THI8 PAPER - td zrtrj fUjriboB, Hundays ex" ji V ION tl - ,T. 1 A M K S ( 'it t 'Tl O K j( Hl - G W F At I - 9 - T X .r.U&rge, in any A"' ' :'tT " U Tft rv. or !H c-nts per wc?k .hti; papers res'ale-rlj. If Eli &OC a 4; ti?s?j; 45 Market - street, ',r.viKK TO- IVi'-ltSl fHfc PUBLIC 1 ) c -ierali? asi Wh-iiisio t'ah bvjers in T er : ., .Af, iit w e fuli up with the that has ever been offered in this market HO BUYER Yiaitinfr thia city will 'do him tolf jaatica bj passing oar door, as we are ua'ierteilin the iaaret itiuiiay of the reg ular 5Upl8 lines. We havo raarked down all cooda that be long to Suinmer wear and are oHeriag Isy Sjeclal IiQcemenis to our patron?. Wo woald c.11 particular attention to the fjllowin GEfaTS' DGG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES . Slightly spotted, 7Bo. Worth $1.5C. E3 1 l li ti taP ax & New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful deeigns. BIcaclied and Unblcaclicd. Cottons J Wre have laid in a very heavy stock of the abo?ereTl are o'JTering: thera at lower figures than ever. We havo a'l tho popular brands. Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception tho best value ever ottered. Linen E&nderchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. Theeo pocd3 require no coaimentA us a Gall ! BROWN & HOBDICK 45. Mar kef St. an 28 School Books. QC1IOJL. BOOK S, SCHOOL BOOKS, and Hchool BUtionarj, fortAle dp at UELISBERQER'3 Family Bibles. N LAUGE VABIBTT ' """ At CIN3BERQEB,,,. svt Ki I iro Book and Music Store A LARGE STOCK OF Sash,. Iluors, Blinds, ALL KU4D3 OF 'MILL VORK LUMBER. IATK3. &c. For verv " ca .t Aii'ATrr'i. nuc. a t;o. Fee or": i'oot of Walcut b ept20 avr &i Crow tt. aSrs." S. J. Baker, FASEI'JN ABLE MILLLNERY, ' Wilxinxton, N. C. Ccrnor Third and Orange Streets. lASOY GOODS, Kotions, Uati. Bonnets, L FUts, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments ot all kinds. Will renew and work over all kinds ot old hair, braids, combings, Ac, root them and make t"eta eqaal to new. Old Hats made to look liketbey were rew. Call and sea my specimen of work- jo 10 8. J. BAKER. A Large Party, r?OSMEBLY RENT PAYEK3, tired of L landlord rule are now cn my monthly in ttalment list. Every dollar heretofore paid by them for rent now goea to purchase a home and not where the woodbine twineth. f Under the instalment plan no , rent ie paid, thereby avoidoe a steady drain on fainilj. resources ana enannag parties to ecara comfortable homes and to become their own landlords. JAME5 W1L305 sept 20.1i7 : j i i . ; ! ... '-.-. . ' .'. -L 'I ; ' t t j - 1 1 . . . ' ' ; VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. . Wew AdTrusemenis4 li M. MclKiiaK CA'peta 6rpetg. F HHiHBBiasB School Books Yates Complete Stock School Book. Wicdow Glass all sizes at lufer, & Trict'e. I, I f Warm enough for July weater. , ::' " j . ' i . 1 . Cbrialmas falls this yf ar on Saturday. Oyster cliella are aboat to open for the season. ' ! Where to go wben cbort ot moDdy 3o to work. .... i, i ! - j- . Straw bata aijd "straw driukd depart hand in baud. The newest, latest, best and cheapest at Rosentiiais. The I receipts of cotton today at tbia port loot up( 1,190 bales. A large stock of children's school eboes to select from at Rosenthal's. The mean man is not very scarce, tbougb you'll find coae like him. At. 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 87 jdegrees. Save your money and bay your Build. ing Supplies from Altafler & jrnce. The lamp will bold out to burn a great many years yet, . acording to reports from thetil regions. . ; 1 I Everybodycanget suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cullery, a,t Jacobi's Uardwaro Danot- There i3 nothing in the four quarters of the slobe more unreliable tban the- hind quarters of a mule. You can buy 1 No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing ritoves at almost any price at Jacobi'i Hardware Depot. Ripfl birds are about d laved out. Not x eo with those Scotcb Boles at Rosenthal's. They last for ever. t We presume the catfish is so called because no one was ever lucky enough to kill oqo with a boot jack. I 1 r 1 Where is that crowd eoinir ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes f 'Alcohol will clean silver Yes, alco hol well stuck to will clean all the silver you -have out of youj pocket. He who steals the office seeker's good name steals j trash; but he who filches from him his pursa gets a farthiDg.' Purge out the morbid (humors of the blood, by a1 dose or two of Aykr's Pills, and you will have cleareriheads as well as bodies. . H '- i 1 j Rav. Dr. Patterson, of this city, will preach at Burgaw to-morrow, Wednes day, evening. All are invited to attend. More than one hundred and twenty five thousand bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup have been sold by a single firm in Baltimore Messrs. Wm H Brown & Bro. ,, !' - 1 i Stoamboatmen aro again in despair. There arj only about 25 iDchea of water now ou the shoals at Fayetteville and it is still falling. On and id. B carefal about going out of doors without anything on your head, or into company without . anythiog ii- it. h' . 1 The Young America. Hancock, arvis and Shackelford Club will meet tomor- row evening. A lare attendance is ur gently requested In the bright complexion of my youth I'll have no such word as''pale',and with 5he complexion of an angel the reashed for the rouge box. r- Now hi the time for a young man who has been travelog to tho springs and Is financially reduced, to hive his linen duster dye 1 black, ornamented with' a fur collar acd prepare! for the overcoat season . There wa3 but on3 trifling case this rtorcing docketed for the City Court and this was disaaisEed. by the. Mayor pio tem with tht Jidmonitloa to go and get drunk no, more. , Mr. Nath'l Jacob i having beeu appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties la want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot So. 10 S. Front st. Tho sun crosses the equator to-morrow on his journey jbaefc to the North. Ac cordiug to the j almanacs autumn com mences on that day. .There should, also, according to numberless precedents, , be some sort of a commotion of the elements about this time. t: ' Full Metal and Walnut Show Oases, all styles and staee, at Altaffkb, Prick & Co a i - V WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY SEPTEMBER Analyses mane at tne fcxperiraeni station of Waters from vi limlnff ton, for the North Carolina Board of Health. 1 Ci r CG B 2- S- A Bi X t ? a O D a 0 o o 9 a B "I tr o a r PT a a a cr o o w ( p. ? a w a. O n rm . n Sc K 0 0 o B 2 x r- u 5 x y : f a. to K3 O . V3 H O - 2. c- 5 " o CO . -rOCOr-t30OJ . . ' O ba tffc o o o -a W ...... . g S ' n ! ' h 2 2 S S - 2 2 P. o CD CO o Cd O CO CO ! g - K ' S3 as 2 o 4. 2 o or CO C9 t ' CO td - - - ,55 rJ"f 2 2 2 2 R - - 2 2 o (C. The following notes ; will ssrre to give an interpretation of tho analyses reported abovo. Free ammonia not oyer 0.1 parts per million is of little moment. ! Chlorine alone without albuminoid or free ammonia is not suspicious even when present to tha extent of 8 to 10 grams per gallon. 'Albuminoid ammonia over 0.10 parts par million is always suspicious, whether a'one or accompanied by free ammonia. Albuminoid ammonia over 0.10 parts par million with chlorine over 5 grains per gallon is bad. Free ammonia over 0.08 parts per million with chlorine over 6 grains per gallon is suspicious. ! t Any waters containing the following combinations ar8 very bad:" ., Albuminoid ammonia over 0.10 parts per million chlorine over 6 grains per gallon. 1 , ' " ' Albuminoid ammonia" over 0.08 parts per million, free ammonia over 0.10 parts per million, total solids over 35 grains per gallon. I . A. 11. Lkdoux, Ph, D. It will be seen by this standard that specimen No. 2 is bad. No. 6 U also bad, although lacking tho requisite amount of chlorine. The specimens form Smith's Creek, taken at two stations, are suspicious, and this is worth careful investigation iuview of this stream being" possibly selected for our future water supply.' Aa analysis made of tho, water of Greene fijld Mill Pond several years ago gave to til solids at 2.68. Prof. Kerr rerun kad al the time of publishing tha above re- su t, that "Gre3nfield Pond water shows a Viry remark abb degree cf purity sur paisinj even Croton." Othar aualyB3S of 8 pith's Creek water are in progrcBt. September 21st, 1830. T. F. W. The Chicago Times aays: Warner's Safe Kidney and j Liver Cure ia highly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians, surgeons, by men of literary and scholars ly distinction, and by individuals in all be walks of life. Demijohns- . , Peteri Croom, the colored demijohn tbiet, was arraigned before Justice Gard ner this morning in five different cases. Tho evidence was deemed conclusive, and he was held for trial at the next term of the Criminal Court in a bond for $100, failing to furnish which he went to jail. The examination wtAbadinthe Court House, and it attracted considerable of a crowd. At soma portions It waa quite in. teresting. To one indictment," charging him with stealing three demijohns, . Peter demurred and swore that be stoIaTout two; and in another instacc,' when charged with Um 4bett of two demijobBS, b de clared that he got Sat one ; that Uie other was broken afad shoblcl'not cbunt" against him- ' '' -:T ' ' '''' Try - HaUa .yesetabla SUdliao Hair Renewer if you tronld havo a luxuriant growth of hair; V , ft - - " - "r . : : To-Msut. TLe conditions art good f , r a large j arty antL a happy tima at - Seaside' Park Lbi3 evening. Music and moonshine wid be in abundance and tnose whose feet have been i'.cbL-g for a dauci' fn'r'lo! tb5 many months, can b accommodated. Ladies,. the best frs and the easiest ahoed ,1 -r . the Jittjc onod. art' at Ilo&EIT THAI til I j In Trouble A cain ; , John Williams, . alias 'Dummy''' colortd, was arrestoti this morjiu over n Brooklyn by Sergent Davis, of the Police Force thargcd'?ith d:sordtr'y co: duct, and was lucked up fqr a huariug He is the aatne iudiviJu;il vho. it will be i remembered, eooic time ago tried to elicit mpatby by playing tha dumb Jgame ;b whichiho was exposed. Thi3 time he seems to have found the power of speech v ho was arrested for loud and boisterous : ' . ' I swearing on the streets and for general cuasedness. ! The finest stock .of Ladies" Kid, F.x . palmoral and' Button Boots at Kqsen i'HALS. .. . .. t , The Postal service for a Year. From the annual report of Chief In spector Parker, of the operations of post oCSca ; department inspectors, or special agents, , as formerly known, for the last fiscal year, it appears that 577 persons were arrested for violation of postal laws Of this number 215 wera convicted, 18 i acquitted, 2 escaped, 3 forfeited bail, 24 proceedings were dismiss3d, and in 22G cases trails arc not yet reached; 31 high waymen were convicted of robbing the malls on tha frontier and 39 burglars were arrested for, breaking Into postofiices. The ; Inspectors ; reported upon 22,511 cases' of various kinds which were refer red to them for investigation, including charges, against employes of the departs raenfc, complaints against contractors, bonds of postmasters, examination of ac counts of postofiices, complaints of lost letters, etc. The report states that out of 2,726 reports of lost registered letters only 1,716 remained, after investigation and recoveries, as totally lost,' and this fact Mr Parker thinks, when considored in connection with the further fact that about 7,000,600 letters and packages were instrusted to tha regisistefed mails during the year, proves tho almost abao lute safety of the registered mails. Water street merchantswill keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. ; y , j. List of Letters. j The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postollice Wednesday, Sept. 22th: ' A Wm Abbott, Maggie Aron. j B Wm Bland, Thomas Brown, Alea Brantly, Alex L Brown. 1 C-M G Chadwick, Andy Caldwell, C 11 Capps, J Cobb, care Sam llali, Wm Campen, Cauley &Co, MrsS Cadei D Geo W Davis, (co!) Eenry D ivis, Primus DeLeon,, F Ashley Fleming, George Freehan, Tom Forset, Mary Ann Freeman, Susan Foy. : ,. . . ,v . . - .-. G Bettie Graham, Oharlea Graham, Sarah E Grady, E H Golvin,Louia Guyer, il (ieo W Hussey, Jno. A Holland. Patrick Horpans, Owen Hill, Thomas Huut.S R Hunter, Abbie Howard, Lewis Haywcoij Fannie Howard, , Elisa How,. " 'I J Jack;on & Co, L B Jacobson, Ben Jennings, Mary E.Jones, Jennie Maria Johnson, Callie F Jackson. K Grace Kershaw. William Kornegay. L- Simon Larrirgton, Emma F Lar kins. 1 . . M U iloore, Dr 11 cilia McFuriLy, Ma:U McDona'd, McCansea, A Mclver, G GMtG- e. L P Murphy, ji D Mcluimr ney, mrs M C Mallard.'"' X Charle3 Nasb. O Emma Otto way, Charlie Oweia P Joseph Picket,' U A Parsons, U F Pickels. R Charlie Picbaidson, Cornelia Rich ardson, C A Rutsell, McCaleb Richardsoi!, S J Runt. S Henry bauls, .Grace Sloan, Thomas C Smitb, Waller Samson, JL C Swair, Quillia fcslocum, J M Scott. T Edwd Thompson, Judy. Taylor, Sa rahTownser.d.;, itif V Jules Verne. W--Matilda Ann Wood, Mariah White, Lida Waliey; Saliia Wricht,! Slsaie Wil liams, Jane Williams, O J Williams, Adc liaWood, 8 H Wamtck, LewiWhr.tsell, Luke Williams J S Wilkins, James Wells, Charles E Walkeiy, Aaron Williams, A J Ward-- .., c;. '-.-J- L; :. -: ' SHI? LETTER. 1 ; ' Th Peterson, on board tbip D U XJUls. L iPersons calling for leUera in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in. SO days' will be sent to dead letter v: , JB. ILBRmKjp.M.i -County, N. C k - ': - - 21, 1K80 'n 179 'I he iilonumeni lTuuil. Col Ctifts lV, piloted by mem bers ot the committee bppointod yester day, vis:tcJ a number of our business rren this morning and eolicited f Juds in aid of the mor;i:mcnt now being erected at ivms s aiountiiiD. uoi. Jor.ea rt-nuest was fc-r on!v a stnall amount from elch and he ex . - sses himself aa gratified at the rtsult. !u all he got $120. lackiig 50 ect.ts Uf this amount there were twenty two buttoCriptioLS of $i tacb, the balance teing made up iu smaller subscriptions, ritjjin lrom Si to 82 50. This list U b-lure ua but we refrain from publiybitg it. Gel Jooch will visit others this afternoon Ind conclude then his mission in Wiimiugtou. Uq expects to leave here tomorow morning for Haleigb. ; Dancing lessons given free at Rosen teal's' Pump sole boot's and shoes for the ball room. f 'da rpets and .Dry Goods- Cap'. R M IVIcIntiro has what the ladies WLiild call "a lovely lot of Cir pets.'' Wo know this by personal inspec tion. Ho has many of tho .latest novel ties in English and American manufac turos which aro being rapidly looked over and selected. Besides he has some of the prettiest and most desirable things in dress goods seen here in many days. New Advertisements. Carpets ! Carpets ! Carpets I A LARGE STOCK f ROM WHICH you can select many choice and pretty fthings. I Some of the latest novelties Jn English ' "1 and American ' Tapestry and Body Brus seis. i ' i Damasks, Cretones, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Rugs, Oil Cloths, &c. ' Respectfully, ' sept 21- R. M. McINTIRE. TH01IAS H- iMcEOYf SUCCESSOR TO Boatwriglit & McKoy IS PREPARING TO OFFER Fresh Arrivals this week for the i 1 Fall Trade : 1 ,5000 Lbs. D S Sides, 50 Bbls Super and I Family Flour, , f 50 Ebls Sugar, all grades, 100 Bags Coffee, 500 Cases Canned Good6, I 1 I SOO Bxs Crackers & Cakes, 25 Tierces Lard, I 1 ' .;. 100 Tubs Lard, 25 Tubs Gilt Edge Butter, 1 , j 1 SOO'Boxcs TjbaccD. 10,000 Cigar?, 1 1 lOO Boxes Soap, 300 Bxs Lye and Potash, j. fee, &c, fec., &c. Country merchants who buy at wholesale will do well to inquire prices from me before purchasing elsewhere. To my city customers I thank them, for their liberal patronage, and hope for a continuance of the same. 1 !,TJQLOS. H. iUcKOE, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, sept 2D 6A1 ICortliFroBt8U . I PLEA8E NOTICE. We will begad to receive commanloatloni from our friends on aay and all roMectJ 0 Keaeraliaterett butt , 1 Tae aaae of the writer aaiut always b far nished to the Editor. Oommunicationj clum be written on only one side of the.paper Person all tiaa mw voided. ; 1 I And It is especially a waitlcItr ly'Hd ef stood that the Editor t -s not always radon e the views of correapo- in U crJeo to tatt d in the editorial colun ua. ' ' New Advortisemonts. OWE MORE ! And ! Positively the Last BY tl ' ' tL R g JfcoT OX M0E 1 ? e Ghampetre WILL BE GIVE AT SEASIDE PARK, ON WBIGRT8VLLE SOUND, TO- . MOilROW, (TUESDAY) EVENING. A very attractive feature of the evening will be a Concert by the new Ovrture Band , Mr Fr Rieman, Leader: ' Dance Mosic by the Harpers. The Lait of tbe Season. Let everybody be there. FA SCHUTTE. sept 20-2t Manager To iUIy Friends and Customers.' - ' I AM NOW DAILY receiving my I'all stock of Boots and Shoes? Consiating of all the LATEST STYLES 1 My past stock and my succesi rpeak for thamsslves, and I only ask a continuance o your favors bo liberally bestowed cn me :-. ',, !..; : 'V ' Please Call and Examine my U iStock as regards Quality and Prices ! 3 No trouble to show goods." Will be pleased to see you one and all. , Kespectfally, s C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market StrccfT sept 13 Sign of the Show Case Valuable Land for Sale. WHEREAS CALVIN BLACK and wif, flora B. Black, of the county of Kob eaon and Btate or Worth Carolina, on the lit day of October, 1875, made and executed a mortgage to the North Carolina Bute Life Insurance Company of the city of Raleigh , ana a rate aioreaaw, to secure fifteen hundred dollars due by note dated October- lit, 1875. interei ie on t saoh ye ter date, which mort acre was -doJy recorded in the Hegiater's Office in the county of Rob eson and State aforesaid, ia Book Q, Q, page ; 78, on the llth day of October' 1876, which (note) said mortgage with the power of sale therein contained, and said not was on the 6th day of January, 1860, duly, transferred and assigned to the subscriber. wo U exMT the owner and holder thereof, and the full mount of the said not3 secured' by the said mortgage is now due, except the Interest ny to the 1st day of October, 1878. ud-wtoreae default has been made in the payment of the said note secured by the said- mortgage" 1 the said mortsrage will be foree(oei fcoTift;! sale of the said premises by virtue of the power contained in tbe said mortgage,' whlcU"1 sale will be made by the subsribervatpublie auction, for cah, at the Court Iifouie door, in the town of Luxberon, eouaty and Btate aforesaid, oa the 25th day of October 18 WX' at 12 o'clock, noon. i The following i a description nt tne'sai'd'1 mortgage premias : A tract of laad jyi,u and biog in the county of Kobeson and Htafo of North Carolina and bounded on the North by the lauds of Neill McNeill, on the Cast by the lands of M. McNeill, the heir of Heary T McNeill, deceased, and Daniel McClluiaRo.,t tbe South and West by tbe, lands of. Daniel MeArthur. J. C. Meeachin, Hugh Joboctrti' and CoL P. F. Smith, and eotaialaglabesrt t eight hundred acre, more or laes the bound .u aries of which will more fully eppear'fy re ference to the said mortgage r word i 'ai-' aforesaid. 1 1 . '. The said tract of lanf will also he sold" at?; the same tine aad at tbe save pfeee'arfdftn 10 tbe sae terms under mertgM-xraSeti , r by the said C Black to John A. Uilrit. en . the 4ft dav t Ueptember,- 187T,- r secure a ji ncte-ef CZJJl which mnrteago is aow lisJd '. aad owaed y J . C. McCaskillad is re?ord.-r 4 fo the same offiee la Book T. Tr; psgi 313, the Sltt day of Sebrvary 1878. & ,rT-Ani JOfllf A GILCHRIST, Mortgsget. W,. f. JPtuca, Attorney. 1 " ' Lumberton, N. O , Bept 18, 1880. iJl v 1 eept 20-ts .:. ,- ' ---t - The Lbvect Price "C10RALL KINDS OP TBISTtSO.t . AiE.8. WATfBUCK'3 Job OEcqUi n-; Get estlxnaies at tils dSeebelfbro having l' yonr pruning cone eisewuere. . d earing interest irom a ate at 8 per cent, In terest due on the 1st day of ApriL and ;Q9f- ; ber of each year, and payable two rears afi '

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