) - . ... '.J. ' lk A 4 .f .'"J adeyt Kl HTIO SH, tOtT A 6 K PAJl. -" 16 00 etxiaootbs, IJW ; Three si 35 ; 0316 montb 60 ir will b delivered by carriers, It! or 13 cents per twt "'Sifr.t-'low and liber. AJSTbriber will please report any and to reeeive their papers regularly. IS017N & 'BODBiCK FANCY 600DS AND Corner Market & Second Streets ..tri DMlllS TO CALL tin. attenti.n J g ensrd PM1 Job Lot of LADIES' AHD GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. prjgS LI5rE:COLLAB3 5s. yor HALF THEIR VALUE! ft era r-M NSW GO0D8 jubUfor the Ho id trade, inch at TSir MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GLASS! WARE, ORNAMENTS JAPANESE WAREYASES, Ac, Ac, Ac ," Ac. Wfl emli not ponibly enumerate cur 1 itnek, K li too varied We would particu larly Intlt WHOLESALE BUYERS to giro os a calland look at our stock. I to go to New York. Can do better far yoitjUt.il etrly and make your selection! Yi hire ftbo on hand the largest stock of TIN-WARE cmth of New York, and are offering" them at oli prices. WhtT8 ft great many Special Lots that we are offering awj below market prices. BROWN & RODDICKj 5 I Corner of Market and 8eeond Street?. Oar pets! fpEK LARGEST ASSOBTtfjSNT IN THE Bute, and our prices are lower than any. tn pty juit for the amount of Carpet on jnr f xr. BROWN & BODDICK, 45 Market St. SOIJETHIM HEW Carpets, e Crumb Cloths, Oil Cloths. HITE MARSEILLES SPREADS, Some real bargains. Htrseilles Crib Spreads and Crib Blankets. Qoikings for Ladies and Children. Circular goods for Ladles aud Children! And a comolete line f rnA tit.-. m w v-m -..m. iuv euu au vt vUl erwear for Ladies, Genta and Children. 00127 r R. 3L MdNTTRE. Secretary's Office, nIXGTON & WELDON R. R. CO. v ilmixgton, N. C., Oct. 27, 1830. 11 j - '-JU AIIIIIUI MkOUiUXg mi L'l L"l'll ft t lr a j -m Tni?&ilrod Company wfll be held In Sn at eofflca of the Company, uie 101a or November next. J-W. THOMPSON, Secretary Secretars-v Oflleei i SUSGTON. N. C... OrL Or 1ftiA - I tSdSiA FETING of the Stock- JtofflLld Company will be held VnTuL,.? Company, lnWIhning iuesday, the 16th of November next ; J. W. THOMPSON ' y Secretary. VOL. V It is estimated that there werel0,000f 000 votes cast' in the late electioB,tnore than one-half of which" were Democratic. 1 1 Latham's majority in the First Dis trict 13 reported as 600. The News and Observer thinks that this is a low csti" mate and so do we. '''. Yesterday's News and Observer sajs: Seventy-one! counties that' cast in 1876 200,588 votes and gave Vance 7,492 majority, now gives Jarvis 4,228 ma- jbrity. The other twenty-three coun ties, casting in 1876 32,690 vote?, gave Vance a majority of 5,626. Gen. W. K. Cox has l,3lV majority in the Fourth District. This, too, not withstanding the fact that there are several black counties in that district. The Fourth has done famously and her peppla deserve the success they have achieved. Gen. Cox will make a fplen did Representative. . "local NEWS. New Advertisements. A SfcRLEB The New Shoe Store Alt atfhr, Price & Co Sash, Door3 and Blinds, Jno L BoATwnionx Fancy Butter IIeinsbebger New Books CW Yatbs Books Rev J P Knro Wolf ! Wolf ! Wolf : G RossntkbaJj Boots and Shoes Jas W Hino Stonewall Lodge No 1, K of P. ' , " L J Ottebboukg Timely Advice on Fall Clothes. Plenty of West India fruit here -.now. Window Glass all Blzee at Altafer & Price'. t. Time, tide and express trains wait for no man. Many a .dark-haired man has a red' headed temper. The "bare brown trees" now lift their heads everywhere. - Oysters1 are taking on soma "of their winter fatness now. The cotton receiptsat this port to-day foot up only 203 bales. , Where is that erowd going ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoes. f Hons. Geo. Davis, D. K. McRae.and A. A. AIcKoy, were registered in Ral eigh on Friday. 1 i i We were mistaken last Friday in say ing that Eev. Dr. Watson had, returned to the city; He has not yet arrived Soma of our political orators seem considerably -worsted by tha. wear and tear of the campaign, and 'should lay up for repairs. She wanted to know if the age of glass was the glacial period, and was informed that she could'nt slide into, science m that way. ; ', i y . . If anybody -asks you why the Arctic and Antartic joceans are like politicians you can tell him it's because they lie around the poles. Ladieai the best fits and the easiest hoes for the littlo ?nes are at Rosen thai?s. , t Next to the pleasure of jjinning itself, there is nothing men like better than ijemembering their sins and talking about Jhem. 1 i Old golii color is all right, unless mixed with the i complexion then no woman wants to wear it. Cease your, coughing and enjoy rej freshing slumber, which Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will insure you, by promptly stop ping the cough. 'Price 25 cents. Men-are so fearful of wounding a wo man's vanity that they rarely 1 remember she may by some possibility posses grain or two of common sense. Dancing leasons given free at Hosszr THAii'a. Pomp sole bokt and ehbef for the ball room. f . SUJohn's Chinch is to be congratu lated on the excellent music as furnish ed by its choir. Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Lippitt and Messrs Xippitt and Grant are the singers, with Mr. Dalton as . or garusL , , . J. F. Newcomer, of Toledo. : Ohio, says: I have been greatly benefited by wearing an Jixcelsior Kidney Pad, and would recommend all persons troubled with weak kidneys to try it ee Adv. Ur, Nath'l Jacobi bavtu been appoint ed.asenV far the Atlas Plow, parties', !a want of, tab celebrated Plow can now bsTe tbsir crdsrs fillsdat JaccuTo Hard ware Dspct, Ha 10 S. F(ront t!L WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER The Silver Lake spoken of by Dr. Wood in bis communication tp the Ke vxbw, published to-day, is a beautiful and mysterious piece of water, on'y a few miles from the city, and yet how many of our citizens have ever seen it? and Jlindn, B jii 1-rs' 3 ir i - -s, l.o iat prlcisat JaOohi's. At tbo C ttf Ha l Chales Mallet t, colored, who a few days ago was arrested for drunkeness aul disorderly conduct and hal his case con tinued until tc-day for trial was discharg ed thi3 morning from further custody, judgment having been suspended in his case. " ' Bynun Day, another case, was similar- , ly disposed of. Any and everybody can now do their own painting, as N. Jacobi is the agent for the N. Y. Enamel Paints works, and the prices are low. Lighter Snagged ana Sunk, We learn that while the steamer I). Murchison was en route to this city from Fayetteville with a couple oflight ers in tow, late yesterday afternoon? one of the lighters, when at a place call ed Kelly's Cove, about fifty miles dis tant by the river from this city, ran on a snag and sunk. Fortunately the load on the lighter consisted of 300 bales of eotton only, consequently there can be no material damage to the cargo. The steamer Hurt, which had previously ar rived here, went to the MurcJa'sori's as sistance last night and the Wave left for the scene of the disaster this morning. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry In Winter; by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. t Magistrate s Court- Alexander Stewart,' colored, sued out a warrant against officer Edward Griffith, of the police force, and had him arraigned before Justice Gardner this a m., upon the charge of aasault and bat tery, on election day. Stewart, who is undergoing sentence in the city prison for riotous conduct on that occasion, had to be brought before the court on a writ of habeas corpus, in order to give in his testimony; but the case, with $6.70 costs attached, was decided against the plain tiff, which will, no doubt, caase him to serve out another term of imprisonment as soon as his present term expires. Rice birds are about played out. Not so with those Scotch soled at Rosenthal's They last for ever. t Tbo Led are Heasou. Now that the season for political speaking has passed perhaps the public will give its attention to the considera tion of literary addresses. With a view to gratifying the public taste in this di rection, and fortheir own benefit besides, the Wilmington Library Association are preparing to have a series of lectures de livered this fall and winter. - Among those who have been invited and have accepted the invitation, we hear the names of Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates and Eev. Dr. Wilson, of this city, and Dr. Eugene Grissom, of Raleigh. We also learn that the Lecture Committee are contemplat ing sending invitations to the Rev. Moses Hoge D. D., of Richmond, and the Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D. D., LL. D., of New York. Surely when so much talent is employed there ought to be some good spcaking,'and no doubt there wiil be. The Planets In November The November nights arc full of inter esting planetary incidents. Venus and Jupiter are so situated in legard to each other that they form the most attractive feature of the sky in the early evening. Soon after sunset Venus peeps from her hiding place and hangs like a lamp sus pended by golden chains, softly shining in the twilight. At the same time, and, before any other stara are visible, J upi- ter rises slowly, in the east, gorgeously brilliant against the dark back ground of the sky. As Venus sinks towards the horizon Jupiter mounts towards the zenith, and the planetary play may be watched for an hour. Jupiter is now he moro brilliant, but his lustre is wan injr, and he .will 8on,be eclipsed by the radiant queen of the stars, w)io,. before many iaoons have waxed and waned, will reign without t a, rival. ,JPUer ?d Venus will, be delightful to watch, as onendvances and the other"recede3 over the celestial road J" TheT clear and crisp November nights are inspiring ,to star garcrs, fcr besides the aspects of the plarstary brotherhood, Vo'perional ia in- terest to the dwellers on this little planet, the sky is alive with clustering constella tions, including some of the most radiant 1 a !' A A 11 - ' A 1 stars mai xwinKie in trie .Nortnern con cave. When you visitor leave New York City, op at the Grand Unfou llotel, opposite Gra-id- Central Depot. European plan, dooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restii rant unsurpassed at moderate pi ices Sire n car, stages and elevated railroad to i!i p tiT? ; the city ly. The Third DUtrict. The following is the vote of this, the Third Congressional District in 1876, when Col, Waddell's majority over Can aday wasi,728, Vance's 2,235 and Til den's, 2,37L We- give herewith the vote for Congressmen, and by. counties: Bladen Waddell, 1,356; Canadav, 1,- 414. ' Brunswick Waddcll, 904: Canadav, 1,052. Carteret Waddell, 1,10J, Canaday, 711. Columbus Waddell, 1,412, Canaday, 7C6. Cumberland Waddell, 2.lK"i. Cana day, 2,12'J. Duplin Waddell, 2,144, Canaday 1,200. Harnett Waddcll, 1,037, Canaday, 741. , Moore Waddcll, 1.32S, Canaday, 1,200. New Hanover Waddell 1,554, Can aday, 3,045. Onslow Waddcll, 1,229; Canaday, 543. Tender Waddell, 1,151; Canaday 1,204. Sampson Waddell, '2,02; Canaday 1,005. THE MAILS. Tne mails close and arrive at the City Poat Office as follows : Northern through mail.-. ... .7 45 p m Northern through and way mails... ......5:30 a m. Raleigh 5.30 a. tin. . .Aud- 5:00 p. m. Mails for the N. C. Riilroad, and routes euppUed there from, including A, & N. C. lUilroad, at 5;30 p. rn. Southern niai'tf for all poims South, daily 8am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (O CR'y) daily (except Sunday) 5:00 p. m. Mail for Cberaw & Darling lev........... , 7;45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo recce and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on ! Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, aud Fridays 1:00 p. m. Fayetteviilo, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 6:00 p. ra. Onslow C. H. and ictermedi- i ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at. 6.00 a. Smithvillo mails, by steam boat, daiW, (except Sun- i f days). ".. i 10:00 ,a. m Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little -River, S. C, every Mon day and Thursdftj at 0:00 a', m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel,, Mondays, Vvednes days ftuci Fridays at;...1 5:00 a. m. 1 OPEN FOr. DELIVERY . Northern throu?h. and way , mailij.j r... 7:00 aJm. Northern hiaiis 9 30 a m Southern Mails 7:80 a. m. Carolina Central Kaiiway...;..10:00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Dspartiaent open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6."00 8. m. to G:0Q p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for saf' at general delivery when stamp office is closed. .Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 r. m. New Advertisements A LARGE STOCK CF Sash. 7)ors Bliads, AND i ' ' ..." ' ALL KIMDS OF MILLWOHIC t LUMBER' LATHS, ftc. For sale very cheap, r Faetorv:' i Foot of Walnut l Valt, er Or .;t. ncT 8 . ;;;.-.ri!r.',-'ir WOLF ! WOLF! WpLF-'i APAftT OF A8TKRk aipTWT luociation havi- wltadrawa fellow ttxip from me, I propoee,' en Wed need ay gad Ttnradar nlghta aext, at . the City Ball la Wilmiat ton, to -dieeo Ufe peiata watek thej call herefj, aad, I .eordiallj iavite the Dubois and Ms'eeUIIr the mtalstsfaof H ia nomination, ts come and lirtea and prove if t&er eaa roa 1 waicn twe or tae q ttcuoa turn hem y is snbjaet to" be ; what. cad- whe- n God; is betva a locality or sot; what if the teal who hath lcsaertaUryi vfaa$ asd trher il the panlahcest f ti TrirYei.. frsa 8. 1880. NO. 219 i - i N"ew Advertieemeats. Tin3 ELY ADVICE ON" FALL CLOTHES I Yu AitE THINKING OF YOUR Clothing for Fall; what it sh ;l! be:, how and whcrt you shall get it . COME AND SEE M. Come and see me or drop mc a line, saj -Inj what you waat as near as you taa. If you arc htre you can nee for yourself, try on what you like, and go home with the old clothes In a bundle. That Is very ensy, and nothing can be more satisfactory. NOT A STRAUQE PLACE. -It isn't as if you were going' to a strange place. The chances are you've been here, before, and . know something of my ways. Perhaps your neighbor has been here, and has told you it was a good place to go to. Perhaps you have only read that I soil a good many clothes, and say to people who buy them: Bring them back if you don't find them every way to your liking. Now this is really why I am not a stranger to any one; because I deal with everybody as with a neighbor, and expect htm to come right back if he has cause of complaint; IF YOU DON'T COME. But suppose you don't come. How am I going to sell you just what you want to buy, without 3our seeing things beforehand ? Try: write: say about how much you waut to pay for a Business Suit, Overcoat, or whatever you want; say what your occupa tion is; say anything that has any' bearing on what we ought to send you. It will not take me two minutes to guess what you want; if I don't guess right , that's my 1of, not yours. , ' . HAVE YOUR OWN WAY! Perhaps you want your clothing made to your measure. Did you supposo that I make to measure a quarter million dollars worth of clothing every year for people I never saw and never expect to see ? You may be very certain that I have a way of doing such work without much risk of a misfit; for a misfit, you know, comes right back to me. I am pretty careful about making blunders when I've got them all to make good. MY WAY : My way of doing business is to make the buyer welcome, at the outset, to all the ad vantage and all the guarantee he can ask for. L. J. Otterbourg, , Mene Wear Depot. Removed to Nos. 22, 34, 26 and 28 North Front Street. nov8 New Books- THE GRANDI88ME, A Story of .Ore ole Lifr, by Geo W CaUe. BBIOKR WITHOUT STRAW. By the anthor of A Fool'e Errand. TOST FOSt A WOMAtfj A Novel. By , A Mary 4gnea Fleamlng jyjI89Y. Byathor of Radrdge. J ot oat and for eIe at i HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book Store nor 8 Books QF KVErtY DKSORIf riOIT .eoniUntJy oa hand. . 8f ATIO.NERT A well leleeted steer, &ftledlfl many aoveltiee ia Fancy Paper -r. FAUCT .GOODS Chroaoa, fraxaea Meii Altoeuj Fancy Buketj, Biblfi, Gold Peae aad Pencil, Is kftaad, Ac, Ae. ;i . " ; - '" ? 1 , O. W. TATE8, J not 8 - 6t tioner ard Book Beller ; iiffloyjfflJditJtJ.XXP. !TJ'ABXUllBJJBTRQtTESTEDtj'be iijy t your Castle Hall this (Monday) tere&teg, at 7 o'clock, as .tmslness of im portance will come up for yourceturl -a-tion. , By order VC- - - t t t,.-. ii jas. "v7rn!rn, DOTS K.f:'.';C. . - r- gar. W viu begfad to reoairt eosuBsakatlosi from oar frtalmi atyand'all! tabictU o reseral latere bat Taa mam of tha writer anat always' be ft r alahed to ta Editor. CommBoioaUoa a. a I bm writtea? on onlf jao ad of thajpap.,.... ,., . , "... . Ptnoaalitiet nvt i 'vJro!dedC ' l A ' And it it tpeclally M particularly; cr tood that .the Editor 1wa not alwayi eadori tha viswiot corresponds U, aalanao itati' ta th editorial oolnnac. New Advortisemohtg' FANCY BUTTER S HAVING MADE A R R A N'O E fE NtVv , ' . : ,.:.; ' :...f - , . I , ' i- Mth t i l- ' - With a IVniisvl-ania Cn inary to J$fl Uie.r celebrated' ROSEBUD BUTTER I I take plvi!eiu iuForMHitv wv f:u.isff -. and all connoiieurs.ih n that after to-da y I will hr to fhrnfstf them daily with the identical article same as is used in the city of Thiladclphia'and something entirely new here. ' . - This Butter has the reputation of 'having never been excelled IN THE" WOULD.-' ? J no. L. Boatwrisht; nor 8 11 and 13 North Pront Street; 32 Market St. 32 Sign of the Show Case with the .Shoemaker ; u , i ri, . M Y STOCK OF. BOOTS. AND .SHOES always complete. Call and ramJne. ' Sat i 'u' - Li I .;v if ' I - ' "- ' ' ' isfaction guaranteed to customers. ' Now ii , the time to supply your families.. A full llino of those CHELDHES SCOTCH SOLE, In lacefcnd buttons. See- imr is, believing. Con vmco yourself of the r fact. '.'..'. ' " A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE"' ' GAITERS just received. Don't forget the old number. C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. OPERA-HOUSE, One Nilit Only-Way NoyraipSIli, 1 - . " ' . , i SECOND APPEARANCE of the Old Plan Utloa Minstrels. Owinz t the t net a a of the first appearance of the abor named organization they will make their fecond appearanee on TUESDAY, Nov. '9th, hi a far more attraetire programme' than their fl it. i hey have made several talaatei ad JiUom to their- Troupe and dalin' that ty are second to no amateor ora&LBatlaaof this kind in the South. v New attractions tat old -facee. keserved Seats on sale at Helebr ger'a Book Store witnoat fztra charge.,. f, General admbiloa 60 cents. Gallery 2Sc. Doors open at 7 o'c'oek, commfnoe- at o'clock. . . nrtat The Few, Shoe" Store. fJIHli ATfNTION3 0P;HVPDW0 is Invited t the efegant it3Tt of : Wuzvon " i&oof s. Snocsi cSc, For Gentlemen, Lidiss and ' VkildHiiyAV ZIol 3D riariit fltrJIi.; . Hy stock is new aad complete, freah fecm IfaaaaetMere haiwSs, and prices ai low as the very lowest.1 6at!iftct!oa' sairaateed. A call is respeetfttUy politftsd - ; aor l f r- 't!'"' f"f Tr- t i ',., '