. r 5 w 'tti 1 25 ; One month, 60 oenta. B ' .n h-Hftlivered by carrier I. rate', or 11 Mats per wk. ti-rj-b-eriSwri will pieiae report a and r-retneir paperTyo?arIy. Sown & R0BDI3K ANI rpoy Store 1 rL- jj.S- Corner XEarket tft Second ."yyg UtdJR-i TO CALL th.9 attention oftiiegenarAl pablia to a Job Lot of . LADIES' AND GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. PORK LlVfcN COLLARS 6a. -PDRSLISEX 0Vf?S iOc. 07 77;A VALUE! We ra daily ir i?iag NEW GOODS miublefor the Uo.irajr traJe, tuch a TOYS- MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS, GLASS: WARE, OHMAMENTS, JAPANESE WARE, I VASES, Ac, , Ac , Ac. - We caalJ n.t pojaibly enumerate cur icaek, it too varied. We would particu Urlj incite WHOLESALE BUYERS to irs ua a call and look at oar Block. Ifouaitijfi to New York. Can do better for jon. I'd! erl y nnd mke year selectiosr. Wehwaibo on hand the largest stock of TIM-WARE outh ff Nfv TorJr, and are offering them t cli price j. WehTe a great many Special Lo?b that we ire offering away telow market prices. BROWN & RODDICK, X E Corner of Market and Fecond Street?. Carpets I rpHK LAKQE3T A?80RTiIKT IN THE State, and our prices are lower than any. Fou pay just for tha amount of Carpet on yonr floor. - 'BR0WH--& RODDICK, 45 Mwke't St. cct 30 The Hew Shoe Store. rpHE ATTENTION OF THE TUBLIC i intited f the elegant stocs of Boots,, Shoes? c, For Gentlemen, Ladies and Children, at Wo. 28 Marker Street. Mr stock Li new and complete, fresh from . Jan1if4ctarers, hate's, inA prices t as the v-ry liwsi Satisfaction pui snieed. A ciU is respectfully so kited. a. HIICIKR. . pot 6 23 Market st. New Books- mHK GRANDIBS'MS, K Story of Cre I' die Life, by Geo W Cab'a. BRIOKS WITHOUT TKAW. Bt tie author of A Fool's Errand. T T f O t A WOM. K X. A Novel. By i Mary acea Flemming jyjIS-JY. Bj aathor of Ru .kda Just oat and for sla at IIEiNSBERGEU'S, Live Book Store n ,t ft THE LAU3INBURG EflTERPRISE p.THK BEST MEi)lUSl through uhlch Joadfti e f all and Winter Good acng peopie .f Koboian. Kiehmond and An oa oounti-B, in ortb Oarolina, and In the oordtr c omiea cf South Carolina The , ,erP'ehaialarge and ircra4ng circu 2?? 10 the L'e nd Cap Fer tectianB P tfiu 8tate, htriog obtained a lrge cron uon in the latter during the s'x monthi it m Ottblifhed in FajetieTilla bfro its re f.I. to Lavrioborg, arid ia the former unn the last few mootha. mti will be inserted by th oatb, quner and yar atiewaabte rates. Aadrtas, H. L V,o UW r IK, Laornbarir, N C Winberrv Oysters. y'i'ifVTHE FWK.-iT OF FANCY GOODS garter uaiion. at : rata JOai OASBOliL'8, , MU Itfarketjat r 1 tj i? J3L 9 H ft s 5 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Wc very much fear, that Mahoae is not all right. VTa don't like to see a man who insists upon being called a Democrat, hobnobbing with such people as Olapp, of the Washington Republi can, and Graham, chief axe-grinder 'in the Radical woodpile. With the change of gauge in, the Western North Carolina A B-, Wil mington is about aa far removed from the transmontaine section ofkhi3'State as is Galveston, Texas, llem is something about the change; it is from the Chur- lottc Observer. The gauge of the Western North: Car olina Railroad i3 being changed from four feet eight inches and a half to five feet to conform to the gauge of the Rich mond & Danville Railroad. In conse quence of this there was no train over that road yesterday and there will be none to-day. It is reported here that the.entire work will be finished by Jo morrow. The change will necessitate a transfer of all freight over the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad at States ville. It .also gives a continuous line from Asheville to Richmond, to Beaufort on the North Carolina coast, to Norfolk (via the Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad,) to Charleston, to Mobile, to New Orleans, and indeed all Southern points and ports. By this change the Western North Carolina Railroad be comes part and parcel of the system of railroads which form the combination recently constituted, the backbone of which is the Richmond & Danville Rail road. New Advertisement?. Butchers' Company Now Look Here ! John L Dudley, Sect' y Sec. 221 Endow ment Rank K of P Geo Hoxnet Bridal Presents Mrs Robert W Lamb Fine Opportunity for Investors in Real Estate Ludden & Bates Local ad Organs and Pianos IIeinsbergek New Books C W Yates Books Mayor Fishblate held no levee to-day. Window OiJtss all sizes at Altafier & Pr jce'a. - f Endowment Rank.Knights ofFythias mset to-night. The Magistrates are growling about the dull times. Both square and round trains arc worn in evening toilets. Balls of silk, instead of tassels, finish many scarf-sashes. All very dressy costumes are trimmed with embroidery. Tassels of all kinds, ' including lace ones, are fashionable. Secrets may be trusted to a miser; he never gives away anything. The Money Order Department at the Postofnce has been enlarged. '.Save' yonr money. au1 buv ,tn.r Build ia,. c-uppiio.s frora Altaffer & Pio?. Mr. Geo. Ilonnet has just received handsome solid silver ware suitable for bridal presents. What would our Forefathers have said if they had imagined that a cough, could be cured for 25 cents- as by that reliable remedy -Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Mr. C. M. VanOrsdell, who has been quite sick for several days past, has so far recovered as to be able to be at his post again. Rice birds ars about played out. Not so with thosa Scotch sole at Rosenthal's Tt j last for ever. f Some people are so full of advice that it is impossibie to take it all in. The only way is to carry a large share for fu ture use. There is nothing that will keep like advice. Any and everybody can now do their own painting, as N. Jacobi is the agent for the N. Y.-Enamel Paints works, and the prices are low. Political banners, . campaign text books, biograpical sketches, and in fact all the paraphernalia for a campaiga that is over, can bs bought cheap now. Torches and uniforms arc at a discount too. Dancing lessons given free at Rosen thal V Pcmp sole boots and shoes for Cho ball room. f The season is now at hand when ' a man must not only guard . carefully his liberty and every other riglt vouchsafed him by the constitution, but he must keep one eye on his woodpile and the other on his henroost. C ' : The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 846 bales. The goose bone and flying geese both admonish us of a cold winter. Old maids are described as "embers from which the sparks have fled." it is not whiskey that makes a man drunk; it is his inability to carry it. Window T"ass of .litres, i 5ash, a-ml iiin is, li t:l-!e-f tfsr iwi. c,Vc Low est prices at Jack ei's. Plush bauds will be worn on the bot tom of plain skirts of rich satin and silk damasses. The "Vera" is anew hat, named for the heroine of Ouida's last and wickedest novel, "Moths." A musket,or two muskets with a knap sack suspended from them, is the latest form of fancy ball pin. ' Where ia that crowd gojug ? To Ros enthal's, to buy boots and shoea. t Two Fine Cows. A fine cow, the property of Mr. Jos. L. Barlow, was found dead on Eighth street, near St. James' Home, yesterday, with a pistol shot wound in her side. Capt. Gilbert, corner of Walnut and Ninth streets, found one of his cows dead in the stable yesterday morning:. She appeared well the evening before. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases all stylos' and sizes, at Altaffbb, "Pbice &Cos A Freshet- Private telegrams received in this city to-day give information of heavy rains in the up-country. One. telegram received from Fayetteville this morniag at 10 o'clock said the river had risen ten feet and was still rising. A later telegram said there was now twenty feet of water. In Distress. Schooner Clara, Capt. Cramer, hence for New York, has put back in distress. She cleared at this port on the 5th inst for New York, by Messrs. Geo. Harris' & Co.,with a cargo of lumber shipped by Messrs. ColvJIe &Co. On the 10th inst. she encountered a heavy S. E. gale and sprunt aleak and henee was compelled to put back in distress for repairs. Personal. Dr. A. J. DeRosset leaves here to night for New York. Dr. M. J. De Rosset's condition, we are glad to learn, has steadily improved and his father expects to return here next week, prob ably the latter part of the week, with the stricken gentleman and hi3 family. It is hoped that the mild climate here will still further enhance the chances of re covery. Mr. MelTin's Condition. At 1 o'clock to-day the condition of Mr. James S. Melvin, who wa3 stricken with apoplexy on Wednesday last, had not decisively changed, although it is thought by some that it has very slightly improved. We trust that we may hear better reports to-morrow. lie is at his boarding-house, on Market, between Front and Second streets, where he is receiving every attention at the hands of his friends. The Sampson Fair. The Sixteenth Annual Fair of the Sampson County Agricultural Society will be held at Clinton on the 8 th, 9th, 10th and 11th, of December. General Wade Hampton will be with the people and will address them during the Fair. The following list of Marshals has been chosen, viz: Col. John Ashford, Chief Marshal, and Messrs. II. E. Royal, G. W. Herring, Henry Faison, Henry Croma'rtie, J. W. Wright, J J. J . McCop and T. A. Hobbs as Assistants. We thank the worthy President, Mr W. K. Pigford, for an invitation to at tend the Fair and the kindly wishes he expresses for our presence. No remedy for kidney diseases here tofore discovered can be held for one mo ment in comparison with Warner's - Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. C. A. Harvey, D. !., Washington, I). C. Uow Happiness Is Secured Happiness is the absence of pain or annoyance, and wherever there i3 pain there is disease. A pam in the lower portion of the body indicates a disorder of some kind. If there is any odor or color or deposit in the urine it means disease and requires attention at once. We have heard many of our friends speak of the remarkable power of War ner's; Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and are convinced there is nothing so certain and valuable for all disorders of the urinary system, both male and female. Review The round Parfj- The pound party at St. James Home on Wednesday night was a success, not withstanding the very inclement weather. Had it been fair, as it was last night, there weuld have been many more pres ent and presents. -As it is, the ladies who were to charge are nbt dissatisfied and they may yet give another oppor tunity for those who couldn't get out so sorry you know to come to the rescue. Theatrical. . The engagement - made by Ford & Durham, for the "Opera House ia this city on the 15th and 161$" has been caiw celled. Mrs. Oates has engaged the Opera House for the 24th inst. and will appear here then with a fine company. Cyril Searle is booked for the 30tb. lie will appear in "Drink," dramatized from Zola's great work, "L'Assommoir." A Good One. We desire to mention one conspicuous circumstance ofelection day at. the :hrif ty little village of Rocky Point. Mr. F. W. King, who, about two weeks be fore,had his left hand badly cut to pieces his arm broken, besides suffering other serious injuries, had been confined in one position until the day of election, when he, at his earnest solicitation, was taken up by friends, and in great pain carried to the polls. We need more such men in Pender, Mr. King is improving and hopes to be able to go on light duty in a few weeks. nis-First Visit. Mr. John Butler, a citizen of Carver's Creek, in Bladen county, and a good Democrat, is in the city to-day. He is 82 years old or will be in a few months and although he has lived all of his life within 50 miles of this city, yet it is his first visit here. He is a farmer and lost heavily by the freshets last sum mer in the Cape .Fear, and was thus compelledloubuy corn here to-day, the first, he says, he has over purchased. The old gentleman tailed in on us this morn ing and wc were glad to see him. something About Bananas. Few people who see bananas hanging in the shops of fruit dealears think of them as more than a tropical luxury. The fact is they are a staple article of food in some parts of the world, and ac cording to Humbolt, an acre of. bananas will produce as much food for a man as 25 acres of wheat.- It is the ease with which bananas 'are grown that i3 the great obstacleto civilization in some tropical countries, . It is so easy to ob tain a living without work that no effort will ever be made, and the men become lazy and shiftless. All that is needed is to stick a sucker in the ground and it will at once sprout and ripen its fruit in twelve or thirteen months without fur ther care, each plant having from 75 to 125 bananas; and, when that dies away after fruiting, new suckers spring up to take its place. In regions were no foot ever reaches, bananas are found in all stages of growth, ripening their fruit every day and every month in the year. The yellow bananas come from Jamai ca and Aspinwa.ll, and the red bananas from Cuba. The yellow bananas sell the best because they grow more to the bunch. A bunch of yellow bananas average about ten dozen, and sometimes they average as many as twenty dozen, while the red bananas seldom run over five dozen. The bunches are sold at about the same price. The flavor of the bananas depends greatly on the soil in which it is raised. Jamaica i3 most fa vored in this respect. 15 Stp Organs, Sub Bass asd Coup ler Only $65 JJest In thera. 3. Open jour eyes Wide before you send "Norib fr instruments. Spread eagle ad. veriisements do not always lell the exaci truth. Better instruments at sara or less pricis can be bad reirer home.. See these Sub Bacs and Conpler, Beautiful Case, Only & Stops, 4 sets Reeds, oulv 7 S op-, 3 sets Rds, $55 Stool and Book included. Pianos 7 Oct., hrjw size. Rich Rosewood. Case, only $179; 7 Oci , largest 6ize,only $200; 7Oct. Square Grand, extra largp, Magnificent Case, oaly $200. Stool and Cover included. All from old aDd reliable makers, and fully guaranteed; 15 days teso trial. We pa7 freight if not satisfactoiy. Posilivey the best bargains in the U. S No mistake about this. We mean business and com petition with the world. Send for Fall Price, 1880. It will pay y u. Address. Luddkn & Bates' . Soattern Music House, Savannah, Ga. 4t ' Ladies, the best fits and the easiest hoes for the little ones are at Road THAls. 12. 1880 NtO. 223 Give Co the Poor The worthy President- of the Ladies' Benevolent Association in this city re quests us to state publicly through the columns of this paper that the Asso ciation is without a dollar in the treasu ry, and several bills yet unpaid ; this, too,'with the probability of a severe winter near at hand. The p -r must be provided for, the sick aud needy must be taken care of. This is but common humanity, while to provide for the poor widow and orphan who arc left without protectors, as far as in you lie?, is but carrjiog out. the J cardinal principles of unrtstianity' and performing an act of Christian charity which the Divine Master evidently con templated whan He said, "the poor ye have always with you." Think of this.rich man, when with a full stomach after a hearty meal and with slippers on, you repose your body in a comfortable chair before a good warm fire and light your cigar or pipe for a smoke. Think of : !i ?, young man, when you play'thrtv r four ' " games of billiards m an even aud smoke as many costly cigars! Think of this, young woman, whenJyou are spend ing money lavishly upon some ornament for the head. Let every one think of the poor and send in some donation at once to the worthy ftnd estimable lady in this city who is giving almost her entire time to the cause of charity. .. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes. f Catarrh Sometimes commences with a cold, but its cure always commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This old, reliabie, and well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was nevermore pop ular than now. New Advertisements, Sec.,221 EMowment Rani, E. .D ticm No: 221, Endowment Rank, K. of will be teld at Castle Hall, this (Fri day) evening, November 12th, at 8 o'clock. JNO. L. DUDLKY, nov 12-It Secretary & Treas. Bridal Presents. JUST RECEIVED, a beautiful selection of SOLID SILVER WARE, suitable for Bridal Presents, at GEO. HONNET'S, nov 13 53 Market st. A Card; I AM HAPPY TO INFORM my friends and customers that I have so far recov ered from my recent illness as to be able to attend promptly to all professional calls. Respectfully, C. M. VanORSDELL, , Artist, Photographer and Frame Dealer, nov ls-lt Market st.t Wilmington, 2i. C. Now Look Here I s AMPS ON COUNTY BEEF CAN'T BE BEATEN ! Everybody knows that we keep the best, and our stock for to-morrow is unexceptional ly fine. Sausage of every kind from our Steam Sausage Factory made by the expert J. R. Melton. THE BUTCHERS' CO., MELTON, CAMPEN & MOTT, Prop., nov 12 It Cor. Second & Market sts. FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST ORS IN REAL ESTATF. For Sale. THAT VERY VALUABLE and most eligibly situated property on South side of Market street, near Front street, consist tag of lot running through to Bettencoarts Alley, improred by a three-rtory building on Market street, ( Irst flcor 70 feet deep) and a two-etory brick Wehoae ia the rear fronting on the allev. Term f, which are reasonable with extended credits, made known upon application to MRS. ROBERT W. LIMB, 27o. 1, Washington st., to? 12-tf - Norfolk, Va. Chestnut Fatted Mountain Beef anil Mutton XU8T RECEIVED. The best tUn the city. Remember,we are the ONLY BUTCHERS in the city who handle Mountain Beef. jonxsoy, tilley, hintze, & HUBERT. 'STALLS 5 to 10 MEW MARKET. nov 10-tf : ? , The Lowest Prices "pORALL KINDS OF PBIKTDTG, . AtJS. SWARROCK'S. Job Office. Get estimates at this officebefor havlEg your printing doiie elsewhere ' (Office In KeviewfibQndlng.)2 , , FIEASZ 50TIC2. Wa will be glad to reoeive eonunanlaatioat from oar friand oa amy and all; nbfetta'o general latere bat T&a earn of the writer mart always be far oltfcod to tba Editor. Oomauleatioai kbjI be wtlttea tra onl oae dda of thejaper. Parsoaalitlas mam ta voided. And It la especially m particular ly sad er itood that the Editor 4 m not always eadon tba Tiawflot eorreapoadimts aalan ao listed la the editorial oolnnas. New Advertisements. THE OLD "Scarborough Houser NO. 8 SOUTH WATER STaEET. 1V nuBKtoo, X.O.,utill open aadev the proprietorship of kUBEKT J. 80ARB0K ODwU wsere can be had at any bear of the dty or night, the beitof WINES, LIUDOR-, Ac OYttTKkB of the beat quality, either Stewed I T?i o Rw. V J' K-FRPM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE HOUSE WILL BE KEPT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. nor 'y'E DO NOT HAVE TIME oi: SPACE to notify you of the almot daily receipt s of DRY 000DS, CARPETS, &c , CL0AK4VD0LLMANS. &SIIAY7LS. Cloaking for Ladies and Children, In light and dark colors' . CLOAKS FOR LARGE LADIES ! , The largest stock of LACE CURTAINS To be found in the State Respectfully, novo R. M. McINTIRE. Books EVEflY DESCRIPTION constantly oa band, STATIONERY A well lelected steer, Inelading many noveltiea in fancy Paper. FANCY ; GOODS Chromos Frame Easels, Albumi, Fancy Baskets, Bibles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Inkstand, Ac, lo. C. W. YATEP, St tioner and Book Heller nov 8 32 Market St. 32 Sign of the Show Case with the Shoemaker "jyY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A full line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget the old number, H r C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. nov t Groceries,, &e. Qnr. Rolls Cotton BAGGING,'" OUU , 2 and 2 lbs 500 Bundles-:N'ewand Pcd TlEtf' gQQ Lbs Bagging TWINE, JQQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 400 Bxs Smoked ftnd Dry 8aIt SiJcs' nh(?s anJ Bbl New Crop Cuba, UU and N O Molasses. Kegs.NAILS, 4to40, 900 Balea noopRoy Ba 8noT aU sues, gQQ BAGS COFFEE, all grades,. 250 Bbla SLGAR' aU radM 25 150X68 A850rted CANDr : 25 Tubs Pure Lcal LARD (3Q Boxes STARCH, : Cases LYE, 200 BXea 80AP' , JQQ Boxes TOBACCO, 100 50X68 and Half BbI s:suFr' 2QQ Gl 3JCATCIIESi ; WrappinffPaper Twine, Soda, Candles, Crackers, Pepper, -Ginger, Spice. Water BackeUr&c. . . jroraaleloTT-fO -J . X0Tw (WIIXIA2I3 & iaT.CIIISbN. " . . 1 r t iTlftu-l NU. Secrfl . .l-fv''- ' FlSr lVf '.'; i