THIS PAFJBU u oaetlshed every afternoon, Sunday wpfd by OKU. T. J A MRS, pXTOK A NW r HOP 0-1 WTO K. rf-7er,$& 00 Six taoatha, $150 ; Yhrae Oontha, l 35l One tuonth, W cents, fha ppr b delivered by carrirs, re ofebfcrjre, uf mi j- part of Ucity. at the 4ov rata, or U couu par Alvrti0ifeic rate lew &ti1 liberal HlHeTibrf will pla report y and ; ,UuroiV f e-Hv ihnir ptrrcifaUMj. FaU'Stock BROWN & RGBDIGK 45 Market Street. JESIKE TO IXFOUM THE POULIU araUy aoi Wholaaale Cah buyers in ar- tlcular, that we are fuU up with the Cheapest Line I Of ry. Goods that has ever been offered In this market BO BUYEtt vL-iting tbi city will do him self jastloe by pasJng oar door, as we are underselling the market in many of the reg alar Staple lines. We hare marked down all goods that be Ionic to Bummer wear and are offering Many Special Inflnceients to onr patron. We woald call particular attention to the following GENTS'DDQSKIN DRIVING GLOVES Hllghtly spotted, 75o. Worth $1,50, alloooes ! If ew Fall Calicoes at all prices In Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons ! We hare laid in a very heayy stock of the abore and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We hare all the popular brands. Ocr 4-4 Bleaching at 10 centa-por yard is without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These good require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market5 St. au2S To My Friends and Customers- I AM NOW' DAILY receiving my Fall stock of Consisting of all the ! My put stock and my succoss speak fcr themselves, and I only ask a continuance o your favors sj liberally bestowed cn me ny Please Call and Examine my -n 3"Stock as regards Qnality,Q Ks and Prices ! ca No trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to tee you one and all. Respectfully , C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. sept IS Sign of the Show Case. The New Bill of Lading F OB THE RAIL ROADS. Also, Uarellaa Central Railroad Receipts. Ycesel Bills of Lading, Chattel Mortgage, Inspector's Certificates, " Magistrate's Blanks, Ac py Printed at lowest rates at JL 8. WAR&UCK'H, Job Oflee" (Office la ReTlew;DulldiDf ) an 31 r vol. v Wilmington, n. c, Tuesday. September LQCAJi NEWS. Netr AdTcritscmonisu WAALiia W hxum Mortgage ale Wk L Sanm, Chut a Registration Notice Hee id W 4 W B K Schedule Heo art W I) A K E fchedule P lIMIBBll6it School Books II all A Pearsali. New Rier Mulled Yat.s- school Books irchool Hook. C-.urtesy opens many tloora. PIaUs prevail In nil autumn goods. Wir.low Ulase all sir.; ul llaffer & iri'v-V t The coming Damon and Pythias Torn and Jerry. The newest, latest, bos and chonpest at IlOEENTEPlrf. " V - The cotton receipt at thia port to-day foot tip 841 bales. r Pride has two e-;t.ons a forward spring and an early fall. That man lacks moral courage who treaU when bY should retreat. - . A husband is always a sensible man; he never thinks of marrying. The thermometer stood at 79 dogrees to-day at 3 o'clock in this office. ' ' A largo stock of children's . school Bhooa to select from at Rosenthal's. t Heliotrope satin ribbon is used for bows and belts of white muslin dresses. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing Stoves at almost any pr ice at J acobi's Hardware Depot. ! L i Pansy. bows, formed of a half dozen shades of , ribbons artistically4looped, now beautify white dresses. . - The end man of a minstrel troupe is the only genuine living skeleton he has no flesh on his bones at all. There was a very refreshing fall, of rain here this forenoon, but hardly enough to lay the dust, so dry has it been. The Registration books are now open. A list of Registrars, with places of regis tration, is published In full in our adver tising columns to-day. Any man of public spirit is supposed to bo perfectly willing to lie about the population ot any tpwn ho has lived three weeks in. Water street merchants will keep their faet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t One thing why clerks in crockery stores can go a whole year and ,not break anything is because they ho?e to pay for whatever they break. Do not throw away your hard earned money for every new cough syrup adver tised, when you can procure that stand ard remeay for coughs, Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. Price, 25 cents a bottle. ' Housekeepers may be glad to know that jelly covered with pulverized sugar, will keep without mould, if it is -set away on a high shelf where small boys cannot get at it. Ladies, tho best fits and tho easiest shoes for tho litt'o ones are at Rosen THAis. t Messrs VonGlahu and Hashagen, of tho Postcflice.ara both sick and the force of tho office is therefore materially reduc ed Those left on duty are working ex tra hours, however, in the eff jrt to keep pace with the requirements of tho office. " The finest stock of Ladies' Foxed, Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen- tual's. . v f City Court. J. W. Kennedy, charged with tho lar ceny ef a beer glass from A. O. . Wessell, which case was continued from yesterday, was acquitted. -A. O. Wessell, charged with retailing liquor without a license, was fined $25 and costs. An appealgwas taken to the Criminal Court and afterwards with drawn. An arrest fora disturbance on Second street latt night was on the docket, but the matter did not como up for trial this morning. The officjr who made tho ar rest has been suspended by the Mayor and his conduct is to be investigated by the Police Committee of the Board of Al dermen . The Chicago Times says; Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by ministers, judgpa physicians, surgeons, by men of literary and scholar ly distinction, and by individuals ia aj be walks of life. AILI Karl Accident. Wo regret to learn that Mr. Peter Joseph, an engineer on the Carolina Cer trI Railroad, while uncoupling or coup Hog some cars at Laurinburg, last night, got his foot fastoned in a guard rail on the trick and before he could extricate it the wheels of tho cr and tender passed over it, crushing his foot and'lci; an 1 nece?si tating amputation. The wounded ma') is doing as well as can bo expected under the circumstances. Mr. Nath7l Jacobi having beei. appoint ed ageut for tho Atlas Plow, parties in want of this cclorated 'Plow can now hv.v. thrir orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware i)eiKt, No. 10 S. Front st. 'I he American Union. It is understood that the American Union Telegraph Company will roach Wilniiogton via Charlotte and the .Caro lina Central R. R. They have already, we understand, secured the right of way over the Richmond & DanviHe R. R. and will shortly be at work erecting their wires on the line of that road. The soon er they get to Charlotte and from Char lotto to Wilmington, the better will it be for all concerned. Dancing lessons given .free at Rosen thal's: Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t 'Melton's Sausases." The Butcher Company have removed their office to their market, and in the rear of their old office have built a large frame building,' which, In connection with It, will be used as a sausage factory. They proposo to co extensively into tho manu facture of sausages, and the factory wil be under the supervision of 'ilr. Melton, who has1 quite a reputation as a sausage maker. St. Stephen's Cuurcli. Tho corner stone of the now St. Stephen's A, M. E. Church, to be erected corner of Fifth and Red Cross streets, was laid yesterday with, very, imposing cere monies and in the presence of a very large number of the colored people, and a goodly number of whites. The .occasion was one of much interest to the colored peoplo generally, as well as tho members ofSt. Stephen's church. A number of articles, principally rare and valuabl0 coins, were deposited in tho cavity, Rico birds are about played out . Not so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. t More Horse Stealing. The stealing of horses from the stables on the Sounds and driving them to this city soems to be very general. It is not confined to any particular Sound or locali ty, but seems to have spread along the coast from Topsail to-Myrtle Grove. Yesterday a gentleman residing on Mason boro Sound had occasion to leave his home about 4 o'clock in the morning for this city and when within about two miles of the Sound he came upen a col ored boy driving a horse, tho property of one of the summer residents, back to the Bound. It was quite dark and the boy was either asleep or drunk and came near driving into the gentleman. The horse, which was a grey, was easily identified The driver does not know even now who saw him, but there can ba no doubt but that tho boy had stolen the horse and driven him to town and was returning to the Sound with him after a night's de bauch in the city. The Game of Multiplication. The 'game of multiplication is an ingenious device, designed to mak3 the study of the multiplication table 'a pas time. 'The Idea came to Mrs Foole, of Boston, last fall during the illnes3 of her young daughter, and it has resulted in a gamo which is not wholly unlike the 13 14 15 puzzle in appearance, but i unlike it in the fact that it is intended for young school cbildreu, and can al ways be worked to a practical solution, whilo it affords amusement and clears away the horrors of multiplication. The apparatus consists of a thin tray about 12 inches square containing 12 smaller trays one for each Uble. In each small tray are 36 numbered blocks, arranged in 12 lines, 3 in a line, the multiplier occupying the first position in every line the multiplicand the middle, and the product the right. The gama is to dis arrange tho blocks, taking one oat to give an opportunity to movo the restf and then move them about until all are In the proper order. It ia said to have been adopted by the Boston School Board Full MoUl and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altatfkb, Piacr ACQ BEflEW. Hoard or Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in called s esioa at the City Hall yesterday after noon, together with' the Board ct Audit pnd Finance, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee cn Water Works A'rnajority of the committee consist ing of Mayor Fia blate. Dr. J. C. Walko. er, Messrs. W. L. Smith, Alfred Martin. B. M. Mclniire and B. F. Hall made the following repoit, viz: Board of Aldermen and Board of Aif dit or the City of nilmincfton, N.Cy Gentlemen A maioritv of tho com mittee ap'pointed from the Board ot Al dermen, Board of Audit, Chamber of Commerce, Commercial .bxchanee, Hoard of Underwriters and Board of Trade, to consider the expediency and practicability of establishing a system of Water Works for the city, have duly considered the matter in all its various phases, and are fully convinced of the daily iom-tsvjV importance, and wo may . say -iui late necessity of providing the city with a more abundant and more certain supply of water, as a protection against fire, and as a sanitary measure of perfectly pur water for domestic consumption. Recent investigations have established the faGt that a vast quantity of the water consumed in the city is exceedingly impure and therefore unhealthy, and as the popu. lation increases, it must of necessity be come more impure. The thousand or more advantages of such a system cannot here be enumerated, but will be readily apparent to every one who will seriously consider the subject. We have examined the reports of a number of municipalities where such works have baen in operation for years, and some es tablished more recently, and without fur ther preliminary remarks cheerfully re commend the proposition of Mr. A. Wil kins and associates, who have recently completed a system of works in Charleston South Carolina, for your adoption, which proposition is embraced in the paper here unto annexed. Respectfully submitted, S.. H. Fishblate, Mayor, Wm. L. Smith, Ch'm'n Board Underwriters.. R. M. McIntibe, President Board of Trade. Alfeed Maetin, Chamber of Commerce. The committee submitted with their re port a proposition from Mr. Wllkins.' At the suggestion of Alderman Divine, the Mayor requested Mr. D. McRaeto give the Board any information he might have in regard to water works. Mr. McRae spoke briefly, recommending that the mat ter bo deferred ; or rather, that action should not be hastily taken. Mr. A. H. VanBokkelen, by request, gave his views on the subject. He recom mended that the water works should be resolved upon, but was opposed to haste in the matter, anH thought that it should ba postponed until propositions could be had from other pai tics. Col. W. L. Smith, of the Committee, said he favored the report and opposed dela7, for the reason that all his life be had heard water works talked of, but the matter had always been postponed and never beard of again. Ho desired to have water works and wanted them immedi ately; the proposition of Mr. A. Wilkios he thought a fair one, and tho best ever made to the city. Alderman Myers suggested that Mr. Wilkios be allowed to mcko a statement. Mr. Wilkios came forward and stated that he had just completed water works in the city of Charleston, and stated the condition of bii contract with that city, and thought bis proposition to this city a moro liberal one. On motion of Aldeim3n Foster further consideration of tho matter was deferred until the third Monday in October next, fordefinilo action. Mr. Wilkins, by permission, withdrew his proposition, and on motion the meets ins adjourned. Wbcro Is that crowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. f The Coanlrj Saicd Greenbackera In Council. Some twenty five or fitty persons, calling themselves Oreenbackers, met la the Court House this morning for the purpose, as alleged, of making nomina tion for county ofilcers from tae rants ol the Greenback party. Captain Frank M. Wootea was called to the Chair and HarryThomaa appointedSecretary. When our reporter reached the scene of action a committee, appointed fcr the purpose, had retired to make the nominations which were to be submitted to the con vention. In the mean time the . meeting was being entertained by C. H. Strc le, Greenbacker. and C. P. Lock?y, Republican, exchanging epithets of the vilest character, denouncing each other in unmeasured terms, and swearing ven geance against each other if they could only be let alone and 28, issn. no. iss get together. Strode seemed to be the most belligerently inclined of the two and was making great demonetra tions, but there was no fight, and at the time of th:s writing there have been no nominations. Tna committee were still out whov nr reporter left the meeting, Mr 1 er .occupied the chair tem porarily wuile tha President or Chairman of the Convention had stepped down and out and gone across the street to see a man. There will bo a meeting of th9 Young America Hancock, Jarvis and Shackel ford Club tomorrow evening, at 8 o'clock, at the usual place, which every member who can do po is expected to aU tond. Window Glass ofU si&H, 1) 'r?,Sash and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,&o. Low est prices at Jacobi's. ow Ad va rtiBomont i. Heinshereer's THS PLACE TO BUT SCHOOL Books and School Stationery. My stook is now complete, Tescsers and Parents will find it to their advantage by first calling at sept 23 THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Rlew River LILET Bright and Fat, J ut received and for sale by Hal! & Rearsall, sept 28 ortga&e Sale. BY CRONLY & MORRJS. M.CROIIiY, Auctioneer. T Y VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS contained in a oertain mortoaze from Alex ander and Wm A Falconer to me, as 0 nar dian, dated August lOtb, 1672, and register ed in Book. F, ft , F, page 102, I will sell for cuh, on Tuesday the 19th day of October, at 12 o'cloct. at Exchange Corner, in the city oi Wilmington, nre hundred and twenty nine undivided, twelve hundred and fiftieth part of all that lot of land in said ginniajr in Western line of North Water street, lib feet South from South line of Mulberry street, running thence west wardly 85 feet, thence southwardly 46 feet, thence eastwardly 85 feet to North Water street, and ttrence to beginning. . WALTER W. LANE, Guardian cept 28, oct 5, 9, 12, 18. Begistration Notice. jg00K8 FOR REGISTRATION for voters are now open as follows : Upper Division, FiritJWari At residence of TJ Herring West side of Sixth, between Bladin atd Harnftt street T J Herring, Registrar. Lower Division, First Ward At J 0 Ste m venson & Co's Store on Fourth street at Beney Bridge 3 W Sanders, Registrar. Second Ward At reiidenca of J CLnms- dsn, on Front, batween Piiacess and Chest nut streets J O Lnacsdea, Registrar. Third Ward At office on Princsss, next door to corner of Fourth street W L Jacobs, Begistra-. Fourth Ward At W P Oldham's Mill, on Deck street K U Pickett, Eegister. Fifth Ward -At J M Bremer's Store, on corner of Castle and Fifth sfe at Gaston N n;ll, f egUtrar. Ctpe Fear Township At residence of Ire deli Johnson Iredell Johnson, Registrar. Harnett Townsbip At Jas N ilaaom be rs Store Jsj N H&coznber, Registrar. Xasonboro Town&hip At residence of B 8 MontfortB 8 lloafort, Registrar. Federal Point Township At J H EoxnVs residence J H Home, Registrar, WM. L. 8111X11, ceptzS-lt 8Ur copy Cim'n. MM PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg? ad to recelre oonmualestiori from our frianda on aiy and all; snbVjcts o general interest but: Tie namo of the writer bmI always be fcr nbhed to the Editor. Communis lions cmt ba written; on cnlj one side of the paper. Personalities man oided. And it is especial pa.t'.cularlylutdrr stood that the Editv l not a!irj endorse the views of corresponds is. ur.lssi to stitel In the editorial eoluxnc How . Aavortisomonts. WILMINGTON WclM &AILK0AD COUP AST? f .... . V ' -li '-w9w? li- W--;trtotf N. ()., Heptl8, 1F8?. j ' NOR OF SCHEDULE ? On and after September 19th, 19S0. at 8 40 P M, Pasen?er Traina oa tho Wil mioirton A WelJon Kaiiroad nil rim & follows . DAY MAIL AND E2PRES3 TRAIN, dsily Non 17 North and 43 Boath. Leave Wiialngton, Frost Et. Depot at... 6 53A M Arrireat Weldon at-.. 11 50 P 11 Letre Weldon................. S 10 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front bt. iepot at. 5 53 r U Night Passeneer. Mail and Fxprcss' Tralra uuj-cb. iioria aou 40 coam. Leave Wilmington, Front SL Denot at s in v r Arrive at Weldon at 3 50 A M Leave Weldon, 2 15 A II ArriTe at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at............. 8 10 A 11 Trains on Tarboro Branch Rosd leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.10 P M dull?, and Tuesday. Thuradar and .nTr:v t h ( & A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 1U.-0C a. nx oauy, ana nonaay, WoGnesday asc Friday at 8:30 P Mt Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dailv. All rail ia Richmond, and daily except Sunday vii Bay Line. . . Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Washington, and makes close conn action daily to Richmond, and daily ec&pt Satur day nights for all poiatB north ol liichnond. Both trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and havo Pullman .Jiaico Bleepers Attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE, Pewal Bnpl. A. POPE, Gen'l Freight and Pasa. Arehti eept 23 ' Gen'l Sup'is Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA A!fD AU- GUSTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, &. C, Sept 18, 18SCV CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, On rnd after Septomber 19tb, ISSQ, nt 3.50 P M, tho following Paesenger Echeflule will be run oa this road- Day Passenger, Mail and Exprcn Tralr. oany j(os. 42 West and 45 East. Leave WilmingtonM....M,..M.,w, 9 00 A 11 Arrive at Florenoe 1 33 r tx Leave Floreneo 3 60 A M Arrive at Wilminin 8 a) P U NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Nob. 47 Weat and 4S Ea t. Leave Wilmington.... 10 13 P M Leave Florence....- .. 2 2 ) A H Arrive at C O and A Jcnction 4.15 A 11 Arrive at Columbia 8 15 A M Leave Columbia.......................... 6 00 1' li Leave C G and AA Junction 12 00 M Leave Florence...........;.. 'A 30 A It Arrive at Wilmington....,.....,4... C 30 A 11 This Tralr stops only at Brinkloy's, Whlteville, Flemington, Fair BluS", and Marion. 2 Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A C. R. R. C, U. A. R. U, station . Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No 47 Night Express. Separate Pullman tiieepen for Charleston aad for Augusta on trains 47 and 48.. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHM V DIVTNE, General Bnt. A. POPE, Gen'l Freight and Pass. Agent flopt 28 Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby forewarned not to trustor harbor any of the crew of the Nef. hark- t WiniVPR" neithnr thm Mmutmv will be responsible, sept 27 3t M. KALDAOER, Master. School Books. School Books. LARGE STOCK JDS7 RECEIVED at YATES' Bookstore. Also, Slates, Pencils, Ink, Eook Btjji, Straps and Holders, Sponges, Crayons, Ac, Ac Parent) willda well to ciil upon sept 27 C. W, YATES. OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only I Thursday, Sept. SOih. BENEFIT OF . THE OXFORD ORPHAN ASYUM. THE OLD PLANTATION MINSTRELS will give their first performance, confin ing of Yocal and Instrumental Mselc, Jis, Horizontal Bar Exercises, Ac, on 1HDRS DAY EYENINO, September 30th. . Ladies are particularlj invited, as nothing will be said or done to offend the most fastidi ous. Tne Orchestra is undar the directiin of Professor F. Kierean Home of the best talent in the city engaged in this perform ance. Prfec of Admissions-General Admission 50 eenti. Gallery 25 cents. oewneu ocw imbj w cvurcu ai IXS1T1S- berger'f Book Store without extra charge. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain raises at 8 o'clock. A. PBEMPEBT, aept 17-It Manager a