THIS PAPKB .moon. 6dT " iihei ----- OSH. T. JAMB". r OITO AW pBOFKXJCTO. .va POSTAGE EAII. -OijsCBir. M5 : Three P7r ' rva month, 50 cent. poatn,, 4 - bdeirrered byearriara, TT. rrtof ttecity,.Ub. flfcaarKe,. ' My Vrau... or IS nta Per 4dfrtlirat .j. report any Mid H DAILY VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1S80 NO. 196 rei to roceiro tlieir papers regularly. palS Stock. The appearance .of General Grant o'n Only one arrest at the City Elalt yea- tbe stump, thinks the New Orleans Pi- terday. The offaoce was not serious cayunejs a demonstration of republican aQ(1 lbe party waH discharged without the des Deration. formality ot a tiial. ' . ! .. TLe silver product of the United States Dancing lessons fiivtn free at Rosex- for tha last fircal year is estimated by the thais' Pump sole boots ar.d e hoe lor MMiAniAirlm . n..tmcnt at SSft 000 000. ci fce ball room. T UWUUil3i Lfhicb $28,000,000 were co nod. BROW 45 Market Street. 23IRE TO INFORM Wholesale Ci .,oer'j - - . w'h " In I860 the number of lunatics in Eug landwas 38.058. - Now it U 71,191, au THE PUBLIC increase of no hss than 87 per cent. s L.ita Var- During the same peiiod the population We are sorry to hear that tho supply of ice in the city is getting low. We presume, however that it wi 1 be replen shed in a few day. Third Wat d Club. The Third Ward Democratic Club ad vertise for a meeting at the usual place to night. An earnest appeal is made by th3 Secretary, Mr. Jauits W. Kin?, to every Democrat in the Ward to attend and enlisst undr tho banner of HaijCk, J.trvis ard Sbackelfcr !. PL2ASE50TI0E. , We will be gf ad to recairo communication t from "our friend on aay and all , reject r i general inUrest but : . K TJje nasie of the writer avt alwayi be fur niahed to the Editor. Communicatioae tmat be written? oa cn r one aide of tfce.p4pr. . Personalities mw v voided. , . And It If especially aupsccultrtytrrifr rtood that the Edify owt cot always esdcri e the views of correepoaduuis. ucleu ri a!S cT la the editorial coluTns. res core J to Col McRaeln Wayne. 11 on. D K. MclW, of this city p k; at Mt'O.ive, on Saturday last, to a very lare crowd. The Goldsboro Messenger tells us that 'be made a fine speech, one of irrflAWAB'a. ter January 1.187 4, un. ess tmm W W m " " Cart. J. M. McGowan his opened a ngnig oi ciuzensaip ny ;ar. ; niw little saloon at No. 10 Market street' ouuoc to iae iorcgoicK cicepuoca, in and wiil bo tlad to serve bis old friends maIes brn in the United State, orfna and the public. Everything is new, clean turalized, who have resided in tho State and mat. He claims to have the best twelve months next preceding the elee 1'qiors in the ci'y, and wants jou not to tion, and ninety days in tho county, are believe him, but to corao and try them, qualified to refister and vote in the pre. Oysters will be served in good style, acd cmcts wbere they may reside on tho. day bis litil-i i-irtz.r0oni is au fa it. "...Captain preceding the election Jim oi'glv ... kiow what's what.. Sea ad. vertiseintm. elsewhere. Gbea Insure your -life for 25 csntis against , i t wr.t oa ar.k a third all th rlanzer oi a vjotibuidpuvb b uom m' J . 4 . . , . K tini-a hottlfl ofDr Bul'fl Coach, ..... . . . . r.f the rate at wiiich lunacy aavancea. i -r- - r - ----- i ci to wuu mar aea, attention to tuo ena. I Mil annnfh aroa trn n rna nf nnsur a in A Call to St. John's. Wc understand that the Vestiy of tt the test efforts of his life, and was listen. John's Church have Jssued an invitation to the Kev. ilr.Piits, of Baltimore, to take Tho residencia of a married vu.u is w-re nis lamily resiuef ; thatof a single rria! vere ho Bleeps. IVcv AdvertisQinonst! 1 t A V . Pricis of stocks are nigner now iuu Butchers' Company have now in they were before the Maine election, the ation agtcam 8aUsage factory, super- intended by Mr. Mtltc a, tno well tnown OF pry oods UutbU7r been offered in this market. result of which, tte republicans claimed, creaUd a panic and unsettled values. This is one of the things that calls for an explanation. Ilolders of stocks are apt to crv for more' electidns of the same sort, .... .11. -! ;T1 An mm I t . ii 50 BUYS Tiaiung m v - I jf the explanation la not promptly Kiveu Mlfjatioeby : .pawing onr door, as we are was interrupted repoatedly with rapturou3 applause.' Co7, McRae was to have spo ken in Goldsboro last nijrht. IVJcGowan's parish. Mr. Titts has also MKW 8ALO0N, 16 Muket at , x Matthew's Church, at iow open. Best of Uquorej andi sausage manufacturer. wdemUlnz the market inrnmy of the reg alar BUple lines. Ws have marked down all cooda that be. locf to Summer wear and are oCering I to our patron. Rice birds are about played out. No so withthosa Scotch soles at Rosenthal's The j last for ever. T Mr. J. I. Macks, o! this city, will ad dress the Rocky Point Democratic Club, The Philadelphia Times says tbat 50,- 000 Republicans and 40,000 Democrats I q generalIyj on mtnaicuy uvu t lVriAAV nexL the 15th inst. Tickets. Capt. Oct. Coke, Chairman of the State Executive Committee, gives notice as follows: 'In answer to many inquiries about the tickets to be used at the r.cxt election, we beg leave to notify tbe Dvm ocratic arty that this committee have charge ef that been called to Ililhboro, where it is also proposed to or- ganizs a boys' schcol lor him, and it i understood that the invitation to St. John's is for him to com3 here and remain until he can decide which of the two calls he will definitely ;accept the best ia the city. Oyeteri, etc. Every thing new, neat, nice aad of the best qality: JAMES 31. JIcfJOWAJT, octll-tf Star copy No. 1G Maiketat Lost, Strayed or Stolen. New : Locomotives , f . . , , N THE ETENING OF October Id, my Twn new large freight engines frcm the 1 ' Special nicens ceipts providad by the two local commit tees at a cost of $45,000. As there art not at most over 150,000 voters in Phila delphia, more than half the voters are unwilling to pay 50 cents apiece tor tne privilege of voting. Ton can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadch phia, and intended for the South Caro- now in pre&s, and will soon issue to the ina Railroad, patsed through this city committees of the different counties the 1 veaterdav bv the W. & Wj and W. C. & - - - - -7 ins Stovea at almostany price at Jacobi's following tickets: 1. The State ticket, a. Roads for their destination at Charles- 2. ' ine electoral ticket. 3. Xne judicial ton xha engines are both the same size, Hardware Depot. The commipsioners of the f Freedmen's Trust comnanv state tnat a We would call particular aueau.u , -a - AAA . fires amonni. auoui. oiw.uwui vt following dividend cf 10 per cent, rezen QENTS' DOG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Lythem still remains uncalled for. De Mr. George N. Harriss, City Agent i of the DAiLt Review vrho aas Deen quite ill for the past three weeks, la agaiD, we are hstppy to state, at his post Everybodycan get. suited with a Pocket . , , , Knife, also Table Cutlery, ai j, a wms "J aeciareu Hardware Denot- ticket. 4. And one ticket each for the two amendments to the Constitution of the State. "Freaks." The New York Criterion Comedy Com pany will appear at the Opera House, in this city, on Friday and Saturday evo Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.60. alicoes! 5ewFall Calicoes at all prloes. in Beautiful designs. nnBitnra rP nrcred to collect the amounts Tne ureenoacKs pow .-, nmgs, uciooer iDtn ana lum, wun tne j. . nihlfl Pass Uad their speakers bow wowed until new version of the successful farcica U U3 i UtUi no 1'iviuukii vw. i ... books may be forwarded by mail or cx press or sent through banks. about 3 o'clock this morciDg in mo comedy, 'Freaks This comedy has neighborhood o'f Fourth and Castle sts, ba(j a gjgat run in other cities. A glance At a sale of the herd of a noble stock owner in Ergland, recently, two young bull calves of the purest bred short-horned family to be. found in Britain, and with a An infallible remedy tor ever anu i uuuiuumuuui "u""o a crtiA - a AYEB 3 AGUHi uutt. I dicate the nature ot the play: unaracter: "rt , : i - i .j Wholly, vegetable ana containing no iiui- Qt Annonius Ketchum. editor and nro- camB ou nine, it is harmless and sure. c tiq :u e,any. twa nisht He says that ho was seatad con. w i in inLiii vja lliu xjUKin. mm a licanv mJA. biiw o each having six driving wheels and a 16 inch cylinder with a 24. inch stroke. The weight of each locomotive and tocder is a little over one hundred thousand pounds. That much weight on a toe with a corn j ou it would cure the corn. Dr. DeRosset. J ' - j The latest information received here from Dr. M. J. i DeRosset represants his condition a as little more hopeful. This news came yesterday; nothing has been heard todav . Dr.. Georgo G. Thomas, who was with him when the attack here oa Merchant Tailoring Sign, from ia frost of the McKoy butfdinsr on Market atreeti A reward will be raid for the aurronder of the sln and for evidence to convict the thief, - M JUDGE. Merchant TaIlor,Market, bet 2d and 3d at oct 12-lt Notice to Teacliers. J WILL ATTEND at the Court'House on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week for the purpoie of examining such pereoca as may apply for Certificates as Teachers in the Public Schools of .New Hanover county. K f CHAD WICK, oct 13-1 1 Examiner Second Ward, rjlHE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of tho Becond Ward Democratic Club, are request Saturday I ed to meet at the Criminal Court Clerk's The Executive Committee of the Sec" lllaoPlinfl ftTlfl TTnWeaCliefl Pedigrecback. otbe . e,: ,! ond Ward Democratic Club are called by Bub.edItor of the Bugle, with a freak symptoms appeared a m j m m. i m m . . . i a j-v ttt -i r r a :'j i i iiirii ii - - LI:'Z the President, Mpjor Dunham, to meet at agaInBt Cottons ! We have laid in a very heayy stock of the above and are offering them at-lower figures than ever. We have all the popular brands. Our 44 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever offered. rancuior uu guineas apiece. ,Auouwi tt, this ovonins , . had his costly purchases conveyed to town nuu, ---wf ... 0 ea mastic, an mi, wi in a special .wsgon, and then bad their 8 a clocl: freak for Florence, A. H. lives insured at a high premium beiore starting them on their long westward journey. nnr. fhftsonofa Nez ferces Indian A Urcre stock of children's school shoes to select from at Rosenthal's. t The largest, finest, and best mullets hrnnnht tn Wllminffton were in -ij j t u. ni r u i vereini? witn ur. uettossec wnen tne nrss i " ciooit lauice, xuuwaru jauiu, juuouctci viaua, i . no uau never eccn against - all womankind. W. J, Gilbert; iQat ith a decided 1 1DS than on tnat occasion, v ery Canby Mr. Ienly Dr. DeRosset, who had for some Charles LovelL a vouns man of means. lmQ P8C Iearea aa aiiacK OI lQl3 na. 't ..... ...... with a freak for Grace. W. S. Harkins: remarked to nim very quietly tnat Office, at the Court House, this eveninst 8 JOUW W. DUNUAM. President gentleman more animated and pleaBm I j-JjjJ Jqjj Tlliril Ward han on that occasion. Very sud-l . Bciuocrats. - he THE DEMOCRATS of tho Ihird Ward are requested to meet at the umal place . t.t' fflU nralvsia creeninrr on him at that U?ppoaite aneuny uaii) tnu uuesaayj eve Mr ureorge uoiuuug,-a weauuy oaniter, i - r r - I ning, at 8 o'clook. Le a fr.oWrti. hiiRinma J R. f!nrran I moment '-' """" " chief, is distinguishing himself as a sharp-1 market yesterday, : . . . . Hnnter. Mr.Goldbns's confidential clerk. m3 lZaXl Dzna Thensnermen BtrucK - .tJ t.h hand and arm to the shoulder. everv Democrat eomo It was then in the fingers of I and enlist under Hancocr, Jaxvis and Shack. elf or d. By order of the rreeident. . oct 12-lt JA8 W KrNO. Sect'y. Linen Handerchiefs, A Job at 10 centa. These good3 require no comment Give us a Call shooter in San Francisco. His most re markable feat is in bitting a mark while blindfolded. A glass ball ia suspended twenty feet away, and the boy la alowed to gaze at it. Then bis eyes are band aged, and he is turned around several bntmore than half the time he a bonanza yesterday in hauling Jn the seines. Most of the haul was roe mullets. with a freak for collecting unpaid notes Julian Reed; Billy Black, a printei'a de vil, with a freak for copy, Edward Grey; and gradually crept up He requested Dr. Thomas to take a pin and stick it into Lis hand. This was done - - & his aim is a mystery. BROWN & iRODDIGE, 45 Market' St. an 23 To My Friends and Customers- rr I AM NOW DAILY VJV XSL reeeiving my Fall stock pjS of breaks the ball, though how ho manages Charleston on Friday, having in tow sev eral government scows. &ne win return immediately after delivering the scows. She will be accompanied by the steam tug Harold which will also' hive scows in tow. . . Water street merchants -will keep their Wineto an interloper, with a freak for t cere was no sensation and then the feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen- the cheejlng CUpf John Ogden; Miss Flor- operation was repeated 5 at Intervals up thal's boots and shoes. t encQ Goldbusr. the banker's daughter, tha arm and with the same result. Bee rru . p TOin lpavfi for with a freak for emancipation of women, ias lly assured of the nature of the dis- The steamer Passport will leave for ire .Jf . aaaa Dr. DaRosaet rea nested Dr. Thomas Mary jjavenpon; juiabiwiuuunuua aui i - - -.- - . Another Cargo NEW RIVER Mr Alexander Williams, of Boston, has in his possession a massive walkingrslick which lormerly belonged to Thomas Han nrlr. nn'ela of John Hancock, of revolu- ionarv fame.: It is in a perfect stato oj Save yoar money and bay your Build reservation, and is more- than one ng Supplies from Aitmer ra hundred and fifyyeirs od, and has the name of Thomas Hancock on its finely catved head. Mr. Williams proposes to present this valuable relic to Gen. Win field Scott Hancock, when he Incomes President of the United States. , LOCAL NEWS. Boots and Shoes, Consisting of aU the My past stock and my success speak for tkemselTea, and I only ask a continuance o your favors bj liberally bestowed on me Ner Advertisements. Hall AeYHABSALL New River Mullets Jas M McGowak New Salooa R W Chaowick Notice to Teachera Jas W Kim, Bect'y Attention Third Yf ard Democrats Jch W Durham, Pre3t Second Ward B M McTktibb House Furiiishing M Jodob Lost, Strayed or-Btelen Tatss School Books School Eooks. HiTHSuaeaa-At Seduced Prices witidnw flfioa .all Rizfts s.t AltafTer &. rx Please Call and Examine my -33 price's, t OStock as regards Qnallty'-Q ri7" and Prices ! -0 No trouble to aow goods. Will be pleased to ee you one and all. C. ROSENTHAL, "32 fitariiet Street. . oct 4 . Sign of the Show Casa. , CHAS. KLEIN, ; Oiiiertater anl ' CaM Haler. Princeti Street, in Basement of the Journal Building W I L M I,N Q T O N, N. O, ' fiST A fine asscrtment of Coffins and Cas keta oonatantly on hand. Furniture Bepaired Cleaned and Varnished, Orders by tela graph or mail promptly Alio I nov 6. " - , ' . ' The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 094 bales. We haye made arrangements for a special in regard to tho election in Ohio and Indiana, to be published to-morrow aftemooa. It will give the latestand most reliable returns up to the hour cf our going to press. We do not think that anything of a positive nature will be known until then. We wrote it yesterday 'Sewanee, Tenn,' tut the intelligent compositor knew more about it than we did and hence, to our surprise, we found when the paper appeared that it was located in Texas. There will be no funeral as there is not enough of that compositor left to make a funeral necessary. A little Actress Dead. T.UHfl LUHa Parslew. who was the "Josephine" in the Ford's Juvenilo Pina fore Troupe that appeared hero last sea son, is dead. She was quite a favorite hv,, thtk banker's sister, with a freak 1 w B "01 - for writing tragedies, Mary Stuart; Miss Grace Goldbug, the banker's niece, with a freak for matrimony, Lenore Harkins; Jane, maid in Goldbug's house, with a freak for ruuning, Virginia Thomas. at once for Dr. Hammond and gave him tho address in lull. Dr. Thomas offered to 'assist him to his bal but. he declined, remarking that he would lie down on the sofa and await hi) return. Even then his utterance was indistinct, and when Dr. Hammond ar rived he was speechless. On Saturday aLarscj Bright and Fat, Hail & PearsalF. oct 12 ' House Furnishi n& !J1HI8 13 IMPORTANT both is regards health and comfort. My stock in this line Our Water WorKs. Kext to the Presidential canvass proba-1 ta9rQ was Eome sensation in the right fiide bly there is nothing which interests our I an(j fce ia EOt now altogether speechless citizens more at this present time than j but it is almost impossible to understand I will compare well wilh any in North Caio the question of a Bupply of water for fire nis words. Dr. Hammond, we under- una purposed and domestic use ini judging stand, siys that if It were paralysis alone nT . , . ; ti Irom tne 'proposals wuitu arc uwus 10- witn wnicn ua is auecteu vuiuikgi ClilU DLiAJSlvlul, pared by tbe Committee on water he could master the disease, as he has been works which we have "seen, our citizens vary sucsessfulrecently in its treatment, may rest assured that within a very short bat the misfortune is that it ia compli- time the question will be settled and Wa- cated with Brlght's disease ot the kidneys, ter Works become an assured fact. There from which Dr. DeRosset has long been a is already one member of a large New J sufferer and which in all likelihood super- Yorfc: contracting firm in the city looking J Induced th3 attack of paralysis. A the grounds over and others are expected J hemorrhage of tin bowels has been feared j this week. The "gentleman above al" j bat the fact that this has not yet occurred luded to, we understand, baa just com leads to the hope that ia now entertained, pleted and turned over to the city of No information has been received here to- Jacksanville, Fla., a water works and day from New York and this fact, on the other sanitary improvements, tho water! principle that no news is good news, has works being about the same size a3 somewhat encouraged his many friends in this city. 4 WHITE AND COL'D 8PREADS COTTON AND LINEN SHEETING, In all widths. ... " LACE SZTTS FOR BEDS& PILLOWS, The newest, latest, bes and cheapest here and elsewhere, and many will regro1" at Rosenthal's. f to learn of her early death. Steamship Regulator,- Capt.Doane, ar rived here to-day fronf New York. . Where ia that crowd going ? To Ros entiial's, to buy boots and shoes., f Fail Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffkb, Peice & Co's Peanuts. Wo have received from Messrs. Mel cn, Brown & Co., of Cincinnati, a copy of their Tegular annual review of ,the pea. nut crop, .Tbeir estimate of the North Ladies, the best fi.ts and' the easiest Carolina crop, 120,000 bushels, for the rv-a for the little ones are at Rosen I RontnmW sAtfi U fnr.nrrpak. - 1 . 1 iqm cuuutK ' p j We have already a week ago published "The leader of a good string band' can hear of an engagement by applying at this office, at. once. ' Ladies, shoes for rTllAIlS. - The State Council of the Friends of a statement relative 'to the crop in North Temperance will a'semblo ia Raleigh oa the 8th day of December next. The finest stock of Ladies Foxed, Balmoral and . Button Boots at. Rosen i tiial'8. T Carolina and Virginia and our figures. derived from reliable sources, were 135,- 000 bushels for North Carolina. In this respect Messrs. Melien, Brown & Co. are in error. Important to Voters. No one ia to register or vote except in that precinct where ho is an actual end bona fide resident on tho day of election. This means a voter who has coatinuously resided in or who has samoved to a pre will be required here. Mr. Cloud, we learn, says that there iB an uniimiuiu uuiuuub vi iuro uimi uj New York teeking a profitable and safe investment, He expresses himself much pleased with our city and a little surprised at seeiDg so large and comractly built a fcJWU"" O - I - J I.UL A s.irandseeinehow favorably alt. n iu -u' nuu wiii - 1 . :c- .t... 1 uatedwe are for water works, wonders ia vne iau cu lulwllo 1 ms that they were not built long ago. We najnehaa been erased from the books of trust that our citizens, with the committee his former precinct. This certificate can oa water works, will show these gentle be bad up to tho time of clcsiog the' reg- men every attention whUe they remain igtration books. Certificates cf rcgistra among us, and not only induce them to iion tnat ia, ceitificatea allowing one to buUd water works, bat to bring their voto at a precinct other than that ib capital here for manufacturing and other wbich he registered, 'are, nci . allowed. purposes. I Tho following peraens are not toa vote: Mr Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint- I Minorf , idipis and lana tic; persons who, A aent for the Atlas Plow, parues I r.- canvictijn. cr confession In onen ware Depot, no, 1U vrcni si 1 or oiner inmnoua cnmrai, cornrnmcn ai LACE LAMBREQUINS, ' . .I.4 .- - .. LACE CURTAINS,sGORNICES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTRB, MAT3, 1TJG3, &c. oct 12 i B. M. McIHTlRE- OPERAHOUSE, Two Nights OziiyJ . ., ' ' . ' :i -c: GRAND ATTEAOTIQK Friday and Saturday Evenings , October 15 and lii Enzazement of the UNB1YALLED . 5ew york . CRITEB10H V CbfilDIufiOMPAHY ! la their treat Comedy success ia act, F R E A K. S, performed by this Company ia every Impor . taat city In America, and everywbeio rcceiv. ed with the moat uproraioua delizht. AJT JTXOKLLSNT CA8T ! ' Priea fl: 6O0 ; gtUerj, Jic, Balo ef reserved seats commences on Wednesday, October 13, at Heinsberger'aV fto 'extra sharee for reserved seats., , , . ; oct 11 " ' " ..,5, '. j. dree- 1 - ,