I . - wt Tory attenieon, Hsndav ex- -...111-6" i0n. T. JAM BR, n,nth5 : Three j . - r f 1 i 25 : Oas month, SO eeati. Bper will be delivered, by carrier, rates, or 13 oBta per wnt ZLnt ra low and literal tgabscribers will please report an and . VnTPtto receive their papers regularly. N & "RODDiCK FAHGT 630 AND Toy" 21 X3 Corner I&arket St Second Streets , if K ijCUiJ? TO OiLL ths atteatioa W .! or;h!i3 to it Job Lot Cf OflflB - f LADIES' m GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. vat HALF THEIR VALUE! 1T 4vJj re-eiTin NEW GOODS raiublefor the Vo is ay traJe, raoh as TOTS. MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS, QLASS WARE, OHHAMEHTS. JAPANESE WARE, :i VASES, ic , Ao., As , Ac. We eotiU not pomblv enumerate our rtoc'i, it li toi varied. We would particu Urlj lntie WHOLESALE BUYERS to fire us a call and look at oar steer So out) f New York. Can da better for yen. 'M! early and mike your selection. PTi Ure abo on hand the largest stock of TIN-WARE oath of Sew York, and are offering them at oil -prices. We have a great many Special Lots that we ire offer'sc: away below market Drices. BROWN & RODDICK, S E Corner of Market and Second 8 treats Garpef-s! THE LARQE3T ASSORTMENT IN THE X Bute, and oar pricas are lower than any. Toa pay just for the amount of Carpet on your floor. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. fct 30 ' THE LAURINBURG ENTERPRISE JS THE BEST MEDIUM throagh which toad?ertie Fall and Winter Qooda among th people .f Robeson, Iiichmond and An on oountie, in North Carolina, and in the border c mnties of South Carolina. The Enterprise has a larje and iacreasing circu lMlon in the Pee Dee and Cape Fear eections of thii atate. haviour obtained a larce oircn Uuon In the Utter du'inff the b'x month it u published in FayetteTille before its re-I ""wrai to L.aunnburg, and in the former within the last few months. AdrertimnU will be inserted by the month, quarter and year at leasonable rates. Addreis, O. I. McDUKjIE, Lanriabur2, N C Mew Crop Rice. 1 3Q Tierces and bbls Carolina KICE 150 Ba:8prime RI coffee 1QQQ Bbl Good Hour, 00 Bbls Reflned sugar 00 Bbls CubaM0LAS3ES' OriA Kegs NAILS. At Low Prices. Hall & Pearsall. fct 27 Newspaper for Sale. IF ANY ONE OF THE READERS OF the Review deshes to e-.page in the newspaper business, and has a few hundred dollars to invest, he will learn something to his interest upon application to the editor of this paper. He knows of a weekly paper for sale which is now in a prosperous condition, and is located in a prosperous, growing railroad town, in the wntreof a fine cotton growing country. The object of the proprietor in selling is to give his attention to other private and important wterests. Apply early to tho editor of this PPer. JOSH. T. JAMES. Wilmington, N. CM Oct. 2Sth ISSO. Fresh Every Day A FINK ASSORTMENT jf CANDIES. mach aad Domectle, jujt received and for THB ONLY GENU INK HOME-MADE "way in the city, wiU be found every 7, fmh and iweeW tire door South of o.8i50,tGoa 00 8oond street. Alo, Nata 'WMjFraiWAo.Jll O. E. JEYEN&, - : Wear 12 foitoSo V- BOW r VOL, V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. IS80. .Vn. 227 The latest"goak" of the season the North Carolina System North Carolina's Christmas present to Virginia the North Carolina Sys tem. f The Czar has commuted the sentence of death passed upon three of the convict ed Nihilist3 to imprisonment for life. In New York, last week, there were 139 cases of diphtheria, making 248 re porteddurfng the first half of this month. ; The newsTrom Paris at this juncture is probably very interesting to those who may be able to understand it, "one of which we are not." Hon. Joseph E. Brown has been elect ed by the, Georgia Legislature to the United States Senate. His principal competitor was Gen. Lawton. The Baptist Pastors' Conference, in session at New York, have protested most nobly and energetically against the proposed production of the Passion Play in that city. - . Pare, and Watauga have been heard from. The former give Jarvis 20 ma jority and thejatter gives him 120. This makes Gov. Jarvis majority foot up 6,471. It .has been a difficult matter, as it is, to figure up Gov. Jarvis' majority. It would have been a still more difficult matter had tin new "North Carolina System" been developed one month ago. - It is reported that Jesse Pomeroy, the boy murderer, ha3 been frustrated in an other.scheme to escape from his cell in Concord, Mass., by sawing through a thick boiler-plate with a saw improvised from a knife. Unmistakable evidence has developed that a new and more powerful combina tion has been formed in Chicago to ma nipulate wheat. The new syndicate is better organized, and have more money than they had last year.asand there is said to be a large short interest in wheat in Chicago, a lively turn may therefore be expected in the combination to scare tho shorts. The season for disastrous fires Is fairly opened now. It is harrowing to read of some of the fearful suffering and misery entailed. One wing of the State Insane Asylum at St. Peters, Minn., was burned on Monday night and many of the in mates perished in the flame3. Others fled half-clad into the woods and a still further loss of life, and much suffering besides, is apprehended. The night was bitterly cold. It is evident that the silver dollar will form an important, factor for Congression al debate this winter. Secrerary Sher man will, in his annual report; recom mend in regard to the standard silver dollar that its coinage be discontinued or if the coinage is to be continued, that the weight be increased, so as to make it equal in value to a gold dollar ; and that the amount to be coined monthly be left discretionarv with tho Secretary of the reasury. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement;;. Heixsberger -Just Received See ad Festival B Scott My Livery and Sale Stables Heinsbergek's Musical Recital A & I Siirijsr Best and Cheapest ! C "V Yates Books . Coal sells here now at $6.50 a ton. Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer & Price's. f Th(r receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 828 bafes, A goodly number of our country cousins are in town to-day. Ladies, the best fits and the easiest hoes for the little ones ara at RosE2i thais. f The days are so skort now that it is a difficult thing for a man to put in a good day's work between sunrise and sunset. ' Uncertainity may attend business ven tures and enterprises but it never attends the prompt administration of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. Lemuel Bradford, sixty-seven years of age, for fourteen years Tax Collector in Plymouth, Massl, has- been sentenced t three years in the House of Correction for misappropriation of town funds. : " JjAILi The livery and sale stable3 of Benj. Scott have been removed. See adver tisement elsewhere. Mr. E. D. Goodman will give another of his musical recitals at Ileiisberer's book store on Friday night. The Educational Society of Front street M. E. Church will give a Festival at the City Hall, to-morrow evening. Jack Sweat, colored, who wa3 picked up on the street the night of the storm and saved from freezing to death by be ing kindly cared for by the city authori ties, was to-day sent to the County Poor House. The meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R., held yesterday, was the forty-fifth, and not the fifty-fifth, as erroneously reported by us. It was right in the copy, but wrong in the proof, and the error escaped us in the hurry of getting to press. I Annual Reeling. The Baptist State Convention of North Carolina will hold its fiftieth an nual meeting, commencing to-day, at Goldsboro. The Rev. F. H. Jone3, of Yancey ville, has been appointed to preach the Introductory Sermon, and Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city, to preach the Missionary Sermon. City Court. Charlotte Green, Katy King, colored, and James Whittaker, a white sailor, were arraigned before the Mayor this morning for an affray or a general melee at the Long House yesterday afternoon The testimony of Officer Everett, who made the . arrests, rather implicated Charlotte Green as the instigator and prime mover in the matter, and she was sent below for five days. "The two other defendants in the case were discharged. Frying Pan Lightship. We learn from Captain W. J. Potter that a letter was received at Smith ville rom Captain D. W. Manson, of the Frying Pan Lightship, in which he stated that during the storm of Wednes day night last the gale was so severe at the anchorage of the Lightship, 20 miles outside of the bar, that the men could not walk the decks. The vessel being slewed around into the trough of the sea, rolled and pitched so heavily that there was not a man on board who could keep his sea legs on. Water street merchants will keep their feet dry in Winter by wearing Rcsen THaii's boots and shoes. t Tlte W. Li. I Captain A. L. DcRosset has ordered the Wilmington Light Infantry out for a full-dress parade to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. We hope there will be a full turn-out. In olden times this Company used to be the pride of the citizens. Now, we hear that some of our merchants and other business men discourage their employees from becom ing members. Thi3 is all wrong. Mili tary companies are generally looked up on as a protection as well as an ornament o a city. We wish the same sentiment prevailed here. Mr. Natb'l Jacobi having oeen appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated .Flow cn now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. Jupiter's Power. Itis difficult to realize the enormous power of the bright speck, Jupiter, shin iner so quietly in the sky. A recent wri ter has shown that the power whicfi? the sun has to put forth to hold Jupiter in his orbit is equal to the combined strength of 170,000,000 bars of solid steel, each one mile, in diameter. Ju piter's pnll upon the earth, according to the same authority, is equal to the strength of 23,000,000,000 bars of. steel, each ot them one foot in "diameter. So, if the mere power of gravity were all hat was required to make Jupiter's ap proach dangerous to the earth, eviden tly he is not lacking in the power. Bice birdi are about played out. Not so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's Thej last for ever. f Dancing lessons given tree at Roses- v-k i . i i r THAI, a? Jrcmp soie doom ana saoes ior the ball loom. f Christ. Gerber. Wholesale Hardware, Toledo, Ohio, says The Excelsior Kid ney Pad has accomplished more for my wife in three weeks than all the medicine she has taken in thiee years. . liefer all skeptics to nt.Sce Aav fiEYIEW. The River. The freshet is not as extensive as it was at first thought to be. Only about thirty rafts have arrived and we under stand that there are but comparatively few on the river. There nas not been a sufficient rise above the Falls, beyond Fayetteville, to bring rafts over, and unless there is a further rise but few more will be likely to arrive on this freshet. You can.mi No. 1 Cooking a id He.it ing otovee at . almost any price t .Jacobis' Ma rd ware Dfpot. 15 Stip Organs, Sub Bass and Coup ler Oaly S65 Best in the TJ. 8. Open your eyes wide before you send Norm fur instruments. Epreaii eale ad vertisements do not al vavs leil the exact tiUth. Better instruments at sam or less pric- 8 can be bad ne irnr 1 ome. bee these offers : Organs 15 uj.s, 4 6ets lfeedK, Sub Fas and Coupler, lieautiful Cape, Oisly $3o; 9 Stops, 4 sets Heds, only $59; 7 Svepi, 3 sets. Kf-cds, -$55. Stool and Book included. Pianos 7 Oct., lage size. Rich Rosa wood Case, only $179; 7 1 Hcii , largest size,only $200; 7 Oc Square Grand, extra l.vg'yM ajgniftceut "as , 1 $200. S'ool and C v-r i:i l.ice.i from o!U and reliable makers, nd ii y guaranteed; 15-days test; trial. Wo pay frtighi if not satisfactory. 1'osiiiveJy t e best bargains in the U. S. No mistake about this. We mean business and crm petition with tho world. Send for Fail rtices, 1880. It wiU pay y u. ddnss Luddeh & Bates' Southern Music House, Savannah, G-i. -U Where is that crowd going ? Toftos entual's, to bay boots and shoes. f Catarrh Sometimes commences with a cold, but its cure alway s commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This old, reliabie, and well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was never more : pop ular than now". How Happiness Is Secured. Happiness is the absence of pain or annoyance, and wherever there is pain there is disease. A pain in the lower portion of the body indicates a disorder of some kind. If there is any odor or color or deposit in the urine it means disease and requires attention at once. We have heard many of our friends speak of the remarkable power of War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and are convinced there is nothing so certain and valuable for all disorders of the urinary system, both male and female. Mrs. Wm. Tippett, Owasco, N. Y., says: l nave worn an improved excel sior Kidney Pad about three weeks,'and have recirved great relief from it for pain in the back. See Adv. Any and everybody can now do their own painting, as N. Jacobi is the agent for the N. Y. Enamel Paints works, and the prices are low. Window Glo33 of all eizea, Doora, Sasb and Blind3, Builders HardWir,&o Low eat prices Rt Jacobi's. THE MAILS. Tho raaiia close and arri vo p.S the City Post Office aa follows : Northern through mails 7 45 p m Northern through and way mails ......5:30 a. m. Raleigh 5;30 a. m.. . .and( 5:00 p. m. Mails for the N. O. Railroad,' and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at....... 5;30 p. m. Southern mails for all points South, daiiy.....8atn and 7:45 p.m. Western mails (C O R'y) daily (except Sunday) 5:00 p. m. Mail for Cheraw & Darling ton .r 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston . 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays M. ........ 1:00 p.m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 p. m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at..... COO a. Smithvillo mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) .10 00 .a. m Mails for ' Easy " Hill, Town Creek, Shal'otte and Little River, S C, every Mon day and Thursday at... 6;00 a. m. Wilmingtcn and Black River Cbapeli Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 5:00 a. ta. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails...... 7. -00 a. m. Northern mails 930 a m Southern Mails ......... 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway .10:00 a. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. in. to 12 M and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Begister Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a, xa. to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for Bale"1 at geieal delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street toies every day at 3:30 P. m. ; Ths newest. latest, bes - and 'cbespes at Bosesxsaxs. . t New Advertisements Musical Recital New Fe.itimv Ur Live JJ'ofc'st..-r ! JJY REQUEST, MR. E. I). GOODMAN will give : -.other of his Mutu al Recitations FRIDAY . VEXING next, at S o'clock. Lover ofgooil music are cordially invited At IIEIXSBERGER'S, Live Book and Mu ic Store. Festival rjlIIUnSDAY NIGHT, AT THE CITY Hall, by the Educational Society of Front Street M. E. Congregation. Several. Char ades will be presented. " nov 17-1 1 , . . My liyery and Sale Siaite HAVE ?,EEN removed f-'hi ' cess to Fii'thjbetwccn Mulberry ami Waiiiut fctrcets, where I will be pleasetl to. serve my, old customers and the public. 'generally. Panic prices. B. SCOTT, nov 17-1 w Just Received. LARGE ASSORTMENT of fine Vio lins and Accordeons. Also Italian Violin and Guitar .Strings, which are offered for sale very efceap at ' IIEIN'SBERGER'S. JJACKGAMMON BOARDS, CHECKER Boards and Men, Dominos', and uu endless variety ef other games just received, at IIEINSBERGER'S, nov 17 Live Book nd Mnic Rtore Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO. Wilmington, .N, C, Nov 10, 1 880. Notice- rpiIE DIRECTORS OF THE WILMING- JL ton fc Weldon RailrGad Company have de clared a Dividend of 3 per cent, on the Cap ital Stock of said Company payable, to the Stockholders on and after November 23d, ISSO. J. W. THOMPSON, nov 10-td. Secretary & Treasurer. Star copy. Highest Gash Prices "PAID FOR HIDES, WOOL, METAL?, ItAGSj Ac, hy JNO. J. CONFREY & CO., Brokers a d General Dealers , Coracr Dock and Water tlr, Eefer to First Wst'onal Bank, nov 15-ltn Books EVEi'.Y DKSORIfTION conetanUj oa hnnrl STATION KiiT A well elected tock, Ineladisg many Eovelties ia f accy Paper. FANCY .OOODS ChromoB Frames Easels, Albuxnj, Fancy Baskets, Bibles,, Gold Pens and Pencils, Ickstands, Ac, do. C. W. YATES, . Ft'tioner and Book Heller nov 8 ' IVI eat Buyers OULD "DO WTXL TO CALL AT STALLS 5 to 10 NEW MARKET if they want the best Beef at from 5 to lO cts. per pound. JOHNSON, TILLEY, HINTZE, fc HUBERT. R3ew Market. nov 15-3t Horse Radish. ipl ROUND FRESn EVERY DAY No turnio roots,but genuine HORSE RADISH, which I will guarantee as to STRENGTH and PURITY. Horse Radish Roots also for sale at NEWMAN'S. Cigar and Tobacco Store, Cor Market & 2d ets. nov lS-2t JOW BlTSS For all kinds of Printer Persona re-idinc oat ef the city ess have their orintinjr earefally exeented and nailed to them Ire. of postazdj .- C S. WAF.HOCK, la BerWwBaHdinz) r Jab Printer. ail 9 FLEAS 5 70TZCE. W win beg ad to receive eomm&leatiosa from our frleadi oa ay and all! mbjMti'o Caerilatrict bt , " . ' - - ee'iuxas of tt writer But eJvjtbefor ttiLed to ti Alitor. Comocaiostlont cut be written; oa oaly one cde of the pp F eronxlitiee mi voided. And it Im epeciaUy 'partlcalarlT:ttBder rtood that the Editor 1 mm not alwsyi eBdon the riewi ot corrwpoai3ta, arlitj fo iute4 ia the edltori&l oolans. x New Advortlsomenta the oia Scarborough House' ATO. 8 ROOT U WATKR STSfcET, Wi!. 11 lainstop, N. O., is Kill open node,.- the proprietonhip of ROBERT J. 8CAHBOK UU.U wfcere cn be bad at bj hirortbe df or night, thebeitof Wl.NKb. I.1QDOR-. tu7FuSAN0 AFTER TH,S DATE THE HOUSE Will BE KEPT OPEN DAY AMD NIGHT. nor 1 'r FINE OPPORTUNITY F33 INVEST ORS IN REAL EST AT r. For Sale; Tfl. .VERr VALUA:.'LK r.d most J- tlizibnr ituated of Market itreet, ner lion t atr'et, cBsiit- iuK oi ioi runmnfr through to Bettecw urt's Aiiey, improved by a three-io:y balldive on r-- owji, jrirn n 30 r u !eet deep) and a two-etorr brick Wirehouia in th rr frc ntiiff on the lley. Terms, which are rtasonable with extended credits, made known upon application to MKS. KOBKHT W. LAMB. 5o. 1, Wajshlntrton it., tov 12-tf .Norfolk, Va. Best and Cheapest l . QUR STOCK OF CLOTHING IS COM plete. Come and eec us and we will do you good. -Everything new, nico and nob by, in the way c-f - CLOTHING, AND. ' . , ' FURNISHING G0ODS.: Prices low down to suit the timci. I. S1IRIER, . No. Hi Market st. nov BJ 32 1. Market St. 32 Sign of the Show Case with tho Shoemaker jyY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES : always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. A full line of thoso CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget tho old number. C. -ROSENTHAL.; 32 Market Street. - nor 8 OfficeTreasurer & Collector. CitYof Wilmington, N- C-, November 13tht 1830; City Taxes, 1880r AGAIN CALL ATTENTION OF TfJE Tax Payers to their CITY TAXES, daa aircjs the 15th of Beptsxnbsr last. "The time approashee-wfcen thj list fcr'si vertiiins will ba made out. .Parties interested .wl!l pleas) ti9 astlce and fare trouble by prompt paymtnf. HE3Kf DA7AGE, rev H.mkw Trets k Collector CLQUKS, DOLLMAtlS I rpHE PRICES AND STYLES WILL tell. These goods we have in large variety and quantity and can fit the smallest or largest sized person. , Gents' all Wool Ribbed Undershirt and Drawers. Children's Flannel Under garments in all sues. Carpets: Body Brussels Englisa Bros- sels Tapestries Three Ply, Ingrain, &c. THE PRICES ARE EIGHT and thestyka are good. K. 3L UIcINTTRE. CLOTHS Inall widUL-jji nov 15. ' - ' k. " '

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