..ItirTJOKttOHTAliK PA11. ib L 00 x months $150 ; Thrt jethi fl 35 5 One month, &0 0eW 'er will b. 4eliTered by earri.rs, "J. rttw, or l au pr ' Bbicribert will ples refori oj nd Store-to retire their pipers regularly. gjgOlVN & 'RODDICK FANCY GOODS ANI fl fl. Corner XkXarket A. Second ft (raat i; '1 DhdIRi TO CALL ths attention oi the general pablia to a Job Lot of - LADIES' AND GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. PDBB LINEN COLLARS 5a. P0R8LIHEX OUfta 10c. SOT HA LP THEIR YAL WEI We are ilj re-eivlofc NEW GOODS niublefor the Ho;iJay trate, rach at TOYS, MUSICAL- INSTRUMENTS QLAtSI WARE, ORNAMENTS JAPANESE WAREjYASES, Ac, Ac, Ac , Ac. We ooali not possibly enumerate cur nick it is too varied. We would particu- trly latle WHOLESALE BUYERS to cire ui a c&ll'asd look at oar Btock.L So oiso ro to New-York. Can da better for jro.Ml eHy and make jour selection, W hate aljo on hand the largest stock of TIN-WARE cuth f Nw YorJc, and are offering them t oH prices. We have a great many Special Lots' that we are offering away below market prices. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 K Comer of Market and Second Street;. Garp-et s! rjlHK LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE State, and our prices are lower than any. Ion pay just for the amount of Carpet on your floors BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. cet 30 The Few Shoe Store. rpHK ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC li Invited t the elegant stock of Boots, Shoes? iScc, For ftantlxnon T. .Al.m mll-- . i Wo. 28 Market Street. Mr stock U new and complete, freeh from Maaafaeturera bands, and pricas as low as the T-rj lowest. Satisfaction jruaranteed. A call is respectfully solicited. A. HUCIEK, 38 Market et. New Books- THR OHANDI881ME, K Story of Cre ole Li, by (WW (Jab e BRP'K WITKOTTT 9T-ATV. By the author of A Fool's Errand. T OKT 0 A WOU H. A Norel. Hy I i Mary Agna Fleuiniog jyHHV. By author of Rutled. Just out and for sale at IIElNSBERTlER'3, nov 8 live Hook Htore LARGE STOCK C F 8ash. D )orsf Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF HILL WORK3 LUMBER LATHS. &c For sale rerj cheap, at ALTAFYER, FRICi & IXK Faotoryt 'oot of W, Office: ralnat AwU, aejtr Rd OrosaiL 8 Winberry Oysters. THE Fill EST OF 0 "o, vtaart or gallon, at . iD JOHN UAKROLL'S, llarketist I Tot VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1880. NO. 221 1 Philadelphia county gave Qarfield 97,238; Hancock, 76,357; and Weaver 237. Oregon has gonre for Garfield by about 600 majority and: California giv23 Han cock about 300. The Republicans claim three Con j, "esmen in Arkansas but we predict that in a day or two they will be glad to compromise on one. We make a most gracious bow to the go-d. real, old-fa3hioned flesh and blood J)mocrat3 in Robeson county. They have done wonders antf that, too, only after a fierce fight. They are fitted to be free and successful. Threes cheer and a tiger for old Robeson ! Poor John Kelly is in a bad box. lie is getting ' some hard blows, right and left. The Young Men's Democratic Club met night before last at their rooms, in New York,- and denounced Kelly and Tammany. The speakers thought that the primary cause of failure in the re cent "election wa3 due to Tammany's course last year, as led by Kelly. . m. (m David Davis, it is said, may be count ed upon to vote and act with the Demo crats in the next Senate. If Gen. Ma hone will do the same this will give the Democrats a maioritv of two. If he acts - . ? t with the Republicans the Senate will be a tie, with the casting vote in the Vice- President's hands. As to which side Mahone will align himself with, no one seems able to say with authority.' - ' Kr. ' As we felt " sure would be the case, Gov. Jarvis ha3 run behind both the State and National tickets. This is gen erally the case in every State election In 1876 Vance ran behind Tilden and also, several names on the State ticket. The Ntws and Observer thinks that Jarvis' maiority will be about '7,300, the balance of the State ticket's between 8,000 and 10,00d and Hancock's about 10,000. The Board of State Canvassers is composed of the Governor, who is Chair man ex-officio, the Secretary .of State, the Attorney-General and two State Senators, to be chosen by the Governor. They will meet in Raleigh ron Wednes day next, the 1 Tth inst., to J canvass the returns for Presidential electors and on the 25th iri.st. they will again meet to canvass the returns for members of Congress . and Judges of the Superior Court. i The Bernhardt made her first appear ance in this country at Booth's Theatre, New York, on Monday night, in the xole of Adrienne Lecouvreur. Three thous and persons witnessed the performance and the theatre accommodates but 2,200. rMahy ladies were among those who stood throughout tho performance. Probably of the 3,000 present there were not 300 who understood a. word tnat was uttered on the stage as the play was rendered in the French language. . 2,700 fools within four walls! It is incredible but it is a fact. There seems to have been considerable dissatisfaction at the performance and the critics are not agreed as to its merits. The Neios and Observer is very Complimentary in its allusions both to he Democracy of this district .and our Congressman-eject. It say3 in its yester day's issue: The sterling Democracy of the Third Congressional district, led by the vigor ous j aggressive and gallant campaigner, Shackelford, have won a glorious vic tory, and they now rejoice in their re demption. Mr. Shackelford is thirty-six years of ae, and is a native ot Onslow county. He entered the Confederate service in 1862 as a private in Company H, Third North Carolina Cavalry. He was promoted to a lieutenancy in the Thirty-filth North Carolina Regiment, was 'captured near Greenville, N. C., and remained in prison until the close of the war. In. 1872 he was elected to repre sent his county in the Legislature, and has since served continuously in the As sembly. In the prime of manhood, and bringing to the responsible position to which he has been chosen a clear head, a spotless character, and a warm devotion to his State, he will acquit himself as one worthy the high place of a representa tive of the patriotic and intelligent peo ple of the Cape Fear district. . From the publishers, Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, of Philadelphia, we have a copy of Adolphe Belot's latest work, ML Grande Florine" translated from the French byJGeo. Cox La Grande Florine" is the sequel to and conclusion of "The Strangers of DAILY Paris," and is even stronger and more absorbing than that romance. It is a brilliant example of Adolphe Belot's concise and wonderfully graphic style, The plot 13 of intense interest, and is constructed and developed in a most skil ful and effective manner. While "La Grande Florine" takes up and finishes the narrative of "The Strangles of Par is," sufficient new matter is introduced to give it individuality and impart to it an additionaljcharm essentially its own. It is rich in all the elements which go 4o make up a first-class romance. It deals witl; love, jealousy, heroism, wifely devo tion, trickery and crime, and abundantly proves- its gifted author's deep acquaint ance with human nature in all its phases. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Read ad "The Old Scarborough House." . Geo N IIaruissv Reporter Knights of Honor PEOrLE's Butcher Co Chestnut Fatted Mountain Beef and Mutton. Mks E A Lumsden Grand Opening A Shriek The New Shoe Stor IIeinsberger New Books C W Yates Books No City Court to-day. No news in Magistrates' Row. Wicdow Glass all sizes at Altafler & Price's. f The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,171 bales. The storm signal i3 flying to-day and the weather looks threatening. Compositors ought to make good sol diers: their figures would be well set. If every man voted as he shot, many back alleys would be chock full of bal lots. Full Metal and Walnut Sho.v Cases all styles and sizes, at ALTArFfia, Place & Cos There is a tendency to increase tho lengths in trains accompanying evening dresses. , Ladles, the best fits and "the easiest ghoe8 for tht little ones are at Rosen THAls. t Man proposes, and woman often wishes he wouldn's be so long in making up his mind to do it. The man who capped the climax did not know it was loaded, or he would "not have done it. - Red, "brown and gendarme blue satin; petticoats have appeared for fall and winter wearing. ' " An endless chain of certificates verify the excellence of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Priee 25 cents. The steamship Regulator, Captain Doane, arrived at this port from New York to-day. The man who i3 ever ready to take the chances will very probably take his last one in 1 he almshouse. When girls are young they like half a dozen birthdays a year, but as they grow old they don't care to have even one. Rice.birds are about played cut. Not so with those Scotch ies at Rofxtimis They last for ever. t It takes considerable produce to rear animals on aVarm; but a mule, we have observed, will rear itself. Water street rnVchanta will keep their fct dry in Winter by w.aring 11 sek- TiiAL's boot f and shois. t Stockings are now of greater conse quence, perhaps, iu a lady s toilette than they have been since, they were in vented. The contract for water works in this city has been duly '-signed, sealed and delivered," and Dr. Cloud left last even ing for New York. The works are tole begun early in January, and the water is to be on tap by the first of April. V The old Scarborough House is still under the management of its enterpris ing proprietor. Appreciating the wants and necessities of the public, it will hereafter be kept open all night a3 well as all day. Any and everybody can now do their own painting, as N. Jacobi is the agent for the N. Y. Enamel Paints works, and the prices are low. J. F. Newcomer, of Toledo, Ohio, says: I have been greatly benefited by wearing an Excelsior Kidney Pad, and would recommend all persons troubled with weak kidneys to try it. See Adv. There will be a pound party at St. James' Home to-niht for the benefit of that institution. Rev. J. P. - Kinz- will lecture at the City Hall this evening. Sub'cet, "Her esy. ' Seats free. Mrs. E. A. Lumsdeii's Fall aad "Win ter millinery opening will take place on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. The fancy for red i3 displayed this season in cloaks made of fine scaret cloth and trimmed with a new braid called vermicelli. If ever there was a time in the history of localizing when items could be called particularly scarce and news excessively dull, that period is at the present writing. Cut, we suppose there must come a calm after a storm. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ins .stoves at almost any price at Jacobis' Hardware Depot. Paralyzed Mr. James S. Melvin, a timber mspt c tor of this city, was stricken with paraly sis at Messrs Northrop fc Cumming's, mill this morning about 11 o'clock. He wa3 conveyed to his boarding house on Market, between Front acd Second streets. His condition is considered crit ical. Baptist btate Convention. The North Carolina State Baptist Convention will meet at Goldsboro on the 17th inst. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Messrs Geo. R. French, B. F. Mitchell, .W. P. Oldham, J. C. Stevenson, J. TV. Taylor and Dr. J. II. Freeman have been ap pointed delegates fvom the, Frst Baptist Church of this city. Chante of Guueo oa ihe W. f. C, Ii. R. We learn that private telegrams have been received in this city to-day an nouncing a change of gauge on the Western N. C. Railroad, or, rather , we should say, Mr. TV. J. Best's road, to conform to the gauge of tho Richmond and Danville R. R. So soon alas! so soon! TVhy could you not wait until after the inauguration in January? It might have been hetter, Mr. Best. The Old Plantation Minstre e. There was not present last night at tho Opera House as large an audience aa there should have been to greet the young gentlemen of the Old Plantation Minstrels, on their second appear ance among us. The entertainment was a very pleasant one, 'having sever al new featnrcs. TVe should be glad to see the' Minstrels again, and freed from the disadvantages under which they la bored last night. A Pound Party To-nflfilit. There will be a pound party, we hear, at St. James' Home this evening at 7 o'clock. We earnestly hope that the good people, who having sacrifice! every thing else to conscientious duty to take up their abode in the Home, will be most liberally pounded by their friends to night, but we also trust that the excel lent ladies who inhabit the Home may suffer no evil consequences from the over exertions of the pounders. To Slop Bleeding. It is said that bleeding from a wound, on man or beast, may be stopped by a mixture of wheat and common salt, in equal parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding is profuse use a large quan titv, say from one to three pints. It may be left on for hours, or even days, if nec essary. The person who gave us this receipt says; ."In this manner I saved the life of a horse which was bleeding from a wounded: artery; the bleeding ceased in five, minutes after the applica tion." , . ' " ;, ' ' Meeting ol ilie Little Mam Company The Little Giant Fire Engine Com pany held an adjourned meeting at their Engine Hall, corner of Fourth and Prin cess streets, last night, when a new con stitution and .hy-laws were adopted. This new constitution authorizes the election of a President and Vice Prcsi dent, and after its adoption, Mr. Jno. C. James was elected President and Mr. F. G. Robinson Vico President. Both of these gentlemen are retired and honor: ary members of the Company, having served out tha usual five years' term of service required of all members .before they are exempt from further active duty. , Y Save your money and bay your Band ng supplies from AltaHer & Price. Looking fur Bondsmen. It is one thing to be elected to a lucra tive office and another thing to provide a good bond which will pass the 'lynx, eyed Arguses of the" Board cf County Commissioners.- us .many successful candidates will readily testify. Tite Pender county Republicans, it seems, are looking to Wilmington business men, who are ! Mnocrats, to hdp them out. The Slu r .i'-elett of that county, we un derstand, has already declared that his bond will le endorsed here and to-day the Register of Deeds elect was in the city, scouring the streets, under the lead ership of a prominent Republican resid ing here, looking for endorsers. He was offering a per cent age to any one who would secure him a good bond but at last accounts he was unsuccessful. It is not likely, we are happy to state, that any Pender county Republicans will find their sureties in this city. Straw bonds arc not worth much under the scrutiny of Democratic commissioners. Frank. L,slu'u Sunday ;t;m u For December brilliantly closes Volume IV, of this fa vorite periodical. The opening article is entited, "Savonarola, the Florentine Reformer,' by 'Alfred II. Guernsey. There is a most interesting one by M. F. Vallette, "The Buried Cities of the East Excavations Around Nineveh and Babylon." "Christain Enterpisc in New Zealand," by Rev. Daniel ' Edwards; "The Nile," etc., are noteworthy articles. The admirable serials, "Hester Morgan's Husband" and "Maid Marjory," are con cluded; the department of fiction con tains, besides these, some excellent short stories by popular writers. There are several descriptive articles replete with interest and information; the poems arc by Adelaide Stout, F. R. HaTergal,Mrs. Hemans, etc., etc. It is impossible, how ever, to convey an idea of the vast var iety contained in the 128 quarto pages, literary and artisic; the illustrations number some 100, As the next number commences a new volume, now is the time to subscribe. A single copy is only 23 cents; the annual subscription, 3: six months, $1.50, four months, $1; cent postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie's pub lishing House, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, rew York. WJien you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Gentral Depot. .European plan. Rooms reduced to 1.00 and upward Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city. ly MARRIED, LAMB JONES. At the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday evening, November 3d, 1880, by Rev. E . A. Yeates, Air. J. W. LAMJJ and Miss ELLA ANDEIi SON, daughter of Richard J. and A. E. Jones. New Advertisements. Grand Openiner. 1TRS. E. A.'LUMSDEN'S grand opening If -of WINTF.R MILLINERY will take place on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SAT URDAY next. The stock . consists of FRENCH PATTERN HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS. FEATHERS, &c. The ladies are respectlully invited to call, nov 10 E. A. LUMSDEN. Carolina Loflge 434 Knights of Honor. Q FECIAL MEETING TO-MORROW (Thursday) evening, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of conferring degrees. GEO. X. HARRISS, nov 10 Reporter. Chestnut Fattpd Mountain Beet aH MuU n J' UST RECEIVED. Th2 best iu the city. Reinciflber,wc are the ONLY BUTCHERS in the city who handle MouiiUiin JJcef. JOHNSON', TILLEY, HIXTXE, Sc HUBERT. 4 STALLS 5 to 10 NEW MARKET nov 10-tf THE OLD Scarborough House' NO. 8 SOUTH WATER BTrfEET, WiJ. raiczton, N. O , u still opea node tte proprietorship of kUBLUT J. 8CARBOK OU tli wkere can be had at oj nur of th dr or night tbebeitof WLtEd MQOORl, 4o Y.-TrtnH of the beat qatlity, either ffd ried or Kmw. nFilOM AND AFTEB THIS DATE THE HOUSE WILL DE KEPT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. nor 10 Ship Notice. ALL PjKRSONH are hereby forewarned not to trnrt or harbor aaj of the crew of the " British b&ranantlna MlkY - K M 1 1. V. Cane. Jokm. m nn debts of tbeir contracting will be paid tin or Consinieesw - alex. apuuiiT soir. noru FLEA.8K SOTICE. W will bg?a4 to receive eoauauk&tlcss from our frlands ca ay and all subject o iceaeral interest l-1 The name of tae writer must always be fn r niabed to the Editor. Comamtticatiottj mast be written; oa only one side of laejapex. ' Personal! ties nia ea voided. And It Is especially particulaxly;ttnde stood that tiie Edify f m not alwayi endorse the riews ot correspondents, anleaso ttatcd in the editorial ool a tons. , Now Advertisement?. Ladies 4 E IX) NOT HAVE TIME OR SPACE to notify you of Uie ia.ot Uily rtvvi;.'ts . f DRY GOODS, CARPETS, &c ," CLOAK a DHIMANS. & SHAWLS, Cloaking lor Ladi.'s and Children," V In liijht and dark-color. cloak: for large LADIES ! Tho largest fctock of : : ' LACE CURTAINS V . Tt be foui, ! In hp Siate. Kospcctfully, novO i:. yi. MciNTir.E, Books - Q? EVEHr DESCRIPTION constantly oa band. STATIONERY A well ieleattd stock", Including many novelties in fancy Paper FANCY .aOODS-Chromcs,; FramoJ, Easels, Albums, Fancy Baskets, Bibles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Inkstands, Ac, 4c. C. wi YATE8, nor 8 Stationer aad Book teller FAUCI BHTTSSS AVING MADE "ARRANGEMENT with a Pennsylvania, t reuiary to um" tlui celebrfttpd ROSEBUD BUTTER jf I take pleasure in .informing my frtc-iuL and all connoisseurs in utter'.!: '" " " that after to-day I will be able to furti'eh, th.2m daily with the identical article same as ia used in the city of Philadelphia, ar.il gomcthiug entirely new here. This Butter has the reputation of hivlrg never lc;'n excelled IN THE WORLD. John L. Boatwright aov 8 11 and 13 fforth Pront.Street. 32 Ularket St. 32 Sign of th 3 Siow Cais .with the Bhoitiikti' M1 Y STOCK OF BOOTS AXD SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Novr U the time to supply your families. A full line of CHILDREN'S 8COTCH SOLE, Injice and buttons. See ing is believing, (ouvincc yourself of the fact. ., .' . " .. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. ; Dont forget the old number. L- O; ROSErJTHALy A y CDpIarlxctfBlrcct? . sots i ! "

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