church Prater ilC3tin- J .3dav iiiiiht at 8 o'clock. T bl". JAMES' rARISU, I corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., liector. bept. 10th. Seventeenth ijundav after Trinitv. !(!p)r. bration at a. tr. Sunday Uchool at 0:45 a. m. iloruins Praver at 11 (.lorlr Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. st. John's chukcii, . i corner Third and lied Cross streets. Rev. Geo. Patterson. D. D... Rector SeDt. lO.h. Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Cele Drauou at H60 a. m. Mornme Praver at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. ST. PAUL'S EVANO. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Corner of Sixth and Market streets. TW. G. D. Bernheixn, D. D., Pastor. English oervice at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. 1 FIFTH STICSET M. E. cuvnca (SOUTH.) Nun and Church I uu -c"tii, uuiween nun ana Uhurch streets. Rev. t.P. Ri ou t lfth. between I t n o n.?n .it. c..-. . . I at 0 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve I frost street m. e. church, (south) corner Frent and Walnut streets, Rev. E. a. xates pastor, services at 11 a. m. aud 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m., W. M. Parker, sup't. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young Men and Women's Chris tian Association first and third Tuesday I evenings in each month. I st. paul s episcopai. chdroh I M. Ambler. Raptor. frvW At. 1 1 a m I and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. I m. oeais iree I st mabk's CTTmpir 1 u.. corner Sixth and Mulberry streets. Rev V. 0. 13rady, minister in charge. Services I on Snndavs at 11 o m onn -r.Qn I Sunday School at St. Barnabas Schoolhouse 1 ac p. m. un noiy nays at 9 a. m. and I 4 n. TTI a M -v m. SEAMEN S BETHEL, I Dock, between Water and Front streets Jas w" ,aig P121111' Services at ax a.m., w wnicn seamen are cordially mviiea. The public are invited to attend rftlWran services at the Tilestbn upper room, in the Tileston Normal School buildinor. nn Ann. neiween j? onrcn ana J? inn streets, everv ounaay aiternoon at a o'ciock. TRINITY CHAPEL? . ! of the Methodist E, Church (colored), cor urunswicK ana acventh streets. Kev. E. Morton, Pastor. Preaching Sunday ac li a. m.. vim m. and 8 n. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Class Meetine at iz;ou. xuesaay nigntuiasj. Wednes day night Preaching. Friday night Prayer Meeting SECOND BAPTIST CilURCH, on Sixth, between Church and Castle sts. Kev. J. r. Hmg, pastor. Services tomor row at 11 a. m. and 8 n. m. Sundav ocnooi at y a. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner Third and Oranee streets. Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, D. D.. n as tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 n. m. Sabbath School 4 p.m. FIRST BAPTJST CHURCH (COLORED.' corner Fifth and Campbell streets. Rev. x r A. M. Coaway, pastor. Services to-mbr row at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday uooiaoy.uua.m. 1'rayer Meeting on oo-ciocko FIRST CONGREGATION" AT. f?TTTTT?rrr. Memorial Hall, corner Seventh and Nun sireeis. uev. L. U. Dodge, Minister. buuday services at 10:30 a. m. and 3 and 7:30 p. in. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. BT. LEWIS CHAPEL. ccrcer Seventh and Bladen st.rep.ti. TIp.v. John Lewis, pastor. Services . at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3.30 o'clock n. m. audS o'clock, p. m. 1 Mb. Editok Please allow me to come to your rescue after beinz dealt with so Severelv hv Vidi As thorn haa Van a l beg leave to make a short statement in vindication of those who so uniastlv (a claimed by the RimXea friends'), de prived the said j yacnt of her pnza on Wednesday last. The rules of tbe club, which wcro iu the hands of! t'ae i adzes. require tho regatta to be madein two-and . - . .1. . a-nalf hours. They unanimously decided that the regatta commenced with the starting of the first boat, and as no yacht came in within the required time, that it was no race, but agreed to leave it to the Regatta Committee who have, I under stand, misconstrued a resolution passid by tto ciub June 26th, .1878, and given ths flag to tho Ripple, Oa 25th of June, 1878, a "ace took place en the river in which tue Rota alone made the regatta in the required time, tbe second boat Ripple) being some 20 min utes behind. Ths question was then raised whether or cot it was a regatta aa only one boat had made the time. A meeting was called the next day and tbe dab de cided it to be a regatta because one Yacht hid made thej'imr. No one thought of the running time of the boats and the resolu tion was never offered or adopted with any such viw, but simply to decide whether it required one or more yachts to make the time from the starting of tbe first to constitute a regatta. Respectfully &c., Ynrr. PLEASE NOTICE. Ij - We will begJad to receive eonunsaieations from our frianda on aay and all sobjeetf o ceaeral Interest but: The name of the writer must always be far ftUhed to the Editor. i Commualcatloasxtast be written: oa onlt one side of thelpaper. - .,..r. T Persoaalities mow i voided. -And 1 1 ij especially a tu particular ljjundar stood that the Editor n.a noi always endors e the views of eorreepo- Junta, nnli jo tatd in the editorial columns. Kew Aavertis9monts. 'T For Rent. GOOD 8T03E forcomtry t.-ade,on Market street, between Sec- ond and Third. Llao Rooms. Annlv I TIIK McKOYS, Att t cj i and Cyusselloxs at Law. sept 18-tf 8tar oa.y 9 Office 1 . usurer & finllAr. ! i Sept. 13th, 1880 City Taxes 1880. rnns OITr TAX BOOK forCthe .jeac now la mj haidj for collection of 1 1880 ia tksTaxesi i AH parties interested wUl please taka notice. Prompt payment requested. BENKY SAVAGE, sept 13aon-wed-sat Treas. k Col. LANE'S ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL- GEN. JAS. H; LANE, Principal. JOOMB JSEXT TO St. (John's Church. The first session bejins Monday, Oct. 4th. Circulars at Bookstores after to-dsr. sept 16-2w School Books gGHOOIi BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, and School Stationery, for sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'3 I Family Bibles. N LARGE TARIETT At HEINSBERGER'c?, sept 1C Llye Book and Mutic Store For Sale. rpHAT ELEGANT BUILDING LOT on Third avenue, opposite the residence of M . Cronly, Esq. Alio a valuable lot on Third street known ai the old "Harriss lot." . Terms euy. Apply to" NORTHROP 4c GUMMING. aeptl5-3tnac Bird Food, &c BTAYE JUST RECEIVED a fresh supply of prepared Mocking and Canary Bird Food, SUO SfinainortnantnfTnll.f Un.r TJlc Powder and Waters Extracts, Ac. All for sale low at J. H HARDIN'S, Apothecary, Pt 1: lfa Market. Removal. HAVE BEHOVED from my old itand on j- x rum iireei to xne convenient and eommo diona Store on Market street, recently occu pied bv O&Dt. ConflT. and nurt Rui nf piU's corner, where -1 will be prepared this c aii io oner tne natdBomest stock or goods in my line ever brought to Wilmington. ept 7 Hatter A LARGE STOCK OP: . - . Sash, Doors, Blinds, and; s ALL KINDS OF MILL W0RK ' LUMBER LATHS. Ac." For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PRICU & VO. Factorrt Offlees t ffutt, ntar Bed Orots it. foot of Walnnt tu Sept 13 I t . Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, i PRINCIPALS. MRS. 1. S. CUSHING, MUSICAL . INSTRUCTRESS. mHE SIXTEENTH . ANNUAL SESSION oftais School will op an on W2DNE3DAT October eta, isaa. . ; . The eonne ef initrnctlAn will hAvclnt ic and tborotigh,eaeh pupil recall Lag iadlvid nal attention. The training of rocad child. ren, aapeeUlitT. Free hand drawing. Cal isthenics and Vocal Moxio withent extra charge. Pupils, for the above Schoobj of lfoile, Painting or Pletaresqee Drawing,-outside of the HehooL will uaifflmAdtlid (. convenient hours. Where a elan of fiftn or twenty la formed for instruction ia the arts, a liberal deduction la Dries will t. A MmttmA number of nastbi h modated with board ia the family of one olT For terms and icirther partioolars see PHnt 'dpalfc fPt

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