fill; PA fLu. paoIUbed erery afternoon. Sundays ex wptod bf JOSH. T. .TAMEBi, tOITOH AKl) PKOPBTKTOB. -uyRlWIONS, POSTAGE PAID, moathe , 1 25 ; Oao month, 50 oent. Ue PFr h delivered by carriers, of charge, in any part of tie city, at tie re rtta, or 13 cents per wt. 1 idTeroaiB? rte iw and lerSi . -Scbaerribsri pleaae report any and fi filler" to receive their paper regularly. Fa BROWN" & 45 I&arket treet. HWS T) INFiUK THIS PUBLIC D Wholeaftlfs Caibbavsrs in tar- gvDoi"-j ; ti.raUr, that we re full u? with the op Dry that baa ever been offered in this market HO BUYER visiting thij city will do hin elf jaitice by pasting oar door, as wo are nnderielllriK the market Inm ny of the reg nlar 8tple lines. - We hare marked down all goods that te- IjcC to Bummer wear and aro ot'erintf My Special Moceinls to our patrons. Wo woald call particular attent'en to the following QENTS' DOGSKIN DRIVING GLOVES Slightiy spotted, 75o. Worth $1.50, WOO B New Fall Calicoes at all prices in Beautiful designs. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons J We have laid in a very heavy stock of the fcbDve and are offering them at lower figures tiua erer. We have aJl the popular brand?. Pur 4-4 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is without any exception the best value ever rCered. ' Linen Handercliiefs, A Job at 10 cent. These goods require no comment. Give us a Call ! BROW!? & EOBBIGK, 45 ilarket St. au 28 To My Friends and Customers- I AM NOW DAILY receiving my Fall stock of Boots and Slices, Consisting of all the LATEST STALES I My past stock and my success speak for tksmselves, and I only ask a continuance c your favors so liberally bt showed cn me Please Call and Examine my H 3" Stock as regards Quality tr?"" and Prices ! 3 No trouble to show goods. ! Will ha nla.ciwl tn an v.-n cit and ill.. 1 Respectfully, C, ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. oct 4, Men of the Phow Cas. OH AS. KLEIN,. QMertaier - ui CaM Maier. Princess Street, In Basement of the. Journal Building, VILMINOfoir, n. d. A fine assortment of Coffins and Cas sets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tela traph or mail promptly fllle V nor 6 Goods r H VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, OCTOBER It is an actual fact .that the number of votes cast at the recent election in Xorwalk, Conn., wa3 329; yet people are told they musn't bo superstitious. Governor Seymour says Gen. Hancock will take the oath of office as president on the 4th of March, and General Gar field will likewise take the oath of office as Senator. 4 The gain harvest of Italy this ' year is estimated as amounting to 05,000,000 hectolitres, or one third wore than that of 179, which' was between forty and forty-five, millions. The Swiss season has been the best for six years. . Up to June 30th the Lucerne Steamboat Company had car ried 40,000 more passengers than up to thV same date last year. , A special investigation qf the railroad authorities as to the cause oi the fright, ful accident, near Pittsburg, Pa-., is now going on. Twenty seven deathsjiave so far resulted from the accident. In the great retail stores of Philadel phia pneumatic tubes .have been intro duced to do the work of cash boys, and the high-resounding yells of "cash" no longer split the ears of cstouraers. The enormous apple crop in New" Eng land ha3 beea squeezed into so much cider, that the price of the fluid has dropped to 90 cents a barrel. It is said that drunkennessris' in consequence far mbr& common than usual. A merchant of New York who dis poses of over $200,000 worth of goods per annum to Southern purchasers is confident that his sales in that section would reach half a million annually if there were a', change in the federal ad ministration. A German professor named : Grimjner prophesies a woful seven years for all the world. '-From 1863 to 1887," writes Prof. Grimmer, "there will be a univer sal mortality. Asia will be depopulate And Europe will become a desert America will lose 15000,000 of her in habitants." It is quite unnecessary to draw out Garfield's views on the rebel claims. He Toted, says a contemporary, for the pay ment of over one hundred millions of dollars in southern war claims which were paid' while hi3 party controlled congress, and he would be compelled to go back on his record if he were ndw to declare that all such bills would be. ve toed if he were elected president." We note the following from Mesrs Dan Talmagtt's Sons & Co.'a Annual Review of the Rice Culture in Louisiana, dated New Orleans, Oct. 12tb: The Crdp of 1879-80 was a failure on account of low water in the -river, and only 100 000 barrels was made instead of 250,000 barrels as was looked for early in. the yer. The Crop of 1S80-'81 is very large and basing fstimato on the acreage planted aDd the turn-out of mills fully 250,000 barrels may bo expected and a conse quent low range of prices, which are now over 1 cent per pound lower than last season, equal date. Complete returns from the recent Con necticut town, elections show . that the Republicans carry but seventy-nine out of one hundred and sixty-seven town3 in the State, a net Republican loss of twenty-four towns, as compared with the elections of 1877, when the Republicans carried one: hundred and three towns. In. the strong Democratic centres of New Haveu and Bridgeport no election was held. While local issnes, in a large measure, influenced the vote, the result is regarded as encouraging to the Demo crats, and no doubts are now jentertained but that Connecticut will cast its elec toral vete.for Ilancock. A Grand Reputation. "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has reached a reputation that is not lim ited by the confines of section or coun try.. There are no injurious substances nor false and temporary stimulants in the preparation. It is purely vegetable and compounded' .under a formula that has passed severe tests and. won endorse ments from some of the highest medical talent in the country. ATcty York World. ' See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speers Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer a Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical prof ession for the naa of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists, Daily LOCAL NEWS. ' xevr Advertisements. ' "l uoas H. UcKor - Fresh O ods. Jas W Kif9 Attertin Third v rd Democ-ats. Willtavs Jk i UHcniacK 'Ja.jgJng, TLs Twine, Ac 1 0UJ. J- Otteiiburg K rnovl. LruSTUAICT JiW. Koceirn?. F. V. Ft stkr Water Woiks. Mti?.'DE-j Just R.ur:ied James Wilson Morfgajjea's ale. Ciiess, ('arley & Co. Lamps, i and Cans. HaissBxaeiB A t JUduced Pric Yatzs chool Boots J-"chroI I ookb. Window Glass ali sizes at ItaflVr & -Price's. t In many parts of England the springs have not been so low for twertty-six years. The newest, latest, bes at Rosknthais. and cheapest i Ice-cream is dead, sumption, no doubt. Poor thing- -con- The store window of a merchant on Water street was found open on Satur day nijjht. The finest stock of Ladies' Foxed, Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen thal'8. t American wines ought to bo very cheap this year. The apple crop never was larger. It is absurd to suppose that a man can speak above his breath, since his mouth i3 below his nose. Mr. Jcs. S. Williams, of this city, who has been absent for the past few months has reluned here for the Winter. Dancing lessons given free at Rosbk thal'b Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t Kissing is somewhat like seven-up. If he begs, and she thinks she can make points in the game, she will gire one. hi lm The man who sighs. 'How soon we are forgotten," has only to leave a ho tel without paying his bill to find how sadly mistaken he is. Ton can buy No. 1 Cooking and He ing Stoves at almost any price a Jacobi Hardware Depot. 1 The Visitors of the Ladies Benevolent Society will meet at the residence of Dr. A. J. DeRosset, to-morrow (Tuesday) at 4 o'clock P.M. Mr. Tbos. W. Strange, of this city, will speak al Leesburg to-morrow is repy to Mr. H. E. Scott, the Republican candidate for the Senate from New Han over and Pender counties. AvEa's Chbrkt Pectoral the world's great remedy for Colds, Coughs and Consumption. And right in the middle of an impor tant campaign, women aro unpatriotic enough to insist that the country shall remain unsaved while a stove is being put up in the sitting-room. - The early bird catches the worm, and sometimes a bad cold, which however does no injustice to the old proverb, for with the aid of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup colds are of no consequence. Price, 25 cents. Some one give3 the following as a cure for whooping cough: One tablespoonful of clean pure tar, one pint new milk; stir well; let stand two hours; pour off the milk; let the child drink it every hour. The London Circu3 and Menagerie is to perform in Danville next Friday. That looks as though it will not visit Wilmington this season. Ladies, the best fits and the easiest hoes for the little ones are at Rosen thaij's. t Dr. Frank M. Deems, a North Caroli na boy and a son of 'the Rev. Dr. O. F, Deems, cow of New York City, has been nominated for the legislature iu the 13th Assemblydistrict by theDemocratio party in the great metropolis of New York. A nomination there means election, sure. There will be a grand oyster roast at Macomber's Store, in Harnett township, on the Tuesday of next week, the 26th inat ., for the benefit of the Democrats ia that township. Some good speeches may be expected on that occasion. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sites, at Altaffkb, Pbxce &CoV Rice birds are about played oat. Ho so wi$ those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. ." f . lb-. -A V VV o - Kndden Death. William Loftin, colored, about 28 years of age, died very suddenly on yes terday in a house in the alley running from Fourth to Fifth streots and be tween Church and Castle. lie was ap parently in good health, but while sit ting in a chair he was struck by the Angel of'Death and died in a few min utes. Coroner Hewlett held an inquest this morning, the verdict being death by natural causes, unknown to the jury. . Ovate r Toasr, This is a nice littlo dish, for luncheon or for a late supper. Scald a quart of oysters in their own liquor; take them but and pound them in a mortar, when they form a paste; add a little rich cream and some pepper. Get ready some thin, neat pieces of toast, moistened slightly with boiling water and spread with fresh butter. Spread the oyster paste thickly upon the toast, put a thinly cut round of lemon upon each piece, and arrange them on a platter garnished with par?ljy. Serve very hot. Our County Ticket. Th3 Democratic Executive Committee of New Hanover county have placed in nomination the following excellent ticket. Lot us all do our best to elect them ; i House of Representatives Abner A, Moseely, Walker Meares. For Sheriff Horace A. Bagg. ' For County Treasurer Owen Feonell, Jr. 1 For Register of , Daeds--Hugh W. McLaurin. For Coroner Wm. M. Hays. For Constable Jesse J. Dlcksey. Rooms Democratic Executive Com inittee New Hanover County. To the Votern of Next) Hanover and Pender Counties'. The Executive Committee of New Hanover Connty, by and with the con sent and approval of the Executive Com mittee of Pender County, has plaeed in the field for your suffrages at the ap proachiug election for the office of State Senator, the name of DAVID G. WORTH, of New Hanover. By order Executive Committee: F. H. DARBY, Chairman. JAS.W. KING, Sec'y Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 16, 1880. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. Returned Home. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lnmsden have returned to the city after an absence of four weeks at the North. Business was combined with pleasure and Mrs. Lums d9n has a variety of beautiful millinery goods to offer for sale which the ladies ara invited to examine. Mr. L. tells us that he had the great pleasure of shaking Gen. Hancock by the hand at his homo on Governpr's Is land. Ho was received very kindly and briBgs away as a memento a photograph of'the General presented by him to Mrs. Lumsden. They stopped in . Baltimore last week at the great sesqui-centennial, speading Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday andhursday of that week in the city. On Wednesday Mr. Lumsden, a Mexican war veteran, participated in the parade of the veterans, who were iu . the process sion on that day. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's toots and shoes. f City court. The Mayor's levee was well attended this morning. T he first case on docket was John Walker, a son of Erin, who with his wife, Ann, got on a 6pree on Saturday night and were found drunk and down on the streets. They were accordingly arraigned this morning on the foregoing charge. Neither of the defendants claimed a residence here, but said they were from the other side of Weldon. They were discharged upon condition'that they would quit the city by noon to-day. Another case of drunk and down cn. nched the City Treasury to the extent of $5, and was permitted to depart. "Wm. Davis and Elias Smith, two colored lads, were found on board the steamer Elizabeth, at 2 o'clock Sunday morning Smith claimed that he was on the wharf and proceeded there, oa hear ing the cry of police. Davis was les3 fortunate in being ablo to account for his presence on the steamer. . The sen tence of the Court was one day in the C m T-V " CI fit 1 , . jr. ior .uavis. - onum was oiscnargea. Save your money and bay yonr JBnild. ing Supplies from AlUtrer a Price. 18, 1880 NO. 201 Spoken at Sea. The Nor. barque) Chatham, Captain Horn, which arrived here from Liverpool on Thursday last, reports having spoken the Mar if ChestcrMart Cc!estel)ot Bos ton, on'September 2d, in latitude 26 47 minutes North, longitude, -35 33 min utes west from Greenwich, steering S. S. E. . "1 well. Now Advertisements. I Have Just Returned TRE WKriTERX PART Of THE Ktate Kitlia fia clock: of HCHAlf HAIR, whi h I w 11 mke up ia latest ftylet at prices tht ma t suit Combings and old hair worked orer, and darkened or link ten fid. A so, a tine stock of Millinery and No t ons just received. Oa Market, between Id and '3d street', next Wit l)jiaar EitalUh mnt HlSrs LOV. HTUAKTV oct 18-tf Water Works. fJlHE COMMITTEE on Water Works not being prepared to mike a a defioite report, the cipetinp: fur JHenday, the 18th. i poi ed to 2 let ft 5th intt. Due notice of the meeting will bj given in Tuesday's papers. F. W. FOSTSB. oct 18-lt Comxittee on Water Worka. I., i. i - -' -r - Lamps, Oils and Cans. ARE RECEIVING TO-DAY anew and largo assortment of LAMP, CHAN DELIERS, PENDANTS, BRACKETS, and Lamp Goodj generally. Parties desiring anything in the above line , will consult their interests by giving un a call. OI L s . 4 To this line we have added the purest and beit NE ATS FOOT OIL manufactured in the United States, while our supply of Lard and Machinery Oils, is such as will enable us to fill all demands, and at prices that defy com petition. These goods are sold under thl3 GUARANTEE: Money refunded if not found as represented. Oil Cans. We will introduce a new family Oil Can in this market that is meeting with larger sales in the west than any known to the trade, while we can iurnieh a shipping can that needs only to be seen to be appreciated. Prices lower than heretofore charged for this cuts oi cans. Send us your orders. UHEa, OAKLEY A CO. N. P. THOMPSON, Manager, oct 18-lt R3orte:agee's Sale. BY VIRTUE of the provisions contained in a certain deed of mortgage executed on the 28th day ot March 1870, by William B. Hall and C. Josephine Hall, his wife, to Junes Wilson, registered in the Register's Office of New Hanover county, in Book Z, Z, pages 86, 87, and 88, 1 will sell at public auc tion, for Cash, at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, on Saturday the 1 0th day of October, 1880, at 12 o'clock, M, the following lot in said city beginning at a point on the North side of Ann street, distant 99 feet East from the Northeast corner of Ann and Seventh street, thence running along the line of Ann street Eastward!? 8 feet to ground now or late of Thomas Owens, thence Northwardly along said Owen's line and par allel with said Seventh street, 165 feet, to a lot of ground owned by William A. Green, thence along said Green's line Westwardly and parallel with said Ann street, 6 feet to ground of Thomas Parker, thence along aid Parker's line Southwardly and parallel with Seventh street 165 feet to the place of beginning. JAMES Wilson, octJ8-td Mortgagee. Removal. JJAVINQ LEASED THE LARGE AND commodious Iron Front Stores 20, 22, 24, 26, & 28, N. Front 8t. 1 recently occupied by P. L. Bridgers k Co., I wiil from this date until November let sell my entire stock of CLOTHING, HATS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AT COST, to sava trouble of moving. I will or ei at my new ttore with the Largest and Cheapest st3ck of CLOTHING, HATS A5D GENTS' FURNISHING GOOD?, ever offered in the Bute at Wholesale and Retail. Louis J, Olterburg. ? he etore 27 Market street, new occupied by me, will be for rent from 1st November on very reasonable terms. oet 18-lt Miss E. Karrer, (8uceess3r to liisei Earrer A McGowan,) jyTILLlNERY, Ladies', Misses, and Ckild ren's Clothing, No. South Front street, Wilmington. N. C. btamping, Hair Work:, and Hair Goods of erery Ueeenpuon on nana tsanaao to oraer Orders taken for Ladies' Outfits Orders by nail will receive prompt attenuon. r. u. box . oct 11 PLEJLEE NOTICE. Wa will be glad to receive eoirrmaniratlom from our Mends on aay aad all' subjects o a&eral iatarett but: ' Tae name of tha wriUr nut always be far niahad to the Editor. Ooasmuitationi nut be written: oa only one aide of Ihaapar. Personalities mam v voided. And it Is especially pstrtkwlarly.'ander stood that the Editir f not always endorse the views of correspoaa'wta, ulan so stated in tie editorial columns. flew AdTortisemonts. Just Beturned, MR. LUMSDEN has juat r.taraed frem the Northern markets with a fall line of fine FrtnchMillinry,the newest, latest and most desirable fashions. Th Ladle aie re soectfilly invited to call aid cximlne. oct 18-Jt Attention Third Ward Democrats. BY IN V'i TATION of the Democratic 3rd Ward Club, Cap t. W. 8. Nornent will address the voters on the tolitl&l luan of the day, n TMdy avening, At 8 o'clock, at the Court Honss. We cordially is. rite the voters of the several Wards to be present.' dj oruer oi tne r resident, eet 18-lt JAfJ W KINO. Beefy. Nails, Hoop Iron, Shot. JQQQ Kegs NAILS, 4 to 40, 1000 9 noor IR0N 300 SII0T For ?alc low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISOK. Bagging, Ties, Twine. JQQQ RollsCotton BAGGING, 2000 BundlcS NcW and rcd TlES' 1000 Lbs Bassins TIXE' For sale low liy WcLLlA-MS & SIUllCIIISON. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. . JQQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, . -JQQ Bxs Smoked and Dry Salt Sides, On A Hh(?a and Bbls New Crop Cuba, 4AjJ Porto Rico, N O Molasses; For aale low by . "WILLIAMS & MTjRCIIISON. Sugar, Coffee, &c. QQ BAGS COFFEE, all grades, 200 CblS SUGAK' a11 ffrades' For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURClIISON. , CANDY CANDLES. CRACKERS. &c JQQ Boxes Astorted CANDY, 100 Tubs ruro Lea LARD' Boxes STARCH, 50 Case3 LYE' ,: qQ Boxes SOAP, Tobacco. Snuff. Matches. Paner. Penner. Ginger, Spice, &c. r or sale low by oct IS t WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. THOMAS H McKOY, SUCCESSOR T9 Boatwright & McKoy WILL STATE THAT HIS Stock is f and is replenished daily by FRESH GOODS ! It is anything but pleasant tor me to a;- peal to our friends to pay what they honestly owe me though the public prei;; but I have sent statement after statement prirattly by mail, and nnmbers have treated them with tilvnee Is tais right ? 7jdu who have used my goods for your families, I ask you if I an not entitled to saae coniiJeration ? Come - and see me'snd make some arrangement.' THOS. H. ITIcKOY, Grecer and Liquor Dealer ' oet 18 6 AT Front street Election TicketSj p RINTED AT LOWEST BATES." At - E. B. WARROCK'3 Job O dee, Corner Chestnut and Water tta. In Renew Building. 0et9