fDlTOH AS PROPKIKTOR. o-raiFTIOB. POSTAGE PAID; C 5 00 Six months, i50 j Three i Oaa month, 50 oeuia. cr will b deliTere,a D cwri6r'' r- ?!L in any part of the city, atthe tas. or 13 oena per we.. r,r TT-.rata. low and libera - tSicribera will please report any and V,..to reeeiretteir papers rejmlariy. & 'RODDICK FANCY GOODS AND fl 3J, Corner BSarket Second Streets. firfi tJiHiS TO CALL the atteuioi? LADIES9 AHD GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. pUBK LIN COLLARS 6. y(?r HALF THKIR VALUE ! " . ' f, ara daily re-eivKg NEW G00D8 rfUblefor tha Vo idij uaJe, rach as TOTS. MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS, GUIS WARE, QSNAFtlENTS JAPANESE WAR E, VASES. Ao., Ao,, Ac , Ac. V oould not posiibly enumerate our tik, it la too varied. We would particu larly iafia . WHOLESALE BUYERS to fire m a call and look at our eock Soust)go to Ne York. Can do better for jcv, (MI eirly aid make your selection'. Wa tare abo on band the largest stock of oath cf New Tort, and are offering: them at old prioes. We bare a great many Special Lota that we are offer5 away below market pric:-s. GROWS & RODDICK, 5 E Corner cf Market and Heoond Streets. rjpHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE State, and onr prices are lower than any. Toa pay just for the amount of Carpet on jour floor. BROWN & RODDICK, ' 45 Fslarket St. ret 30 Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON & WELDON R. P.. CO. Wilmington, N. C, Nov 16, lSSO-H Notice. JJuIE DIRECTORS OF THE WILMING toa & Weldon Railroad Company have de clared a Dividend of 3 per cent, on the Carr ital Stock of said Company payable to the Stockholders on and after November 23d, ftSO. J. W. THOMPSON, nov 16-td Secretary & Treasurer. Star copy. Highest Cash Prices pllt) poa BIDE, WiMi... 'ErAUc, k98, Ao , by JNO. J. CON FRET A CO., Krokra a,d General De&lem , Gorier Dock and Wat-r StP. Kefer to yiist National Bank. Hot 15-lm Books KVKKY DFSORIPTl'i conrtantly ban STATIONERY A well ieleed stock, aeltdiDg many noTelties in Farcy Paper. TAKCY .GOODS Chroxos, FnmfrP Albania, Fancy Basket, Bible, Gold Pens and Penci s, Irkande, Ao, Ao. . ' ' O. W. YATE3, noT8 Stationer and Book Heller Fresh Every Day HUB ASSORTMENT tF OA5DIE3, Jjenck aad Oomeetie, j uat eoalTM and for J?B05LY GENUINE HOME-MADE JJJ-J la the city, will be found every J.iraanandawwW three doora South of -7,50t0JfiJe Buiid atreeu AIjo, Nata na,ftaiVe.;j;0. E. . r M .CC; Hear the PortoSoa BROWN Ga r pets! H M VOL- V " W ILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. iSSO, NO 228 J Here is an industrial item of real in terest : In 1870 there were employed in the manufacture of cotton seed oil and meal in New Orleans only 180 per sons, and the annual product wa3 worth $322,200. At the present time the number of persons employed is 1,526 and the annual product is worth $2,7S1,150 an increase of over 800 per cent.- Arkansas has the distinguished honor of claiming the only colored member of the net Congress. As wa3 the' case here in 186?, the Democrats in the first district -pvjrfaitrted themselves to be caught napping1, and before they found that the Republicans had a candidate in the field a colored barber slipped in and won the race by about 1,000 majority." The district is overwhelmingly Demo cratic. In 1876 and 1878, the Demo cratic candidate was elected without op position. . This year he was cjefeated sim ply because thousands of Democrats fail ed to take the trouble to go to the polls and vote. There seems to be really rsome doubt as to whether Joseph E. Brown, the newly elected Senator from Georgia, will align himself with the Democratic party. The Radical members of both Houses voted solidly for him, and it has been charged that he gave the Republican caucus assurances that he would act in harmony with the administration. This is,, however, denied by Mr. Brown's Democratic friends. At all events, the new Senator's past record is not such as to inspire very great confidence as. to his course in the fnture. . His defection would throw the Senate into the hands of the Republicans. The New Orleans Democrat truly says that the Republican majority in the nest House was secured by Democratic apa thy and by party disensions in several Southern districts. The loss of the first Arkansas, the third Louisiana, the second Virginia, the ninth Kentucky, the tenth Tennessee, the eighth and other Missouri districts are to be ascribed to these caus es. In all these districts, from which Republicans have been chosen, , the full and combined Democratic vote is overwhelming. The five districts named would have secured the next itouse to the Democrats by a- fair majority, if the party had held together and the full party vote had been polled. i m m m ' There is another silly paragraph afloat which doubtless had its origin in the fertile imagination-of some such voia- cious sheet as the Federicksburg Star, edited by a latter-day "Bourbon." It is to the effect that a scheme is on foot among certain Southern leaders, to have the electoral vote of the South cast for Grant. The story runs that there are enough Grant Republican electors who will be willing to join the South in this schema to secure Grant's election. The only thing there is in the statement is the libel upon the loyalty of Southern Democrats. It is best answered, as it unquestionably will be, by casting 138 votes for Gen. Hancock. LOCAL NEWS. New Atveri;emuiitf. Norwood Giles fc Co Rice A II Ya.sEokkelex Turpentine Hands Hall & Peaksall Water Mill Meal Jas E Kea Surgeon and Mechanic Heiksbekger Just Received A & I Shriek Best and Cheapest ! C W Yates Books B R Moose, Com'r Foreclosure of Mor ggc. Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer & Price's. t The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,304 bales. Lidies, the best, fits aod the easiest shoes for the little ones are at Roses thaib. t Duplin Superior Court convenes nest Monday with Judge Gudger on the Bench. The days are so short now that it is a difficult thing for a man to put in a good day's work between sunrise and sunset. The State Sunday School Convention, will be held in-Salisbury on the 19th, 20th and 21st instant. Rice birda sro about pt&yed out. Not to wi'h tho Scotch axles' at Ro-srsTiL?L's T-ey last for ever. f The Wilmington Light Infantry were ordered out this afternoon for general parade, but owing to the inclemency of the weather the drill was postponed- DlILT The Grand Lodge of Free and Accept ed Masons of North Carolina will com mence its ninety-fourth annual communi cation at its hall, in Raleigh, on Tues day, December 7, at 7 o'clock p. m. Tne newt. :.et. fte vid chL-.iiJ tX Rosenthal's t It ia rumor here that Hon. A. M. Waddell will remove soon to New York with his family where he will engage in the practice of his profession, the law, in company with a gentleman now loca ted in that city, whose nama ha.? not transpired. Any and everybody can now do the r own painting, as N. Jacobi is the agent for' the N. Y. Enamel Paints works, and the prices are low. Fire! The fire alarm was sounded this morn ing, about 1:30 o'clock, caused by the burniig of an old cooper shop on Har nett, between Third and Fourth streets. The fire department turned out promptly but the shop was consumed before the engines arrived. The origin is supposed to have been incendiary. By its innumerable cures, made under all possible conditions, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has secured for itself a most en viable reputation for great usefulness. Price 25 cents. , Unmallabie. The following unmailablc matter re mains in the Postoffice in this city: Sandy Brown, Florence, S C; Charlotte Murray, Duplin co, N C; Jas Corner k Sons, Baltimore, Md; Cloey Smith, Fayetteville, N C; E E Smith, Golds- boro, N C; Eliza Howell, Howellsvillc NC. Dancing lessons given free at Rosen thal's Pump sole boots and shoes for the ba'l room. f Meeting of the Library Association. The annual meeting of the Wilming ton Library Association will be held at the rooms of the Library on Market street this evening at 8 o'clock. A President and Directors for the en suing year are to be elected, and other business of importance is to bs consider ed by the association. A full attendance is earnestly desired. Another Fire. A fire occurred last night, about half past 1 o'clock, in the engine room of Mr. Alex. Oldham's Grist Mill, on the cor ner of Nutt and Walnut streets. The flames were first discovered by a party of sailors from their boarding house across the way, and they immediately went for it with basins and buckets of water, working all the while like Trojans, tmt1' the flames were subdued. Tc-lay the are jollifying the result of their labor over as many glasses of lager as they can drink, which is Mr. O's. treat. The origin of the fire is supposed to have been sparks from the furnace dropping among the shavings and sawdust used for fuel. Ten dollars will pay the dam ages, Mr. Oldham says, including the lager beer. Anniversary, supper. The gentlemen of the Cornet Concert Club celebrated their Seventh Anniver. sary at the Mayor's office, in the City Hall, last evening. The Club and their guests assembled about 9 o'clock, and were welcomed in a terse little address by the Vice-President, Mr. L. J. Otter- bourg. The repast was sumptuous and was heartily partaken of. Every one present enjoyed himself and will ever re member the Seventh Anniversary of the Cornet Concert Club. The festivities were kept up until a late hour. We herewith publish a list of the orig inal members, two of whom have gone to their long homes: Fred Metts, Wm. II. Alderman, E. O. Toomer, S. H. Burtt, George D. .Parsley, Rufos W. Hicks, Fred. Hargrave, Miles Smith, Richard W. Andrews, H. G. Latimer, S. P. Gause, John L. Maffitt, George L. John son, M. Frank, John Davis, William A- Martin, Jas. H. Chadbourn, Jr., Owen L. Holme3, Jr., John L. Holmes, Jr., Edward M. Cushing, John McDougall S. G. Hall, H. N. Latham, Wiley T. JohnsoD, Alvoid Y. Wood, W. C- Munds. Of the names above mentioned not one is now an active member of the band. What the young gentlemen, who now compose the band, have gone through to perpetuate their organization cone but themselves know. We wish them many more anniversaries and the great est success. : KEYIEW Board of Aldermen A called meeting of the Board of Al dermen was held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of receiving and ratifying the contract for a system of water works prepared by the Committee and approv ed by the Board of Audit and Finance. The contract was submitted. It is be tween the city on the one side and Messrs. J. A. Cloud, E. E. Burruss and as o ciates oa the other. The approval of the Board of Audit and Finance is certi fied. , ' According io the terms of the con tract a full supply oi water, fit for do mestic use, is to be furnished within eight months after work is begun, said -work to begin as soon as possible after execution of agreement. There arc to be CO double and 15 single hydrants, with 13.) hose openings, not more.i than 500 feet apart, said hydrants to supply all water necessary in case of fire. The'city ip to select the points, along the lini of the mains, where these hydrant? are xo oe esuiDiisncd. Additional ; y .. n s are to bo erected as required for i y at a cost of 03 pev anuuia for the first tea additional hydrants; $55 per annum for the next ten and $50 for each addi tional ten. The city secures the right, at its own cost and expense, to build and e;:tc-nd the street mains in any direction and to erect thereon fire hydrants, gates, valves, fcc, the contractors to supply water there free of charge,but the ownership of the mains, hydrants, fcc, to become vest ed in the contractors, they to keep them at all times in good order. The rato to prvate consumers is not to exceed five cents per day of 2 i hours for one faucet or opening to one family of five persons or less. The contractors arc to see that the streets and alleys where the mains are laid are not left disturbed by the work done in layiDg the mains, &c. The contract is to be void of benefit to the contractors if at any time they fail to furnish an adequate supply of wa ter for fire purposes for a period of six months continuously and no rent is to be claimed or paid during any temporary derangement. The contractors guarantee a pressure sufficient to throw at any time, from any five of said hydrants, through one inch nuzzle, five streams of water to an aver age height of 100 feet and they arc to pay all damages that may at any time arise to property by leaking or bursting of pipes. The city shall have the right and priv ilege to purchase, if it shall so desire, the said water .works when the same shall be completed, or at the end of each and every ten years thereafter, at a price to be ascertained and determined by the arbitration cf two disinterested experts who are not residents of North Carolina. Any failure to furnish an adequate supply of water caused by a riot, or the act of God, cr the public enemy, shall not make a forfeiture. In return the city grants exclusive water work privilege to the contractors, for purposes of maintaining, construct ing and extending in any part of the city and also to erect, repair and remove a stand-pipe at the intersection of Mar ket and Filth streets; they are to pay an nually and for and during a period of thirty years from and after the comple tion of the said water works as a rental for the use of the said 75 fire-hydrants for fire purposes, the yearly sum of 5,250, to be paid in twelve equal monthly instalments of 37.50 each upon the first day of each month daring said period. The city is to have free use of water at the City Hall and at all engine and hose houses, and for flushing the fire hydrants ; also twice a week for fifteen minutes at a time the use of the fire hydrants on Front and Market streets, and for such "free"' use the stocks, lands and property of the Company are in effect to be exempt from taxation. An assignment of interest or a change of organization is not to affect the contract. The agreement is for thirty years af ter the completion of the water works. The contract was approved and signed and formally ratified. Habit, if not necessity, makes a Hair Dressing such as Dr. Ayer's laboratory issues indispensable to many. The "Vig or" i3 one of the most delightful we have ever used. It restores not only the color, but gloss and luxuriance, tojaded and gray hair. . Where is that crowd going ? ToRoj ETXHAia, to buy boots and shoes. t 0 New AdvertiEoraoats. D t . t a Li n i; n o o C&Z? rf?Vi S E Cone- F r;nt ai.d Marie: etr?etJ, nov 8 2r W i'.tninjton, NC Turpentine Hands. T CAN ; wiVfi EMPLOYMENT, at far JL wages, to a few good 'lUKi'KTlNE HAMJ.1,to wnrfc in tfomh O&rolica. I will 02-ft tor box cuttiafj seaioo, or from now ua ii Oaristei3, lisi , Uood b i c utter a or iiic as can learn are w&ntsdfrom n-w until nrx;Jri8tm8 or for fail ess"p, Arplv ia perron, or by letter to J H BALEN'flVK, Hareir-tenient. Lexmerton Courtbctue, 8. V., r to ravBtfll, at Wi!n'nton. S. C. All VANiiUKKELEN. n v 13-lwd-3wJ Water M ill fflieal. JO0Q BD3SEL3 Prime Virginia Meal. HALT. 4 PA -i A Mi Lone: ESu.io ..v I LW .BAiiiiia-a' AB OtiAi-, ! - f li -T Aft fr?i'i - ! nov 13 1EL I 3E3.- "yE A TIE MAKING AND HAVE CON- stautly.on hand all grailt?. f Kief from COMMON to FANCY. HAIF fim, SlVIALL HEGEv RICENA DOL'SE A goo:l c-lieap food for Eorscs, Cows, Hog'?, ice. Also a tin? artic' for feeding Poultry. All gooua sold at 'Charleston prices. NORWOOD GILES &CO.,. nov 1 Proprietors Carolina Rise Mills. Fn-'dosuro of Mortgage. "'? ViEiTUK Ai IN P.TJRSUAJiOEof a decree of tho Hocorlcr Court of New Han over Oouuly, matia Rt Jure terra, I860, in the case jl A Ii Placs vj J C Will, et r.l, I will, ontodfiy, the Cih dr.r of December, I8.")0, it 11 o'efocfe, A. Si, s 11 t the higheet bidder at public nucrtiou, lor cauh, at the Court Houn-3 door in Wild iaarton, a valua ble tract cf lind in Uro Fea?" towoahip, containing rixty aces, adjoining th lands of D IS ianders, Jere FonTillo and others, beinfr tbe eaiae conveyed to Jqi CJ Hill by D S daundera by deed dated 16th February, aad reisrered in the Register's Office of s-iid County in Boo D D D, page 5T9. a I MOORE, Oom'r DcBiirxz Ctlak, Atty fjr Plaintiff. nov 13-.b Musical Escitab New -Feature of the Live Book Store- iY 'REQUEST, -MR. E. D. GOODMAN will give another of h;s Musical Recitations FRIDAY EVENING next, at 3 o'clock. Loves of good music arc cordially nvited At IlEINSBERGER'S, nov IV Live Book and Music Store. My iiTerytaM Sals StaWe 55 tra JJAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM Prin cess to Fifthjbetween Mulberry and Walnut streets, where I will be pleased to serve my old customers and the public generally. Panic price-;, nov lTlw B. SCOTT. Just Received. LARGE ASSORTMENT of fine Vio lins and Accordeoiif. Also Italian Violin and Guitar String.?; which are offered for sale very cheap at IIEIN3BERGER'S..'. J ACKGA M MON BOA RD3 , CII ECKER Boards an J Men, Dominos, and an ' endless variety of other ames just received, at iHElNSBERGER'3, nov 17 Live Book an! Mafic Store ci 2 i riO. (jt d. Li L i . MaMtt lai GiM Haler. Priii'.f Strait, ia Eaasmcat of the Jouraal Baiidia?, w i:l m n a t o 5, s, o. JIST" A tZ3 a -riiieae cf O .iLca aai Caa kets 'onaUatly on as.al. Fa raitirt tipured Cltinei ani YarauaL 0'i-.- by tel. rr?h or mail pronf'' 3Ua t. U ( fOff RAT 3 For ail kiud af Frinti, Personj reil2i z ot of the city caa hare their priatiajf wn'uiiy ez assted acu ailed to them ltd of paetaze; - 13.. STAELOCX, In BerlewiaTliiaf) S r Ytixuxi PLEA8S SOUCEm W will belad to reeelrt eomauicatiosl froa car triendi oa My and all? tabJectjT, general Intarett bet T1 cane of the writer mtui alwaya be for aL'hed lo tbe Editor. Oommuaiationf icut be written; on onl one aide of tha pjf , Personalities mam molded. And it ia especially particnlarly.'nader ftood that the Editor not alwaji en don the views ot corresponds ta, nnJstf so ttatoi in the editorial eolamna, "I I I H ii New Advertisements. THE OIjD it Scarborough House," VTO. 8 800 ra WATER 8T4KET, WIN xningtoo, N.O.,isttill open node? toe proprietorahip of ROBERT J. 80AEBOKV OOH where can be had at any hear of thai day or night, tbebtof WlSEa. I.IQDURm. Ac. OYTKKH of the best quality, cither btewed r Tied or Kw tTT-FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE HOUSE WIIL BE ' KEPT' OPEN DAY AffDWICHr. FIWE 0PP0RTUXITY ru IKVEST' 0RS IN REAL ESTATC. For Sale. rpH AT VERY VaLUAuLK nioat J. eligibly aitaated propwrtj ra Hutb aide of Market street, near Front atreet, coisiat iojr of lot ronain through to HUcDccurt's Alley, improved by a threo-tory baildlns; oa Market street. (Mrst flxir 70 ieet deep) and a two-story brick Warchouee in tha rear frtfeting on the alley. , Terms, which are reasonable with extended credits, cade known npon application to ! MEd. BOBKHT W. LAMB, rfo. 1, Washlns'ton at.. cov 12-tf ... ) Norfolk, Va. Best and Cheapest l QUR STOCK OF CLOTHING IS COM-;" plete. Xomc and Bee us and v,e will do you good. Everything nov, nice and nob by, in the way of CLOTHING, AND FliRNiSHiNG GOODS. Prices low down to suit tlie'timcs. A.fiI.'SIIRIER, No. 34 Market gt. nov A-) SSiapket St. Sign of t'ae Siow Case Mith the Shoemaker- jyjT STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES .alwaj's complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now id the time to supply vour families. A full line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget the old number. C; ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. " nor t RU eat Buyers "yOULD DO WELL TO CALL AT STALLS'5 to 10 NEW MARKET if they want the best Beef at from : 5 tbl0...cts. 'perpoundS- JOIINON, TILLEY, niNTZE, & IIUBERTJ PJew Market. nov 15-3t CiO.KS, DOLLMAHS ! rjlIIE PRICES AND STYLES WILL tell. These g.xds we have in large variety and; quantity andean Ct the ?mallc8t or largest sized person . GcnU' all Wool Ribbed UnderehirU and Drawers. Children' Flannel Under garments In all sizes. Carpets : Body Brussels English Brussels- Tapestries Three Ply, Ingrain, &c . THE PRICES ARE RIGHT and theatyle.5 aregood. R. M, McINTIKS. COIL CLOTHS In all trtiths . .1'

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