COMEDY. BT THOMAS HAILBY ALDKICB. They parted, with clasps of band. And kKt,: and burniuif tear. They met .lu a fon.-igfi laud.r AUer tome twenty year. Met aa ao'iuaiuUnce mecU smiling. y. wu-y Not veu th Ht l?"' Of tbe heart, upon eitber hiJe. They chatted of this and that. The nothing that make up li. Bhe lu a CiainHbroUKh hat - And he In blacK for hit a h what a comedy that -is! An, w"n if annears: V. ..i frLrr.ttpii his kisses. cu . T 7,7rot.teri her tears. auu no -September Atlantk Knowing Donkey. A Snaniah Oea-aul. living ' je snb ia the urba of Madrid, bn 1 , long been habit of repinQ.j daily t the city, aa .hiiikev uaeu with compan.ed milk for customers- (ii.trit'U'ion anion,; certain OunUv, h w2ver, the raasi ter was taken i;lt w Hereupon nia wiie eurested that the a-s houid ba aem.ori the lourney alone. The ! amicr wer- accordingly filled d with cans ot rniiK ;a ...haI and a bit of Pper wh attached to th donkey' hea-iatall, nqaesting tr,e ,fJ.omerHtobe;, tb.n.elves"' to their ,.fd,ury l.'oance of milk, and to put the cioa into tha pinner . UJ parted the donkey, a:il bo returned in due course with the cms empty and with everything in oruor. The mister found upon inquiry that tho trusty ,nes:3nger had called at ths right doord without missing one, and also that ia oma instances ho had pulled the bell with his teeth when kept waiting. From that day forward the donkey baa gone bid rounds alone. Ca)3ar covered nis i..d be i and ray hair with a laurel e.ovu. Aye&'s Dair Vigor covers gray heads with r the still more welcome locks of ycuth. A State Fair Described. Wbea the gates of the State Fair were thrown open yesterday morning a man who was built on the plumb-line principle and' whose hat would have at tracted the curiosity of a crowd a 'uxilo away, was stopped beciase he had no ticket. He indulged in some father loud talk, and was taken in hand by a policemen aad led to one side Int ns now oomo to an under standing, he said, aa Jm cooled off Is this a State Fair?, Yea, eir. 'I there a circus attached?" No, t-ir. Is there a free lunch establishment in blast?4 No sir.' Will the President ba hereto day?' Not that I know of.' Is the man with the priz3 packages on hand in here?" He is not.' Ia there any chance for ma to secure a position aa epecial detective?' No, sir 'This, then, ia an ordinary State Fair, composed of machinery, live stock, bedquilts, roosters, windmills, yeast cakes, new cheeses and the man who had his pocket picked? Yes, about that. Then, sir, I beg your pardon for my rash and ungeatlemauly conduct and I bid youjgood day. If I had un derstood matters in the Hrst place I should have spared the public this soene. Ta ta eir, and if wo should ever meet again you'll know me by my hat Betroit Froa Press. Arouslnz Its Readers. An alarm of firs at midnight is startling thing, but not half so startlin to many who hear it as would be th sudden knowledge of their own dangerous physical condition . Thousands of thou sands are hurrying to their graveB be causo they are carelessly indifferent to tha insidious inroads of disease aud tho means of cure. It is the mission of II. U. Warner & Co., with their Safj Kiudey and Liver (Jute, to arouse men to a sense of their danger and then euro them. Memphis Appeal. Chanse In tho Fros Nowhere in the animii kingdom is there bo favorable on opportunity for peeping into Nature's workshop as in the metamorphoses of the frog. The animal is a worm when it comes from theeM. and remains uoh the first four da s of his life, having neither eyas, earo, nostrils, nor respiratory organs. It crawls; it breathe? through itstkin; after a while a neck is groved into the flesh; its soft lip-t are hardened into a honey beak; tho different organs, one after another, bud out; then a pair of branching gills, and last a long and limber tail. The worm has become a rih! Three or four days more elapse, and the gills 6ink back into the body, while in their place others come much mora complex, arranged in vasoular tufts, oue hundred nn.4 (aalva in arli Tint thflV. - . -- " . J J too, have their dy and are absorbed together with their frame work of the bono aud cartilage, to be succeed ed by an entirely different breathing apparatus, the initial of a 6econu cor related group oi radical cnange. nnffs are developed, the cnoutu is widened, the horny beak 13 converted nto rows of teeth, the stomach, the abdomen, and the intestines are pre pared for the reception of animal food ti place of vegetable; four limbs, fully Equipped with hip and shoulder bones, srvei and blood versels, push out hrough the skin, while the tail, being .dw supplanted by them as a meaoa of ocomotion, is carried away piecemeal y the absorbents, and the animal passes the balance of its days as on urabre&thmg and flash-feeding bat- acoiani . v When you visit or leave 3tewYork City, at tbe Grand Union Hotel, opposite brand Central Depot- European plan. Kooms reduced to. $1.00 and upwards. Uestaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices - Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to ll parts ot the city. ly New York Herald, September 31at, 1880. 'Maine Maine-Maine." If Plaisted should be counted cut the common indignation of bptb branches of his supporters will have a htrong tendency to keep them united iu the Presidential canvass At all event, Senator Ii aiLe will nst ihmk the Statu ' eafi after Lis re cent d:8api-ointmeut, and will feel oon s'.rtiaed to tstay at homo to look r-Iter tho Republican canvass In his speech at 'the well known Pe publican conftrence in this city on the oth of August Mr Blaine marked out a plan of the campaign whereof a bril liaut success ia1 Maine .was the first requisite iThe theoryi of this cam pugn he said, ia first to carry the Jitate of Maine.' Laughter and ap plane.J Further on Mr Blaine said: 'Now yoo. reverse that picture; let a disaster overtake us in iIno; let it be followed by a disaster in ludtna and a close vote in Ohio and I am not anx ious to accept tho invitation of our friendi in tue South to go down there.' '"' . i IL will not desert hi 1 on State in so ncr'zpectpd a crisis.' IJow uuex pectid it i is attested by Mr Biaino's confident prediction in thH same speech at tho Fifth A vena? Hotel conference, Thi id 'We have been ou the fight ing line for six yearn. ,Buv we are going to reverse it. We are going to elect the whole five Congressmen on the eecond Monday in September.' f Applause Tho heavy disappoint ment whicu has overtaken Mr Blaine's predictions will at least confine him at 11IJU1Q LI 111 ill Li LUU A UOiUUU w uw vats. , . ' My life was saVed by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. E. B. Lakdjj, &tlma, Ala. If vnii are a iti.siEess.wcak man of let- ened by the strain of your duties avoid stimulants and u so te rs toiling over m nigbt work, to res tore brain nerve and Hop Bitters. waste, uso Hop B. If you are young: and diacrvtlon or diaipa suffering from any in- ried or single, qld orilyountf. suffering1 from poor health or languish Smi? on a boa of ack ncus, rely on H O pIlBltters. tion ; If you are mar- TboTKaiKM die an H whenever you feel nually from some form of Kldnev needs cleansinK, ton- disease that might iiibt or 8tunuiating. without intoxicating, have been prevented a timciy use 01 HopBltters take HOP Bitters. Ilave yon fig pepsia, kidney. D. I. C. Ror n7MXT-y Is an absolute and lrre&ista- fiof the atomach boirele, blood, liver ornerves t You will be cured If yoau8e Hop Bitters irvoa are sim leoure for runkaness . tuseof ODlum, tobacco, or inaroouca. Soldbydrmr- ply weak and iBTata. ena lor (Circular. gd lpw Tirited. try Kit i It may saveyour I Ife. It has OOP BITTEBS arro coM The Outlook. r A YEAR OS TWO there will b no law yerj, doctors, elef gymen, - or army Railroad men, editors and politicians are not what they usd to be. When a man ean car ry ayeac'a physic in bis vest pocket, what's the use of a Doctoi? Our harbor will soon ba better defended by electric btterie than Cinnonand there will be no soldiers. We have no time for speeches. The Banks do the collecting and soon lawyers will be aa scarce as lamp lighters or hen's teeth, bat people MUrtT JSAT, and so there will alwaya be groceries P. L. IBridffers & Co., 20, 22, 24, 2G & 28 Front St., WilmingtoD, N, O., are only one of the ninety. About one in a thousand of aU the people you.eee sell Whis key, Molasses, Dried and Chipped Beef, To matoes, Potatoes, Uin, Sngar, Spices, Mo lasses and Collee, for a living; something to eat and to wear; while the rest are fed and clothed out of tha' profits of tbe Wholesale and Het&il Grocery Business, in which tbe now Celebrated Establishment of P, L. Briders & Co.. .20, 22, 24, 26, and 2d North JFront St, Wilmington, N. O. holds the leading part. Wo understand and appreciate the reasons of our success in build ing up this trade, mnd they are brieiy these We keep the b-at goods ! Wf Bell far the least profit I We cive credit to those who secure ns from loss. We keep a fresh stock, and we have Iuok in our investments, sales aod purcase8 W e consult no opinion other than tliat of our customers. W keep posted in all matters connected with Groceries and Grocery sales, and above all sell out at the proper moment Keep no stock over for the next season, and have no useless expenses Thia enables us to divide profits with our patrons and to keep prices down. We have done more -to make groceries cheap in Wil mington than all the other stores combined. We ar in no ring or clique, and belong to no body or corporation. Hence it is that business is'always brisk with us, and stran gers coming to town invariably enquire for tao immense L'stiblishment of P. L. ORIOOERS & GO, 20, 22, 24, 2G and 28 Front Street. WILMINGT N N. C. rept 6 '' Cheese. Cheese. tOO Boxes CREAM CHEESE. Tor sale by r Hal! & Pearsall. sept y Go to VanOrsdelTs RT GALLERY TO-DAT,Jif you wish to the most beautiful line of Fanoy Frame, Easels, Easel Frames, Fapepartouts, Matta, Mouldings for making fratres, Cordgand Tassels, Silver and Gold Wire, Ac, ever of hi I i nur i DITITDOI II DllluiuE !l 'WEVFR I iFAILj g3aved hun-!j ' ' BJBoeketr, N. T. K HdredS. V j j A Toronto, Out. fered in this city. ' P 8 Parties tending babies Sto me by mal to be Photographed, will pieaaa mark on th envelope, handle oaretally. O. M YaMORHDELL. Artiit, inay.lT-tf Wilmington, N. 0. Miscellaneous. The World for 1880. DemocratB everywhere should inform them selves carefully alike of the action of their party throughout the eountry and of the movements of their Kepublican opponents. A. failure to do this in 1876 contributed great y to the loss hr the Democracy of tbe fruits of the victory fairly won at the polls. Toe year 1880 prosaists to be one of the most interesting and imports .1 years of this crowded and eventual century. It will wit ness a Presidential election which may result in reestablishing the Government f this coontrv on the principles of Its constitutional founders, or in permanently changing the re lation of the mates to the Federal power. Ho intelligent man can regard such an elec tion with indifference. Toe Werld, as the oitly dailv English newspaper published in the citv of New York which upholds the doctrines of constitutional Democracy, will steadily represent the Democratic party in this great canvass. It wil1 do this in no spirit of ser de partisanship, bet temperately and flrmly. As a newspaper the World, being tho organ of co man, no clique and no inter est, will present the fullest and the fairest picture it can make of each day's history in the city, the fcUate, the country and the world. It will aim nereafter, as heretoiote, t accuracy first of all things in all that it publishe. No roan, however humble, shall verbe permitted truly to complain that he has been unjustly dealt with in th columns of The World. No interest, however power ful, shall ever be permitted truly to boast that it can eilence the fair criticisms of The World. During the past year The Werld has sees its daily circulatioa trebled snd its weekly circulation pushed far beyond thct of any other weeklv newspaper in the country. This treat increase has been won, as The World believes, by truthfulness, enterprise, ceaseless activity in collecting news and un faltering loyalty to itself and to its readers in dealing with tbe questions of the day. It is our hope and it will be our endeavor that Tbe World's record for 18fi0 may be written in the approbation and the support of many thousands more of new readers in all parts of this Indissoluble Union of Indestructible States. SATES. Our rates of subscription remain unchang ed, and are as follows t Daily aad Sundays, one year, $10 ; six months, $5.50; three months, $2.75. Daily, without Sundays, ono year, $8; six months, $4.25; three months, $2.25; lees than three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one year, $2. The Monday World, containing the Book Reviews and "College Chroniole," one year, $1.&0, The Semi-Weekly World (Tuesdays and Fridays) Two Dollars a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of ten; the Dailv for club of twenty-five. The Weekly World (Wednesday) One Dollar a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of ten, the Semi-Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for club of fifty. Specimen numbers sent free on applica tion. Terms Cash, Invariably in advance. Send post-office money order, bank draft or registered letter. Bills at risk of the gend er. Address "THE WORMV' 35 Park Bow, N. Y, A SPECIAL OFFER. Subscribers who send $1 for a year's sub scription before December 28 will reeeive The Weeklv World from the date of their subscription To iHarch 5, 1881. This will include the Presidential campaign and the inauguration of tbe next President. Old subscribers who send $1 before De cember 28. for a renewal of their subscrip tion for 1880, will receive The Weekly World to Maroh 6, 1881, without missing a number. This Oiler will lie! With drawn December 9? Takeadvantage of It at ones, t Subscribe at once. Renew at once. deolO Rust Well Auger, Bust Well Drills, EuatlHorse Power, mHB BEST AND MOST 8U&OE88FUL X Well boring and Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. GAS PIPE SHAFTING and Coupling?. The most improved Surface Attachments Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much faster and with half the labor of anv other tools. Ancer and Drills worr dv nana or norse . ... . . r ... . . ... cover. Drills and 11 one power nave capacity xor 2,000 feet. In use nvs vears and co t allures. Made from best material and sold for half the price of others. Send for circulars- au 27-lydAw -. St. Joseph, Mo. c. Yates, I8HES TO CALL THE ATTENTION of Teachers and Parents to his complete stock of School Books and Bchool Stationery . Those wanting to bay will find it to their ad vantage to call or correspond with him. a..8unday School Books, Hymn Booka,Bib.e Prayer Boeks, and Reward Cards, in variety. YATE8 BOOK STORE, sept 6 For Sale. PERFECTLY NEW OFFICE BAFE, M oaler, Bahmann A Co., manufacturers, combination lock, weight 1,500 lb. For sale cheap, toon 3 Apply at THIS OFFICE. JOW RATES For all; kinds of .Printing, Persons residing out of the city ean have their printing carefully executed and mailed to them Ires of postage: E. S. WARROOK, (In Review Building) Job Printer, spl 9 . Bird Food, &c- HAVE JUST RECEIVED a fresh apply f nMnared UockiBff and Canary Bird Food, also a fine assortment of Toilet Soaps, Toilet Powder and Waters Extract!, 4c All for sale low at J. H HARDUi'8, Apotooary, Bspt 13 New Market. wnoLSOAis rnzozio. The following a notations represents wholesale prices crenerailv. In making en small orders higher prices nave to be eh arged HAUUUtU UVTAJ Double Anchor..'. . Double Anchoi "A"...... Standard liciceitic 11 10 h 11 9 12 BACOX North Carolina, liams, if 10 ft b Q 7K li 6 IS 7 8 2K Shoulders, Cs Sides, JS lb Western Smoked Ham. 12 ff Sides, y lb , Shoulders 6 & Dry Salted Sides, O 7 Shoulders. V lb... a BEEF Live weight. .... IK 9 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Beoonn Hand, each....... New Tork.eack. new M 1 85 9 50 21 UEK8WAX V fi - 20 BRICKS Wilmington,? M 8 00 6 010 00 North em ........... 60 12 18 25 &U 09 B OTTE.H North Carolina & 19 25 40 11 U 15 11 SO 20 20 80 60 7 I 23 Northern, "5 lb 0 CANDLES Sperm W lb Tallow, E. 11?4 Adamantine, "9 set 9 Q Northern Factory, -... 13 & Dairy cream, V 1 utaw. v aa.....w. ...... if COFFEE Java, V lb 28 & Bio, 2) 12 Laguyra, '.. 18 & CORN MEAL V bushel.... 7TK0, COTTON TIES V bdl...., 1 75 ( DOMESTIC Shesting, 4-4 yard. Yarn. 9 bunch 1 10 O W8H- Mackerel, A'o. 1, V bbl....lo 00 So. 1, Kbbl 8 75 Maekertil, No. 2, "S bbl....l2 50 No. 2, X bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 bbl 00 CO Mullets. V bbl 3 25 N. C. Herring, kog 6 60 Dry Cod, V 7 CJ20 C8 y oo 000 CC O & o G e & 9 0 & O G 6 6C 8 6C 2 60 6 00 0 4 00 6 50 6 60 8 50 7 7 75 8 25 FLOUR Fine, bbL.. .. 0 00 Super, Northern. 9 bbl... 5 00 Extra do " Family City MaiEx,.8uper 'i Family " Ex.FamUy JKiiTlil.Eitri Peruvian Guano, 2000 Sw. 55 00 Carolina Fertiliser " " 00 00 Navassa Guano, "' " oO 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 Wiloox, Gibb A Co., ma nioulated Guano. :...M...00 00 oo 00 42 00 042 00 67 00 G42 00 042 00 45 03 GLUE E).. 8 if 0 G 14 GRAIN om,store,w oCIbs 75 Corn,yeL, busheh None. Uata, V bushel. 62K0 Peas, oow, buahtl..M.... HIDES Green, 9 fi ......... Dry, ft HAY Eastern, V 100 lbs... North River, 9 100 lbs.... HOOP IRON ton....... LARD Northern V Tb North Carolina $ Jb 60 4 10 10 00 00 Q 65 12 26 05 8H 12i 00 & & G Q G 7HO 11 O LIMJaW? btL..........M..... LUMBER City steam sa'wd 8hipBtuff,reflawd,1?Mft.l8 00 Rough edge plank, V M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality , if M ft... 13 00 Dressed nooringjSeasoned. 15 00 Soantling and boards, com mon, V M ft. as IS 00 M0LAE8E3 Ouba.hhdgl 37 Ouba. bbls.. V firal........... 39 20 00 18 00 16 00 35 00 14 00 0 Q G Bngar house, nhds. 9 gal. bbls. gal... Orleans Choice bbls. ? gaL NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,,k?g OILS Kerosene, ? gal...... Lard, gal. 1 Linseed, V gal Rosin, V gaL. PEANUTS V busheL.. POTATOES Sweet, V bus. Iriah. Northern. W bbl 2 32 25 45 9 10 00 12 80 00 25 G 0 O 6 G 0 1 a i 0 & i & G 3 14 65 25 45 10 20 25tf 60 60 60 PORK Northern, city mesa. 14 00 Thin, bbL 00 00 Prime, ? bbl (extra). ......00 00 Rurnn. 9 bbl.M ....00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, V fi.M.... 7 G 7K East India, V Rough, busheL............! RAGS Country, ? lb Oity,?ja ROP rM....M....M....M. ....... Hemp...... . Manilla SILT Alum, sack...... Liverpool, Jj? sack........ American y Back ..t.......M Marshal's fine, 9 ssok..M Cadis 9 sack.................. SUGAR Cubs, V 2......M 00 10 G 0 00 60 IK 1 IK 133,0 14x 70 80 0 00 G G 70 O 9XQ 10XO 10X0 O o o 00 00 00 40 00 10 00 11 10 8 J 60 2S Porto Rico, V A-Coffee, S B " V 0 V Dnmtimim ExC V S Crushed 7? S......m.m.... SOAP Northern, V 3b SHINGLES Contract, VP 6 Common. V M. ............... 1 o 0 6 00 60 G G 7 2 HTAVE3 W. O. bbl. V M. 10 00 R O hhd. E. ... ...... 00 00 TALLOW w lb. ...... ..... 8 TIMBER Shipping V M...10 00 Mill, extra per M 8 M Mill, prime per M............ 7 00 Mill, fair per M ............... 5 00 Common, per M .....4 00 InferiortoOrdinary,perM S 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caroina. per gal... 3 00 WOOL Dnwashed,per ... 2S Washed. xer 30 Burrv wool, per fi 18 15 00 00 00 O 00 12 00 10 75 O 8 00 6 60 G 4 60 G 4 00 6 CO & 3 eo o CO a 32 G 20 Bashing, Ties, Twine, 1,400 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 4,500 Bundles New and Pieced Ties, l,0003Lbs CottoniBagging Twine. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,200 Bbls Flour, Baper to Extra Family, 2n Rorea PorkSStripe. 8moked and D 8 Bides, '200 Hhdi and BKb Porto Rico, New Crop 1 . & mr -. u.1..... UuDa t3u flew unviiu juuih c Sugar. Coffee, &c. 200 Bbls 8ugar, Cut Loaf, Oranulsted Standard A, Extra C and C. Ttaca OofTee. Rio, Lsgujra and Java, 1C0 Boxes Pare Assorted Candy bbl... 6 00 bbl... 7 00 bbl... 7 00 Wbbl... 7 E0 V bbl... 8 00 H150 Tubs Choloe Leaf Lard, 175 Boxea Btarcb, 200 Boxes Lye Potash, 135 Boxes Laundry Soap, Tobaeco. BnufiV Paper. Matches, Bhot, Pepper, Ginger, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Ac For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON, au IT Wholesale Grocer k Com. Mer. MR, J. H. BATES, New tpapsr Advsrt nx Arest, 41 Park Row, (Times Buildag) Hew York, ia authorised to contract for ad Yertisements ia the Daxlt Rrraw aadWii HuaTovJoiruiAL, at our lowest rater ; Miscellaneous. HPPIMQ I Stops, Hub Bass. Oct. Coup. UnUHllO ler, Vox Celesta, and Vox Mu maca. Sent oa trial warranted, oqIt S . Pianas $.125 up. Catalogue lre Aourecs Daniel K. Bettty, Wsfhiagton, N. J tept 9-4w MEDICAL COLLEGE OF V I KG! h7 A Ittcltiiiontl, Vh., Ke.u'.a Hesci n begin In. and c nua ues NINE SUNTH. Iaftra edUte Kxaa inatiooR nn the' EImentry Hranc'f:en at tho clr se of tir?t Sfrfi.i . t in'. xs.i.itl;n on tbe I'ractical tiranch e at the end i f w ond seRfinn i.hte. moiitN' (J Ueiate instruction. laily cx irainaMor.s aLd reci tations four lecture riay. mi le opportaritifcs fur Clinical -tuoy and Frarti cal Anatnjv Fees for tbe Ain- Vr.nths 'onrs, f l'Ja For. ansootCcin'nE or par tieulars, a--ldres J H .Vc UVV, M H, )ei0, Kichmcd, ept9-4w IMMENSE tsDCCESS ! 30 days. 30 000 in Mo wscttl V' t.i HANCO including E.VOLIMi ife i.f the Won. vv'M H, ais work i rn4orsed hv Gtn, Hancock arid tha prty leaders, is low-priced, immensely popular, .! cui!irjr like Mot Cake? The harvt rt-ii'i.e is t ptt mberl and October Outfits 5Dc. Act quick ant, coin money. For the best term?, and fulfpa ticulari", addrees IK'hBAKD B Ort.,, At lanta, Ut, Ffpf9-iw THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE T0 not confound this Matchless Renova- JuJ tor of Feeble and Exhausted Constitu tions with violent cathartics, cheap decoc tions of vile dru?s. and ruinous intoxicants innocently labelled "bitters." MALT BIT TERS anneal to nonular conndence Decause prepared from Unfermented Malt, Hops, and Quiuine, and other precious Ingredients, according to the process of laeDlg, ana are richer in the elements that restore to perma nent health the Weak. Convalescent, Over worked, Nervous, Sleeplfes, Dyspeptic, I- J? F . a;J i ; p 11' .B Bil - ous. and Fickle in Appetite, than all other forms of Malt or Medicine. The genuine plainly signed bv the company. Sold every where: MALT BlTTEKS COMPANY, Bos on, Mass. Bept 9 NO'MORC Of? GOUT ACUTEOti CHRONJO A M M a aa . V 1 Bjum Mannfaetnred onlv tinder the above Trad Mark, bv the EUROPEAN HALIOYLlO MEDICINE CO. of Paris and Leipzig, immediate Relief Warranted. Permanen Cure Guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated Phvsrciana of Europe snd America. The highest Medical Academy Parte reports 95 cures out of 100 oases within three days. 8ecret The only diesoiver cf the poiso eus Uric Acid which exisU in the Blood o Rheumatie and Goutv Patients. CURED. CURED. " CUBED. H 8 Dewev. Esq.. 201 Broadway, Inflam matorr Rheumatism. J Leavev, Esq, 458 Wasbiogton Market, Chronic Rheumatism. ' Mrs K Towne, 63 East Ninth street, (chalky formations in the joint), Chronic. Kheuma- tism. A M Prater. 74 Newark aence, Jersey Citv. Chronic Uheumntiem. John F Chamberlain, f'fq WEehineton Club. Wasbinirton D C, Rheumatic. Gout. Wm E Arnold. Eia. 12 Wevbosset street, Providence, R I, of" twenty years' Chronic Rheumatism. John B Turngate, 100 Hanches street, Pan Francisco. Neurjileia and nciatica. lor Mcdarial,Intermittcnt and Chronic Fevers. Chills, or Acme. SALICYLICA IS A CERTAIN CURE, Rnnersedinc entirely the se of Sulphate o Oninine. as it will not onlv cut the fevers. but will achieve a RADICAL CJUKK, with out any of the inconveniences and .troubles - . t nntv'l VV SI a box, six boxes for $5 Sent free by Mail on receipt of money, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT but take no imitation or substitute, as Salicylica (copyrighted) is guaranteed to re lieve, or meney reiunaeo, ana wui do deliv ered free on receipt of orders, by calling on or addressing Washburne & Co. SOLE AGENTS, 312 Broadway, ocr. Fulton si. (Knox BoJfe i&sT). a. r. febZS-ljdlw. . Rail Road Lms3, dsc. 1 t 1 1 it .f. OAKOI.INA CKNTUAL 11AU.WA7 I t 'iltioinif . C, June If, It SO, or. N AND ArTEK J"l S 16. IGtO. t:.s M Railway Passenger, iaii .'...: fc'rprM ;.r.. . Leave Wilrauitofi at f.D.i' S. I V Arrive at iiamlet at....... l;-5 A ) " at Charlotte at... 7:00 I Leave Charlotte St.. I V Arr' at 11 u.lftat.. 1' A ? ' t .'tlcjinjrloii at &0) No. 1 tai . is diiv except ay, tv.i tnkes no conntcti -Di ti H'.ti,;h or. days 1 . , No. 2 train i daily excei t titu-ii e t helby Divbiou Mail, Freight A Pa.v n.1 Exrres. - is. 3. e.o. a . - f ..1U.0J Ho. 4. .t.ii at C.C0 P "c; Tmo-'.atloc. i eave V i At rive at I .r,:s a Sao i', it.. Uav Charlotte t.... ...t.lf A Arrive at Lauriubur at ......4 i'O 1 Leave Laurinbnrg at.. , .....V:0 A Arrive at Charlotte at, X. P Leave Laurinburg at. F no Ar.ive at Wilmington at 4.15 V These trains leave Wilmington and1 Ciar -lotte. Tuesdays. Thuredijs and ..Saturday; Laurinburg, Mondavv Wednesdays and Fridays. Clr-se connection ai mlet t and frrn Raleirh and at Charlotte via Htteiville to all points in Western North Carolina and to Asheville. "r.y Also, via Spartanburg to llendersonville adjacent pointa and Asheville. Pftssengers for Asheville via eftner route. leaving WiUnincton at 6 P. M. will arrive a destination at 7 P. M. next day, 1 1 Bleeping Car accommodations on Through Twain. n I . a t ton. v k Through 81eepers will also bo run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. . V; Q. JOHNSON, t General Suierintendeui. June 17 WILMINGTON VFlD0r: RAILROAD COMPANY Ornos or Gih'l Sufirihtshdbivt f Wilmington, N. C, Sept 18, If 8P. j CHANGE OP SCHEDULE On and after September iCth, 18r6. nt 8.40 P M, Paaseneer Trains on the "Wil mington A Weldon Railroad wi 1 rcn f. follows DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, d?ir Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at. 6 EOA J. Arrive at Weld&n at... ... 12 50 V H Letve Weldon... 3 40 I'.M Arrive at Wilmington, Front Ot. Depot at 9 6.1 P 11 csi Train. Night Passenger, Mail and I'xj daily. Leave Wilmington. Front Hi. Depot at . , ft 4 ) I 3 6") A 2 15 A Arrive at Weldon at.,; Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Frontht. Depot at 8 40 A H Trains on Tarboro Branch Rosa lo.v- Rocky Mount for TarDoro at 5.13 P hi 5ni:r and Tuesday, Thursday and riaturc ay at I :c.r. AM. returning, leave larcoro .it I'Jt'J AM daily, and Monday, Wednesday nr. Friday at 8:30 f M. The Day Train makes close con octic :. -Weldon for ail points North via Jiuy ! daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via f':i mono and all rail route . Tho 8.40 P M train for all points North via Richmond and Washington makos closo connections at Weldon. eleeping cars on all night trains. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Bspt. rept 2C are MtWfif Gen'l Sup'ts Cfnce - 4w WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA A.J til- GU8TA RAILROAD CO Wilmington, N. C, Brpt IS, L (0 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE . , On and sfter September 19th, IfgO. at 3.50 P M, tbe following Pateenger tebedcle will be run on this road Day Passenger, Mail and Exprees Train, Cull j. Leave Wilmington. . 9 C3 I : ttt A . V V M V VMVt?. ........ ....... A J Leave Florence 0 Arrive at Wilmington.. 8 2 ) P rf NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dailv). Leave Wilmington ............ 10 131' Leave Florence Arrive st Camden Junction 4.15 A Arrive st Columbia...... & 15 A Leave Columbia. ....................... CO 1' li - Leave Camden Juoction 12 0011 1 :i0 a v 6 50 A U-Brinklej's. Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington. Thia Trsir stopa only at Whiteville, Fleoungton, Fair Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points o . G. A C. R. R. and in Western North Caroii na, via Columbia and Spartanburg, ehonldl take Night Express Train froir W ilmingtoc. Passengers for Augusta eb ,uld tax Nifct Express Train, which ccncects vn Cacici. Junction. 1 BSr-ThrOOKh Hleepltig Car a-'I fcJ,M trairs tor Charleston, and Acgusts. Trains leaving Wilmington taturdav sights make connection for Co umbia rmy via Camden Junction and South (,2-rclina Railroad. JOHN jK. DIVINE. Gri "-h. opt 20 A RARE OPPORTUNITY LADIES ! FOR THE WE ARE SELLING st Reduced prices Ladies', Misses and Children's Dresce snd Underwear, Trimmed and Untrimme Hats and Bonnetn, latest styles. We will sell off our Stock of ab"-ve named articles at REDUCED PRICE!! to make room for Fall goods. Hair Work and Stamping solicited. iiJSESS KACREB JSr ilcGOVVAN. jy!7 our VaTTHJ!l Tiri? V f The best practica auuhu ujlmj .s .8011001 for the tlmts Is MOORE'S BUSINESS UilVERSITY Atlanta. OaH 3 $100 covers toU expenses for three monthr. Send tor lllta rated Circular, 9 2S-12wdAw. it u 11 n H M ! II- M M n it M X..; ' li 11