TBIH PAPER i. -!i.hi rerr afternoon, tandafrs p eeptedbr JOSH. T. JAMES. BUITOK AD rUOPRIKTOB. mww;RIFTION3.P06TAOE PAID. r.fo 00 8ix moatti, $3 50 ; Tbrw mmthj. 1 35 ; a nth, 6 oeot- rhe paper will delivered by carriers, nr hrre. in any part of the city, atthe iboverates, or 13 eeniaper wek. Advertisis rates low and liberal T-Sabaeribers will ple report any and failures to receive their papers regularly. Fail Stock, EROVrJ ci RODDICK 45 Market Street. T-wEBIBE TO INFORM. THE PUBLIC generally and Wholesale Oaih buyers ia rar tionlar, that we aro fall up with the OF iry (Soods that bag eter been offered in this market 50 BUYER riaiting this city will do him self Justice by passing our door, as we are underselling: the market lnminy oftbtreg ular Btaple line. We hare marked down all goods that be .' loof to Summer wear and are oilerinjf. to our patrons. We woald call particular attention to the following GENTS' DOG SKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, aOicoesl Hew Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons I We bare laid in a rery heayy stock of the above and are offering them' at lower figures than ever. We hare all the popular brands. Our i-i Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Handerchiefs A Job at 10 cents. These goods require no comment. Give us a Call ! 3R0WN & RODDICK, 45 Marketi St- an 28 To Rfly Friends and Customers- rt I AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall stock of Consisting of all the I My past stock and my succesj speak for themselves and I only ask a continuance o s . your faTors so liberally bestowed on me tCT" Please Call and Examine my -2 uStocx as regards Uuahty2 K7" and Prices ! a No trouble to show goods. Win be pleased to see yon one and all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. oct 4 8ifrn of the Show Caw. CHAS. KLEIN, (Mertater ani Cabinet Mer. Princess Street, In Basement of the Journal Building WILMINGTON, K., a pS A fine asiertment of Coffins and Gas kets constantly on hand. Famitare Repaired Cleaned and Tarnished. Orders by tele rraph or mall promptly filfe. nov SDecial IiDcenens r H VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1880. NO. 197 We publieh elsewhere on this page tbo very latest tews from Indiana. It i date.1 at Washington. 3.30 P. ax. It ii Iron a gentleman who has excellent op- nortniiities lor luroismnz a correct re- pott a&d is therefore reliab'e. And still we believe that Indiana has gene Demo cratic Tivo and a half millicn3 ot tropical V oranges wero received in the past six months at Sao Francisco from the French islands of Tahiti. , They kayecome in about-equal numbers every month from March to September, showing that the tree are in rerpetual bearing The Turks have agreed to the surren der of DulcigDO This ought to be a cvuse of great rejoicing witn the Pcwers, a it relieves tbem from a very embarras sing position.' Had tbe bice man rex mained obstinate be might have caused a complete backdown and a backout on the part of tbe allies. Horatio Seymour drives fronr his farm to Utica every day; He has an office there. His property consists mainly of Eastern farms and Western lands . He says that an American ia always seeking some new fields of venture, while a Ger man will take a farm and remain on it until it ia paid for.' He thinks Massa chusetts will become an Irish State. The lines of railway in the-five divl sionsof the earthcostf in round numbers, $19,000,000,000 and would, according to Baron Kolb reach eight times round the globe, although it is but little over half a century since the first railway worked by steam was opened between Darlington and Stockton, Sep. 27,1825; and between Manchester and Liverpool, Septi' 15, .1830. The murder of Sheriff McCorkle in Shelbyville, Ind., was a most outrageous affair. Ha watf- shot down in cold-blood while in the simple discharge ot his duty. Ha was buried on Sunday and was follow- ed to the gravd by 5.0Q0 people. Had this cowardly outrago occurred ia the South there would have been a terrible outcry in tbe Nortlr. As it is it seems to have attracted but little attention, The Republican Legislature of Ohio gerrymandered the Congressional districts of the State so as to give themselves four teen and the Democrats six members of the next delegation. In the present Con gress there are eleven Democrats and nine Republicans. If under this parti san apportionment toe . iiepuoucans should get a majority of the delegation at this election they will not fail to crow over it as a great political victory. Mrs. Margaret Glennon, a respectable lady, was shot at Ellenville, N. Y., about three weeks ago, by a woman named Sarah Dalloway, duricg the progress cf a Republican parade. The murderess is a violent Republican female. As Mrs. Glennon was on her bed there was a Re publican precession abroad and they were especially requested not to pass the housa but they not only did so but fired a cannon several times immadiately'in front of the nouse. rue nervous shock was so great that Mrs. Glennon died from its effects cn Monday, This is the valiant party which not only wars on old women and chil dren but on sick women as well. Tl ha cmpagin of 1834 was opened in New York on Monday night. It was a military pageant, gotten up In honor of the empire that is to be inaugurated should the revolutionists succeed in their designs. Yesterday's Sun tells us that : In numbers, discipline and brilliancy of display, the parade of the Republican club3 of New York and vicinity m honor of Gen. Grant, was all that its projectors had planned. The procession had the air of a military pageant, rather than a civic demonstration, and the casual spectator might readily have taken the show for a procession of soldiery. The arrangements for the parade had been long and carefully prepared. The railroads were induced to run excursion trains from' Philadelphia, from Trenton, Newark and other cities in Nevr Jersey ; trorq the towns up the Hud son River and elsewhere ; John H. Starin -sent out his steamboats to bring Republi cans from various points free cf charge. Republican mill and factory owners were asked to put their employes in line, and woikingmen who would not otherwise take the day off were told that they would be paid with Republican campaign money. Officeholders were assessed lor uniforms, torches, and other equipments, and proba bly 30,000 men were turned oat to march with penip and glitter in review before Geh. Grant. There were real muskets and sham muskets, genuine cannon, lances and battle-axes in this procession of po litical soldiers. Helmets and shields and military caps, epaulettes and swords, were as plenty in tne streets as tney were nine- teen years ago ,. Daily West Virgin ii ;his gone Democratic. This much is at lat sure. Coukiing said a fev days sinoo tha In diana and Ohio were worthless to the Re publicans without New York. In reponse tne bi;New Yo k dailiea assure Mr. C. that New York is god for at least 50.000 majority for Hancock. "local newsT New Advertisements. E H Kih, eecty Second Ward Deaic- cratio Club Yates School Booke School Pookfe. HaiasBiBaaa The LUe and Military Ca reer of General W infield S Hancock The Indian Summer Is at its meridian now. The receipts of cotton at this jort to day foot up 051 bales. Save your money and buy fonr Build Supplies from Altaffer & Prices Hard workers are usually honest. In- dastry lifts them above temptation. The newest, latest, bes and cheapest at Rosenthal's. t The water in he Cape Fear is very low and the boats run with much difficulty. The finest stock of Ladies1 Foxed, Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen thal'b. t If you havn't got sunstruck up to date, the chances are that you are safe until next year. Where la that crowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. f "Bab's Ballads" and other books be longing to Rev. Dr. Patterson have been loaned out. The borrowers will please return them to the owner. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and szes, at Altaffes, Fsicx (SCO's Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Why is paper money more valuable than gold? When you put it in your pocket you double it, and when you take it out you find it still increases. Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Rosen thal'b. t A Challenge. The proprietors of I Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup herewith callenge the Doctors of the United States to pre scribe a remedy which is cheaper, mcra effective and which can give greater sat. isfaction than theirs. Dancing'lessons given free at Rosen thal's: Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t We are truly glad to learn that informa tion was received here this morning from New York to the effect that Dr. M. J. De. Rosset's condition has improved some what. Rice birds are about played out. No so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f Cotton on Fire. Tba steamer Z. Murchison, which arrived here this morning from Fayette- i ville, had on a lighter, which she was towing 125 yards to the rear of tne steamer, 802 bales of cotton. This was partially covered by a tarpaulin. When about ten miles abjva the citjr fir j was discovered among the cotton. Capt. Garraeoajmmed lately rang the bell to ra verse the engine and ordered out his fire brigade with buckets and hose but before hs could get alongside the lighter It seemed as though its entire car go was one mass of flames. Everybody went to work with a will and in a short time about one-half of the carxo was overboard and the fire on the remainder fully under control, Capt. Garrasen left a force at that point to put out the flames on the floating cotton and then steamed on to the city, arriving here about 12 o'clock. Ho landed what re mained on tha lighter, and about 2:30 left here to pick up and secure that which he had thrown overboard. It is , impossible, as yet, to estimate correctly the loss,although that itis thought it will not exceed ten per cent, of the cargo, say $1,500. The cotton all belonged to Messrs Williams & Murchlson, and was insured with Messis, Atkinson & Manning. The origin of the fire, Capt. Garrason thinks, must suiely hava been from a spark from the smokestack. Tbe wind was blowing almost a half-gale at the time from the North. Ton can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi'b Hardware Depot. JLlb-lLi V 1. L A V v a THE LATEST. rndiana in Dunbt-Ohlo Republican and West Virginia Democratic (Special to Daily Review ) Washington C, Oct 13 3.30 PM. The very latt st news here up to thiB hour, relative to the elections yes'erday in Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia, is that Indiana ia claimed by both parties with the chtnees ostensibly in favor of the .Republicans; Ohio has gone Repub lican by an iucrcasad majority and with a gain of from four to'six Gjogressraen, and West Virginia is Democratic by from ten to twelve thousanl. Jacobus, Columbus County Politics. The sturdy Democracy of glorious old Columbus county are fully aroused to the importance of, and the momentous inter 03t8 involved in, the approaching elec t'.on. The local candidates are making a most thorough and exhaustive cria.-s of the ccunty and are doing a nob e woik. Col. T. P. Toon the candidate for Rep resentative to the General Assembly, is doing yeoman service In the cause, while Capt. V, V, Richardson, the candidate for the Senate for tbe Senatorial district em bracing the counties of Columbus and Robeson, is working with untiring zeal for a DemocratlcABUccess., Col. T0on has never canvassed the county before as a political candidate, yet be discusses the issues of the campaign with much force and ability and will reflect honor upon bis constituency. The public life of Capt Richardson is too well known throughout the State to require comment from us Capt. John W. Ellis, one of the favorite eons of Columbus county, has also given the benefit of bit experience and knowl edge of political life to tha cause, and ha s made several splendid speeohes. On Saturday last (the 9th inst.) Major C. M, Stedman, of Wilmington, addressed the Democracy of Columbus, in the Cour room at Whiteville, and made a ringing telling speech. He discussed the issues a stake in a masterly manner and added new bonds to the friendship which the Democracy of that county have ever enter tained for him. Although defeated before the Convention at Fayetteville, Major Stedman rose high above the petty jealousy of small minds and paid a glowing tribute to the worth of Mr. Shackelford, and urged upon;the patriotic citizens of Columbus to march in solid phalanx to the polls on the first Tuesday in November and deposit their tickets for the party, State, County and Congressional. He was listened to with that profound attention which his able effort so richly merited. Yesterday (Thursday, the 12th icst.) tho three candidates for Congressional honors. Shackelford. Cauaday and Kornegay, according to appointment addresssed the voters of Columbus county in the Court Room at Whiteville. Mr. Shackelford was introduced to his audi tors by Capt. John W. Ellis in a few felicitous and appropriate remarks, and after a brief explanation of the position be occupied, he commenced the real work he had come to perform. And thorough ly and gloriously did he do that work. He first paid his respects to Mr. Kornegay, he Greenback candidate, showing him up in bis true colors as the coadjutor and helper of the Republican party. He then directed his attention to Mr. Canaday, the Republican candidate, whom he hand led without gloves. His isteners were xx the best of humor from the outset, and in a speech of an hour's duration he spoke te a delighted audience. Everybody was please with his speecb,which was re lly a grand and effective effort. The univer sal opinion relative to his visit to White ville was satisfaction and delight, end X Columbus is sure to give him the full strength of her Democratic vote. True to the principles of free government and civil liberty as the needle to the pole, there will be no faltering in her Demo cratic rants on the day of election, but all will march shoulder to shaulder tc the polls and deposit their votes for tba can didates of the party. Cotton Gin Burned. We regret to learn that the cotton gin of Mr. Sherard Barksdale, of Sampson county, caught fire from a spark yester day and was entirely consumed, together with 100 bales of cotton that were stored near the gin house at the time. There was no insurance, we are norry to hear, on either the gin or t' cotton, and the loss falls altogether on Mr. Barksdale. A large stock of children's school shoes to select from at Rosenthal's. - f ! Proposed Reception to Col. Wad itrll. We ieorn that tbe friends in this city of Hon. Aifrel M. Waddelt con'emplate giving him a reception and a hearty wel come when ho returns home from his campaign tocr in tbe North. Col. Wad dell, we hear, will not return to Wilming tan untP Ve latter part of October, but will be ii i in time to put a Hancock, Jar vis and Shackelford vote in on the 2d day of November next. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knifr, also TabU Cutlory, at Jaoohis Hardware Deoot. , f econd Tard Meeting. The Democrats of the Secoud Ward aro requested to moot at the Court House to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. J. H. Carrie will address the meeting. Turn out, Hancock, Jarvis and Shack elford men and let us' count noses to see where we stand and how strong a line of battle we can form. It is no time to f .liter low. Tha man who is not willing to work in this campaign is neither a good Democrat nor a patriot. Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer fc Price's. f DIED. PEAKS ALL At his reflidanea on Muad boro Sound, at 2 o'clock, this A. M Mr. J I T 1)13 1 1 T a. raAno&JUij. The friends and acquaintances of the fam ily are requested to attend the funeral on nasonDoro Bound, to-morrow, at 12 o'clock I3ew Advertisements. Second Ward Democratic Club. rpHE BEOUND WARD Democratic Club will hold the first of its series of regular meetings at the Court House at 8 o'clock, to- w 1V1J lguiVVlUV TUbDi in the Ward is earnestly requested to attend and to beoome a member of the Ward Club. The meeting; to-morrow evening will be aaaressea dj j. a. tmrrle, Esq. By order of the President, cct 13-2t . H. KING, Ssct'y Election Tickets, JOINTED AT LOWEST RATES. Ar E. 8. WABROCK'S Job Office Corner Chestnut and Water sts In Review Building.- oet? IMotice- T WILL ATTEND AT H. BDRKfllMER'S Store on Thursday, 14th day of October, to receive taxes. Parties in Wilmington owing tikes in Brunswick County, take notice. i shall levy after 1st November. j. E. W. TAYLOR, ost9-4t Sheriff of Brunswick Co Come and See. J HAVE JDST RETURNED from the North with a beautiful line of Hats in all STFLES and QUALITY, which I will be clad to show to mv friends and the nubile. and which I propose to sell at BOTTOM I JNO. M. ROBINSON, Market st., next door to Mcllbennv's. r et 9 Notice. fJIHE FIRM OF HARRIS3 A HOWELL was dissolved by mutual consent on the 6th mit, GEO. HARRISS. i A, J. HOWELL. rpHE UNDERSIGNED will continue the Shipping and Commission Business under the firm name ef GEO. HARRISS A CO. octll-3t GEO. HARRIS?. Miss E. Karrer, (Successor to Hisses Krrer k McGowan,) jyILLLERY, Ladies', Misses', and Child ren's Clothing, No: Q South Frcnt street. btunpiasr. Hair Work, and Hair Goods of every description on hand and made to order. uraers taken for LAie Uutfitsa Orders by mail will receive rromot attention, P. U. Box 30L - oct It Arrived THE FIRST New River Oysters OF THE SEASON AT ! oct a .7 PLEASB ITOTICE. W will beg? ad to receive ecmmuakatlon from our friends oa mj acd all! subjects o feaeral Interest but! The name cf tie writer must always be far tlshed to the Editor. -' -' V . Communications am!! written; cn'oalr one aid of the japj. FersoaaUtiet man voided. And It Is especially im pai-UculaTtyixader stood that the Editv t w not always isdorie the views of correspfrniKiu, culms; stated ia the editorial eola caa. New Aavertisemonst. Tne Life and Military Career cf GENERAL WINFIELD S. HANCOCK. JiD ALSa CONTAINS a succinct Eio graphical Sketch cf Hen. Wra. E. Crliih, by John W Fr...- '-'.Sketches ? A V LI r K iS 3USIA, o Bt F. V. Greene t ur tale at oet 13 HEINSBEROKES RflcGowan's JEW 8ALO0N, 16 Mrket st , is now open. Best of Liquors, and the best ia the city. Oyetors, e!c. Every . thing new, nsat, nice and of the best quality: ' JAMES II. McROWAN, octll-tf Btarcopy No. IC Market st School for Young Ladies. MISS HART, Principal Assisted by Miss M. B. BROWNt . Instrumental Music tanht by MRS. M. P. TAYLOR. Instruction in Drawing and Paiatlaff ty urns, tu, Um lAKSLEx. rpHE NEXT SESSION WILL OPIN TUESDAY, the 5th of October. Punctual attendance at the beginninVthe session is highly important. For terms and particu lars, apply, after September 28th, to the fept 20-mw-fri-7t , PRINCIPAL. '; School Bocks LARGE STOCK "aT REDUCED prices. Old Books taken ia part payment for New Books upon first introduction. Headquarters ior all Text Books used ia the Public and Privats Schools. Special terms to country Merchants and Teachers. ocU C. W. YATES. Another Cargo NEW RIVER MILLET I-arg:c? Bright and Fa I. Hall & Pearsali. Bricklayers Wanted. PPLY AT WILMINGTON A Weldcn Bail Road Stops, to oct&lw R. S. RADOLIFFE. PlDmbing and Gasiittin rr THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully an nounce that ther hlTfl nnnn1 Plnmh. ing and Gasfittiog establishment in the Lnmi den building on North Front street, where withl a ood stock: they will be pleased to receive orders in their line. Tht urire Pump a t pecialty. oct9-tf B. H. si a. URANT. House Furnishing rjEia IS. IMPORTANT both is regards health and comfort. My stock la this line will compare well with any la North Ctro- isa, . BED BLANKETS, ' CRIB BLANKETS. WGITE AND COL'D SPREADS COTTON AND LINEN SHEETING In all widths. LACE SETTS FOR BEDS& PILLOWS, LACE LAMBREQUINS, ' 1 LACE CURTAINS,' CORNICES, CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHsi MATS, RUGS, i &c. oet 12 B. 1L McLBTIRE. Bird Food, && JT HAVfi JUST RECEIVED a fresh, sapply of prepared IfocklB aadCaaary Bird Food. a.liaatJwrtmtntofToxlet Soa,TofUt J. H HARDINfl, iiccaiyt oet4 ! KewUuUU