THIB PAPER a acliahed every, aaraooa, Haaday PLEASE If OTICE, W will be ffad to receive communication from onr friaadj on any and all nbiecti o general interest but: . ' JOSU. -T. JAMB , SDITOX AMD FROFBJWTOK." 30iiCEIITIONB,lrOHTAGE PA1I. ue year, f 5 00 rUz months, 33 50 ; Thr month,.5l 25; Vie month, 60 oente. fte pa?r keJc1Ivered by carriers, of eJirt. m ny past ?' tbe city, tAe jot r,.:l, oris OsQti yT week. r .uucHv?r m-ili 9i"a3 report aa and H or tne writer mmt alwaya be fsr nlshed to the Editor. A ' Communicatlona ncust be written: on onl? one aide of thejpaper. Personalitiea nuit oided. And it is eepecialJr au pa.t:calarly.ttndf r rtood that the EditA t ui not always endori e the views of corrMpcnJun t cc!.t po stated u the editorial oolumnf. m. . 0 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1880. NO. 186 'lEYIEW JL JJULiU ji: Fall St BRGW & J1GDD1GK 45 Market Street. . JE3JRE TO INF'lUM THI6 PUBLIC generally aal Wholesale fain buyers in r- liealar, that we are fvwjtb.jfc- Giieapcsl Zaine! o Dry -poods that has erer been offered in this market. HO BUYER vlaitin thij city will do him-1 elf jastice by passing our door, as we are underselling the market in many of the reg- alar Staple lines. We hare marked down all jroods that fcei long to Bummer wear and are offering.. Is to onr patrons. We would call particular attention to the following GENTS' DOQ SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Bllghtiy spotted, 75o. Worth $1.60, allDcoe Naw Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful I dealirna I Til . J - -r-r - I UXeaCUeaaUQ LIlDlCaCliea I t VUtltFllfiJ I i We have laid in a very he ayy stock of th - m a v 1 uu ms uuti w uiciu mh tvner iijeuren i wan ever, we nave an tne popular brands. Oar 4-4 Bleachlnz at 10 cents Der vard is without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Handerchief s, A Job at 10 cents. These gobdj require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROWIf & E0DDICK, 45 Marked St. an 28 Tp. V3y Friends and Customers- fa: Ait NOW DAILY receiving my Fall atock of Consisting of all the l I T M anrir r,i n,, .n ..v r-. Uemielvee, and I only ask a continuance o I your fyor. liberally bestowed cn me Pleas Call and Examine my U 3"Stock as regards Qnalityo and Prices !"Q So trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you one and all. Respectfully, C- ROSENTHAL, i 53 Marker Street. sept IS Bign of the Show Case. The Hew iSIl of Lading Many Special Iill!l!CCiil JPOK THE RAIL ROADS. AUo, Carolina Central Railroad Receipts, Yeaeel Bills of Ladinr. Chattel Mortgagar " 5'r Injpeetor'a Certifioatet, . . T Magistrate's Blanks, &c. . Printed at lowest rates at. ; .&WARROCK'S, Job Office (Office In BevIewT?uUdiai) au3l LOCAL NEWS. WeTr AdTemaefiientiT Prospectus of the Anion Time , J'rospsclus of the Nbitb Carolina Educa tional Journal P HicsBBsaaaa 8choei Books Yatz.1 School Booki -Echool Book. Window Glass ah tizte al -ltaer & Pnco's. . . .. t 1 be cctton receipt at this port tosday f ot up 928 bales. Fhe newest latest, tea and cheapest Ti:e thermometer stood at 78 degree to day at 8 o'clock in tbU office A lart;6 stock of children 'a 3'jhool oboes to select from at Rosenthal's. t Prof. Tico promised us. a cool cpell about the 23 th and be was fcorrect this time. Mr. W. W. McDiaiiuid, t i tho Lum berton Ilobesonian, is a ba city to day and paid U3 a visit. . i - - Save your money and bay year Build ing Supplies from Altatfer & Price. Water street merchants will keep their fdet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f List eight was good for sleepiog and the temperature this morning was cool eaough for overcoats and fires. Oh! for another circus. Coup's Bide Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen show was just good enough to whet curlTHALs, ' ' j. appetites for 80methiijs better You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ins Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Tho fall term of the Criminal Court, His Honjr Judge Mearefl presiding, con venes in this city on Monday next, the 4th day of October. I rv,- r.s.- .n ta J " 1 mnt A. u:- T.ll muu' AUI8 'JJa'uB lw uiuga, aaia iac nogs ana a very severe winter i : Walking advertisements: every man woman and child who haa once tried Dr. i Bull's Cough Syrup cannot say enough .n itg praiga and thia ia lho reason its BaI is constantly increasing. Useful Items. I Dry paint is removed by dipping a swab with a hanale in a strong solution nf nralin Tt snftpnn i t at nnce. a,onuiui'3Ul l""umuim I Hugar wm cnecK me enaency i rn i 1- 4l a. J a : A I mgin mosa Buuermg Biignuy irom sea-1 u.&.i:cBa. .... I m i m. At. !.L1 .1 Deat Ui0 WflllQ OI P"M in a pinch of salt. The. cooler the eggs the quicker they froth Salt cools and i r u . a u ' , l 1 nere is a greenness in onions ana po- tatoes that makes them hard to digest. ijor neaitn-s saKe put tnem ia warm Water for an hour bafore cooking. Silt fish are quickest and best fresh . ' - I eaed by soaking m socr milk. Beeswax and tfalt will mike your Hat irons as clean and smooth as glass. Tie ! a lump of wax in a rag and keep it for the purpose. When the irons are hot, rub them first with the wax rag, then scour with a paper or cloth sprinkled with salt. When a color on a fdric his been accidentally or -otherwise destroyed by acid, ammonia s applied to neutralize the acid, after which an application ofi chloroiorm will, in almost all cases, re- Tua Or,!;.,i?or. - . . A . of ammonia is common, but that ol chlo roform Sg Dut IittIe known. The black rust oa vorbenas, heliotropes and petunias can be cured by stimulating the plants with liquid manure. Oats are the best fool for working horses, as they furnish mora nourishment and fiesh-making material than any other food. An infallible remedy for a rusting tea kettle ia to brown coffee in it, A thor ough washing with -Soap and water will tha odor' and smoke ol the coffe and leava.. tha kettle smooth and free from rust. I a cooking vegetables me only tho best butter. v Cooking buttef is an abomina tion, destroying their delicate flavor. Keep an oyster shell in your tea-kettle, and it will prevent the formation of a crust on ths inside of it by attracting tha stony particles to itself. To clean the inside of tea-kettles and pots;"' boil fcr an hour, in tho kettle or pot; a tablespoonfal of carbonate of am monia, dissolved in three pints of hot wa ter. It will remove at once all the de posits made by boiling water.' The Anson Times, ilr. Rott- H. Cowan, recanty of the B Jeigh Observer, is to begin the publica tion at Wadesboro, next week, cf the Anson Times. The prospectus will be found in anotber column. Mr. Cowan is well calculated for the urdertakirg, an 3 w wiib bim much success . .Where g that erowd going -To Ros enthal's, to buvboota and shoes. t . ; . . i The River. The Cape Fear U still very low and the steambcatmen are sick of paddling tueir. way tbrcnghi.EUjd.. , JEha JFacand North State were here to-day. They should have arrived, according to the regular schedule, at Fajetteville this moruing but inetead left l.ere'thls after neon. Unfortunate. Robinson's circus was in Charlotte yesterday. They have been singularly unfortunate cf l&to. James Robinson, who has been suffering with Brfght's dis eaae. became so mucn worse in uoiumoia that ho was sent homo to die but did net live to get there. The circus exhibited in Charlotte yesterday and night-before- last, the head-keeper of the animals, a man by the name of John King, was struck by the large male elephant. Chief and his skull crushed, against a car. He died thQ BamQ nJghfc at n Qc0CS:t and wa, buried Yesterdav afternoon. The finest stock of Ladies' Foxed, The Grcenbackers. The following is the ticket nominated by the Greenbackers yesterday after our paper had gone to press : For Sheriff -T. A. Watson. For Register of Deeds Hezekiah Reed. colored. For Treasurer John M. Bremer. oruie nou3Q 01 Representatives J. J CnrtlS. TOllltP. SLT.( J A. TTnlf vilnrod ' 7 . "! v.v.v.v.. . Coroner-Wesley Avant, colored. ConstablQ Wilmington Township-N. (jarr. ess. Watson and Bremer were for- J iua uLiiers were auiie ... Publicans Capt. F. Wooten was elected Chair- man of the Executive Committee. iiice birds are about played out. Not so with thoso Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f In cna case of assault and batterv. - jadgnnttwumpeDded and defendan discharged a V. I Tli-.U J : j " - - unon Redouble char-e of driving across tha , ... flrpp. the latter offence a sentence of $2.50 fine Ait a unjo tu luo v. X . r.(is UlUcreU , fc tho derendan. The officer referred to ia the Review vesterdav as bavins been ananendod fnr making an arrest on Second street night . - c " before last was to-day, aiter a full inves titration of the case by tha PoItceCommit tee, coneistiog cf the Mayor and Alder. msn Bowden and Vollers, reinstalled and (ordered on duty. Dancioglessons given free at Rosen- that's' Pcmpsole boots and thoes for be ball room. f Ilome Asain. Our eateemed fellow-townsman, Mr. R J. Jones, who has beea to Canada as a relegate, to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, returned home nieht before lt. bf-hlir dP.lfcrited with his trin: as well as the people whom he met. Mr. Jones speaks in high terms o! the country and the beautiful scenery he witnessed en route to Toronto. But vre believe our- mane?. tbouch very much of an Odd Fellow in tome respects, i j rot much of an odd fel low in one other respect, and that is, that notwithstanding the beautiful scenery , fine lands and hospitable people at he has been among, like all other jWiloiLngton ians, he is glad to get back cn the banks of the old Cape Fear once more, within sound of the tall pines of our forests as the breez) fresh from the sea and Sound sweeps through them, bringing with it the odor ot the marsh grass, and inspiring one with thoughts of shrimps, pig-fisb, sort. hell crabf , orsters and "the like o' that'' - Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Aetaffeii, Peice & Co's The 8329 mania has reached Wil mington It was found stuck up and chalked up in various psrts of tha city ; this morning and especially in the neigh borhood of the Federal offices. It is spreading through the North like wild fire. ..... LUt or letters. - The following is a list of the letters te maining unclaimed in tha City PostotSc Wednesday, Sept. 29th: A Mary D Anderson. B Willum. Blackwell Laura Jane Brantley, Lucy Biker, Lavica O Brown, Ivatu Bunett, Jaa Burke, Hannah Blount 2,Qteo Bell, David Bryant, Amelia C Burnett, Miy F Brown, Martha Benily, N Binyard Sarh Bryant, Sarah A Brown. C-Cul V U H Cowles. 3. John Cleroroocs, Fraud Cade. D Aaron Dvia, O H Dcdloj, Flor ence cr , Floro Drack, tnr.i Jesse Dixon. 4 Johrr IV fvipTK; - - ---r--: FJE Feneil. , G A G Glenu, G C Gjomio, J D Gilbert, Charles Graham, Mary Jace Galloway, Minnie Green H Cbe!sa Herring, Clifford Howe, iLinnah Hicks, John E Hfimphrey, John Hankios, Jack Herring, Mary Hargrove, Samuel fla 1, T J Hilburu, Srah J How ard. J -Eva Johnson. K James Kelly, Charles Km u rrancis lymin, dotm A U -c. n Lizzie Ltiow, VV V1' Liutou. M M Muoroe, 'A McKiver, Lucy A Muid.ubou, Maggio McDume, Aiebecca McKeozie, Tampie O Matthews, Harriett Martin, J H Jf Mitchell 2; Jordan Mil lor, G Moore, Alexandsr McAllister, Bet tie Miller. N Mahala Neal. O James Ogden. P P R Phelps, 2. Q W J O Quio. K J L Robeson, Mary Kay, Matilda Rtchinson, Susie Richardson." 8 Anner Scartor, Betsy Stanley, Auk drew Spencer, Olara Strickland, Mrs L C Swain, Harrison-Scott, J O Shepard, Martha dmith, Mary Smith, T B R Tavlor. Ed Tasnach. W Sasan Webster, Sallie A WooJard, Mrs Will? iuia luiiw. Persons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim- ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmineton. " N. C. New Hanover County, N. C. Window Glass ofall sizo5 , Door ,Sash and Blinds, Builders' Hard ware ,&o Low est prices at Jacobi'sa The Rules for Health. rnu t : t .,. u. rnw tha cu nu it- u preservation of health, especially through the changeable eeasons of autumn, winter Mn 1 .U 1,1 nf ha la ft an f irolir T.n iuu opuus, buwuiu iui. uuw.wj wv health Journals. We are r 2ht in the midst of the time when they apply. Never lean with your back against any thing that is cold. Never beam a iournev until breakfast a v is eaten. Never take warm drinks and then im mediately eo out into the'cold air. "rruiT h hftnlr.mnAia11v httwpnn tha " f shoulder-blade? well covered; also the ii ....j tuc" WBU , in sleeping m a cold room establisb a uauib V 4 UiCiuiug imvugu hue uwsi tauvA never with the mouth wide open. Never go to bed with ccld or damp feotj alwaj. toast, tfcm by the fir8 for ten or utteen minutes De-ore going 10 Deer - mm- m Never omit regular bathing; for un- less the skin is in an active Condition, the cold will close the pores and favor conges- tion and other diseases. ' After exercise of any kind never ride v rf " I in an open carnage ur uo mo wiuuuw 1 11 :-i I of a car for a t it is daoseroua to en to life. health and even until the hoarseness is recovered from, or difficulties of the throat produced. MrW warm the back bv a fire, and .. 1 : .v u-.i j never continue Keeping vua aca expasea to the heat after it nas become comfort- ably warm. To do so is debilitatmg. When going from a warm atmcspnere into a colder one, keep the mc.uth closed, so that the air may bo warmed by passage through the ere it reaches the lungs, fir Tnw- or where the nerson is cxDOSed I . , , ,1 f ' I iu a tuiu tt u.u. Ladies, the best fits' aud tbe easiest shoes for the little ones are at Rosen thal a. Mr. Nath'I Jacob! having beeu sppoint- ed agent for tbe Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Ifroni sU The Chicago Thnes says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure U highly endorsed by ministers, jddges, physicians, sureeons. bv men of literary and scholar ly distinction, and by individuals in al be walks of life. " When should yon apply a sovereign I remedy to your toolb 7 j When it la a king. I Never stana smi iu coiU weauier, espo- uon. Any person procuiiK us ten nw, i... o . , . daily after having a slight degree ofexsrx- PTlgsaCicribers n one year will recjive " pp1 tfter September 23tb, ta the cbe, and always avoid standing upon ice Kcri tept JO-w-frMt PBINCIPAI. Federal Jurors The following is a list of jurcrj for tl e Fall terra of the U S District Courf, which convenes in ttis city on the frst Mo day ia .November, viz: Ben j Scott, A J Hill, W J Pentcn, J O Smith Tbos'A Davis, Robert Nojest J A Scar - vigh, Geo F Alderman, Hen ry Kuhl, Xax Goodman, JW Macum ber, BAlfalKt B F Penn, I T Aldcr ui.o, S R Birdsay, Jas W Jackson, F M King, Oicaf FearsaU, A M Baldwin, L G The raton, W Kellogg, E D Hewlelt Richmond lUU, Prcatoa Spring, Jlo H PugK-G J Boney, G G Southerfaod and J H Mallard, of Wilmingtob; Atex Coi of Smithville; Peter Tucker, of Lock wood's Folly; John Wescott, W H Drew, and Richard Doaher, of Smithville ; Ccr ceiius McMillan, of Teachy's Depot; A J Andrews, of Shallotte. The above jarors are not required to appear until Wednesday of Court Week, a') as t allow thorn an opportunity for a: a iu.:. l r. vuuug in tueir u juies otiore 8tartiD .or Court. Bee a woman on horseback in anotte column, riding near Speer's - Tmeyarda with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. New Advertisements. Prospectus OF THE ANSON TIMES. X7ITn THE FIRST WEEK in October, will be issued from the office in Wades- boro, the firat number of The Anon Times, a weeklr family paper, devoted to the in- STaUQn ccunty, and the surroand. The Times will be strictlv Demoeratifi in p slides, holding that the highest welfare of tne people is to be found In good govern ment, based on the time-honored principles of Democracy, while it will nevertheless be Jast and fair to all men. It wi 1 be a live newspaper, keeping up with the intelligence vi tuu ubj, ana ins oesiiQOUKnM OI tne best ; men. Its market reports will be thoroughly A leading feature cf the Times will oonelit in ite weekly letters from Ralehrh and from New York, giving the chief social and politi cal tonics from nrioino.! innrrai Wa oK.ii endeavor to iasna snch n. (nnrnd tn I leaTfi no rpnartmnt npcarod fnr rlr I TW 11 A and County News, Agricultural column, and Domestic Miscellany for tho ladles, will b I p aDrea oi tne umes. i . i . . " I I 1 . a a . . i jioa ubts b ((reai iamre Deiore tnem. and " wm . 9. lQe QUlT na Pleasure ot the i nmes to leive no effort ungpared to advn Its development by all the work that an ac-1 UIent tn city engaged In this perform tive and progressive journal oan sffsct. We I , confidentlv exnect tha hrnriv,.An r I Prices of Admission General at;..:t. me iarmers, me men oi DGslnesa. and all whs r. dsiinm :. r a. , m , iL r - . . .J -v e ?. Pwapenty for this farored . - I ' ' J'.""!'. J AIA lUIO i.IUl C3i ration Of North flarnlina Tn .f... .. hope to present a journal, in the Times, in .which they may feel a just pride. xraousnea attnegrowmg town of Wades - Doro, a railroad centre, and competing point, I the Timea wiU offer an unusual advertising weuinmror tne business men of Charleston, Wilmington, Raleigh and Charlotte. TermsOne year, $2; six months. 81: three month! 50c. Special contracts made for ad- vertieine. ROBERT H, COWAN. rOSDOCtUS P B ORTH OAHQLINA.EDU. UATIONAL JOURNAL. R T tTrr ' ' , ' rW" CAROLINA State Teaoh I er Assoalaiinn .t n n . I tT held daring the Tlate '.essio o? Norl r1?oiatthe University, had under cobs d- rration tha nnhlf nation r . imim.i .1,1.1, " . , , --,: 1- -JV.....11U.VU snouia ce a meaium or commanlcation and a eT 5if:rsSiKKJ North Carolina. on tht nablifiAtmi nfra.h inn.. I nal, and he ubmitted a proposiUon which I desired journal. In accordance witli theie "rangemecta we propoaeto publish rne JMnrtn iTarnliTia. Krinfftnnol I - r I lAnMMl J' I . ... . x, zrg1 lanawui lsiaa the nst number si soon aafficiert number of subscribers ahall be -as " cegmning its PQW Tha ionTtii win b n bilm "ued monthlj, at tl for a sickle c-py. ertn office address at onee, and tbe subscription " micj t o ius urn nam oer 01 tic Journal, or as soon tberesfcer as possible. imect aii commaaications to REV. J F. HElTMAX, J-ditor of 5 C Educational Jovnal. 'PtiS Cbxpel HilL N C Heinsbererer's 8 THE PLACE TO BUT SCHOOL Bk.M(1 B . a.-. " ' now 0 0 pie to Teaciera aad Pvcii v0H flid it to their 1 urotaM by first cxlflnz al septM THE LWB BOOK. STORE. Haw Aavortis3ni9at5. f Carpet3 ! Carpets I Carpets I hiui SY'U iz ;from which you ca ,c uiai y c'loice and pre'ly things. Some of tha latest novelties in Kcslhh and Amricm Tapestry anCddy-&ruy seis. . Dama&ks, Creiones, Lace and Musl n Curtains, Bugs, Oil Cloths, &c Respectfully, sept 21- ... R. M. McINTIRE. Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby ' forewarned not to traitor harbor any of the crew of the Her. bark "MJOLNER" neither the Master or coniijaewir tt aaa us repomiDie." sept 27-3t M. KALDAOER, Masted'' School Books - i School Books; LARGE STOCK JUST RECEIVED it YATES' Bookstore. Also, wataa, Fenoy,. Ink Bfiok -Baii; Stiraps and Holders, Sponges;. Qt ayoto 4c, 4c Parents willed well to call upon njt27 O. W. YATES. R A HOUSE. no Night Only j Thursday, Sept. aothV BENEFIT OF . THE OXFORD 0RPHFI '.mtUArunU unmAH I TBE OLD PLANTATIOV Mtwpnn a. . wawa M&lMLI&lklJI fc nui Eire thir lint a..m I Horizontal Bar Exercises. Ac. onTilUivVu i ia v TirirTT r t-m - i niif September 30th. . I will ho ! J ... ' ..O 1 cu 1 to onenatne mo3t laetidi- m,,"0 w"e!ra " naer tne direction or. "ofeasor F. Rieman. Home of- the bt i cn -.-. I i'trj m cents. I KflfrVf1 Hoata maw k. . I AT n . . . 9 . J JA M. UVIU I Derjfer 8 1OOK StOrn without rtnh..i. ' K-""1.1 .eredat Heine I pen at 7 o'clock. Curtain ralses'at Bo clock. A. PBEMPERT. I ' aanager iaorcgasree's Sale. gY VIRTUE OF THE PB0VI8I05S e ontaiaed In a certain deed of .nt.J IV - nt.A J .... "-.vv. titjiv a 7 i eDrury, 1878, by " . onJFon ana wire xxora, to Joel W. ofWew Hanever county, ia Book N N. I lliL.- lOOA . . J October. 1880. at 11 o'clock-, a.m. hV.i. lowinsrlot in said citr : RAffinninv i Bouthern lime of Fannlne street 824 feet uar a a a jv - a v i . . ifinui wio loierseeuon ot Anderson St., thence West on Fannin c .trt. rt I T . , . . - et, DeiDg part cf i0CK , officUl plan of City of Wil- im ii v uiii wa a a aivOTwmr mington. E. 8. MARTIN. Attornev for Mort aept 8,15,22,29409. School for Young Ladies'. HTBTfe2! TTW A lrann - - . . att. rrmcipai- Assisted by 2JIiss M. B. BR0W1T. Instrumental Mn.i kJ troa ,r 3 in-trnction in n,,.:,, rf5 2rawinf and Painting- ly MRS. E. H. PARSLEY. " " 1 TflE 5EXT 8ES3ION WILL OPIS TTrRan . v ' tendance at the begianlni: of the sen' on is i-p tan t. For term, and pariku. MewRiver Bright and Fat, Jnjt ieceired and fer saleby Hall & Pearcall. sent 35 Winhowrr sflTverA-wM ma wa a jr w jr o bwi i3 7 the seaiTS. By the Dovm, Qaart or Oalloo, at - " . " wuri3 CARROLL'S, , Market at ' " 1 ...'' .-a sept 15 . , . . .... . - -'-v X : - : ... .. V

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