PLEASE 3 OUCX. Wa wm bog.' ad to receive eonanxaleatioa from our frUads on aay aad all rabtti aTeaeral interest bat , ai of ta writer anrt alvays b fur fclehed to th Editor. Communlcaaonj maat be written! on oalf oae dde of the pap. F erxmalitias mum molded. - And It la eepedafly a parCCTxlarly.'under rtood that the Edit- .1 aye not always eadorie thevidwioteorreeponiiBta, uletito itattal in the editorial eolunna. if JOSH. T. J"Bf rtRftCBim058,P06TAOKPAID.; j 0 i-thfcfi s5? One month, 60 ceats. -u ba delivered by eerrian. i!. l U7 part of the city. M the r 11 Mta per week. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C,, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1880. NO. 218 tSSobKriberf will please report any and trery aftoraaoat Sodnyt Baiii KMMw gROlVN & 'RODDIGIC FANCY GOODS AND The Citizens National Bank opened for bosihess.Hn Cincinnati, on Thursday. This is a new bank recently organized with $1,000,000 capital. v The, Democratic papers at the North are pitcting into John Kelly and charge him with the loss of New YorK State How this can be they fail t6 make clear. The funded debt of Philadelphia on Januuary 1, 18Jg, was $61,092,641.70; amnnnt. niWmfed rnnnrf vp9p fnA- Corner Market A Oecond total, $60,970,(41. 70, which wis incrW ed by four per &nt loan of $10,000,000. Total funded debt January 1, 1880, $70, Streets vr rf tfE8Itti5 TO CALL the attention attki general pablie to a Job Lot of LADIES' AND GENTS' COLLARS AND GUFFS. PURE LINENCOLL AB8 6e. PDRSLisEN,ourFa iec. vm HALF THEIR VALUE I 970,041.70. Comptroller Kelly's monthly state ment shows that the debt of New York City, including outstanding revenue bonds issued in anticipation of taxes, was, on Oct. -31, 5122,745,127.50; the sum in the sinking fund for the redemp tion of the city debt was' $34,906,467.40. "With a view to increasing . theuseful- riess of the Signal Service an additional service is to be established on the lakes, designed not only to inform shipmasters TBVJ, MUSICAL4 INSTRUMENTS, of "dangerous winds, but also to enable inem to tea irom wnicn direction sucn winds may bo expected. , 1 V era aai!r re eiviinj NEW GOODS jniteblefor the Lfo id ay trade, each M glass: ware, ornamentSi japanese ware," vases, c, Ao., Ac , Ac, We could not poiiiblr enumerate our uei, it ii too vailed. We would particu larly intJte WHOLESALE BUYERS to fire m a call Jani look t bar stook Jo w t) go to New York. Can do better The Cuban Minister of the Interior has addressed a circular .to the governors of provinces warning them that an agent had started from New Orleans for Spain to contract for Spanish emigrants to go to Louisiana to work on the plantations at waged too low for living expenses.. The wandering statesmen are return ing to "Washington. On Thursday night Thompson cot back from Indiana and for joa.-Or ifearly and make your selectioB. Maynard from Tennessee; John Sher- Wa hare alio on hand the largest stock of I man put in an appaeiance on Thursday and -Ramsay is expected to-day. A meeting of the Cabinet has been called oath cf New York, and are offering them for to-day when, for the first time since at oil prices. ' . I Mr. Hayes' departure for the West, on I f 0rfi t Anrimsf laot nil t Vio momKora eiare a great many Speoial Lota that wel , .T., . ' ... . . - - , i uuu xi ayes win ue m v asniugiuii iu . ... t . . i wi mv vuumg mwmj WWW mariet priCPS. ... I athpv I p BROWN & RODDICK S Corner of Market and 8eoond Streets. a G" pets! rjpHS LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE Ptate, tad our prlc?a are lower than any. foa pay Jost for the amount of Carpet on your floors f BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. ect SO To My Friends and Customers- jrrij i m NOW DAILY T l. recniTiue my Fall stock M NOW DAILY recmriDg my B all stock of Boot s and Shoes, Conalating of all the v . LATEST STYLES I T eaat stock and my suocesa epeak for tmslT, and I only ask a continuanoe o jour fTore ao liberally on ire Please Call and Examine my 37"Stock as regards Quality and Prices ! 3 ' So troutla to show goods. Will be pleaaM to see you one aid all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, ; 32 Market Street. t Rignof the Show naap. The Navy Department has already, it is said, been disposed of by Mr. Garfield, who is under an engagement to tender it to Paymaster John Stevenson, a most active and earnest friend of Gen. Grant. The Grant men in Washington make no secret of this, and as Stevenson ia famil- iar with naval affairs, they claim that it proved Grant's inteation f making Gar field's Administration a strictly business Administration ; in fact, a sort of ciyil- .service reform Government in a very big horn. Indian1 corn has been successfully used instead of barley for malt in Great Brit am. if the discovery proves to be prac tical on a large scale, a constantly wid ening market will be offered for the sur plus crop of maize in this country, and beer willj be 'vastly cheapened. From time immemorial, in both North and South America, Indian corn has been used by the aborigines in the production of a rude beer. It has not been hitherto used by any civilized nation, and its use now in England follows the repeal of the duty on malt and the attention of chemists to the preparation of a substr tute for barley malt. i LOCAL NEWS. New Adveirtueinent?. A Shriek The New Shoe Store JIeinsbekger Novelties . 1 C W Yates Bricks Without Straw NOKTH CAROLINA. IT GETS WORSE TKE FARTHER WEiT IT GOES! (8pciI to Daily F-eview.) Raleigh, Nov. G, 3:30 P. M. SIxly-nina counties reported here give Jarvis about 5,000 majority. The majori ties reported are not all offic'al. P. . -Mill fturoviltc We are glad to learn that Dr. DeRos set's condition' continues to improve, Dr. A. J. DeRossfxi, who has returned to the city, expects to ge North again nextweek and as soon thereafter &i possible will remove Dr. M. J.DeRosset asd hi3 fami ly to this city. In. about two weeks it is thought that this will all be effected. Window GUss of ill siz3i, i) r .Sash and Blinds, Builders' EUrdwii V3 Levy sat prices at Jacobi's. In Port and to Arrive. ( There are now 28 ve3se!3 in th;s port of which 15 are barques, 3 are brigs and 10 are schoolers; 18 are foreign and 10 are American and of the former 10 are Norwegians, 4 are German and 4 are British. There are cleared and sailed for , this port 30 vessels, all foreign and all squarc- THE VE aY LATEST. CALIFORNU IS DEMOCRATIC- Tha' EiU!e Rspnblican ad Seiata Damocratic the ( Special to Or My RTiew.) WASiiixcfrox, D. G., Nov. 63:20 p. m. It is now known here that Oregon has gone Republican but that California is Democratic. The majorities in both States will be small. The Republicans elect the Governor in Tennessee and probably gain a Con gressman. The IIou3e is undoubtedly Republican, and the Senate is Demo cratic. Jacobus. Tlits District court- This' Court will probably close its labors late this afternoon. Its attention has been occupied all day in the trial of a case in admiraltry in which O. Sal vinsen is the libelant and a cargo os.ilt and its owners are defendants. Suit is for freight, which was withheld, it is alleged, in consequence of injuries said to have been sustained by the salt while in transit. 1 ' Shrler's snoe Store. Mr. A. S brier appears in our adver-l tising columns to-day in an attractive aTS Cbarcn Service. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows ST. JAMES PAUI.H, comer Third and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, J). I)., Rector. o.v. 7th. Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity. corning rrayer ami OlMration at 11 o'clock, fcuiiilay t?chK)l t Z'A't p. in. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock ST. PAt !.- EVASO. LUTHEBAN CUCRCH Corner : ixth and Market streets.1 Rev. G. L. liciiJierai, D. D., Pastor. Frepara Servica (Uernian) at 10:SO a. m. Geiman Srviceaill a in. and T.SO'p. m. Com munion (Germ3?i) atVr mori'ing service. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Catechetical iiistruction ou Friday at 30 p. re. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J 13. Taylor, Pastor. Services to morrow at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. The Lord's Supper will be administered alter the morning sermon. Sunday School at 1:30 a. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. in. Church Meeting for business Monday nhjht. Prayer Meeting Thursday night at,7:30 o'clock. SECOND PBESBYTKEIAN CHUtCH cor Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at, II h rn. and 7:30 p.m. Sabb.uh Sclitxl ut 3:U0 p. m. Prayer meeliug every Wednesday at 7:30 p. in. FIFTH STEEET M. E. , CHUBCH (SOUTH,) on Fifth, , between Nun and Church streets. Rev. T.P. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve mug at .utmoc. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUBCH Now Advortlsomonts; OPE RA HO U S E. OneNilil OfliHoesJayNoTeafisriS SLf RANCEof the Cld run. of the first appearee of the VoV. 'SSd organuation ther will mt -A5 appearance on f OESOAY. Nor. 9th iu J Jar more t;ac,iT. prome tbaa 'tSi dition.t . ueir TinnV. -T- TO JetOf.d to DO tin,tfnr....:...!.. . .. - una u cni Snntn. Nur ........ w . . ger io,.a ?tore witUout rh.rZlT 1 looirs open at 7 oV . . X O'clock. - - .Jiu4itooo m o r . .V' iortment of ' Willow Ware, oanaistg cf Travellcg tcfl'.c.Vio L'asiets, Work Bket, plm Leaf Bwkrtj, StraW 5 BMlts BflJtaed Work ialkc J Embroidered Htraw . ' Indttz atrCoIl kets of all styles X?aj' W h re off" for ealo very IIElNSBERGEIi'S, nov 5 LiT Book and Muio Store riggers, of which 23 are barques and 7 , , ' . 4l I M. Am bier j Rector. Services at 11 a. m. 00 ' i l advertisement. This o-pntrnman's Rtnr.k I and n-ZCl n m Kno- aii . n.on ard brirrq I o 1 I " ' , w ' wauuBj uuiwiaiw iu -" 'fc-- . I a nnriT nnmnWn in 41. m. Seats free Dancingr lessons given freo at Rosen, boot and store recentlv ODened bv him on I "JAKJ"' MTUEL" . ... , . I if..i..i A ; 11.. .... - . I Dock, betwp.en Water jmrl Fmnt. tfrofo tiial s rcmp sole boots and 6hoes for Juarjte1' sweei. ana nis invitation is xo i r,, lno -lV v, ; rr7: .: t ie um room. t wo puuw tu can auu eiamme megooui. n a. in., to wnicn seamen are cordial v They are all fresh from the manufactur-limited. ers'.hands and will be .sold, Mr. Shrier ' . Jiarawcauaca, v? aq low 15 tlio vprv Inwpct I on Deiween vnuicn ana uastie sts. says, as low as the very lowest. , Re j, P Kin asfr4r. ... frv, . L.ost a Finder. Mr, Frank "Williams, who was employ ed on the Bclvidero plantation, a few milss from the city, lost onq of his fingers this morning by its being causht in the feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen- cog of a rice mill. He was at one end thal's boots and eboes. f of the mill, making some repars, when one of the workmen, not knowing that mw at. 1 1 fl " m nnrt S n in Knngv Water street merchaots'will keep their I School at 9 a. m. ' ' How to cboosa Oyaters. Like horses, oysters have their points. FIBST PSESBYTERIA3T CHUBCH, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, D. D.. pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 4 p.m. he was there, turned the wheel at the . . J A . 1 L , feout street m. e. chuech, (south) other end and started the mill. Mr. Pf "v! f . ? TTJSfjf street, Rev. E. . ... .x i ,1, shape, which, to ,be perfect, should re- A. Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and Williams came to the city and Dr. Walk- the netal nf a roSftW 1:P P' Sabb.ath SJ1 Pv W. er middle off at the second joint. RIew Hair Goods. ALL TUE LTEST STYLES nalr Goods have just bsea receivred. Millinery and Artificial Flowers of fasUonable tinta. A fall etock cf. Ladles' 'aifChlldren'sVear. s MIS3 E. KAEEEK, No. G South Front St nov 6 thin shell. It should also have an al- Any and everybody can now do their most metalic ring, and a peculiar opales own painting as N. Jacobi is the agent cent lustre in the inner side; the hollow tian Association first and third Tuesday evenings in eacn montn. The highest authority in New Ensr- for the N.Y. Enamel Paints works, and for the meat of the ovster should be as " yer oi;xuassacnu- . . , " i l sens, aner a careiui analysis ot llairs es are low. much likfianefrfr-cun as-nnssible. Ijastlv. I Von-otoWi c;m; tt:- t : o o x- i. " ' I vgvwuio uiviuiau xvcucnci(;crii- the meat itself should be white and firm I fied that it is ' the best preparation for and nut-like in taste. - If1? ptenaea purposes tnat has been ex- niDitea ior examination, that its constit- the prices More Light. A subscriber , complains about the darknesss of the' streets just before day Rice birds are about played out Not I uents are pure and carefully selected for and requests us to enter his I complaints so withthots Scotch a .led at Rosenthal's I excellent quality, and that it forms an in the columns of the Review, so it will Thev ut for ever. t efficient preparation for promoting the , i i . ... i - 1 : . ' igrowtnot the Hair and restoring the ho coon o rwl nrtnofi lw tho nnthnrifioa I I . . . . a ujr. tuc amuuauw - 1 oriirinal color. This world-renowned and the proper action taken in the mat- . ' . i J preparation is for sale by all druggists. ter. Our friend says the workingmen, puuiisuon uie iuiru pugu oj uua i . tcecord, lied Vac, Iowa. j.: .1 r. . i -l .i. issnp. an atiVlp. on thft hntanical intnr I purucuiury muse wxio urv - vmyiuu au - i V . . 7. I ! The Third District. ii . p ji i a n I rsts in rj nrt n I n pa ina ir. ia i rnm ihAi . . xne muis, irequentiy nave to grope tueir " I The fol owino- is th nf !,;! u way in the dark from their homes in the Pen of Dr. Thos. F. Wood, of fthis city, Td Congres5onal Distribt in '1Q10 early morning at this season el the year vii6my vnulCu iui ai-.when Col. Waddell8 majority over Can because the street lamps have all been uoserver, ur. vooas Djeci is i d av was i 790 x-flnppa 9 90. omi Til extinguished before that hour. He de- to interest the people of North Carolina dens 2,371. We give herewith the sires to Know wny sucn is xne case: . " . vote for Congressmen, and bv eountipq- k 1 thronorh thnm fn ltiflnpnpo fhp T,PorIslfl I . Mr. Sath'l Jacobi haviac hx,... appoint-, 7 . 7V-7W. 7 -wf , I JJiadcnWaddell, 1,356; Canaday, 1,- ed agent frr the. Atini Ph-w, panics in' 1U uaviug tuo wmwi wuma fcave their ordis fi Ut-d at .J Scorn's Ha.d . 4. 4 . f , v. I -nswick Waddell, 994; Canaday ware Lepot,'Ko. 10 ft. r:iiu -t. . , , 6.A . . . . , 1 uune Dutwneiner 11 win or not simpiy City Court J remains to be seen. Still the Best ! Mountain Beef ! At from 5 cts to 20 cts - per pound, OUR STALLS IX NEW MARKET, JOHNSON, HINTZE. A; TILLEY, . HUBERT. PEOPLEjSlJUTCnER COMPANl'. 'STALLS 5 o 10 NEW ARKETJ nov 1-lw SOfflgfl mm "We thank Mr. Jas. H. Euniss, of Ral- 1,052 Carteret Waddell, 1,109, Canaday, 711. - i Columbus Waddell, 1,412, Caoaday, 400. , Cumberland Waddell, 2,185, Cana" i A Varied Assortment 0 PATENT JDZDICINBS, SUCH AS Hall'e Honey of Horehound and Tar iloee'a German Syrup, Green's August "ower, Valenllue'a Meat Juice, Indian tood 8yrapt Peaj-pg White, Glycerine, &c. An elegant Cigar for 5 cente, at J.E. HARDIN'S, Apothecary, New Market, Phjdcian's prescriptions a specialty. Steamer Passport VyiLL RESUME ker res dw tripi to Smith villa and the 0rl,4aa 30th, learUg her Wharf, foot of rko StreeL atfl.MA: oaw-Mon ; Muter and AenU j31 Day's length 10 hours and 30 minutes. Window Glass all sizes at AlUfier & Price's. ! t Sunset-to-morrow afternoon at 58 minutes past 4 o'clock. H The newest, latest, bes and cheapest at Rosenthal's. t There was only one interment in Oak dale this week that of a child. Two interments in Belleyue Cemetery this week --one adult and one child. r j . ' The Register of Deeds has issued seven marriage licensesjaaring the week. & Ladies, the best fits and the 'easiest shoes for the little ones are at Rosen TZXAl8. f t , - " la Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) there were .six intermenU this week three adult3 and three ehildren. Tho Detroit' Free Press Fiend has been punning in Dr. BuU's Cough Syrup. We wiU bet a new hat that this is only gratitude, fora 11 thinking men know its merits. (Exch.) r , -r Alexander Stewart, colored, another of the Fifth Ward rioters on election dav. was this mornmz arraigned before eiSh' the Publisher, for a copy of Tur- the Mayor upon the charge of attempt- ner's N oh Carolina Almanac for the r x t ciz i- i icu 1001. il ia iiu l yjuiv an uiuiauau i ins u rescue a prisoner, ueri.vucii, - r- ' Duplin Waddell 144 Canadav jrj.4. but it is a compilation of many .facts of UF"U nuuen, ,Lk, anauay KSUUCU lUUb UClCUUilUli UtlCUJJtCU W iCO' I , - 1 26C ti n- n j. t.M i- i iULLresL anu iiunoriujiKU. j.l uiuv uu uh.u i : r'r: "1 ?-,Z tl nublisheror at the bookstores. UnettWUcll. 1,037, Canaday, pnsuuui, vu vue aiteruuou ui xucsuaj x . 1741 last, near the Fifth Ward polls, The Ma vor remarked that he was going to see that justice was meled out to all who participated in the disorderly proceed ings on that day, if the cases had to be removed" to another county. Thi3 re-! mark was intended to apply, we suppose, when a case was appealed from the judg ment of the City Court. His Honor then pronounced sentence of $50 fine or thirty days in the City Prison. From The storm signal floats againtfj ay I ' Moore Waddell, il,328, Canaday, with the wind from the South in the 1 1200. New Hanover Waddell, 1,554, Can aday, 3,045. 1 forenoon and the southwest in the after- naon. . At 4J o ciocs tne tnermometer m this office stood at 79 degrees but it would appear that the wind is getting around to the t Northwest and that it will be cold to-morrow. The Republicans hereabouts are bet tins' that Mr. Canadav will represent . . . . . . i - i - this judgment deienaant cravea an a?- this district in the next Confess. . 1 . . . w - peaL - The Court oraerea mm to give a justified bond in the sum or $250 for his Wue.r ia that crowd going ? To Re appearance at the next term of the Crim-1 estiial's, to buy boots and shoes. f inal Court, in default of which the prisoner was escorted below. A meeting of the visitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society will be held at Hook and Ladder Hall Tuesday, Nov. 9th, at 4 o'clock p. m. When you visit 'or leave New Y.ork City, stop at the Gr&nd Union Hotel, opposite finnil flonfral 1crw "RumnpJtn . TTl Rftrtm TAnrini t 51.00 and nnwardit I myadvice that G. W. Stamm, editor oi Restaurant rirjsurpassod at moderate prices the Industrial Era, Albi'a, Iowa, ob- Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to I tamed this invaluable remedy. all parts oi the city. ly A. A. RAMSAY, M. D. The receipts of cotton at thi3 port to clay foot up 1,311 bales. A riijslclanfs Testimony. I hereby certify that I have been a practicing physician for twenty-seven years, and for many chronic cases in my practice do recommend Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver cure. It was upon Onslow 543. Pender Waddell, 1,264. Sampson Waddell, 2,02; i,CC5. Waddell, 1,229; Canadayr , 1,151; Canaday, Canaday' New, Advertisements. The Hew Shoe Store. fpHK ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC ia invited t tho egmt stcck of Carpets, Crumb Cloths, OilClothi?. WIHTE MARSEILLES SPREADS, " ' Some real barring. Marseilles Crib Spreads and Crib Blankets. Cloaklnga for Ladies and Childrenfl Circular goods for Ladies and ChUdret And a compllte line of Merino and all Wool Underwear for Ladies, Gents and Children. oct 27 Ii. M. McINTIRE. ' Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO. Wilmisotox, X. C, Oct. 27, 1830. THE FORTT-FIFTII Annual Meeting of the IStOCkhoMpra rC flia U'n( iL'. weldon Railroad rnmnannriii Wilmington, at the oflice of the Company, on Tuesday, the 10th of November next " ' oct 28-tm i ovember next. .J.,'W.:THOMP80Vt . Secretary For Gentlemen, Ladies and Children, at Mr atock fa new and coajplete, fraih from Maanfactarera naaif, and prloMaalowaa th ery lowea. 8at!af action franteei A call Is rtipt rtfally soJicitod. ' nor 6 Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON, COL. 6c AUG. R. R. CO. Wilmisgtox, N. C, Oct 27, holders of the Wilmington, Columbia at theofflce of the CompTnln W ton,on Tuesday, the 16th of November next. 1 J. W. THOilPSON; ,,-- Secretary; Bricks Vithoat Straw, tK w . luuDioES- Author of "Foclf Erraad,M "Piand,ThijUea c. An elegint lot of Ciroaoi sad; TiQtf Pranxea and Easala jesi recaired. Also PacJ IkcT c AJlmaur paT UKetPapeterkri ... . r nor I - ,'- A.- V - -- I . .. i . ' f U Marker iL .

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