, PLSASSffOTICE. We will beffad to receive eommcnicatloci from our frUnds oa aiy aai all! rabveCi o rsaermllaterett tvt The name of the writer must always be far nUhed to the Editor. Oommunications itwt be written: on onlj one ride of the jtp. Personalities mail ft voided, And it is especially M partIcJarly;nnder stood that the Edit" rt not always endorse the views ot correepon stents udeia io" itak 4 in the editorial eolnens. mmo- : todays 1i H Mn ror.iicTSL ' 15 00 0Btl, 350 Thr JBytfci $1 One mon, W oents. !r wiU be delivered by carriers, rte. or 13 ot per week. irut)cribri wili please report any and ',Mio receive their papers regularly. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1880. NO. 220 Re vie w & 'RODDICK FANCY GOODS AND Corner XVXarket A Decond Btreets- .rr DtrflBK TO CALL ths ttejtln 0 6 fen"'1 PQblU to Job Lot of LADIES' AND GENTS' - COLLARS AND CUFFS. FORSLISKX OUfF3 18c. SOT HALF THEIRV VALUE 1 fs are srilf re irhg NEW GOODS inlublefor tbe Ho idar trade, Mich M TOTJ, MUSICAL- INSTRUMENTS, 6LMSI WARE, ORNAMENTS. JAPANESE WARE,:: VASES, Ac, Ac, Ac , Ac. W could not pouibly enumerate car oek, itiitoo varied. We would particu lar la? ie WHOLESALE BUYERS to fire Q8 a call Hand look at our stock to u t fro to New York. Can. do better for you.C'ftl! etrly aid mako your selections. Wt hire fcbo on hand the largest stock of TIM. WARES cnth of New York, and are offering them t oil prices. We hire a great many Special Lots that we we offerhtf away below market pricoa. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 1 Comer of Market and Seoond Rtreefr. Garpets! rpflg LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE Bute, tnd our prices are lower than any. Ion pay just for the amount of Carpet on jow floor. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. cetSO Secretary's Office, TLiflNGTON & WELDON R. R. CO. , Wilmington, N. C, Oct . 27, 18S0. THE FORTY-FIFTH Annual Meeting f the Stockholders of the Wilmington & eldon Railroad Company will be held in vMlminfrton, at tlie office of the Company, on Tuesday, ie 16th 0f November next. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary Oct 23-tm Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON. COL. & ATTO. R p.rrt- WiufDforos, N. C, Oct. 27, 1SS0.3 I ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock X. holders of the Wilmington, Columbia fr.KUfUIU Mroad Company wm beheld m the. office of tbe- Company, in Wilmiug n,oaTBesday, the 161 of November next. J. W.. THOMPSON, oct2$-tm Secretary. w - A LARGE STOCK OF- 8ash. Doorsf Blinds, - and . UIHDS0F L1!UV0RR- : LUMBER. LATHS. &c For tale very cheap, at . tt Aeu, bear GUd OroeU Winberry. Oysters. ?) THS - imC8T OF tte season., Uy the Qwrtor Gallon, at 8R0VN aiQ ot8 JOHN (JA&ftOLL'S, ld .. Haxketist. loop id.l in Wash want3 to ingtoD. IJe really, it is said be Secretary of War. There are several Tennessee ex-Confederates living at Knoxville who wit nessed Gen. Morgan's death at Green ville, while he wa3 endeavoring to escape from a raiding party of the enemy, as mentioned by us yesterday. The next House, of Representatives will be undoubtedly Republican by a small majority. The Senate is Demo cratic provided David Davis, "who" was since his election affiliated with- the Democrats, may be re!ied on and provi ded also that Tennessee and Nevada send in each a Democrat. Dr. Mary Walker tried to vote at the polls in Oswego on the plea that she was a fe-male, and when refused threatened the poll holders with prosecution. Some one in the crowd suggested the propriety of bringing all of the women to the polls, dressed in men's clothes, when Dr. Mary turned on him sharply and said, "I don't wear men's clothGs; I wear my own clothes." 1 i SSj The Washington correspondent of the New York Sun says that it is open ly announced that the Republicans mean to recruit their small majority in the next House of Representatives by unseating several members from South era States upon various pretences. The preparations for "carrying out this pro gramme have already begun. ' If the Republican majority does not do this it will be untrue to itself and its past reccord. We have never known it to halt at any means to attain its own infamous end3. , We have just received from the pub lisher, Mr. Presley Blakiston, 1,012 Walnut street, Philadelphia, through Mr. Heinsberger, of this city, who has them for sale, three little volumes which should meet with a large and rapid sale. Two of these, "The Skin in Health and Disease," by Prof. Bnlkley, and "School and Industrial 'Hygiene," by Dr; Lin coln, are of a series of twelve volumes en titled American Health Primers, re cently published by thi3 housed The third volume to which we have alluded is entitled '.'Management of Children" and is by Annie M. Hale, M. D. The books may be" had of Mr. Heinsberger, price 50 cents each. Newspaper men must have more time than .wit at their disposal when they talk now as to what may bo best or worst- for the Democratic party to do in 1884. Let us assure these gentlemen that the rank and file of the Democratic party have not, as yet, given one serious thought to 1884. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof"; and so they have found it; they have not as yet recovered fromrthe disaster of 1880 and do not look forward of fourward -any more than they can help. , As the said rank and file of the Democratic party are not office holders, but -.farmers, mechanics and bus iness men, they want a little breathing time allowed them; a little time, too, in which they can turn out and look to their own affairs and gird up their loins for a continued and persistent struggle or a livelihood for themselves and their wives and their babies LOCAL NEWS. New AdTermeraenw. Alix'Sprunt & Son Ship Notice R M McIntire Ladies ! A Shriek The New Shoe Store 1 Heixsbebger New Books j C W Yates Books Window Glass all sizes at Altafier & rrice,i. t Only one case for the Mayor's consid eration this morning, which wa3 dismiss ed without the formality of a trial. Ladies, the beat fits and tb9easi98t hoes for the . little ones are at Bossx THAla. Attention Voters. By resolution pas sed by our Legislature, all good citizens are requested to use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and recommend same as tho peo ple's remedy for Coughs, olds, ete: 25 cts. AJskating rink will be opened on Front, between Market anf Dock street, in a few days The rink is now being gotten in readiness and will be under the man agement of Professor E. M. Cushing. Window Gliu of all siwi, I) ri,S ish and Blinds, Builders' Htxdwaref&o Low est prices at Jaoobxs. t rcn. Grant is expected soo The market is well supplied with oysters. The election excitement is on the "subside." The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot up 2,356 bales. Roe-mullet3 sold for twenty-five cents per bunch yesterday. Thisha3 been about as pleasant a day as November generally favors us with. Mrs. M. P. Taylor is the organis-t at St. John's church, a3 we should have stated correctly yesterday, but did not. The first hop of the series to be given by the L'Ario30 Pleasure Club will take place at Germania Hull to-morrov.' even ing. A firm in Magnolia has shipped to Northern markets nearly two hundred bales of vanilla (dog-'onguc) within the past six months- Capt. L. Thomas, of Washington, D. C, is in the city getting .up a directory of Wilmington. He is doing everything in his power to have the directory cor rect and complete and will no doubt fur nish us with the best we have ever had- Water'streels merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wi-aring Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f The sixty-seventh Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina convenes in Raleigh to-morrow. Rev. J03. R. Wilson, D. D., B. R. Hall, Esq., Rev. C. M. Payne and Alex. Sprunt, Esq., delegates from the two Presbyterian Churches in this city, will leave to-morrow. . Rice birds are about played out. Not so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f County Taxes- Sheriff Manning turned over to the County Treasurer on Monday last 1, 370.35. Of this amount $3,320.79 be longed to the General Fund and 1,040.50 to the Special Fund. . Where. ' ttat crowd K iig '! i'- Ro -EKTHAL' t- buy bo'.-ts ami f The Steamship Raleigli. This fine steamship, commanded by that clever old salt, . Captain D. J. Price, formerly in charge of the steamship Foley, of the Baltimore line, arrived at this port from New York this morning with a cargo of salt. .The steamer, we believe, is consigned to Messrs J. R. Blossom Evans. To-NUht. The Old Plantation Minstrel will give another of their entertainments at the Opera House to-night. We have seen the programme and we doubt not that the performance will be all that conld be desired. The troupe is com posed of young men of this city. Those of our citizens who wish to spend a pleas ant evening should not fail to drop in and see the boys. Any and everybody can now do their own painting, as N. Jacobi is the agent for the N. Y. Enamel Paints works, and the prices are low. Remarkable .-Passage'. The British clipper barquentincWar Emily, Capt. Jones, from Hamilton, Bermuda, consigned to Messrs. Alex Sprunt & Son, made tho run from Ber- muda'light to Cape Fear bar in 06 hours, which is considered most extraordinary and about equal to steam time. Capt. Jones reports light winds only, and could have saved twelve hours with more fa vorable weather. Dancing lessons givtn free at Rosen thal's' Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t Canvassing the Vote. Sheriffs S. n. Manning, of this coun ty, and A. H. Paddison, of Pender coun ty, met in the Court House in this city this morning at 10 o'clock and canvassed the vote for Senator for the Twelfth Senatorial district which i3 composed of the counties of New Hanover and Pen der. ' The vote was canvassed in the presence of five citizens; as required by law, and is as follows: Scott . . " 3,356 Worth . . 2,264 Sheppard . . . 596 Mr. H. E. Scott was declared elected and his certificate of election was made out and handed to him. J. F. Newcomer, of Toledo, Ohio, sayS:I have been greatly benefited by wearing an Excelsior Kidney Pad, and would recommend all persons troubled with weak lidneys to try it See Adv. NORTH CAROLINA. AIL BUT FIVE COUNTIES FROM. HEARD Jarvls' Majorlly About 7,000 wpcUl to D&ilr Revievr.) R.xT.Eioir, Nov. 03:30 P. M. Eighty-nine counties thu3 far heard from give Jarvis U.595 majority. The remaining rive counties, not yet heard from, gave Vance 1,201. P. New peanuts are arriving very slow ly. They bring from 50 to 70 cents per bushel, as per quality. Wood is very scarce and high in this city and half a dozen flat loads would sell now very readily and at good prices. There are about thirty inches of water now on the shoals in the river and the steamers run through. If there are not heavy rains in the interior, however, ond that very soon, the bottom of tin- nvt-r will be on top again in a few days. Has Left Is. Dr. T. S. Burbank left here to-day for Martin county, where he will locate and engage in the practice of mejdicine. He goes overland from this city, but will re turn in a month or so and take his wife with him. He is . a very clever gentle man and one with whom we are sorry to part. We .trust that he will do well in his new home. . The Cotton from Kelly's Cove. "The steamer A. P. Hart returned here last night with a load of cotton from the sunken fiat at Kelly's Cove and started back for the scene of the disaster after discharging her load, returning again this afternoon. The steamer Wave also returned this afternoon with a lighter load of the same cargo. It is thought that the Murclikon will bring the balance of the cotton in to-night. For the KliZ Mt3 . The Petersburg Index-Appeal has found out a rather strange remedy for the epizooty. It says : A gentleman of this city who had a horse suffering with epizooty, tried Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup as an experiment, and to his surprise found that it afforded almost instant re lief to the animal. He mixed a table- spoonful of the syrup in some of the animal's food at night, and the same quantity again on the following morning. No more was needed, and the horse is as well able to work and travel now as be fore his sickness. As the epizooty is quite prevalent among the horses in this section, it might be well for the owners to try this remedy. Board of Aldermen, The Board of Aldermen met yesterday afternoon, at the City Hall, for the pur pose of acting upon the report cf the Committee on Water Works. Alderman Hill moved that the report of the committee be adopted, and that the contract to supply the city with wa ter works be awarded to Messrs J. A. Cloud k Co. ' After a full discussion of the matter, the motion of Alderman Hill was unani mously adopted. On motion, a gas lamp was ordered to b3 placed at the corner of Church and Third streets, and oil lamps wcre ordered to be placed at Dock and Eleventh streets and Dock and Twelfth streets. A petition from John C. Bornemann for permission to erect a wcoden build ing on Market street, was referred to the Committee on Fire Department, with power to act. On motion, the Board adjourned. Get oat Doors. The close confinement of all factory work, gives the operatives pallid faces, poor appetite, languid, miserable feelings poor blood, inactive liver, kidneys and urinary troubles, and all the physicians and medicine in the world cannot help them unless they get out of doors of "use Hod Bitters, the purest and best remedy especially for such cases, having abuncU ance of hcaltn, sunsnmc ana rosy cnecw in them. They cost but a trifle. See another column. Christian Recorder For diarrhoea, dysentery, bloody-flnx, cramns in stomach, and colic, whether! K . . . i -i .. :.f.i. n.i aHecting adUllS, cniiuren, or liuauis, xjk. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smarfc Weed i3 a sovereign remedy. It is com pounded from the best brandy, Jamaica ginger, smart-weed, or water-pepper, anodyne, sr0thing' and heaHngiFiinAr For colds, rheumatism, neuralgic affec tions, and to break up fevers and inflam matory attacks it is invaluable and should bo kept in every household. Fifty cents bydrnggist3: List or Letters The following is a list of Ui. htiers e maining unclaimed in the Cit y r.is;ttic Wednesday, Nov 10;b : A .Joseph Alright. VI.wa Andrews. Josephine Artist, B W 15 Bowden. Rosanna .Bocha'nna, Henrietta Bradley. Sam Blakely. I.arrv Brown. Jas S Betl?, Henrv Harnett, Harry F Barnett. C Mrs J Cnrti?, Mary Council,' Mary Council. .:.iry Corbetjt, mrs Lenaliesan ter Concur. Sarah K Cowan. Andrew Cheatam, Charles Clarev. Davis Cutler J S Collins, N Carr. ' D Dennis Dew, Nelson Davis. Fi (labriel Everlv, Ucn Kvans. P L A Farinhdt, D M Fennell, Ber nard Franklin. G Chas (irahani, Lester Guttcnburg, Jno R Giles, Hannah Graham. II Martha S Hall, Delia Howard, Harriet Hargravc, Mary Kllen Hurste, Liell (Zell) Hawkins, lfeath k Kings land, Jesse Herring, Julia Harris?, Jesse Herrin. ,' J Buck Johnson, Aaron Jones, Daw Jesse James, J W Johnson, Levi Jones, Patrick Jordan, Hatty Johnson, Jan re Jones, Alice Johnson. K Edward Kelly, Jame3 Kii,.-. -Ml Keen. L-Ahuic S Lee, Charlie Lamb, Juiiu Laughlin. M Mrs Eliza Mosefy, Maria McIToy, Lucy McRay, J Miller, Maggie McDuf fie, Martha McKinsie, Suckey McRae, R Morse, B F Martin, Austin Middle ton, D McDougald, F H Myers, Jno McKinsie, Jno H McDonald, Thomas Moore, M E Maulpus. N Sophie E Nixon, Robt Nelspn, Gerry Nixon. P Hattie Piummor, Robt Pickens, I Persall, Jno Perdie. R James Ryan, B B Reddecks, Clara E Reynolds. S Stanley Stephen, Jackson Stevens, Jno H Smith, J C Shepard, Jno Stokes, Sarah Statin, Swainc & Moore, Marga ret Steininger. T R Thorburne, Jas M Timmbns, E O Thomas, Author Toomer, Betsey Taylor. W R AV Wilson, Louis Williams, Annie V, Williams, William Wheyth. Y Jno Louis Young. SHIPS. Schr Sarah, Capt Enoch Kynold. Teroons calling for letters in above lidt will please .say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to ch ad letter Office, Washington, D. (J. K. II. BRINK, P. M: Wilmington, N. O , New Hanyve County, N. C. . . . i When you visit or I .avti Mew York City, stop t the Graud Union ilotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 aud upwards Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly New Advertisements. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby forewarned not to trustor harbor any of the crew of tbe BrKiih barananttna MART K&IILY. Pnt Jnnna mm rtn C debts of tbeir contracting will be paid by either the Captain or Consignees, nov 9 ALEX. SPiiUNr k 805, Lad Ses I -jy E DO NOT HAVE TIME OR SPACE to notify you of the almost daily, receipts oT DRY GOODS, CARPETS, Ac ,", CLOAK, DQLLMANS. & SHAWLS, Cloaking for Ladies and Children, In light and dark colors. CLOAKS FOR LARGE LADIES ! The largest stock cf. LACE CURTAINS . To be found in the State. Respectfully, novO R. M. McINTIRE. New Books- TlIE ORANOISS M ?, A Story of Cre ole Lire, by Geo W Cab'e. B KICKS WITHOUT STKAW. By tbe author cf A Fool's Errand. T ORT F04 A WOMAN. A Novel. By i Mary Agnea FlemmiDg JiaT. By astbor of RnJede. '! Just out ad for s lie at r IIEiERGEU'S, ' dot, 8 Live Book Storp m Books Q9 EVErtY DES0RIPriO5 cinstanUy ov nanc. 4 STATION A well selecttd stock, fnelsiding many novelties la Fancy Paper. FAXOOOODSCkromoB Fjtn- Kasela,' Alboau, Faney Baakets, Eit!5 Gold Peos and Peni',UifUndj, A;, io. O. 17. iljLTCS, ov 8 SUUoaer Hi Ev:k Beller New Advertisements. FANCY BUTTERS II TAVINi; MADE A KfUNUEMENTS with a IViim-v! "aiiiii rctuarv to Ho their erlrbrait I SOSEBTJD BUTTER I I takp pleasure In infornj'r.i mv ;: i -r.a, and all connoisseurs in u tter 1 that a fu-r to-day I will le able tcrfUrnUh . . . , r . thern daily with the identic al arucle same as : is used in the city of PhUadclpk., ;nd something entirely new here. This Butter lias the reputation of having never beeitcelled IN THE WOULD. John L. Eoatwriaht nov 8 llnd 13 North FronLStreet. 32 IVlarket St 32 Sign of the Show Case with the Shoemaker- . M Y STOCK OF UOOT3 AND SHOES always corauletc. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A full line of thoso CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. . See ing Is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. A new lot cf those SCOTCn SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget the old number. ; 1 . u , Ce ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. nov t ' OPERA HO USE. One Niht Oaiy-Toff Jay Koreigbgr 916, SECOND A I' FEASANCE of lha Old PleB . tatioa Minstrels. Owint; to the snocer of the first appearance of the abote named organization they, will make their second appearance on TUESDAY, IS or. dtb, in a far more attractive prolamine than their fi'it. '1 hey have made several t leu ted id oitions to their Troope and claim that they are second to no amateur organization of ths -kind in the 8onth.' Her attractions bat rid faces. Reserved Seats on sale at Uelniber ger'a Bookstore without extra'cbarfre, General admission 0 cents. -Uailerj 25c Doors open at 7 ocock, continence atfi o'clock. nov-3t The New Shoe Store. THE ATrENTlON OF TOE' PUBLIC is invite! ti tke elegant stock of 7 fiiVH , -II f .;'. V Pot Gentlemeo. Ladies and Child res. at .;. XJo -aa SZarkot StVaet. ; Uy stock is new and complete, Iresh' from HaBifactarers' hnndj, and nrices t Istr the rery lowest. Satisfaction gnaranteed. 4.M11LI respeotfnlly solicited; ' f- ' ! . A SHCIES far 2 j Market sL t Co!c Wanted GOOD COoi;.etayer '..-ef ; iitii6tIoa by ppIyirar:ror:piTUcBUrf t thli offied. 1 L!3

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