THIS FA FEB Ja PB0llshd every aXteraeon. Baadays pte4br JOSfl. T. J lMBSi . iDtTOB iKD FBOPWKWB. Hr 'BwCKIi-riONH.FOaTAQE PAII. "Lntfl ; month 50 oent r, caper i'l delivered by carrier, JVraSJ., I y pirtof the city. .ttk. .j.ore rt, crista F k AdYBrtiifc rt. low nd lioera tf-8u?eriberj wii! please report any and A Glares to reel their papers regularly. FaSS-Stooic BROWN.. &' iODDlGK 45 Market Street'. -EBiaE TO INfoKtt" THE ?UULI0 if.nerally nd Wholesale Ca n buyers In re ticular, that we a'o fall up with the Cheapest 3Lairae ! of Pry Caoo'ds 1 that has ever been offered in this market SO BUYER Tiaiting this city will do hlm self jastioe by passing oar door, as we are anderselliojr, the market in many ofthe'reg nlsr Staple lines. We hare marked down all goods that bo loag to Summer wear and a e oileiln; to our patron p. We would call particular attention to the following GENTS' DGGSKIH DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.60, alicoes New Fall Caliooee at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons I We have laid in a very heavy stock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than ever. We havo all the; popular brands. Our 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever ofl'ered. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 cents. These goodi require no comment. Give us a Call ! BK0WXT& EOBDICK, 45 SVSarket? St. au2S To IViy Friends and Customers- AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall stock of Boots and Shoes, Consisting of all the LATEST STYLES I My past stock and my suoces3 speak for themselves, and I only ask a continuance o your favors so liberally bes owed cn me ttT- Please Call and Examine xny H IPStock as regards Quality wSQ tT7" and Prices ! ca r No trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you one andall. Respectfully, a C. ROSENTHAL, . 32 Market Street. oct 4 Bijrn of the Show Case. CHAS. KLEIN, IMertater ani CaSM Hater, Princess Street, in Basement of the Journal Bnildingi WILMINGTON, N. O. JST A fine assortment of Coffins and Cas kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired Gleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele Kraph ar mail promptly fillo nov 6 Many Special HDcents The VOL. V Ex-Uov. Smoar was to haye spoken in Chick'cr'-jg Hall, New York, If Unight. Women-io New Yerk can now vote on school matters, in accordance v-ith a law enact 1 lnt winter. Brooklyn ups'dow eighty-six Haixock and English Cluis. They will join in a t 'ucLMght parr -e on Oct. 2C1 Colquitt' majority over Norwt ,d for of Georgia wi'l be over 50,000. The regular Democratic nominees for otter State 'offices are elect d by 7,0,000 majority. ! 1 . 1 here were Id death from yellow fever ia Havana during the week ending Oc tober 1 and 78 during September. A death supposed to be from yellow fever is reported at 1 Key West. It is said that all of the powers have agreed on action in referenca tj the Turk ish question. They will first seize some point in the Gr :iau Archipelago and if that does not bring tbe Porto to its senses will probably push on towards the Dar dandles. Balimoro's Sc qui-C ntenn'al will be celebraf 1 next week, 1 ginning on Hon day. Thcso who delight in a jam and in general d'comfort at fThorbitahtly high prices, can bo ar ommodatcd there next week, but those who love pe a and quiet and fair prlc i wi'Vsf or cl' - of Balti more next week. The New Yoik S ,i te" . x:i 4 iat at a large and enthesi cUaa m ect!-ig iu Stamford on Tuesday, add ssed by the Hon. Wirn W. Ean, there was the largest p oc ssion ever 1 -.own ia Western Connecticut, coming from all of tho ac1 jo,T)5ng ' wns and villages. It is esmated "that bero were 10,000 persons in tho line The Newark Presbytery, ia session at Newark, N. J adopted the following resolution: 'That the Prrsbytery of New ark do earnestly recommend to the church e3 under care to give themselves to. prayer that God will order the approaching elc - tion bo that able, honest and good men may be elected to office for his own glory and the upbuilding of his blessed king- dom.' . Tho diCerenco; says the New Yoak World, botween the actual cost of General Hancock's telegrams sent from Now Or leans in 1868 and General Grant's esti mate in 1880 of the cost oi those tele grams, asreportod by Dr. Fowler, is con siderable. It is, in fact, tho difference be tween 3400, bsing General Grant's esti mate, and 36, being the actur' cost as mepsured by the highest telegraph tariff. This amounts to $364, a number likely to take rank hereaf'er in the respect ct the people .with 300 and 529. " A petition s beiug circula'J in tho New York Pre lues Exchange protesting against the illumination of. the Exchange on the ( ccasiori of the Grant parado on Monday evening. A movement to lllu minateis being made, and the petition is to be presented to the Board of Air 3 a gera at the same time that the request for illuminating the Exchange is raade. The petition is be?n signed by .- iuomb rs rei gardles'j of political affiliations, on the ground that the Exchange is non-partiean in politics. - The Sad A'iaatic tor O lo'ocr ia at hand. It la eminent 'y a Southern publi cation and dero. .et a liberal aouthe.n encouragement. The present number con tains a vrriety of prose ad political f-ti ctes. Daniel K. Goodloo furnishes an ac count cf the abohliaii of sTavery !i the Distilct of Columbia. It ?s a valuable and tamely pai iz. Paul II. Hayne contribute8 a short pt :m ; John liery BoDner, "The Song of tho Old Mill .Wheel' and Mrs. Skipwith Cole seme pie ant 'verses. Among the pr03e pa ;.s are : "Short Sketches of the Old Sou'iern Kegime." "On the Aahky River' "A New Co'lege Curriculum 'Leaves Loir MyGn-idaunl's Jbulua,,, and "St. John's (Masonic) Oi phan Asylum.:' Hen. William II. Engl'ah who, be sides being the Democratic nominee for the Vice Presidency, is chairman of tho Indiana Demi cratic Sta' 3 Central Cjm-mit'-ic, I -t w k wrote to lion. John C. New, cha;-man oi the Eepnblican State Committc j, to propose that they should issue a joint circular, to be Bent to all townships and election precincts, request ing that the loel inspector in every case shall appoint a iudgo. and ;clerk of the opposlto psTty to his own. This propo. sitionofilr. EDglisb, which hes been accepted by Mr. New end reduced into WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1880. NO. 194 shape of a formal agreement ia said by both these d'stioaiabed gentlemen, to be made not only In the interest of pnrs elec tloss, bat alto t? the end that all suspic ion or appearand of fraud may be re moved. LOCAL NEWS. Now Advertisements. E B WaaaocK Elec '.on Tickets Johs H Bobihsos Go ai9 ax.d See E W TATZoa Not'ce Y Bsiacaaaeaa School Books Yxraa School Books School Books. Rlli R O GaaT Plumbing and Gas fitting - - : ' Put up your stoves. The sun is the oldest weutern eett'er. Only a quesiion of time f skhg the hour. . Oyster shells are about tope n for the season. The crop of buckwheat cakes promises to be large. Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer & Price's. t No interments in Oakdale Cuetry this week. .The ball and party mania will soon be under fall headway. Dried blackberries are beginning to be freely used for dessert. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,254 bales. The newest, latest, bes and cheapest at Rosen an' vs. t One adult was the only Interment in Ballet ue cemetery this week. The cat fish is so called, because one was never killed with a bootjack. Where is that crowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes, f The mule is not a physician by any mean! but he understands the art of heeling. We can't expect to have clear weather until a successor is appointed to fill the place of Gen. Myer. Love thy neighbor as thyself and when yon see one with a bad cough advise him to buy a bottle of Dr. Bull's Oough Syrup. Price, 25 cents. To realiza fully the value of time have a visitor give yon a thorough boring daring business hours. The Register of Deeds has issued only one marriage license this week, and that was for a white couple. A very large, bow and handsome sus pension shed is being built on the wharf of the Champion Compress. Dancing lessons given free at Rosen thal's' Pump sole boots and shoes for the ba'l room. . f In Pino Forest cemetery (colored) there were eleven interments this week three adults and eight children. An infallible remedy for Fover and Aguo is AYE1VS AGUE CURE. Wholly vegetable and; containing no qui nine, it is harmless and sure. . Rev. J. B. Taylor, who has been absent from tho city for several days.has return ed and will oceupy his pulpit as usual on to-morrow morning and night. Rice birds are about played out . No so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f Tho D. R. MurchisoniB the name of a fine, large, powerful locomotive which came down the W. & W. R. R. to-day and which is one of those purchased re cently by Capt. Johnson, for use on the C O. R. R. v Save your money and bay your Build ng Supplies from Altaffer & Price- , The hen roost of a party living on Third street was robbed last night of ohickens whoso market value is just about $3.2$. The gentleman who got the fowls, strange to say, did not ask that they be considered as a loan, although he doubtless was alone when be took them. Water street merchants. will keep their eet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Keep your mouth Bhut and res pi rate altogether through .your nasal organs: yon can form but little conception how tends to preserve tho voice and ena bles one to orate with ten foldeffect. . . Evervbodycan got suitod with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cut lei, at Jacobis Hard ware Deoot- Review. Some of the census enumerators in Raleigh have received their pay. It about time or, rather, four months past time for them all to be paid . We are sorry to le?-n that the condition of Mr. Peter Josephs", the engineer on the C. C..K, R., whose foot wi crushed a few days ago at LuurIntu-, Is worse than it was and that grave fears are en tertained that the result may prove fital. Full Metal and Walnut Show GaV-s, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeu, InicK & Co'b Here is an item of invest to the vail ous byciclista in thfs city. The Ex ecu live Oommltt i of the State Agricultural Society have decided to offer- a premium for a byciclerace on Friday of Fair week, $25 to the 1 st rider and $10 to the sec ond. Who smoDg the riders here ill compete? Don't forget that Hon. W. M. Rohbins is to speak this evening from the portico of the t !graph office, on North Front street. If the weather is very inclement tho speakio will be bad in the Opera House, but, if possible, it will take place in the open air. The finest stock of Ladies' Foxed Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen thal's, f A Call on major Robblns. Tne members of the Produce Exchange and Chamber of Commerce, of this city, call 1 tcday, ia a body, npon the Hon. W. M. Robb'is, at the Parcell House, to tr tify thp'r appreciation of the kind ly .In' -rest- which this gentleman had e?er shown to the interests of Wilm'ng ton wh"e a member of CongreBS. Mr. A. H. VonBokkelen, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, being absent irom the city, Mr. R. E. Oalder, President of the FxchaDge, did the honors of the oc casion by presenting to Major Robblns the d'fferant meml ers of er.:h bcJy. Major Robbins Is here at the solicitation of the State Executive and Congressional Committts to addreES tho citizens o Wilmlng.on upon the poMtici if sues of tho day, but it was uuders'od that the call made upon tho dist'uaished gentle man this morning bad no political signif icancs. It wa3 vmply an act of politeness and courtesy to a distinguished Carolinian who had not forgotten, that Wilmington wci a seaport town in North Carolina, and had al way 8 manifested enough inter est in tho affairs of our people to lend his voice and influence whenever it could promote the interest of this section, Mr. Henry Nutt, Chairman of the Committee from the Chamber of Commerce on River and Bar Improvements, testified this morning to Major Robbins' ever ready willingness and able assistance to. him while in Washington, whenever an appro priaticn;for our river and bar Wf s rsked- There were no set speeches, but Major Robbins acknowledged the compliment of tho visit and testified his appreciation ot it in language unnr'stakable for its sin cerity. After another shake cf the hand all round the two bodies took their de parture. Criminal Court His Honor listened during tho most of the foreooon to tho plead:ng of several members of the bar la fcehalf of two other gentlemen of the legal profession, who had under the impure of momentary passion brought about by a misunder standing outraged the amenities and pro pricticj of tho Court Room by engaging in a personal altercation and ren ?ntre in he presence f the Court, for which con duct tho Court Impost 1 a fine of 8500 a piece. This morning, however, Hon. George Davis and Masers. DoBrutz Cutlar and J. I. Macks pleaded with Ilia Honor in behalf cf thcso gentler en, stating to the Court that the affair wfi very much regrette 1 by both of the gen tlemen concerned, andtbxt no d'srppect whatever wrvintondei to the C.urt, and that the whole critter had been a nrrn derstand'ng from beg'ing to end, which wasjnow happily arr'cablyadjusted. His Honor said that he would reduca the fine to $100 apiece, ai neither of tho gen tlemen in qoP'tion were men of wealth ; but that such conduct wr an evil exam ple and he could not iu cor science allow it to go nnprn'shed. It wfs, therefore, ordered that CoL B.' R. Moore, Solicitor, and Mr. Jno. L. Holmes, Attorney, be fined $100 each for contempt ct Court. John Grady, colored, indicted for the murder of an. old colored man named Taylor, on a fiat, during the time of a fire early last Spring, and convicted of mau slaughter, from which an ftppaal was taken to the Supreme Court, was to-day c-n- ten- d to the S'i'3 Penitsntiai for C3 y rs, thi Supreme Court having cop "rm- ed tb.-i jn!, n -nit of th's Cour'. L-;vio A':n Jjne, a white1 woman, who was convic:ed of a mcjt henlous offence some mouths bin 3 and appealed to the Supreme Cou , w?i to day resentnced to the S"-' Peniteu'ay for five ye? .. Th' . e a" the car's that we have any iejub of at the time of closiug our repo . Il ii rnderstr d that the Court wiJ aJj.iurn tb!s afte. joon for the te.m A siigut Difference. 'Inn Norwflgifi barque Theod., ton regis vr 293, now loading at the Champion Com press by Meerrs Alex riprunt & Son, w"'l clef r in a few days with a csrgo of 1,1 GO bales of cotton. Last fall sne was loaded at Savannah and j oonld only tike 980 bales. She takes ,;om this port 171 bales more than she did from tho presses of Savannah, which will make a difference of $300 in her freight money. The port charges of Wi'mington sid othor expenses are certainly not more tbn those cf Savannah and if our information is correct are not as much. For Star Gazers. The October nights will afford an op portunity to lovers and j others to study the heavenly' planets. The October moon fulis on the 17tb, when, wo may hope for clear weather. The full moon will be in conjunction j with Jupiter on the 17th, and with Saturn on the. 18th, at the time of opposition. The waging moon is near Uranus on the morning cf the 29 th. The opposition 'of Jupiter an dSaturn on the 18th will show two prominent planets under peculiarly favor able conditions for observation as well as in their brightest phases. A largo stock of children's school shoes to select from at Rosenthal's. t Terrible Gale at SmlthTlUe Wharres Destroyed ana Boats Driven Ashore. There wsb a terrible storm at Smith ville last night, the worst that hri been known there for years. At 10 P. M. the wind was blowing at the rate of 40 miles an hour which was the mar'mum velosity attained. There were a number of serious disasters to property, although no loss of life is reported. The wharves of Mrs. Stewart and Capt. O. C. Morse, both valuable, were carried away, as also a part of tha government wharf and all of the bath bouses. The pilot boat Mystic and the cchooaer Wc :c were driven ashore. The steamship Benefactor, hence for New York, dragged her anchors and drifted about 600 yeards. She went to sea, however, this morning. The tide was the highest known there for. many years. This information was obtained though he kindness of the Signal Officer at this place. : Church Services. Worship in tho various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : ' ST. JASIE8' PARISH, corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, IX D., Rector. Oct. 10th, Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. 8T. PAUL'S EVAKG. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. JD. Bernheim, D. D., Pastor. English Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Catechetical In struction on Friday at 3:30 p. m. BT. JOHN'S CHURCH, ' corner Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. Geo. Patterson, D. D., Rector Oct. 10th. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Celebra tion at 7:30 a. in. Mornirg Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. m. J FHO T STBEET M. E. CHURCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. ra., W. M. Parker, sup't. Prayer Meeting and Preach ing Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young Men and Women's Cliris tian Association first and third Tuesday evenings iu eacn montn. 'Malt Bitters' are a Brain. Nerve and Blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recommended by our druggists and physicians for General Debility, Men tal Physical Exhaustion, Hysteria,' Nerv cusrsecs. Sleeplessness, Emaciation ; and Dropry. oct 7,4 w. Mr. Nait'l Jacob i having been appoint cd agent for the Atlas Plow, parlies In want of this celebrated Plow can now have th3ir orde.s filled at JAr uu's Hard ware Depot, Ho. 10 S. Front st. .y The Friend of De lento Ladles, Warner's Safe Kidney and liver Cure is the remedv that will cure tha mint "diseases peculiar to women Headaches, neuragua, tiisoraered nerrs, weakness, mental shocks and kindred ailments axe effectually removed by Its iise The uoiner s magazine n ' PLZABE NOTICE. We will be glad to reoeire eorcmordeitioaj from our frisndj oa axy and all! mbjeets o ffeaeral Interest bull Tke naae of th writer nut always be for Biahed to the Editor. OoniBBIllMflnKi ... . i one sida of thepipex. Personalities mum tt voided. 4 - And It Is especiaTIy prtcularly;nEder stood that the Ediw.'f not always endors e the views of correspondents, nclauto $Htet In tke editorial eolnana.; Now AavortiaemoatfL Election Tickets, paiNTKD AT LOWEST KITES. At E. 8. WASEOCK'S Job Office Corner Chestnnt and Water et. In -eriw BaiMinr. oot U Plumbing ami Gasiitliu. TU- '-"UKHSUNisd respeotfaily an HOirC that hdY htVi Anana1 DI-K in and - .,nt'o etabluamcnt iothe Lnaai rten oauaiac. on Nnrth Vmw, with,' Kooa stock they wiU be pleased to receive orders In tbeir line. The Drive Pump a specialty. oct 9 tf R. H. k U. U. CRANT. Notice- J WILL ATTEND AT II. BDBKill JlER'rf Store on Thursday, 14 th day of October, t 5 receive t&zes. Parties In Wilmington owlnjr tsYes in Brunswlok County, ' ke notlcs. I shall levy after let November. E. W. TAYLOH, Sheriff of Brunswick Co oct D-4t Come and See. J HAVE JUST RETURNED from the North witba beautiful line of Hats In all BTTLS and QUALITY, which I will bo glad to show to my friends and tbo public, tftr. JU1BU 4 ProP08e to sell at BOTTOM PRICES. JN0 M ROBINSON, oct 9 - J Bricklayers Wanted. PPLY AT WILMINGTON & Weldon Rail Road Slops, to oct8.1w R. 8. RADOLIFFE. To the Public. rpHRQUGII tho solieitation oi many of my i eads, I hereby aanounce mvself ah Inde pendent candida'2 for tho office cf Register of Deeds for Pender county. I shall support the balanoe of the Republican Ticket In good faith. Respectfully, oct8 d2twti I II BROWN. EW CARPET S JUHT BE0EITED. Curtains ! ! CORWICEB OIL CLOTHS in all widths, oct 6 B. M." McINTIRK- School lioDks School Books, School Book, School Books. A very large supply Just received ai HEIHSBERGER'S- oct 4 - School Books. iARQE hTOCK aT KEDUOED prices. Old Books taken in part payment for ffew Books upon first introduclioa. Headquarters tor all Text Books used in the Public, and Private Schools. Special terms to country Merchants and Tetcherf. -oct i O. W, YATEH. The Lowest Prices JIOPJILL KINDS OF PRINTING, At E. S. WARSOCK'S Job Office. Get estimates at this efficejbefore having your printing done cbewbere. (OlScelnUcview bnfldlng.) JJ22

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