THIS Firfitt tfpud T :;. i JOSH. iAMBi, iBfti, $1 25 j OnAwmth, W cent. ; ew paper will 'W Ut"I bJ JVfeharft. teclty,.ttb. ratM, or IS eentt per weet AdT.rtUljt rate lew andi!" ? Habribrf will pleVtee report mj ad 4 fnrelo reeeiT tneir papere regularly. 45 Market Street. n KBIRK TO INFORM THB PDBLIO aorally and Wholesal CaAbayers la rar ticolar, that we are Tall p with the Cheapest Line! OP ryoods that has ever been offered In this market SO BUTE visiting this olty will do him self jsstloe by passing oar door, a we are tndertellln the market iuminy of the reg ular Staple lines We hare marked down all goods that be long to Summer wear and are offering Many Special Mncemelts to onr patroar. We would call particular attention to the following GENTS' DQQ SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75c. Worth $1.60, alicoes ! Hew Tall Oalieoei at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached ottons I We hare laid in a very heay y stock of the above and are offering them at lower figures than erer. We hare all the. popular brands. Oar 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value erer offered. Linen Handerchiefs. A. Job at 10 cents. Those goods require no comment. Give us a Call! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market? St. an 28 To Uly Friends and Customers- -Vm I AM NOW T1ATI.V 1 receiving my Fall stock of Consisting of all the LATEST STYLES I ft fL L - A, -A. - a ' v kocs ma my- success speax lor themselves, and I only ask a continuance o yonr favors so liberally bestowed cn me CET Please Call and Examine my -0 0"Stock as regards Qualitya ' C7" and Prices ! -U No trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you one and all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street, v ct t Blrn of the 8bow Case, CHAS. KLEIK, Oojertaler ail Capet Met. Prirfccit Street, In Basement of the JoTmal$nilding, WILUItNOTOJT, N. a . JT A fine assortment of Coffins and Cas is odnxtantly on hand, rami tare Repaired Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele crana er mail prompUy Clbs U ft Fall! Stoqfc 1 r H i 1 VOL. V Thera sow twelve republican Hancock clubs In New York city. The 'flopping seecDB to bare been progressing-in a live ly manner. GenraL Weaver makes no secret of the fact in hi Iudiana speeches that be is working so'.ely for the defeat of the Democratic party. " Gov. Vance announces that ho has placed Lis services at. the disposal of the State Executive Committee, after the 20th lust., to speak in the Eastern part of the State, until the day ofelectlou. Tbe Connecticut DemocjaU are mak ing tbe livelie&t canvass tbe State has known for years, and, says tho New Haven Regliltr, they are making it with hopeful courage, and with the most ex cellent reasons for their hope. Labor strikes seem to be alarmingly active iu Great Britain In the Birming ham district, in England, 20,600 nailers have struck for higher wages. A hun dred thousand operatives in the Lar cashire cotton mills contemplate acting in like manner unless their employers adhere to the' promise made to' them a year ago. LAt that, time a reduction o m . - ten per cent, was made in their pay, with the condition that if business reviv ed wages would be raised to tbe former standard. The time, they say," has come for fulEillmf nt of the agreement, aud as yet the employers have made no sign. In tbe mining districts similar outbreaks and discontent prevail. , LOCAL NEWS. .. New Advertisements. : . Yates School Books School Books. Altaffsb, Prich k Co Sash, Doors, ko Clyde's New York Steamship Line Crsai. Housa Criterion Comedy Co F HDabbt Sale of Valuable Bice Plan tation Johhsoic Hicks Again Operating HausBiaeaa At Reduced Prices Williams k IS uroiisoh Bagging, Ties, Twine, Ac Misi S Kabbis Millinery Gio Hawbiss Notice Window Glass all sizes at Altafler & Price's. , t Men mav come and men may co, but the mosquitoes bite on forever. Tbe newest, latest, bes at RoSENTHAIi'! and cbeapest f The yield of apples and grapes this year is immense, beyond precedent. Where is that crowd coins ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. f To brio forward the bad actions of others to excuse our own. is like wash ing ourselves in mud. " i ; H ' Dancing lessons - given free at BpsSN TbAL's: Pump sole boots and shoes for he ball room. f Unlucky numbers, says,a wag, he be lieves in. He believes it is unlucky to have thirteen persons at the table when there is only dinner for ten. L ll m a i i -.- - - 'Give us a rest' cried a bootblack from the gallery of our Opera House to a party in the audience who had been coughing dnriDg the greater part of the performance Use Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup, shouted another urchin. -(Exch. Messrs Johnson & Hicks are again op erating their Feather Benovation machine. It will only be run for ten days and per sons who have feather beds, pillows, bol sters, &c," would do well to embrace tbe opportunity, , Tbe finest stock of Ladies' Foxed, Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen TIIAL 8. f One may'study nature all his life time and then not be able to explain why the man who misses one step in going down stairs is certain to miss three or four more before he brings up. An infallible remedy for Fever and Ague is A YES'S AGUE OUKE. W holly vegetable and containing no qui nine, it is harmless and sure. Augustus and Maud are devoted to the study of astronomy, and they linger long these cool autumn evenings, and study with interest the heavenly bodies, that is to say, , they persistently study the reflected stars in each other's eyes while they take particular notice of Mars' movement?, v , Rice birds re about pi ayed oat . No so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. , .-.- f The New York Comedy Company wil be with us next Friday and Saturday. The box sheet will open at Heinsberger's on Wednesday. - WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY OCTOBER Major Robbing Speech The Hon. Wm. M. Robbius, pursuant to pnblisbed notice, and in acco dance with tbe expressed desires of tbe -State Executive Oommittec, and Congressional Exfcutivo Committee of this district, ad dressed the Democratic voters 'of Wi! mi rig ton on Saturday niht, frooi ihi I a -cony of tbe Western Uuba Telegraph office on Front Street. Tho distinguished gentleman was introduced by Mr. F. H. Darby, tbe Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of this city, in a ery appropriate naujuer The porch or balcony fronT whence Mr. RobbinY de livered hi speech was illuminated wiih Chinese lanterns overhead, while behind in the back y round was tbe National en sign and beneath on the body of the porch were tho names of Ilancock and English affixed to another fLig, the Stars aud Stripes. But the noise and confusion incident to a Saturday night, down town, were very annoying te the speaker causing him much embarrassment at times. But notwithstanding tbe natur6 of the surroundings, we consider that Major Bobbins delivered himself of a first class stamp speech, andoue that was cal culated to do a great deal of good iu this section. The speaker's arguments were plain and practical, forcible and to the point. He appealed to the Greenbacker who was opposed to the domination of the Republican purty and showed him most conclusively that his vote at this election for any other than a Democratic candidate was but a vote to keep the Republicans m power. Some of the speaker's illustrations were both happy and amusing; we have buj space here for one. lie said that tbe country had grown sick under Republi can misrule and the better to illustrate bis idea, he cited the instance of a man when he was taken with a chill, the blood left the hands and feet and flowed to the cen ter of the body where it all congregated, and left the extremities cold and without warmth of any kind. But wliat was to be done to relieve the system under such circumstances? Why, the proper remedies were. applied to diffuse the blood through the entire system once more and let each organ perform its proper function as was intended by nature. Now, continued the speaker, under the system of taxation carried on by tho Republican party which has had control of the government for twenty years, the iLoney from the inter nal revenue collections and other taxation has been draining tbe country and con centrating it at the center. The country has got a congestive chill, and what it needs more than all else to restore it to its proper condition is-a little Democratic quinine and then' we will see new life and health imparted to the body politic and the" center of government will no longer absorb all the' money and control it as is done now, but it will be diffused and sent throughout the land and give a warmth and vigor to all sections of the country. There will be no need oi Green back parties then. This wi3 only one of many illustrations which were all happy and humorou9,that the able speaker made use of. Tbe speech made a good impres sion and we are inclined to think had a happy effect. Major Bobbins spent tbe day at the Sound yesterday as tbe guest of Majo1 Stedman, returning to the city late last evening. Major Bobbins speaks again at Bargaw today, and we hope the Demo crats of Fender will listen attentively to his wlso counsel and heed all . that he says. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and &zes1 at Altaffkb, Pkics & Go's . Miss E. Karrer, successor to Misses Karrer & McGowsn, left this morning for tho Northern markets for the purpose of making her Fall and Winter selections of those numberless pretty things which so delight the hearts of the ladies. She wil visit the most prominent markets and will select with care and taste. Harrlss Howell. The announcement of the dissolution of this old and well-known shipping firm will be found in our advertising colamns to-day. Mr. Howe 11 withdraws, and CcL George-Harrlss, tho sen-Tor member, will continue to conduct tbe business In his own name, just as he djd av quarter of a century ago, .when hewas one of lha most extensive ship-owners in the South. Mr Howell has been appointee; to a po sition cn the Carolina C&ntial Railroad that of l$rk in the President's cfiice, and Paymaster on the row , w men position nis long business experience qualifies Lim to fill admirably BEYIEW. "onviciert and Sentenced; Daring the eesrion of the Criraical Court week the following ecu victim's wera mado and Eentetices passed; John Grady, colored, manslaughter, 20 years in the State Penitentiary! Love Ann Jones, white, accessory to commission of a hen'tDus crime, 5 years. tlenry Johnson, colored, larceny of cat'.le, from Brunswick county, 8 yoarr. Peter Croun, larceny of demijohns, 5 e.irs. The couvicts will be takeu to lUleigh on Thursday morning under the escort ot Dan Howard, . theCounty Jailer. Important to Voters. No one is to register or vote except iu that precinct where be is an actual and bona fide resident on the day of election. This mean3 a voter vho has continuously resided in or who has removed to a pre cinct in good faitb, and who produces in tho latter case a certificate that his namenas been erased from th hz . ol his foim-r precinct. This certificate can be had up to tho time of closing the reg istration books. Certificates of registra lion, that is, certificates allowing one to vote at ' a precinct other than that iu whiah he registered, are not allowed. The following persons are not to vote: Minors, idiots andluna tice; "persons who, after canviction, or confession in open 60urts,bavo been ao jadged guilty of'felony or other infamous crimes, committed af ter January IflZf unless restored to rights of citizenship by law. Subject to the foregoing exceptions, all males bora in the United States, or na turalized, who have resided In the State twelve months next preceding the elec tion, and ninety days in tho county, are qualified to register and vote in the pre cincts where they may reside on the day preceding the election. Tho residence of a is where his family resides; that of a single man were he sleeps. Save your money and buy your Euild ng Supplies from Altaffer & Price. Circular Letter No 175. Tb.3 following, which we clip from the New York World of last Friday, will be found of general interest here amoDg the merchants on Water street: At a regular meeting - of the Board of Managers of tbe New York Produce Ex change, held yesterday,in accordance with the report of tbe Committee on Trade on the communication recently received from the Wilmington (N. C.) Produce Exw change, the following resolution was adopted: " Whereas. The movement of American produce from the United States to other countries is increasing year by year to a remarkable degree, whereby the resources of this country -are being developed in every direction, and "Whereas, it is of the utmost impor tance to tbe producer to know just what demand exists for the several articles of American produce as well as the source of such demand, information which can only be gained through the clearances of vessels at the several ports, and "Whereas. The JS'ew. York Produce Ex change has learned with regret that access to custom no use returns has been aemea the WilmiDgto i Produce Exchange by virtue of circular letter No. 173, issued to collectors of customs by the Treasury De partment under date of December 15, 1879 in whica collectors are, upon written re quest of a shipper or consignee, author ized to withhold from publication for ninety days statistics relating to the im portation or shipment of any particular merchandise imported or shipped by them,' and I while compliance on the:part of said collectors of customs districts with the last clause of said Treasury Department circu lar letter can only bo of benefit to speculators or the few who may be desir ous of controlling certain markets to the great injury of the general commerce and tiade ol the country ; therefore, "fiesolced. That this Exchange, whose merchants represent the exporting inter est of the country to a very large degree, deprecate the adoption of any measure by the uovernmem wnicn snau tend to the personal benefit of tbe few to whom such information is known at th? expense of many from whom it is withheld, and they therefore respectfully but earnestly request tha honorable Secretary of the Treasury to withdraw the authorization contained in the last clause of this letter and in its stead to give instructions to the several collectors of customs to ofter the fullest and freest possible access to all returns of exports and imports not in consistent with the performance of their official duties." 'Malt Bitters' are a Brain, Nerve and Bipod food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recommended,..,by. our druggists and physicians for General Debility, Men tal Physical Exhaustion, Hysteria, Nerv ousness, Sleeplessness Emaciation and Dropsy. oct7,4 w. The Friend of De icato Ladles, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is the remedy that will cure tbe many diseases peculiar to wamen. Headaches, neuroglia, disordered neres, weak;nesj, mental shocks and kindred ailments are effectually removed by its use. The Motber'a Magazine. 11. 1880 NO. 195 The receipts of. cotton at 'this port to day foot np 1,080 balos. You can 7 No. 1 Cooking and II eat In6:ovesai iin 5tajiy price at Jacodi's Hardware -Depot. Hon. I). .K. McRae, cf this city, has accepted m invitation to f peak at a grand mass mc-'-'ij to be held in Oxford the day after I xorrow. Everylxxlycau get suitMi wifi a Pocket Knifr, a!so Tabid Cutlery, at Jainwis H irdnar Deont. Another l ole Raising. Thera wasaflig po'e 75 foet high ahove tho. groaud plant! at Newton's Cross Roadd, in Sampson County, on last Saturday, and a flag with the names ol Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelfcrd flung to the breeze from the top of the pole. A large gathering of the Democrats of old Sampson were there, and a speech upon the political issues cf the day was made on the occasion by Mr. J. II. Curt r'.e, of this city. A large stock of children's school shoos to select from at Rosenthal's. f The Theodor. The captain of the Norwegian barque Theodor called on us to-day to correct a statement made by us on Saturday. He says that his ship takes out 1,150 bales, instead, of 1,100, as wo had it, and further more, iu reference to the comparison made by us between loading 'here and at Savan nah, he says that when the Theodor sailed from Savannah sha 'had nothing in the cabin, nothing in the poop aud sothlng in the forecastle, whereas these are now allClled. Capt. Danielsen was not with the ship at the time, and cannot, therefore tell us how many bales she took out from Savannah. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry iu Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Dr. Patterson's Farewell. There was a very large congregation present last night in St. John's church to hear the farewell sermon delivered on that occasion by Rev. George Patterscn.D. D., tb.3 Rector of tho Parish. We believe that there wero present members from every white congregation in the city, with one exception, an evidence of the esteem iu which tha reverend gentleman has basn held among our citizens generally, irrespective of denominational differences' Dr. Patterson was assisted in ; the con duct of the exsrcise3 by Rov. T. M. Am bler,Rector of St. .'Paul's and Rev. Daniel Morrelle. Dr. Patterson has been Rector of St. John's for something mora than ten years past, sinca April, 1870. Daring that time he has seen many changes. Many new laces have come upen the scene and many of the most esteemed members cf the church have been laid to rest. During his discourse last night hs alluded to these things and stated (we quote from memory) that during the period of his ministra tions he had baptized over 300 children aud 72 adults; had read the burial ser vice over the remains of 154 persons had solemnized 50 marriages and had presented 140 candidates for confirma tion. The congregation part with Dr. Pat terson with great regret. He has labored with them long and faithfully; has shar ed in their sorrows and joys and has been to thsm a tru3 aud earnest friend as well as a spiritual guide, and teacher He resigned the charge of St. John's for the purpose of accepting an invitation to travel and solicit for tho endowment fand for the University of tbe South, at Sew anse, Texa3, He will not leave the dio-ces-, however, and will retain. Wilming ton as his home. He cviii serve at St. John's next Sunday but expects a sum mons during the following week to at tend a meeting of the Board of Trustees of tho University of tbe South, of which he is a member, to be held in New York during the sitticg of tbe General Con? vention. Sale of Valuable Ilice Plantation. jgY VIRTUE and in pnraaance of a decree of the Superior Conriof New Hanover Cocnty, made at Jane term, 1S83, in the case of A. D. Brown against J. EL Winaati, et al, I will, cn Moadar, the 1st day of November, 1680, at 11 o'clock:, A Mt at tbe Court Hons door in Wilmington, sell to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, that valua ble Kice Plantation on the Northwest branch of the Cape Fear River, known aa "Hwina. neld", and formerly owned by the late Grif- xutn jJCLee. r. tu ua&ut, Com'r oet 11-ts '1 PLEASE SOT2CE. ,5" We will be jtfad to receive eomniualf atloai from onr friends on any and all" inbiesti general interest bnt: ' The naict of the writer tenet always be for nlahed to the Editor.,. . . OommnnUaUons icntt be written: on or, r one aide of thejper. Personalities mnn't . .tf,,vj.' And it is especially a pittfnlarly.nnder tood that the Edit not alwayV Cedars the views of correepoaian. crl?t so n'rrrf in the editorial colansns. Kew Advcrtisemonst. Agra i nO peratiiiS OUR FEATHER MACHINE bo operation for ten d hxi.v bating: Feathers to renotate nn-t lette thfi All uruera at once. jonszos kmcKp CPh"Moe' ard Psper Hccer. o-411-lt 3dM. opposite City '.'Miss E. Karrer, (Sneers t Mines KtrrerA UcQowan,) Jl.TIl L.iSKKY, Labi s', Misses', izd CkL'd- wn " Plotthio, Bouth Front street, Wilmington, N. C. every descriptlon.cj band and made ta order. Orders t4an forTiMIenntnt to. Ordri 6y mail will rcc?i- prompt attenuon. P. U. Box 301. Notice. rpHE FIRM OF HARKISS &'.0i.VELL was diesolved by mutual consent oa the'Cth infit- GEO. HARRISS, A; J. HOWELL. rpHE UNDERSIGNED will conUnue the Shipping and Commission Business under tho firm name ef GEO. HARRISS 4 CO. octll-3t , GEO. lIARRISS. A LARGE STOCk CF Sash. Doors, Blinds, AND . ALL KlfDS OF MILL V0HK! LUMBER, LATHS. Ac For sale very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. Factorv: Foot of Walnut st. octll Offiee: flntt, near Red Crors st. At Reduced Trices. SCHOOL BOOKS AND :- :-T alt. . SCHOOL STATIONERY. Parent3 and teachers will find it to their advantage by calling at - ' HEIMSBEEItER'S- oct 4 - . ' ' OPERA HOUSE. Two Nights Qnlv ! GRAND ATTRACTION ! Friday and Saturday Evenings, October 15 and 16; Engagement of the UNRIVALLED New York CRITERION' COMEDY COMPANY ! in their great Comedy success in 4 act?, FREAKS,. performed lay this Company in .every inpor tant city in America, and every wbei e receive ed with tbe most nproraious delight. AIT EXCELLENT CAST I Prices $1 ; 60c : eallerv. 25c: Bale ef reserved seats commences on Wednesday, October 13, at . Heinsberger's. No extra charge for reserved seats. -' - oct 11 Bagging, Ties, TTVine, . 1,400 Bolls Cotton Bagging," 4,600 Kundles ITew and Pieced Tios 1,000 Lbs Cotton Bagthj Twine. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,200 Bbls flour, 8Hier to Extra Family, 310 Boxes Perk Strips, ' ' Bmvxed and 1 S Bidef, 200 Hhda and Bb!s Porto ILico, New Crop Cuba and New Orleans Molaues.: Sugar, Coffee, 500 Bbls Sugar, Cut Loaf, GraculalcJ Standard A, Extra C and C. 275 Bags Coffee, , Itio, Laguyra and Jar , 100 Boxes Pure Assorted Cane j 150 Tabs Choiee Leaf, Lard, , 4 ' ITS Boxes Starch, '' - . 200 Boxes Lye and Potath, 125 Boxes Iaundry Scap, Tobacco. SnnJT. Paper. . Uatc"e. Shot, Pepper, Ginger, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels. c jror sale low nv - WILLIAMS k HURCniSON, Wholesale Grocers k Commission 2!er. oet 11 " ; ---:-' Bricklayers Wantetl. PPLY AT WILMINGXDN k We Wen Sail Eoad Shops, tx oetflw B BADOLIPFE. ( i

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