i os nv j Aja vtn nmm aJn :.n.iMtnm FOSfTiflE PAID. 9 ,6 00 81sntks, M J Thr. rv. oner will MatUTertw; .iT,rUIs ri Sow asd libera, -Satweriberi will pl report y Aad 7m.,.. to receive tneir paprsregnllj- fall Stock "BROWN & BOBDICK 45 Market street. tnESIBE T. INF KM TH& PUBLIC "Tnera'Ij od Wholesale rathtrayars in ar ticalWi that we are fall up wi h the Cheapest Line! OP 4 ;i9ry bods thftt has ever been offered in this market 30 BUTE visiting this citj will do hlm ealf jaitloe by pawing oar door, as we are tnderielling tie market io miny of the reg alar SHple lines. We bare marked down all goods that be loaf to Summer wear an J a-e f.tleriog to oar patrons. We wo aid call particular attention to the following GENTS' DOQSKIN DRIVING GLOVES Flightly spotted, 75c. Worth $1.50, auocoes ffew 7all Caliooee at all prices In Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons ! We bare laid in a very hear J stock of the aboTe and are offering them at lower figures baa ever. We hare all the popular brands. Cur 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever offered. Linen Randerchiefs, Job at 10 cents. Theee goods require no comment. Give us a Call ! QOATtTKr JP, "DATiTITniT 45 Market' Stl aa 23 To My Friends and Customers- KB. 1 AM ' Whk recein NOW DAILY receiving my Fall stock of and SlioeSsj Consisting of all the 1 My past stock and my success speak for theaillTM, tad I only ask a continuance c your faTori so liberally bestowed cn me H7" Please Call and Examine my E 2"5tock as regards Q,uality0 rjy and Prices I U No trouul t show goods. Will be pleased to tee you one aud all. Beepectfully, C, ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. oct 4 , Pig-n of the 8how Case. CHAS, KLEIN, Oiiemter a?i Cabinet Mater. rnnceii Street, in Basement of tne - Many Special Inaocements Journal Baildii?. WILMINGTON, . o. A fine assortment of Coffins and Gas fttt constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele er mall promptly fl.la f. dot ft r 1 VOL V WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER We give it up. See special? from In dianapolis pulished elsewhere on this page. -. . . , John E. Owens, the actor, has given up the stage for raining speculation in San Francisco. England's 100-ton gun, with 441 pounds of powder, sends a 2,000-pound ball 45 feet into a sand bank. The constitutional amendment 4n Maine, electing, the Governor by a plu rality, has 21,331 majority. . Gold continues to flow into this couc- try, and it is estimated that $4,000,000 in COin and bullion arrived last week from Europe. 1 ,' .... New Orleans handled one-third of the entire cotton crop of the United Spates last year. New York received one-fifth' of the crop. The cost of the postal service during the last' fiscal year was $22,296,269 an increase 02,283,379 as compared with the preceding year. It is a penitentiary offense in Ohio to bay a vote. An exchange regards this as class legislation, as it is aimed at a great republican industry. . Tanderbilt sold 741 city lots in Brook lyn, through an agent, last week, the largest sale of real estate that has taken place in that city since 1855. New York city has school accommo dations for 124,353 pupils; the average attendance is 108,558 and the teachers' salaries aggregate $2,354,50.15. A company has been formed to estab lish telephonic communication across the Atlantic ocean, for which purpose an effort will be made to secure the new French lines. v . A publication; giving the origin and pedigree of all the oldv Virginia families is issued periodically at Richmond. Those who don'.t belong to the:F. F. V.'s have dubbed it the "Court Journal." The Richmond Dispatch puts it thus: "He that ruleth his spirit is better than he that taketh a city. General Hancock is the hero and statesman pointed out by manifest destiny as the mam who will be the next President of the United States." The Democratic State Committee re ports T,000 Hancock and English clubs in the State outside of the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and a membership of over 100,000 in the uniformed clubs of those cities. The total membership of the Democratic clubs in the State re ported up to date reaches 300,000. J. F. Fisher is the truly loyal post master at New Brunswick, N. Jv Emu lating the noble example Bet by Schyler Colfax and Babcock and Jas. 'A. Gar field, he "borrowed" $20,00.0 from a build, ing association of which he was the treasurer. Of course they will let him down easy in consideration of this proof of his loyalty to the tenets and principles of theRepublican party. The charter election was held at New ark, N. J., on Tuesday. It resulted in a majbrity of about 1,700 for the Repub licans, who elected eleven of the fifteen. Aldermen. The only gain is a Demo cratic gain of an Alderman in the Fourth Ward. The' Fifth,1 Seventh and Twelfth wards are Democratic. The next Coun cil will stand eighteen to twelve in favor of the Republicans. The present Coun cil stands nineteen Republicans to eleven Democrats. The joint Democratic and German majority last year , was 3,300, but the city is always Republican unless a special issue arises. Congressman Randall L.-- Gibson, of New Orleans, says in regardto the state ment now generally circulated about Texas being sub-divided into four new states, that the idea of the Democratic party carving up Texas into fonr states is based upon ignorance and is absurd. Texas was admitted into the Union by a joint resolution, and the United States government agreed that whenever Texas saw fit she could divide herself into fonr more new States, making fire States in all. This may be done by Texas at any time, as well under a Republican as un der a Democratic administration, for the right was guaranteed to her , by treaty and is independent wholly of parties. Mr. Nath'l Jacob! bavin; been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Flow, parties !n want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S, Front at. DA LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. J B Baasn Klutz' Chill Carl, Ac HBiasBiaeaa At Kedricei Pricee Craa'a Housa Criterion c;o redy Co Yath -tchool Bookf t- choU f'ook. No City Court to-day. Horse marines should ride fleet quad rupeds.. YViwiow Glass ah siz t itafter & Price's. t Queer kind of a bath immersed in thought. ..- Sweating one's daily bread is a pore way of getting it. It is argued in favor or vegetarianism that hogs eat corn. Diligence is a fair fortune, and indus try a good estate. The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot up 1,505 bale3. A fitting opportunity the- visit to the dressmaker's. A windmill a bout between two po litical speakers. The newest, latest, bea and cheapest at Rosenthal's. t It takes two to make a bargain, and one must pay for the drinks. Love should always rule the court. The camp can shift for itself. Avoid cyclones at sea especially those they pour out of bottles. An excellent ; indication of domestic happiness is the love of one's home. The chief end of man, is now conceded ,to be the end what's got a head on. Every man is presumed to be innocent until yon can prove him a politician. Where is that crowd going ? To Ko3 enthal'b, to buy boots and shoes, .t A cold winter is generally predicted, but it seems somewhat slow in coming. Considering he is corked up, the end man in a minstrel shew makes consider able noise. - Wm. Phinney was taken to the Guard House, to-day for being drunk and down on the streets. What I know about that standard Teraedy Dr. Bull's Cough Srrup: I know that a 25 cent bottle cured me of a bad cough in 12 hours. Spirits turpentine is again on the boom, the market having having ad vanced to-day from 41 to 44 cents. Ayes's Cherbt Pectoral the world's great remedy for Colds, Coughs and Consumption. T. Bluhm swore out a peace warrant to-day agaitst W. H. Howe, and on trial before a Justice 6f the Peace, Howe was bound over in the sam of $50 to keep the peace for three months. Save your nioney and bay vour BuiM n Supplies from Altaifer & Frice. Messrs. G. D. Parsley and J. W. Southerland will open, in a few days, a livery and sale stable in the building now occupied by Benj. Scott, on Princess street. .The finest stock of Ladies' Foxed. Balmoral and' Button Boots at Rosen thal's. t A physician gives the following as a remedy for the excessive itching caused by mosquito and flea bites and nettle rash: Take of morphine'(sulphate mor phia) and lard equal parts, mix them to gether, and rub on the itching part af ter yon have scratched, as you. will very certainly do. The morphine is absorbed and relief, produced in a short time. In five minutes the itching and burning will be removed.. The same relief will almost certainly follow itching produced by other causes. Ton can bay No. 1 Cooking and Heat in2otovesat almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. L,o ids Club. At a meeting of this Club, held last night, the following officers were elected, viz: President J. H. Darham. Vice President R. F. Hamme. Secretary and Treasurer F. L. Meares. Governing Committees J. H. Durham, R. F.1 Hamme, F. L. Meares, N. H. Quince, R- M. Dix, R. C Cantwell, E. J. Lilly. A large stock of children's school shoes to select from at Rosenthal's. t Personal. We were glad to receive a call this afternoon from Mr. James G. Charles, of the Tarboro Southerner, a friend of auld lang syne. Mr. Charles has been on a visit to his friends and relatives in Pender county for a week past, trying to recuperate a little, and is now, f n route for home and bard work. Uice b:r i8 are about p'ayei tut. No po with thos Scotch aolei at Rkxth ai.'s They last for ever. t A. Cure fur the ltz)oty. An old veterinary surgeon of the Uni ted States Army furnishes the following as a cure for the epizooty to the New York Sun: "Take one pound gum assa fectida mix it with one gallon boiling water; stir the mixture constantlv until the assafectida is all dissolved. Let the mixture cool. Strain and give the horse half a pint every three hours. This will -relieve the horse inside of twelve hour?, and give him a good appetite." Sudden Dfalli. Elisha Lewis, colored, a cooper in the employ of of Messrs Hall & Pcarsail,. who lived in the Eastern portion of the city, died very suddenly yesterday of a congestive chill, it is said. His wife had gone out to work and left him asleep in the bed, but was recalled home during the afternoon by one of her children, with the information that the husband and father was dead. Lewi3 had been unwell for over a week. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and szes, at Altaffeb, Pbick & Co's Democratic Rally. Do not forget the meeting at the Court House this evening, at 8 o'clock. Mr. J. H. Currie will address the Demo, cratic voters of the Second Ward at the time and place above mentioned. Every Democratic voter of the Second Ward is expected to be present. Let all who feel an interest in the election of Han cock and English and the preser" vation cf the constitution of our fathers, that priceless boon of liberty bequeathed us by our noble sires who fought and suffered in the dark days of the revolution that we might be free men, attend prepared to work in real ear nest. This is no idle talk. The election of Garfield is 1880 means the election of Grant in 1884 and the election of Grant in 1884 means empire and imperialism forever in this country. Who can doubt it ? Can any Democrat who read3 this doubt the truth of our utterances ? We trow not. Then rally, Democrats, and do your duty like men and freemen as you are. There i3 tod much at stake in thi3 campaign for any man worthy of the name to exhibit the least indifference. DanciDg'Iessons given free at Rosenthal's- Pump sole boots aDd shoea for the ball room. t Words of Wisdom. It is easier for a man to descend to earth than to mount to heaven. However laborious the life of the good, it is less than that of the bad. True philesophy places us above hon ors, but nothing places us above the en nui they cause. Show me a people whose trade is dis honest, and we will show you a people whose religion is a sham. i Strong minds, like verdant evergreens, are most verdant in winter; when feeble ones, like tender summer plants, are leaf- les?. There are truths which some men dis- pise because they .have not examined, and which they will not examine because they despise. Childhood often hold3 a truth with its feeble fingers, which the grasp of man hood cannot retain, which it is the pride of utmost age to recover. A good moral character is the first es sential in a man. It is, therefore, highly important to endeavor not only to be learned, but to be virtuous. To feel much for others and little for ourselves, to restrain our selfish and to indulge our benevolent affections, con stitute, the perfection of human nature. Is it Possible that a remedy made of such common, simple plants' as Hops, Buchn, Mandrake, Dandelion, &c. make so many and sach marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do? It must be, for when old and vrmnif. rich and Door. Pastor and Doctor. Lawyer and Editor, all testify to bavin? been cured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer. See other column. Post. 14. 1880, NO 9S INDIANA. Tad4.Whele Thing Gone Up-The UepubPcans Sweep the Field- (pcial ti DHr Betiew. ) Indianapolis, Oct. 14 3 P. M. Additional returns received last night and to-d.- show about the same ratio of gains, 'i . Republican majority on State ticket will not fall short of 7,000. Congress will stand 8 Republicans and 5 Democrat?. The Republicans have a majority in both branches of the legis lature. DEMOCRATIC M ASB MEETINGS Mr. John W. Shackelford, the Demo cratic candidate for Congress in the Third Congressional District, and othjer distinguished speakers, will address the people at the following times and places: Bannerman's Bridge, Pender county, Monday Oct. 18. South Washington, Pender county, Tuesday, Oct. 19. Harrell's Store, Sampson county, Wednesday, Oct. L0. Heatty 3 liridge,Bladcn countv.Thurs day, Oct. 21. Point Caswell, Pender county, Friday, Oct White Hall, Bladen county, Saturday Oct, 23. Wilminjrton, Xew Hanover county, Saturday, Oct. 27. Sidbury's Store, Pender county, Fri day, Oct, 20. Stump Sound, Onslow county, Satur day Oct. no. v . - Speaking to commence each day at 12 if"" j.1 a itr-i- x i a! ji. ci-uupuuR at vviimingion, wnere inc ennn Vin cr Tt7 ill oL-" -rln ra of r i rr T" "I -Jjl -r-v ' . - i ' Committee of the Third Congressional District. Evorybodycan get suited with a Pocket Knife,, also Table- Cutlery, at Jacob is Hardware Denot. NowAdvortisemonts. Kluttz' Chill Cure, JJATTER'S LUNG BALM, Marsden'a Pector&l Balm, Brown's. Actcian Balsam, Tamar Iadien, Saaford's Lirer Inyigorator, and a fall lise of I'atent Medicines, Cigar? &C" l J. 11 HARDIN'd, Apothecary, cct H liew Market. .t Eeduped Pricegf. gCHOOL BOOKS AND i SUHOO h STATIONERY. Pare at a and teaohers will .find it to their interest by first calling at nEINSBERQER'3- Pianos and Organs pOR CASH or cn the Instalment plan at ' THE LIVE BOOK AND MU8IO STORE. oct 11 . 1 Two Nights Onlv GRAND ATTRACTION ! Friday and Saturday Evenings, October 15 and 16; Engagement of the UNRIVALLED New York CRITERION COMEDY COMPANY I . in their pre at Comedy success ia 4 acts, F R E A K S, performed by thi Company in erery impOi tant city in America, and erery where receir ed with the most nproraioos delight. AN EXCELLENT CAST 1 Prices $1 ; 60c : gallery. 25c: Bale of reserved . teats commences on Wednesday, October 13, at uelnsberger's. No extra charge for reserved teats, oct 14 Section Tickets, iBINTtD AT LQWSST HATES. At E. h. Jab Office Coriisr Cheetnat and Water sta. In Terjesr Jioilcin?. oct 9 Come and See. J HAVE JUrtT RETURNED fiom the Nort1) with a beauHful line of Bats in all 8TTLE3 atd QUAL TY, which I will be glal to show to my friends and the public, and which I propose to sell at BOTTOM PKI A. JNO. M. ROBINSON, Market st,, next door to Mcllhensy'a. cctO Miss E Karrer, (Snccessor to Misses Karrer & UcOowan,) jyjIlLINERY, LsJifs. Mirscs, and Ckild ren's Clcthing, No. 6 South Front street. btampisg. Hair Work, and Hair Goods of J - ? 1 A I 3 . . every cecenpuoa un uuu mu mmae to order. Orders taken for Ladiea' Outfits Orders by mail will recelro prompt attention. P. O. Box 391. ostli ... i, 1" r-'.ULj.Z ,Jp... i PL2JLSE ITOTIGE. We will beg; ad to receive ecmEEnic&tioT from oar frieais oa ay and all ; sabjostj ? general interett bat : Tfceoaae cf the writer nasi aj ways b far alsaed to the Editor. Communication! rrn w w nif i. j v-u y onetiae orthejapr. Personalities niaVev .tofded. lad it Is especially aitlarijktaiVf stood that tie Editv I s not always ctsicrie the viewtof corre?poairt. anlsif to sfcfrtl in the editorial coin -aa. New AdvortiSGinDnst. Second Ward Democratic Club. rjllIE SKc SD WAIID I cuo ratlc C'ua will hold lh- rt of im leries cfrr nieetinfr. at the Cout UoweatSo'c'o.-k, to morrow ere- ing Krery Democratic T.t-, la th a-1 .-rr.tiv requited t attt nd and to bee-- m-rvrvr ot the Ward Club: The v in- f i.. u.-Mr evenln:; ti'ui co addresuni o. J K r:e. Eta. cc: :: H. -KIM, ftcfy JVPLY AT WILMINGTON i W'cn .-v,,.;.- - - Rit HoAi S! Of i, oct 8.1 w 11. i?. RADtLlFia'.' Plnmbins and 'er.sflUi milE UNDERSIXF.I) r.,-!nr..l!f.-.i; r. A. nounce that ihey harnpponed a l'lutnb injr and Gasfitiirc establifhmcat ia ibe 'Luna- neu Luuaing, on itorth iront street, v.I cro wiin'SRooa fltoct tbey will be pleasci to rcoeire orders in'thair line. "a- Drive Pump a specialty. oct 9-tf K, 11. A t. O. CliANT. HcGowan's JyJEW SALOON, 1C Market it, ( is now open. Best of 'LlqaOre, acd thebo3tia the city. Oystare, etc. Erery - thing new, neat, nice and of the best quality: J A IIES M. 2Icrt07rrAN, oct 11-tf Star eop'y . No. 16 Market at School Books. A LARGE STOCK aY REDUCED prices. Old Books taken in part payment for New Boohs upon fret introduction,. Headquarters for til Tezt Books ujed iatho Publio and Private Echoola. Special ierma to country Merchants a? TeschcrB. oot 4 C. VT. YATES; House Furnisha na: rpHIS 13 IMPORTANT both os iegards health and camfort. Hy stock ia this lice will compare well with any in North Caro lina f BED BLANKETS, CRIB BLANKETS, WHITE AND COL'D SPREADS COTTON AND LINEN SUEETING In ail widths. LACE SETTS FOR BEDS& PILLOVS, LACE LAMBREQUIN , LACE CURTAINS, CORNICES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, RUGS, &d oct 12 B. M. ITcINTIRE. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. O. Large Sample Rooms lor Commercial Travelers; rpHE PiiOPBIETOK havlar thorctrglly renovated this Hoac3 and farnished i. entire lynew.ts prepared to giTe to tLe trance pubUo Hi the conyenlencies of a fI23T. CLA33 HOTEL. It Is located la the very oantre of the basin era part cf the citj, , btlig oonvenient to the orinciDal bcice hnear. Postoffloe, Oos-ni fIon?e, City nH : std Oourt Honse. " - r . &M FlntClass Bar and Milliard Bxlora oonnectel with tMi IloteL , RATES f 2 riJR DAY, , ' , oot F. A. fiOnUTT 5T ArrivecJ TUZ PIBST Wew Rive? Oyster! OF THE SEASON AT" rvloart Saloon ! oct 2 . 9 i r