raw papbk li paellshed eYery Arteraooa. ttK4rs - ;pted br JO 8 II . T. UM JJ8. PLSASE 50TIGE. We will be ad to receive oommunlcationi from our fritnes on aay aad all snbjeets c reneral IsUrast tat: r The aaae of the writer must always be far nlshed to the fcdltnr. Oomj&uricatioas ejus written' co oc!i one side of the .paper. ... Personalities mow - voided And It is especial) particularly 'under stood that the Edit v l ,s not always endorse rtUlWCKiPTIO.NM.POSTAOK PAI1X . ypr,6 00 Sir aontb. t 50 ; Tbtj inoatbs, $1 15 ; One month, W oenta. The pPr trill be delirered by carriers, r, (f ebar, in aoj pwt of th oitf, St the w. rtf, or 13 oent pr ' rv. .l-ritMUK rt Iww nt Utr T-S.it,e?ifcr rili rvon sty ad VOL. V WILMINGTON. NIC, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, .1880. SO. S4 tae views of correspoadtou. bbIcmio silted In the editorial coin ann. Review. i AILI Fall Stock, BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market Street; D KB IKE TO INFORM THS POaUO .nerally and Wholesale Cad buyers ia rr ticalar, that we ere full up with tbe Cheapest Line! OF Pry cods that hai e?tr betn offered in this market JHO BUYER t LI ting this city will do him self jutice bj pasdn oar door, as we are underselling the market in nun J of the teg alar Btsple lines. We hare marked down all goods that be. long to Bummer wear and aro ollering to onr patrons. We wonld call particular attention to the following GENTS' DOG SKIM DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o.. Worth $1.60, alScoes ! New Fall Caliooes at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons I We hare laid in a rery heayy stock of the aboTo and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We hare all the popular brands. Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents por yard is without any exception the best ralue ever offered. ' Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These goodj - require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROWN & EODDICK, 45 Market3 St. nu 28 A Large Party, TORMtfRLY RENT PAYERS, tired of L landlord rale are now on my monthly in stalmeat list. Krery dollar heretofore paid br them for rent now goes to purchase a home and not where the woodbine twineth. Under the instalment plan no r6nt is paid, thereby aToiding a steady drain on family resources and enabling parties to secure comfortable homes and to become tbeir own landlords. JAMES WILSON sept 20-1 w Cape Fear Academy, A CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND Commercial Hchool. Session begins September 27, 1880. Commodious and cod Tenient rooms, with all late improrements, known as the Ueginney School Rooms", on the corner of Fourth and Princess sts, Instructions thorough. Prepares for Oni Tersities. special attention also to English. Villi Mrni nf lnirnitnra. T a Prlnnimlia determined to make this a firt class School. W. GATLET r, an IS oawTt ' mon PrincipaL steamer rassport ILL RE8UMK her re. nlr trips to HmithriUe and the torts June SOtb,ioaTlng her Wharf, foot of Market Street, at 9.30"&. M. J. W. HARPER,. Ja ll-oa-jr-Moo Master and Agent, 0,000, 1,000 Bbls Good Flour All grades For sale by Hall & Pearsall sept 15 Many Mai Mncens Xal -J'V.fcr rle& JOW BATJCS Tor all; kinds of printing, Persons residing out of the city can hare their printing earefully executed and mailed to (hem tree of postage. " - JS. B. WARROOK, (la Rerisw Building) Job Printer. 9 LOCAL NEWS. J H Ha: Btrd!food, Ac M KiLOicxa, Master Ship Sctlcj. e ad Opera House Attention i "Wilmington LigLl Infantry ! ALTirrxa, Prick A Co Sash, Doors, Ac T H McKot The Best Groeeries. Clyde's New York BteanuM? Line . r IliiNssaaame The Campaign t ext Book Yatkj School Books School Heefee. Window Glass all slzt a. ItaiTer The newest, latest, be at lloiENTIIAld. , and cheapest . t Tanner'a faH As not original. The o!d gentleman Noah lived forty iiayson water. A large stock of children's echool shoes to select from at Rosenthal's. f Never does a man believe so strongly in the attraction of gravitation a3 when ha sits down in a chair and finda it gone. ... Loss of Life: Thousands sink into an early grave by not giving immediate at tention to a alight cough which could have been stopped by a 25 cont bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Tho jo wel of a servant girl is the one wvho hangs all of ber mistress embroid ered underwear on that portion of . tho line most conspicuous to the neighbors ejes. , i You can buy No. 1 .Cooking and Heat ingrftoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. i i The meeting at the City Hall this af. ternoen ia devoted mainly tb the water works question . There is a majority report in favor and a minority report aainst tho water works but without a vote as we close. 1 Whore is that crowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. f i - Clotblnfir and Shoe Leather. , Mr. A, Shrier has returned to the city after a month's absence among the North ern markets. He tells us that he has bought very largely and calculates upon a splendid trade this fall. His purchases were in boots and shoes as well as in cloth inl and furnishing goods. He will be heard from in a few days. The finest stock of Ladies' Foxed, Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen teal's. t The New Freight Agent. Mr. Sol Haas, the General Freight Agent under tho combination which has recently been entered into between the Richmond and Danville Eailroad, the Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard Air Line, arrived here today and formally assumed charge ot the office in this city. The following aro the roads included in the combination: Richmond end Dan ville; North Carolina; "Western North Carolina; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusts; Richmond and Petersburg; Wilmington and Weldon; Wilmington Columbia and Augusta; Northeastern; Cheraw and Darlington; Cheraw and Salisbury; Seaboard and Roanoke; llal elgh and Gaston; Raleigh and Augusta Air Line; with tho Carolina Central to hear from.. Ladies, tho best fits and the easiest shoes for the little oucs are at Rosen- Til AIi'b. t Home Amusement. A very pleasant entertainment ii io prospect for next Thuisday eveniug, at the Opera Houses The Old Plantation Min strel?, composed c f young gentlemen re siding in WilmiDgton, willin&ke their first public appearance in an entertainment which cannot fail to give, pleasure. The orchestra ii under the management of Prof. Rieruan, and Mr. A. Preuipert is the Manager of the Troupe. Reserved setts may be bad now al Heinsberger's. ' 1 i Delegates to the Episcopal Conven tlon. Rev. Dr. A. A, Waston, rector of St, James Church in this city, Jeayas in tb morning to attend he GeneralConYection of the Protestant Episcopal Church which assembles only triennially, and this year convenes at St. George's Church, Stuy vesant Square, "New York, on1 Wednes day, tbeGth of October. That is, the opening services will beheld in the above named church, but the convention is to be held in Holy Trinity Church, corner o Fourth Avenue and Forty-Second street. Dr. A. J. DeRosset, Sr., Warden of St. James Church, is also a delegate, but will probably not leave here until next week. .. ' City Court. Limes Uoetler. colored, was arraigned for beicg drunk and down in tho street, and for carrying a concealed weapon in violation of law. Captain Goodman of the raight force teatitied that he found de fendant as!ef p in an alley Iftdt niiiht and had to nrocuro a cart tu carry him to - the Guard House aud that afier reaching tb& Guard rooua, upon searchiog ths prisoner, found a six Bbooter (hich was here exhibited to the court) loaded, and upn the prisoner's person. Defendant implored pardon for the offence of beirg drunk, and averred that he would not have had the pistol but for the fact, that he had picked it up as he wae going 'out from behind the bar, aod would not have done so, if he had not been intcxi caled. The Court replied that drunk enness was no excube for crime, but that defendant would be released from the charge against him for drunEcnnesa upon payment of costs. Upon the charge of carryiDg a concealed weapon defendant was bound over to the next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of 8200 and was committed into the custody of the Sheriff. Celia Osborne, colored, was arraigned for using loud and boisterous language and cursing and abusing Mr. P. Bluhm Ordered to pay a fine of $5 or bo imprisn oned for ten days. Defendant appealed from this decision but afterwards withi drew the , appeal and submitted to pay ment of costs in the case. D. W. Kennedy, colored, charged with stealing a bar glass from A, C. Wessell, on North Waterstreet, was recognized to appear tomorrow morning at half past 9 o'clock on account of absence ot wit nesses. Thomas Tarpey, a white man with a decidedly nautical appearance, was ar raigned upon the chargo of forcible tres pass.' Minerra Reed, a very deaf col ored woman, beiny sworn, testified in substance that she was aroused last night while asleep by a noise at her door, as if some one was trying to prize it open; that thinking it was old Uncle Joe, the head steward or cook, she called him tc know what he wanted. That she after wards found out It was not 'Uncle Joe but the prisoner at the barjthat he said he wanted to come in afterja man that w&s in there and represented himself as a police man. The witness here said that she was terribly frightened and told him that she "Was nothing but a poor sick womao. A piece of iron was exhibited in Court which witness said that the prisoner was armed with. The witness further testified tha tho man cursed and swore terribly until old Uncle Joe, being aroused, came down and she ran up stairs. Joseph McFar land, an elderly colored man, with a long white apron on, then took the stand and corroborated the statement of previous witness. The next witness called was Mr, Walter Rutland, a young gentleman boarder at Mrs, Thos. Morrison's board ing house on Front Etrect. (Note. The dis turbance nil occured on Mrs. Morrison's premises, but the testimony did not fur nish tho fact as the question was not ask ed). Mr Rutland testified that ha was aroused about 4 o'clock this morn ing by the Eoise down ttairs and the screaming of the woman. Witness staled that the woman, Minerva, came to his window and turned the blinds and asked him to come out and drive the man off; that he commenced to dress immediately, and in the meantimo bad opened door in tho passage to communicate with gome one outside who had asked what was the matter, when the prisoner at the bar walked into his room. Witnees then col lared. tho intruder and lid him down stairs and at the front door met two policemen who, hearing the noue and screams, had come lo ascertain the cause. Tho tres passer was turned over to the policemen who tooli him to tho Guard Hous3. i Officers Stone and Mayer testified that they had made the arrest. When asked by the Cour if defendant was drunk, "witnesses In turn stated that he had denied "having drank anything'. Detandant was then told to stand up and slate what he had to say for himself. Having done as he was told, the prisoner stated that he was a sailor from Boston, Mass.; that he came here on the schooner JosephFardwdl on Saturday last, came ashore that night and drrnk some beer, and got drunk; and that was all he knew about it. The Mayor remarked, as he had done in a previous case, that 'drunkenness was no excuse for crime,' and bound the defendant, Thomas Tarpey, over to the next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of $2G0, in de fault ot which ha was committed. Court then adjourned. i , Business Chance. There promises to be a great many changes in, business circle this October as well as an unusual number of changes of residences. Of tin business changes in contemplation and already made we mention the following: Messrp. Limb it Parmalee ha e opened ia the uew buitd iug of the Navassi Gaano Co., on Water Street. Tha Produce Exchange will be removed to thes building lately occupied by Newbury & Ctiasten. Messrs. New bury & Chasten have removed nearly op posite their old stand oa Water street, Mr. D. O'Connor wid "remove in the new building a few doors west of hU present office on Princess street, and Mr. John D. Bellamy will occupy the offict vaca ted by Mr. O'Connor. Messrs. Hankins & Bites and C. P. Remsen have exchanged locations on Second street, Mr. M. O. Cole will remove from Currie's Block to the store next north of Mr. A - Lessman, on Second street, and M vE F. Johnson will occupy tho stor ic- ted by Mr. Cole. Mr. T. H. Smith has removed to the store on Front street under the Holmes Hotel building, which was recently purchased by him, and Mr. R, Thorburn will occupy the store vaca t3d by Mr. Smith on Market street. Mr. A. Shrier is opening a shoe store in the Repiton building on Market street. Mr. D. A. Smith has removed his 5c and 10c store next north of his furniture store on North Front street and Messrs. P. L. Bridgers & Co, will occupy the store va cated by Mr. Smith. Capt, J. M. Robin son has removed his hat store to the ators recently occupied by Capt. Coney cn Market Etreet and Mr. John Werner has removed to the store vacated by Messrs. F. M. King & Co., on Market street. Capt. John L, Boatwrlght is having th store vacated by Capt. Robinson and Mr Werner, on North Front street, conver ted into one and will1 open a large grocery establishment there. Messrs F. M. King & Co. have removed to the store two doors South of their old stand, on Market street. Mr. H. C. Prempert has removed one door South of his old stand, on South Front stre3tf to the office lately occupied by Dr. Jno. T. Schonwald. Dr. Schonwald has re moved his office to that of his father, oa Princess street. Mr. Godfrey Hart has removed to the store one door North of Mr. Geo. Myers, on South Front street. We will add to this list from time to time and as fast as the removals are made. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed" agent for the Atlas Plow, parties :a want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. State Sunday School Convention. The third annual meeting of the State Sunday school convention will be held in the Presbyterian church of Salisbury on Wednesday and Thursday, tho 27th and 28th of October, 1880. The State committee urgQ3 executive committees of county associations, and. the execu tive committees appointed in unorgan ized counties, to sendjdelegates and for ward fulljreports. These reports should embrace a statement of the number of schools, teachers and pupils in each county, and tho number of volumes in libraries, and amounts contributed during the past year for the support of the schools. Each evangelical denominadon in a county is entitled to one delegate to represent it. This give3 each county as many delegates as there are evangelical denominations in the county. Ail the evangelical minis ters in the State are entitled to seats as corresponding members, and aro core dialiy invited to be present. Save your money anl btiy your Build, ing Supplies frotn Altafler & Price. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Rice birds are about played out. Not so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f " -1 " " i Dancing lessons given free at Rosen-tiiais- Pump sole boots and shoes for tho ball room. f Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Pmci &Co's ' Everybodycanget suitod with a Pocket Knife, also Table Catlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Denot When you visit cx leae New York City, stop at tha Grind''Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly No w A d vortisemen ts Notice. l C I D tWJ t" harbor any of tha cew of the a a. tuirn ! lieu uui l uhsi ij r - cr. bark "MJOLNKK" neither ih VT.gtr or cotaigeeej rr sept 27 M. KA.LDAGEB, Ma-tar. WILMIKGTQN LIGHT IflFAMTRY. TTENTIOS ! 1 by Offi car sand Members of ihe.Wilminciaa Light Infantry are here by ordered to meet at their Armory to night, (Monday) in foil uniform, for parage. By orde? of sept 27 It . CAPTAIN. chool Books. School Books. LARGE 8TOCK JUST RECEIVED at VAT: &' Bookstore. . , Also, Slates, Pencils, Ink, Book Bags, Straps and Holders, 8ponges, Crayons, Ac, &c. Parents will do well to call upon apt 27 o. W. YATE8. THE CAMPAIGN TEXT BOOK. yHY THE PEOPLE WANT a Change. Republican Party Reviewed ; Its Sins of Commission and Omission. Issued - by the National Democratic Committee. For sale at HEINSBERQER'S. Invoice Books, r EDGERS. JOURNALS. DAY-BOOKS. U Cash Books, Bill Books, Note and Draft cooks, tteceiptUooks, c, Ac. For sale cheap at sept 37 HEINSBERGER'd A LARGE STOCK OF Sash, Boors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK' LUMBER LATHS. &c. For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. Factory: Foot of Walnut su sept 27 . Offloe: fifatt, near Red Orosi st. OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only I Thursday, Sept. 30th. BENEFIT OF THE OXFORD ORPHAN ASYUM. THE OLD PLANTATION MINSTRELS will trivto their fimt nirfnrmnM. nn.(.. ing of Vocal and Instrameatal Masic. Jies. nonzoniai oar Jtxercises, Ac, on THUKB DA1 EVENING, tieptember 30th. Ladies are particularly invited. a nnth!nr will be said or done to offend the most fastidi ous. Tne Oreliestra Is under tho direction of Professor F. Kieman. tome of the bast talent in tha city engaged in this perform ance. Prices of Admission Genarl kA 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Reserved Heats may be secured at Heius bereer'a Book Store without extra charge. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain raises at 8 o'clock. A. PREMPERT. sept 17-! t Manager, To EWiy Friends and Customers- PQI I AM NOW DAILY reccivlnc my Fall stock of Boots and Shoes. Consisting of a'l the LATEST STYLES I My ps-it etoek ac my euccesz speak for taemselYcs, aad I only ssk a continuance o your fArors t liberally bestowed cn ma Please Call and Examine iny -n C" Stock as regards Qalitya Zj" and Prices No trouble to show goods1 Will be pletiei ys ua yo one aad all. i 1 Kespcctfally, ' C. ROSENTHAL, -32 Market Street. sept 13 Eign of the Show Case. 3. as rlZliir Now Advortis oxnonts. Bird Food, &c. UAVE J OBT RECEIVED a frwh supply of prepared Mocklcjr and Canary Bird Food, uao assortment oi Toilet tfoa,s, Toilet Powder and Wat ErtrrU A . , ... VJi sale low at J tt ii ' KOI t'S, Apocaeoary , sert 17 Newlfarket. THU lAi H- EIcKOY, SUCCESSOR TO Boatwrlght & McKoy;' WILL STATE THOUGH may bo many Eickmonds in tho field, nevertheless lio has the insula trdck in tho Grocery Line. Ho proposes to meet all competi tors like a man. His stock will jbo kept up in full, which is now much - larger than any other house in his. lino in tho city. THOS. H. McKOY, Grocer ant! Liqnor Dealer, sept27. 6:7 Ncrt'i Trent 5t Carpets lH Carpets ! uarpes i a v a. aw V LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH you can select many choice and pietty thirjga. Some of tho latCBt novelties In English and American Tapestry and Body Bros- eels. Damasks, Cretones, Lace and Mnslin Curtains, Rugs, Oil Cloth?, ic Respectfully, -sept 21- IV H.' McINTIRE." LANE'S ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL- GEN. J AS. H; LANE, Principal JJ00M8 NEXT TO St. John's Church. The first session be c Ins Monday, Oct 4th. Circolars at Bookstores after to-dsr. sept 16-2 w Rust Well Auger, Bust Well Drills Bust HorselPower. TH8 DE8T AND MOST BUCCE88FTJL Well boring and Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. GAS PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. The most improred Surface Attachments Guaranteed to make grood well anywhere. Works much faster and with half tse labor of any . other tools. Auger and Dnlli work by hand or horse power. Drills and Horss power hare capacity for 2,000 feet. ' In use firejyearsand to failures. Made from best material and sold for half the price of others. Bend for circular.:' 0. BUaT, au 37lydlw Bt. Jcseph, Mo. For Sale. PERFECTLY NEW IOPKGE BAJE, Mosler, Bahmana k Co., msna factor ers combination lock, weight 1,509 lbr. For sale cheap. Apply at mchS TUD3 OFFICE. Winberry OysterSe THE FINEST OF the season. By he Dozen, Quart or Gallon, at V j. JOHN CARROLL'S, Pl Uarket ft

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