f ' AUTUMN WOODS. Mountains bending, C S3l2S5never ending. 2 1 mioa Tnood on every kpe. UKSr? blushes. , MJ'l?lheflbn?uiug bushes the vision ou us rushes iSi tK Uy height of hope. Crimson, yellow, W.reSw and billow! Hih EF and willow tbe trophies of the year. U Thus we render ,bA;Se0afrinPJSsarVender. . Kntfprid, and pleasure tender , VSen our days are iu tLe tear. pown they shiver ! n.iafce and quiver! .vwittaad silent river. 0n 1 the current glides forever .wKeCaUnd windy tea! ro- Sifting, sowing. l)rlftiug.blOWlU8:. i v- thev-re lioatiug-gally going retrivesofmena-tlowins L1 - life that la to ber ,l0tue-We inai18 '-Modern Argo. Traveling Etiquette. The fashionable girl now lays her u i , .1 . , .. f ttct.. mole Oil ID6 BUOUiuct ui iii.v. .-inwhn traveliDcr. according S Cincinnati Eoquiier writer, wfco vs- 'The nicest girls do it, and thej Bt; bo demare. eo innocent, bo unoon Soasio their manner, that nobody a'd deem the prsetice harmfuL Thfv have the unconcerned air of ,ing a pillow. This woald have been reurebensible a year ago; now fashion Ind motbera permit it. Bat the man moat not bo forget himself as to slyly tua the girl. If be does, the pops bolt upright and will lean to him no more forever. That is new but ap proved etiqnette . Hall'a Journal of Health Facts About Heart Disease. When an individual ia reported to have died of 4difioie ct the b,eart,' we are in the haoic of regarding it an inevitable event, as something which coald not have been foreseen or pre veated, and it is too much the habit, when persons suddenly fa'l down dead to report the heat' as the cause; this silences all inquiry and investiga Hon and saves the trouble and incon venience of a repulsive 'post mortem.' A truer report would have a tendency to save many lives. It ia through report of 'disease of the heart' that maDj an opium eater is let oil" into the grave, which covers al once his folly and his crime; the brandy drinker, too, quietly slides round the corner 1 thua and is heard of no more; inaaort, this 'report' of 'disease of the heart is the mantle of charity which the poh tio coroner and the sympathetic physi cian throw around the graves of 'gpn teel people.' At a late scientific congress at Stras burg it was reported, .that of fcixty-eix persona who had suddeuly died an immediate and faithful post mortem showed that only two persons had any heart affection whatever ; one sudden death only in thirty-three from dis ease ot the heart. Nine out of six y six died of apoplexy one out of ev ery seven while fortj-3ix more than two out of the three died of lung affections, half of them of 'congestion of the lungs,' that is, the lungs were bo full of blood they could not work ; there was not room for air enough to get in to support life. It is, .then, of considerable practical interest to know some of the common, every day causes of this 'congestion cf tha lung3,' a disease which, the figures above being true, kills three times ai many persons at short warning as apoplexy aud heart disease together. Cold feet ; tight Bhoes ; tight clothing ; cos ti?e bowels; eitticg still until chilled through after having been watmed up by labor or a long, hasty walk; going too 6uddenly from a close, heated room, as a lounger or listener or speaker, while the body is weakened by oontinued application or absti nence, or heated by the effort of a long address; these are fruitful cause of sadden death in the form of 'conges- tion or the luDgs; but wuica Deing falsely reported as 'disease of the heart,' and regarded as au inevitable event, thrown npnnlH nfr Hn-ir pniril. , . D ' inatfiftfl nf rtninhincr Him r)liiiv' tr w rt.u III f J - V the true causes, all of which ure avoid bie, and very easily so, as a general rule, when th mind I ma tipn once intelligently drawn to the subject. A REIGN OF TERROR. are suffering and have never tried it (lb so at once ; inose wno nave ever tried it do not ned to be urgsd to do so again. If your DrugLt has not got it send $1.50 to our address, and it will "be mailed to you. Sole Agents in America, Lobdell Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. je ll-ecd&w-Cm. . Arcuud the World A fame that is world-wide and acquired in the short space of a few years, must have true merit for its support. Dr. Force's Family Medicines have gained such fame and the foreign ordera tor his Golden Medical Discoverythe greatest blood purifier 'of the ae, for his Jieasaat Purgative Pellets (little sugar-coated pills) hia Favori.'o Prescription wuman'a beet friend and others remedies tec-me so great, that a branch ofthe World b Dis rieD6ary has been es'abhsbed in Loudon, England, for their manufacture. From this depot they are shipped to every part of Europe, and to the East Indies, China, Japan, and other countries. Their sale in both North and South America is per f.'Ctly enormous and increases yearly. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Buffalo, N Y., and Great Iluseli Street Buildiugp, London, Eng. IVjyal Centre, Cb Cx, Ind , Feb. 23 h, 1879. Dr. R V.Pieecs: Dear Sir 1 take p!ea?ure in uniting mv testimony with others in regard to r ttur valuable medicine. For a long time I have sulf .-red from disease of the lungs and until I used your Discovery found nothing that did rue any good. Thanks to it, 1 am relieved and recommend it to all. Yours truly, MARY KEN MEL. Tho Alarming Increase o mm a rieart Disease and tho Symptoms which Precede It Leading to Scientific Investigation and an Attempt to Check Jts Increase. The Wonderful Properties of "Seda- une-de-India" and how to Properly TJsa It- Facts of Importance for All Regard ing a mew discovery. Q Tho mortality statistics of tliis country how that a great proportion of deaths nae irom Heart Disease. iut aside from the fatality which attends it, the inconve nience and suffering which even thefifot Btges bring, make it necessary to take prompt measures for relief. Undoubtedly lbe sreateat lemedy of modern times for Juf diseases of the Ileart U "Sedatine. fllndia," which is accomplishing such "uuuernu results and attracung so much "tentioo. This great remedy possesses iagredients .sneciallv deslrami fr.r all th numerous troubles of the Heart. The combination h? the result of long and care- experiment, and it can be safely as wrtea thavwhen taken In time it will cure very case. Do you ever have Night r6' pressed feeling in side and breast, yjeguJar Action, Throbbing, Jumping, C&ring' Momtttary Stopping, Slow "mptoms 0! Heart Disease. Those who - Wilmington District Fourth round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South Whiteville, at Shi!oh .' Oct 16-17 Topsail, at Union. , . Oct 2324 New River....... Oct 27 Onslow, at Queen's Creek.. . . . Oct 30-31 Duplin, at-Wesley Nov 6-7 Clinton, at Clinton Nov 13.-14 Coharie, at Newton Grove. . . .Nov 2021 Let EVERY OFFICIAL MEMBEtt be SUre to boat the fourth quarterly conference. Dear Brethren, let us PBE3S the battle all over the District and look to God FOB VI0T0BY.- L. S. BURKEEAD, Presiding Elder. Magnolia, N. C, Aug 18, 1880. WBOLSSALD 7XLXOES. I have suffered from a kidney difficulty for the past ten years, accompanied with nervous spasms. Physicians gave me but temporary relief, but after using three and one half bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver cure,- my nervous spasms were entirely relieved. My age is il years. I recommend this great remedy to all suffering from nervous troubles. MRS. MARY REESE. E as ton, Pa. Miscellaneous. CELEBRATED STOMACH Tho accumulated evidence of nearly thirty years shows that tho Bitters is a certain remedy. -for malarial disease,' as well as its surest preventive; that it eradicates ayspepsia, constipation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a tendency to coat, rheumatism, urinary and uterine disorders, tha. it imparts vigor to the feeble, and cheers the mind while it invigorates the body. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers .Generally. Benj. F. Grafton, , Stout B. Ladd, II albert E. Paine. Late Commissioner of Patents. Pat e nf s PAINE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorneys-atLawand Solicitors of AmerU can and Foreign Patents. 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D C. Practice paten4, law in all its branches in the Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. - an 28 We Offer 15Q BagBKIO COWEE, EW Befined Suar 1000 Bbla Ooo1 FlouV 00 Kegs and BcxesBoda, 200 Boxefl Pot&3b and Lve, 200 Boxes Lfttndr7 SoP " OHO Bo8 Candlej aad 8Uroh. . ' 3C0Bgi8hotJ J 00 Boxei dBbls Crackers asd Cakes jOO Boxea Dry Salted Sides. At Low Prices, oct 8 HALL it FEARS ALL. The following auouuoru represents wholeiaU prices enerjuly. In mating vp suli ordera hihe price Eavs to be eb rgtid BAOUIJfO 3 & .... IK a BACON North Carolina, H&mx, V d 8houldar, V Hides, V D Wertern Bmoked Bams. Bidet, V fi M. . Shoulders... Dry Salted . Bidet, V . Shoolden. V fi..........M 'BF Lire weight. aAKKJBLB Hpiritj Turpenuae Second Hand, each New Tork,eack, new L' K Kb W Ai Id.... BRICKS Wilmington, V M Northern BUTTED North Caxolina Jh Northern, Ib..........M... CANDLES Sperm B Tallow, f .M. Adamantine,!? set...... GHEESir . Northern Faotory, 2 ... Dairy cream, P Htate; v m COFFEE Java, V & 10 Q b Q IS O 10 t VA9 9 1 93 23 00 90 12 25 25 lJ It 14 10 28 0 e 2 0 & 8 11 G 9 & & o & Bio, y lb UX9 18 & Lazavra, V E) CORN MEAL bushel.... COTTON TIES bdl 1 75 0 2 DOMESTIC 8heetin,i-4 yard....... Q Yarn, bonth 1 10 Q TiBH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl.M.16 No. 1, bbl ........ 8 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl....l2 No. 3, J bbl .. 6 Mackerel, No. 3 bbl.. ...00 13 11 . 6 U 9X 00 2X 75 00 21 00 0? 18 S3 40 10.H 15 15 11 SO 20 20 75 60 7 23 Mullet, 9 bbl. N. C. Herring, IFkez Dry Cod, V ........ FLOUR Fine, ? bbl Super, Northern, bbl... Extra do " bbl... Family " bbL.. City MillEx,.8uper V bbl... " FamilyVbbL.. " Ex. Family V bbl... 1EBTILIZEBH Fernvi&n Guano, 9 2000 Iba.OO 00 75 50 00 00 EC 50 7 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 36 00 600 O 6 6 3 6 G & o Q & G G O O (Carolina Fertiliser " Kavasiauuano, Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate ' Wando Photphate, " Wiloox,.(iibb Co., " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 " 00 00 ma nipulated Guano. ...... ...00 00 8 70 68 67 50 70 "i S5 20 10 85 10 11 GLUE V 2) GRAIN Corn,stora,'S 562bs Corn, cargo, 66 iob Corn,yeL, V busheL Oats, V bushel Peat, cow, V bushel........ HIDES Green, 2 Dry, fi) M HAY Eat tern, p 100 Es... North Rivtr, 100 lbt.... HOOP IBON $;ton LARD Northern lb North Carolina ? LIMJS V Dbl . LUMBER City steam ta wd Shipstnlf,re8awed,iMft.l8 00 Rough edge plank, 3? M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, M ft.. .13 00 Dressed fiooring,teasoned. 15 00 Boantling and boards, com mon, Mft. 12 CO MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl 37 Cuba, bbls. , 1 gal 39 Sugar house, nnds. gal. 35 " " bblt. gal... U7 Orleans Choice bbls. f? siL 0 J NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k,gJba8is uiijs kerosene, gai Lard, gal Linseed, t? gal Rosin, TP gal. PEANUTS V busheL POTATOES -Sweet, V bus. Irish, Northei-n, bbl..... 2 PORK Northern, city mess. 17 Thin, bbl 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra). 00 00 Rump, V bbl ....00 00 C70 640 40 067 040 040 045 0 0 0 & & 0 O O 0 & 00 60 25 75 00 0 00 50 50 50 25 75 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 63 63 62K 7b 12 25 15 90 13X 00 14 70 75 25 63 00 25 50 20 018 IS 25 014 0 ,0 0 & 0 e 3 0 0 00 00 oo 00 00 00 75 RICE Carolina, East India, y n Rough, busheL.... BAGS Country, 2 1 Gity.tfiS) 7 00 10 1 0 0 0 0 2 018 000 000 00 000 00 0 eo 50 50 00 00 0 0 i 85 0 00 0 0 CO 0 90 10X0 100 0 9 0 940 0 ROP Hemp... 133 Manilla 14 SALT Alum, t? aack...... 70 0 Liverpool, sack American V ack ............ Marshal's tine, 8aok..,M Cadis y tack SUGAR Cuba, D.. .. Forto Kico, V O. A- Coffee, lb , B " V lb...... C " V B.. Ei C 9 . Orushod lb BOAP Northern, V 2 SHINGLES Contract, 6 Common. 9 M 2 STAVES W. O. bbl. "S M.12 ROhhd. E ....00 00 TALLOW TP Hi u 5 TIMBER Shipping M ...12 00 iMill, extra per M ...... 10 00 Mill, prime perM 10 00 Mill, fair per M ............... 8 00 Common, per M.... .5 00 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 4 WHISKEY North'n,pergl 1 North Caroina, per gal... 2 WOOL Unwashed, per lb... Washed. jer lb... Burrr wool, per lb... 00 25 IX 5 00 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 10 00 11 00 10 nx IX 50 75 616 00 000 00 0 CO 015 00 0 0 0 60 25 00 IS 35 18 014 012 0 9 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 CO 20 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. CV Large Sample Rooms lor Commercial Travelers. rpHE PROPRIETOR bavin thorough!) renovate! this House and famished it entire ly new, Is prepared to give to the travt.ing public all the oanvenitneiea of a FIRST- CLASS HOTEL. It is located in the vary osntr of the business part of the city, being convenient to the principal business houses, Potto&oe, Custom House, City Hall and Court House. 9"A Firit-ClaM Bar and Billiard Saloon connected with this HoteL RATES t2 PES DAY. ootl F. A. SCHUTTB, CLYDE'S AND Wilminaton- U. C. Steamship Line. TUE STEAMER 6 BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES, tfAIL FROM NEW 03 SATURDAY, Oct. :16. C. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamert as advertised. For Freight Engagements applj to THOS. E. BOND, Bup't, Wilmington, N. C. TH tO. G. EGKR, Freight Agent, New Tork. WM. I'. CLYDE A CO., 35 Broadwaj, New York. oc 4 For Rent. GOOD tTORS for country trade,on Ma-ket street, between J'l'BL ond and Third. AhoRosms. Apply to THE McKOYS, A tt rneys and Counsellors at Law. ceptl9-if Star oopy Valuable Land for Sale. WHEREAS CALVIN BLACK and wife, flora B. Black, of the countv of Rob eson and Btate or North Carolina, on the 1st day of October, 1875, made and executed a mortgage to the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company of the city of Raleigh and State aforesaid, to secure fif teen hundred dollars due by note dated October lit, 1875, bearing interest from date at 8 per cent, in terest due on the lBt day of April and Octo ber of each year, and payable two years af ter date, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Register's Office in the county of Rob eson and State aforesaid, in Book Q. Q, page 78, on the 11th day of October, 1875, which (note) said mortgage with the power of sale therein contained, and Baid note was on the 6th day or January. I860, duly transferred and assigned to the subscriber, who is now the owner and holder thereof, and the full amount 01 the said nots secured by the said mortgage is how due, except the interest up to the 1st day of October, 1878. and whereas default has been made in the payment of the said note secured Dy the said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the said premises' by virtue of the power contained in the said mortgage, which sale will be made by the subscribers at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door, in the town of Lumberton, county and State aforesaid, on the 25th day of October, 1880, at 12 o'clock, noon. The following is a description of the said mortgage premises : A tract of land lyicg and being in the county of Robeson and Btate of North Carolina and bounded on the North by the lands of Neill McNeill, on the East by the lands of M. McNeill, the heirs of Henry McNeill, deceased, and Daniel McCallum. ob the South and West by the lands of Daniel Mc Arthur, J. C. Mctiachin, Hugh Johnson and Col. P. P. Smith, and containing about eight hundred acre?, more or less, the bound aries of which will more fully appear by re ference to the said mortgage recorded as aforesaid. The said tract of land will also be sold at the same time and at the same place and on the same terms under a mortgage executed by the said C Black to John A. Gilchrist, on the 4th day of September 1877, to secure a note of $679.92 which mortgage is now held and owned by J. C. McOaskill,and is record, ed in the same office in Book T. T., page 945, on the 21st day of February 1878. JOHN A. GILCHRIST, Mortgagee. W.F.Feekch, Attorney. Lumberton, N. C, Bept 18, 1880. sept 20-ta Miscellaneous. BaggiDg, Ties, Twine, 1,4C0 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 4,500 Handles New and Pieced Ties, 1,000 Lbs Cotton Bagging Twine. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1,200 Bbls flour, Super io Extra Family, 2:0 Boxes Pork Strips, Smoked and D S Sides, 2C0 lihdi and Bbla Porto Rico, New Crop Cuba and xew Orleans Mclasser. Sugar. Coffee, &c. 700 Bbla Fngar, Cut Loaf, GraLulatec" Standard A, Extra O and C. 275 Bags Coffee, Kio, Laguyra and Java, 100 Boxes Pare Assorted Candy 160 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 175 Boxes Starch, 200 Boxes Lye and Pol ash, 1?5 Boxes Laundry Scap, Tobacco, Snuff, Paper, Matches, Shot, Pepper, Ginger, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels. Ac. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON, Wholesale Grocera A Commission Mer. Oct 11 Sale of Valuable lUce 1'lantation. Y VIRTUE and in pursuance of a decree f the Superior Court of New Hanover County, made at Jane term, 188 ), in the case of A. D. Brown azaiaat J. E. Winaats, et al, I will, on Moaday, the 1st day of November, 1880, at 11 o'clock, A M, at tie Court House door in Wilmington, sell to the nighest bid der, at public auction, for cash, that valua ble Riee Plantation on the Northwest branch Received this Dav. 0 CASES ROEDERER A CO. DRY BOWZY CHAM! AGNE, FSE8H FROM BOND, At Importera.Price. GEO. MYERS, Agent 0 CASEo FRENCH BRANDY, From Bond.thi Day, And for sale atlcporwer'a Prices. Ouly $1 bC for a Bottle of Tmp-ied French Brandy, At GEO. MYERS. 2.j Tubs GluT EDGE BUTTER, 30 CENTS' POUND, Choicest GraaaJButter. WINES A D LIQUORS, of beeCgrades, At Popular Prices. SE0. MYERS, Nos. 11, 13, 16 South Front sL may 27 Bail Road Lines, c. HO MORE OR GOUT CUTEOR OHRONJO A ALieVLICikV SURE CURr U. Manufactured only under the above Trade Mark, by the EUROPEAN 8ALI0YLI0 MEDICINE CO., of Paris and Leipsig. Immediate Relief W arranted. Per rr anen f ure Guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated Physiciaaa of Europe 1 nd America. The highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 cures out of LOO cases within three days. Secret The only diasolver of the poiso 1 eus Uric Acid which exists in the Blood o Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. CURED. CURED. CURED. H S Dewey, Esq., 201 Broadway, Inflam matory Rheumatism. J Leavey, Esq. 456 Washington Market Chronic Rheumatism. Mrs E Towne, 63 East Ninth street, (chalky formations in the joints), Chronic Rheuma tism, A M Prager, 74 Newark avenue, Jersey City, Chronie Rheumatism. John F Chamberlain, Esq, Washington Club, Washington. D C, Rheumatic Gout. Wm E Arnold, E?o, 12 Weybosset street, Providence, R I, of twenty years' Chronic Rheumatism. John B Tursgate. 100 Qanches street, Ban Francisco, Neuralgia and Sciatica. tor Malarial Intermittent and Chronic levers, Chills, or Ague, SALICYLICA IS A CERTAIN CURE, Superseding entirolv the use of Sulphate of (juinine, as it will not only cut the fevers, but will achieve a RADICAL CURE, with out any of the inconveniences and troubles arising from QUININE. 31 a box, six boxes for 85, Sent'free by Mail on receipt of money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR ITS but take no imitation or substitute, as our oalicylica (copyrighted) is guaranteed to re lieve, or money refunded, and will be deliv ered free on receipt of ordera, by calling on or addressing t Washfaurne & Conm SOLEFAGENTS, 212 Broadway, oor. Fulton st. (KnoxiBuilc ing), K. x, feb 28-lydAw. Ha o cock I OUR NEXT PRESIDENT !! Crayon Portraits Life! Size Of our next President and Vice President) Mai. Gen'l W. S. HANCOCK' : Hod. f. H. ENGLISH! Elegant Specimen Copies, 22 x 28, upon Heavy Plated Card 8tock, sent by mail on receipt of 60c, and your address, (Two copies &0 cants.) THEHANCOK PUBLISHING CO., PLAISTOW, N. H. These two Superb Portraits should adorn the Home of every honest citixen of thai and. Ed. Rust Well Auger, Eust Well Drills Ruat Horse Power. THEJBEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL W til boring an ! Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. GAS PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. The most improved Surface Attachments. Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. tv orks nuch faster and with half the labor of any other tools. Auger aLd Drills work bv band or horse power. Drills and Horo power have capacity for 2,000 feet. In use fireyears and no fcilurea. Made from best material and sold, for half the price of others. Send for circulars O. RUT, an 27-lydAw Ft. Joseph, Ms, oi tae uape rear uiver, xnown as "Swasa field". and formerly owned by the late Grif. fifth J MeCee. F. H. DARBY, Gom'r DuB. OuTLAB. PlaintifTa Attorney. oct 11-ts $10 Outfit free, with full inatmctions for conducting the most profitable Business that anyone can engage in. The business ia so easy to learn, and ocr inatructiona are so aim pie and plais, that any one can make great pro fits from tha very start. No one em fail who ia willing to work. Women are as success fal aa men. Boys and girls can earn large auma. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a aingle week. Noth ing like it ever known btfore. All who' en gage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not nave to inveat capital in it. We take ail the risk. Those who nead ready money should write to as at onee. AU furnished free. Address Tana A Co Augusta, Maine oct5-d6m-wlj s m "3 -J&-- a- CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Orvica GaxaaiL yuriamrsjrutar, 1 Wilmington, N. O., Jure 16, 1S5C. Change of ijcmiDinxw ON AND AFTER JUNE 16, 1ES0, the fol lowing Schedule wlU beofcradcn thi? Railway : Passenger, KsiJ and Express Train. Leave Wilmington at..;. 6:00 P 31 Arrive at Hamlet at A H " at Charlotte at.... 7:00 A il Leave Charlotte at.. 8:20 P It Arrive at ilanJetat 1:27 A M " at Wilmington at 0.03 A id No. 1 train is daily except fiuadaj?tut makes no connections u. . KUih ou t ciir days. No. 2 train if daily excef t Satxrisj j. Shelby Division Mail, Frelgbt A Vtzisz r and Express. sX a1 i Leave Charlotte at.........OJ A K w f ArriTe at Shelby at 12:03 II I.ijvmTr riieiui hi.... A at Criftrlott Local Kreight acd Accommodation. " j Afiv at Cfiarlotte at 6;C0 l M Leave i'rviinjru.n t C:i5 A 11 Airive ft' i. - irinbarg, it ..........5.10 i' iU Leave Cl " :tte t. ....4.15 A 1 Ariive at Laurisburi; at....... ...4 00 I' M Leave Laurinborg: at ..5.30 A M Arrive at Charlotte at ,..4.20 P Jt Leave Laurinburg aU. . GO V t Ariive at Wilmington at.. , ..4.1 5 P M These trains leave Wilmington sn i Char -lotte, Tuesdays, Thurrdajs ard tStnriaT.' ; Lanrinburg, Monday?, Wednesdays aid Fridays. . ; Clme connection ai iaamlct to and fri in Raleigh and at Charlotta via tntesrilla io all points in Western North Carolina andto AsheviUe. Also, via Bpartanburg to Hecdersoafile ? adjacent points and Aaheviile. Pasaenaers for AsheviUe via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M. will arrive a destination at 7 P. M. next day. ; Sleeping Car accommodations ch Through Trains to and from Charlotte and Wilming ton. Through Sleepers will also be run to ani' from Raleigh and Charlotte,: Vi Q. JOHNSON, lune 17 General SunerictppdcnL WILMINGTON Si W ELBOfi. OAILB0AD COMPANY. OWCn OF Gl9L DUPSai5TlHDaT Wilmington, N. C, Sept 184 If S3, f CTLANGE OF SCHEDULE On and after September loth, 180. at 8.40 P M, Passenger Trains on tho Wil mington & Weldon Railroad vv 111 rca ns follows DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, dally iS03.il North and 48 Soaih. Leave Wilmington, Front Et. Depot at. Arrive at Weldon at....w Leave Weldon - ---wwwwww Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. uopoi as.. ........ . C BOA j 12 50 J' 3 43 P i: s 4d p J L0 A l 2 15 A 1! 8 40 A h 9 53 ! Night Passenger. Mail and Express Tfa'n? daily Ncs. 42 North and 45 Mouth. Leave Wilmington. Front Ht. - Depot at. .... Arrive at Weldon at Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, FrontUu Depot at Trains on Tarboro Branch Kpsa lourt Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.10 P M di;y. and Tuesday, Thursday and riaturc ay at 6 AM. Returning, leave Tarboro j.t IC'rl A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday a Friday at 8:30 P Mi Train No. 47 iaakea c'osa conceclinn t Weldon for all points North dailr. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via. Bay Line. Train No. 45 runs via Bickmond and Washington, and makes close connection daily to Richmond, and daily except Satur day nights for all points north ot llicfcraon''. Both traina run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers Attached. JOHN F. DIVINE Getsrai fcupi. ' A. POP', Gen'l Freight and Puss. Agent eept 23 WILMINGTON COLUMBIA AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept 18, 1&C, CHANGE OF SOHEDULK, On and after September 19th, 1E0, at 3.50 P M, the following Parsecgor cbedal will be run on this rood Day Passenger, Mail and Express Train, daily Nos. 42 West and 45 East Leave Wilmington....... 9 00 al: Arrive at Florence...... 1 30 P 1: Leave Florence 3 0 A M - Arrive at Wilmington. 8 23 p : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN fD&tly). Nos. 47 West and 43 Ea-t. Leave Wilmington 19 13 P l Leave Florence 2 21AM Arrive at C C and A Junction 4.15 A M Arrive at Columbia 8 15 A II Leave Columbia.- 6 CO P ll Leave C C and A A Jucetion.......12 COM Leave Florence... 2 20 A P. Arrive at Wilmington. 6 HQ A I: This Train stops only at Brinkley', Whiteville, Flenuagton, Fair L'iuJT, zzd Marion. Paaacngera for Columbia, end ill points on G. A C IL K. C, O. A A. R. R, tatlors, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No 47 Night Express Separate Pullman fcueeper j for Charleiton and for Augusta on trsica 47 sad 8. All traina run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JO njVTNE. Rr&l tit. A. POPE, Gen'l Freight and Pais. 2 gent eopt 28 - . , RSew River MUILLiTS Bright and Fat, Jtut leeeired and or taleby Hall & Pearsall . 1 , s - -