f jilH paps PLEASE NOTICE. .TT7 F 1 W will be glad to receive eommmdcatla ' from oar frienda on aay and all ' rnbcets o general ioterett but Tba of tb' writer laujrt alwaya be fir oiahed to the Editor. Communication! xnuVbe written; on oriy ' oaaiiorthj)apr. Personalities bum oidd. v And it ij especially a partieulariyttader rtood that the Editnr ft os not always esdorie the views oi correspoa dents, unless so ttalid la the editorial eoluTEns. nrBlPTIOK8, POSTAGE PAID. 10 $6 00 Six months,' $2 50 ; Three II ; One month, 50 oeats M!r be delivered by carriers, iZth in prt of 1116 CItT tu rates, or IS nt per .2artiS" U-lowandliberrf JrSabicriberi will please report any and ..... ,-iTe their papers regularly. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1880. .VO 217 Daily Review. jOVN & 'RODDICK FANCY GOaDS AND B. Corner BXarket &. Second Streets 't tfriSHlK TO CALL tai atteation ot the general publis to a Job Lot of LADIES' AND GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. P0BR LINEN ,C0LLAR8 5a. pOBB.LlJEOaFa 10c. vn? HALF THEIR VALUE! W. ara daily re-civi-ff NEW GOODS inlublefor the Ho May tra.le, each a? TOYS. MUSICAL JHSTRUMEHTS, cuss: ware, ornaments JAPANESE WARE, VASES Ac, Ac.,' Ac Ac. "Vo could not poaiibly enumerate our wck,Ulatoo vaiied. We would particu WHOLESALE BUYERS to cire as a calljand look at our stock. 5ow t) to to New York. Can do better . for yon,;0ill erly andmske your selection. Wi bars alio on hand the largest stock of TIW-WARE eath ef New York, and are offering them at oil prices. We hare a great many Special Lots that we art offeriBjr away below market prices. BROWN & RODDICK, K E Comer of Market and Second Streets. air pelts! mflB LARGEST ASSCRTSJSIfr IN THE A Bute, and our prices are lower than any. Ton pay just for the amount of Carpet on your floors BROWff & RODDICK, 45 Market St. cctSO To Rfly Friends and Customers- icv.iTiag my rail aiucx Of Boots and Shoes, Consisting of all the LATEST STYLES I &j past stock and my success speak for tkamseWes, and I only ask a continuance c yoar farors so liberally br owed cn me C7" Please Call and Examine ray q 27"tock as regards Quality. aad Prices ! n Ko trouble to show goods. Will be pleased to see you one and ail. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. Jt4 Pirn of the Show Oas". A Varied Assortment OF PATENT MEDICINES, SUCH AS Hall's Honey of Horchound and Tar chee's German Syrup, Green's August jower, Valentine's Meat Juice, Indian Wood Syrup, Pearl's White, Glycerine, &c. An elegant Cigar for 5 cents, at J. H. HARDIN'S, Apothecary, New Market, fcw Physician's prescriptions a specialty. Oct 33 8teamer Passport ILL RESUME aer re;. , Strips to BmithTiUeaad the UT ... ""- 10th. leaving her Wharf, foot of ; Market 8treet,t 9ML M. : V Will a Atfcrjua, oaw-Men Master and Agent LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Miss E Kabbeb New Hair Goods Opsai. HooiEi-TOId Plantation Min-tre'a. Heinsbebger Novelties , ' C W Yates Bricks Without Straw- Window Glass all. sizes ' at AltaCer & Price's- ', t : ' 1 I Oysters arc coming in more freely and arc somewhat cheaper. , The newest, latest, t-ea and caeapeat t The new shops of the- Wilmington and Weldon Railroad are fast approaching completion. Any and everybody can now do their own painting, as N. Jacobi is the agen for the N. Y. Enamel Paints works, and the-prices are low. Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Rosen thal's. t About fifteen hundred bushels of shel are placed on. the Turnpike" each week and by the first of January, 1881, the pike will be completed and in fine condi tion. I VI've got it at last," said the person who had been coughing for months and lound the cough subdued by a bottle o JJr. Hull's Cough Syrup. 2o cts. The Board of County Commissioners did not get through canvassing 'the vote of the' county until the wee sraa' hours this morning, it beincr 1 a. -m. when they adjourned. . Dancing lessons frtven free at Rosen thaIi b' Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. - f The latest news from Bladen county is that the Republican ticket has a major ity of about 325 votes. Mr. N. A. Sted man, for the House, is beaten, but by a decreased-majority. A very large and. handsome building is in the course of erection on -the corner of Fourth and Brunswick streets. It will contain two fine stores, and above .them a very large and airy hall. The new building is the property of Allan Evans. Rice birds arbout Tplayed out. Not so so with those Scotch soles at Roskntii vl's They last for, ever. ' f Uduiailabie. "LTnmailable letters remain in the Post- office in this city addressed as follows: Thomas J. "Williamson, care of A. J. China; Miss Eliza L. Sampson, Raleigh N. C,; Jane Atkins, Kel. co.; Preston Whitefield; , Mme. Juliu3 de Journe, Florence, S. C; Dr. James O. Stedman Memphis, Tenn.; Miss 1 Carrie Smith, Fayctteville, JST. C. Water stree mercharits"wiil keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes'. f , Presbyterian Synod. ' The sixty-seventh annual meeting of the Presbyterian Synod of North Caro lina will be 'held in the First Presbyter ian charch n Raleigh, opening pn Wed nesday evening next, the 10th ihst. Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, D. D.f and Mr. B. F. Hall arc the delegates 1 from the First Presbyterian Church and Rev.. C. M. Payne and Alexander Sprunt, Esq., from the Second Presbyterian Church of this city. The delegates are expected to leave here on the mornjng of the 10th-. j , r personal. r i Bishop Atkinson returned to the city on Wednesday night, and is now at his own residence here. He is still very feeble, but is able to walk ! without as sistance on a level, but cannot get np stairs. Wo trust that the 1 rest and quiet of his own home will do much to ward? restoring him to health and strength. : . . Rev. Dr. Watson, Rector of St. James, has' also returned here from attendance on the sessions of the General Conven tion of tee Episcopal , Church in New York City.' 1 U. S. District Court. His Honor Judge Brooks presiding, convened 1 at the regular hour. The following cas.es were disposed of: Samuel Green, charged with taking letter from Postoffice. Not guilty. Wm. McKay. Violation internal revenue law. Plead guilty. F. D. Capps. Retailing liquor with out license Guilty. ' Several cases were continued for the I Lterm. THE LATEST. IT GETS NO BETTER. CALIFORNIA GONE F.EPU5UCAH. ( Spocisl to Hail? KtvieK.) Washington, P. C, Nov. 5 2:40 p. ir. The latest news received here is to the ef- v t feet that Oregon an ! California have both gone Republican, the latter by about -1,000 majority. The hext Senate will be Democratic and will stand, Democrats 3S, Republicans o7, Independents, 1. The House is probably Republican. . Jacokt:?, City Court There were three cases for the Mayor.' consideration this morning : Charles Mai I ett, colored charged with drunk and disorderly conduct and resisting the police, succeeded in having his case con tinued until Monday next and was released on bail. Isaae Baker, colored, one of the twins, and an old offender, was arraigned upon the charge of disorderly conduct and resisting the police. The sentence of the Court was $50 fine or 30 days in the city prison.. De fendant we,at below. Two Sailors, Jno Meibourn and Frank Smith, out on a lark and a land cruise, got fouled in a little affray in the '"'Hollow" last night, and were taken in tow by the po lice. The Mayor fined the first named 85 and in default of payment he was sent below for five days. The last named defendant was dis charged. This finished the docket and the Court adjourned. The Gulf Stream. The steamship Benefactor, of the New York and Wilmington Steamship Line, having been hauied off for repairs her place has been temporarily supplied by the fine steamer, Gulf Stream, Cap tain W. W. Ingram, commanding, which arrived here on Wednesday, the 3rd inst., with a full cargo. Captain Ingram has frequently visited this port with the same ship before, but recently his vessel has undergone such thourough repairs at a marine railway and shipyard inthe Quaker City, of Philadelphia, that her worthy commander is now more than ever proud of his (wo might almost say new) steamer, when he treads her deck. And we might add, well he might be, for his vessel, which' is a first-class propeller steamship of abou 1,000 tons burthen,, is in every way equipped for transporting cargoes of cotton and naval stores, or any other merchandise,between this port and the great metropolis of the country. The Gulf Stream is about 240 feet in length by 30 feet beam, and. has a ca pacity for carrying 2,900 bales of cotton or 7,000 bbls. of naval stores. She is not exactly a clipper ship but she made the triD from New1 York to our bar in 52 hours. Underneath her decks, we were shown by tJapl. Ingram yester day "the solid way in which the steamer has been put together, wc noticed also three iron pipes, perforated , with holes, running along the under deck, and these we were told, are steam pipes, used to, throw the steam in cn' the cargo when fire occurs under decks,i if such an acci dent should at any time , happem Th? ship has three hatchways, including the lower hold, and is supplied with all the necessary machinery for propelling, be sides having a donkey engine on deck. The cabin accommodations have been sacrificed to freight room, but there ae still several ample state rooms left which would furnish most comfortable lodging for any one desiriou3 of taking a trp from here to New Yoik. The steamr js a fine one and we have every reason to believe is ably commanded and well offi cered i Where is that erowd gojug ? To B-x- EXTHAL'b, to buy boots and shoes, t I Government Contracts- Mr R G Ross, of this city, 1 has been awarded Government -Contracts for River and Harbor Imprpvements on the Savannah River and at Jacksonville Fla. Mr Ross has purchased the steam er Isis and several large barges and will use them in his work. He leaves to night for Savannah, and the Isis and steam tug Blanche, with lighters in tow, "or same port tomorrow. Mr H's. headquarters will be in this city where his family will remain. We wish him all success in his new field. When you visit or leave .New York City, stop at the Grand Union' Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upward3 Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to I aU parts ot the city. ly STATE ELECTIONS. Latest Home 2Jewj- Jarvis About Even With Vance's Hajuityin 1876- (p cial to Daily Beriew ) Raleigh, Nov. 5, 3:50 P. M. Sixty-five counties which cast 184,000 votes' in -187G. giving Vance 7,500 ma jority, now give Jarvis a majority of 4,600. In the remaining counties, which gave Vance a majority of 5500, Jarvis' majority is estimated at 9,000. S. A. A. The Elections. The following are the returns as far as received to-day: COLUMBUS COUNTY. (Official) 'Hancock, 1,597; Garfield, 522. Jarvis, 1,517; Buxton, 922. Shackelford, 1,593; Canaday, 9 .G. '. DUPLIX COUNTY. (Official.) -Shaekelford, 1,940; Canaday, 1,217. Hancock, 2,015; Garfield, 1,228, a gain for Garfield of 155. Jarvis, 1,963; Buxton, 1,2 L4. The Liegislatvie ticket is Democratic. Died AfteraiSliort Illness. i Wro regret to learn of the death last night in this citv. after onlv a few days illness of Mr James II- Parson who at once time was a properous booi mi and shoe merchant in th;s city in the halcyon days of old, anterior to the war. Mr Parsons was a native of Wa- terbury, Conn, and about fifty years o age. Latterly the deceased person has been very badly afflicted with rheuma tism, although the immediate cause of his death, according to the physician's certificate, was some disease of the liver. Almost the last act of his life was on election day to walk up to the Second Ward noils and cast his ballot for Han cock and free government. The body has been taken in charge by Captain Brock, and will be forwarded this evening by express to Waterbury, Conn., in accordance with the expressed desire of a brother of the deceased who resides in that State. The Vote In New Hanover. The Board of County Canvassers completed their labors late last night. The following presents the official vote ot New Hanover county: ' , FOR PRESIDENT. ' Garfleid Hancock Weaver 2,200 1,438 299 i 2,349 1,359 2,182 1,346 351 1,339 1340 2,123 2,124 1,184 11 FOR GOVERNOR. Buxton Jarvis I' . , . i FOR CONGRESS. Canaday . . Shackelford Kornegay JUDGES SUPERIOR COURT. Bennett . Y Gilmer . . . , g r McLean " Headen . . . . PUBLIC DEBT AMENDMENT. For , . . Against -'-. ' . AMENDMENT IN RELATION TO INSANE, AC. For . Against :153 2,507 ?"OR SENATOR. Scott 1 . . . . .. 2,132 Worth . . ." . . 1,300 Sheppard . . - . .. 408 FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wilson Waddell Meares Mosely Holt Curti3 2,100 2,110 1.31C 1,309 400 405 2,124 1,005 708 2,121 1,270 418 2,209 1,240 440 2,256 1,204 411 1,234 1,088 371 370 1 FOR SlfERIFF. Manning Bagg Watson FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. Sampson . McLanrin . . .. Reed . - i . . FOR TREASURER. Hewlett Fennel 1 Bremer Hewlett Hays Avant Smith Dicksey Carr I FOR CORONER. FOR CONSTABLE. FOR SURVEYOR. McRae Brown " Fa&hlon Notes. r , Kibbons have become real works of art. Solid dark colors prevail in the latest styles of hosiery. , i-u uresses ior nine girls arc now made high in the neck. Long pins of jet, shell or gold and tiny Japanese fans are worn in the hair. Silk handkerchiefs "should be washed with borax in tepid water with" little or no soap, and ironed before becoming dry. A good way for .ladies to employ, their old worn laces this Winter will be on the large collars aAd fichus which' will be worn. Whole cloaks are now made of chenille, which, for this purpose, is very thick, and sometimes powdered with gold or steel. The most elegant dinner cards are mounted on thick satin ribbon, which is the same on both sides and fringed at the ends. Small ornamental pockets made of Autumn leaves are worn on day dresses, and are "tasty" and likely to meet with favor. The color of ferns can be preserved, we are told, by dipping them " in strong brine colored with verdigris in s,hort, by pickling them before dryiDg. So much money has heen lost in furs during the last four exceptionally mild Winters thatthere is not much effort to produce novelty in design in this direc tion. , Affectionate husbands who think of presenting their wives with Christmas gifts will be glad to know that cream colored satin, embroidered in amber beads of two shades, costs only $50 a yard. Gentlemen's visiting cards are grow ing smaller, though always considera bly less in size than those used by ladies. Both are unglazed,and engraved in plain script, without flourishes of any descrip tion. , Among the latest caprices in breast pins are rustic bars forming a fence bro ken by a gate, through which or upon which is crawling a mouse or rat. Or behind the bars, with his snout forced through, stands a pig. The old-fashioned albums in which one writes a sentiment or a quotation have been revived in England, along with other old-fashioned things, and are now produced with all the old extravagance of colored paper and pretty pictures and engravings. . , ',"''. The Third District. The following is the voto of this, the Third. Congressional District,' in 1876, when Col. Waddsli's rna jority over Can aday was 1,728, Vance's 2,235 and Til- den's, . 2,371. We give herewith the vote for Congressmen, and by counties: Bladen Waddell, 1,356; Canaday, 1,- 414. , h Brunswick Waddell, 994; Canaday, 1,052. Carteret Waddell, 1,109, Canaday, 711. i Columbus Waddell, 1,412, Canaday, 66. Cumberland Waddell, 2,185, CanaJ day, 2,129. Duplin Waddell, 2,144, Canaday 1,266. Harnett Waddell, 1,037, Canaday, 11. Moore Waddell, 1,328, Canaday, 1,200. 1 I New Hanover Waddell, 1,554, Can- j aday, 3,045. Onslow Waddell, 1,229; Canaday, 543. i Pender Waddell, 1,151; Canaday. 1,264. Sampson Waddell, 2,02; I Canaday, 1,665. Jqv? Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE, One Nilit diUT-Tiia-iay Horeaber 9th. .i SECOND APPEABANCEof lha Old Plan, tatioa Mintria. Owinc; to the eaoeecs of tne first appearance of the aVore named organization they will make their second appearance on TUESDAY, Soy. 9th, in a far more attractive programme than their first. ! hey hare made several talented ad ditions to t&eir Troupe and claim that they are second to no amateur organization of this kind in the Sr.uth. New attractions bat old faces. Reserved Seats on sals at Heinjber ger's Bookstore without extra charge. General admission 60 cents. Gallery 25c Doors open at 7 o'c'ock, commence at 8 o'clock. novS-3t Cook Wanted. GOOD COOK can hear of situation bj PPlj Inyor;part!culara at tl Is office. . octl94f Now Advertisemontc, Novelties. I HIVE JUSi RECEIVED lare aorttnent of Willow Ware, eoraisftg cf Traveling and P.c-Xio Baakisii, Work Basket . Palm j..af Baskets Straw kmbroidereil "tra- b.. iri,: ' and .iV. ? aaketl of all snlea ano aiza. which . .r r cheap at . . " " vuereu ior tale TbTY nor 5 Lire Bosk ar.d VvM Stort Wew Hair GocdsT" LLTHE LAJEST FT 1,1. H tf ' Ut'r Goods hava just be en' ier,ir.i. :i:lir.cry and Artificial Flowers of 'fKbionab: ia:u A fall etock of Ladiea' ad Children wear. 1IIS3 E. KAIiREli, tor 6 No. C Sooth Front 8t Still the Best i Mountain Beef ! At from 5cts;tolG cts per pound, JT OUr. STALLS IX NEW MARKET, JOHNSON,-- TILLEY. -iitntze;. & HUBERT. - PEOPLE'S- BUTCHER' COMPANY. STALLS 5 o 10 NEW MARKET nov 1-lw ' . 1 Carpets, Crumb Cloths, V r Oil Clothe WHITE MARSEILLES SPREADS, bonie real bargains. Marseilles Crib Spreads and Crib Blankets. Cloakings for Ladies and Children. Cireular goods for Ladies and Children: And a complete line of Merino and all Wool Underwear for Ladies, Gents and Children. oct37 , II.- M. McINTIRE. Secretary's Office, - WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO. ; . Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 27, 1'SSO. THE , FORTY-FIFTH Annual Mating of ,heSt(chholder8 of the "Wilmington Weldon Kailroad Company will be. held in Wilmington, at the office of tho Company, on Tuesday, the 10th of November next. J. W. TII03IPSON, 1 Secretary ocl 28-tm Secretary's Office WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG. R. R, CO. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27, lbSO. rpiIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock I holders of the Wilnij fc Augusta Railroad Company av ill beheld at the oillce of tbo Company, in Wflrnin"--ton,on Tuesdaj-, the 10th of November next. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. oct 2S-tm Just Received. A' NK A880BTMENT cf Mi'linery -Ta. Goods. Call and see them, aad tee how cheap yoa-can getAatyluh aat, Velret or. .onne ,?ade to orde' A nics IIlo of Ruchin?, Collara, Cnffj, T12S, Ac, which will be sold at remarkably low prior. Or ders solicited for Hair Work. Call aal see the Latetityigs. MIS3 LOU. STUART, 1 Market at, bet 2d and Sd, nor 1 hext Wil.Dyefne t-sUOL'shiaect Brielcs Without Straw. JJT A. W. TOURGEE, Author cf "Feels Erracd," "Fizt and Thistles ',1c. An elegant lot of Chroiaos snd, Fmej Frames and Easels jtwt received. Alio Pho tograph Aibams, Fancy Bassets, Fapeteries, Ac, Ac,, at ... 3 nor 1 Book Store Winberry Oysters. THE O? the season. Bt th Dozes, Qoartor Gallon, at SOfflETISie SEW JOHN OABSCLL'0, P Market it -

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