jl ay uauy review , JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop. WIUH I24T, !V TUEHDAY OCTOBER 19. 1S20. Etbliij r Wilm!wto. N. TUK I'tWTOKFt CK AT FOB PRESIDENT: W. S, HA: OP PENNSYLVANIA. TOIl VICE-PRE8II)EN'i W.B EKGLLH, OP INDIANA.' b'OH (iOVKKNOK ; FKCMAS 3..JARVIS. Or . I OK U! -IT JASIZ X. lifYKUNOi: : a : . FOR bhv.RK'f'A K oK.n'I'aTK: WILLIAM I. -jJLim SSIiC of waki;. " rorth 'State arc only- true, to themselves, the Republicans can't raise 'money enough to carry the Mate. 11 her people -will only - go to the polls and vote she is just as sure to go Democratic as that the sun "will rise and set oa election day. Here is the programme in general a3 mapped out by the Republican managers: The Republicans arc preparing t make the rcderal supervisors in the h'outh Republican election 'officers. Last nifrht .Ta'v A. Hnhhpll's rnmrnittpo ppnt 1o the South two large express wagon loads of blank books, containing instruc tions for joint nction bv the Federal supervisors ot election and the Republi can local committees. These persons to gether are to make an alleged list of Republicans .whom they are to' certify that they . saw vote the Republican ticket, a blame certificate being printed in .the book. J he supervisors are thus to act, not as officers of the Govern ment, but as agents of the Republican party.- They are to take the names as if in their official capacity. The fears and hopes, of tire, negroes" are thus to be played upon. They are to be given to understand that these Government offi- ciais are to report to Washington all who.rote the Republican ticket." It is expected that the fear of some undefined punishment that will be meted out to those negroes who do hot vote the Re publican ticket will prevent nny of the blacks fioni voting the Democrat iV ticket, as many of tfiem have come to do Hnce tlie departure of the carpet-baggers and the troops. Then, too, ii is expected that the hope of some office or of the traditional forty acres and a mux; will bring the negroes to the polls' when;, without such incen tive, thi'y might have 'remained at home. '1 his is the lasi device of dopperate men, to. recover the negro vote of the 'outh. They realize thtitjhey have lost it; that the i.egrucs have gone naturallv lo the Io!iur:s l tbe;r old masters, and that THE ELECTION LAW- SomethlDS Worth Lajlng by for Reference. era ; the register of deeds shall be their clerk, tnless the board elect ai.otb.er. The board of canvassers shall, at that meeting, in the presence of the Sheriff ana such other persons as may choose to attend, open and canvass the returns The election will be held on Tuesday, I and make abstracts, stating the number l nvamka ni) 1 CCA fTM Ml 1 I twills. i. J l : a. t November 2nd, 1880. There will be nine ballot boxes for each place, for 1. Ten electors for President and Vice-President. 2. Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Attorney-General. 3. " Members of Congress. 4. J udges of Superior Court. Fourth and Fifth Judicial District. 5. Members of the General Assem ble C. County Treasurer, in counties hav- ing this office; Register of Deeds, Sur veyor, Coroner and Sheriff. 7. 1 ownship Constable. 8. Amendment to the constitution con cerning the public debt. y. .Amendment to the constitution in of ballots cast in each precinct for each person, the name of each person voted for, and the number of votes given for each person for each differeat office, and shall sign the same. ABSTRACT OF VOTgS. Ihe abstract of the votes for each of the following classes shall be on a differ ent sheet : 1. Presidential electors. 2. State officers. 3. Members of Congress. 4. Judges of fourth and fifth judicial districts. 5. Members of Assembly. 6. County officers. 7. Public debt amendment. 8. Insane amendment. 0. Township constables. - Three abstracts of votes, except for relation to the support of the deaf county officers, shall be made and signed mutes, the blind and the insane of the by the board of county canvassers; one State. of which 6hall be delivered to the sheriff: Jianots shall be on white paper and one niea with the Register of Deeds, to without device. be registered in hi3 office, and the third The county commissioners shall pro- Awarded by registered letter to the dc the ballot boxes for each class of Secretary of State at Raleigh. otiicers to be voted for. I I wo separate abstracts of the votes Registrars shall be famished with cast for Senators shall be made, when.- registifction books, and it shall be their J ever the Senatorial District is composed duty to revise the existing books of reg- of more than one county : one of which istratiun, and for thirty days keep open I snau oe med with the Register of Deeds their books fer new registration. U the board of commissioners for any county so direct, there may be an entire ly new registration, but this requires a notice ot thirty days in each township. REGISTERING AND VOTING. No one is to register or vote except in that precinct where he is an actual and hona fide resident on the day of elec tion. This means, a voter who lives in. and the other furnished to the Sheriff. When the canvass is concluded, the board of canvassers shall deliver the original returns to the Clerk of the Su perior Court to be filed in his office; they shall also cause the abstracts to be re corded in a book to be called " The Election Book' to be kept in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. ihe Cleric of the Superior Court shall or who has removed to a precinct in transmit to the Secretary of State. dupli good faith, and who produces a certifi catc that his name has been erased from FOR S A " 1 : THE A .-- U 1 V. Ii : Of RAN hol.ru. lu-ni lrom volinr nou'nsr. jiev. lucre ore. fo u a n orn i;y g r,x e r a l : thoaias s- nxsw Arj, of nso.v. rOR AUDITOR: WIXiXiXAXtt P- XIOBX3B.SS OF GATES. For Suprin tec dent Public Instruction C BOARBOROTTaZE tOF JOHNSTON. EJectcrs at Large : rABIUfl H. BT7SBSX2 District Electors : THOMAS R. JRKNIGAX, UKXKY R. RRYAN, DANIKf.H. MdiKN, WILLIAM F. iRKEN, FRANK O. ROKRINy, DWI!) A. 5 VJNGTOV, THKO!)mk v. KLU rrz, For JoIe of the Fourth Judicial L);tric' BIS DEN I'. BENNETT. For Jodge of. the Fifth Judicial District. JOHN A. GILMER. Ftm tt)NGKKS : . (Third District.) 5 -OF ONSLOW. tne Jiepubli Irio'r in the 1 ederal ofllcial, violating tlio 'law and ro3tituting ih'j ofiu:?. it ordpr that l ho auuiority oi inn 1 iv;toltatcs. with ;tll that it inqiiies to 1ho s'tiperstitious ne groes, minds, may become nu adjunct ot tin: Republican Committee. The book also contains an invitation to the "super visors; to cook up rows and disturbances, and to ieiort thchi. nut to -his" official superior?, hut to the 'Republican Con gressional Committee. It i undonbt- ,.ti t i . - . vmy mace an object lor them to report J n.any .disturbances as possible. i , jwwbw Jr NOT YKT.rKi-.!ORALIZED. iApparcntly, the Democrats of Indiana are not dismayed at the rcsHlt of ihe recentlection in that State. They icel assured that Hancock is from 5.0CO' to 10,000 stronger there than ''was the State ticket in last week's elections ; that rascility was the prime feature in the-Rc- ii" puuiicair success, and that with tfce nt ' proper cnorts between . now " and the second day of November they will be able to redeem the 'State. Here is some thing from the New York Sun, bearing- on the subject, which will be read with interest. Jt is - an orfmrt. fi dianapolis telegram to that paper : , -.v.uuqureu or more leaders of the party amve.d in the city to-day. and o)ugregatea at the rooms of the State ommittee. l he lecling" to coutinnc the hght was unanimous,- and W opinion .vu j auw coum .carry in-diana in ovt-inner was universal. The Demo- tra nave recovered from their defeat of I uesday-already, and arc aroused and juuoingut. Those hero "V dissensions m counties lost luu oiiui: ncKei mauv vftnr- 1,0 t. uera vas a heavy load: that imnort negroes and repeaters h ad tSiinss their own way; and that the Rnm,W,v,r,s pended thousands of dollars for the pur chase of votes that they will not have spcim next month. They claim that none of the above causes wvlf prevail next month and assert with the utmost conuaencetnat the SUte can and be carried for ITanccK k " Leading men frorri Democratic counties wmcn gAve large Republican gains on 1 77u-' rnCSr 4V and vehemently aver that those com .t; ..n j '-n I . . . ....... iiiu.iiiif , tlllll UliHt . 1 . , r-1- r . the local Dolitiral mnrli tne books ot bis lormer precinct. This 1 t-i s ( V. Hilt? A A 1 1 1 " . . H . ' t frtlfinntn nn ho hnH i n 4 4 K a. . C ciosing.tlic registration books. Certifi cates of registration arc not allowed. The following persons are not to rptris- V-. . . o I tT or vote: JMmors, idiots, und luna- tz'cs: persons who, after conviction, or! coiuession in open court, have been ad judged guilty of felpny or other infa-i roous crime, committed after January 1, 1377, unless restored to rights of citizen- will cates of the abstracts of the votes for all but county officers. RESULT. The person having the greatest num ber of votes for any office is be declared elected. When the Board of Canvassers have completed comparing the polls, they shall proclaim the result at the court house door, stating thenumber of votes cast in their county for each person voted for at that election. The Sheriffs in the various Senatorial ishipbylaw. Districts, composed of more than one Subject to the foregoing execptiens county, shall meet at the places desig- all males, born in the United States, or nated by law, in their respective dis- naturalized, who have resided in the tricts, one week after the election, and I .State twelve months next preceding the compare the polls for Senators, and give vh,vjwuu, ,ijvi niiiuijf uajo m iub county, vuuuunc iu iuc ouuaiurt) uuij are qualified to register and vote in the eleeted. precincts where they reside. The resi- The Sheriff of each county shall fur- dence of a married man is where his msn tfle members elected to the House family resides: that of a single man where f Representatives and the Senator he sleeps. N (where the Senatorial District is com No one is to register in anv nrecinct I posed of only that county) with a certifi- 1 1 1 m - - . . I a 1 . ' - ' to wmcu ne nas removed lor the mere cute 01 election. purpose of voting therein; nor unless his I ffle Sheriff shall also notify officers to residence is actual and bona fide. I meet at the Court House on the first . It shall be the duty of the registrar, Monday of the next month (December) to or tne juage ot election, when so request- ,,e quaiinea ea Dy any bystander, to swear anv person i offering to register, or to vote, as to his residence. Every person offering to register shall state, under oath, his oualifications. And upon request, the registrar shall re m.MLiiisi - J N. -I , I. ZOOUS. 1 RJ mm asrsSaF - - iSS3i I ! : '"'".En-ii ft. I fU CELEBRATED UH UL " rt P AY MfDIC I r am imim 1 M n i mm and Thn accumulated evidence "f trarly thirty yrars shows th t the Bittern is a certain romedy for malarial disease, as well as its surest . preventivp; that it eradicates nyspepnia, constipation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a tendency to cout. rhearaatism, urinary and uterine disorders, tha. it imparts vifor to the fteb'e. and I cheers the mind while it invigorates fhebdv. For BAle bv ul' i r Pealers q'Mr d. out tinr wv fn... NO MORE hniH A stout Hancock man: Senator David Davis. A man who opens ovsters does thinsrs quire the applicant to prove his identitv. D7 halves. his age or residence, by the oath of one A man cannot smoke a cigar too short elector. . unless he smokes it too long. al uuy appucani ior registration nas tM.Ani.nlH - X J 1 1 ' ' . 1 j .wft.v.v, .vjw mo ffn I trill ennn i.ynn tan f. t-t. . K 1. , o-iuw tuu u; , c auau iiuo uu registered mpnt tnnrd "vnllpr rlnrro y o - A paper mm . OR GOUT .ACUTE OR OHRONIO A ALB CTCLfl ck SURE CHRP - B U Manufactured only under the adota Trade Mark, bv the EUROPEAN 8ALI0Yl10 MKDIOINE CO., of Paris and Leioxig. Immediate Relief W arranted. Peru- an en Cure Ooaraatee. How exclasivcly need by all celebrated Physician of Europe a&d America. The highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 cures out of 100 eases within three cays. Secret The only disso'ver of the po'so ecs Uric Acid which exists in the Hlood o Rbeumatio and Gouty Patients. CUREt. CURED. ' CURED, H 8 Dewey, 'Esq., 20lHoadwav, InS&m- matory Rtieamati3m. , Learey, Esq, 456 Washington Market, Unronic Kneumansm. Mrs K Tcwne, 63 Kas- Ninth street, (chalky iormauons in tne joints), enrcnio Kheuma ti6m. A M Prater, 74 Newark arenne, Jersey Uity, i;hronio KheumRtisni. John c Chamborlam, Fsq, Washington uiud, asmnfi'ton. D U, liheumatic Oout. Wm K Arnold, E;-q, 12 Weybosset rtreet. i'-oyid-nce, R I, of twenty years' Chronic Hneamatiam. John B Turpte. 100 Harjchex street, 6an Francisco. Nearslgin and Sciatica. tor MaLarialylnlermillent and Chronic fever 8, Chills, or Ague, SALJCrUOA IS A CERTAIN CURE, Saoersedinjr entirely the use of Sulphate of Quinine, as it wil' not only cat th fevers, but will achieve a R A 1)104 L C'tTRE, with oat any of th inconreniercea and troubles iaine f o QUINISK. Oitfit heat fr. t , tho to Biri7H in iha ... llTtfitlh'. .... v Terr thing l.. ty. ;A, : We ill tn-ri,!, v " irv row a-.w.. .1. . ' . - n.ir iii.-fji. and vt.utur bo tr.a riri. ' - ' 1 "-v - - rm t .p who Kair -t tne w i i Hn.i- u. ' fortnee. Addrces H . . 1 rH I' -v Tirs wti4iev-r. d t onCf hi&ni JSC oo wtji- wiihp land, &2atn. t 5 dC 3 31 a box, six doxob for $5 Sent' free by Mail on receipt of taoner, " again unless he produces a certificate that liis name has been erased from the books of his former township. No registration shall be" allowed on election day unless the' voter has become entitled to register on that day. xug Doara or commissioners, on or be- lore tne 1st Monday of the month next ASif vmifi nonr;ri!CT mo but tare no imitation or subatitute, as our Kalicylica (coDyriirhtad) is guaranteed to re lieve, or m&ney refunded, and will bedelir- ered free on rooeipt of orders, by elliBg on yr ituuiessinif preceding the month in which each clec- Post-Despatch. tion is held (1st Monday in October. A countrv V r -i " . . "I .. . J ft """" ouan uuuoiuu iour luaffes or inspectors I was the best wav to cure a ham rAmart. of election (two of which shall be of a ed that before answering that question cimerent political party from the regis- he should want to know what ailed the speaks of a meteor "about as large as a basket." The tail must haVP. hftPTl n? Inner oJ a. rn'ono Af ttrinir "Ah! ifl had only Tiad her at Canon- WaSh DUrne & CO.. cuei, iasi summer, said noscoe Conklmg as he was riding behind Maud S. at Cincinnati the other day. St. Louis rospectus OF THE AXSOX TI3, tv v. willbissufcfnm tbwcllicein tf,?' boro, ths fir.t nnmber .f The J a weelv fawi y rp, r, deTr,ted to ,h . tereat.of Anson c unty, ad toe inj? section. "t4. Tbe.liiueB vri'l ho K-ictlr nearer.,!.: pshties, iioWinlbat the Vnt welfiwrf the po; le is to be und ia cn-i 'tnenttbed on the . tirue-henor prr!iH of Deuiocracyi wrtiloit wi i nVrertlie' . kl just and fair -to .11 ver. It ff', of the day, and tha best thought of t men. Its market reports win 'ua tLorotrTf prepared, prompt a .d nccurto. 7 A leadintr fiA.tn- f f tha m its weekly letters Trom Klei,h andtrnj .Ncv7 oik , kit :2 the chief social and piif. c al topics from original sources. We th'I endeavor to i?,ue euch a journal 8, w!J leave no department nncared fAr. tur yt. and County News .Apncultur.il column. nd poruestic Mucelltny for the ladies, will b kept abreast of the times. mo peupie or Aiioa snd the Pee Deo m pion have a (creat future before thrm, 8ad ti will be the duty and pleasure .t the ; lmes to leire no effort unppsred to adriace it development by all the work ihtt ta live aua proffresgive journal can cfl'ect We confidently expect the 6aty co opera-ion of the farmers, the men of buine88,and nil who are desirous oi prosperity for this fnvored region of .North Carolina. In reta.ii re hope to preeent a journal, in hA -limn. wuira iaey may ieei a just pride. Fubli&hed at the growing town of boro, a railroad centre, and comrntintr mi.t thw Ti oifg will offdr an unnauai arivrti.in. Medium for the bus ness men of Carliitos Wilm Bfijton, Raleijjh and Charlotte. ' Terms One year. 2: ferriionth. $l- thr.. rrionthi50c. fiperial contraca mde!6.td. vertnine. ILOBliKT II. (liiW'AS. Kept a iVf-K AGENTS. 31 i Broad f ivy, oor, Fulton st, (KnoziBtdla feb a8-ljdAir. rwKNEt?lROGRAM!HK, It is said that the Republicans are to . make ft grand effort to carry A'irginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. This looks as -though they cjeapair of New York, as well they might. A gentleman in this city, who wm in New York week or so ago, tells us that the Democrats in that city art not, by any means, cowed by the re mit in Indiana, but that they talk most confidently of their ability to carry thci-, wwu oiaic, luai u is oniy a question 0f how much its k majority will be. 7je 8tys he heard John Kelly, the gr eat Tamminr DiiAHain caw : the presence of a number of gentle? jien that the Democrats would leavje. Xew rn wi K Ort Ann . . v.jm nku ?v,uvu tq aion- ly ana taav muj seem to most sL JCere ly belietft it himself. But this is a j. rressiin. The New York Sun says that f he Re- pawicans will go to work in V irginia with the endeavor to make a o jalition withtMahohe. If they succeed ' in.lhis. wa believe that we may call Virgf nia safe for Hancock. It will divide th 9 Demo- crauc . ana-Jiopublican ranks as thor- 'AAt A.- vuaiy asiney werejUTioed in J S76. As 10 NoVCaliP.a:ffenU' il " said, have already ecn sent here wi th money ana acemnents. JLet them coir cannot . ,rnvolutionire North, now. .it-.the , -people or .tcsm y, ember. Letters and tele- 4i 1 pouring in from all parts 0 irom iae democratic mas5es ulu,auuu' T of the r leaden? not tr HpW .111 inctn, . . .. J trars), at each pollinff place It shall be the duty of the rec istrars and judges of election to attend 1 U the polling place of their precinct on the Saturday before election (October 30) from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m.. and hear and determine challenges. The judges and registrars shall attp.n.d at the polls on the dajrof election, (Tues- ?e T bu day, November 2) and conduct the elec- rlj' .because a ham. fourteen female missionaries have gone out to work among the Utah Mor mons. It is hoped they will not all mar ry the sameman and so contract their uselulness. Among the newest hats for ladies is one called "Sunrise." So called, mobs man has to get up before e. They Carolina the Old .it in renewing the ramnaiirn nnrt asscrtir.g that there are many men in I lSyT respective regions who will vote I. he-Democratic leaders feel croatlv nr 1 . . . . . j - jcouragsa at such Dnght prospects ' only three days after such a defeat. The Campaign will be begmn at once, and pushed, forward with earnestness and vig ,or to the end. The word has gone out au aion ine line. There- is astonishing Luimuence in me ranK ana hie. They do not even doubt that Hancock can carry Indiana. The same vote polled for Landers on Tuesday, if polled for 1 T -11 1 . , . . "utwN, wui give mm ine tttate. The Democratic State Central Com mittee will meet next Monday for the transaction of important business. The tariff question, which affected the Demo crats in the eamoaiern inst closed, will . . x tjw . 1 - be met. ' -ir. Hendricks will discuss the tariff at jSew Albeoiy the first of next week xxq wm spea t in the large - manufactur ing cities, co- afining his argument most ly to the tai .-iff queetion. You can de pend upon it in New York that the Indi ana Democrr ts will leave no stone un turned to ca rry the State for . Hancock, and they fin aly believe it can be done. When too . visi; or 4rave New York (Jif v. Stop L the Brand Union- IloU-L nnnait trsI Dep.rt- Kurcpean pUh. atvt to $1.0 and upwaida rsuiasseJ at moderate prices tsaaes and elevated railioad to Kaseaj. ly R h nas red R'-fcUuirant t:ret cars, a'l psrts ot 1 lion. 1 ney snail enter the name of every person who votes in the poll book, certify to the same and deposit them wim tne register of deeds. On election day, any person may, and ine judges snail, challenge the vote of any person suspected of not being qual- Any one so challenged shall be sworn and examined as to his qualification ; and other witnesses may be examined on oatn, ana the judges may reject the vote utj an. dousubu mat sucn person is not a legal voter. The polls shall be open f rom 7 a. m., till sunset. Voters shall hand in their ballots to the judges who shall carefully deposit them in the ballot boxes. Immediately after the election the judges shall despoit the registration books with the register of deeds. ELECTIOX. When the election is over, the regis trar and judges of election, in the pres ence of such persons as may attend, shall I ouunse every cay ior a weet to earn enough money to pay for one. Norris- vcOwn Herald. After a girl has spent half a day in se wing red trimming around the bottom of .her dress, nothing bothers her so much as t o have a friend whisper: "Your pet ticoat is coming oS."- StilwaterLumber- man. THE BEST REMEDY FOR : Diseases of tie Throat and Lunss. JSVTri In diseases of -the a safe and reliable remedy is inval uable. Ay et.'s Chkrrt Pectoral is such a remedy. It is a scientific combination of tho medicinal princi pies and curativo virtues of the linest drugs, chemically united, of such power as to insure tho greatest possi ble efficiency, and TWifrrT n T unnormity 01 re ITLXj I JttLi, suits. It stTikojs .if. tne ioundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, CHERRY Jeneil 1 TOO are a nwn of baniness-wealf 4 by the strain of your dutiea nr.i.l stimulants and uue Hop Bitters. If yoa are yourtfr and discretion or diuiin ried cr single, old or poor health or lani?uLsb aess, rely on Hop v-floever you arts, ieifs whenever vou fpfl r.: Yi . " .ia.. I . iaai -your system neotlfl cleansintr. ton- injr .or Btimulatinc w i muiu, luinjncaciug. Bittora-1 or vrinaru com-fc plaint. dlseaef Pot toe stomach, I. ; - . j . . .i K.UVHHI, IIVUU. tuver ornervea 1 X OU.WIH DC cured If you Hue nop Uittere Ifyouaresim- piy weaK ana low spin tea, t ft i ix may saveyou r lite, it has rVMi him Hdred8. I a IH I I I I I 1 c W.I E r.i. niTTrnAH 19:11 W I I bUV H i in nil in pi im 1UIIIUHUB H i. B 11 NtVrK Ei IrAii n ei ssaaasasasc if you ar mau of let- n11 nitrtr worK. t i tore brtin !:rveamii wasu;. U!,e Hop fi. TOtferintr from a:iy In tion j it yoiian i tr younpr sufferinjr t romj iK on bca Ml kick I Bitters. Tbonnnfls f! an I rraaiiy from e Jiiwt tonn of Kidney! Ui.fca.oo that iD:j.;ttj have IxK-n pr 9ited byatlmi ly ?ne of HopOlUarel O. I. P. ia an abetntel and in-j sta-Z !ble cur a . fori IdniDke c' .'use of com tobacca.orl UUXCOtiCA srifttrt. tit- iuturl Urcukr. hop crrras TO co. Kotheitrr, li. T. St l'i.cti.r)nL , XZSJ "Wnat IS the first thintr tn b rlnna in fi.o'i nc,Um.A T-r oi " uuu- is aaapieu to patients of any ago or case ot fire? asked Professor Stearns. either sex. Being very palatable; tho "Sue tL'fi insurance company." nromntlv youngest children take it readilr. Tn answerei i the boy at the foot of the class, J.Rs, Colds, Soro Throat, whose fairer had been bnrned out once f&fvdif Clergyman's Catarrh, the effects of Ayer's Cheerv Man cb c OUR KEKT PRESIDEHT! c or twice.-Burlington Hawkeye. George Washingtonlwas very great, As all tae world can see, And Gai "field, in a like estate, As gre t a man would be. These two before the public eye In strongest light have stood, The one be cause he couldn't lie, The other 'cause he could. "Annie," said a fond husband to his vrife, 'what were the the current expen- m . . a. ... open tirs;; ;eTd r 8 for Iast mon.t"n "0h " she an8d- ing aloud the names on the tickets. If there be two or more tickets rolled up together, if any ticket has more names on it than the voter has a right to vote for, or has a device nn it. thA.v -L-ll 1 1 ' J The counting of the votes shall be continued -without adjournment until completed, and the result thereof de clared. The judges of election, at each nollinrr place, shall appoint one of their nnmber a ' a . to attend the meeting of the board of county canvassers as a member of the board, and they shall deliver tn him tfin original return statement of the result of the election at their polling place. The county canvassers so chosen shall constitute the board of county canvass- only twenty-eight cents." "Why, how -was that!" "Well, jou see, I onlv baked cake twice and therefore used very few currants." Menden- liecorder. - . . ..... . She read all the books of science, Her fingers were covered with ink, : 8he hooted at marraige alliance, She talked of the missing link. She quoted savans and preachers Of greater and less renown Platonic is all her features, . 8he got mashed on a circus clown. JM)W RATJC8 -Tor all kinds of Printinr, Parsoac eddin out of tha eUr can hkra uir praunjr earefolij xoestad aaa aail4 w saem fn or postasr. Jfi. S. WaRROnK: (Ia Ey.VraiWIax) - - JobPriaur. pi 9 Pkctorai. are magical, and multitudes are annually preserved from sprintin ill. u7 113 tmielyand faithful use. It should be kent at bnnrl in hold for the protection it affords in sud- oen attacks. In wliooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. -Low prices are inducements to trv o,""d iuouy unjtmres or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective i enta, now offered, which, as they con- " Luiai'f quauiies, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to disappoint the patient. Diseases of tho t? auu lungs uemand active and effective treatment; and it is dangerous experimenting with unknown and cheap i"" -.ww may, wnue bo trifled with, oecomo deerjlv tvAtA r r,.,..i.i T ATEES Cherry IVrrnptr ti- t r-j r icsuiis. ana is as cheat m it --.oi ' and line ingrldinia Xvlll alowEmi: SS lA ing its composi. i-'-iLfo it. o.ne test of half II tj 0! Crayon PorteHs Lift Of our next Preiident and Vice Pre3iisnt. Mai. Gen'llW. S. HANCOCK! Hod. f. H. ENGUSEf I levant H hfrimin Pur.!.. II w a upon 11 ear r PUted nrail on receipt cf 60c, and, jenr acd.e, THEHAPJCOK PUBLISHING C&., PJLAISTOW, N. IJ. adorn tbsHom nf v v,, too land. d. . & Fresh Every Day century has nrorcn it t! A Hvfc AHHORTilEMT v riivniM. beyond tho reach of human aid. tSU "d Domet)e' J'1 " tr PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER &. CO., t ?EtONP oenoine "bome-madk Lowen; Mass: ' I f "?"? Bd .trixi. ai,uu A'

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