OS"' jt7lT0B iJTD rHOFKIXTOK. RirnOKS, POSTAGE PAID. CO0 Si onths, S 1 SO ; Thr.e l. 11 15 : One month, 50 6enU. .rwT Will - . oris centaper week. U"T1lr,0,randlibertl tSSbieriberf will pleaaereport any and VLto reaeire their papera regularly. IROVN & RODDICK fIncy goods AND j.S. Corner. Market & Second Streets Trf DESIRE TO CALL the attention JJI.generUpabli.toaJobLotof INDIES' AND GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. PDBE LlNKS;COLLAR8 5s. PORK LIS EX 00FF8 10c A'0 7 2M LF THEIR VALVE 1 V, are "J reaMtl-g NEW GOODS gniabl for the Ho;i J y tr a J, puch aa TBYS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GU88:WARE, QRHAMEMTS, ' JAPANESE WARE,;VASES, to, Ac, Ac , Ac. We ald not possibly enumerate cw ire it i too vaiiad. We would partitu- WHOLESALE BUYERS to fro w a call "and look ct our stock. Homo to go to Ne:r fork. Cas do better for joa. Call erly and make your selection. Wihatiil'o oa hand the largest stock of Mtb of iicw York, and are offering them at oH prices. ' Wtiire a great many Special Lota thstwe ire offdri? awkj below market prices. BROWN & RODDICK, I E Corner of Market and Second Btreetr. Carpets! rpHB LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE Mate, a4 oor price ar lower than any. Tvi pay just for the an cunt of Carpet on joar floor. BSOWS & EODDICS, 45 Market St cetSO To &3y Friends and Customers- M NOW DAILY 'Uireciivi jiving my Fall atook Boots and Shocs? - Coc8liting of ail the'-. IiATEST -STYXiSS I Mj put stock and my sucoeM speak for tatmaalvea, and I only aa a continuance o yoar fTora to liberally bee'ewed on me & Please Call and Examine my tj 57"Stock as regards QuaHtyn and Prices ! H trouble to t how goods. Will be pleated to see you one and all. Beepectfully, Ce, ROSE WT HAL, 32 Market Street. Oct 4 f IzU of the Rhnw CTase. A Varied Assortment (Y PATENT MEDICINES, SUCH AS J Hall'o Honey of Horehound and Tar Boschee's German Syrup ,x Green's August 5er, Valentine's Meat Juice, Indian Wood Syrup, Pearl's White, Glycerine, &c. An elegant Cigar for 5 cents, at J. H. HARDIN'S, Apothecary, tm New Market, Physician's prescriptions a specialty, oct 23 Steamer Passpoxt y ILL RESUME ker reg- trips to SmithvUIe aud the lorU Jcae 30th, learing her Wharf, foot of rk BtreeV.at 9.S02A.- M. aUiT-lloa Master and AgenV Vrffv r 1 VOL. V WILMINGTON, NC, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. ! 880. vr i. 215 LOCAL NEWS. Net? Adyertisementi. J ico. C Jakrs For S'ale or Rent. Heixsberger -Musical Instruments C W Yates Bricks Without Straw And the heavens weep ! Wirdow Glass all sizes Price's. i 1 at Alufier & t TLe newest, latest, bca and cheapest t at RobejthaIj's. Rice birds arbout played out. Nut .so so wirh those .Scotch so!eiU Rosentl's T ;y last for ever. . t The old Plantation instrels will per form at the Opera ITousc next, Tuesday ereiiug. ' - Everyone who has once used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup "invariably resorts to it in subsequent attacks -of Co ds, Coughs, etc. Price 2d cents. : It i3 currently reported on the strrets that Mr. Canaday will contest Mr. Shackelford's election. We wish him jOy of his jobj He will haye to prove away a big majority and we imagine the developments Mr. .Shackelford will be able to make will be, more1 than Canaday will dare to face. 1 " Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Rosen THAii's. j I t . a . ; Unmallablc , The following unmailable postal mat ter remains in' the city postoffice; Thos. J. Williamson, care A. J. China; Miss Eliza L. Sampson, Raleigh, N. C: Mrs. F. It. Cramer, Wading River, Burlington 'Co.; Tune Atkirs, Kelloe, care Henry Atkinsi j postponed. The case of C. H. Grant and Edward McFarland, alias Pot Hooks, arrested yesterday afternoon charged with , incit inr a riot in ihe Fifth Ward and locked np 'n. the Guard Ho! use, last night, was coptinuod this morning until to-morrow morning, at 9 o'clock, the defendants in the meantime being released on bail. Water street merchants"will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes, t I Tho East Train. We are sq -ry to hear now. according to the street talk, that the proposed ! fast mail schedule on the Atlantic Coast Line is to be abandoned, after all, but why we do not know. The Carolina Contra! has been j waiting on ( the Wil mington "&"VVeldori, and f this fast mail is to be abandoned, it is probable that the C. C. R.' R. will put on a fast night i i i train in a few days to connect here.night and morning,' with the day train on the W. & V. R. R. - i i i Dancing lessons given roe at Rosen thal's Pcmp 6ole bolts and shoes for tbe bsll room. " ,f Row In the Fifth Ward. . 'A -difficulty occurred in the Fifth Ward yesterday afternoon, which at one time threatened to be a very serious af. fair. A man by,, the name of!' C. H. Grant and a colored individual, common ly knOjWn as Pot Hooks,, we hear were the chief promoters and the-immediate cause of the 'disturbance. Grant, who is a white man, has figuredj quite conspicu" oasly in our courts heretofore, and is re garded as a very turbulent character. Mayor Fishblate, vre, understand, of tempted this man's arrest, when the fel" low placed his hand' in the Mayor's col lar and resistedthe arrest, but two po licemen immediately seized the individ Uil aud he was taken to the Guard House. The negro boy, Pot Hjooks.'was arrested for hurling a brick at Officer EI ward" Griffith which narrowly missed hitting that officer on the head. Both parties were charged with inciting a riot, and but for Mayor Fishblate's prompt and decisive conduct at the time the re suit might have been very serious. We have heard that in an instant more Mayor Fishblate would have shot Grant, &3 he was in the act of drawing his pis tol when the fellow, was seized and held as a prisoner by the two policemen. The crowd, of rioters, then attempted to rescue th prisoner, when the Mayor ordered the officers to use their clubs, which order was obeyed and the" prisoners safely con ducted to the Guard House where they were locked up for the night. 1 -' 1 i Mr. Nath'l Jacob! having been appoint" ed agent for the Atlas -ilow, parties in want of this pelaorated Plow can now have their orders fi Ued at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front at. DA TV -.-J -1- Tbe Elections. j i ! The following are the returns as far as received to-day: "I ; NEW HANOVER. ' FIRST WARD. Upper Division First Ward. Han cock, 131; Garfield, 371; Weaver, 3G Jarvis, 68; Buxton, 389. For Senator D. G. Worth, Democrat, 88; H. E. Scott, Republican, 349; G. E. Sheppard, Green backer, 96. For the House of Repre sentatives Walker Meares, Democrat, 90; A. A. Moseley, Democrat, , 90; W. H.Waddell, Republican, 346; Jas. Wil son, Republican, 346; J. J. Curtis, Greenbacker, 78; J. A. Hewett, Green backer, 76. Sheriff Manning, . 35G; Watson, 149; Bagg, 23. Register J. E. Sampson, 359; H. W. McLaarin, 28; Hezekiah Reed, 89. Treasurer Hew lett, 360; Fennell, 72; Bremer, 91.) Coro n3r E. D. Hewlett, 360; William M. Hays, 68; C. W. Avant, 88. Surveyor R. McRae, 88. I FIRST WARD LOWER DIVISION. Jarvis, 54; Buxton, 480; -Cana-day, 464; Shackelford, 54;Kornegay, 16. Bennett, '52; Gilmer, 52; . McLeant 466; Headen, 466. Scott, 474; Worth, 51; Sheppard, 15. Meares, 51; Mosely, 51; Waddell, 473; Wjlson, 473; Curtis, 15; Holt, i 15. -Man ning! 469; Bagg, 51; Watson, 23. Sampson, 472; Reed, 18; McLaurin, 54. Fenriell, 54; Hewlett, 473; Bremer, 17. - Hays, 53; Helwett, 473; Avant, 17. Dicksy, 49; Smith, 369. Cam 46. Democratic Electoral ticket 54; Republian Electoral ticket, 476; Greenback Electoral ticket, 15. j Public debt, 49 for, 2 against; Insane Asylum, 276 against, 22 for. SECOND WARD. Hancock, 338; Garfield, 148; Weaver, 6. Jarvis, 320; Buxton, 150. Bennett, 330; Gilme.-, 330; Stevens, 147; McLean, 147. ( For amendment as to State debt, 285,t against, 1. Amendment in rela tion to the insancc, etc., for 22, against,. 367.'-.. y , Senators Worth;, Democrat, 328; Scott, Republican, 147; Sheppard, Greenbacker, 8. House of Representa" tives Meares, Democrat, 326; Mosely, Democrat 323; Waddell, Republican, 141; Wilson, Republican,, 141; Curtis, Greenbacker, . 8; Holt, Greenbacker, 7; Cowan, Independent, 1. Treas urer Fennell. Democrat, 327; Hewlett. Republican, 146: Bremer' Greenbacker, 11, Register of Deeds McLaurin, 323; Sampson. 115; Reed, 7. purveyor Brown, 1; McRae, 8. Coro ner Avant, Greenbacker, 7; Hays, Democrat, 317; Hewlett, Republican, 151. Sheriff Bagg, '826; Manning, 158; Watson, 32. Congress Shackel ford, 324, Canaday, 158; Kornegay, 8. THIRD WARD. f Worth, 290; Scott, 161; Shepard 8.- Meares, 292; Mosely, 290; WiIsod, 159; Waddell, 157; Curtis, 6; Holt, 7. -Fennell, 1 283; Hewlett, 162; Bremer. 8. McLaurin, 283; Sampson, 164; Reed, 6. McRae, 8. Hays, 284; Hewlett, 161; Avant, 17. Bagg, 264; Manning, 163;, Watson, 26 Shackelford, 288; Canaday, 168; Korne gay, 5. - Jarvis, 300; Buxton, 163; Robinson, 301; Barringer, 162. Saunders, 299;N"orment, 162. -Hancock, 301; Garfield, 159. FOURTH WARD. ' . H. E. Scott, 168; D. G. Worth, 271; Geo. E. Seppard, 9. Wm. H. Waddell, 169; James Wilson, 167; Wal ker Meares, 269; Abner A, Mosely, 267; Ed w. Kidder, 3; Don McRae, 3; John A. Holt, 8; John J. Curtis,10. Elijah Hewlett, 174; Owen Fennell, 264;1 John M. Bremer, 13. -H. W. McLaurin, 272; J.E. Sampson, 163; Hezekiah Red, 12. Roderick McRae, 14 Hays, 257; Hewlett, 179; Avant, 12. Manning, 170; Bagg, 239; Watson, 35.' Shackelford, 267; Canaday, 170; Kornegay, 10. Jarvis, 270; Buxton, 173. Democratic Electoral ticket, 274; Republican Electoral ticket; 171; Greenback, 9. -Bennett, 269; Gilmer, 270; McLean; 168; Headen, 167. 4 Dicksy, 254; Smith', 97; Carr, 50. J Public Debt, 253 -for, 1 against. Insane Asylum, 11 for,1 364 against. FIFTH WARD. Worth, 137; Scott, 506 ; Sheppard, 45. Waddell, 50d; Yilson, 50o ; Mosely, 154 ; Meares, 153 ; Curtis, ;47 ; Holt, 45 -Hewlett, 541; Fennell, 1 127 Bremer, 53. Sampson, 503 McLaurin, 141; Reed, 44. Hewlett 576 ; Hays, 108 ; Avant, 38. Manning, 606; Bagg, '109; Watson, 101. . Cannady, 512 ; Shackelford, J ' ' ' ' ,T J " ' 170 ; Kornegay, 42. -Jarvis, 179 ; Buxton, 503 ; Robinson, 180 ; Barringer, 516. rDsmocratic Electoral Tiekjet, 183; Radical electoral ticket, 510 ; Greenback electoral ticket, 33. Bennett, 160 ; IMcLean 505; Gilmer, 160; Headen, 505. Smith, 358 ; Dicksey, 157; Carr, 39. JPablic debt, 120 for ; 2 against. Insane a?y!um, 16 for; 537 against: MASOXBOEO TOWXSIIir. Manninjg, 36; Bagg, 7; Watsop, 60. - - ISbackeJfoiiI, "35; Canaday, 48; Koi'- negny, 13. Jarvis, 36; Buxton, 54. Democratic Electoral ticket, 36; Republican Electoral ticket, 50, Green back Electoral ticket 11. BRUNSWICK. Smithville township has given from 21 to 29 Republican majority. COLUMBUS. A very full vote has been polled in Columbus county and the Democratic majority will be up to the mark. The indications are that the Democratic ma jority in that county will be at leaV. r..j ; and some place it as high as 700. HARNETT ToivNSIIIF. Worth, 80; Shepherd, 70; Scott, 113 - Meares,' 79; Moseley, 79; Curtis, 69. Holt, 69 ; Waddell, 113 - Wilson, 113. -Fennell, 74 j Hewlett, 118 ; Bremer, 73. McLaurin, 74; Sampson, 112, ; Reed, ,70. Hays, 73; Hewlett, 118; Avant, 70. -Bagg, '62; Manning 114; Watson, 92. Shackelford, 86; Canaday, 160; Kornegay, 25. Jar vis, 75; Robinson, 82; Buxton, 173; Bar ringer, 173;; Bennett, 79 ; McLean, 113; Gilmer, 79; Headen, 113. Demo cratic Electoral ticket, 84; Greenback, 29; Republican, 152; Insane Asylum, 23 for, 143 against: Public Debt, 74 for, 1 against. List of Lekcrs. The following is a list of tha Ulliis ;e maining unclaimed in the City PostolC'CQ Wednesday, Nov. 3rd: A W M Anderson, S A Allen, Mary Ashe, Elizabeth Artist. ' B Wesley Brown, Nelson Benton, Jas S Betts, J H Brown, A D Brown, Lucy A Beas'ey, Sarah Bryant, Susan Brown, Nannie Bender, Lucinda Boon, Delia Brown, A'eDa' Blossom. . C Mary Cl apor, Mary Carpenter. Virginia G Craig . W G Craig1", Geo Cotl ton, J W Carman. D Cloa Davis, 1 Addie Darrocott, Frank Drew, George 1 Ds.vis, Carman Davis. Luke Dixon. ,' E J J Elys, Gabriel Everlyj G Bennie Gay, Sarah E Grady. H B D & C Heath. Rev Charles S Hale, Chas W Howard, Chas II Hel man, Thomas Hill, Frances Hargra re, Emaline Hicks, Renyvar Howard, Isa bella Henderson, Eliza Howard. J Ben Jones, Jane Jones, J Jenkins. K Eliza J Kelly, J H King. ' M M A McNair, Jno P 'Madden, Sucky McRay, Martha Washburn, Kit- tie Morris, Susanna Moore, BJ MciNere, Fanr e McKeiver. N -Jno Nev. o i. P Powell & Edward, Harvey Per kins, Jno D Porter, Robt Pickens, Wm Powell. R Cornelia Richardson, Dorcas Roof. S Council Simmons, L R Stedham, T B Smivh, W H Smith, Elsie Starkey, Lucinda Shannon, Meada Stewart. Ar Araey Watson, Martha Wortham, Annie E Williams, Emma C Wesson, J E Whitfield, Martha AfWilliams, Pris cilla White, Rachael A Wade, Thomas v llliams. I i Persons calling for letters in above li will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. I " E. R. BRINK, T. M. Wilmington, N. C, New IIan.-vcr Countyi N. C.j A Centennial Vote. 1 . Mr. John D. Walker, Sr., of Whitc villc township, Colambus County, who was born in 1781, and i3 consequently 99 years of age, went to the polls yesterday and voted, like a patriot, the straight Democratic ticket. We doubt if there was another 'instance in the United States of a man voting at such an ad vanced age.; Born during the Revolu tionary war, and before the adoption of the Constitution, he has lived to see the little belt of thirteen colonies that bor dered on the Atlantic coast etretch westward until the continent has been spanned and the Pacific has become our western boundary. i , : : .j" See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wice is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro ession for the nee of invalids weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. Where is that erowd going ? To Ros estiiai, to bay boots and shoes. f NOHTH CAROLINA. THE RETURNS COMK IN SLOWLY V Cox and S:iackelfjrd Crrjaluiy Elect J cd. ; - Trands in the FiftlisUict. (Sp c al to Daily Eerie w ) . Novu, 4 l.j t The returaai-e coming in. slowly. Re puted Democratic majorities are as fol lows: Burke, 329; Chatham, 50oJ Bun combe, 500; Cleveland 1 ,200; Lincoln, a small majority; Wayne, 100; Franklin, 100. " ' T he vote is quite full. The State ticket i3 undoubtedly elected by a good majority, but there is nothing definite as yet. Shackelford and Cox! arc cleeted. The returns from Scales' district are meagre,' but there are losses there, in consequence of frauds. Wake probably elects .Smedcs to the House, and gives Buxton 300 majority. S. A. A. LATEST NEWS. the tmnn all but solid. Probable Success of the Democrats la California, Xcrada land New Jer sey. ; (Special to Daily Review.) Washington, D. C, Nov. 33:30 p.' Hi. Last night's dispatches are generally confirmed to-day. 'A special from New York at 12 o'clock to-day says that the returns received , this morning show that the Republicans have carried every Northern State, but later dispatches in dicate' the success of tho Democrats iu California and Nevada, with New Jer sey still in, doubt on the general ticket, and the Legislature Republican. i , Jacobu?. The Third District. The following is the vote of this, the Third Congressional District, in 1876, when Col. Waddell's majority over Can aday was 1,728, Vance's 2,235 and Til den's, 2,371. Wc give herewith the vote for Congressmen, and by counties: . Bladen Waddell, 1.356; Canaday, 1, 414.' 1 . 1 "" ; ' Brunswick--Waddcil, 994; Canaday, i,o:2.. Oarlerc-t -Waddell, 1.109, Canaday, 711. " ' 'r . Columbus Waddell, 1.412, Caoaday, 766. ' ! Cumberland Vv'addell, 2,185, Cana day, 2,129. , ; I I . Duplin4-Waddell, 2,144, Canaday 1,266. I Harnett Waddell, 1,037, Canaday, 741. Moore Waddell, 1,328, Canaday, 1,200. I ; New Hanovcr-t-Waddcll, 1,554, Can aday, 3,045. I Onslow Waddell, 1,229; Canaday, 543. ' Pender Waddell, 1,151; Canaday, 1,264. 1 4 Sampson "Waddell. 2,025; Canaday 1,665 Hew Advertisements. For Sale or Bent- iSW-NO. 1 soTtVAisIa) St. Jamea' Charch. Appl tt air 3 j;;o. c. jiAMtB. Just :KecelYed. A-o! oou'a. C',l ahJ e thea-, ad na hew cheap yoi caa srai stylish riot, Velret or Crase Jionnet lutle t nrd-r Anise );ds of Hashing, Oo!lir, Oaft. iiet, Ac, wbi-h will be sold at remarkably l-w pricea. Or ders solicited for JJ a r h.. jr. Qall and fee the Lata Styles. iliS LOU. STUART, Market at, bet 2d aad jd, nbv 1 Next Wil. Dynij. EtaDl:ahmett Bricks j Without Straw. JJ Y A. W.4 TJ URU FU, Author of "foo:f fcrraid," "Keaa-.'d Tbiaita". 1c. i. An elfgan: Ut of Chromos snd'FiBy Framea aid jEaae.fi jse: rtcelred. Also Ph - toraph Albuffifl, Fancy. B islets, Papelerier, Ac , Ac., at nor 1 Book Store Cook Wanted. GOOD COOK can hear of a titoaticn by applying for larticalari st VAs office, oct 18-tf PL2ASG NOTICE. .. wo will be lad to receive eomiaaaicati a from our fries dj on aay aad all , tubeta o general laterect but Tie name of the'writer must alwayi b ft- 1 wished to tat Editor. 1 " CoxamanleaUotjttiirtbe written: on orjy oaedda of the paper. " Fersoaaliaee xca oiI And it la especially a partlcxdarly;ci: v tood that the Editor ct cot alvayi erdorf a. the riewa ot corresponds ta, ulera 10 i U d in the editorial colaccc. New Advertisements. Still the Best, l 2Tounlaiii 2c ef ! At from, 5 cts to 10 ? po.; pound, T OUi-TAi LMS NEW MARKLT XNSON, tii.u:. II!TZE. v - - '" i ' ' .! -! ' ' TEOPLES BUTCHER COMPANV. STALLS 5 to 10 NEW M AKiCLT '-. uov 1 lw Mew NEW 00018'i "i i . BUT- M OLD GOGER ! -. :' I ' JAVLNO JU.ST HLTUil.VED FHOM the Northern Marke Is, where I L a vo purchased aFino geleotion of Fancy and Staple roc arses, I take pleasure ia informing tie public that I hava opened at Nos. 11 and 13 Iorth Front Strcat, one of th9 -Fineot Stock? f OHOI i E. FAMILY 8UPPLIE3 ever offered ia Ue city. ' , - ' : "With pylite and atlentiye Cierkaj vfiUIce Freah Goods of every variety, and the vary lowest pric:s, I hopo to erpy ash-re cf tLe public patronage. &y Store bfiiajr neat and clean," tha ltCIes are particularly invited to maiom inspec-" tionofm entiro ftocV. 7h?y will alwija receive a hearty tr-elcome. Jno.' L Boatwr.2:hl? nor 1 11 and 13, North Front Street. mm Mill '--"Lie Carpets, . . (; ' Griinib Cioth, ; v I Oil Ciotliv WHITE MARSEILLE SPREADS, Some real barairij. Marseilles Crib Spreads a EdC rlan'; ts Cloakings for Ladies and Children. ' ' Circular goods "for Ladies and Children " And a complete line of Merino and all Wool Underwear for Ladies, Gents and. Children. gt,27 . Tt. M. McINTIKE. Groceries,. &c. Qnrv Rolls Cotton BAGGING, V j 9xXt L' 1, 2and!2 US sno Bundics ew aua TiErfi 800 BaS5Ino -TwixE, 2QQQ BblsTLOUR, all grades, 400 Bxs Smokc(i and Dry Salt SId3 nht1s an'3 EbIs Ne 'ron Cuba; ZUU and N O Molasses. 1200 Ke NAILs' 4t4 QQQ Bales IIOOP IROX, Bas siiot all sizes, 500 BAGS C0FFEE' zti 250 BbU SUG An' aU sr2'Ieg' 25 BXeS As50rtcd CAXDl", " 25 Tubs ua'e Leal LAKD' 50 Boxes STARCii 1 125 Cascs LTE' 200 Bc)ie8fi0AP' ' 1 100 Boxcs TOBACCo 100 Boxcs and nlf Btls SXUFr' 200 GrossMATcnE? Wrapping Paper, Twine, 8oda, Canille, Buket?,4SePPer' Ginger, fiplce, WaUr ' For sale lowr bv "5r noTT.'l WUJJA33ILT.CnT30Y. 1 ; I - -v -X : t-

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