erer? ftersoon. . BmU7S - eoiroB and roiHirTo. C-b Jr' fl 35 ; one month, 60 cents. , will be delivered bycarrin, Ce. in anT part of the city. t A. u nz rite w sad liberal abieribers will please report . r,.to rereiT?ir papers rejnUr!y. & 'RGDOfOK FANCY 0 AND rpoy Store c Comer XVXarket $t Second Streets- e genarl ? ibli , to J Lot of LADIES' AND GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS, pCIi: Ll Sr.S CULL K3 63. prjftsLivE nay3 ioc. SOT UALF THEIR VA L UE ! We 9 dr.J r, liri'-g NEW GOODS iiwblefur'tho Uoiiay traie, ?uch ai T0(S- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GLASS WARE, OEHAMEHTS. JAPANESE WARE, ".VASES.-. Wee6ill not poja;bly cnumjrate cur neck, it is too va-i 'd. We wold particu i Uriy isti'e WHOLESALE BUYIBS to ni7 tn cilt and loo tA 'our B'xcy. 5o ust) to Xe v j ork. Can d betler fjr y n. t;K e 'y id aiike ycur ee-:ecUoi u irthTeal.oonhd the largest Btock of n r Try JL AIM teTU Jtx.Li J cuth ff N-.w To:ir, and aro cffaiinj them We hfte a great many Ppaoial Lota that we 1 fi rKrinrr tiriv hA'nw Tn r t Pit nriC- 8 . I BROWN & RODDICK, X E Comer of -Market and Seoond Streets, j a S S O 0 Ba B ' I rjmt uawl , State, and oar rricsa are lower iJian any, yoar flior. BROWN & EODBIGK, 45 Market St. h fpas ORNDI8ST3IS, A Story of Cre- J. ole Li e, b' by (Jeo W Cab)e. BRICKS WITKOOT wTBA,V. aataorcf A Fool's Krrand. 11? te T OST.FO i. A WOM K. A Novel Fy JJISiY. By author of.Rtriedqe. Just out and for 8tle it JIEINSBERGER'. Live Book 8tTe noT 8 LAUSINBURG ENTERPRISE Sown 0 adertie f u anl Winter n..vjj among York New Jersey, Tennsvlvania, In int people of BobsaDn. Kichraond An- ' , T, , , . on eountii, in Ncth 0ro!iDa. v4 ia th diana, Ohio and Kentucky; larger, too, .rd-r cmnuas cf South croIiiyv The Utioa in fd i ea ai Cats Feirflyctiocs rtu. sute, haviajr obtaioe lare ciroo-1 aipa-iisei ia Ffattev:Ue boforo itare-l .Si ,L?rriBburiC'KaEd in tUe forU8r uha the last faw moa hs. drerti?euv.nt8 will ba insetted by the I JHar f' v Jduip"- liaorinbaric, N C . I t " 1 ViUy IT liwC?. 30 Tierces and bbls Carolina RICE JQ Bas prime RIO COFFEE, j Q Q Q Bbls G ood Flour , 100 BoId Rcfined SUGAK' 100 BbI$ Cuba M0LASSES" 200 Keg3 XAILS' At Low Prices. Hall & Pearsaii oct .7 The I ntnAc4- O vtJt.,. M l?01Ui.L KI.n'DS ov PK1NTDG. . . . Ai.S. WAHUUCK1 .Job Office, votr nr, ; T u,u'c' cations that nave been accumulaung m 1X&Sm& - the,office of ie Department .fAgrlcul 022 n. uuuuui;, tare for nearly three jcars, "which must. nn 'Til? FT ti B-Q .JLJL- VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER The damage done to - snipping on the lakes on O t.-1G amounted to $5,000, 000. -Ninety-three people perished, and there were seventeen total wrecks, . The Republicans have a majority of 14 on joint ballot in the New Jersey Legislature, ..which secures to them a Senator in Congress to succeed Senator Randolph. The Raleigh N-w says iht Wilkes county is reported as giving Judge JJux ton 08 majority. This reduces Governor JaVvis majority ioG,173, with four coun ts to hear from, which gave a nee The.?uppre?siou of the famous gam bling hell at Monte Carlo, in Monaco, is urged upon the French Government by families which have been nearly ruined ii consequence of the losses incurred by hpit lnfr fathers and sons. The sovereign of Monaco, however, turns a deaf ear upon all remonstrances, as his revenue largely depends on the earnings ot the hells. - The South-Atlantic for November has been some days at hand. It ha3 a very interesting table of contents. There are several very fine of them being an interesting description of Balti more's Sesqul-Centennial. There arc several good poems, cue by Paul II. Ilayne, and one by John Henry Boner. The literary department is full and care fully prepared. Published by Mrs Cicero W. Harris, at Baltimore, at S3 a year. 'During the. month of October the 'Postofficc Department issue 1 110,043,318 stamps, 26,731,000 stamped envelopes an(j 1-10,9G1;000 postal cards. The leve- nues to the department dupng the fiscal year ending June 30 were 53,310,4,0 about 70 cents per capita of our entire population, and the total expenditure8 $3Gt191,20. New York returned the larcrest revenues, $6,200,535, and Alaska c jeas. (j-o m The houseof refuge on the top of Mount St. Gothard, founded in the four- teenth century, will be permanently 1 i i U rrl, n.'rv rvT I cioseci two years iicucc juc wjjv.mu5 the 'tunnel will lender it useless, as not j'eyeu beggars will then cross the inouu- tain ori" foot. At present the Hospice affords shelter, food, and a bed to 20.000 people yearly, . and is supported by pri- rnblic charitv. The ride through the tunnel will cost only 20 cents. . Gen. Grant is opposed to subsidies by the Mexican government to railways in Mexico. Herein Gea. Grant show3 much more consideration for Mexico than lie did, while Tresident of the United States, for tho interests of the American people. In the one case he is merely "a looker on in Vienna" but in the oilier he was the sworn custodian of the best imprests of the people. Tt was during President Grant's administration that enormous giants of land were made to railroad corporations in. the AVcst. Since . 1&J1 these grants have aggre gated nearly 110,000,000 of acres of the public .domain, equal in aica to about one-twentieth of the en- " land,surfaccr of the United States r.nd Territories, ana larger in extent then the , entire States of New tban tj,e German Empire, including Prussia, Saxony, Havana and all the juchies and principalities; and verv much larjrer than Great Jbntain and lre- hmd. These grants or nearly all of 1,,uu J thenwvrerc issued under acts passed by a Kepublrcan Congress and sLned. vrithout the shadow of a protest or a -reto, by the man who now thinks that what was -ood enough for the United States is not good enough for Mexico. Until recently the German carp was a stranger in our waters, the first of these fish having been imported by Prof Baird, the Commissioner, from Ger. manv, in 1877. The. waters of our State arc to be stocked with them. The Neics and Observer says: , Mr. S. G. "Worth, our superintendent of fisheries, arrived in this city on yes terday with one thousand young German earn for the waters of our State. He 1 hopes to obtain one thousand more from thaTTnitpd Stritps Fish f!nmmiinn nt Washington. lie has procured the use j of a pond near this city as a nursery or i temporary depository for the fish until iney can lkj ui&ixiuulcu. xjlc u&s uppn- be supplied, besides fifty or more that had been made direct to the commis sioner at "Washington that were turned over to him by Prof. Baird. These will probably exhaust the supply of fish for this season. The carp are of vigorous and rap;d r-rnroth framing in weizht about three pounds per annum until they attain to the weight of fifteen pounds or more - They live chiefly on vegetable matter, and are so tenacious of life that they will thrive where many of our choicest varieties would perish. They are also J remartaow-ior meir inuusiryi uu- introduced into our Atlantic waters.nonc, - 1 I we believe, will prove so well adapted to tl.P waters of North Carolina, and espe- cially of the middle and Eastern sections, the department on its good fortune in securing tn s very vaiuauie nwranwu to our already large list of splendid food fishes LOCAL NEWS. flTew AdvertiBenientf. A & I Shriek Best and Cheapest ! Newman's Hoi se Kadish. IIeixsberger New Books C W Yates Books No interments in Bellevue this week. Day's length 10 hours and 18 minutes. Window Glass-all taw at AlUfler & Price's. t Th storm signal was disDlaved asain - ' T I t0 (3av " -V Not one single ray of an item at the City Hall to-day. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 53 min- ntp r.ast 4 o'clock. I 1 I rri .ntn.mnnf in o iUClV r luiswiuuiooiHtuiiuiuj. m, t t ti,; nnrnv ue Ul "u aay ioot up x,oxo uiiics. - Save yoar money and buy v our ing Supplies fronj AlUfi'er & Price. T;l.l I Green pork brings 0 cents a pound in this market but the tendency is down- war3. ; To-morrow is known in the Church I noWiorni tl.p Twpntv.fifth Sunday af- ;vu.iv.'i.. - j i ter Trinity. TWr.m lessons civen. iiee at Rosen- I THAi.V sole tots and ehoca for the ball room, t There were two interments in rine Forest (colored) Cometery this week; one adult and one child. Tt, is neither ukasant nor profitable to hear people constantly coughmg wnen . i . thev could be easily cured by a 25 cent bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Rev. J. P. King will preach to morrow evening in the Second Baptist church, ening in the Second Baptist church, Subject of discourse: Immorality and Punishment of the "Wicked. Window Glass of all sizes, J M .-r", Scsb, and Winds, Huiiders' ardwurej Low est ptlees at Jacobi's. Mr. John McLaurin, editor of the North Carolina Presbyterian, is in Ral eigh in attendance on the sittings of the Synod. Col. -W. N. Pedeu, formerly of Wil- minn-ton. but now a resident of Clinton, Samnson count v, is here on or.e oi nis o i rare visits. own for the prices are low There i3 no decided change for the batter, we are sorry to learn, in Mr. Mel- Tin's condition, although some slightly favorable rsvmntom3 were noticed this -' ... mPfij fnr kidnev diseases here- totore discovered can be held for one mo- ment in comparison with Warner's Safe Kidney and Iiver Cure. C.A. Ha rvey, j) D Washington, D. C. : V very handsome store property, on Market street, is offered for sale through the columns of the Da,ut BeVixt. Thcso who have money for investment would do Well to look into the matter as it will be sold on reasonable terms. M, . i Docx. Aykrs Laboratory that has done such wonders for the sick, now is- sues a potent restorer for the beauty of mankind for the comeliness which ad- Tancin"" a"-e is so prone to diminish and &im,ior .iie8uvu of the commum.y. Bice birds are about piayed oui. eo with thoso Scotch soles at Bosbnthais Thej bst for ever. - T kny ana every Douy can now uu proportion of one quarter of a pound to v l I no 1 flT 1(1 'r "1 .X. .1 At. (lid 1 LliU: U'ZLUb 1 . - f X IT 1 M 1 1.n I , HM I the N. Y. Enamel x'aints worus, ana the skin of acids is an excellent - . lnu - IB EE VIE W Croakers a foot long and roe mullets ) twice that length, were the attractions of the fish market yesterday and to-day. : Steamships Regulator, Capt. Doane, and Raleigh, Capt. Price, cleared and i j r v.- A . v i sailed from thi3 port tor New York to- day AR f lfa overboard b J the sinking of the flat at Reliev e Cove, a fuw days since, account of which we pU,n3hed at the time, has been recover-J The loss will be very slight. ' 1 I fjyer here 13 "O further news relative to the freshet in the upper waters of the watcr at 2o feet, a rise of about 15 feet. . . increase comes from the interior counties and there does not seem to be any freshet in the water courses in Samp " son, Bladen and Pender counties. Hence what produce, timber, naval stores, &c, may arrive on this water will probably be from the neighborhood of Fayelteville and points above. Cotton Shipped Foreign. B Jr. barque Northern Queen, Captain drfins- Xnr Wnno rTnnft.sviri. Tnnt And r..lTlt I Simonsen, cleared at this port to-day for Liverpool with cotton. The Northern v-v .t -li -a r l . . n a yueen, ciearea Dy 3iessrs. iex. opruni, & Son, takes out 1,407 bales of cotton and 200 bbls. rosin; the Knudsvig, by rp.srs Williams 'Sr. Murehison. carries 1,417 bales of cotton and the Fmbla, ' .. c r ,. also by Messrs. Williams & Murchison, has 1,510 bales ot cotton. I - It will be noticed how nearly together u c ui un I 1 1 e u r10.1""0 Ao?Ttcr?i vee7ianuino 7mu'yiuuM '. '. : ... . , Water street merchants will Keep tneir feet dry in Winter by wearing Hosen I " j i -t- J HAL is uooib auu liUWH, I The Value of a Datlj Bath. . To wash the body from head to foot every , day j3 the one thing needtul in respect to ablution for the pure sake of health. To become so accustomed to ij ri r, . . , aoie ii tne process is not uuiy penormeu, is the one tabit 0f body, the one craving that is wanted, the. one habit that needs to be duly acquired in the matter of body cleansing. The process may be I rnrrirrl nnt as sneedilv as Dossible. Arnrnvpr , it mav be carried out -as cheaply as possibie and an the hygienic orian4amavho tkmn asifcreat expense had been incurred. A formal i ...... l)at1 ig not aCtually necessary. A shal- mofQi hoih in xrfuVh " " - " "TT the bather can stand in wash-stand basin, a good large Sponge, a piece of palm soap, a large soft Turkish - i 1 towel, and two gallons of water arc quite sufficient for all purposes of health. In the North of England there is often to be met with in the bed-rooms of hotels, and sometimes in those of priyate houses, I the most cheap and convenient of these small and useful baths. To stand in such a bath as this, and from the water of the wash-hand basin to sponge the body rapidly over, and atterwarasioary quicK ly and thoroughly, is everything that is wanted it the process oe camea . . out uuij. Once a week it is a good prac- .... i i tire to dissolve in the water used for uce xo uiwauito . - . . , ablution common washing soda in the Cleanser Oi me Douy, auu is cqoany bci.i r.ii . ,1 n viceable to persons of rheumatical ten- dency, who are often troubled with free acid perspiration i ... t r Mrs. VM. TIPPETT, UWaSCO, IN. X., I have worn an Improved Excel- Uw Kidnev Pad about three weeks 'and have recirved great relief from it for pain in the back. See Adv. " 15 StiD Organs, Sub Bass andiCoup- lprOalv S65 Best in the IT, 3. i)Den your eyes wide before you send North fur instruments- fcpread ea2ie aa. f$$Jtl tad nearer Lome. See thw offer, : 0r?aBS-15 ajJ.Kg. Q 9 Ssop9 4 aela Feeds, only $59; " li nn i ets Hds. $55 Stool and adei. PUnos-7 Oct.'. la-e Jgj Koswood Case, only $179; 7 largfSt&tZe,ODly $200; 7Oct.fcquare Grand extralMg, Magnificent Case, onlv 5200. Stool and Cover included. All l.twmt this. We mean business and com- - h worfL Send for Fall I 18S0. It will pay yon. Address I luddes & Bates' Southern Hnsic Honse, esrann, . : - 13. 1880. NO. 224 The Register of Deeds has issued three marriage licenses during the week, two of which were for white couples and one for a colored couple. JMr- 1 h ' '0",il" ed agent f r i-h i:.tS I . t..rti -s a want of iiv oIm hv! P.a 4. xi. w have thi"r;l-rA nHi! 4! J.c.--it:'a Hir- war1 i.y-. ot, N l' S !r(;. .t - s N f Steamship Line. Mr. Joii Sculley, a resident of South Amboy, New Jersey, end one of the principal oirnerstn the steamship Kal- , U , r . 41. ic titer rtn rl rtM w n t T n nf T i rive the Baltimore and Wilmington Steamship Line. The matter has been K. .q com-u,al c;rcles to-day and much interest is manifested in the project. While we believe Mr. Sculley is willing to hare the merchants and busi ness men of Wilmington to become stockholders in the projected line, still all he asks at present, as we understood Mr. Sculley to express himself to day, is simply a - guarantee ( f patnn.i.e I his ooks taif enough ana we ('.uniiv i hope that oui merchants will come fui :ui u and furnish sufficient encouragement to Mr. Sculley to induce him to commence operations at once. The Baltimore steamers have been missed very much by our mercantile community ever since thc'-line was withdrawn. How Hannlness is Secured. Happiness is the absence of pain or annoyance, and wherever there is pain there is disease. A pain in the lower portion of the by indicates a disorder of some kind. If there is any odor or coior 0r deposit in the urine it means disease and requires attention at once. we nave nearu many oi our menus iir l -1 1 c r 1 speak ot the remarKaDie power oi var- ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and are convinced there is nothing so certain and valuable for all disorders of the urinary systenlj both male and female Ladies, the best fits and the easiest hoes for the Hitla ones are at Rosen THALS. Hoxr Advertisements, Horse Radish. iROUND FRESH EER1l DAY. .No i yj turniD roots,but genuine HORSE RADISH I which I wiU guarantee as to STRENGTH I d PURITy. Horse Radish Roots also for sale at NEWMAN'S, Cicar and Tobacco Store, Cor Maiket&2d sts. nov 13-2t Best and Cheapest ! o UR STOCK OF CLOTHING IS COM- plete. Come and see us and we will do you good. Everything new, nice and nob- j by, in the way of pi nTtllWH w J AND FURNISHING GOODS. Prices low down to suit the times. A. fc J. SHRIER, No. 34 Market st. nov 13 pfj OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST- ' jjrt For Sale. rxinAT VERY VALUABLE and most I X elisioly situated property on Sooth side 1 0f Market street, near Front street, consist- I . of Iot rnnQ5n(r thronh to Betteocoort's Alley, improved ot a taree-tory Dauains; on Market street. ( I irst floor 70 feet deep) and two-etory brick Warenoase ia the rear fronting on the alley. r . nkiih aro raanna.hli with eripnAi I iihi .. . creiit3 made known upon application to MBS. BHBBRT W. L4.MB, iXo. 1, Washinetin at , hot 12-tf Aorfoll", Va. Chest ut Fatted Mountain Beef and Mutton JUST RECEIVED. The; best iu the city. Remember, we are tne ONLY BUTCHERS in the city who handle Mountain Beef. JOHNSON, TILIEY, HINTZE, & HUBERT. STALLS 5 to 10 HEW MARKET nov 10-tf A LARGE STOCK OP Saeh, Doora, Blind?, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK LUMBER. LATHS. &c For sale very cheap, st AI.TAFFKB. FBICK ft CO. Faetorvt OtSoa: Toot of Walaat it. Uttfi fUd Grozt nor 8 - . PLZJlSS ffOTICE, W will be f lad to reCelro eoDmuicatlczi from ov friad on aay aad all rsbctso , eeneral inirct bat Tb oasie of the writer tntut alwiyi b fsr ' oiahed to the ditor. Oommnnleti6o sctut bo written. on oalr oaeaide of tbejapi. PerKHudltief mart t voided. And it fj offpoelalh a particular ly;aadr rtood that the Editor 1 tus aot alwaji eadora the riewi ot eorrofpoadasta, mxlsa 90 it&ttd la the editorial Nev Advertisemonts. if Scarborough House," XJO. 8 ROD1H WATER BTaEKT, "Wit- V i uitbK"p . j i uiuii urea ugun iu s proprietorhie of bOBkT J. SUAEBOK- J 1 IT ill k . vw u ub van vs uiu ai aor OI IQe - Ac OYnTKHH of the bea t quality, either 1 D-FhOM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE HOUSE WHL BE KEPT OPEN DAY AWUMIGHf. nor Lads 9 ess "yyE DO NOT HAVE TiMf. OK SPACE to notify you of the aln;ct daily reivipLs of DRY GOODS, CARPITc, Lc CLOAKS DOLLMAHS. A SHAWLS. Cloakinq; for Ladies and Children,"! In light and dark colors CLOAKS FOR LARGE LADIES ! The largest stock ofj LACE CURTAINS To be found in the State llespectfull', K. M. McINTIRE. novv " Books VE&Y DESCRIPTION eonatanUy oa band. 8TATI0NEIIY A well soleoted itcck, inclading many coTelties in fancy Paper. FANCY tGOODS Chroaic' Frames Easels, Albami, Fancy Baskets, Biblti, Gold Pens and Pencils, Inkstand?, Ac, Ac. U. W. YATES, Rtitioaer and Boo k Feller dot 8 32 PHas-Ret St. 32 Sign of the Shew Cass with tho Shoemaker- Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now i the time to 6upply vour families. A full line, of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the lact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS j n&t, received. Don't forget the old number. C; ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. , noT 8 Groceries. &c. -. . - . QAARolliCottonBAGGLNTV OUU - W, aand 24 lbs 500 ndles' ew aud PctI T1EiJ . gQQfLbs Bagging TWINE, -JQQQ'BbIs FLOUR, all grades, 400 Bxs Smokei and Dry Sait.sic, Ofin ilhds and Bbls New Crop Cuba, " UU and N O Molasses. 1 onn Keg8AiLs; 4 tt40, 900 Bale8 H00P Ili0N 250 Bag? SII0T' aI1 6lZM' gQQ BAGS COFFEE, all grades, 250 Dtl8 SUGAR' 8111 gradc8 Coxes Assorted CANDY, 125 Tubs Fure LBD' 150 68 stakci1' 25 Cascs 200 Cox 80AP JQQ Boxes TOBACCO, 100 BXeS d nlf Ebla SNUFF' 2QQ Gross MATCHES, : AYrapplngr Paper, Twtae, 0 la, Candles, Crackers, Pcr, Ginger, 8pice, Water Buckets, &c. " . ; -ForfsIeloTT b$ '.. i tYt: jwiim: & nrrxnnoN. A yl

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