1 ! .... Sl- i opted br jOH. T. J A M B 8 -,uM'ilTIO.N.l'OSTA"K PAID. 7 ! fl 15 Oe month. 10 eenti. 1'J b. doiiTeri by carrier, jrtiiln(rrtiw.Bdl.b ' ; riaUeribers will Pl report any end tarrfto rewire their papers regularly. BROWN ,& RODDICK 45 Market Street. E3IBB TO INFORM THIS PUBLIC D generally and Wholeaaie laih buyers ia ar ticular, that we are fall np with the Cheap ssi laine V OF Pry Ooods that has ever been offered in this market. SO BUYER vbiting this city will do hlm aelf jutioe by passing onr door, as we are underselling the market iaminy of the r eg alar Staple lines. We have marked down all goods that be. lone to Bummer wear and are" olleclng y to onr patronp. We would call particular attention to the following , GENTS' DOG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, alicdes!- Now Fall Caliooee at all priooa in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons ! Wo hare laid in a. very heavy stock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than erer. We have all the popular brands. Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value erer offered Linen Handerchiefs. A Job at 10 cents. These good require no comment. Give us a Call ! 3ROWN & E0DDICK, 45 Bflarket'St. an 2S To KJy Friends and Customers. NOW DAILY recivi receiving my Fall etook of Boots azid. Shoes, Consisting of all the LATEST STALES 1 . My past stock and my success speak for thsmielvos, and I only ask a continuance c your favors wo liberally bestowed on me K7- Please Call and Examine my cc 27-Stock as regards Quality and Prices ! uxs No trouble to ahow goods. Will be pleased to tee jou one and all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. oct 4 Sign of the Rhow Case. The New Bill of Lading poll THE BAIL BOADS. Also, Carolina Central Railroad Beoeipts. Cflattel Mortgage. Inspeetor! Certificates, Magistrate's Blanks, Ac Printed at lowest rates at K. S. WABKOOK'8, Job Office,! (Odice in Review Building) m - au 31 ft Special infills r n i VOL. V WILMINGTON, N.-C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1880. NO. 192 Thomas Carlyle,the famous, is uow on What will ia all likelihood' provf Lis deathbed. There was a mistake, which seems to have been vesy general in regard to the Colorado elections. They tako place on November 2 1, instevi tf ou yesterday, as we all thought. i. The Iiepublicana were generally euc cessfnl In tho Connecticut municipal elec tioas. No one seems to attract any par ticular significance Ho the result as bear iu on the general election next month. ' f This is peculiar. Great numbers o large vih.te butterflies have mado tbeir appearance at Lackawaxeri, Pa to the alarm of the farmers. The mass is so dense in places that it presents the appear ance of a sopwestorm. m m Miss Adele Bolgardo essayed to play Hamlet at Niblo's garden on Monday night and mada a most lamentable failure therein. The papers think that she might do well in her own legitimate sphere but that she doesn't wear tho breeches grace fully enough. 1 i There 'a a fever epidemic in the North eastern part of tho Stalo. Tho News and Observer is informed that there has never been so much sickness known in that region before., Court was not held for Perquimans county, wo believe,; because of the general prostration of the people by sickness. -We are" glad to learn, how ever, that the fevers are oa 'mild type, and Yield readily to treatment. Hut fow aie dying. m m m - Yesterday's World 'says: The salo of single tickets for the first week of the Bernhardt season began at Booth's Thea tre at 8 o'clock yestor.y "morning. Th line of purchasers extended more than tho length of the building, half of tho people representing speculators. By noon, when the rush ceased, half the dress circle and all seats below for the first night had been sold. Speculators were offering first night seats at from $5 to $10. The spinners and spoolers of the New- burg,N Y, Steam mills,owned by Garner & Co., are on a strike and the mills are stopped. The operatives i quit work on account of, as they allego, a reduction ot about $1.25 per week in their pay Tho Superintendent of the mills denies that there has been any reduction. On the contrary, ho says the hands demanded an increase in wages, and -becausehe refused to grant their wishes they refused to go to work. Troops are needed at Shohplah, Ta. In s school at that place, a boy of twelve tripped a girl of abou the same agex She very properly turned and slapped his face, and he thereupon struck her. The teacher then interfered, and at his suggestion the boy begged tho girl's pardon and shook hands with her. Not satisfied with this, tho teacher endeavored to mako the boy kiss tho girl. Sh9 was willing but . he wasn't and so he declined. The teacher thereupon thrashed him and was after wards arrested on a warrant sued out by the. boy's father. Tho court found for the teacher.' 170CAL NEWS. . " T Kow Advertisements. t Crohlt . A Mobais Aucl'rc Ctooks, Watches and Jewelry at Auction. R M ilclHTiEs Jfovoltiee. 8 Jewett Another 50 cents Gone. P liimsEsnaaa School Books Yates School Books Echooi Books. Belles call a church. great many people to Window Glassall sizes at bluffer & Price's. Tho latest thiug in wearing apparel night dresses. The newest, latest, boa at RosErrnTi's. and cheapest T The most disagreeable of all 'short stops railroad collisions. A large stock of children's school shoes to select from at RosENTnAi, f The man who would not die In spring time may ba killed by a fall. Save your money and buy oux Build, ng Supplies from Altaffer & Price. The certain way to be choated is to fancy one's self more cunning than others. Water street merchants will keep their fact dry In Winter by wearing Uoseh tual's boots and shoes. f The ete .tnsblp Ucnefuctor, Captain Jones, arrived here this morirg from New York. Rice birds are about played out. NV 6o withthosa Scotch solej at Ro?enthal's Tbey last for ever. t Mr. N. Jacobi, o! this city, was in Lnmbcrton yesterday for tho purpose of instituting a council of the Logion of Honor in that town. Messrs. D. il. McLean and E. W. Kerr, and others, will address the citi zens of Bladen county at Parker's Store on Saturday, October 23d. Mr. Fred. H. Burr, of this city, has resigned his position as Conductor on tie Carolina Central Railroad and Mr. il I Jones, of Charlotte, has succeeded him. Dancing lessons given lree at Rosen thal's: Tump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t Nothing will please a girl so much as the information that a rival, who is try ing to rob her of her best fellow, has go apimple coming-on her nose. ' Ice water coolers are advertised, but why should any one want an ice water coolei? ,Icq water is cooi enough. What the peoplo want in summer is a warm water cooler. You can buy No. 1 iCooking and Heat in Stoves at almost uiy price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. i A writer says it would bo curious to follow a ponnd of ailk from its spinning until it becomes a lady's tilk dresB but most men prefer to follow it after it be comes a dress and while the lady is in it. ' Many persons there bo who rake through another's character with a fine tooth comb to discover a fault, could find one with loss troubio by goius over their own character with a horserako. Tho finest stock of Ladies' Foxed, Balmoral, and Button Boots at Rosen thal's. t The Laurinburg Enterprise regrets to learn that Mr. Peter Joseph, who was so severely injured by being run over by a train about ten days, ago still suffers excruciatingly and is gradually growing worse. Evory body can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobis Hardware Denot. Low Water- From Captain Green, of the steamer North State, just arrived from Cypress Landing, being unable to got any farther on account of the cxtremo low water, we understand that tho river is lower now than at any period since 18G9, eleven years ago. It will take frequent and co pious showers in the up-country to bring a freshet now. To allay itching of the scalp, use Hall's Vegtable Sicilian Hair Eenewer. Sold by all druggists. Speaking at Burlaw. Wo learn that on Monday nest, the 11th inst., our worthy candidate for Con gress in this district, J. W. Shackelford, Esq., and the Congressional Elector in this district, D. H. McLean, Esq., will bjth speak at Burgaw on the political is sics of the day. A big crowd U expect ed and Burgaw will no doubt be alive on that occasion with the unterrifaed Democ racy of the y6ung county of Pender. The biggest thing out is what the druggists term Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; its sale is enormous and it has never been known to fail. Price, 25 cents. Death To Insects. Persian camomile is tho powdered leaf of a harmless flower growing in Caucasian Asia, in great profusion, and it is said has been used for centuries by the natives to rid them of unwelcome visitors from the insect world. Take a teaspoonful of the drug, beat it up into a little cone, and touch with a match, and as tho thin blue line of 6moke rises to the ceiling, the busy drone of insect woe finally ceas- es entirely as the little pests give up the ghost. It can be purchased of almost any druggist prepared for use. The purity of the drug can be readily tested; it must have a bright buff color, be light, burn rapidly, and givea pleasant, tea-like fiaTcr When you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot tho city. ly Rev. Dr. Patterson wifl preach hts f.ifewell terrcon at St John's Church next Sunday night. The Chamber of Copsmetce, of this city, hold their regular annual nieoling at their Rcoois to-morrow (Thursday) at noon, for the election ofrfiictrs Tho choice seals for the Davy Crockett performance to morrow 6venlngare being rapidly taken and those interested should attend to it at once. It will -undoubtedly be a very fioo performance. Messrs. Cronly & Morris will com meccothe sale th's evening, at 17 Mar ket street, of a large lot of clocks, watches, and jewelry. These gcods are in great variety and bariins may be had. Personal. Akx.Spruat,Eq., British Vice Con sul at this port, returLcd to tLis city last night after an absence f several mottbs ia Europe. Mr. Sprunt returns to us in good health and looking really impr v ed by h:8 trip to the old country. a Useful invention. Mr J . D. dtanley, of this city, has ex hibited to us an Invention which will probably come into very extensive ubo. It is for use on railroads and to beappli ed to feeding and wafering cattle and hogs while :V transit'. By it both food and water can bo intrr iuced into the car while the car is in rapid motion by any one standing on the platforra. When necessary the troughs can bo raised or lowered to any desired height within the car. Mr. Stanley has applied for a pat eat and has aleo entered into the com petition for a prize of go, 000 offered by the American Humane Society for the best invention of this nature. We trust that ho may not only secara the prize but that he may.realiza handsomely by the salo of his patent right. Where is that crowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. t Gov. J.arvls to speak, at Point Cas well. A meeting of tho Democratic club atPoint Caswell was held on Saturday last, with Mr. J. R. Paddison, tho President, in the chair, and Mr. Jas. N. Henry, Secretary, at tho desk. The Club was informed thatGov. Jar v i3 would address tho citizens of Pender county at that place some time during the present month, whereupon a committee of five was appointed to make arrangements for his reception, consisting of the foilow ng gentlemen, viz : Drs. J. R. Hawes and G. F. Lucas, and Messrs. H. A. CoL vin, R. P. Paddison and Jas. N. Henry, the President being added to the commit tee. The Club requested the President to invite Dr. S. S. Satchwell to be present and introduce the Governor. The citizens of the county will be duly informed of the time of speaking. ItjWas moved the pro ceediags of this meeting be forwarded to the Review, Joubxax and Star, w ith a request to publish the same. Criminal Court- The following cases hava been disposed of since our last report: Stale vs. Charles Tat?, charged with carrying a concealed weapon and as ault and battery. Case settled. State vs. Peter Croom, charged with larceny. Defendant submitted and was esatenced to the penitentiary for five years. State vs. Peter Croom, charged with lirceny. Defendant submitted and judg ment was suspended. State vs. Thomas Tarpey, charged with forcible trespass. Defendant submitted aid judgment was suspended. State vs. W. P. Myers, charged with larceny. Defendant and bondsman called and failed; judgment nisi. Case con; tinned State vs Amanda Freem3f charged with perjury. Nol. proa, with leave. State vs. James Wilbert, charged with larceny. Defendant found guilty. State, vs. John Burrett, charged with false pretense. Defendant fouud guilty. State vs. Reuben McDonald, charged with assault and battery. Defendant.acd surety confessed judgment in $50, to Le discharged on the payment of costs State vs. James P. Pope, charged with false pretense. Jury out. Stato vs Peter Croom, charged with' larcerjy. Defendant submitted and judg ment was suspended. Pull Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and szes, at Altaffsb, Vnzcc AGO It has besn said that it must bo cisy to break into an old man's house, because his gait is broken, and his locks are few. .V.I items from the Magistrates, Magistrate' Kow is distressingly dull dariiig every term, of the Criminal Cocrt The tame may be said cf the C ity Ccuri, The reason, boweverj,for ali this is patent. Paddy's Hollow, -the Locg House and Thompson's Alley areon their got d bela- vior, fur the most of the actors and actresses 'n this little drama which we report ii. " columns are in attendance in Judge- cares Court either in the ca pacity cf witnesses or as defendants in the same c.ts9. Dr. lie Roe set's Condition. A letter was received here this roomie g from Dr. A. J. DeHosset, now in New York. It says that there is very little change, if any, in his son's condition. The entire right side is paralyzed but the left is free. Dr. DsRosset can turn himself in bed and although he is speechless yet taA exnression of his countenance i rKonr. ful. Dr. W. A. Hammond, the eminent physician, who is a warm parsonal friend to the sufferer, is iu attendance and is do- Dgall that medical skill can do for him. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows : Northern through mails. . . . .7,45 p m Northern through and way mails. 6:30 a. m. Raleigh 5:30 a. m.l . .and 5:00 p. m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at .'..;.. 5;30 p, m. Southern mails for all points South, daily Sam and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C C R'y) daily (except Sunday) ........... 5:00 p. m. Mail tor Cueraw fc Darling- " ten 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on Capo Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays.. M M 1;00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 p, m, Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.... 6;00 a. m. Smithville mails, by steam . boat, daily, (except Sun days) 10-00 a. m. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. C, every Mon- ' day and Thursday at......... 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River. Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at.... 5:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails 7:00 a. m. Northern mails 9.30 a m Southern Mails M 7:30 a. m, Carolina Central Railway. 10:00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M,, and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00. p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. Notice Frank Leslie's Weekly. The only Democratic Illustrated News paper published will be sent nostDaid. ft w for five weeks, (until end of campaign) for thirty cents. Agents wanted in every town. Send 30 cents for five weeks subscription, or 6 cents in postage stamps for sample copy and Illustrated Catan logue. Ciubs of. four will be sent for five we ks for ono dollar. Add res i Frank Leslie Publishing Co . 15 Dey St. New York. tf HewAdvortisements. Another 50 cts. Gone- JIMMIE LUMrtDKN is th laciy one. First Hen Mitchell, second JimLomsden. Who will be third ? One sties: of Chewing Gam with each t-chocl Bcok. One st'.ck in erery hundred contains a cah prize of 6C caata. Bay yoar Books acd try your lack at oct 6 it M J a. w JSTro. ov ernes PJEW CARPETS ! JTJ8T RECEIVED. I LAMBBEQTJI2STS ! OIL CLOTHS ia ail widths, oete B. H. UcIJTIBE. PLEASE 50TIOE. We will be g lad to receive eomcauicatlots from our friends on aay and all! raMeMs o general iateret bat: Tae asms of Lbs writer mast alwsys be fcr aished to the Editor. ' Commnttleations rrwt tx written; 03 oily 0&e side cf thaptper . . . P erica all ties nun t .Toided. Aad it is especially t part:cslsrly,'iiafcr stood that the Editv 1 tot always esders 0 the views of corrfr-a JT)ts. ca!.vs to ssted in the editorial cola-ins. Now AdvortiGoinonts. CLOCKS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT AUCTION. n. GROXVisY, Auclionccr, 13 Y CUONLY ,& MOIiiUS. - WILL 'COMHESOE T3E SALU of a eierl ortTTient of . ' CLOCK'S A WATCHS3 A JKWELBY' in great t, , kt dt.JJe x0. 17 Market st , this, Weu. edy, vEiag at 8 o'c'ccl, and eontinue every evening acta stock is closed out. cct C-lt OPERA HdtJSE. E. M. GARDINER.;. ....Mana'scr. . Thursday Evening's Oct 7 THE EMINENT AO TOK, Mr. Frank Payo In Murdoch's charmirg backwoods Idjl, DAW CBQCKSTTj Played by Mr. Mayo for eight consecutive years in America and Europe, with unequivocal eaccesa. Beautiful scenie illustrations and accurate properties, 11 carried by ths management. Popular Prices of scats on sale at lleinsv border's Eookstore. Parquetto and Dres ' Circle. $1. Parquetto Circle, 0 cts. OaU lery 25 ctj No extra charge for reserved Bet ", : - oct. 4 Ship: -Notice. ALL' PERSONS are hereby . forewarned not to- trust or PTv harbor any of the crew of the ,15 Bwedish UarkMANOUS UUB,rynt Capt. Tjulin, as no debts of their i contracting will be paid by either tho Car tain or Consignees, oct 4 UEIDE & VV. Bird Food, &c. HAVE J08TEECE1VED a fresh supply of prepared Mocking and Canary Bird Food, also a fine assorrmant of Toilet 8oaps, Toilet Powder and Waters' Extract;, Ac. All for sale low at J. H HARDIN'S, Apothecary, oct 4 A'ow Market. School Books, : School liooks, School liooks, School Books. A very large supply jast recoived at HEINSBERlfEE'S- oct 4 . School Books. LARGE STOCK AT REDUCED prices. Old Books taken in part payment for New Books upon first introduction. Headquarters lor all Text Books uied ia the Public and Private Schools. Speciil t2iiaj to country Merchants and Terchers. oet4 C. W. YATIfl. School for Young Ladies. MISS HART, Principal Assisted by Miss M. B. BEOWN". Instrumental Musie taught by MRH. M, P. Instruction In Drawing and Pa-ctis ir bv MRS. E. 11. PARHLEY. " rpHE NEXT PE8SI0XXWILL OPIX TCESDAr, the 6th of October. Punctual attendance at the beginning of the lesslon is highly imp oi tan. For terms and pirlicu lars, apply, aftsr September 33th, to the sept 20.m-w-fri-7t PBINCIPAL. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE LADIES ! WE ARE SELLING at Redaced prices Ladies', Misses and Children's Drcsee and Underwear, Trimsied and Untrinifficd Hats and Bonnet, latest stjles. We will sell o2 our Stock of above named articles at REDUCED PRICED to make room for Fall goods. Hair Work and Stamping solicited. ' ' MISESS KAKKKK A McGOWA. oct. 4. Arrived. THE FIRST Mew River Oysters OF THE SEASON AT IHosart Saloon I oct 2 t. "

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