,-u rare. 4d If 10 f-r U BMW. 'tfa m be delivered by errUn, 13 per we.k. ft rttes Jow and liberal if 0 v. art 1 1 r. inc j "j 1 1 I All W receive their papers rejrulariy. 0 flNCY GOODS AND Corner Market & Second ;f rM)E8iai5 TO OALL tn3 atteatkm rnerl publiJtoJobLotoO HDIES5 AND GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. prjRB LINEN COLL IBS 5. fcaLUKX carF3 ioc. HALF THEIR VALUE! Wears daily re'eWnj: NEW Q00D8 BiUblefor the Uo Liaj taie. ruch as TOTS- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CUSS WARE, ORNAMENTS JAPANESE WARE,:lYASES We eoala not pouibly enumerate cur ruck, it I too varied. We would par ticu Urljr iatUe WHOLESALE BUYERS to pi re as a call and look at our stock. Sont) eo to New York Can do better for job. Calljesrly sad make your selection. W hare alio on band the largest stock of euth cf New York, and are offering them at old prioes. . We have a great many Special Lots that we are offering away below market prices. BROWN & RODDICK, S E Corner of Market and Becond' Streets arpets! mHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE 1 State, and our prices are lower than any. Ton pay jnstfor the amount of Carpet on joit floor. BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market St. cet 30 . . THE LAURINBURG ENTERPRISE JS THE BEST MEDIUM through which to adtertlie Fall and Winter Goods among th people of Robeson, Richmond and An ton counties, in North Carolina, and in the border ciunties of 8oath Carolina The Enterprise has a large and inoreasing circu- ... uv M. TO uofl Mil VW IOU iiouvug of this State, haring obtained a large circu lation in the latter during the sx months it M published in Fayetteville before its re troTal to Lanrinbnrg, and in the former within the last few months. Advertisements will be inserted by the Oonth, quarter and year at reasonable rates. Addreia, fl. I. McDUFME, Lanrinbarjr, N O Mew Crop Rice. 30 Tierces and bbls Carolina RICE JgQ Bags prime RIO COFFEE, 1000 BbI Good Flour' 100 Bbls Refined SUGAK 100BblsCubaMOLASSES' T 200 Ke?3 XAILS" At Low Prices. Hall & Pearsail. ct 27 Newspaper for Sale- IF ANY ONE OF THE READERS QF the Review desiies to engage in the newspaper business, and has a few hundred dollars to Invest, he will learn something to his interest upon application u the editor of this paper. He knows of a weekly paper for sale which is now In a prosperous condition, and is located in a yrueperous. growing railroad town, in t&e centre Of a flna eottnn vrnvlnf ronntrv. The object of the proprietor in selling la to give his attention to other private and important uresis. Apply early to the editor of this fPer. JOSH. T.JAMES, WUmington, N. C, Oct. 2Sth 1SSO. Presh Every Day flNR AttORTMKNT SF CANDLES, JjJ6 Domestic, just received and for THE ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Vaay In, the eity, will be found evert 7, fresh and gweet, three doors South of rosiotaceonSeeoad streeU Also, Nuts Fruit, Ao. . S a E. J EVENS, laull . Near the Pcrtoo ' r li 4 ft 1 VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. A" & I Shrub -Best and Cheapest ! Altaffkb, Pbice & Co Sash, Doors and Blinds. Jxo J. CoxFREr & Co Highest Cas-h Prices Paid IlEixsBERGER-Zola's Court of Napoleon HI I People's Butcher Co Meat Buyers R M McIjttirb Cloaks, Dollmans C W Yates Books Wirdow Glass aJi sizes at iUflVx & I'ricft'a. I How do you like the Sunpy South to- The newest, latest, le it RoSENTHAIi's. ana cue; pe i 1 a a. The receipts of cotton at this port to- day foot up 870 bales. J The wood and coal dealers are happiest men in town to-day. Whore is that crowd go ng ? roKo3- I esthal'b, to buy boots and shoes. t J " z 1 Ze r0r,a The colored grand lodge of Masons . i . . i e twt jetinBaleigh on the 16th of Decern- meet ber. The positive and unsolicited testimony of people from every section who .have used Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup connrms every claim-made for its wonderful effica- cy. Price 25 cents. The People's Butcher Company at the New Market are killing, to-day, some oil Kf n ni v ii v j xt.- -1 r:. v.t tt b3 well suphed this week. Give them a r , ca ' ' Rice birds are about played out. Not so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal s I They last for ever. .1 It is said that there were six inches of snow at Magnolia to-day. .A gentle- man who arrived here this morning on the Northern train, says that it was snowing at Petersburg last night. , . Any and everybody can now do their own puuuug, xv. v : -5 or me . x . x urnta wuB u the prices are tow. Governor Jarris has issued a proclama- tion calling for the observance of Thanks- giving Day, and setting apart the Thurs- day of next week, the 25th inst., the same day mentioned in the President's j proclamation. I Water street merchants will keep their famt rfrv In Winter hv wearing Rosen- I thal's boots and shoes. t The last reports received from the State eltection, according to the Raleigh Observer, place Jams' majority at 6,331, with Watauga and Dare still to heard of, besides others of which no ad hear from. The' probabilities are that viCes have yet been received, on the way it will be about 6,500. here. They come in the main from points t.m tK. w ... ihfl eaalest hoes for the Jittle ones are at Rosen . j. I e Kiiiffcotion. The receipts of eotton at this port last week were 8,072 bales, as against 4,480 bales for the corresponding week ot last year. io aate, ims year, have been 59,005 bales, agamsi bales to same date last year, showing! xv . v ... i - c - t 4,;a I me nanasome mcreaso iu iaui year of 13,875 bales. ' I Tn ti n Citxr I , flT- w;i.:. I TVY, onnnal meotmiri ff 1 IIP. WllminfiT-l toh&Weldon and Wilmington, ColumJ bia & Augusta Railroads will be held in this city to.morrow. Messrs B. F. vr v.Vo.Prpnt. nf thft twn roads, and H. B. Plant,. President of the SAntWn Rpr.nritv Comnanv and a .Mo, in ih fthnv rd, an, hera for attendance at . the meetings. Mr. Sol. Haas, General Freight Agent of the f Ai,.T.,-n i n.TA in thn cifv and will remain until after the meetings. Found on the Street. Notice was given last night about 9 o'clock at the Guard Koom that there was a man down on the street exposed to the storm, near the corner of Fourth and Queen streets. Upon receiving the information Captain Goodman and Offi" cer J!.awara linmin, onne police ion, nix l 3 V Mi am ma im mlt a4 lAm I T1 1 11 ' ,1. ! f 1 started out at once in search and after perambulating the streets for some time at last found an old colored man by the name of Jack Sweat lying in-the street near the Gas House. A hand cart was procured and the infirm old creature lift ed into it by these two officers and then conveyed to the Guard House where he County Poor House. ' - WILMINGTON, N.'C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER THE STORM. Foretold by Hie Signal spruce Wind, Rain. Unovr anil Sleet. The storm which raged here from Sat urday night until to-day at noon, wts duly chronicled by the Signal Office some twelve or fifteen hours in advance. All day Saturday the weather was mild I "1 1 M 1 1-1 ana Daimy, wun scarcely enougn Dreeze to float the Storm Siinalflag, which was run upon the flag pole early that morning and throughout the day, which was one of sunshine here, the flag clung drooping- ly to the pole, which caused many to ask where the storm could be. Late Sat ur- CUUlLUCIiUCU IU lull UUU Ollll laici iu iuv . ,f 4Vo -nA anA i Ya rain MIT1( to- I a. 1 1 a.- .1 11 ,1 getner in neavy gusus auu an uuy jcaici- day (Sunday) the same state of weather continued, rendering a comfortable seat in the00rs by a snug fire the most delightfu1 thing of the season. Late last night, however, there was a lower tempera ture, the rain ceased to fall, but was sup- planted by a few flakes of snow, then again the ram succeeded the snow.accom- , . , ... - panied with much wind, until about i iC " . ' o'clock this morning when a real snow storm set in which lasted lor several hours, but the ground having been wet d f ag it f n to the . , , i ' earth. About 10 o'clock there came a mixture of sleet and snow, making it ex- ceedingly disagreeable fdr pedestrians - - From Sergeant Watsonat the Signal office, we learn that the storm extended r-uf-TTowi- North of Hatteras as Jar as Kitty Hawk on this coast. From the same source we alg0 earn ttat the wind at Smithville onjy reacned a velocity of eighteen miles The steamship Raleigh, which cleared from this port on Saturday and sailed on Sunday morning, remained at anchor m Smithville Harbor. The Regulator which cleared also for New York, left here twenty-four hours earlier than the Ral eigh and went to sea by 9 o'clock Satnrday. morning. iThc la8t named 8teamert however probably reaclied jQ imQ tQ get in under the fee of that promontory, where she, no doubt, rode out the gale in safety. We are happy to be able to state that so far there are no casualties reported although the storm was a pretty severe i onneab ter. Dancing lessons given free at Rosen- thais: Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball room. t Thy Arc Coming. About twenty timber raft3 arrived here yesterday and to-day and it is said that there are fifty-five more, already above Fayetteville and many of them have been prepared, awaiting this tresnet, It i3 highly probable that the water courses below Fayetteville will be swol- . .. f vesterdav and t(hdav d .q thflt case there will be other flotiHas of timber and naval stores floated down to the city next week- Window Glass of all sizes, Doors?, Szsb, and Blinds. 15, iilders' H artiw are.A'O Juow r: . m ;!.-,,. r November Metcon. During the past few da vs the earth o t " been passing . through the meteor lflere usual meteoric displays which occur in this month and m August, although had there been any during the past two rngnw mey wuuiu m, ,x01uw here because of the heavy clouds over ead. An astronomical authority says : The November meteor zone is made up OI a SWarm Ol paruwcB, iunuiufe iuc train of Tempel's comet. The swarm of meteoroids is not equally scattered around the orbit, but is concentraed in one pof- tion, which the earth crosses once in about thirty-four years. Then we have a shower that is something to remember for a life time. Such a shower is not to be expected until 1899. In the interval. , Knrnethin2- extraordinary takes w - . observer will see few meteors AT - to reward his gaze, but it is well to be oii the watch when these annual epochs come roand and be ready to enjoy the sight if any thing unusual occurs riirist. Gerber. Wholesale Hardware, Vnlodn. Ohid. says The Excelsior Kid- Pad has accomplished more for my I if in three weeks than all the medicine 1 oV htm tAken in three years. Refer all iBkepUcsiomc-cc uv,- Rwim. TUB MAILS. The mail close and arnvj t Je City Poet Office as follows : Northern through mails 7 45 p m Northern through and way mil 6:30 a in. Ra!eigb......6.30 a. m.. . .and 5:00 p. in. Mails for the N. C. Rai Wl, End routes suppUei there from, including A. & N. C Railroad, at.;..... 5;30 p.m. Southern mailt for all puiot? South, daily . . . ..8 a tn ar.d 7:45 p. rn Western mails ,C CR'y) daily (except Sunday) .... 6:00 p. m. Mail for Cueraw & ;larlir:g- ton 7:45 p. rn. UaiU for points between Flo tence sod Charleston 8 a m & 7:15 p ru Fayetteville, and office on Cape Fear Rircr, Tuilya, aud Fridays......... ......... 1:00 p.m. Fayetteville via Lnmberron, daily, except Sundays...... 5:00 p. m. Onslow O.'H. and intermedi ate oSiseg, every ' Monday and Thursday at... ;". 6.00 a. Smithville mailt, by. stoatn boat, daily, (except buu- days).. 10:00 .a. m Mails for Easy UilL, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. C , evfrv Mon day and Thursday at. G.UU . Wilmingtcn and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at.. 5:00 a. m. OPEST FOB DELIVERY . Northern through and way mails 7:00 a m. Northern mails 9 30 a rt Southern Mails......... !. 7:30 a. ca. Carolina Central Railway. 10:00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register ' Department, open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. ra. Stamps for saV at geueral delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 i. ra. 15 Stop Organs, Sub Bass and Coup ler Only $65 Best in the TJ, 8. Open your eyes wide before you send North for instruments. Spread eagle ad vertisements do not always tell tho exact tiutb. . Better instrumenta at same or less prices can be had nearer home. See these offers : Organs 15 Stops, 4 Sets Reeds, Sub Bass and Coupler, Beautiful Case, Ooly $5c; 9 Stops, 4 sets Beeds, only $59; 7 'Stops, 3 sets Rpcds, $55. Stool and Book included. Pianos 7 Oct., large size, Rich Rosewood Case, only $179; 7 OcS , largest size,only $200; 7 Oct. Square Grand, extra largo, Magnificent Case, only $200. Stool and Cover included. Ml from old 'and reliable makers, and fully guaranteed; 15-days test; trial. We pay freight if not satisfactory. Positively V e best bargains in the U. S. No mistake about this. We mean business and com petition with the world. Send for Fall Prices, 1880. It will pay ycu. .Address Ltjdden & Bates' Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga. . 4fc Mr. Nath'l Jacobi haviut been appoint ed agent f v the Atlas Plow, parties ia want of this celebrated . Tlow can now have their orders 11 lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. New. Advertisements . M eat B uy e rs jT-OULD DO WELL TO CALL AT STALLS 5 to 10 NEW MARKET if they want the best Beef at from 5 to 10 cts. per pound, JOHNSON, TILLEY, IIINTZE, & HUBERT. ftlevv E2arket. nov 15-3t CLOAKS, D0LLMAI1R ! fjpHE PRICES AND STYLES WILL feU. These goods we have in large variety and quantity and can fit the smallest or largest sizel pcrscn. - Gents' all Wo Ribbed Undershirts and Drawers. Children's Flannel Under garments in all sizes. j Carpets : Body Brussels English Bms- sls Tapestries Three Ply, Ingrain, &c. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT and the styles arerood. R. M. McINTIKE. - lir OIL CLOTHS in ail widths . - - . nov 15 Horse Radish. ROUND FRESH EVERY DAY. No turnlD roota,but genuine HORSE RADISH, which I will guarantee as1 to STRENGTH and PURITY. Horse Radish Root also for Bsdeat NEWMA1TS, s Cigar and Tobacco Store, . - nov 13-2t . Cor Market '& 2d eU. 15, 1880. NO. 225 Hew Advertisements. . Zola's - Court of Najfeoi III. OLA'S O1 Ovi.rcM, or the feie and heign of V It .'" acelUnT Figer Rougon. UTbe Man of Prncr ei Tnr e Times M:t later. La Grande Flo rine, SfQ' f r. -7 be ht-ansle't of ParU". TLe frrai which ib Plaja of Lea Ktauglcwif' and The Piia jarrottera' vrere brBiitiZd. Bj Adolpe BHot. Knr eaU at HEINSDEUGER'3, Lire book a tore nov 14 Office Trcasiirer & Collector. . JJitV.cf Wilmington, N-C-, IfoTerabar 13th, 1880. City Tazes4 1880r I AOAIS OALL ATIE.VTIOS OP THE i ax Payers to their CITY TAXES, due ainee the 15th of Rsptjmbar la?t. The time approa'hea wle i the liar f r i ori-irj)T will bi maJe ont. Pa. tiea i&terested will pleara take nonce, and save trouble by prompt payment. HENRY HAVAGK, lot 15 m Troai A Collector A LARGE STOCK OP Sash, Doors, Blinds, AND . ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK LUMBER. LATHS. &c For 8le very cheap, at ALTAFFER, PRICBi & CO. Factory: Foot ofWalirat st. nov 14 Offioe: ffutt,ear Red GroM.it Highest Cash Prices PAID EOR B1DESWOOL, METALF, RAGS. Ac, Yj JNO. J. CONFREY & CO., Brokera a'.d General Dealers, Goraer Dock and Water Btr. Refer to First National Bank. n-y 15-1 m Books EVEtlY DESORIrTION oonatantly oa hand. STATIONERY A wall selected stock, Inclading many novelties in fancy Paper. FANCY .GOODS Chromo,' Frames Easels, AlbuBU, Fancy Baskets, Bible?, Gold Pens and Pencils, Iokstandj, Ac, Ao. C. W. YATES, nov 8 Stationer and Book Seller Best and Cheapest I QUR STOCK OF CLOTHING IS COM plete. Come and see us and we will do you good. Everything new, nice and nob by, in the way of CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS. Prices low down to suit the times. A. & I. SHRIERi No. 34 Market st. nov lo Groceries, &c. OAA Rolls Cotton BAGGING, OUU 2 and lb qqq Bundles New and Pcd TIES, 800,Lbs BaggiD TWINE' -I QQQBbls FLOUR, all grades, QQ Bxs Smoked and Dry Salt Sides, CfC Hht?s and Bbls New Crop Cuba, ZAJyJ and N O Molasses. 1200 Keg6lNAILS' 4 to40' QQQ es liuurn, Bags SHOT, all sizes, 500 BAGS C0FFEE' grades, BbLi SUGAR, all grades, - Boxcs Assorted CANDY, ; CJry Tubs Pu''e Lea' LARr - rif Boxes STARCH, QJry Case3 LYE 200 Boxe8 S0A, 2QQ Boxes TOBACCO, 100 20X65 and nalfBbls SNUFF, 4 200 GrossMATCHEf WrappingPaper, Tjrine, Soda, Candles, Crackers, Pepper, Ginger, 8pice, Water Buckets, &c. , . For sale low by . - nov 1 WILLIAMS & ilUKCHISON. PLEASS S0TI0S. w will bejefad to reeeire eomii.B&lcatioav from or friend on ay aad all; robjeeta e Tba &juq of the writer nott al ayt be far aiahfHl k the Editor.. OonuEoaicationt aui be written; on oalf one aide of the pap; rartocalitioe mw t voided. . And it la especially in particular lyuler rtood that the Editnr 4 ta not alwaja idor e the views ot eorrespoaduts, ulecs ? t lata 4 ia the editorial eolnns. New Advertigemontg. T11E OliO ii Scarborough Housft" Aja. SOUTH WATER 8TSEST, Wll. J.1 iniBKtoa, N.O , ia r till open utder the' proprietorahip of fa. O BERT J. POAHBOli OUwU wliere can be had at aty har of the day or night, the beat of Wl.NK, l.lQDUR, Ac. OTTKH8 of the beat qaalltr, either 6twed Fried or Rw. trFBOM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE HOUSE WILL BE KEPT OPEPi DAY AMD WIGHT. 1 DOT 10 FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST ORS IN REAL ESTATF. For Sale. ril a AT VERY ' VAWJALT5' and no X eligibly situated property on Hooth si i of Martet street, near Front street, consist ing of lot running through to Bettencourt'i Alley, improved bra three-tory building on Market street. ( I int fljor 70 feet dep) and a two-story brick "Warehouse ia the mr fronting on the alley. Terms.wbioh are reasonable with extended credits, made known upon application to MKS. BOBKRT W. LAMB, X?o. 1, Washington st.. r.ov l2-tf Norfolk, Ya. 32 EVlarket St. 32 . If Sign of the Show Case with the ' Shoemaker M1 Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the tune to supply vour lamilies. A full line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the iact. - A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget the old number. C; ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. nov S JUST ARRIVED ! THAT Fancy Rosebud Creamery li lit Ubjfes? II E Band in your orderj, and usa some of tat VERY BEST BUTTER ' Erxr brotrjrht to this city." . ALSO, The Old Parepa igar, 0vbJch I HAVE THE E?JTIRE CONTROL IN THIS CITY. ' - - 1 Thii t;ltr can be gold by no one exec it through ae, and is the tine ai used by zae Over Eight Years Ago It is undoubted' j the teit Cizar 'o'd ia tb.'f eltjat -' Three for 25 Cts. Sjnokerf will plea call and exarai&e John Boatwriffhts ftorll 11 tad 13 North Front BC