N r World, 2Cd FBOM MAINE. What the Dissent to a Fusion Elec toral Ticket in that State Amounts to. Jlr W A Cromwell, of Maine, who is one of the electors on the union ticket iustlormed arrived from that State yesterday. Ho says that the .canvas lion at Portland on Taetaay s practically unanimona in its adoption of the union, electoral ticket. Ifae opponents of union vere foolon. Caasa acd thirteen others. Of these eleven were Republicans who ho r'ed for Davis acd bad ccme into .oavtn tion for the t pose o - .entiDg harmouy. -'i W were pu -y char ged with tbis in the convention, end not one of them denied it. The board of Directors jof Cnase'a paper, tue Enquirer, disapprove his action and i he paper will support the union elec torol ticket: In all probability to bolters4 ticket will be ran. eud it -will cot affect the result. There can r-nodoubt, Mr. Cromwell says,- that ihe union electors will carry Maine. The opposition to Garfield id the whole State is much etroDger than the opposition to Davis va3. Fighting Ihc war over Again. Pkovidknci:. Si?pt 22. -Tho ii linnH here fitem to bavo udjpied taotics within thy pat week. 1 y began the campaign by denouncing mud throwing, and were qaiti con servative until recently, when they launched out into fitrocg abuse und bitter sentiment. Col fl J Spooner said on Saturday that HfUicenk was n rebel in Union?gcrb, Ex Gov. ATan Zandt sajs Hancock is a rebel at heart and to night Col Daniel Ballon said that the South hated New England men, and Dew England men ought to appreciate that' fact;a!so that lie considered tho institution v of the country were in danger from Southern ideas, and rather thai have, these institutions pass into ft.c'q hands, ho believed the people of New England would prefer to eco tho soil resume its orignal sterility, and our towns and cities turned into a howling wilderness. Such are-Hhe arguments made, iiero by tho Republicans. Meanwhile the Democrats are quietly receiving large accessions to their ranks. Three more companies of Hancock Guard were formed to night, and over 200 no names were placed. ou the roll Ilancock Pioneers In Eastern Connecticut- Norwich, Conn., Sept 22 Nearly 1,000 Hancock pioneers marched in procession to night. The city was gay with flags, streamers, skyrockets, ool ored and electric lights. The streets were blocked uth the crowd. Three Hancock banners were raised. It wes the largest Democratic demonstration ever seen in this Republican strong hold. CAROLINA " Monroa Enquirer: Receipts of cot ton for the week ending laet night 1,075 bales, boin 003 bales more than up to this time last September. Goldsboro Messenger: The Con gressional Convention of this district will bo held in this town on Tuesday of next week. Mr B L Stith has left second crop peaches on our table. They are, however, very smxll. The flavor is good. The tits'; crop was early large peaches. Charlotte Democrat: A highway robbery was committed near Salisbury on Wednesday last, by three dis charged men of Robinson's circus. 1 They got in company with a country man who had sold some cotton, and af ter drinking together, they knocked him down, -tied a 6uspender round his throat, and robbed him cf about 310. Snow Hill Advocate: Mr Wyatt Churchill, of our county, informs us that with a fifty caw gin and a five horse power engine, he can gin fifteen thousand pounds of seed cotton in one day. Our young towusmar, Air D S Carraway, having completed his medioal studies in tnis place, and not beingjpcouniarly able to attend lectures has obtained a position as traveling agent of tho .Neivs and Observer to make money to attend nest Fall. ; Durham Recorder: The new brick mill of John Shields was burned last week, rumor says, in a somewhat sin gular way. Some one shot at a water bird from one of the upper windows of the mill, and the wadding, blowing back on the roof, ignited it. The mill waa probably the most substantially built iu the county, and was com paratively new, and was located ou or near the site of the old Shields Wool len Mill, on Eno, about 8 miles from Durham and Hillsboro. We learn there was insurance on the property, which probably does not coyer the loss. Raleigh News k Observer : Every body ia up to the eye3 in business. More people nave gone Aiortn from North Carolina this year than ever before, save durincr the centennial year. This is one good result of low faxes. Excursion trains are to ran on all the roads to the colored fair next week. It will be a big thing and there will be hundreds of white Tiaitors. Oar people, one and all, feel a lively inteseat in the industrial progress of the colored raoe. Mr Eaton Bledsoe yesterday sent to. tho Republican county executive commit Tee his declination of the nomination for the Honse from this county. lie appears to have been led to take this 8tep by the dissensions in the party in Raleigh townehip, there being hun- iafftanr ImU.ra in TCefc Rilp.icrh and Oberlin. Charlotte Observer: A bei of $200 against 8150 that Uanoock would be ejected the next President of the Uni ted States waa made in the city yeatcr- clay. -Arrangements were made yesterday afternoon for Qsn Leach to epeaK in tho opera nonse , to-morrow nii?ht. Ha will ne donbfc haye a large crowd. - Gov Vance spoke at Har risonburg. V a, on Monday, a special dispatch say3 a largo crowd was pres eat and the Bpeaser 'handled the as sistant Republicans with gloves off, eh 3 wed up the affiliation of Mahone with the Republicans, and that he never intended to accept any proposi tion of compromise that did not allow Garfield negroes to name a Demo cratic electoral ticket. Powerful was tho impression erected. While Vance was speaking John Wise was address ing a crowd of Jnlyers, Republicans and n?groea in the court-yard.' Chatham Record: Mr. John M Bar nett, of this county, informs us that he has raised a pumpkin this yearjthat measnrei foar feet 7 inchc3in circum ference. Eleven persons were baptized Iat Snnday by Rsv G P Moore, at Rock Spring Church, about twomileg north of this place. Ycstsrday.the residenoe of the Messrr liuk3 Hros , at Lockville in this coun ts, was accidentally burned up. It is said that 8800 in gold and 1,000 in paper currency waa burned with the hou3C. No insuranc3. Mr Rich mond Jon 63, of this county, informs us that he found a reptile last week that was about fcix inches long, had eight horns and twelve leg?! lie open ed the repti'x'i month with a stiok and epit tobacco juice into it until the crea ture commenced to vomit and turned over aed died. Uno day iasi week two men were digging a well near Clover Orchard factory in Ala mance county and met with a terrible accident. It seems that they were in the well preparing for a blast, which, wentofi accidentally and blew them out of the well, disfiguring and mutila ting them in a horrible manner. One of them, named Joe" Vincent, it is thought will die from bia injuries. gut Va3 morbid humors of the by a iose or two of Ayku's Pills, an-J you will have clearerjlheacls as welltas bodies. Wtiminstoa District Fourth round cf quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South Waccamaw, at Cypress Crosk .-Sept 21 22 Stnithvillc........ Sept 25-26 Wilmington, at Front St Oct 2-3 WilmiDgton, at Fifth St, ...... Oct 9-10 Whiteville, at Shiloh... Oct 1G-17 Topsail, at Union. Oct 2324 New Iiiyer;... Oct 27 Onslow,- at Queen's Creek,. ... . Oct 30-31 DupliD, at Wesley Nov 6-7 Clinton, at Clinton. ..Nov 1314 Ooharie, at Newton Grove. . . .Nov 2021 Li9t EVERY OFFICIAL MEMCEli be SUre to bo at tb.3 fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let ub rRE3S the battle all over the District and look to God foe victory. , ' , l. 8. bukkuead, j Presiding Elder. Magnolia, N. C, Aug 18, 1880. The. Chicago Times say 8: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ia hichlv endorsoi by ministers, judges, physicians, I surgeons, by men ot literary and scholar ly distinction, and by Individuals in all he walks ot life. - See a woman on horseback in another: column, riding near Sneer's Vineyards, with a bunoh of Grapes from which Speer'8 Port Grape Wine is made, that is; so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for; the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. Weekly statement 1 or srocs ox hand sbifembee 20, 1880. 1 1 Cotton ashore 1.908 1 aaoit e Total. ... 1,908 Total 8,013 Rosin, ashory... .TT.127,684 aaoat.... ...., 1,388 Total 129,072 l&r..as&or3 2 052 aaoui rt... .......... Total. Oruds ashore... Total. 930 BKC21PT3 roa 123 WEEK ZKOlHi SZTT, 20. Ooiton..... 2,914 1,515 7,724 cpxnt3..............i,.. Hoein ...,....... Tar i Qrade..A....J. v' i 563 1,410 KxrofiTi roa thk wekk smsinq 6ept, , Domes tid Cotton Spirits............. 2,400 172 Hosm m. ......mm.. Crude' "".S.'.IZ ..V.V.'mmV.3.".IV.V.V.V.V.m Foreign. Cotton. k ......... Spirits.....'.. Rosin... .......m...... 691 206 2,769 Tr.... Crude Winberry Oysters. THE FINEST OF ee&3on. Bj the Dozen, Quart or Gillon, at J U US CARROLL'S. aept 16 Market it LAWE'S ENGLISH AHD MATHEMATICAL SCKCQL- GEX. JAS. H. LANE, Principal. T 00M3 NTEXT TO 8L Joha'i Church. ! "1 ho first session befins Monday, Oct. 4th Circolars at Uookgtorec a'.ter to-daj. sept 16 2w Epirit3 ashcre....... 7,855 ailbat..,...,...... 168 1 2,052 930 24ir the COMMERCIAL HEWS ' WILMINGTON MARKET 1 SBPTZXB8& 24-4 r M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Unchanged We hear of sales 110 casks at 35 cents. KOSIN Quoted firm at fl 30 fcr Strained and f 1 25 for Good Strained. Salts 5J9 bbls Good Strained at Si 23. TAR Quoted Arm at S3 10 per bbl of 230 lbs. . CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted .flrmeat 52 10 for Soft and Virgin. -COTTON Quoted steady at a decline. Sales 200 bales on a basis of 10 cents and SO bales on private terms. The follow ing aro the official quollatons OTdiflarrHMMMmHM..nHH Cents Good Ordinary ......... ........ uqu mauling Kiddling ..... li tiooa iiiainnir.. 14 DJlIIiT ajCBIPTS Cotton, Spirits Turpentine..... eee 665 bales , 69 casks 92 bbis 65 " i2 " Rosin................................. Tar.............. Orode TnrDeatina. MABINE NEWS. ABBIYED. Elizabeth, Bisbee, Bmithville, Steamer Master tt Learner Passport. Harper, Bmithville, Master. S Brig Hattie, Lineli, Wiggins. Brig Lizzie Ware, Boston, Parsley & , New Yorfc, Jsavassa Guano Co. If or. barque Theodor, Danielsen Phila' delphia. Heide &Co. 0LEAB2D. Elizabeth, Bisbee, 8mithviUe, Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Steamer Master. titeamer Master. List of Vessels .Oven Port Sept 24th, 100 toni in 1880 - BARKS. Nor Frer, 281 tons, Halvoraen, Heide & Co Br May, 293 tons, Hawthorn, Williams & Murchison Ger Herman Wolf, 567 tons, Permier, E Peschaa & Westermar n Br Adeliza. 207 tons, Nicholas, in below. Sp Pcpita & Vicenta, 203 tons, Clemencot E Kidder & Sens BRIGS. Brbignal. 312 tons, Williams, A Sprtint & Son SCHOONERS. Am San Juan, 250 tons, Dcdge, ' Northrop & CummlDg Am Hattie Turner, 295 tons, Mclntire, J H Chadbeurn & Co Am Jennie Beasly, 203 tons, Lawrence, E G Barker & Co Am E F Cabada. 253 tons, Foster, Harriss & Howell For this Port from Foreign Ports. BARKS. Nor A' M Schwergnard, 429 tons, Ev- ersen, at UaiTow, Sept 'Nor Abraham Skalle, S99 tons, Greg eitsen, sailed from Marseilles, Aug 1. Ger Amalia & Hedivig, S29 tons, Gehm, at liioucester, Kept 2. Ger Atlantic, 398 tons, Schering, sailed irom Kottsraam, ttept 3. Nor Brcekica, Stto tons, Neilsen, cleared from London, Sept 16 Ger Carl Max, 294 tons. Beyer, sailed from Belfast. Aug 28. Nor Cato, 403 tons, Kroger, sailed from .Liverpool, Sept 8. Nor Charlotte, , Leven, sailed from .Bordeaux, cept 0 Nor Chatham, 337 tons, Horn sailed from Liverpool, Aug 7. Ger Claudia, S58 tons, Kruger, at Glou cester. sept 2. 'Ger Friedrich Porthes, 4S0tone, Walter, sailed from Hamburg, Sept 16 Dan Elene, 495 tons, DahL- Ger Erna, 582 tons, Vcss, sailed from Hamburg, Aug 22. Nor Flid, 350 tons, Neilsen, sailed from Rotterdam, Aug 16. NorForsete, 345 tons. Kuucsen. sailed from Nazaire, Aug 25. Dan Galeon, 313 tons, Kalsbroll, Nor Helene, 305 tons, Daal, sailed from Wilhelmshaven. Sept 0. Nor Jeibuen, 271 tOD8,Svendsen sailed from Rochester, bept 10 Nor Hiemmet, 394 tons, Ingemandsen, sailed from Stavanger, Aug 13. Nor Jubinal, 352 ton?, Jensen, sailed from Liverpool, Sept 3. Nor Kundsvig, 371 tons, Evensen, sall3d from Bremen, Aug 23 Nor Korsfarer, 429 tons, Keiaertsen sailed from Qrimstad, Aug 15, via Tybee, Swed Magnus Huss, 532 tons T...ll sailed from London, Aug 15. Nor. Mindora. 291 tons, at Glances ter, Aug 25. Nor Neptune, 42a tons, Tobiasen. sailed from Shields, Aug 20 via Madeira. Nor Nordensfejold, 473 tons, retersen, sailed from CarduT, Aug 10 via Bermuda. Nor Polykarp, 493 tons. Ulsen, sailed from Grimstad, Sept 1. BRIGS. Ncr Dolen, 362 tons, Deitrichsen, , at Livcr4oool, Aug 30. Nor Byno, 263 tons, Sorensen, sailed from B ull, Sept 13, Tram ore, 221 tons, Marrice, sailed from Bristol, .ug 18. A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds AND ALL KIHDS OF MILL WORK LUMBER LATHS. Ac. For sale ve ry cheap, at ALT A FFER, FRICi & ca Factory! Foot of Wahwtst Hutt, aear Bed Gross at. sept 20 EUlrs. S. J. Baker, FASHIONABLE MILUSKBT, Wilmington, IT. O. Corner Third and Orange Streets. if ANOY GOODS, Notions, Hats, Sonnetr, Flats, Flowers, Feathers, Oman, en U ot all kinds. Will renew and work orer all ! kinds at old hair, braids, combings, root them and make taem raal la bw fV Uats made to look like they were sew. Cell Y ana see my specimens or work. je io JlKtt. a. J. BAjraaU New Adv To fwly Friends and Customers fQl.', AM KOW DAILY receiving mj Fall itoo of Boots and Shoes? Consisting of fcU the LATEST STITSjSS I My past Etock and my eaccesj speak fcr taemeelveg, and I only ask a continuance o your fvoT8 io liberally bestowed cn me D" Please Call and Examine my 3 C"Stock as regards Quality .0 trF" and Prices ! ,n Ko trouble to a&ow goods. Will be plowed to gee you one aad all. Keopectfally, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. eept 13 Sign of the 8how Case. Valuable Land for Sale. WHEREAS CALVIN BLACK and wife, Flora B. Black, of the county of Kob esoa and Btate of North Carolina, on the 1st day of October, 1875, made and executed a mortgsge to the .North Carolina State Life Insurance Company, of the city of Raleigh and State aforesaid, to secure fifteen hundred dollars due by note dated October 1st, 1875, bearing interest from date at 8 per cent, in terest due on the 1st day of April and Octo ber of each year, and payable two years af ter date, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Register's OfUce iu the county of Rob eson, and 8Ute aforesaid, ia Book Q, Q, page 78, on the 11th day of October, 1875,, which (noteyjaid mortgage with the power of sale therein contained, and said note was on the 5th day of January, 1880, duly transferred and assigned to the subscriber, who is now the owner and holder thereof, and ' the full amount of the said note secured by the said mortgage is now due, except the interest up to the 1st day of October, 1878, and whereas default has been made in the payment of the said note secured by the said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the said premises by virtue of the power contained in the said mortgage, which sale will be made by -the subscribers at public auction, for cash, at 'the Court House door, in the town of Lumberton, county and State aforesaid, on the 25th day of October, 1880, at 12 o'clock, aoon The following is a description of the said mortgage premises : A tract of land lying and being in the county of Robeson and State of North Carolina and bounded on the North by ttfe Tands of Neil 1 McNeill, on the East by the lands of M. McNeill, the heirs of Henry McNeill, deceased, and Daniel McOallum, on the South and West by the lands of Daniel McArthur, J. C. McEachin, Hugh Johnson and CoL F; P, Smith, and containing about eight hundred acres, more or less, the bound aries of which will more fully appear by re ference to the said mortgage recorded as aforesaid. The said tract of land will also be sold at the same time and At the Eame place and on the same terms under a mortgage executed by the said O Black io John A. Gilchrist, on the 4tk day of September, 1877, to secure a note of $879.92 which mortgage is now held and owned by J. C. McCaskm,and is record, ed in the same office iu Book T. T., page 945, oa the 21st day ofFebruary 1878. JOHN A. GILCHRIST, Mortgagee TT. P. Fbzkch, Attorney. Lumberton, N. C , Sept 18, 1&80. ept 20-ta Benj. F. Gbafton, Stoby B. Ladd, Ealbert E. Paine. Late Commissioner of Patents. ate Tvis". PAIF1E, GRAFTON & LADD. Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. O. - Practice patent law in all its branches in the Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp tor postage. an 28 Bagging, Ties, Twine, 1,400 Bplla Cotton Bagging, 4,500 Bandies New and Pieced Ties, ljOOOLbs CottoniBagging Twine. Flour, Bacon, Molasses 1,300 Bbis Flour, Super to Extra Family, ;250 Boxes Pork J8 trip?, Smoked and D S Sides, Hhds and Bbis Portd Bico, New Crop Cuba and New Orleans Molasses. Sugar, Coffee, &c, 200 Bbis Sugar, Cut Loaf, Granulated Standard A, Extra O and C. . 1275 Bags Coffee, A Rio, Laguyra and Jara, 100 Boxes Pore Assorted Candy 160 Tubs Cholee Leaf Lard, - ITS Boxes Starch, 300 Boxes Lye and Potash, 135 Boxes Laundry Soap, Tobacco, Sniff, Paper, Matches, 8hot, Pepper. Gtnrer, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Ac For sale low by WILLIAMS MUB0HI80N, am IT Wholesale Grocer A Com. Mar. Bird ?ood, &c- J EATS JKT8T BSCS1TED a fresh supply of prencred locMar and Caaarr Bird Food. i also & fine asrorfcsmt ol Toilet Soaps. Toilet j-rvrarrraa vc'Mcrr. xzxv&u, cc All Tor CLYDE'S P3ew York AND Wilminston. - M9 O. Steamship Line. TEE STEAMER ,-4 V 2 J REGULATOR?, CAVT. DOANE, 7ILL SAIL TRQli NEW YORK G2 SATUKDAY. Sept. 25. Sai, Shippers can rely cpon the2proir.pt sailing of Steamer as adrertised. For Freight Engsgenients appy to TnOS. E. BOND, Bup't, F Wil mini-tor. Ni C. THEO. G. EGER, Freight Afsnt, JN ew i orx. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., 35 B?odway, New York. sept 20 For Kent rpHB COMMODIOUS STOKE, 2i0, Of uraniie i.ow. . jrLBBeeaioa a giren Immediately or oa October 1st, as pre ferred. Apply to an 31 B. B. JEW EXT. For Rent. GOOD 8T0BE for country A trade, on Market street, between Bee- ond and Third. Alio Booms. Apply to TBEMoKOYS, Attorneys end Counsellors at Lw. cepil8-tf Star copy THOMAS H- McEOY, , SUCCESSOR TO Boiitwriglit & McKoy, IS PBEPAEING TO OFFEB Fresh Arrivals thin week for tlio ! Fall Trade: 2,.?000 Lbs. D S Sidc;, 500 Bbis Super and Family Flour, JO Bbis Snar, ail grades, lOO'Bags Coffee, JOO Cases Canned Goods, 200 Bxs Crackers & Cake?, 25 Tierces Lard, 100 Tubs Lard, 23 Tubs Gilt Edge Butter, 20 O Boxes Tobacco, 10,000 Cigars, 100 Boxes Soap, 300 Bxs Lye and Potash, &o, &c, &c, &c. Country merchants who buy at wholesale will do well to inquire prices from me before purchasing elsewhere. -To my city customers I thank them for their liberal patronage, and hope for a continuance of tho same. THOS. H. incKOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, septSO 5 4 7 Worth Front St. Removal. 1 HAVE BEMOTED from my old stand on X Front street tn tha nw,i:: j rr dious Btore on Market street, recently occu pied DY Cant. Rnnav. inI "1 t "Muwireiii stocx or goods in my hue erer brought to WilmiBton. JS0' M BOBINSON, "P7 ' Hatter The Cosmopolitan Bar TS THI5 PLACE TO GET ANY AND tall of the f&?inv. 1? j ? t . alwaj. on hand. at this Bar. Cigars of the bt brands can . JOHN QAR&oLL, Prop, J8 .110.12 Market st. iscouaneona. Used ia th rrlncipl Churches r n nioR purposes. " Excellent for Ladies and 7eaii Persons and theAced?. 1 Speer's Port lirapo Wire Fours St ear s Old. rjlHIS OELEBBA.TED NAT1VK WlNj is made from the juice ol the Oporto Grsi. raised in this country. Iti inraluatle ' ToMc anJrstestlieDiDg Prortei are unsurpassed by any nther natire Wine Being the pure juice of the grape, product under Mr Speer's own perscnal cnpcryiiion, its purity and genuineness are uarart The youngest child may psrt&ke of ita (ctuef oua qualities, and the weakest invalid & uaa it to advantage. It is particularly beo fieial to the ap;ed and debilitated, and icited to the various ailments that afflict the wkcr sex. It is, in every respect, AiWLNE TO IB BELIED ON.i SPEEK'S J.- Sherry, The P. J. BHERBY is a Wire of SCI'K. BIOK CHARACTER, and partakca of tfct golden qualities of the grape from which it is made. For Purity, Kichness. Flavor sal MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, will -b found unexcelled. ' SPEER'S ; P. J. Brandy, ffiThis BRANDY stands unriraled in thk Country, being far superior for iredicslpur pooes. . .. IT 18 A?PURE distillation frcm thejnpe and contains valuable medicinal propertied It hs-a delicate flavor, aimilar to that of the grapes from which it ia distilled, audi in great f&7or among first-class families 'Sce that the signature of Alfred Hreer, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bet tie. For sale by W. H. GREEN, J. C. MUSD8. Drugariats, and jP. L BBIDOEiiS A CO. je 2G-tf C" I i MISSES BURR & JAMES, PRINCirALS. MRS. M. S. CUSHIKG, MUSICAL7 INSTRUCTRES5. rpHE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL 8E83IUS of this School wiiljopen on WEDNErDiT, OCTOBER 6th, 1880. The course of inBtruction will be fyft-mil ic and thorough, each pupil receiving indiTW ual attention. The training of tocho child ren, a speciality. Free hand drawing, Cal isthenics and Vocal Mueic without extra charge. Pupils, for the above Schools of Mode, Painting, or Pictureeque Drawing, cotaide of the bchool, will be accommodated with convenient hours. Where a class of fifteen or twenty is formed for instruction ia tha arts, a liberal deduction in price to made. A limited number of pupils can baaecoa modated with hoard in the family of one of the Principals, For terms and further particulsra see Frl cipals. sept 11 COKRCIAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. C JLarge Sample Rooms tor Commercial TraTcIcrs IT1HE PROPRIETOR bavins thoroaghlf renovated this House and fsornlshed It entire ly new, is prepared jto give to the trtrvticg publio all the eenvenleneiesjof a KIB8T CLASS HOTEL. It Is located the Terf centre cf tha business part of the city, tela; convenient to the principal budcets bouase, "V V" I 1 iV W - J PostoCce, Custom House,; City Hall aa Oourf House. fSr-L FIrst-Class Bar and Biilis.ru fesloca connected with this HoteL RATES $22PEB DAY. ME. J. H. BATES, Newspaper Adrert i ng Areat, 41 Perk Bow, (Times Buildo g) New York, is aathorixedto contract for ai vertisnments ia the Daily Ravraw and , WH WJiaTcaJooaaix, at our lowest rate?- : -

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