fills f&i'ti, 9tail3tid every aiteraooa, ttaadaji JOSH. T. JAMBS, DrTOB AJfD FBOFBIJCTOB. gOBSCBIPTIOyS, POSTAGE PAID. a, tear, $5 00 Si month, $2 50 ; Three 8 month, SI 35 ; a montkj 60 centa. fte PPer d171 by carrier!, o.'chanre, n Qy Pwt of .Sore rate?, or 13 cent per week. Adrerti!in?f ta low and liberal jgp-riabsenbera wil1 pleaae report any and . ft;i3reto receive Oieir papenrefrnlarly. r DAILY Bewew. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1880 NO. 205 Fall S took, Pf.WlHP KrnTTrrr We will be glad to reeeiTe eomncxleationj from ro frienda-on aay and aU! rcbjecli o general laterert bat: 4 Tne name of the writer nut alwa ji be for Biabed tothe Sditor. Comanalettloni awt be written: on ontj one ride of the japer. PertonaUtiee nn t molded. And It la efpeciaHreaeiparticalarlTrMder ' rtood that the Editor f ecc not alwayi endori e the newi ot correepoadaata. nzlm In the editorial eol nm W. R. Grace, the Democratic nominee ior Jiayorm JNew lorK, 13 tne same whosename is signed to the contract to build the Western Nerth Carolina R. R BROWN & RODDICK D 45 Blarfcet Street. ESISK TJ IN'? 'KM THE PUBLIC i g.ner'1j and Whcla! Oaihbnyen in rar- dealM", thit wa are fall up with the Cheapest ILiixie ! of Pry oods We have noticed that but few Demo cratic papers, in making up their proba bilities, look upon Pennsylvania a3 any thing more than debatable ground. This is hardly ju3t. "We have contended tha there is a good chance, for carrying Penn- syl 7ania for Hancock, as good, probably as thereain Connecticut or California Ifc 13 Hancock's native State and , there ar s thousands of veterans there who bave heretofore voted with the Republi cans'who will this year ca3t their votes for Hancock. The. Democrats are mak ng it hot for the Cameron clan in that State and they are working with an in tention of winning. There is no thit has erer been offered in this market 30 BUYER visiting thia city will do him- ttere is a political elf jiatice by passing oar door, at we are underselling the market inmmy of the reg olar Staple lines doubt of the revival W h4Td marked down all goods that be long to Summer wear and am ollerim?" ffl Special Iioceia Is to onr patron p. We would call particular attention to the following GENTS DOGSKIN DBIYIMG GLOVES Slightly spotted, 75c, Worth $1.60, fact that imong the Democrats in -the Northern States. They are ail working like badgers and with an energy and a persistence jthat must bear good fruits. The party in New York is now more elated and confident and a sympathic enthusiasm has been enkindled in Connecticut, New Jersey and Pentsylrania. Even.the New York Su?i, which a few days ago was so des pondent, is moved to say that 'there has been a thorough shaking-up of the Democracy'' in the past few "days and that "the party in this State i3 in a healthier and heartier cendition than it has been in before." alicoes ! How can a Democrat work? First, says the Neivs and Observer, see that your own name is on the registration book of your proper pre cinct or ward. Then examine the book my aii? i i - . . I riu,.u0oeH an pncea in Beautiful carefully to see that your acquaintances, designs. f especially those who have latelv removed into the precinct, are properly registered. BlftiCllCil .1!lf TTllhlfMlrtljfifl Make it your business to see theluke- warm and the doubting in person, and COttOllS J make tuem realize their' duty. Those w in.a i.ij v ' . ,1L who think they are opposed to one or Wo bare laid m a very hityj stock of the J A. , another name on the State or conntv eko. and are offering them at lower figures ticKefc sn)uld be hTQUght to &- genge of anerer. We hare all the popular brands. I the importance of presenting a' united Our 14 Bleaching at 10 cents per yard is I front to the enemy, and subordinating their private prejudices to the common good. On the day of election the me thod of work is obvious, and if you will only signify your willingness to work, the committee will find much for you to do. Bring your vehicle, be cit carriage, or buggy, or' wagon, to the voting place, in order that there may be a conveyance ready if one be needed to convey the without any exoeption the beat value ever offered. . Linen Handerchief s, A Job at 10 centd. These goodj require no comment. Have you registered ? Where is that crowd goiog ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots aDd eboes. f Mirch Campbell, colored, wa3 commit ted to jail to-day by Justice A. J. Grady, of Cape Fear township, in de fault of $100 bond upon the charge of mismarking live stock: Turpentine and Its Products. distil over together. This is crude roslrv . 1 T - 1 1 .... Dr. Thos F. wl r tfci. rit. ,nmp Ul.u . " ueavy,neany opaque, whitish - w i viarin nnui nn Kont r , r. imA Dina 1 i. 1 i r r i t . I - , 1 ... vuuaicu u uuuiut-r 01 iacis rui-i mis cruue rosni oil is rectified hv ative to the production of terpentine, and I distillation, and the resulting oil is trans- its manufactured results, such as snirits. Pajent, wun a uccidedJy bluish cast bv , -r , rosin and oil, in response to some en. quines submitted to him by Trof Fluckiger, for insertion in the Pharma cographia. Dr. Wood's article has been Our ladv rrailp mf lUUltSUU lit knowing that .Miss Kurrer ha re- lurncu irom the .North with a very at tractive stock, of milinery " and other fancy good?, selected bv h'or in".. It is deeply opalescent, for the trade in this cit V 1 ' nm : V j ' " j uuu a - ing opened and she will take pleasure i" iTAuimung the new styles to ti H. dies. reflected light more so than petroleum oil. J he residuum left in the still is a black mass with a shining fracture, giving the hues or crystal aniline DanciDg lessons wiven tree at ilossx- thalV Pi.m,i sole boo. aid the bail rocm eh :eh for t Maj. Stedman will speak at Bladcc- boro, Bladen county, on Thursday, Octo- furnished to New. Remedies, a monthly ktn ornnh 'IT j. : , . , . , - J ke 0, "PM and oil of tar. mtulvai "jouruai puDiisnea in iew jar whou dist ed vields nrrnliVnrnno TT 1. i . . . l . I J -"0"wwMc xoris. cny, in tne Uctober number ot acta, water, naphtha or spirits of tar t 1 . . wnicn it appears. It contains matter which will interest all of our readers and we reproduce . it here. In reading the ber 28. He also speaks at Warsaw, article, it must be understood that it Duplm county, Saturday, October 23. There are 14 barques, 5 brigs and 4 schooners now at thi3 port. The square- riggers, with three exceptions, one v barque and two brigs, are all foreign and the schooners are all American. is a compilation of replies to interrogatories, the latter being omitted: Uf the turpentine collected in. this district very little is shinned north. Most an ot it is distilled upon the water courses near the nine forests. Tha and oil of (ar. The . naphtha, when punneu by a second distillation, is clear and of a very pleasant terebinthinate odor. 1 he oi I of (a r comes over in the latter part nf the process, and a black residuum remains in the still resembling ! pitch. All but the last-mamed of these articles have a commercial value. lar is distilled in iron retorts, iustas rosin is. There arn mnnv rnmnW ui Li -n T ;c ,v.m, ".V- at J- Herring's, on Sixth! Htsistratson I'laccs. I or the benefit of our readers wc mil) lish below the list nf Uememl, r. if you havj changed vour p ace of residence from one Ward to an other you are required by law to ret ti cert&cate from the registrar of ycur old Hard and then register in the Ward m whi h you now reside: First'Ward, Upper Division, registers,' between Rice birds are about played out. No eo with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f ink. fc Co.'s store. o:i C. Fourth 1 I ii i . I -tiiioen and Harnett stivrf 1 .... - 1 uuiiiiL. LUV li II I ft i il- 1 ' w Small finantltlAa nrril10 fnrruintinn hath I i: iTi . r ii i . 1 I 1?: j. n i . . . v.. "" nuiuvuuuc uun i liu:is. o mn ni xnom nam k.m x-irL :irii i mrA r:..::. 1 t Sent nnrth RTP llCPrl in m(lL-ln nnnfnrt.' I ii li , ... J I . ivi.i, lUU .w v.wv,v. u A.t.u.iu: in iuiu i iiiLK iiirpi i v wnrpri nut oi.i l a j "w.vv. v uuu mtuiiucu i UIOV.115U1I I hV Mr. William A Alai n V I urpontme is distUled m copper stills of the works wn Wo vicito.i sireer. 1 1 i '11 1 I ' v v m. v ' T H' 7' 'wmenj iron suns were usea. mam to be investigated. Terebinthine CUDU ard, at..i. C. Luuiideas xuea me resuiunff oil was red. U hen nrndnrtc h oloor. i.. Frnnf dmnt TUP Tircf. Pftnnoi" otill nroa Pnrl m ,r.l I -i a- t . . c J I . h. n ppiinir rw rna Knnvi ssr n nil t m " w . . j u iuii ifv- null naa uiu i 1 1 I 1 11 1 iiiyl.'t i n I I.. I a. - u-vvig vi tu uuaiu ui iiuuiu i . 1 ----- - iuiviwuu vuciMli;ijj , clliU JUSl nOW-.WC and Finance, held vesterdav afternoon, " . . u"UiUICU " ppe are moving towards practical commercial iha cnV;.t 4i.n uJT 11 was not results, 1 am expecting to announce, at r;lTZr:rr r: rr'iTre 3-;;...... di?tantday? thatwe have made a sure n icicucu utita 10 me xuaru 01 aii .h viuuc mrpouuuu ju uiauuea wun jstcp in the riht direction dermen. ' I water, l he part which water plays in . the process will be seen hereafter. I Ladies, tho best fits and the easiest Will if ot Come. I ma present distinctions as to the hoes lor the llttlo ones are at Rosen The Belgarde Troupe have canceled I p3-063 or rosm are somewhat diflerent that'b. f PT10rft.ffPTri(nt. in thia iittt TAr rr nicrnt 1 0-S vj iv vui6v" Third Ward, at W. L. Jacobs store : corner Fourth and Princess streets.' Fourth Ward, at W. V. Oldham s mill, Dock street. - Fifth AVrard, at Dremcr's store, corner Fifth and Castle streets. . It IS not tha nresence of wn.tfr I CitT nmipt. 1 l i . rm . - jt. M L - w . - m - - - ana lo-morrow night, i hey played munar-1 makes rosin yellow. If water geta into The case of Joseph Marshall and Julia lone last night ana were to nave arrived i roam, wmcn it aoes eometimes oy acci- Ford, mentioned in Wednesday's Review 1 i.t.i- pi. t. . ... , a I flsnt. thfl mein hPMmeo nnnnna All they I uere mis auernoon ov special tram, ir r I-"' "r-i- ""' ua m,'n .i i hAttnn mmaWam II I WhUlU 1 1 J 1 1. 1 1 1.11 1111 irill w ucmti giauca ui rusiu are yeuuw or am-1 . " oer coior, more correctly: out the term 1 w ol juna ir ora on yenow rosin is not usea nere commer- account ot alleged ind snnsitiW TTia yjinlnS. i ; 4u r Hor gave orders this morning rosm depends, first, upon the quality of , , . - A ? the turpentine, and, second. pon the must be seut for to-morrow and . . S- ..... . I n . - still in distilling. " Virgin turpentine," I appear, n, aoie to do so the nrst exudation Irom a newly chipped tree if skilfully distilled, will ' yield got into a disputc yesterday afternoon 'window-glass rosm," of which there are , t, P .. 7 two or three trades, it bv anv mpam "u il ui Jiaiacu uuu nauou water gets into prima rosin it becomes streets, which finally ended (in an opaque. 1 his accidental addition of wa- anrav. in which tho "GrnnnhnrL-or" termusttaKej)iacc aiter the rosin has hvCnt down undcr Mr. Sargeant, the manager of the troupe refused on yesterday to hold to the con tract made between the rail road com pany and his agent. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat in?? ritOVP.S at. nlmnaf: itw Tv-iro ot 1 Ann-met Hardware JJepot. New AdvertisGmont3. Home Again I jyjISS KL&RtR would refpectrully. an. nounce to the ladies 6f WUiaingtba that .V.l . .. that she B4i OBa rlaraei "00 the Xorth with an ele made to j nt aesortment of il jllinory and othor ffcoda which are haw beirifr nnpnoi o ,v.:V A "Greenbarker" and n. "Republikin" wiJltake rreat pleaeuro in exhibiting. to tho oct 22 The cattle Ordinance. The cow nuisance is unabated. A day or two ago a cow was seen to open with her horns the gate to a flower garden on I been drawn off from the still. uufwn uf Am Pcrsnasive Chestnut street. A neighbor happened .euow aip- turpentine, which is the ""r - " ; uwutub va vuw wvu4a mu Vk UWUU I t ' vv4v pupa. aa-v a . UOIII years, yields the medium grades of rosin; overloaded with too much com juice at r or this offeace and for crea- his animal 1 while the "scramnfrs." tho insnissated the time. to see the cow at the time and made littler" boys run her oat. The tMiAVTAH ta ha KalliMnvrtnt nfl 4- vrf rrTTTTI TTfiTTl Trio TrpO IflAififva vioina on in ; 0 J i Ti -i- i . , . I tin IV t IIP d I QTnrhn nnn nn 4hn 4t, hard to gore one of the little fellows. Is Ijeno' rosin, irom very oar to almost 7J T , J 1 . luc .4. t.4. u v -4 .1- -i- a I black. The black rosin is not due to Mayor sentenced the first mentioned x-asu, c mC uijr uuuuonues, to i burning in the still, as has been stated, nartv tn fin f cort 41 4. 1 A- I . , '. .. . I 1 IJ " "" V-V Ul IU iCillUill uW MtUWiua..4. uebiroyi Anhydrous rosin is the greater part in the citv nrison fnr iKrt m nrnnprtr ornl oranfror llvoo? Wliot I of t.hfi Rt.nrlr nrnniin.fin tho nnannp rnina I. J 1 J The sters.. SPLENDID LOT Oii'Flo, Fat NORFOLK OYSTERS by Exprets thia day. A.lao,'New Birer Ojaters, and all faridthcd in cny ctyle deiireJ. lOL'.V IIAAU, Jr., oct 22-tletN' v KczirtBaloon. Sunday's Dinner Give does the city cattle ordinance amount to? It is on the record books of the city, but J is never enforced. Expunge it. Window Glass of all sizes, riof)rs,Sh aid Blinds, Builders' Bardw&re,&o Lew it prices at Jacobi's. being accidental, are limited. . menuonea party was let oil with the SUOULU LS A G0I ONE. We hare nil at-1 1 r j . a r ii I rnata wlnh fv i . . -i . , i xue loiiuwiug ueacnpuou ol me pro- I ;"- i,u ua aiuei wurus remiuea, it I hA Ka.f VB.;n r t . . . ' uioi.iiia.iiivi4 Luujr viaiu iuivuci. i wiijg pitny wen csiaDusned that ice- A mteen-Darrei copper still (barrel publikin" was not to blame. weigmug lus. ciicu; is uuurgcu euny US a OaM ! sick or aged to the polls. Be vigilant,! hopeful and active, and the evening of November 2d will witness a errand tri- A Correction. in the morning. Heat ia applied until the mass attains a unnorm "temper ature of from 212 to 316 F. This is continued until the accidental water, that is, tho water contained in the'erude Full Metal and Walnut Show Oases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Thick 8R0WN & sSODDICK, omphoflhe Democracy. 45 Market5 St. To 3y Friends and Customers- I AM NOW DAII V recsmng my Fall atpek LOCAL NEWS. Newj.dYorti!ementB. . Bctchxbs' Company Sunday 'a Dinner, ilis K Kirrks Home Aeain Opbsa Housk Beat-Santler Novelty Co. J- hh Hub, Jr Norfolk Wyetert Heimbbbi&okk Cbatter-Kox Yatks School Books Always Eomethiiigj New. of Register! Register ! ! Boots and Shoes, ConBiiting of all the LATEST STYLUS 1 -My past stock and my snccesa epeak for tkmselTw, and I only ask a continuance c jour farora a liberally bt'owed cn ce Please Call and Examine my "StDck as regards Quality and Prices ! n o trouble to ihow (rood. 111 be pleeed to tee you one aad all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. GHAS. KLEIN, OsJfirtatcr . an j Cabinet Hater, Princes Street, la Basement of the Journal Building WM9 mm ' Vindow Glass all sizes Trice's. at AltafTer & t The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 885 bales. The finest stock of Ladies Foxed Balmoral and Button Boots at Rosen tuals., T The diagram for the. sale of reserved seats to the Rentz-Santley performance on Monday night is now at Ileinsber- orpr a xo one now xninss oi a aomestic or foreign trip, without a supply of Dr Bull's uough byrup. 2o cts. The Fall term of the Superior Court for Robeson convenes at Lumberton . on Monday next, His Honor, Judge Avery, on the bench. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian TTriV Rpnpw. er,the only reliable preparation for restor ing gray nairto it? original color. ribbon and scraps of lace, foaming rufls yel vet things for the neck, bundles of love letters, pieces of jewelry, handker chiefs, fans, things that no man knows the name of, all sorts of fresh-looking, bright little articles that you couldn't catalogue in a column, and at anytime she can go to that drawer and pick up any one of them she wants without dis turbing anything else, . whereas a man There are 28 foreign vessels now en I having the biggest, deepest and widest route to this port, all but four of which I drawer assigned to him will put in a are barques. The total tonnage amounts couple of socks, a collar box, an old to 11,177 tons. ' necktie, two handkerchiefs, a pipe, and latest, bes and" cb3pet Pr of brftce and to save his life he 'a. j can't shut the drawer without leaving I more ends of thmgs sticking out than Itobeson county I : w i mere urc piccc uj The newest. at RoeEXTUAl: The Democrats of will hold d mass meeting at Lmberton on Monday next, the ISth icst Several Mr. NaUrT Jacob i having been appoint A fineaMertmeotof Ooffina and Oaa nmminPnt cnrnVnr j gent for thfl AUas Plow, patties ia Jet, coiutanUy on hand. Furaitare Sepaire" P1111116111 speakers are expected to ad- want of this celebrated Plow can now d Varolahed. Orders by t-le ress the crowd, among them Gen. James have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard apQ ermaU promptly fl ie i. norl r t r ci tix ware Denot. No. 10 S. Front 8t. There was an error in our statement a I turpentine as it comes from the forest, few days since relative to the invitation nasbeen driven oil. toSt. Johns Parish, extended to BeT.pyroli M J,cid, formic acid, ether and Mr. Pitts, and injustice to all concerned, I methylic alcohol, with water. This is as well a3 to ourselves, wc mako the I known as low wine. correction. Mr. Pitts has not accented L. A!! t.he accidental water having been u a I ter is new let in. so that tho heat is kont Northern city but will probably come I at or below 316 P., the boiling point of to JNorth Carolina. He is now a resi-1 oil of turpentine. I he oil of turpentine dent nf "Ralti'mnrp. i . SnntWnr v 1 and water now come over, and the mix k,vu a ,v;r- A I ture is caught in a wooden tub. fcU uu .uua, uu . uciVa w rc-1 Th dstinate i- caught from tho. still. a a j ty . . m ' turn to tne south. 113 exact location and separates into water and oil. There here in the future is undecided, but it I is an overflow spout, which discharges Will TirnTin Vil tt Vo 4 n n 1-o Ti n rrta rF I into a tub. The water is kept low .1 t i . ,r . I enough in the lower part of the tub to tuoiugicai Hcnooi, euner at juorganton nrev" t ita overfl0-winr throurh the i TTM11 T" -Ll V. . I 1 . O.. or at xmisuoro. jrossiDiy ne may yet I cock into the receptacle. Prom this re come to Wilmington, but this does not 1 ceptacle it is put into oak casks, well seem very probable. I mado with iron hoops, and securely - i 3 z :j. TT. -nn4 u i; 1 1 i . . I j uc utauucis tv;au iuc uuaiitjr ui iuc BMUOfe uiouu-Wui meiri flnw from t;mft tn time in a nroof i. r i j VT7: i i ? -r I ... . . r . ' i urj ia vvmier oj wearing lvosEN I T ne distillation is continued until the thal's boots and shoes. t I proportion of fluid coming over is 0 of water to 1 of oil of turpentine. At this Strange, Dot True. I stage tne neat is witnarawn, the still- ' I MM .a 4-nlrAn rfr anH rKA Kf m - r. . w . I. , i . . ., , , - Cit ij i3,wmu vu, uuu c uut luaiu. wuiv:u -"" 'v'0" Uiar rpmains inanuid statn in tlif Ktill is er in a oureau tor ner own private cse draw off by a valvular cock at the side and will store in it dainty fragments of! f tni s near ne bottom. ' This rosin passes through a strainer, before it reaches the vat, to rid it of for t. A 1 eign suDstauces, sucn as straw, pine cones, chips, etc. Jb rom the vat it is bailed by wooden buckets, fixed on a long handle, into the barrels. Rosin is graded by standard samples fixed upon by the ".Produce Exchange." The yield of oil of turpentine from "virgin dip" i3 about 6 gallons to barrel. The yield of oil of turpentine from "yellow dip" is about 4 gallons to bar rel. The yield of oil of turpentine from "scraping" i3 aboat 2 gallons to barrel. Other products now attract our atten tion, viz., the distillation of Rosin Oil. The rosin oil of commerce is produced in the following waw : Rosin is intro duced into an iron stUU the lower grades beiner used for this purpose, and heat is applied until the temperature reaches from 310J to 32i Jb'. Water and ptro, ligneous acid and cap tha come over first, and for some time, until the rosin is exhausted of naptha. The heat is then raised to near the red heat of iron, when the rosin boils, and water and oil of rosm Storm on the Coast Ihe storm signal has been floating here all day. The Signal Bureau at Washington City ha3 sent out a notice warning vessels ready for sea from sail ing to-day as it is probable they will, ex perience very heavy weather outside, all lVConday Evening. October 25 along the Coast, from Florida to Cape Cod. At 11:15 this forenoon a severe! storm was prevailing East of the South ie citr. Bemember, we have what we advertise. 1,000 pounds Melton Sauaaffea at our 8 tore to-morrow. BUTCHERS' COMPANY, MOTT, CAMPEff k MELTON. Oar Stoaai Sausage Factory ii now ia fall operation. oct 22.1 f OPERA HOUSE; The Universally Popular and Celebrated REOTZ-SANTLEYNOVELTYCOMP'Y M. B. LEAVITT. Atlantic Coast but the exact position I The Finest and Most iVistinguishcd'orani- I the storm centre was unknown. . We have not experienced any of it here as yet Rosa Lee, Eva Byron, Kate liaynham, Bordeaux Si&terF. Blanche Vaujm. Laura Bennett, i-ew-iiencuict, Improving. We are glad to learn that Dr. M. J. DeKosset i3 now considered a3 decidedly better and that hi3 condition i3 steadily I IIarry Gwynette improving. There is much more sensa tion in his right side, the part affected He is so much better, in fact, that his father, Dr. A. J. DeRosset, ha3 decided to return home, and is expected here next week. zation in America. LISA WEBER, ' ' : Mary. Ton Urocele. . J-uia. lontiuore, Belle Clifton, . Fanny Florence, Capitola Forreft, (2'Jjiter '& Gold rich, John E. IIfnhaw, Mark Kentz. Win. .Randall. Inaugurativo Presentation. Lisa Weber's ew and Original 'Opcratfe liuriesque. Pretty--Pretty, Or, YOUTHFUL FROLICS. Magnificent Costumes, 3eliIitfiil Music,- FriceK as usual, .Wc and!; Box Sheet oet 22-3t Last Xisht. The very inclement weather of last! open at Heinsberger'e night interfered very seriously with the meetings called for then in the Second and Third Wards. In the Second Ward there was a small attendance, not with stand w ma j v i , . "ipiisee mat must Bait. Combines and old w.-v,i -ujuuiuuicuii 4i4r wurBtt oyer, ana carrena or libtoa- until next Tuesdav eveninc was koidpd I ?.d A,,0 fine "took of Millinery and Ko- ' o I tinna in at i- i . i. . l . I Have Just Returned TTaOM THE WESTERS PA P.Tnr TTTT? ut u , "ce Btock of HUMAN II A IK, which I will mke np In the latest ttrkf a: on. in the lhird Vard there was no meeting. It will be as-ain called, and for an early date," due notice of which will be given. and 3d atreets, next Wil. Dreiaar Etalih. ment. uis.- T.oit.kttta t. oetl8-tf Chatter Box The Norwegian barques Jljemmett 1831 JU3T OUX and Progress cleared to-day. The for mer carries out 1,380 bales of cotton to Liverpool, shipped by Messrs Williams fc Murchison, and the latter 300 cashs pirits and 3,300 bbls rosin, to Trieste, ! chipped by Messrs J. K. Blossom & Evans. Sheriff Manning, Eepublican, Bays you can count the number of colored Greenbackers in thia county on the fingers of your hands. AND FOR SALE AT . nCINSBERGER'3' ' .- ' The Campaiffn Text YyHr THE PEOPLE Want a Chaaga. Tne Republican Party Reviewed. 7or cale at the ';.-: hljti BOOK : AND MUSIO STORE, oct 20