THIS PAF&f 1 Pr . tr VST:; ?- '. .f. . I . . t fF.L PUBLIC? J -; fu'! u "with tbe . v iv e t- : It papers rss.:U ar.y. ,--. Pi ij&t ha3 ever teen ofTdrei in this market. K D BUY Eli vLitin this city will do him- telf justlco by o-jr door, as we are underselling thoii,a:stt inminy oftba reg "!nr Staple lines. V,'o have insrkcd down all goodi that be- :on ta Summer -h-gst ncd are jejin2 Many Bpcial Miwmti to our patron?. Vo woaldci'.l particular attention to the GSHTS'QaG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Hlight'.y spotted, 75c. "Worth $1.60, S New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Eeaatiful designs- INjI ol TTnMoPPllOfl blCuUiUl Ud UUUliiu Cottons J Vv'e have laid in a very heavy Btock of tha above and are oGerir.;: them at lower figures than ever. We have all tho popular brands. " ft without Rn7 exception th best value ever -ollerert. Linen HandexcMeft3? A Job at 10 ceirte. 7hf:e jicgdj require ct couimsnt. US E-i.- 13 Hid a Z i Til School Books.- BCHOOL HOOKS, ani Schajl ivli Terr, f ?r sale timep at UElSSBi'ilOEIi'fl' I : ?,AGE VAUIETT At UEINdLKGEK'-", scs.t IS Live Book an-i' Music Storft A LARGE STOCK CF i m X - AND ? tVHLL V70HK ALL KluD lUmZZ LATH For saIo veiy -rt-va;-, at AJl'AK'rlvt. WllCI". v ?,e: Foot of nVintf. sept 20 aa. ear "r-- t. Baker, FASUls-'N ABLiv IIILLINF.V, Wiliicioa,- iim. Corner Third and Orange Streets "I ANOY GOODS. N'otiocs, IIL. Uonnets, Flats. Fiorrers, Fcftthers, Crcaments ol nil kinds. Will rene a:d work oTer all kinds otold hir, braids, comhiegs, Ac, root them ani mase f.em equal to new. uid Hats mad9 t5 look like they were cew. Call und sco Eir specimers cf work ji, 10 MfiS. 8. J. DAK Ell. A Large Pariy9. JOtlMtiBLY REST PAYSSicJ, tired of I lanalord rale are now ca uiy monthly ia Hilmect list. Every dol'ar heretofore paid by the-Ji jr rer.t now goes tn pufebase a Loss ond uot where-tho woodbine tnineth. Undsr the instahaw.t pln ro rtnt is paid, thorebr avidujfr a steadv drain on fatcilj rcioorces acd enatliBff parties to secare c3afortable homes and f become tbeitewn lanslord8. JAMES WILSOff ' eept 20.1 w nn'TT-i? 0 11 wi I3u VOL. V WILMINGTON. N. C WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 180 vn 180 LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advortisemeriia. P iirtaaisa&Gia cichool Book Yatsj Complete Strck School lioofc. ' W.'cdow Glassall sizes .tattle' Uerr.ember, ho who says' much th-n - jt,;e . Uro,dfu:!y warm this fur 6-plemixr rtc.ihcr. Si t,-r t'i Lave loved a short girl than .. .til v The newest,' latest, best and rhe?pes, at iloENTtlATj S. The receipts of cotioa to-day at tr' 8 pjrl tt ctup 38G' bales. . The honeymoon should not end until the last quarter is gone. Innocent cool drinks have been worked I down to an iced tea. - - At3ociocti to-day tne weruiuic in this office registered 80 decrees. A large stock of children's school shoes I to select from at Rosenthal s. . T TZ ' t-:i i b?.ve vour money ana uuy juai uuuu, ini Supplies from Altaifer & Price. Some women wero evidently oorn i r-n of loocfc thnv ATfi nflver Turee out tho morbid humors of the I blood, by a dose or two oiu a jti, . . . T). I ana you wm nave ciuarciiicav.a o m.uiw YVa are scrry to ham tnas iaerd i fl' much sick nes3 now prevailing m tL Rocky Point section, caused mainly by miasmatic fevers . T f 1-vq en -warn fnnsh that tlw siilnwihemsslvea. to bo deceived a nQW Q0Ugh Syrup when tbey have I XDerienced the value of Dr. Bull b uougn Syrup for many years. Price. 25 cents. Th3 steamer Passport did not make h2r refTQ,ar fcri tQ SmithviiiQ to-day. She had to have some repairs made to her boiler. 77Z t. wf KvRTvbodvcan cer suited with a Pocket I ICnife JTabta Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.- j. . " : . . , Bee a woman on borsebadc An anotner column, . riding ' near Speer.s Vineyards, with a bunch 01 U rapes irom wnxu Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, tnat is j fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists, Stopped Over. Mr. A. Wilkins, cf Philadelphia, one of tho contractors of tho recently con I gtructed water works in the city of Char- j leston, has stopped over ia Wilmington I for a few days, en route from tho first named city to Philadelphia. Now is the time to take a . practical view of the re- cently agitated . question of city water works ' Shells for the Turnpike. Owing to the scarcity of oyster shells tho Sound, Mr. Nolan, Superintendent of' tho Wilmington Turnpike Company,. has engaged the little schooner Wave to ... bring shells from the vicinity otbmitbvi le nd Fort Caswell. Tiia Grit, -cargo ccn' sisling of abtut seventy cartloads of these shells, was landed by the JFat'tfa few days a0 on the wharf near the baae of old Sunset Hill. The finest stock of Ladies Kid, Fox Balmoral and Button Boots at Roses TUAls. t v Mr. Cronly's Dissent Mr. M. Cronly, one of tho three Com miesiorcrs appointed to assess the damages against tho American Union Telegraph Company for the right of way abng the line of the W. & W. andW. C. & A. lUilroads, has submitted a minority report which has been placed on file. The report is very voluminous and wee in only refer 'to it briefly. Mr. Cronly states that his award is made upon the basis- of one-half" of the cash receipts received by tha Wilmington & Weldon R. R. frcm tho Western Union Company, sayt; $4,324 annually, which amounts to-day to $72,CCG 47. This right of way, says Mr Cionly, being the most available for a telegraph, lino, I fi-d thi3 amount, 72UCG.47, from all the testimo ny adduced, to be the market value cf the right of way sought to condemned by the American Uuioa Telf graph Company over the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Caisar covered his bald head and gray hair with a laurel crown. Ayes's Uaib Vigor covers gray heada with the still more welcome locks of ycutb. Bishf p Atkinson Slil Improving. Bishop Atkinson has bcenh'ard frcm within the past few days and re are picr.s-d to be able t3 chronicle the fct that ha "ii stiil sureiy, although slowly improving tie is tow at the IUw!y Sr-riri'rj. mar Ilanisonbur-r. Va., and imufc t gnu iu .v ... omo i.f his fmiiy, tie-er, oppose t'i? ntcp and refcf that he should corte di rfcCly on to Wilmington, they fear that Asheviik will La found too co d, at thio season, cf tbo ye-ir, fur I U eat'eeLled .ci n- B-itulion. We nit truet U:a to wtii i.e ... .. .t. ainoDg us egaia at an early day. Rico are about ployed out Not Ffi '.rirh thOr.3 Scotch So'lCs at ROSENTHAL. S T! ksl fjr ever. f Alarm cf Fire. The alarm of fira shoitly after 11 o'clock this-morning, was caused by the burning of -the. rof of the house of a colored wo . .i jxr . TXT A A man Known as ine wiaow oi nenry u, dtll, on Filth, between Bladen and Har It is supposed that the fire caused by a spark which fell upon the roof. The building is a two-story one, tho upper story being pretty naaiy damaged by fire and the water which was t - tnrown to exungmsu mo . . iuLumoi. - - - u&u wj c' I rr-rx nnfli-otoTiH ctio inonrp(1 in tllA Wlla wr,at amount we have been unable to loarTi . th ia h of writiB2 f . , -. winter bv. wearing Rosen- TUALS b00ts and shoes. f City court. Jno. Williams, colared, was arraigned lor disorderly conduce, is seems -mat defendant has been playing the part cf a Ldeaf and dumb mute and coins from t(j hougQ making Bjgns and begging for something to eat, and when detected, as was the case in several instances, he abuses and curses the very people who were previously kind to him. Mayor Fishblate said $50 or thirty days and .7 J J Dumby went below Alice Hall, colored, arraigned for being Urunk and disorderly and resisting the a ,ed t : fiQ of S10 ' Ana-tMr ,e tn tho n T fon(?,t J went naiow. Dancing lessons given free at Rosen- thal s: Pcmp sole boots and ehoes tor the ball room. T Of Interest to Housekeepers. If ycu have a painted floor, keep soap Buds off of it, for it spoils the brightness of the paint, makes it soft and then it peels off. leaving the floor looking worse than if it had not been painted. If your floor has not been painted, keep soap off of it, for it gives it a dirty, grimy look and keeps growing worse oil tho time. Just take crean, hot water, put a teas- poonfiil of spirts of ammonu into a three gallon pau cf water, stir it, and with a clean, long handle mop, rub the floor all over, then wipe off with clean water. I takes a little while to get the gray out of tha boards, but it will coma out after a time, and you will find it far easier to keep your floor white an J Lice than it was when cleaned with soap suis. Window Glais ofail siz3a , I) irSash and Biiads, Builders' Hardwaie,&o. Low eat prices at Jacobi's. Last Night's Fete Cliampetro. A largo number of our citizens, among whom where many ladies, were present last night at tho closing festivities at Seaside Park, at Wrightsvillo Sound, It was a beautiful and pleasant night and the enjoyment seemed universal. Mana gor Schutte fairly t-pread himee'f for the comfort and entertainment of his guests, determining that this, the closing Fete should excel all of its predecessors. The concert Mven by the ne Overture Bind was a charming one and was listened to with great dslight by the laro number present who would be glad to bear them cgiia and that eoon. The dancing was participated in by many and was kept up with much spirit to late. hour. Altogether it wa3 such an affair as one loves to recall and talk about long after its occuracco. If this fine weather should continue a week longer could'nt Mr. Schutte be in duced to giye just one more'"? Mr Nath'l Jacobi having beec appoint ed agent for tho Atlas Plow, parties -a r f thu celebrated Plow can now havo their orders fillei at Jacobi's Hard. ware Depot, No. 10 . rroui n. Review .In this Section. As a matter ef interest to many we copy herewith an extract from a letter writteu by a very observaot gentleman who has recently traveled txtetsively in fcnis section, and which wss published in th News and Observer: Within the past few days I 'j-iv-j m portionB 01 me counties 01 jvixsiyu, Wayne, Lonoir, Craven , Carteret, Simp son, Duplio, Pjod'.r, New Hanover and Bladen, and never t ih'n teaeou tiava I n so much cotton o'.mn The neuU are perfectly white, an ! ia coLEequoncc of this rapid opening, &i.d in sweh qua 1- ti tie?, the labor at hand s iuwlhcmus 10 pick ;tout. A heavy btorm or lautalt wjuld cause large qaantiths to fallou-. It ia unusual for tho top crop to open u - ore about the last of Ojfcober or rirst ot November, but in many instances tho top crop (which is universally and uufortu nately ver small) is nearly entirely open. Old farmers say it is a bad sign for a cot- ton crop to open early, and iti deed it now looks like there is a good deal in the saying for the crop will surely be very greatly cut eff, and as far as my observation has gonp, I think I c ii. s'o-y sav not much more thau half a crp w n be mado. I saw a good deal of the effects cf rust, but not a3 much as I had anti cipated, but for some cause there seems to be a manliest falling oil in the lruit ana of tho cotton crop . . Cotton must have a favorable August. A dry or wet August will cause the bolls to shed, and par ticularly, when commercial fertilizers are extensively used, the effect of dry or wet weather is more readily perceived. Should tbo crop be short. the price will be correspondingly in creased, ana tno larmer, 11 ne can hold awhile, will in the end be about equally benefited. I saw large quantities of rice planted on the nigh lands, and was glad to sso it in almost every in stance looking well and promising, an abundant harvest. This seems to be a new feature in high land farming, and from present prospects the cutlook is decidedly promising. 1 am glad to - no tice a large rice cleaning manufactory going up in Wilmington, and men of means in this enterprise. The rice fields on the upper and lower Uape Fear are being reopened, and a very active interest ia bsing manifested Ladies, tho bost fits and tho easiest shoes for the little one3 are at Rosek THAL S. f WilminKton District. Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek ..Sept 21 22 Smithville ....ept Wihnineton, at Front St. .... . Oct 2-3 Wilmington, at Fifth bt, ...... Oct a-iu Whiteville. at Shiloh Oot 1G17 Topsail, at Union.... Oct 2324 New River.. uctz Onslow, at Queen's Creek, Oct.30-31 DuDlin. at Wesley Hot b-i Clinton, at Clinton Not 1314 Coharie, at Newton Grove. .. .JNov 201 Let evekv official- membeb be sure to bo at the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us PBE3S the battle all over the District and look to Uod FOE VICTORY. L. S. Btjrkhead, Presiding Elder Magnolia, N. O , Au 18, 1830. Where is that crowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. f F.-na'i Leslie's Popular Monthly For October i3 an exceeaingly attractive number; rich in iilastrations and abound ing in literature of tha most pleas in-, eiu teitaining and interesting character. The opening article, 'The Theatres of New York,' by J iirander Matthews, is espe cially marked by these charac.erisucs, tracing as it docs, the track of the thea tre from its solitary iesting-placa in John Street one hundred years ago, to its present location in the upper pari of Mannattan Island. N. Robinson has an admirable article descriptive of his 'Four Breakfasts m the Paliis Royal.' 'Cleopatra's Needle,' The Empire of Annam,' 3ir Peter Paul Rubens.' -An Old Sea Dog,' etc, etc , are tho subjects o other prominent articles. A new continued story, Th;3 Amber Witch,' by the author c-f tlhe House with an L,' c c, and several short stories by p pular wnteis, str-jro pleasant readifig. Mrs. Biirow cjuiiuues herddigbt'lu: 'Qo33iping Papirs,' a d thro are several poems 01 rare excel lence, a Rustic 8onr, 'Robin an ; I, by Fannio Forrester, Tne Garden of Cymo. doce.'by Alfred Swinburne. A Eyran to the Sea,' by Dean Al ford, etc, are espec ially meritorious. Among tho more no table sketches are 'My Narrow Escape,' a narrative of thrilling interest; A Few Friends and a Little Music,' 'Joseph Bonaparte,' Rahma Bm Jaubir, Pirate of the Persian Gulf,' etc. The miscel lany is comprehensive, amusing and ra plete with information. Tbe number consists of 128 quarto pages, and toe em bellishments exceed 100, together with a beautiful frontispiece, The Coqiettc' from the original drawing by Palmarok Single copies are only 25 cents each j the subscription for a year, 3; six m:ntha, $I.5Q; four months, $1, seat post free. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 63, 55 and 57 Park Piace New York. :, . . , You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Ueat ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. CHEAP HEADING! For tho Campaign. Too Daily Review, to Dv. 1st, for $1.00!' The Wilmisgy.'N Jouas.r. 1st. for f.O .entsl - Des Thn : MTKnrOs JcmiNAL rmblished e7ery Fri i.t gives l of the news of the Tho" Daily Review, published every afternoon, gives the news ot tne tlay ana tho latest market reports. Address J08H. T. James, Wilmington, N . O. Now Advertisements. THOMAS H- :McE0Y, SUCCESSOR TO I Uoittwrlglit &.McKoy," IS PREPAEING TO OFFER Fresh Arrivals this week for tho FallTrade : 2,50O0 Lbs. D S Sides, SO Bbls Super and Family Flour, SO Ebls Sugar, all grades, ICO Bags Coffee, 500 Cases Canned Goode, 200 Bxs Crackers & Cakes, 25 Tierces Lard, lOO Tubs Lard, 25 Tubs Gilt Edge Butter, . 20 Boxes obacco, 10,000 Cigar?, 10 Boxes Soap, 3 Bxs Lye and Potash, &c , &c, &c, &c. Country merchants Who buy at wholesale Will do Well to inquire prices from mo before purchasing , , elsewhere. , To my City customers I thank them for their liberal patronage, 1 0 inrl ho fnv n. rnntinimnrn nf the ana nope 101 a continuance 01 tne same. thos. h. hickoy;- Grocer and Liquor Dealer, eept 20 6 & 7 North Front St Bagging, Ties, Twine, 1,400 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 4,500 Bundles New ana Pieced Ties, L.OOOiLbs CottoniBaggiog Twine. 1,203 Bbis Hoar, Super to Extra Family, 250 Boxei Park Strips, Hmked and D 8 Sides, 203 Hhd nd Bb'.a Porto Rioo, New Crop Cab and New Wrleana ilolaases. H-as- PiiT(( Uai. LUUCU5 4Xl t, A . , 200 Bblj Sugar, Cat Loaf, Granulated Htudard A, Extra O and C 275 Ray Coffee. Kio, Laguyra and Java, 100 Boxes Pure Assorted Candy 150 Tubs Choiee Leaf Lard,; 175 Boxe3 Starch, TCC Boxes Lye end Potash, 175 Boies Laundry Soap, Tobacco, BnaST, Paper, Matches, 8hot, Pepper, Oinger, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, &c Kcr aaie low dj WILLIAMS MURCHISON, an 1? Whole! 9 Grocer M Com. JUr, 4 PEtiFEOTLT NKW OFFICE S AFE. A . For sale cheap. Apply at mch.3 TIUS.OFFICE, PLEA8E NOTICE. We vill be glid to receive communication! from our frieads on 117 and all rabieeti general inUrtt but : The man of the writer mui slweyt be fur n!hed to the Editor. : ' Communlcationi o.uit be written) on onlt ce tide of the ppe . PeraonadJties mtu oided. And it is espeeieJlv sitlcularljucdrr trod tfcet the Edif' ' as not alweya endorse the view of correi-cnlf m o Utef in the editorial oolsaaa. 1 t New Actvortisemonts. Carpets ' Carpets! . Carpets ! LAUG STOCK fROM WHICH Jou ca p; cIioice and prelty thin". oun 1 ; n r :'!. iovt4t.e3 in xjilisn anJ Ameli:l paltry and Boc'v Bros- seis. 1 Damaskr, Creloncs, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Uugs, Od Cloth?, &c. Respectfully, sept 21- Ii. M. MclNTIRE. To My Friends and Customers- fa: AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall itock of Boots and. Shoes, Consiatifig of all the LATEST STYLES I My past stock and my success speak for themselves, and I only ask a continuance o ymr kJ0Xi aJ uTtl7 Destowed cn me cr- Please Call and Examine my Q 3Stock as regards Qnality-3l CF" and Prices ! 0 No trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to lee yon one aad all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. sept 13 Sign of the Show Case. Valuable Land for Sale. WHEREAS CALVIN BLACK and wife, flora B. Black, of the county of Hob eaon and State of North Carolina, on the lat day or uctooer, i7o, made and executed a mortgage to the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company of the city of Raleigh and State aforesaid, to aecure fifteen hundred dollars due by note dated October lit, 1875, bearing interest irom date at b per cent, in terest due on the 1st day of April and Octo- ber of each year, and payable two years af- ter date, which mortgage waa duly recorded I in the Register's Office in the county of Rob in tne Kegiater's Utlice in tae county or Rob eson and State aforesaid, ia Book Q. Q, page ,&5SS?5S Oaerein contained, and said note was on the 6th day of January, 18Q, duly tranaferred . and assigned to the aubscriber, who ia now the owner and holder thereof, and the full amount of the said nots secured by the said mortgage is now due, except Oae interest up ' to tbe lat day of October, 1878, and whereas default has been made in tbe payment of the Baid note mmdibj the aaid mortgage. tbe said mortgage will be forecloaed by a sale of the said premises by virtue of the power contained tn tne aald mortgage, wnicn eale will be made by the aubicribera at publio auction, for cash, at the Court House door, in Uie town of Lumberton, county and State aforesaid, on the 25th day of October, 1880, at 12 o'clock, noon. The following is a description of 0eaaid mortgage premisea : A tract of land lying and being in the countv of Kobeaon and otato of North Carolina and bounded on the North by the lands of Neill McNeill, on the East by tbe lands of M. McNeill, the heirs of Henry McNeill, deceased, and Daniel McCallum. on tbe South and West by Ue lands of Daniel Ho Arthur, J. 0. Mcfcachin, Hugh Johnson and Col. P. P. Smithand conUintng about eight hundred acre;, more or less, the bound oreaZidT Jbe aaid of land will alia be aold at time and at the same place and on the same terma undor a mortgaze executed by Oie aald O Black to John A. Oilchriit, on the 4th dr of September, 1877, to aecure a note of 3Tf.92 which mortgage is now held andownedby J.a UcCaekm,sndiareoord. ed ii the same offiy in Book T. T , page Olb, 3 '-he 21st day of February 1878, JOHN A. GILCHRIST, Mortgagee. F. Finca. Attorner. Lumberton, N. C , Sept IS, 1680. aept 20 ta The Lovest Prices JlOIiALL KINDS O F PKLNTLNG, At E. S. WARKOCK3 Job Office. Get eatiuiatea at this oflice;bcfore having your printlcg done elsewhere. (Office In Review building.) . )y22 A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE LADIES ! TTE ARE 8KLLINO at Keducea nrieee I W LidiM. Miaeee and Children's Dreaae VV I Underwear, .Trtmmed I andUntrimmed " Hats and Bonnet, lateei sijies. MSES3 KAUSKE & HcQOWAN 1 JjU 1

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