, i 1 ' PL&18E 50TIOE. . Wa will be g? ad to receiv eommsalcatioa from our frfoada on may and all, rubjeeta o f eaeral InUrert but : , Tht nam of the writer sut alwayi be fur ' fiiahed to the Editor. -s y Oommunlaationj itait be' wrirtenon ontj oaetide of thejapr. THIS P1FIK atwAafi ..hed every - v Vwt . . V J' 4l 35. One ruontl, 50 enU. " lr badUvd by carrier., b AN Fersoaalltiee mM molded. And it U especially j ai CelaTly;u2d er ttood that the Edit not ftlwayf endor i e the vitwi of corresioaioato. uleu to UA' la the editorial oolumnn. I - VOU! V WH.MINGTONN. C..iHOTSD OCTOBER 15. !880. ( NO. 5 19 . ...... ni libwn r.y !l uleftie report anr tad I I 1 - j v- f 1 1 . toe el m, m. K 45 Market street. T. IN? -KM THfc POBLIO I) i Wb l8ie '"ah buyers la r 4 full u. with the Cheapest -XirG ! oods thu hu eer been offered In thia mirket. SOUCfEK TUitiax thia city will do him. tail jutice by pnacinr oar door, u w r I y of th reg-1 nnierBelliniJ tb -: lann ulir Stiple line. Whre mrked dowa ll .foods that be loaf "to Summer wear' and a-o oKevin I to oar patron?. w .oiidca i Darucuiar aueanou touioi " v followini I nraiTC nnn !flM nniVllin ninVPS U Cn I v Huuuni" w Hligbtiy spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50- alicoos ! r , V.M r.liouu at all nHrtAa In Rflantifnl Ot Ju vmivv. . 'designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons J We haTa laid in a rery hsayy atook of the abate and are offering them at lower figure than ever. We hare all the popular brands. 0 ttf 44 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the bast value 'ever tffered. Linen Han der chief s, A Job at 10 cent. Thf8es?cdj nqaireno comment Give us a Call BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. au28 r To., My Friends and Customers. I AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall stock of Consisting of all the LATEST STYLES 1 aly past stock and my'suceeaj speak Tor j tiemselves. and I osly ask a continuance o your tavors st uoeraiiy bes'owed on me EF" Please Call and Examine my -E !T7"Stock as regards Quality fl CT" and Prices ! No troula to how goods. Will be pleased to see you oce tad all. Kespectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. Oct 4 hrn of the Show CHAS. KLEINi . Onlertater M Cafei Sater. iMncess Street, in Basement of the Journal Building) -.J - f - f ILM INOTOIIM. O JET' A.J)n rtrDac ot vtho uil Cas kets oonstantly on band. TaraUare Hplrdd Oteaaed and Varnished. Orders ' by tele Krth er mail proeaptiy fl: l no v ft Fall S Pry Man SDBCial Qdncerats -? ! A PTE K T v K B ITT l-K- At this hour yesterday we felt confi dent that the Democrats had carried a majority of the ticket in Indiana, with ihft Inwi of the elecli6n for Governor. This belief was based upon the returns ot lmt lmnr lmt the snecial I no ivuciTvu i i i dispatch published by U3 yesterday from Indianapolis dissipated ttri3 confidence. Indiana, as well .is Ohio, has gone Re publican, while' the Pemocratg have car ried West Virginia. So fr, then, in the elections thi3 rear, the result i3 even- The Republicans, have lost Maine and tti0v Vi rrainp.- 1 Indiana. The loss of thts.latter State is, however, depressing u Ja to tlt Democracy, inasmuch as ZZel ofidtetly on yprfi counted so c Still, there is no real cause for despondency, dn the other hand, the losi of that State may prove a real blessing in. disguise The nomination of Hancock had been so universally endorsed and ap proved throughout the entire country, an j tne accessions of prominent men, x - - heretofore Republicans, to the ticket had been so numerous, that the Democrats were becoming over-confident of success I a confidence wnicn, naa it uuu checked in time, mignt nave, reauneu . .... ... i I :vvi rKrnotoK in Vrivpmher. As it I aranunuioMm . ,3 ncj nrn KldlTO S1STR CttU Alt I but one good effect. It will but serve to ' 1 .... . I stir us up to greater activity and to in- creased exertions in.the short time now I It will serve to unite . " ... I ana sonany ine pariy auu w i - t i .i a lAi-nw-k' r nivn a virir -tip or? Trinnster. ' Independent-1 ;w, Wnf ut threatened 'such 4BUI, . serious disaster to our ranks. We believe that Indiana is thoroughly Democratic, when lelt to itseit, as u must hf. in Knvpmher. and1 then, with the 10,000 negroes who had been colo- nized there withdrawn, from her borders on,i with h sorvirps of the repeaters It 1 Ml I. rpnnir,,! ot t.npir nwn homes .the State willgiuo Hancock a handsome majority. But even without Indiana, -Hancock can I be elected. -Xsew YorK is ceriain iur him, and her 35 votes, witn tne las m the South, WUl icu?o " I 1 l,t 19 mnro to I secure. For thSse we may look with j and oonfidence to Connecticut, New Jerser. or to Pennsylvania and Afaino and California. The outlook is, I Viorpfnrp lw no means a discouraerins: I UUV1U1V4V J I one. ' I The 8x7 infamy is kept fresh b y vari- ' ous means in the minds of the people, It is announced that son of Aliunae Joe Bradley, of the U. S. Supreme Court, I one of the 8x7 commission, is to marry a daughter of Senator Don Cameron. - i The school elections for trustees and I members of boards of education were held J in Jew xoris u xuj. number of women voted. At rort ) er . vis fifty ladies voted, a great many being kept from the polk by the crowd of loafers standing around. The election maa Tipld in a small room, and this was triTrrlfirl with mfifl. who amused ' them' selves by passing remarks ladies until the Dolice were about the called m. Every lady who ottered her vote was I challenged anxl a great many lett tne polls in disgust. The leaders of the party are. not, by . 1 u TnAiana any means, aepresseu ueuuac iuu" has gone Republican. Here is a little clipping, from the New York w0f. yesterday's date, which will, show the confidenceJ still felt a3 regards the result of the Presmential election : Ex-Senator Barnum, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, arrived at committee's headquarters at 11:45 last nisrht. He read Mr. Austin 1. Brown's despatch conceding Indiana to necticut will be carried for Hancock. thn Renublicans. and then saia : "uon There is nothing in tne result in J Ohio and Indiana to, alter my belief in his election." , Senator Randolph, of New Jersey, said that the Ohio and Indiana elections could not affect the, chances in New J er sey. In his qplnion, that State would give not less than 5,000 majority under any circumstances. Williajn A. Fowler, Chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee, said that New Yerk State would be carried for Hancock despite the result in Ohio and Indiana. He predicted that Hancock's majority in the gbunties south of Albany would reach 100,000. Mrj William L. -Scott said, in his opinion, the Democrats had been beaten in Indiana by the lavish tuse-of irioney and partly by the unpopularity, of , the Democratic candidate for Governor, with certain elements in the' party. He ad. ded that the Natibcal ommi,tted ,4iad. not given up the;contest; but would fight it out until November, No State issues would he in Ithe. way in Indiana in the November election. -The Committee be lieved that Hancock was ,5,000 votes strongerthaix Landers in that State. Susan B, Anthony, Esq., declares that she is not for Hancock, nor for Garfield, nor for Weaver, nor for Neal Dow, nor for "any other man" We derive consid erable satisfaction from the fact that it U not probable she' will take the stamp this vr against Hancock. j o P. Lorillard fc Co., the great tobacco firm in New York, employ 2,000 worl -men in their factory in Jersey City. A report having been circulated to the ef fect that they were endeavoring to in fluence the votes of their men in the com ing election, they have published an emphatic disclaimer and stalethat no po- litical influence whatever will be allow- among-them by any peraon in their em. Very hand3ome of Ix)rillard & Co. Local news. New Advertisement. THm Bvicsaa Co Salurdy Our Big Day HmiBaaeaa At Reduced Prieei . Tatm School Bookfr-Echool rookk. Window Glass all sizes at ltafivr & price's, f . Gn.-:nn. an( couffhincr are very pop- O , o o ... . . 1- . " J lkrtTO : : n Consider not so much your dress a3 y0nr aress. Tne newest, latest, ues and cheapest a Robkhtiiais. : Nothing is wholly bad Even a dark . v.- U. oT.ln iaut o Tjje New York Criterion Company arriVed in the city this morning, Where is that orowd going ? To Ros- EXTHAL 8, to buy Doots ana snoes. t Ked in ail its numerous snaaes u more fashionable than ever this winter. Avar's Chkrry Pectorax -the world's great remedy for Colds, Coughs and onsumpuon. . i . j: J iL.t V V wuu uiauuvctcu vuuu itua gass toomucu. Rice birds are about played out. No eo with thoai Scotch solea at Rosenthal s Ther last for ever. t I . Thp rollincr Kt.ono cathers no moss. -M. " O ' but ft gathers the fellow who rides a bi cycle every time We are ftptto mistake tho echoing o f Qur 0WQ vanjty for the admiration and ar)I)iauSe.of the world. , The greatest of all mistakes is to live ony for time, when any moment may launch us inta eternity. x fiae8t 8tock of ,Ladle3- Foxed t,, morai flnd-Button Boo. a at Rosen THAL'8 f Red lace veils will be worn this Fall. They will impart a rather intemperate hue to the female nose. Don't get soared with the world; it does not mend matters for you but it . A . arrrohu in athPr Do you wish success in life? Make per- serverance your bosom friend, experience vour elder brother and hone your guar- n dian genius. ' Mr. R. Arthur, Business Manager of the) Adele Belgar de Troupe, i3 inthe city maiiDg araangements for the appear- ance of the troupe in this city at an ear ly date. The man who advised another to make an investment which turns out lucky is an honest man, while the man who ad-( vises yon to make an investment which turns out unlucKy is a rascai Garlic and onions are highly spoken of in the British Medical Journal. On the breath they may be unpleasant, but in the stomach they play a detective's part and arrest the progress of offenders against health. Dancing leaaona givtn tree at Roexx TiiAL Pump sole boote and shoes for the ball room. : i , t Capt J. L. Boatwright will open his new grocery store on Monday next Cant Boaiwright arrived in thi3 city vesterday from" the Northern markets where he has been .selecting a stock of staple ana lancy gruct. 'ct;r.rNftw Strike. -The working clas ses oT oar community have struck against the many lugn-pncea couga uicuitmea and 'have endorsed Dr. Bull's Cough Sytot as the best and cheapest remedy in the world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. The Meeting In (he Second Ward There was quite a large crowd in at tendance at the Second Ward Club last night. Besides the speaking, there was music to enliven the occasion, which was kindly furnished by the Cornet Band. The mcetfne was called to order at 8 o'clock, by the President, Maj. Dunham, and the regular order of business pro ceeded with. Shortly after the routine of business had been disposed of, Mr. J II. Currie, the orator of the evening', arrived under escort of the Cornet Con cert Club. Major Dunham, in a few appropriate remarks, introduced the speaker, who, by invitation . from the President, then ascended the President's stand J and, proceeded to address the audience: Mr. Currie began his speech by referring to the allegiance due North Carolina from her sons as first and para mount to all other considerations. He dwelt upon the open violations of the Constitution which had been practised in the State by the Radical party while in power. He referred to the extravagance of that party and the fraud which they practiced upon the people by squander ing thirty millions of the State's money. He alluded to the arrests of the distin guished citizens of the State during the Holden-Kirk war, when the sacred privileges of the writ ofkabeas corpus, wnicn i naa Deen nanaea down as a precious heirloom to the English speak- ing people for centuries past, was denied the citizens ot tins creat commonwealth. He , then re,-1 ferred -to the conduct of our gallant J . a standard bearer, Tho3. J. Jarvis, during a uUl r nonrilp in thn T.AielfltivA Halln nf thfl I r-wr.- t, State., He contrasted the 'difference in the conduct of the two candidates for a t i a - Governor, Jams and Buxton, during j i j i j rn, i " i. ' j i. i. j-i . tt ' r j a. our suffrages. He showed , tho impor- tancSofourrededmiDsthis Congression- al district from tho GrUnback-KepubU- bUttU 1CICHCU tU I.JJG UlUUl WUUWrtlCB 1U I cans, uy luu cictuuu ut - jm. wuu. ' - i i f -r i t1, -rtr i Shackelford, and concluded his speech bv retemnsr m elowmir terms to our mm w w National standard bearer. Wixfield S. Hancock. Mr. Currie spoke for an hour and ten minutes and was listened to very atten- tively and frequently applauded by the coast in theFederal Point section of this performed by tfcn Company in every impor , J , H Ar.. . , tantcuym Araenea, and eyerywbe; o receiv- large crowa present, apt. vuas. j. Mvers nffftred a resolution of thanks to . . x.A-.-: u ine speaKer ior ine emenaiuiug apeem wliiVh bad bipn delivered bv him on this i-: .....j uccasiuu, ttuiuu reamuuvu nao poootu i near tuaoi du i,liw 0 o -unanimously. On motion, the meeting them when needed. A day or two after then adiourned to meet again at the same time and place on next Thursday night, the 21st instant. LadieB, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Kosen TSal's. t The Anson Times The first number of thi3 new paper came to nana yesieruay. "c pleased to receive it. It is a handsome 28-column paper, printed with clear, new type. The Times is thoroughly Democratic. It is published at VVades- boro, in Anson county, and the editorial columns are in thehands of Mr. Robt. H. Cowan,. the proprietor, a gentleman who has for some time past been connected .i,reaks" is replete with rollicking hu withthe Raleigh Observer. Mr. Cowan mor anj extravagant burlesque. Every ha3 our best wishes for a happy success. PfMtv rinap. rt- n-.tieU Krn nUnni drrtn. Cad Bcrrell, has been loaded with cot- n nt ihft wharf of the AVilmineton Compress and Warehouse Company and will nrobably clear for Liverpool to- - ntn i - - ,1 morrow, one registers . will Uke out 1.4G0 bales of cotton. That is to say, she , registers 781,760 pounds and will carry out 730,000 pounds of cot- ' nnn trrWli i t1 Pitbpr in 500 rounds to the bale this is very near i o inrt nonnds of cotton to the register- r V r ' ; . " . a . rpk 1,',.V. flvn,. c onnaifrnofl here to Mr. C. P. Mebane and the cargo shiDDed bv Messrs. "Williams k Mnrchison. Unmatlable. The following mnmailable matter re mains in the Postoffice m this citj: Letters for Laura A. Lavender, No. 2 Minetta Lane; Willie Dingles, Sumter, SvC ' Mrs W. B Callendine, ! no" -further ' ' ' C : aaaress. . f; XfaWjl Papers for Charles Hadley, Manley Station, K. C; Spencer Kelley Jones kqto u.; Airs, vi . su. xiiii, auiwvi bury,N. C. No. City Court to-day The cotton receipts at this port today foot up .." I bales. Black gloves arc always in order, and an worn this season more than ever. Fran a county, vorcd us 1 Kooncc; Esq., of Onslow ;s,nthc city to-uay ana la with a visit. I "Renyon is a new shade of coppery yei low that is verv handsome and lumiuoas for evening wear. Decorated butter plates, to be used as cards for New Year's calls, is the latest eccentric suggest ion. Everybody can get suited with a Pockft Kijif, ;ls -1tVtrtr Out ' hi JAOOBIS Ilidv ar Deot- The wind having shifted around to the South the atmosphere has become sev eral degrees warmer. Mr., S. N. Cannon lost a valuable horse i lew days ago from lockjaw, caus ed by sticking a nail in it3 foot. . The belt which once went all around the waist-is now seen in front only, and soon nothing will be left of it but the buckle. , Younff ladies who have never been asked to bo' bridesmaids, may console themselves with having escaped an ex- pensive compliment. ' V jhe Raleigh State. Fair commences on Monday; the 18th inst. Parties uesir ious of o-oinc from here can Co ana rc- . - - t turn forf .4.30. railroad fare. - XtiXr rntnrtlft i Messrs, Melton Campen and Mott, . . r " ' i U i'a,l 4l,;a n!f RtPum Kansafrn "V ' ,T " t l 18 v the management of Mr. Melton, who has? quite; a reputa , ' rii r tion throughout the State as i a sausage manufacturer. The Butchers' Company now turn out z,uuu pouna3 oi sausagus UUTT . . , r . , . per day and as the.r busmess creases " dd more "y Powcr' -l itc idu iucm ouoloo Fall Matal and Walnut Show Cases, all atvlM and sizes, at AlTAFFEB, rCICE &C0'3 j Five Eagles. It would seem that there are plenty 0f eagles hovering about the wood3 and county, vve unuersiauu mau im j in t. wp.nk- a fisherman in that locality I j cJu nA annA caugnt nueen une urm-uu a A thftm alivp. in a shallow salt water pona L,.. ha-miaht n-ftt he went to get a fish and louna nve I eagles on the sand near the pond, each otramfolvnirkin!?-the bones of one of uuwv.; 1 O his fish. The party had no gun with him and therefore the huge birds 'got off clear. Vnn ran hav No. 1 Cookinn and Heat ing ciioves at almost any price at Ja.cobi'8 Hard warn Deot. Funny 'FreakV, To-wifini. : Tic very amUsing comedy of ';Freaks" will bc presented at the Opera House to-night, by the New York Criterion Company, which .13 pronounced by the pres3 generally to be one of the best comcdy companies now on the board 1 actor jn nc COmpany has a freak for or against some special object, and the play nresents such a constant succesaiou oi amusing situations and incidents, as the result oitnese remarKauic keep the audience in a continual uproar of laughter, the Cincinnati Gazette says: I A c T-r.iricr.il on3 rPWTlttan "1 TCakS 15 '"V; v". i ,lu . no -'14 So m'ueh'Sn h id for the text itself, and as render ed by the New York Criterion Company it is almost unsurpassaoie. auc yiy ,i;nninna n nntrptpjTins. and is bristling I rilMIIIllV -i H H 1V -fi, u-jiiiant hits at the weakest of hu- nitu - - i , man foibles. Of course there is a love .1" A l; ft nrP I KtnrV 111 lUC COUicuv in iv mrec iovu bwucs v.. i- - ?hts" vouatr lady, another of a sweet, sentimcnUi, aiinougu sensioie, young lady, and the third of an old maid writes seven act tragedies. The 07 - . "... - 1 tmnhlfi ia thev all fall m love wun me " . " ... . I camp. man. as thev think, on account of each of their lovers being, by lorce 01 circumstances, forced to assume tne 1 vPTnPiVes out at the end in a perfectly same nam. ru uiuja suSuw;u I Satisfactory, manner, andit turns out that fihft man f that i3. according to his name) all three of the ladies bad given their I 4 worthless coxcomb, a - 1 professional 'masher of women, who - i lgnomuuousij uiniwMii wu w i after creating all the mischief he can Mr. N atli'l J acobi )a vi'i beeo.jpf oin't ed agert ,fr the Atlas pr-iea !; want of tliis ' vlo ra 1 "iaw . rn now ha? tht-ir orders fi llt-d al Jac.ji:i3 IIar4.a, WAre Depot, So. 10 S. Frorst st. New Aavertisemonst. MUraiy, ()Ur Jiig Day ADR xVILL COMPARE with yj I - ' . any ma-Vet in th Sotb.' To-morrow we wi 1 Lv- th finest Bje', Veal and Fori: In 1 the jrarlot, and a full supply of osr Mfltcn Saueaea. We defey competition. Fleitj o foree to wait on cnstomeis. THE BUTCHER COMPANY. MELTON", CAM HOT T, Onlr 't9am Saucage Faclr in the Sta'.e Country ordera filled with oWatoh. o t IS It Election Tickets, pBINTED A' LOWE8T RATEB. I At j E. 8. WARBOCK'S JobOffice Corner Chestnut and Water sts. In Keview Ruildlns'. Come and See. HAVE JUST RETURNED from the North with a beautiful' line of Hats in al' 8TTLE3 and QUALITY, which I will te glad to show to my frienda and the public, and wnicn 1 propose to sell at UOiTOai ... ! PRICES. JNO. M. H03IN80N. Market st., next door to- Alcilhenny'a. cct9 - ;c Miss E. -Karrer, (Successor to Hisses Ktrrer & lcGowan,) jyIILiNEy, LaJies', Misses', and Child- ren's Clothing, No. C Bunth Front street, Wilmington N. C. btampiBg, Hair Work, and U&ir Goo5o of every description on hand ind made to order. Orders taken for Lalies' Outfits. Orders by . mail will -recelvd prompt attention r. v. i3ox oil. I ' OOl 11 Two Mghts Ghlv I GRAND ATTRACTION ! Friday and Saturday Evenings, October 15 and 16. Engagement of the UNRIVALLED New .lort CRITERION COMEDY COMPANY!. in their groat Comedy success in 4 act?, F R E A K S, ed with the most uproraions delight. AW EXCELLENT CAST 1 Prices $1 ; 60 c ; callery, 25e: Sale of rw.r7ed seats commences on Wodnesday, October 13, at Ueinsberser'j. Wo extra charge for reserved teats. act U At Keduced Prices. gOHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL STATIONERY. Parents and teachers will find it to their interest by first ciliing at ! IIEINSBEHQEIi'3- Pianos and Organs, pOR CASH or on the Instalment plan at THE LIVE BOOK AND IirJglOBTOBK oct li ' Bricklayers W anted- PPLY AT VILMINGTO.V A T7eldn Bail Boad Stops, to oct 8-1 w K. S. HADCL1FFE. Plumbing and GaslitliiJ. TflS UNDKR1JNED respwjtfallr ani noaneethat they har opened a .flomb- ing and Oasntiir establishment lathe Latnc- den building, on iNorth Front street, wLcre with a good stoct they will be plesiea w receive orders in their line. tiSX The Drive fomp a spcciallj. octd tf It. H. & H. O.'UKANT. BficOowan-i JEW SALOON, 1C Mrketst,( is now open, uest of L.qcorF. aad the bast 13 the city. . t'ytt?i?, tcfcry . 'JT thing new, neat, nice aid of tbe beitqi&Uty. JAX3 2J. Mc0v7A?r, cct 11-tf Btar eopjr JTo. IS SJaxket st School Books LARGE &TOCK aT BEDCCED. prices. Old Books taken ia part payment i i 1 for Ifew Books upon first introduction. I , - - - , , : v Headquarter ior all Text Eooks uied fa the I.'-,. .,..:; f ' . Publio Ld Ft Irate Schools. PpeciaJ terms to country Kercbaats and Tetchers. , eet C. W. YAT3; -V - - . . ' ''