at rHK ( -i r: BY SCaAIC COOLIDGB. I, hold V kingdom of Uod ts wuiun Fr, you. Thy fci"gJ"n here? irdcu it re? r5'V lorn come" ha, been my prayer 'fa,it "lar kiulorn all t while so T oear? . ; Hitnded and dull With ne I Hsu sfu. fh fiir aUiTi ktAud-i and waits. I'UhkwJ-"!"11 te lock. u let me Id? W as I the wall W inch barred the wy. -.-alu tiiogiuryof Uiy grace, uidnu iie ray ...t! Slimiuuta.s from thjr very face, jl i "owu to other inea tne ierlect day? ' Was I the bar w hich hhut me out Lvnmthe fuUJ au ilch ihey taste within thy p:u-adiH embraced- ll.y bleh.-Hi paradise. whiCLi seemed bo far? Let roe not sit a tier hour waiting what is mine to win, Id.y mimi iu Wit. , ftHi jesu-i rend thase walls of self and sin. fit duwu the gate that I may enter in. ECONOMY AND REFORM. In the Administration of the State Administration What the Ilemo cratlc I'arty Has Done- It has abolished annual ses- - C lin T .aiiclotn n saving the people every S 100,000 vear . Abolished the. office of Su- nprintendeut of I'ublic NVorka, saving thereby ev: eryyear . Abolished the Code mission, saving . Ahnlisiipd clerk to 2,500 7,200 1,200 : 35,000 75,000 Com- Oo-Je Commission, s.iving . . Reduced salaries aud inci dental expenses - - . Abolished census clause, years . . eaving every ten A total saving ot . Deduct the census clause-. . $220,900 75,000 And you have an annual savin-of . . ... 145,900 Since 1BT2, making a total in 8 years of $1,167,200, and 4 years of this time the Democrats only had the Legisla te. And besides the Democrats have Abolished the debt clause, Abolished the interest clause, Abolished the sinking fund clause, Abolished the clause allowing a man to hold two lucrative offices at the same time, and now proposs with the amend ment to be voted on in November next to abolish forever the special tax bonds And besides this, the Democrat have established a Bureau of Agriculture, two Normal schools, two new insane asylums, one deif and dumb asylum, graded two new railroads, built 30 miles of another, nearly completed the penitentiary, com promised the public debt, appropriated hundreds of thousands of dolhvs for com- 1 T 11 ' . 1 i. Z man scnoois an wiiuuui luuieasmg Lux ation, and with less money than the tax payers paid to the Kepublican party tor their rule of four years, and they did nothing. Look at the following statement p e pared by the State treasurer: Four "years of Republican rale (1869, 1370,1871 and 1872) cost 3,073,252.28. Four years of Democratic rule (1877, 17S, 1879 aud 1880) cost, including the amounts expended in permanent im provements, 2,146,712.03. From this amount deduct $324,374.50, tho amount expended in the permanent improvements under Democratic rule, and it leaves $1,822,37.53. The difference, then, in the cost of government for four years under Democratic rule and four years under Republican rule is $1,250,914.75 in favor of Democratic rule and Demo cratic economy. Since the year 1870 there has been a steady increase of the ordinary expenses of the State. The Legislatures of 1870 and 1872 reduced the salaries of the State officers and employes, and expenses of the officers, nearly 20,000 ; more than one-half. Permanent improvements have been and are still being made by authority of the Democratic Legislatures. The in creased expenses of some year3 over others are owing to these improvements, which were made, however, without ad ditional taxation. In explanation of these improvements the statement of treasurer worth, in ins report to the Legislature of 1879, is here given : "These large special expenditures are iu excess oi tne usual appropriations provided for by special taxation, and the fact that they have been met without an increase of the revenue levies is evidence of the rigid economy in the administra tion of the government in its several leg islative, executive and judicial depart ments, as the saving of the large reduc tion of these ex peases has admitted of ore extensive aid from the treasury to toe several works now in progress un der the authority of ths general Asscm- The following statement shows what "s been paid on account of these im Pavements: western Insane Asylum. . .S175.000.00 Ulored " ... 42,500.00 esteraXorth Carolina Eaii- " rad . 151,874.00 upe Fear and Yadkin Val- 30,000.00 4 Total amount. ..... .399,374.50 W the amount rerjorted above on ac- ofthe Western Insane Asvlum. va.OOO were expended during Governor n$. The appropriation was made by g democratic Legislature for the bene cvr.v Propercare of an unfortunate class Wl,ne citizens of iha tat w v iiuv fciaaiv . - . . "VilLU I 111 I IIH UIIllllIIllH given in v foregoinsr statement, the treasurer Daifl w ; v, ; i. t. r . l "uu'i iuc paik iew years mure .a 300,000 over the special tax col JJa for the penitentiary. "This large ta;;1?t hai to be paid to erect and va- penitentiary, wnicn was estab- "j mo .Republicans under their constitution of 1868, and which they left upon the lands of the . Democrats. This large amount "was paid by legislative authority as!an absolute necessity foi the construction of the, State's prison already uejfun, ana ior me proper safety or the convicts, and it was paid without increase of taxation, and from the economical system adopted by the Democratic party- ' !, ' : THE ELECTION LAW Something Worih Lajin; by for Kef . " i erence. -The election will be held ion Tuesday; November 2nd, 1880. There will be nine ballot boxe3 for each place, for 1 1. Ten electors for President . and Vice-President. 2. Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Atjtorney-General. . 3. Members of Congress. 4. Judges of Superior Court, Fourth and Fifth Judicial District. 5. Members of the General Assem bly. ' - I ' - , . c 6. County Treasurer, in counties hav inc: this office; Recrister of Deeds. Sur veyor, Coroner and Sheriff. I 7. Township Constable. , . , 8. Amendment to the constitution con cerning the public debt, f 9. Amendment to the constitution in relation to the support of the deaf mutes, the blind and the insane of the State. Ballots shall be on white paper and without device. I ' Tne county commissioners shall pro- de the ballot boxes , for each class ot officers to be voted for. " ' Registrars shall be furnished wfth registration bcioks, and it ; shall be their duty to Revise the existing books of reg istration, and for thirty days keep open their books fer new registration. . If the board of commissioners for any county so direct, there may be an entire ly new ieghitration, but this i requires a rnotice of thirty days in each township. REGISTERING AND VOTING. No one is to register or vote except in that precinct where he is an actual and bona fide resident on the day of elec tion. This means, a voter who lives in, or who has removed to a precinct in good faith, and who 'produces a certifi cate that his name has been erased from the book3 of his former precinct. This certificate can be had,up to the time of closing the registration books. Certifi cates of registration! are not allowed. The following persons ' are not to regis ter or vote: Minors, idiots; and luna tics; persons who, after conviction, or confession ip opCn court, have been ad judged guilty of felony or other infa mous crime, "committed , after January 1, 1877, unless restored to rights of citizen ship by law. Subject to the foregomexceptiens all males,' born in the United States, or naturalized,' who have resided in the State twelve months next preceding the election, and nihety days in the county, are qualified to register and vote in the precincts where they reside. The resi dence of a married man is where his family resides; that of a single man where he sleeps. ' No one is to register in any precinct to which he has removed, for the mere purpose of voting therein; nor unless his residence is actual and' bona fide. It shall be the duty of the registrar, or the judge of election, when so request ed by any bystander, to sweat any person offering to register, or to vote, as to his residence. .' - Every person, offering to register shall state, under oath, his qualifications. And upon request, the registrar shall re quire the applicant to prove hi3 identity, his age or residence, by the oath of one elector. , If any applicant for registration has previously registered elsewhere "in the same county, he shall not be registered again unless he produces a certificate that his name has been erased from the books of his former township: No. registration shall be allowed on election day unless the voter has become entitled to register on that day. The board of commissioners, on or be fore the 1st Monday of the month i next preceding the month in which each elec tion is held (1st Monday in October), shall appoint four judges or inspectors of election (two oS which shall be of a different political party from the regis? trars), at each polling place. It shall be the duty of the registrars and judges of election to attend at the polling place of their precinct on the Saturday before, election (October. 30) from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m., and hear and determine challenges. The judges arid registrars shall attend at the polls on the day of election. (Tues day, November 2) and conduct the 'elec tion. They shall enter the name of every person who votes in the poll book, certify to the same and deposit them with the register of deeds. On election day, any person may, and the judges shall, challenge . the. vote of any person suspected of not being qual fied. Any one so challenged shall be sworn and examined as to his qualification ; and other witnesses may be examined on oath, and the judges may reject the vote if they arc satisfied that such person is not a legal voter. The polls shall be open from 7 a. m.t till sunset. Voters shall hand in their ballots to the judges who shall carefully deposit them in the ballot boxes. Immediately after the election the judges shall despoit the registration books with the register of deeds. ELECTION. "When the election is over, the regis trar and judges of election, in the pres ence of such persons as may attend, shall open the boxes, count the ballots, read ing aloud the names on the tickets. If there be two or more tickets rolled up together, if any ticket has more names on it than the voter has a right to vote fpr, orhas a device on it, they shall be void. " The counting of the votes shall be continued without adjournment . until completed, and Jthe result thereof de clared. The judges of election, at each polling place, shall appoint one of their number to attend the meeting of the board of county canvassers as a member of the board, and they shall deliver to him the original return statement of the result of the election at their polling place. The county canvassers so chosen shall constitute the board of county canvass ers ; the register of deeds shall be their clerk, unless the board elect another. The board of canvassera shall, at that meeting, in the presence of the Sheriff and such other persons as may choose to attend, open and canvass the returns and make abstracts, stating the number of ballots cast in each precinct for each person, the name of each person voted for, and the number of votes given for each person for each different office, and shall sign the same. 1 ABSTRACT OF VOTES. The abstract of the votes for each of the following classes shall be on a differ ent sheet : I 1. Presidential electors. ', - 2. State officers. 3. Members of Congress. 4. Judges of .fourth and fifth judicial districts. , 5. Members of Assembly. r 6. County officers. j . 7. Public debt amendment. ' 8. Insane amendment. 1 9. Township constables. Three abstracts of vote3, except for county officers, shall be made and signed by the board of county canvassers ; one of which shall be delivered to the sheriff; one filed with the Register of Deeds, to be registered in his office, and the; third ferwarded by registered letter to the Secretary of State at Raleigh. Two separate abstracts of the votes cast for Senators shall be made, when ever the Senatorial District is composed of more than one county ; one of which shall be filed with the Register of Deeds and the other furnished to the Sheriff. When the canvass is concluded, the board of canvassers shall deliver . the original returns to the Clerk of tho Su perior Court to be filed in his office; they shall also cause the abstracts to be re corded in, a book to be called "The Election Book.1 to be kept in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, i The Clerk of the Superior Court shall transmit to the Secretary of State dupli cates of the abstracts cf the votes for all but eounty officers. RESULT. The person having the greatest num ber ,bf votes for any office is be declared lected. v 5 When the Board of Canvassers) have completed comparing the polls, they shall proclaim the result at the court house door, stating thejnumber of votes cast in their county tor each person voted for at that election. The Sheriffs in the various Senatorial Districts, composed of more than one county, shall meet at the places desig nated by law, in their respective dis tricts, one week after. the election, and compare the polls for Senators, and giye their certificate to the Senators duly eleeted. The Sheriff of each county shall fur nish the members elected to ' the House of Representatives and the Senator (where the Senatorial District is com posed of bnly that county) with a certifi cate of election. The Sheriff shall also notify officers to meet at the Court House on the first Monday of the next month (December) to be qualified. See a woman oa horseback in another column, riding near Speera Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grapa Wine is made, that is 89 highly esteemed by the medical pro 63sion for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggist a. When you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot thj city. ly Fof" Rent. Jj GOOD STORE for conntry trade, on Market street, between Sec ond and Third. Also Booms. Apply to THK HcKOYS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law (2ept 18-tf Star copy Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, PRINCIPALS.! MRS. M. S. CUSHING, MUSICAL INSTRUCTRESS., , rjlBB SIXTEENTH ANNUAL 8E88105 of tkia School willlopen on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER th, 1880. The course of instruction will be ijetemat ie and thorough, each pupil receiving indirid ual attention. The training of youm child ren, a specialty. Free hand drawing, -Cal-istbenici and Vocal llosio without extra charge. Pnpils, for he above 8cnooIa of Unite, Painting, or Picturesque Drawing, outside of the ttchoo!, will be accommodate 3 with convenient huurs. Where a class of fifteen or twenty is formed for instruction in the arts, a liberal deduction in price will be made. m ' ' A limited number of pupils ean beaceom modtted with board in the family of one of the Principals. ' - . For terms and further particulars tee Prin cipals. - - -- aeptll Election Tickets, PBI !TT EI AT LOWEST BATES. .... ,,:,-:; ;r;:-:;i: - xAt : B. 8. WAEROCK'B Job Office Corner Chestnut ad Water its. J la Beview Banding. oil Miscellaneous TH0LIA8 H EIcKOY, RUCCR9SUU T Boatwrislii & McKoy, WUl, qTATE THAT HIS 1 i Stock is Large ! " ! : i ' - ' r i v i and is replenished dsilj by ' i 1 . - ; FRESH GOODS ! It U anythicg bat p'.rtaant for me to a;- 1 1 i peal to oar friends topy what thej honestly i owe me through the public pre is; but I have sent statement after statement prirately by mail, and numbers hare treated thru with li'ence Is tbis right ? 7ou who have used my goods for your" families, I ask you if I an not entitled to s)xe consideration ? Com and see me and make so mo arrangement. J THOS. H. McKOT, Grecer and Liquor Dealer 6 AT Front street OCtli Nails, Hoop Iron, Shot. 000 Kegs I!rAILS, to " : 000 Bales H00P IR0N 300 Baga SH0T For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. IM P "l I I l Bagging, Ties, Twine, JQQQ Rolls Cotton BAGGING, , 000 Bundl6S NeW and Pcd T1ES' 1000 Lbs Baggins TWINE' For sale low by WcLLlAMS & MURCHISON. Flour, Bacon, Molasses. 1000 Bbls FL0UR' a11 srade gQQ Bxs Smoked and Dry Salt Sides, O HA Hh?s and Bbla New Crop Cuba, Xj Porto Rico, N O Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Sugar, Coffee, &c. 400 BAGS coFFEEaiiErades' 200 Bbls SUQAR' gradcs' For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. CANDY, CANDLES. CRACKERS. &c "00 Boxes storted CANDY' : qq Tubs Pure LeaJ LARD, 200 Boxes STARCI1, QQ Cases LYE,' Boxes SOAP, Tobacco. Snuff, Matches, Paper, Pepper, Ginger, Spice, fcc. For sale low by oct 13 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. CLYDE'S AND Wilminston. Steamship E3. O, Line. ; THE STEAMER REGULATOR, C APT. DOANE, WILL SAIL FBOIC SEW - YOBK 08 iSATUBDAY, Oct. 23. Shlpperi ean raly upon the promp t aillnjc ot Stennieri u advertised. For Freight ngagmeatt apply to THOS. E. JJOfTD, Snp!, ' -' Wilmington "SU C THKO. O. EQEB, Treight Agent, tfew York. - WH. P. CLYDE A OO.j Zi Broadwayf Hew York ect4 - ' - 6 MiscDllaaeDa-. I 1 ,1 ' -J f J ' Js made from a fiimple i topical iet of Ra.r Value, and ia a POPITiVK Rensedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower pat of tbe body 'or Torpid Lirer Headarh Jaisdice Dizzineii, Orarel, Malaria, xnd all difficulties ot the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Uraci. for Female Diseases, ;Mothly Menktruations, and dur ing Pregnaney, it hkB no qal. It restores the organs that mate the blood, and hence ie the best Blood Purijmrr. It is the only known remedy that cures Biie't's Disease. For Diabetes, use W a net's Hafe Diabetes Cure. Forsaleby Dru?gita and all Dealers at $1.25 rer bottle. 1 Lanrert btt)e iu the mar ket Try it. H. H. WARNKH A CO , oct 16 Rochester, N Y ffr tM Outfit free, with full icstroctlons tV 111 or chducting the most profitable Tl I business that anyone can engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make greit pro fits from ths very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as success ful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sum?. Many h ave made at the business over one hundred dollars n Mngle week. Noth ing like iterer known before. All who en gage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during ycur spare time at great profit. You do not hare to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money khould write tons at once. All furnished free. Addrees Tatra A Co., Augusta, Maine, oct 5-d6m-wly Sale of Valuable Rice i -J -' Plantation, i, . i "TJY VIRTUE and in pursuance of a decree the Superior Court of New Hanover County, made at Jane term, 1883, in the case of A. D. Brown against J. E. Winauts, et al, I will, on Monday, the 1st day of November, 1880, atll o'clock, A M. at tbe Court House door in Wilmington, sell to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, that valua ble Bice Plantation on the Northwest branch of the Cape Fear Biver, known as "Swans field", and formerly owned by the late Grif fifth J McCee. F. H. DARBY, Com'r DcB. Cutlae, Plaintiff's Attorney. i oct 11-ts. flDfi AMQ 11 Stops, 4 Sets Reeds, ONLY UnUHslO $G5i Pianos $125 up. Paper free. AddresaDaniel F. Beatty, Washing ton, N. J. oct Mw ... . - .. . ' . ., A RRITAT nLTriTP F New Orpans sn wiiun us s up; jsew Pianos, $150, Up. Warranted 6 yeard Sec ond hand Instruments at Bargains Agents wanted. Illustrated Catalogue Free. Horace Waters A Co., 826JBroadway, N Y. oct 7-4w - THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE THERE ia no greater Blocd Producer and Life-sustaining Principle in the world of foods or medieine than MALT BITTERS, prepared from Unfermented Malt, Hops and Quinine. They feed the body and the brain, enrich the blood, solidify the bones, harden the muscles, quiet the nerves, cheer the mind, perfect digeston, regulate the stomach and bowels, cleanse the liver aud kidneys, and vitalize with NEW LIFE every fluid of the body. Beware of imitation s similarly nard. Look f r the COMPANY'8 rilG NATUBE which appears plainly on the label ofererr bottle. Bold everywhere.' MALT BITTERS COMPANY, Boson, Mass. oct7-w New andlVery Attractive Styles axe How Beady. BEST CABINET OR PAR LOR ORGANS in tbe World, winners of highest distinction at every great World's Exhi bition for thirteen years. Pri ces. $51, $57, $66, $84, $108, to $5C0 and upwaru. For easy payments, $6.38 a quarter and upward. Catalogues free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN Co, 154 Trrmont St, Boston; MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS 46 East 14th St, (Union Square) New York; 149 Wabash Aveaue, Chicago. oct 7-4 w Yourselves by making money when a golden chance is offer ed, thereby always keeping poverty from your dorr. Those who a1 ways take advantage of the good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wea'thy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in pov erty. We want many men. women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own local ties. The business wi i pay more than ten timea ordinary wages. We furnish an ex pensive outfit and all that yen need, free No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly. Yon can devote your wnole time to the work, or only your spare mo ments. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Address Sttisob: A Co., Portland, Maine.TTrT oct 5-d6m-wly Fresh Every Day FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for sale. THE ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found everv day, fresh and iwee three doors South of the t?iMtoffioe on Second street. Also, Nuts Raisiiis, Fruit, ej SO. E. JEYENS, Jan 33 NTear the FofioSe HET.P uJJaJJL E&il Boat' licn, Tf .f rr TT, i CAROLINA CENTRALYL3U-TAT CO. Wilmington, N. .C, Jure IP, llfC , CHAStiS CF SCOESTJULF OS AND AFTER JFlfE 16, 18S0, tie fcl. io ing Schedule tU be operated on tb.i Railway t Passenger, Mail sadSxprers Trair. Leave Wiimingion aU.. f:00 P 11 Arrive at Hamlet aU...N. 1:25 A M ' at Charlotte at.... 7;C3 A H Leave Charlotte &t......:Z0 P IX Arrive at Iiia.lctat.. 1:27 A M " at WiJminiton at 9.0J A M No. 1 traia is daily xcept Hccdajp, but mkes no connections tc Khlclgh ca" ta'.ur days. ' ' - No. 2 train is daily except h-aterdsy;. Shelby DivUion Mall, Freight k Fafscagtr and Express.; BrV a 1 Leave Charlotte at........8:C0 A ik i".f Arrive at 8helby ar.......12:00 U x. I Leave Shelby at.,......... 2.C 0 Pll i Arri'e i vnariotte at. 6:t0 f 11 Local Freight and Accommodation. iave Wilmington at .C:45 A Ai rive t Laurinburir at Kin i S a LeavU C t arlotte t.. 4.15 A SI H n Arrive at Lauriaburg at. 4 00 V Lie ave uaurinonrg at 5.30 Arnve at Charlotte at .....4.20 P M' Leave L.auririDurg at, f 1)0 A Arnve at Wilmington at. ..4.15 P M "These trains leave Wilmington and Char lotte, Tuesdays, Ihuridajs and fcstprdavs; Lanrinburgy Mondays, Wcdccsdsys and Fridays. Close connection a-tmlet to and from' Raleigh and ai Charlotte via fctatcsvillo to all points in Western .North CaroLbi and te Asheville. Also, via Spurttabar Ur HoaderfosvUle ? Psssenaers for Asheville via either route" . leaving v Hmington at 6 1'. IJ . will RrriTe ' destination at 7 P. 11. next day. (. ( (Sleeping Car accommodaticas on Throcc Trams to ard from Charlotte and Wikninz. ton. 1 Through 8Ieepers wiU also be run toard from Raleigh and Charlotte. V: Q. JOIIIiSON, General BuDerintecdent. June 17 WiLtVaSNGTON & WELDS HAILEOAD COMPAIIY, Omoa of Gihi, DurBR:nTHDirr V . WllmingtoB, N. C.,rieptl8, If 83. J CHAKGE OF SCHEDULE) 1 o P111 fter September. 19th, 1880, a t 8.40 P M, Pafleenger Train- on tbe Wil mington &t Weldon Railroad will rcn as follows i DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, dally No3. 47 North and 43 Soaih. Leave Wilmington, Front St. .Dcpct v ..... r r,ni m Arrive at WVMr.n f I rn u tt Leave Weldon.. .i..!!!".."!."!. 3 40 P M Arrive at Wilmingtoc, Front St. , Depot at..........., 0 63 P il Night Passenger. MaU and Exbree 'Train s dilyNcs. 42 North and 45 fcouth. .Leave Wilmington, Front St.4 Dannt at ' ' . ... 8 40 Pil -Arrive at neiaon at. Leave Weldon, rt. Mt Arrive at Wilmington, Front St! Depot at..... 3 60 A M 2 15 A il 8 40 AM Trains on Tarboro Brangh Roaa luave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.13 P i daiiy. and Tuesday, Thursday and daturc :ay at 6:05 AM. Returning, leave Tarboro at 100U TirT,rfin o, 47. makes- dope connection Rt Weldon for all points North dailr. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Lino. J Train No. 45 rues via Eichmond WasMngton, and makes cloud confection ' daily to Richmond, and dailv exceat Hatnr aay nigbts or all points north ot Hichmond. Both trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers Attached. ' JOHN F. DIVINE. Gereral'Suct, A. POPE. Gen'lFrftlhtr,rf p.., alV ' sept 23 ."- Gen'ISup-ts ffsc WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND AU GCSTA EAILHOAD CO. Wilmington, N. C. Bept 18,18C, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. , On -tud after September 19th, 1E80, at. 3.50 P M, the following Passenger Echedulo will' bo run on this road , - Day Passenger, Mail and ExpreeS'Traini daily tfos. 42 West and 45 Ess t Leave WUmlngton.,..,....,.,, j) 00 A 11 Arrive at riorence.......,.......... i Zi P il Leave Florence 3 to AM Arrive at Wilmington......... 8 Tj P lr iTIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Nos. 47 West and 48 EtsL Leave WIlmInrton..;.w..iu4l0 13 p M Leave Florence..................;, 2 2 J A II Arrive at C O and A Junction 4.15 A M Arrive at ColumbU......M.... 8 15 A M Leave Columbia.. ........... 5 CO P li Leave C C and AA Junction l!i CO Leave Florence. 2 SO A I! Arrive at Wilmington,.;.........;.. 6 30 A 21 Thia Train stops only' at Brinkley's. Whiteville, Flenungton, Fair Bluir, trd Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points cn G. A C. R. R. C, U. A A. K. R, frtaticis, Aiken Junction, and all points beyecd, should take No 47 flight Expre. t Separate Pullman fcleepers for Charleitcn and for AugusU on trains 47 and 43., AIj trains run olld between, Chtrles ten and Wilmington. ' - - JObS v, DIVUK.OmeTil Htrt. A. POPE, Gea'l Freight and Pass. Agent UPl AO A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Doors BKntis ' and '''t.H'j ' '. . ALL KINDS OF MILL VOHlty! LUMBER, ILATKS. ic For sala rery ieap, at - s r ALTAFFEB, IBicij & CO.' Faetoryr . -' OOee; - Foot of Walaat t. ITct near Sed Crcfijs ' C OCt 11 . .. :, ....

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