THIS PAFEX U Paoluhed Ter? afternoon. Sundays ex ited br ' - ' :' - j o n . . t- J .'m is , rurro3 and profhiktob. ftUCSCBLPTIONS.FOSTAGE PAID. ice year, $600 t!ix months, S3 50 j Thw monthi, 1 35 ; e month 60 eeDU : rhs paper Kill be delivered by carrier., ree ofeaarfre, ia any part of the city, at the vbore rate, or 13 cents per wok. Adrertisiag rates low ami iibor I 3Sabcribers will pltasereport any and U failures to reeeire t'aeir papers reglarly. Fall Stock, -BROWN k RODDICK 45 Market Street. TESI'iE TO INFORM TBB PDBLIO eb orally and. Wh)ialeib7r la re? ticalar, that we are full up with the Cheapest Line ! OP . Pry Ooods that has erer been offered in this market HO BUYER rifliting this city will do bira- telf jaitice by passing oar door, as we are underselling the market innnny of tb reg ular 8taple lines. We hare marked down all goods that be long to Summer wear and are offering to our patron p. We would call particular attention to the following GENTS' 00G SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Bllghtly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, aDScoes! New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons I We hare laid in a rery heary stock of the than ever. We hare all the DODular brands. Our t Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Handercliiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These goods 1 " require no comment. ive us a Call BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market' St. au 28 To My Friends and Customers- r?i I AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall stock or Boots and Slioes, Consisting of all the . LATEST STYLES 1 My past stock and my success speak for taemselres, and I only ask a continuance c your favors id liberally beatowed. cn me D7" Please Call and Examine my H 2"Stock as regards Qnalitya C3" aad Prices tn No trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you one aad all. Respsctfally, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. sept IS Sign of the Show Case. The New - Bill of Lading jpOR TBJ3 BAIL BOADSALwy Carolina Central Railroad Beeelpt?, Vessel Bills of Ladia, Chattel Mortauv iaspeetor's CertificAtes, . Jdagletrate's Blanks, Ac. Printed at lowest rates at e i Wiuunnir'ii MS Special InQQcemeQ - Job Oflioe2l (OficoinBeviawBaUdins) . . auSl Tie VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY OCTOBER 2, 1830. NO. 189 LOCAL NEWS. New Advemiaements. P Haissaa&eaa School Book a MizartSaloo Hew Birer O jet-rs. P H Daubt, Chm'n Call of the Democrat ; County Exeoutive Committee. Yatbi School Books School Books. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Window Glasa all sizes at ItafTer & rrica's. f The cottoa receipts at this port to. day foot, up ,250 bale. v The finest stock of Ladies' Foxed, Bi! moral and Button Boots at Rosen TB AL8, ' f Thero were two interments in Oikdale this week, one adult and one child. The newest, latest, bes and cheapest at Ro8ENTmis. f A large stock of children's school shoes to select from at Rosenthal's. f t There were two adults and three chil dren Interred in Balievuo Cemetery thia week. Turner's almanac promises U3 enow or rain for to-morrow but it doesn't lock or feel much like either bow. Where is that crowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes, f The Register of Deeds has issued four marriage licenses duriog the week, two of which were for white and two for colored couples. To allay itching of the scalp, use Hall's Vegtable Sicilian Hair Renewsr . Sold by all druggists. Almost 'cold enough for frost this morning but nobody teems to have seen any hereabouts. They had it at Charlotte yesterday morning. V Ladies, the best fits and the easiest iioes for 'the little ?nes era at Roses tuajs. f There were fiva intermenU - io P4nf Forest (colored) Cemetery thia week. Two adults and three children . It is actually painful to see a child suffering with a bad cough: mothers should never fail to keep Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup convenient in order to relieve their little ones speedily and surely. Price, 25 cents. The first New River oysters of the sea son at the Mozart Saloon were opened there to-day. They are fine, fat and lus cious. jur. tiaar has made ample ar rangements for regular supplies during the season. Rev. Jos. R; Wilson, D. D., who has baen absent lrom the city in Attend ance on tb.3 Pan-Presbyterian Council, at Phila delphia, has returned here and will preach in the First Presbyterian Church to-mor row at the 11 a. m. services. Mr. Nath'l J&cobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties la want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. Why is it that the street hands are put to work on North Water street invariably during the busiest part of the day, and the dryest day that can be found, aud thus raise clouds of dust to the annoyance of business men in that locality ? There are several of us who would like to know the why and wherefore of this. Water street merchants will, keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing,. Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f - Capfr. N. H. Sprunt baa returned from the North and with as many new and pretty things for the . ladies as can well be crowded into the three floors ho oc cupies. These are fast following in his wake and soon a grand opening will be announced. By cotico published elsewhere it will bo seen that a general meeting of the Demo cratic; voters of the several wards in the city is to be held at the City Hall on next Monday evening, for the purpose of tak ing into consideration a uniform plan-of campaign' in the different wards. A full attendance is expected as the occasion is a decidedly important one. Cards Through the Mails The f ollowig order hns benn issued by the Postmaster General: The order of the Postmaster General, dated July 13,1880, excluding from the mails aXltis than let. ter f cslage all card matter . other than Unrted States postal cards, is affirmed; but it appearing that Us provisions have not yet received sufficient publicity, the dalerupon which said ordur will take effect is postponed until January 1,J1881. Save your money and bay your Builds ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. MELT Unmallables The following-unmailable matter .re mains at the Postoffice in this city: ' Letters for E. W. For.vilie, Buck Creek; Margarett E Spain, Gooso Creek Iiland, N C; Thos L Goodwin, Cedar Island. N C; Lacilla Smith, Boston, Mase; Jerry Stock 5. Wayne county, N C; a bluff envelope with au illegiblo address; papers addressed to Hon Wi'.sea C-iok, Greanvsile, SC. Daicing lessons given free at Roses thalV 'JVxnrrp sole" boots atd ehoeBfor the bill room. t Abandon the Case. As was feared would be the result tha American Union Telegraph Company have definitely decided not to pay the as sessment made against them for damages to the Wilmington & VNeldoa and Wilmington,-Columbia & Augusta Riiiroads. We haye been shown a letter written to Messrs. Russell & Rlcaud, the counsel for the American Union, by Mr. D. II. Bates, First Vice Presidant of the Company, wherein Messrs. R. & R. are instructed to take a non suit, pay the costs and d'si miss the case. This is really a blow to the mercantile interests of our city ana one which we must all regret. The only hopes now of getting the American Union lines to this city is by way of the Caro lina Central R. R. '. Rice birds are about played oat. No so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. t "The 'Boys In Blue." We learn that thsre was a gathering of Greenbackera last night at the corner of Six,th and Nixon streets, to have a pow wow, and for the purpose of listening to their orators upon the evils threatening the country, provided the Democratic party or the Republicans carry the No vember elections; and that while iu the midst of this innocent pasttime and musement,lthe meeting was interrupted by an organization styling themselves the 'Boys in Blue," which came marching in through the crowd there assembled with drums beating and torches flaming, disturbing the speaking and otherwise bshaving in a disorderly manner. As we were not present we do care to particularize, other than to say that we hear there were serious indicatiocs of a eeneral row at one time, and it was all w .... caused, as we understand, by the inter ference on the part of the Republican or1 ganization above named with the Green back meeting. There were only two po licemen cn the ground, but they were powerlesBto do any good. One man was arrested, wo learn, but escaped through the assistance of his political friends, We tuvvo. heard in addition to tha above statement, that one of the policemen was struck in the back with a mist-ix of some kind. Now we would like to atk in all seriousness why such conduct is allow ed ? If the "Boy's in Blue." or the Rad ical party are the only persons that are to be allowed to assemble and have their meetings without any interference, why then let us. surrender the city at once to them and "make no pretence of anything else. But if the Greenbackera ana other political organizations are guaranteed the same rights under the Cons itutioa that the Radicals have, then wo emphatically say, let them nave inose ngus n t requires the presence of every lav and order citizen in the community to protect them. If the police authorities would show a little determination in this matter we believe such disturbances could ba prevented. We well recollect that Goneral Robert Ransom, while Marshal i of this city directly after the war, single handed and alone, with an uplifted axe ia his hand stayed the advance of a whole company of colored firsmen on Second street, and thus by his courage and bold, determined front, prevented a breach ot the peace which was threatening at the time between two fire companies of the . T city. It is true we uoa cavo a ikansom every day, but otill wa think it is about time to have his example . imitated in a small way, at least, and a s'op put to such outrageous practices and disturbances as is gaid to have occurred last night. .Weniay refer to this aubject again, ia a few days 1 cv Day's length 11 hours nd 43 minutes Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 41 minutes past 5 o'clock. You can bay No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing dtoves at almost any price aiicom's Hardware Depot. ' Re? ie w - Br. Dell os set's Condition. Information received here to-day from !?ev York, relitive to . the coi di ion of Dr. M.5J. DeRossat, is. not encouraging At the last accounts he was speechless, but conscious. Uis entire right side is para',. z:d, and grave fears are entertained that the stroke may , end iu apoplexy. t r , r . . U7t isrwjjset was sealed m h:s office, coaver ing with Dr, George G Thomas, of this city, when he felt the symptoms of the attack upon him.' He knew what thej&. presaged and Drfe Thomas, at his request, at once burried off to bring Dr. Hammond to his .essis taT3ce I ut before Dr. H. could arrive he was paralysed. We can only hope ttut the disease may take a more favorable turn. Windo w Glxai oUll suds, u nntS and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,&o. Jnv est prices at Jacxbi's. ATot Much of a Joke. The alarm of fire last night or rathe this morning between one and two o'clock cime from tha box on the ror.i r -f Fotr h and Htrcett streets. The alarm was a false one. so we have been inform ed, but the fire department turned all the eame and , went away up on Seventh street to no purpose. We mado inquiry of the Chief of Polios at the. City Hall who it was that gave the alarm, but we could not- ascertain;! we then asked who held the kejs to the alarm box 'and were told several, but up to the time of our in quiries, 2 o'clock, no investigation had been made int the matter, as ne'ar as we could ascertain. If an investigation is had we will let our readers know the result, provided we can get tha informa" ticn. We should think cur worthy fire men would bo interested to know who it was that played such a practical joke upon the city at their expense. A Chance for Somebody. ,A New Forker, a gentleman of mean?, who wa3 in this city a few days since, hi3 left full authority in the hands of a citizen o.f this plaee to make for him the following bet: $500 oven that New York will go for Hancock. 500 even that Maine will go for Han cock. " 500 even that Indiana will go for Hancock. $1,000 to $500 that Ohio will go for Hancock. $1,000 to $500 that Pennsylvania will go for Hancock. $500 eventhat New Jersey will go for Hancock. $1,000 to $500 that Connecticut will go for Hancock. $10,000 even that Hancock will be elected. T1 -v Here is an excellent opportunity for some Republican to illustrate his faith by his works, If anybody wants to take up the challenge let him apply at this office. All must be taken or none. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 483 bales. Full Metal and Walnut Show Casss, all styles and stees, at Ai.ta.ffeb, Peice &Co's- Church seryices. Worship in the various churches of the city to-irorrow as follows . FIRST BAPTIST CHUBCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rer. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The Lord's Supper will be admlnis tered after the morning sermon. Brooklyn Sunday School at 4 p. m. Church MeeU ing for business Monday night at 8 o'clock. Younff Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. ST. JAMES' PABISH, corner Third and Market streets. "Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D.. Rector Oct. 2nd. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sun day School at 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and Celebration at 11 o'clock. Esening Prayer at 5 o'clock. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, corner Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. Geo. Patterson, D. D., Rector Oct. 2ud. Nineteenth Sunday after Tiinity. Morning Prayer and Celebration at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 c4ciock. Sunday S:hool at 4 p. m. st. paul's etanq. Lutheran - church. Corner of Sixth and Market streefcC Rev. G, D. Bernheim, D.-D., Pastor. Prepare tory Service (German) at 10:30. German Service and. Communion i at 11- a. m. Garman Servics also At 7'30 p. in. Sun day School as 3 p. m. Catechetical In struction on Friday at 3:30 p. m. ESCOND PEESBYTEBLAJT CHUBCH cor Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Pajne, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, Sabbath School at 4;30 p.m. Prayer meeting eveiy Wednssday at 7:33 p. m. Wo lose 61 minutes ol daylight this month. THE MAILS. , The mails close and arrive at tha City root uiace as follows : Northern through and way . mails.. ..5:30 a. na. Raleigh...... 5. 30 a. m.. . .and 5:00 p. m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied.there- from, including A. S;N. C. Railroad, at......... 6;30 p. ro. Southern r i's for all Dolnia South, y 7:45 p. m. Western rn-iis (C QRy) daily (except Sunday )......:.... 5:00 p. m, MaiLfor Caeraw & , Darling ton;...... ............ ... 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston 7:45 p. m. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays....... 1.00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 p. m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.. 6.00 a., m. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) 10;00 a. m. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shoilotte and Little River, S. O , every Mon day aud Thursday at 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Friday s at 5:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.....; 7:00 a. m. Southern Mails 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 10:00 a. Hi Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m,, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. in. Stamps for sale at general delivery when slasap office i3 closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 i. m. Women as Lawyers. Though Old Mr. Fogy has long ques tioned woman's fitness to practice law, and her opinions concerning legal mat ters, no one has ever questioned her opin ion concerning Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For women freely affirm that tha Prescription' lSa positive cure'for those dragging-down' sensations, and the many diseases and weaknesses peculiar to their sex. The Favorite Prescription is sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 14th, 1879. Dr. R. V. Piekce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir I was treated by four dif ferent physicians without avail for disease of the liver and uteru3. Some time ago I commenced the use of your Favorite Pre scription and Discovery, being at the time, confined part of the time to my bed. At first my improvement was slow, but I now find myself well cfter the use of four bottles of each of the medicines. With many, many thanks. I am, very respectfully, MARY E. GRACE. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer'a,, Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Drnggistr. Beware of New Remedies advertised for Coughs and do not waste your money for a trial, when you know that Dr Bull's Cough Syrup has stood the popular test for thirty years. Price, 25 cents. No w Advertisements . Arrived. THE PIHST ew River Oysters OP THE SEASON AT ialooxz ! oct 2 The Livo Book Store A3 JCaT EEC 1 VXD a very large supply of SCHOOL BOOKS, BLINK B00K8, IS VOICE BOOK P, M'iMOBASDUM B9CEB, Ac For f ale chap at HEINSBERGER'5. oct 2 CALL OF THE DEMOCRATIC t CO. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. TriraK KEQTJE8T of the several Ward Presidents, a general meetisg of the Dsmccrstic voters of the several, Wards ts hereby called to take phtcs oa Moaday, Oct. 1th, at 8 o'clock, p za at the GityJHtll, to take iato ocaslieraoa a uifona plan of joajain ia the differOt Wards of tae city. F H DABBT, Ch'na J.U W Kiso, Sect'y oct S-lt PLEASE 170TI0ET ' We wfllbsflad to recurs cbjaications irom oar friends on aay aad all! sabteets o m "WWJIWW I Dill s - - Tha came of tia writer nasi alwAytf be ft x filshed to the Editor. Coma ml vuo noa oi oejax. Persoaalitlas mnt mx voided. ' " '. stood that the Editir .t Vis tot always esd jri e the viawi of correspor. Attn U unlets to zXt4 I ike editorial eolacna.' f New Advortisomonts. Embroidery S. ft Embroidery, jqAfNSOOK EDGES," - And Insertions to matcl. t . - CAMFRIC V M U H O I D ERLES. 9 .t In p-fai v?ri3ty of patterns, - STRAW MATTINGS CARPETS, j OIL CLOTHS. BLACK SILKS, B ack aid Colored Cash meres and many new and desirable things for the Ladies. Respectfully, sept 30- R. m. McLNTIRE. To the "frienda and patrons of P. L. Bridge rs &Co. WHEN THIS ' IS READ they will be in thoir Handsome New Store North of Geo. B. French & Sons'. , . On your way down, town and tke one look, and you will acknowledge that 4hey can still justly claim to have the finest Gro cery House in the Southern States. Quick Despatch. We closed when the bell ranp: at 7' o'clock, we opened in the New Store at G the next morning. S2f000. Two Thousand Dollars saved by the exchange to be divided amoDg the customers of P. 1. BRiDGERS & CO. oct 1 School Books. School Books. LARGE 8T0CK JU3T RECEIVED at ' YATES,' Bookstore. Also, Slates, Pencil, Ink, Book Bg, Strapa and Holder, Sponges, Crayons, lc, &ot Parents will de well to call upon sept 27 O. W. YATE8. School for Young Ladies. MISS HART, Principal Assisteiby Miss M. B. BR0WH, Instramental Maslo taught by MRS. H. P. TAYLOR. Instr action in - Drawing and Palctioir bv MRS. E. H. PARSLEY. ipHE NEXT SESSION WILL OPEN TUESDAY, the '6th of October. Punctual attendance at tie beginning of the session i J highly Important. Fcr terms and partlcn. f lars, apply, aftsr September 33th, ta the eept 20-m.w-rrI-7t PRINCIPAL. Bagging, Ties, Twine, M00 RoLY Cotton Baggiag,; 4,500 Hondlei New and Pieced TI x, l,0002Lbs Cotton Bagging Twine. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,3)0 Bbli flour Baper to Extra Pamilj, 250 Boxes Por;3trfp,J Smoked and D S Sides, 200 Hhds snd Bbls Port? Rico, New Crop Caba and New Orleans Molaue. Sugar, Coffee, &c. 330 Bbls Sugar, Cat Loaf. Grt nulatai Standard A, Extra O and C. 275 Bags CofFee, Bio, Lagnra and Jara f 100 Boxes Pare Assorted Candy J , 150 Tabs Choiee Leaf Lard, , ' IlTSoxef Storcb, V " -N . ' u. , .,.,..s ' 5 00 Boxes Lye and Po taeh, T ' - . . 125 Boxes Lanndry Boap . Tobaooo, Banff, Paper- Hatches, .' Shot, Pepper, Ginger, Hoop Iron, tfpirit Parrels For sale tow by treeHiDifiig !: WILLIAMS A MUBCHIBOir, aa IT Whetosato Grocer A Com. Her. JOW BATS Tor all; kindj of.Printiag, Persons reaidlns; ont of the dty can bare their printing carefully executed and mailed to them free) of pottage; . s. warrock; (la Airier BaOdlag) j0, Printer apl f ''v r

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