THI8 PPEH i paoiubi ery altwnoou, badT J O 8 II . T. ll A Rl M8 aUIJCRlITIONH.OSTAOE PAID. ,t year,5 00 ix monthSi 50 ; Thre ' month, $1 ; One month. 60 cent. ; fae paper viil be delivered By carricre, of eharge, in nv part of the eitv. at ih h.,re rates, or 13 way r r "k Advertising rate low nd lioer. -Subscribers will plcaaeiopnrt u j afid ll failures to receive their papers regularly . Fail Stock BROWN & RODDICK 45 Blarket Street. 9 I T-xSiaE TO INFJRM TB,fc PUBLIC Vnerally and Wholesale Caih buyers ia ar ticular, that we are full op with the Cheapest Line! OF Dry that has ever been offered in this market BO BUYER visiting this city will do him- gelf jwtice by passing our door, as we are undersells we mum whimi . I .. i - .r ii nlar Staple lines. W have marked down all goods that be long to Summer wear and are offering I to our patrons. We would call particular attention to ths following GENTS' DOGSKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50. 1 9 BA New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons I . We hare laid In a very heayy stock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than over. We hare all the popular brands. Oar 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard ia without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Handercliiefs, A Job at 10 cent. Iheae good require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market" St. an 28 ' V : A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Doors. $7 AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK , LUMBER. LATHS. &c. For sale very cheap, at . ALTAFFER. TRICE & CO. Faetorv: Office: Foot of Walnut su flutt new Red Cross et. sept 20 SVJrs. S. J. Baker, FASHIOWABLB MILLINERY, Wilmington, N. O. Corner Third and Orange Streets. IANCY GOODS, Notion?, Hats, Bonnets, Flats. Flowers. Feathers. Ornaments of all ' kinds. Will renew and work over all kinds of old hair, braids, combings, Ac., root them and make tiem equal to new. Old Hats made to look like they were tew. Call and tee my specimens of work. j10 MRS. B. J. BAKER. A Large PartY, FORMERLY RENT PAYERS, tird of landlord rule are now on my monthly in stalmentllsi. Erery dol'ar heretofore paid by them for rent now goes to purchase a home and not where the woodbine twioeth. Under the instalment plan no rent is paid, thereby avoiding a steady drain on family resources and enabling parties to eeenre comfortable homes and to become their own lanelorda. JAilEd WILSON ept 20.lw Winberry Oysters. TflE FINEST OF the season. By the Dozes, Quart or Gallon, at JOHJf CARROLL'S, ept 16 Market t YOUNG MEN School for t&6 times MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta. Ga ;ssr $lOO covers tota - eipenaee for three months. Send for Illua S rate4 Circular ie2S-llwdAw. (Soods to Special incels W1R VOL. V WILMINGTON,' N. C, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1880. V !8i LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P HBisBBaaaaa School, Books Alex Bprust A Son Ship Notice. Yatkj Complete Stock School Hooks. Greet mortality among rr.Wqnitoe?. - : 1 Whxlbw' Glass1 --all sizes at Altafler Price's. , t Algerian scarfs are novelties for sashes. The newest, latest, beat and cheapest at IlorENrrrAii's. i For petticoats French ladies are UBing unbleached cotton. - ' Fly time when you hear your fath-1 er s cano thumping along the hall. A lare stock cf children's school shoes 'to select from at Rosenthal s. j A man who wis ordered to adhere to I 4 I a rigid milk diet eats cheese. I It is more commendable TTfavor the humblo than lo pamper the haughty. You can buv No. 1 Cooking and Heat in; Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's nnr jl' t rt- jpi u ii,. The woman who pretends to laugh at love, is like' the child who sings at night when it is afraid. . .. . T- ' I Where is tnat crowa going c xo noa- .r,a f KnW Wr, fll,np9 ' I A smart girl calls a youpg fellow of her acquaintance Honeysnckle, because he's always hanging over the front fence in the evenings; Water street merchants will keep their fdcfc dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t Tbe proper time for a ?girl to marry is after she baa counted her cash and found that she can support herself m case her ' husband turns politician. I Dancing leesons given free at Rosen- thalV Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t Mrs". Langtry's dress recently was of fawncolgr, with trimmings ol daiK Dine velvet. ' Another of her dresses ia o black with orango velvet trimmings, The most promising young men of - I this countrv are those who Will can arouud scon and settle that little account which should have been paid long-ago. Window Glass of all sizes, Doors,Sash and Blinds, Builders' Dardware,&c ,Low est prices at Jacobi's. Y We are afraid that Hobinson's circu3 is not coming down this way at this time, after all said and done. ,Thd indications are that thy will go on down towards Columbia. . . 1 - At tho Irish watering places it is found that most Irish girls surpass the, English girls in swimming. They jump at ence into Eis feet of water and swim with tho tide. 1 . I new remeuies auu uu r, .nnahant. v jntrodncecl to the wublic. but Dr. Bull's Cough uaujva mo, j Syrop &till takes the lead for tho cure of Conhs, Colds etc. frico, to ccnis. . run Mntai And Walnut Show Cases, all styles ami .szes, at Altaffeb, PracE & Co's 1 - One rpafon way tome fathers meet T difficcltv in findinz a match for their daughters wh:n - they want to is boause their tors use so 'many to light their cigara with. ' i : i The servants all summer have been eciojiuf the run of the whoh house.' JJr,i . . .! while their mietreescs have been cooped up in little rooms at tha seaside cr the moua'airs. Try -Hall's Vegetable Silciliaa Hair Renewer if you would have a luxuriant growth of hair. I xhi city during the summer, 6n health br pl,M ton.. Lave re urocd here a. 1 but th3y will-be arriving yery ! freely by the latter part "tf text week. The Sounders" are stuT by the sad sea wavca. September being the most pleas ant month of the year on the coast. Is It Possible that a remedy made ot vTn , common, simple plants as iiopsucnu, Mandrake. Dandelion, mak3 bo many and such marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do? It must be, for when old and young, rich and poor, Pastor and Doctor. Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having doubt no longer. See other column. Pest. been cured by them, we must believe and DA Death or Mr Isaac Wells .We oaly a few days ago chronic'ol the death of an old citizen ami no we are calle i upon to announce the . de.Uh of another. In this instance it is a na tive of the pUeo but one who bis Heen identified eo longAvith Wilmington and hr interests and resided within her limits so lung he tnight be almost sai l to have grown up with tne pi aw. Mr. Isaac Wells, whose ialh vwe nro called upon to announce, departed this life ia this city this morning about 5 , ociock- Thj deceased had been unwell tor eeverai daja and his sickness finally culminated ha a congestive chill, which caused hi MMh. Mr.". Wells wta about sev enty or seventy-one yeari ot age He came to this city when quite a boy from Connecticut, and was an apprentico to Mr. Erastua Buck, a carriage builder, in or about the year 1824 or 1825, the establishment at the time being - located a i about where Hart, Bailey & Co'a' foundry now stands. After be grew to manhood Mr. Wells amassed consiaeraoie property whicb.hbweverowicg to the result of the war madQ him' nocr asain. Hia last en t igQ wafl a tannery wh.ich h"8 in conn nection with others had etarted m the South end of the - city ca . Third strett jnear the "old gallows hill" as it id" call. ed. The deceased leaves no family and no relatives in this cltv. The funera - -Jm-V IKW IIHU kui Uiwuwu . . v I IDS remaius were mwuwu m utv,u mt . : . A !Ml...n4 in KallocfIA Gemeterv. . i Tho finest stock . of Ladies' Kid, Fox Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen TEAL 8. ' I . New Grocery Store. Capt. John L. Boatwright. has, we understand, decided upon entering afresh into the wholesale and retail family gro- r T business in this citv and proposes on Qr -about" the 1st of October ,to open in the building iust south of the Purcell House, and nearly oppaBite the First National Bant. Oapt. BcaUrighta welUknown capacity xor ousiueaa uu uh.paw rience in this particular branch ot traae together with his deterved popularity in thi8 commnalty will, we have no doubt, ;n8Ure for him a ood share of the public natronaso. CaDtain B. leaves "for the North this week to mako his purchases & u - - w wmtu u mui class in every particular. Rice birds are about played out. Not so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. t The Water Works- An adjourned meeting of those interest ed in the construction of water works in this city was held this afternoon at the MayorV office, in the City Hall building. Mr. A. Wilkins, whose arrival here was announced in the Review, yesterday, one 0f the contractors or" the construction of the Charleston water works, made a state- m3nt of the cost of construction. The different interests in the city were repre aanrnrl and tha (Vinntv nnfl PltV bv C(jl VUW " " J,rn ( b nrA f Conntv , , . - Commiesioners, ana Mayor i? isuuiaie. Xbo facts and figures submitted by Mr Wilkins will be deliberated upon and a thorough investigation maue COst of tbe construction, out of which we bono Eorrethinsr tangible rcay crow so I ii t ' 1 n w n w kn nn r A a i o I lDai LTB ,uuo wo "J UOTO "J"1"""1 u we 8iree" BUU waicr W,UUBU our private houses and hotels The Chicago Iimc8 pay e: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians, Eureons. by men of literary and scholar ly distinction, and by individuals in -all 1 life u Wilmington District Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington uistnct, meinour x. unurcn ooum Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek ;.Sep 21 2. Iomunvuic Wilmington, at Front St. . ... . . Oct 2-3 Wilmington, at J na. ds, "?lrf" 5": oSMt jjew River. Oct27 Onslqw, at Queen's Creek,. ... Oct 30-31 Duplin, at Wesley .......... .. ,OT Clinton, at Clinton.... ov am "V"V AA Coharie,atMewtonUroTe....nov .Let evebt offiCIAIi MEiiBE& be sure to beat the fonrth 'quafterlylconference. Dear Brethren, let na rnEsa ins battle ail oTer the District and look: to God FOB VICTOBt. - ,v x L. 9. Bttbehead, ' h j f 'Presiding Elder. Magnolia, N. CL, Aog 18, 1880. u 'Ladies? Ibe best- fits and the easiest . - shoes for 1 the: litUe ones are at Roaor? I THAIiS. t KEVIEW. The receipts of cotlon to day at t h:s port tf otop 8C3 bales. 1 At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 82 degrees : Tha ttiixl has beenEast all dy,and it is evident that n. decided change .cf weather is near a bond. r V ersunal. Wo were pleaeel to recei ve calls to-day from 0pt. T. L Emry, of We'don, the Mayor. of that town and. n '.ciidiog oilizsn of Ilajifax county,1 arid Mr;, T. II W- Mclntire, the Democratic candidate for the Legialature in Pjader c Minty, Both of these gentknu'ii were good Confcds, in the days that tried us all so peverely. News From Columbus. Col. Duncan K . McRae, we learn, addreised tho Democrats of Columbus at Whitevilleon Monday last and made, as he Usually does on EUch occasions, an able effort. The impression left by the distinguished speaker was such-that h'P bearers all felt that thpy wanted tu her from him once- more at least, before tne closa of the campaign. Judge Avery Is holding the Fall term of the Superior Court for Columbus at Whiteville this week, but the attention of the Court is taken up with State cases, there being no less than three capital cases on docket for trial at this term. Wo hgar that old Columbus will be good for 600 majority for Hancock, Jar vis and Shackelford ia November. Everybodycan get suited with a Pooket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot- DoffTonffue. Vanilla, or dog tongue, having bei come a commodity ia our market, a few words touching its preparation would not be misplaced. In the first placo the largest and brightest leav s, well dried, bring the highest prices. To attain the best prices the following directions will be of service: Pull the best whole leaves, spread them out in the sun, taking good care that they are not piled on each ether, but have every leaf free to tho sun, Take caoa that no dew or other dampness falls on them until the'stalk or main vein is welldry,as any dampness causes heat and mould after they have been packed. Cur ing leaves this way will cause them to be bright after being cured, and to command tho highest prices. The leaves of " the vanilla ,or dog tongue, cured in this way bring from 2 to 3 cents per pound, while dark leaves bring but 1 J to 2 cents. Mr. NathM Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want, of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. nlclntlre of Pender. That's the way it will read in the Leg i3lativo reports at the next session. Tho Democrats of Pender hava done well in selecting this gentleman to head their county ticket in( the campaign. Be sure that you elect him. Here U what some body away from home, Uapt. Ashe, cf the Raleigh Neios and Observer, thinks of him We endorse every word of'it: The people of tbe new county have shown good sense in nominating for the lower House that fine scholar and repre sentative farmer, Thomas 11. W. Mclntire, Esq. Hj is of the industrial classes, and knows the wants of the pop!o. He is a leadisg magistrate of Pender, and a fine business man, and is of middle age. Fond of his family and of farming, be has pre ferred retirement, and has not been in public life tefore. In this case the office emphatically sought the man, and net the mau the ofiice. hlr. Mclntire has ener gy and a marked devo'ion to the pmbllc gco J, and iosseses8 that honesty and pa-i triotism peculiar to the wellknown Mc lntire iaoily of Pender and New Hano ver to which he belongs. He will make a useful 'and wide-awake member of our next Legislature See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyardi, with a1 bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro- tesaion for the use of invalids, weak.y persons and tbe aged. Sold bv Drueffiet. Benj. F. Gbafton, Stob- B. Ladd, JjALCEBT fi. irAIKE. Late Commissioner of Patents. at 'n,t8, PAU1E GRAFTON & LADD, Attorney s-at-Law and Solicitors of Ameri- can iuu xjurciga tauau 412 Fifth Street, 4 Washington, Practice patent law in all its branches in tbe Patent Ofiice, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pamphlet sent free cn receipt of stamp lor postage. au zs New Ad vertisemen ts Ship Notice- A for rwarned 'raisst trust- in? or harborrf: an .f t,he crew or t&3 British tiiic HIONAl. art. Williaa:, a d f ScHgVJi their contrecting.wiH 1- y,i ly the Captain or Cc-n?icne p. sept 23 St A L- A. 8 PRO NT A SON. Sch jo! Books J HAVE JUST RECKlVjy A " VtnY lare and fall tupplr i.f t-'ch'o! Bcnls and Scbool Ft&tionftry Parents and teachera wity find it to their advanlage by firgteailing a. HEINSBERGER'8, Live Book and Music Store sept 23 School for Young Ladies. MISS HART, Principal. Assisted by Miss M. B. BR0WN.1 Instrumental Mueie taught by MRS. II. P. TAYLOR. Instruction in Drawing and Painting by MRS. E. H. PARSLEY. rpHE NEXT SESSION JLWILL ' OPEN TUESDAY, the 5th of October. Punctual attendance at the beginning of. the cession is higbly irtpoitanf. For terms and particu lar, apply, aftsr September 28 tb, to the lept 20-m-w-fri-7t ' PRINCIPAL Mortgagee's Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS o ontained m a certain deed of mortgage ex ecuted on the 21st day of February, 1878, by William tiampsoa and wife Mora, to Joel W Woolvin, registered in the Register's office of New Hanover county, ia Book ,N N N, page 683, &c, I will sell at public auction for Gash at the Court Bouse door, in the city of Wilmington, on Monday, the 11th day of October, 1880, at 11 o'clock, A.M., the fol lowing lot in eaid city : Beginning in the Southern line of Fanning street 82 feet West from the intersection ot Anderson st., thence West on Fanning street, 82 feet and ranting South 66 feet, being i part of lot 1, Block 269, official plan of City of Wil mington. E. 8. MARTIN, Attorney for Mortgagee, sept 8,15,22,23&09. Baggiag, Ties, Twine, 1,400 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 4,500 Bundles New and Pieced Ties, 1,000 .Lbs'CottoniBagging Twine. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,200 Bbis flour, Super to Extra Family, 110 Boxes Pcrk,8trips, 8moked and D 8 Bides, 200 Hhda and Db'.s Porto Rico, New Crop Cuba and New Orleans Molasses. Sugar. . Coffee, &c, 200 Bblu Rcgar, Cut Loaf, Granulated Standard A, Extra U and C. 275 Bags Coffee, I ! j fcio, Lagujra and Java, 1C0 Boxes Pare Assorted Candy1 UO Tuba Choiso Leaf Lard,; " lib Boxes Starch, '203 Boxes 1-ye and Po'aah, 125 Boxes Laundry Soap, Tobacco. Snuff. Paoer. Matches, Shot, Peppsr, Ginger, Hoop Iron, Spirit fJarreb, Ac. r or sale low by WILLIAMS A MDRCBISOK, au 17 Wholesale Grocer A Com. Mer. Man cock;! OUR EXT PRESIDENT ! Crayon Portraits Lift Size Of our next Preddent , ' and Yice Presidenti Mai. Gen'i; W. S. BA1OTK 1 Hol'W. H. ENGLISH! Heeant Specimen Copies, 22 x 28, upon U'avy Plated Card Ftock, sent by a m t J J J mail on rtc.ipi ci cue, ua ycur auareee, (Two copies fcO centa . THEHANC0K PUBLISHING CO., PLAISTOW, X. H. clhese two Superb Portrait should adorn the Heme of every honest citizen of the land. Ed. LANE'S ENGLISH AMD MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. GEN. J AS. H. LANE, Principal. O OOM8 NXT TO St. John's Charcb. The first session begins lfonday, Oct 4ib Circolars at uooutores aTter toxsj. , sept lSlir PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg.' ad to receive communication! from our friends on any and all sabots r general intarest but : The nan of the writer must always be fur nifhedto the Editor. " ' CommunJcaticDj aujt be wtittenron onI -one side of the pap i' Personalities mu oideJ. And it is especial! i Ccuiarly under itrod that the Editor ' At riot always endorse tbe views of correspo ' '.'Tim o tt6. in the edltrrial coiat kj. . .? Mow J dvcrtiEcmonts. Carpets ! , Car I): 13 I Carpets I LAK(; , S VOCK FHOM WHICH you can . ti at y cl.oi:e and preily things. , Somp - 1 1 tcv.lVos in'Erslish Tateatrv ."nd Bcdy Crcs and Aui i 8es. I Dauiaskr, Crelones, Lace and Muslin Cuitains, Rugs, Oil Cloth?,' &c. ' Respectfully, -sept 21- . ' li. M. McINTIRE. To My -Friends' and Customers- AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall etocfc of XSoots and SIiocs? Consisting of all the ZiiLTEST STALES ! My past stock and my encce33 speak for themselves, and I only ask a continuance p your favors sj. liberally bestowed cn co IIP" Please Call and Examine my U KTStock as regards Quality c" and Prices ! oa No trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you ere and all. Respectfully, C.-" ROSENTHAL," 32 Market 'Street. eept 13 ign of tho Show Case. Valuable Land for Sale-.; WHEREAS CALVIN BLACK and wife, fllora B. Black, of the county of liob eson and State of North Carolina, on tho Ut day of October, 1875, made and executed a mortgsge to the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company of the city -of ilalfigh and State aforesaid, to secure fitteeniiundred dollars due by note dated October 1st, 1875, bearing interest from date at 8 per cent, in terest duo on the 1st day of April and Octo ber of each year, and payable two years af ter date, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Hegister's Office in the county of Rob eson and State aforesaid, ia Book Q, Q, page 78, on the 11th day of October, 175, which (note) said mortgage with the power of sale therein contained, and said note was on the 5th day of January, 1880, duly transferred and assigned to the subscriber, - who is now the owner and holder thereof, and the full amount of the said nota secured' by the said , mortgage is now due, except the interest ud to the 1st day of October. 1878. and whereas default has been made in the payment of tne eaia note secured Dy the said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed bf a sale of the, said premises by virtue of the power contained in the said mortgage, which eale will be made by the subscribers at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door, in the town of Lumber ton, county and State aforesaid, on the 25th day of October, 183C, at 12 o'clock, noon. The tollowing is a description cf the raid mortgage premises : A tract of land lyieg and being in the county of Kobeson and State of North Carolina and bounded on the North by the lands of Neill McNeill, on the East by tbe lands of M. McNeill, the heirs of Henry McNeill, deceased, and Daniel McCslIum, on the South and Wett by tbe lands of Daniel Mc Arthur, J. C. Mctachin, liugh Johnson and Col. P. P. Smith, and containing about eight hundred acre, more or lefs, the bound aries of which will more fn'ly appear by re ference to the eaid mortgage recorded as aioresaiu. The said tract of lan4 will alsa be soldst1 the same time and at tha caisa place and ;r the satce term under & mortgage executed by the said O Black to John A. OHchriit, on the 4tk day cf September, 1877. to secure a ncte of $&70.82 which mortgage Ls now held and owned by J. O. McCaskill.and ij resofd , 4 in th? same 0.H09 in Book T. T., page 345, 3 tne iiit oay orre&ruary 1878, JUtl A. OlLCillilST, iioifsgce. W. P. Fxncn, Attorney. Lumberton, N. C , Kept 18, U80. sept 23 ta .. I The Lowest Prices FORALL KINDS OF PRINtiNG, . I At 15. S. WAP.i:f ,CK3 Job Office 1 your printing done elsewt ere. (Office in Beview building.) jy 22 A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE 1 a nira t 1 LAUILd i riTri ARE 8 ELLIN O at Reducoi crices W Ladles', Mimm and Children's Dree and Underwear, , Trimmed and U&trimmed Hats and Bonnets, latett styles. We will sell S or Stock of abive named u tides at REDUCED PK I C3 to make room for fall goods - . Hair Work and Stamping solicited. MISESS KACRKIi & McGO WAN. till

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