THltt FAKE. rSlPTl058. POSTAGE PAIP. ? prSr will be delivered by carriers, low nd liberal Wribers will pU" report ny aad (I-to reed iir PS"" regularly. ii2-t- i VN'a.'RMDDICK; fANCY GOODS AND rpoy Store fl XJ Corner ESarket l Oecond Streets ttrlDESIRB TO C1LL the atteition irneral publis to Job Lot of UiDIES1 AKD GENTS5 COLLARS AND CUFFSi PDBS Ll!fEN.COLLAB8,6a. Jlfclr IN ClIFS iOc SOT. 'HALF TIIKIR VALUE J W Irs sally re-eig NEW GOODS nlttbli for the Uo Haj traJe, ruch as, . TOTJ, MUSICAL- INSTRUMENTS, fiLUS: WARE, ORNAMENTS, JAPANESE WARE,:5YASE8V Ac, Ac, Ac , Ac. We csala not pojslbly enumerate oar it!icr,itiitoo vatied. We would particu- WHOLESALE BUYERS to giro ui a calljand look at our Block Is nit to go to Sew York. Can do better for jon,UH early and make your selection Wi hiTi alio on hand the largest stock of TUff- WARE ath of New York, and are offering them at oil prices. Wihtri a great many Special Lots that we ars ofbriagj away below market prices. BROWN & RODDICK, K E Comer of Market and Second Streets as pets! rpas LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE Bute, aid our prices are lower than any. foa pay Jnst for the amount of Carpet on yoir floor; BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. cetSO ' - - - To My Friends and Customers- . I AH NOW DAILY receiring my Fall stock T ' V- Of Boots and Shoes. Consisting of all the - : LATEST STYLES I J past stock and my success, speak for tktoilves, and I only ask a continuance o for ftrors ) liberally browed on me C Pleaie Call and Examine my 0 7Stock as regards QualityQ ' aid Prices! -33 Jo trouble to show goods. ( Will be pleased to see you onaad all. Respectfully, - C ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. oct 4 Sign of the 8how Case. A Varied Assortment T-PATENT . rp,mrTVTJ,s sni -itt a a V Hall's Honey of Horehound and Tar Kiee $ German Syrup, Green's August lrj?j V&lenUne's Meat Juice, Indian Qd Syrup, Pearl's White, Glycerine, &c. Aft elegant Cigar for 5 cents, at r . HARDIN'S, Apothecary, taw4.- "New Market, J 'Physician's prescriptions' a specialty. -v. 8teamer Passport YV REaUM E ker reg- WpstoSmithTiileaBdthe "Jtaa 10th, leaving hr Wtarf, foot of Urkftt Baet, at 9.A. M, is a, w w- HARPER, . o-Hon t Master eadAftnC r 3 3 H VOL; V , WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1880. NO. 216 M01c Misstia'marricd Will de Weaver," but the j thin stopped "right thar." ITiere are no happy results to chronicle. ITie Readj asters met -with a signal de feat in Virginia. I Tbe Democrats fought the fight on its own merits and they have won a gallant victory. i - I i ; ' 'The defeat; of the Hon. John Goode in the Norfolk, Va4 district, is a calam ity to be deplored. We can sympathize With our' friends there in the los3 Ihey have sustained.. k The -inflnence Vnifcb "an1"- ably-edited newspaper is able to exercise on the pub lic mind h well illustrated in Chatham cauntv. Some verv able articles ap- peared in the Chatham Record in op position to the proposed insane amend ment to the constitution and the result s that the said amendment was defeated in that county by more than a thousand majority, both parties voting against it Chatham also acquitted herself hand somely on the general and State tickets the majorities ranging from 300 to 5C0. Jarvis gains 100 on the Tilden majority and Co3f4br Congress, has 400 majority. The entiropnnty and legislative ticket is elected.' Chatham gave Tilden 2U majority. . - LOCAL NEVS. . New Advertisement. -Dak'i.F Be att y Organs x. J C McCunnV &. CoFarmersjind Farm ers Sons " '" E B Treat -Employment Tor AgcMs Mason & Hamlin Organs-1 See ad Malt Bitters Heinsbergeb Musical Instruments C W Yates Bricks Without Straw The street minstrels draw well. Window Glass all sizes at AlUffer & Price's. 1 , t ! Tbe newest, latest, bea and cheapest at Rosenthal's.' t The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up. 1,456 baljs , j The weather is very mild for Novem ber but the "Smart Alecks" predict cold weather for to-moirow. Rice birds arbout played out. j Not so so withthbs.Scotch solea at Rosenthal's Thev last for ever. I t Skipjack, alias blue; ; fish, are biting nicely and j the market was well supplied with them this morning, i Any and seyerybody can now do" their own painting, as Jaoobi is the agent for the N.- Y. Enamel Paints works, and the prices are low. . ' United States District Attorney Al bertson :is confined to his room at Hon. D. L. Russell's residence in this city. The governlment 'is represented in tbe District Court by Hon. D. L. Russell and Mr. J. L Macks. i ! - 1 "Does your mother know you're out," said a bov to his brother who did not go to school because he had taught a bad cold. "Yes, she does," was tne answer, "for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has 'knocked my cold into a cocked hat." t He bought a 25 ct. bottle. I For snerifT 329a Sheriff Manning's plurality in this county is 329. , Whatjdoes it signify ? Ladies, (the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Rosen thats. :. I t U. s. District Court. This Court, His Honor Judge Brooks, presiding,, convened yesterday, When the following. Grand Jurors were drawn; : A. M. Baldwin, RobVNoyes, I, T. Alderman, Oscar Pearsall, J. C. Smith, Geo. P. Alderman, Ben Scott, Preston Spriggs, J. H. Pagh, W. Goodman, J. W. McCumber., Peter Tucker, L. J. Thornton1, R. Hall, S. R. Birdsey, A. J: Hill, B. AvHallett, Alex: tCo C. G. Southerland. i j 1 1 - The following cases have; so far been heard: , . . Isaac Long, charged with violating in ternal revenue law. Acquitted. I Calvin McKoy, same charge. Guilty.' Sam'l Grice, charged with taking a letter frpm 1 postofiice. Case now. on trial.- ' When you visit or leave New York! City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms redaced to 1.00 and npward3 Restaurant unsurpassed At moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts oi the city. Window Glass 1 ofallsi&jt, I) M,Sish and Blinds, Builders' Hard wre,&o. (Low J est prices at Jaoobi's. Daily THE ELECTIONS. LATEST FROM THE F308T. New Jersey, California and Nevada i Dinccratlc. 1 The Senate Democratic anti the Hcuse Hepubllcan. ( ipvcisl to .Daily Keviaw.). WAsniNCfTOx, 1). C.,'2CoV.l 3:40 ! m. The latest news here' is that the Dem ocrats have carried New Jersey. Califor nia and Nevada. Oregon is still to hear from. The other Northern States Have gone for Garfield. The indications now are that'the Sen ate will stand 39 Democrats to 37 Re publicans and' the House 14G Republi cans, 141 Democrats and 6 Greenbackers. Next Tccsdaj. The- Old Plantation minstrels will give another entertainment in this city on Tuesday next. The company is com posed of home talent and their last per formance was superior to many travelliEg troupes. The young gentlemen deserve much credit for their proficiency and should, be encouraged by our citizens. Personal. Mr. J. E. Duke, who has for several years past served as clerk at the hotels in Raleigh, arrived in this city yesterday and is now in command of the office at the Purcell House. Mr. Duke fully un derstands his business, and will, no doubt, prove a valuable acquisition to the staff ofmine host Cobb. We are glad to see MrDuke with U3 and welcome him to Wilmington. Dancing lesfons given tree at Rosen thal's: Purnp sole boots and shoes for the ball room t Board of Canvassers J, The Board of Canvasser4of New Han over county met to-day, in accordance with the aw, at the CourtxEIouse at 12 o'clock, tO canvass the votetaken at the recent election in the difierent pre cincts of this county, and to declare the resulj. W. B. McKoy, Esq., from Har nett township, was made Chairman and the Register of Deeds, J. E. Sampson, Clerk of the Board. The oath wag then administered by Justice J ohn L. Cant well io the I Chairman and Mr. McKoy administered! the oath to the Board, The canvass of the votes commenced shortly after the organization I of the Board, but at this writing, 3:30 o'clock, the canvassing of the vote was hot V more than half through. The result, of coarse, is already known, and this is only form which has to be gone through with according to law. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi havm iyci, appoint ed agent for the Atlks Flo A', i or ies in want jf this ciejrated Plov o now have their ords iitind at .UciDi" Hard ware Uepot, N o. 10 From V r City Cocri. ' ( ''. The case of1 C H.. Grant and Edward McFarland, alias Pot Hooks, colored, continued from yesterday, wa3 called for trial this morning. Edward McFarland, charged with disorderly conduct, throw ing a brick! at a policeman and resisting police, was fined $50, and in default of payment of same wab sentenced to thirty days' imprisonment in the City Prison. Tho case of C. II. Grant,1 charged with inciting a riot in the afternoon of election day and resisting arrest at the instance of counsel, was continued until Tuesday morning next, at 10 o'clock. M. London, Esq., appeared for ths de fence F. H. Darby, Esq., City Attor ney, and. Col. D. K. McRae are counsel for the prosecution. The defence claims to" have a cloud of witnesses, some sixty In number, which counsel said it would take at least two days to get through with. It was in consideration of this fact the case was ordered continued. . . ' . -. - .'i ! Sea a woman on horseback in another column, riding " near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is at) highly esteemed by the medical pro- ession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and tbe aged. Sold by Druggists. Where Is that crowd going ? To ,Ro3 ejithal's, to buy boots and shoes. . f Water street mercbants"will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Tou can bay No. 1 . Cooking and Heat ing Stoves si almost any price at Jacobis' Hardware Depot. The Elections. The following are! the returns as far as received to-day: ' FEDERAL POIXT TOWNSHIP. Senate Worth, 11; Scott, 25; Shep ard, 45. Representatives Meares, 11; Mosely, 11; Waddell. 25; Wijson, " 28: Curtis, 45; Holt, 45. County Treasurer Fennell, 11; Hewlett, 30; Bremer, 45. Register of Deeds McLaurin, 11, Sampson, 29; Reed, 42. Surveyor: Mc Rae, 45. Coroner Hays, 11; 'Hewlet, 29; Watson,K 47. ' jCongress Shackel tbrd, Canaday,28;; Kornegay, 40. Governor Jarvis, 12; Buxton, 48. Lt. Qdvernor Robinson, 12; Barringer, 30. Secretary of State Saunders, 12; Tor ment,'30. Auditor Roberts, 12, Can non, 30, State Treasurer Worth, 12 Jenkins, 0.. Superintendent of Public Instruction Scarborough, 12; Black, 30. Attorner General Kenan, 12 Mjoore, 30: Electors Dem. Electors, )L3; Rep. Electors, 29: Greenback. 44. Jad ore's kBennett, 12; kcLean, 27; Gilmer, 12; Hcaden, 27. Constable Lowe, AVil liams, 33; scattering, 1. -Amendinents For public debtj 7; against public debt, 3. Asylum Amendments For, C; against, 24. j cape fear township.' Senate Worth, 21; Shepard,1 115 ; Ssott, 122. Representatives Meares, 21; Moseley, 20; Waddell, liofWil- o-m 110. fn. ;o IT? . TTrf 11T treasurer Fennell, i9 ; Hewlett, 116 ; Bremer, 121. Register McLaurin, 19; Reed, 121 ; Sampson; 117. Surveyor McRae, 125. Coroner Hays, 19; Hewlett, 116; Avant, 122. Sheriff Bagg, 9 ; Watson, 137 ; Manning, 113. Congress Shackelford, 20; Kornegay, 105;. Canaday, 115. Governor Jarvis, 21; Buxton,. 118. Lieutenant Gov ernor Robinson, 21 ; Barringer, 117. Secretary of State Saunders, 21 ; Nor ment, 11' 7. Auditor Roberts, 21; Cannon, 117. State Treasurer Worth, 21 ; Jeiikins, 117. Supt. of Instruction Scarborough, 21 ; Black. 117. Atty. Gen'i. Keaau,'liloofe, Yi. felect-. ors Dem. Electors, 24 ; Rep. ElectorS 133; Greenback Electors, 105. J udges Bennett, 21; Headen, 94; Mcl Lean, 94; Gilmer, 21. Constable SharplessJlOl. Debt Amendment For 20, against none. Insane Amendment For 1, against 153. ' I'h'e returns In this, theThir District. TIih Thinl lllftr-irr so faras they have been receivedare as follows j . I nri'T.iv Ma.volia)Nov. 4. And still nothing dsfinite. Shackelford's supposed majority ia Duplin is 740, ut some say 'that lit will be much "greater " " St SAMPSOXJ I I . Warsaw, Nov. 4, 1880. The majority for Shackelford in Samp SDn county is 453, a gain of nearly i00 on the Waddell vote in 1876. Hall's township reports & Democratic gam of 40 votes; Taylor's Bridge gives a Dem ocratic majority of 70, which is about the usual vote; ( Little Coharie gives a Dem, ocratic maiority of 21, a gain of 50 vote3 for us; Westbroeks gains 100 votes and Honeycutt's 10, while there is a loss of 25 votes in Dismal; Clinton township gives Hancock 346 and Garfield 232; Jarvis 345 and Buxton 239; Shackelford's ma jority in the1 township in 112. - i CUMBERLAND, IIAKNETT AND' MOORE. Fayettevii le, Nov. 4, 1880. Buxton has carried Cumberland county by 80; Canaday by 47. i- Harnett goes Democratic by an esti mated majority of 400 and Moore bv 270, , " D- rEXDER. , - I Burlaw, Nov. 4, 1880. Buxton 1,246, Jarvis 993, Canaday 1,233, Shackelford 1,001, Kornegay, 155, Garfield 1,234, Haccock 1,007. Williams, Bep., beats Ward, Dem., for Sheriff 85 vote. 1 j - R' ' 1 ' CARTERET. ' ' ' Beaufort, Nov. 4., 18ol Fall re turns are nat vet in. The estimated ma jority in Carteret is about 400 and pos sibly more, j v . I. BLADEX, BRUXSWICK, COLUMBUS AND . OXSLOW. We have nothing direct torday from either of those counties. Street reports! are to the effect that Bladen has gone over 300 Republican, Brunswick 100 Re publican, Onslow 400. Democratic and Columbus fully 700 Democratic. Mrs. Wm. TrppErr, Owasco, N. Y., says: I have worn an Improved Excel sior Kidney Fad about three weeks and have recirved great relief from it for pain in the back. See Adv. NORTH CAROLINA. T.IE HEIURSS C0K l!i SLOWLY LU'jam Elected In ifce Fiist District ! , Raleigh,"Nov. 4, 3:50 P. M. The rc'iirus arc very scattering, and come in slowly. Latham is elected in the First District, thu3 certifyingja gain of one Congressmaii in North Carolina! The majority for the Statetieket will exceed 8; 000. j'. ' Alamance and Orange carry the ticket. Gates gives 500 Democratic majority. Yancey gives the Vance vote and Anson gives Jarvis 647 ma- jority. : ; jj The outlook is satisfactory. . ' ' s. a. a. Tne Third District. The following is the vote of -this, the Third Congressional District, in 1876, when Col. Waddall's majority over Cuu aday was 1,728, yance's 2,235 and Til den's, 2,371. AVe give herewith the vote for Congressmen, and by counties: Bladen Waddell, 1,356; Canaday, 1, 414. rj! -' " I . Brunswick Waddell, 994; Canaday, 1,052. 1 ''' Carteret Waddell, 1,109, Canaday, 711. . " ' t Columbus Waddell, 1,412, Canaday, 766.. ' 1 : Cumberland Waddell, 2,185, Cana day, 2,129. Duplin Waddell, 2,144, Canaday 1,266. - M'; ! ' , Harnett Waddell , 1,037Canaday, wii- ' - ' 'i'. 'V Moore Waddell, 128, Canaday, i,2oo. '; ' I New Hanover Waddell, 1,554, Can aday, 3,045. . Onslow Waddell, 1,229; Canaday, 543. ' . - ! - ! , i Pender Waddell, 1,151; Canaday 1,264. ' , ....-V , Sampson Waddell, 2,02; Canaday, 1,665. : '..(. . . New Advertisemonts. fclllfi flWQ 14 Stops. 4 Bets Reeds, ONLY UilUHnUCCS. Pianos nn. Punor free- AddresaDaniel F. Realty, Washington, N. J. I nov 4-4w Farmers sons. 845 TO S I 00 Per month, during Fall and Winter, in every county. Interesting; and valuable information, witn full particulars, free. Address, at once, J U mcuubdt & uo. nov 4-4 w ! Pbiladelphla. Pa ED TRCAT 757 Broadway. D- I nCl I j Hi Y , publisher of Firat-class Sub3ciption Beos, Rirs steady employment to Agents and all seeking a change in business. Illustrated ciroulsrsot new Books and oroof that $150 per month is made, sent on applicttion. ' nov4-4w New and Very Attractive Styles are j Kow Ready. I , . U1?ST OAJ3INET OK PAR. COXOROANSin tbe World, winners of highest distinction uterarv great World' Exhi bition for thirteen years. Pri ces, f 51. $57, $86, 184, 510, to $500 and npwaru. For any payaientff, $6.38 a quarter and upward. Catalogues free. MAHON & HAMLIN OliQAN Co, 154 Tremont Bt, Boston; MASON AND ORGANS 4C East 14th St, (Onion Hquare) ew York; 149 Wabasli Avenue, Chicago.! nov4-4w THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE 9 THERE is no greater Blood Produer and Life-sustsiniog Principle in the world of foods or medicine than MALT BITTERS, prepared fr"m Unfennented Halt, Hops and Quinine. They feed the body and the brain, eiuich the blood, solidify the bones, harden the muscles, quiet , the nerves, cheer the mind, perfect digeston, regulate tbe stomach and bowels, cleans the liver and kidneys, and vitalize with SEW LIFE every fluid of the body. Beware of imitations similarly natd. Look f r the COMPA5Y'8 tilG NATDRE which appears plainly on the label of every bottle. Bold everywhere: HALT BITTERS COUP ANT, Boston, Hue. nov 4-4w Fresh Every Day FINE ASSORTMENT 07 OAJfDIZB, French and Domestic, just reoeiTod and for gale. " .'. i . . v THE ONLY GENUINE a OJIE-UADB Caady ia the citj, frill be found ererv day, freeh &ud iwoe three doors 8outh ol the jPoetoSce on Second street. Also. Hots BaMna, Fruit, AcH O. E. JKTEifs, fan 23 SJNear the FortoCceJ PLEABS 50TI02. We will be glad to receive commuakiilozs from our frinds on aay and all! subjects o tTeneral interest but Ths nam ot the writer nasi always be f c r Wad to ta Editor. Communications auat be written; on cnlj one side of the. paper i Personalities mint voided, i And it' is especially 4 a particttlarly.'ttnder stood that thi Editor 4te not always endorse the views ot correepoaslso tsV cnless to ttat' in the editorial eoluT.ns. Now Ad vertisemen to. Still the Best t- Mountain Beef ! per pound, AT OUK STALLS IN NEW MARKET, i , . ii' IIUBEii-rT PEOPLE'S BUTCHER COMPANY. - i I STALLS 5 to 10 NEW MARKET j nov llw . ' , " S0HETH1I Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Oil Cloths, WHITE. MARSEILLES SPREADS, Some real bargains. Marseilles Crib Spreads and Crib Blaukcts. Cloakbaga for Ladies and Children; Circular goods for Ladies and Children And a complete line of Merino and all -Wool Underwear for Ladies,- Gents and Children. oct 27 R. M. McINTIRE. Musical Iiistruiiieiits, PIANOS' ORGANS, CUITAR", I Violins, Ban joe, Flutes. .Accoidxfigj Ilinborincs, Jews Uarp3, Music Boxej, Ao. " At . IIEINSBERGEH'S. nov 1 ZD and 41 Market ft Secretary's Office, , WILMINGTON & WELDON R. B. CO. I Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 27, 1SS0. rpHE FORTY-FIFTH Annual Meeting of X the Stockholders of the Wilmington A; Weldon Kailroad Company will f be held hi Wilmington, at the office of the Company, on Tuesday, the 10th of November licit. J. WL THOMPSON, . Secrctarv oct 28-tm Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG. It. R. CO. . Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27, lbSO. J THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock: holders of tLe Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Company will be held at the ottlce of the Company, in Wilming ton, on Tuesday,; tlip lGth of November next. T. W. THOMPSON, Secrctarj-. oct 28-tm Just deceived. A FINE ASSORTMENT of ililiinerv XJL uoooa. Call and too them. &fld son hive cheap you can get a Stylish Hat, Velvet or uraue sonnet maue to order. A nice line of Kucbing, Collars, Cuff, Ties, Ac, which will be sold at remarkably low prices. Or ders solicited for Hair Work. Call and eee the Late Styles. Ml S3 LOU. BTIIA V.T, Market st, bet 2d &nd ii nor 1 Next Wii. Dyeing lastablishneat . . , i i . . Bricks Without Straw. JJY A. W. TOUROEE, Author of "Foo s Errand," "Figs ar.d Thistles f Ac. An elegsnt lot of Chromos and F n y Frames and Easels jest received. Alao Pho tograph Albums, Fancy E&steU, Papoterier , Ac, Ac, at .-' .,- .. ... nov 1 Book Stow Winberry Oysters. THE FINE3T, OF season. . By the Dozes, Quart or Gallon, at JOHN CARROLL'i?, seDtlS Market at For Sale or Eent pEW Np. It (North AiIe) 8t. Jaeif Church, nov 3 Apply to JNO. O. JAMES. Cook Wanted: A GOOD COOK can tear of a tUoatirs by applying for particulars at'lhls office. OCtlS-tf I m wm Ser ;- the