FLKASS NOTICE. We will beg ad to receive eorarnunicatioaz from our friends on any and all sabMei a general interest but: ......... ----- mfrinnn HnlCIHtl The name or tfir writer muit always be far l:ITOH AND l-vumJTOW 3Uia?cKiiros, rosTAOK pah. ,u4 jt.tr, tl 'J5 ; Thr fflOOtfc!, f T :5 ; .-, niunth, NO cett. ri.e vper will be delivered by crrior, -reii.rff.ir ny part'? the- flity..al tb. ;.it..n5.Tf fi?i.ervort a:y 4 niahed to tha IMitor. . Coamanicatiosa iaast bo written; on onlf one side of the paper Fersonalitids muxi Tolded. And it is espeoiallj paeultzly.'under. stood that the Edit" ca not alleys endorse the riews of corrpo2iltfits., rtlfM so itfd In the editorial columns. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, -IPSO NO 183 Jf I ii - , - V7 I TIE -DAILY KEY IE W. Fall S too IRQWI & RODDICK 45 Market Street. ESME TO Isy.'RM Ttik PUHLIO D . j n' v. i a fiiih bnvars m -p.r- .nermij QJ V J ticular, that re full up with the Cheapest Xtinc OF ry that has erer been offered in thia market NO BUYER vbiting thi city will do him lelf jistice by pasi-in oar door, as we are underselling the market inminy of the reg ular Staple lines. We hare marked down all goods that be long to Bummer wear and aro offering I to our patron p. We would call particular attention toth following GENTS' DOG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES ' Slight'.y spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, Now Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached aud UnMeacIiea Cottons J Wo havo laid in a rery heayy stock of the above and aro offering them at lower figures than eTer. We hare all the popular brands. Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the bast value ever offered. Linen H&ndercliiefs, A Job at 10 cent. These goodj require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROWN & EODBICK 45 SyJarket' St. an 28 " A Large Party9 T-nDitr itdt.V UK MT PAYERS. tird V landlord rule are now on my monthly in ulmcntliat.-.. Krerv dollar heretofore paid by them for rent now jrqei to purchase a home and not where tho woodbine twineth. Under the initalment plan no rent is paid, thereby avoiding a steady drain on family resources and enabling parties. to secure comfortable homes and to become their own landlords. J AMEd WILSON sept 20.1 w School Books j HAVE JUST KEOiJlVED A. VERT largo and full aapplv cf School Books and School Stationery Parents and teachers will find it to their advantage by first calling at HEINBBEROEKV, sept 23 Live Book aud Music Store' School for Young Ladies. MISS HART, Principal. Assistedby Miss H- B. BROWIf, Instrumental Music taught by MRS M. F. TAlLUK. Instruction In Drawing and Faiatirg by MRS. . ii. FAIU5I. . mUB NEXT VEBSIONc.WlLb OPKN TUESDAY, the 6th of October. Punctual attendance at the beginning cf the session is highly important For terms and particc lars, apply, after September 38 fh, to the icpt J0-mw-fri-7t FEINCIPAW Goods any jrOW BATJfiS For all; kinds of printing, Persons redding out cf the eity can have their printing carefully executed and mailed to them free of portage. K. B. WARROCK, (In Beviav BuOding) Job Printer, 1 Pi 9 I ,v . - LOCAL NEWS. Snvt Adv?tiseinent?u Hall A Feausall 1,000 BblsGood Flour F Lleis8K3Ba School Books Yatbs Complete Stock Bchool Book. No City Court to-Uv. iJ m-is tht are hard to redeem vaga- Wi -dow Uliias ell al ltafli?r & The; most charming bridal veil aro of llufticn. ' uoest, latest, beat "and cheapest at ll:ENTIWIi 8. T Que interruuui iu DoiwvU Cemetery tli'.a week au adult. i - Good silver coin ia known by ita ring and so also is the circus. The leaves will soon begin to color up at tho advance of J. Frost. , A lawyer's daughter calls her numer out suitors sundry plaintiff. Lots of young men about town talk stocks, but do not own a dollar. A large stock of children's school shoes to select from at Rosenthal's. t Thera was only one interment in CUk- dale this week that of an adult. Save your money and buy jour Build. ing Supplies from Altatler x .fnce. It will take a very heavy froat to kill the speech crop that is coming on now. Where ia that crowd coins ? To Roa- - - w w enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. f The smaller the calibre of the mind the greater the bore of the mouth open perpet ually. Yoti can buv No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. About onehundred thousand watches are sold every month iu this glorious coun try of ours. We ought not to judge of men's merits by their qualifications, bat by the use they make of them. What is the difference between a fixed star and a meteor? One is the sun, the other a barter. If a man has taken your cotton umbrella and left a silk one in Its place, it is best to grin and bear it off. The spring chicken changes to tho fa! hen, but the transition makes no change oa the bill of fare. . Window Glass "ofall sizes, Doors,Sash and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,&c. Low eat prices at Jacobi's. The were six interments in Pine Fores fcolorod Cemetery this week ; four - w. - adults and two children. Perhaps it is wrong to fish on Sun day, but if fish are wicked enough to bite on Sunday they ought to bo mado to suffer for it'. Children naturally love the truth. The four-year-old will tell in the presence o company.that Jiis first trousers are a pair o dad'i cut down. Trv Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Ualr Kenewer If you would have a iusarjan growth of hairL Tho Register of xDeeds has issued four marriage licenses during tho weer, two of which were for white and two lor col ored couples. , W-hy is afcol in high station liko man in a balloon? Because everybody appears Httlejto him, aud he appears little to everybody. If you are only able to gather up wha isssometimcs lightly spoken of as surface knowledge, you will gradually accumu late siores of wisdom. Although many parties are endeavor ing to push other similar remedies into tho market by spicy advertisements, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup takes tho lead and the Druggists are selling moro than ever before. Price, 25 cents. The young man who has proposed and has been neither accepted nor re idcted, knows how exciting it is-to live in a doubtful state. , ilr. Math! Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties ia want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders li lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front pU Thanks to Mr. Wm. Alderman, the Secretary, fcr an invitation to attend the 18th Annual Fair of tho Cumberland County Agricultural Society, to be held at Fayettevillo November ICtb, 17th, 18th and lOib. Extraordinary Dispatch. The Britih brig Signal, consigned to Mftsr?. Alex. Sprunt & Sod, which en tered at the Custom Ilos, in this city, ast Tuesday, began discharging ballast on Wednesday at noon, shifted wharf and loaded and cleared for Bristol to day at 11 a. m. with 2,780 barrols rosin. All of thia was duue within 36 hours of daylight, which looks as if Ctpt. Wil- iatns is a-puahiug shipmaster. Personal. Mr. P. II. Darby, Chairman of the )emocMlic Executive Committee, has returned from the mouatairs much Im proved, wo are glad to nee, in health. Mr. ThoH. A. Darby, formerly of Wil mingtou. but now qf BAttouville, Fla., and a !arj;e miller and turpentine farmer in that State, is hero on a short busimss Tisit. lie comes to obtain laborers lor work on a new railroad line on which he has a share in a .contract. He ia looking Tery well. Rice birds are about played out. Not so withthosa Scotch Boles at Rosenthal's. They last for ever. t A North Carolina Boy ia Florida. Some eight or ten years ago, Mr. Chas, B. Rogers, a Chatham county boy, left his home at Pittsboro for Florida with no cipital save a cool and steady head and willing hands. To-day, wo understand he is one of tho most prominent business men in that State. He is located at Cedar Keys, where he does an immense business, both in dry goods and groceries. He has three large warehouses and sells about $200,000 worth of goods in a year and has A No. 1 credit everywhere. Dancing lessons given free at Rosen- tiial8I Pamp8ole boots and snoes ior the ball room. t A Correction. Miss Lou Stewart claims that we were not exactly correct in a clipping from the Newbern Nut Shell, published by us a few days since in tho State News column. Inasmuch as the paragraph seems to have created a wrong impression among her friends, we cheerfully correct it. She says she has no idea of leaving Wilming ton, but that it is her intention to establish a branch of her business in Newbern, the main depot feeing located here. She will open in a new and eligible location in a few days with an excellent stock of hair working goods, notice of which will be given through the papers. Purge out the morbid humors of the blood, by a dose or two of Ayeb's Pills, and you will hare clearerjheads as well as bodies. - JLlppincott'a Magazine. tlpplncoU's Magazino for October opens with A Chapter of American Ex ploration, by W'lliam H -Rldeing, de scribing the perilous journey of ajor Power and his party through the wonder ful canons of Colorado with numerous illustrations that add materially to the interest of tho text. Seven Weeks a Missionary, by Louise Coffin Jones, is a narrative of some curious experlonoas in the island of Hawaii, very different from those of the ordinary traveller and throw ing a much strongor light on the chsr acter and condition of the native popu lation. A pungent paper , on Americans Abroad, by Alain Gore, holds to ridicule the general tendency of our countrymen, and more especially of our couutry wo men, whether traveling or resident in Europe, to . depreciate the customs and manners of their nalivo land and admire everything foreign. Airs Helen Campbell closes her Studies in the Slums with a pathetic little story from real life and L Lf-jeune completes in a second paper his panoramic survey of the history and characteristics of Horse Racing in France. Glimpses of Portugal and Portuguese is an admirably written and well illustrated article. Mrs Hooper gives an account of tho great French tenor, Roger, with ex tracts" from his diary, containing anecdotes of Jenny Lind. The serial of Adam and Eve has reached an exciting crisis. There aie several short stories, one of them by Ouida, poems by Phillip Bourke Marston and Dora Reed Goodale, and the usu&i variety of short papers In Monthly Gossip and Literature of the Day. "Hit Possible that a remedy made of sn common, simple plants as ttopfl,cnu,iuauurae, Dandelion, &c, makso many and such marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do? It must bo, for when oldand -irh and rjoor. Pastor and Doctor, Lawfer and Editor, all testify to having been cured oy mem, , doubt no longer. Bee other column. Post. UnmailaMes There are unmaiiablo letters in the Postoffice in this city for Croft & Peter son, New York, and Miss Julia McDer. motte, Smithvil le, N. C. Water street mercbanta will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t Laying a Corner Stone The corner stone of St. Stephen's A. M. E. church will be laid on the corner of Red Crosi and Fifth streets, Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Rt. Rev. Daniel Payne, Bishop of the A. M. EL Church, will officiate, assisted by Bishop J. M Brown of the same church. Tue finest stock of Lnhrs' Kid, Fox Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen thal's, t Will Open on Monday. Uapti Catlett'a School, the C p? V rr Military Academy, will optnLhe Fall session on Monday next, in tho Megtuct-y School Room, corner of Fourth and Prin cess streets, and we are pleased to learn that the prospects for a large attendance are very good. . Capt. Catlett has been among us now many years and has earned the esteem and confidence of our people. We learn that a complete philosophical apparatus has beon purchased by Capt. Catlett for use In this academy. Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Rgsex teal's. t Why They Failed The package of papersJorBurgaw, from the issue of the Daily Rsview of the 28djinst., If ft the Postoffice here all right but was returned to us today without a wrapper and endorsed on the back, 'Re turned for address. We presume that it must have broken open in the bag, or on tho ma:l car, and hence the intelligent mail manipulator, instead of looking for the wrapper, returned the entire package to ua. It is forwarded by this mail. Wo mention these facts for the benefit of our subscribers at Burgaw who have doubt less been "cuseing" us for eomebody's else's fault. Suspicious. A gentleman in this section reports to us a fact which may probably bo worth investigating by some one. He says that last Spring there came into his neighbor hood a colored man and woman,the former claiming the latter to be his wife, who had in their possession a number of very fine articles of dress and fancy goods which they have since been disposing of by degrees. Some of the goods, our infor mant thinks, must have been worth orig inally a dollar a yard. They came to his neighborhood from Oaslow county, and it is thought that thoy hailed origin ally om the Newbern saction. There are reasons for supposing that the goods were stolen from some store in that part of the State. It might be well for onr Newbern cotemporaries tb look into this matter. In Demand Oar distinguished fellow-citizjn, Col. Duncan K. McRae, is ia receipt of invita tions, almcit daily, from diffeiont parts of the State, requesting his presence at some political gathering. We saw it stated in the Goldsboro Messenger yesterday that Col. McRae was expected to deliver a speech at Mt. Olive, in Wayne county, on the 7th o October. We immediately sought the Colonel out to tnow if he contemplated going, and wri informed that he had re., ceived no invitation to fcpeak atMt. Olive CoL McRae further says that it will be impossible jfor , him to be at tho above named place on the occasion referred to, as be ia compelled to be at Greene county cou:t at that time, but thet on Saturday, the 0th day of October, if the ioopla of Mt. Olive and Wayne county want to hear what be has to say against the Credit Mobiiier stock holder, Do Goyler pavement bribe taker and the Electoral Commission fraud James A. Garfield, he will tell them with pleasure. OA. McRae did not express himself exactly as we ha.ve done, in his remarks' to us, bat we know he will tell tho plaiu truth in his speech, and conse quently we have only anticipated him a little. Cdl.McIiae has also received an invita tion to deliver the regular annual ad dress at the Baloigh State Fair on the 19th of next month. But this invitation, we are informed by Col. McRae will bo compelled to decline from force cf cir cumstances over which ho h&s no control. KJghteentb Sunday after Trinity. The receipts of cotton at thia port to day foot np 938 bales. Sunset, to-morrow afternoon minutes pnst 5 o'clock. at 51 The th'Mnmctsr in this office register ed 82 dej.'Ttr t day at 3 ocleck. The day tn.i the night will to-morrow beequ d'y divided, 12 hours to each. Full Metal and Walnut vShw C ss, all styles ami at Altafbk, Fkick & Co'a Turner's Almanac promised raiu for tmorrow and suow or rain for next Sun day. The talk to-day oa tho etreet ,",3 all about the bi Democratic demonstration ia New York ou Thursday night. The State Fair, Otfing to a press of matter durirg the ptst few days, we Lave omitted to ac k ao ledge the receipt, from Capt. C. x.. Denson,the Secretary, of an editorial h-i vitation to attend the State Fair, which is to be held in Raleigh next month, from the 19th to 23d inclusive. Capt. Denson writes: "It is gratifying to report that our pros-. peels for a Fair valuable to the interests of N. C. and successful in every point of view were never so bright as at present. With abundant crops and increased prosperity and in good sphlts the people manifest by their prampt interest and our large correspondence, that our next Fair will surpass anything in the history of the Society. Tho displays of fine stock and the variety of machinery will be a great feature on Wednesday, and the trials of speed throughout tho week arc on an extensive scale." Everybodycan get suited with a Pc 3ket Knife, also Table Cutlery, aV Jacobi's Hardware Depot. DIED; NORMENT In Lumberton, on Monday, the 15th day of September, 1880, Mrs. FEiX ELOFE KENAA AORMKNT, agrd 68 years New Advertisements. 000 1 1,000 Bbls Good Flour All grades, Tor sale by Hall & Pearsall. sept 25 Ship Notice ALL FiSRSONS are hereby forwarned against trust ing or harboring any qf the crew of the British Brig SIGNAL, Capt. Williams, aq no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Captain or Consignees, sept 23-3t AL?X. 8PRUNT 4 SON. Carpets !s Carpets! Carpets 1 LARGS STOCK FROM WHICH you can select many choi:e and pretty things. Some of the latest novelties in English and Americm Tajetoy and Body Brus sels. ' Damaskc, Cretones, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Rugs, Oil Cloths, &c j Respectfully, sept 21- R. A. MciNHRF. LANE'S EtIGLlSVI AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. GESl J AS. H. LANK, PiJnc'pa . pOOMS WEXT TU St. John's Church. The first session begins Monday, Oct 4t1. Circulars at bookstores alter tonit j. eept ig-zw Bekj. F. Gbafton, i Stoby B. Laid, ? Ualbebt E. Painb. Late Commissioner of Patents. Fate gits, PAIfiE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorney s-at-La wand Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents. 412 Ftfth Street, Washington," D. O. Practice patent law in all its branches in the Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit. Courts of the United States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp lor postage. attzs To My Friend 3- nd Customers- rrpj I A v vow DAILY recfriv.og el-v atock ft Bool . and Slices, Consisting of all the My part etcck and my succe? rpcak fcr themselves, and I only asi & continuance c your favors I) liberally bestowed cn me Q Pleaso Call and Examine my cn ,-GStock as regards' Quality fi7- and Prices ! a So trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you one and all. Respectfully, C. 'ROSENTHAIU 32 Market Street. sept 13 Sign of the" Show Case. Valuable Land for Sale. WHEREA8 CALVIN BLACK and wife, flora B. Black, of the county of Kob eson and State of North Carolina, on, tho 1st day of October, 1875, made and executed a mortgage to the North Carolina fctsto Lifo Insurance Company cf the city of Ualr iah and State aforesaid, to secure fit teen hundred dollars due by note dated October 1st, 1875, bearing interest irom date at 8 per cent, in terest due on tho 1st day of April and Octo ber of each year, and payable two years af ter date, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Begister's Office in the county cfKob eaon and State aforesaid, ia Book Q, Q, page 78, on the 11th day of October, 175, which (note) said mortgage with the power of 6?.1 therein contained, and said not? was on the 6th day of January, I860, duly transferred and assigned to the subscriber, who is now tho owner and holder thereof, an 1 tho full amount of the said nota secured by tho eaid mortgage is now due, except the interest up to the 1st day of October, 1878, andwheroas default has been mado in the payment of the said note secured by tho said mortgage, . the. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a eale of the said premises by virtue of tho power contained in the said mortgage, which sale will be made by the subscribers at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door, in the town of Lumberton, county and State aforesaid, on the 25th day of October, 1SSC, at 12 o'clock, noon The following is a description cf the s&id mortgage premises : A tract of land lying and being in the county of Kobeson and Htato of North Caroltna and bounded on the North by the lands of Neill-McNeill, on the East by the lands of M. McNeill, tho heirs of Henry McNeill, deoeased, aud Daniel McCallum, on the South and West by the lands of Daniel HcArthur, J. C. ifcb'achin, Hugh Johnson and Col. P; F. Smith, and containing about eight hundred acre;, more or less, the bound" aries of which will more fully appear byre-, ference to the said (mortgage recorded as aforesaid. v The said tract of land Will also be sold at the same time and at the same place and on the same terms under a mortgage executed by the said O Black to John A. Oilchriit, on tho 4th day of September, 1877, to secure a note of $679.92 which mortgage is now held and owned by J. C. McCaskili,and is reoord. ad in the same office in Book T. T.. Ditre 915. on the Zlst day oiJfebruary 1878. JUuA A. uiiiUUiiibT, mortgagee. W. F. Fasa oh, Attorney. Lumberton, N. C , Sept 18, 1880. sept 20-ts A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Do or 3, Blinds, ' ... and ; ' ' ' - ALL KlftDS OF MILL WORK LUMBER, LATHS. &c For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PRIC15 & CO. actory: Foot of Walnut sv a utt, Office: ne ir Bed Orces at. . sept zo IVirs. S. J Baker? FABBIONABLE MILLINERY, , I Wilmington, N. C. Corner Third and Orange Streets. TjANCIT OOOD8, Notions, HaU, Bonnet, 1 Flats, Flowers, Feathers. Ornaments ot all kinds. Will renew and work oYer all Slnds of old hair, braids, combings, &c, root lem and make tiem eqnal to saw. Old Hats made to look like they were caw. Call and see my specimens of work. jelO MRS. B. J. BAKER. C. W. Yates, ITriRHPJt Tf r.Kl.T. THE ATTENTION. w of Teachers and Parezts to his complete stock of Bchool Books and School Stationery , Those wanting to boy will find it to their ii! rantage to call or correspond with him. Sunday School Books, Hymn Books,Eib 1 Prayer Boeks, and Reward Cards, in 1 i YATES BOOK STORE. " Mpt 6