HaadaTl . ... firf J 19IER, rtRsCRIPTI058,)8TAE PAID. 5 00 Six aoataa, $2 50 ; Three 'f' $1 15; Oae month, 50 oent. s 'r ,nU be delivered by carrier, ntes. or 13 oenti per week. Sttbieribtff will pleasereport lay Aid VwAito receive their papers regularly. 3 FANCY GOODS AND 23. Corner X&arket tft Second Streets- atteition k ufcaittc i " tJf general puMU to a Job Lot of UDIES' AMD GENTS' COLLARS AND GUFFS. PCBB LINEN COLL AES 5. rOBSMSEX OUtVS 10c. SOT HALF THEIR V ALU til Ws are dilj receiving NEW G00D8 rciUble for the I"o i lay trade, each as T3TS MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS, GLASS! WARE, ORHAMEMTS. JAPANESE WARE,:: VASES. to,, Ac, &o , 4c w. H not uossiblr enumerate cur , wok, it la too varied. We would particu Urly invie . WHOLESALE BUYERS to fin m a call and look at our stock Jo eg to go to New York. Can d3 better for yon. CJal! early and make ycur selection. Wt have abo on band the largest stock of iTIM-WARE oath of Ntw TorK, and are offering them at ol i prices. We have a great many Special Lots that we are offering away below market prices. BROWN & RODDICK, X E Corner of Market and Heoond Streets. j s mHB LARQE3T ASSORTMENT IN THE I State, and our prices are lower than any. Tqu pay just for the amount of Carpet on roar floors BROWN & RODDICS, 45 ftlarket St. cct 30 " Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON & WELDON JR. R. CO. Wilmington, N. C. , Nov 16, 1SS0.SJ Notice fJHE DIRECTORS OF THE WILMING toa & Weldon Railroad Company have de clared a Dividend of 3 per ceiit. on the Cap ita Stock of said Company payable to the Stockholders on and after November 23d, 1SS0. J. W. THOMPSON, v nov 16-td Secretary fc Treasurer. Star copy. High est Cash Prices DUD FOK UIDErt, WOoiL. Ji&TALS, HlQS; Ac, by JNO. J. COXFREY AGO., Brokws a.d Oocernl Dealers, Ooraer Dock and Watr st?. Kofer to Firjt National Hank. bot 15-1 m Sooks 0 ? EVErtY DESCRIPTION ccptanUj 08 feani. oTaTJON EitY i well aeleat d stock, aeladiag many coreltles it Katcy Paper. rAXCY ,G00D3 Chromos, Frames alfcami, Fancy Baaketa, Bibles, Gold and Pencils, Ukatandf, Ac, Ac. C. W. TATS, . 521 ttionor and Book elir rresh Every Day tlSt arti4vUTMEST trf. CANDIES, jaeh iad Diuit?tic, joat rMvreJ and for OBTLT OENniNKHOME-M4.DE 7 a th city, will be found everr xhl'J swej, tbroe doors South of F.: oaSeooud street. Also, Jfuts arerj aftaraeon, PWN& 'ROOBSCK 'nut, .;; 0. K. JE7NS, m K- Xr, Near the Poitofflce 1: VOL. V , There was a very cold wave yesterday at the North which is sweeping South ward to-day. Heavy faosta are predict ed in the Southwest and the sugar crop will suffer greaiy. The commissioner of internal revenue will in his forthcoming report recommend the abolition of the stamp tax on mateb.es, bank checks and proprietary medicines. It. is understood that' the recommenda tion will be concurred in by the Secre tary of the Treasury. The receipts from these sou ces are about $6 500,000, A scheme for changing the cuaanel of the St. Lawrence at Montreal, by build ing an immense dike.at a cost of $7,000, 000, i3 under consideration. The advan tages would be a still-water harbor, wa ter power for mills, and the protection of the lower part of the city against an nual freshets. About 30,000 tons of ice have been brought from Norway and Sweden to New York this season, where it is sold at from $6 to $1 50 per ton, while the domestic article has been as high as $20 per ton. The Norway ice is from four teen to eighteen inches thick and as transparent as glass. The Republicans are still bulldozing the Democrats in South Carolina. Two white citizens were arrested yesterday at Greenville, charged with frauds, and the U. S. Commissioner who examines the accused is a defeated candidate for Cenr gress. "What a traversity is justice in the hands of the Republicans! Thev have organized a "National Union Associat;on" in Providence, R. I., the object being to "assist in building up a new party at the South; for the establishment and m.aintainanee of free public schools and labor and for the pro" tection of the laws and rights of all classes of citizens." These Ilhode is landers forget that charity should begin at home. 1 The Fayette ville Examiner, comment ing on an article published recently in the Review, relative -to cotton-seed oil mills, has this to say : The various uses "of the cotton plant are beincr slowly developed. A. crop otsix million bales of cotton implies two hundred m -11 inn bnshels of cotton seed. And allowing a bushel of seed to contain one cmart of oil, wo should nave Mtymu lian erallons of oil, as the amount con tained in tne enure crop oi one year. Only a small portion of this amount is J i -i U j i l nil expressed ana soia m misuiara.ei. mcic is indefinite expansion of business enter- f a. t nn i 1 -nrisfi m tnis airecxion. v nurever me seed can be obtained in sumcieni; quanti ties these oil factories have been found on trial to be profitable. There are many of them in operation in New Or leans, Memphis and other cnies or xne Southwest. Ilcre at Favetteville are several cot ton crins in operation Irom which a con siderable quantity of cotton seed could be obtained. Is this Dot a favorable point for establishing a cotton seed oil factory? W e asK tnis question mereiy to call attention to the subject, we profess no practical familiarity with it. Let business men investigate the ques tion. LOCAL NEWS. JVew Advorwsementf. See ad Wanted Immediately. See ad New York Observ er. Heixsberger Just Received A & I Shriek Best and Cheapest ! C W Yates Books Window Glasa all Price's. sizes at AltaiTcx & t Girls, if you mean to jump, now is the time to leap. The Spanish high comb is coming into vogue again. To.s naweat. latest, tea it li0SENTHAtrf. and caaapea t The man on the fence expects to save himself by a hedge. Floral fringe of snow-balls is used on wedding dresses. I here s more piety since the mosqui toes have disappeared. There are strong indications of a heavy matrimonial boom hereabouts. ' Ceremonies differ in every country, but true politeness is ever the same. Where Is tht crowd going ? ToRoi ESTBAia, to buy boots and shoes. f People are ashamed to acknowledge they are poor to all but book agents. Vadvise all in need of Household Hard i 'tgo to Jacobi's. There you get r tf 7 X t MAILT WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Don't linger where your "love lies dreaming." Wake her up and tell her to get breakfast. .., Dancing leaaons givn fre at Roen- THal 8 fttnp toie ixTs ana hut lor the ball room. t Owing to the inclemency ot the weather ast night, there was but a small attend ance t the Library Rooms, and the annual meetingof the Association was, therefore, adjourned to some future date. Seeing is believing without doubt you can buy Cooking and Heating Stores t "al most any price at Jacobi's. t Deaiti at t Pauper. Jack Sweat, the colored individual who was picked up on the streets during the prevalence of the storm the -other night and who was the object of so much sympathy, was the victim of a horrible disease, from the effects of which he died at the County Poor House last night. Swamp Angels, Bull Dogs, and other Re volvers at very low prices at Jacodi's. f The Festival Last mht. The disagreeable weather did not have a very serTous effect on the Festival giv en at the:.Qiy Halliast evening by the ladies of the' Front Street M. E. Church. It was well attended, although there would undoubtedly have been manymore' present had the elements been more pro pitious. As it was," it was a very enjoy able occasjoD.to those who were present. now to be your own painter. Just buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint," ready mixed and war' ranted at Jacobi's. t Personal. Dr. T. S. Burbank, who left here abou t a week ago for ,Vflliamston, is now at his old home in "Washington. He will remain there for nearly a month in charge of Dr. McDonald's busines and his prac tice, while that gentleman has gone to Baltimore. When he returns Dr. Bur bank will again take np the line for Wil- liamston, where he proposes to settle. How to;catch 'em. Just buy the Delusion Rat and Mouse traps. Caught nearly xorty one night. These traps arc 60ld at Jaco bi's. t A. Hard Winter. All the. "signs," according to those versed in such lore, point to a severe winter. Exchanges note that the crop of chinquepina, chestnuts, wild grapes, persimmons, etc., was never known to be more abundant than it is this fall, and ac cording to the observations of bur fore fathers it indicates very cold weather. How the hornets build their nests is an other infallible indication, and this year they have chosen the tops of the tallest trees. They do this, it is said, in oDeai ence to some instinctive foreknowledge of the approach of severe temperature; but why they would not be just as com fortable down below, is not explained. Rice birdri are about played out. Not so with thosa Scotch noledat RosENTHiL's They last for ever. T The Coon Club. There was quite a large attendance last night in the Parlor of the Pur cell House, where the "Wilmington Coon Club was organized with the following offi cers, viz: President D. M. "Wright. Vice President C. B. Willson. Secretary H. D. Bnrkhimer. Treasurer Simon Sandere. Director of the Chase Herbert Pette- way. Keeper of Kennel- Pat. Carr. The "Coons" will have, their first meet at Castle Hayne on Monday evening next, and if the animals in that neigh borhood are wise they will at once take to their legs and hide themselves in the fastnesses of Anglo Pocosin.; "When we reflect that so many human beings die of Consumption we must come to the conclusion that everybody should be provided with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which never fails to cure a cough, the forerunner of this dreadful disease. Price 25 cents. The coinage of the silver three-cent nd ronner , two-cent pieces was discon- tinsed in 1873, Jsmd that of the silver twenty-cent piepe in 1878. r Under the provisions of the act of June 9, 187p, providing for the exchange of subsidiary for lawfil inoney of the United States, the coins above mentioned are being redeemed at the sub treasury offices, and when received are not again paid out Keyiew: The receipts of cotton at ihi3 port to day foot up 838 bales. Thanksgiving turkey3 are on a strike. They won't come down out of the coops for less than a dollar and a Quarter. a Wood is on a high horse to-day and can only be had by those who will fork out a dollar for a load, whether it be oa or ash. The wind is from the North, the skie3 are overcast and the atmosphere all day long here has been suggestive of unshed snow. . And so Mrs. Oates,' or Titus, or what ever her name may be, has disbanded her company and will not fill her engage ment at the Opera House in this city on the 24th iust. The Kivef. "When the steamer Gov. Worth pass ed the shoals yesterday, below Fav etteville, there was but six feet of water. The river was then falling but it was raining very harji at the time and the probabilities arerthat there were also heavy rains in the interior. It is thought that there will be another freshet atop of this. Weather Forecasts - Yenner and Tice are both to the tore again with their predictions of severe weather. The former expects that the latter part of December, with January and March, will give the most snow. February, he says, "looks warmer." He anticipates an early Spring and thinks that the ice crop will be good. Prof. Tice forecasts that the winter months will be characterized by great and'sudden changes in atmospheric press ure, and consequently by heavy precipi pation that is, heavy rains in the South and heavy snows in the Isorth, with generally extreme low temperature. i Ladies, the best fits and the easiest shoes for the little onea are at Rosen THAL'e. t Dr. DeRossei's Arrival. Dr. A. J. DeRosset arrived here safe ly last night with his son, Dr. M. J. De Rosset, and family, from New York. Dr. M. J. DeRosset, it will be remem bered, was stricken with paralysis some weeks ago in New York city, where he was at that time residing and practic ing ihis f profession, but it was only recently that bis physicians would con sent to his 'removal, which was ac complished last night by hi3 safe arrival in Wilmington. The condition ot the sicK gentleman is much improved from what it was when he was first stricken and we are happy to be able to state that he is quite cheerful and talks with much mere freedom and more intelligibly than he was able to do at first. Death ot Mr. Melvln. Mr. Jas. S. Melvin, who was stricken with paralysis about ten days ago, died this morning at his boarding house on Market, between Front and Second streets. His body was taken up the river to Pine Bluff, Bladen county, to day. Mr. Melvin was about 58 years of age, and was insured in the Presbyterian Mutual Assurance Fund of Louisville, Kentucky. Prior to the war he lived among us "several years, but moved back to his home at the beginning of the war. About twelve months ago he removed to this city and engaged himself in the bus ness of timber inspecting. He was well liked and was highly respected. A Ntw Core for Wounds A writer on health topics gives the following directions for curing wounds "As soon as a wound is inflicted, get f little stick a knife or file-handle will do and commence to tap gently on the wound. Do not stop for the hurt, but continue till it' bleed3 freely and be comes perfectly numb. "When this point is reached you are perfectly safe all that is necessary 13 to protect it from dirt. Do not stop short of bleeding and numbness and do not on any account close the opening with plaster. Nothing more than a little cereate on a clean cloth h nec essary. "We have used and seen this used on all kincU of simple punctures for years, and never knew a single instance of a wound becoming inflammed or sore atter.this treatment. Among, other cases: a coal rake tooth going entirely through the fob a rusty darning needle through the foot, a bad bite by a suck ing pig, several instances of file shanks through the hand, and numberless cases of rusty nails, awl, &c, but we never knew a failure of thu treatment." , 19. 1880. NO. 229 The buckwheat cake is now in order and so is tne syrup that makes it pala table. Skirts mast be short enough to show the third button of the boot, or fall short in stvle. The Guir olrfaai. Our neighbor of the Star is mistaken in saving that the steamship Gulf Stream (of which we spoke at length in the Review on her previous trip to this port) was built for a blockade runner. The Gulf Stream was known in ante bellum days as the North Carolina. The pioneer of the line, which was estab lished during the last year previous to the war, was the Jarlersbnrg and the second steamer was the Xorth Carolina, now the Gulf Stream. She ran here but a few months previous to the war and she came ino the port after the Ijorts had been seized by ths State forces. ' She was afterwards allow ed to depart unmolested. Since that time she has been lengthened ami enlarg ed and now has an iron hul!. New Advertisements T R 3T . THE NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Send for ; Sample Copy Free. OBGEIIVJDII, 37 Park How, New 3Tork nov 19 Turpentine Hands. I CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT, at fair waecs, to a few ood TURPENTINE HANDS, to work in South Oarolica. I will engage for box cnltlog season, or from now nntil Christmaa. 18SL. Good box cutters or inch fl9 can learn are wanted from now until next Christmas or for full season. Apply in person, or by letter to J u Aiits.w nn.&, Superintendent. Lexington Courthouse, 8. O.i or to myself, at Wilmington. N. O. bov 18-lwd-SwJ Water HI Meal. 1200 BUSHELS Prime Virginia Meal. HALL k PEARS ALL Long PJiUllets. FEW BaHRELS i8 USUAL, Guaranteed. HALL & PEARS ALL. nov 18 - 1EH 3E O 3ES- yE ARE MAKING AND HAVE CON stantly on hand all grades of Rice from COMMON to FANCY. HALF RICE, SMALL RICE RICENA DOUSE A good cheap food for Horses, Cowe, Hojrs, &c. Also a fine article for feeding Poultry. All goods sold at Charleston prices. NORWOOD GILES '& CO., nov IS . Proprietors Carolina Rice Mills. Foreclosure of Mortgage. T)T Vlk-TUE AD IN PUR8UAH0E of a decree of th- Superior Court of New Ham over County, mad a at June term, 1880, In thecassof a ftMil'ck ts J O Hill, eta), I will, on Mocday, the 6th day of December, 1880, at 11 o'clock, A M, s-U tothehlgbest bidder at public suction, for cash, at the Court Uuuao door in ntia.iBgtoa, a Tama ble tract of land ia Fear tewnahip. containing tiity aces, a "jiliing the lauds of D H Haander, Je e inTiiie ana otnert, being the sam conveyed to Jon CJ Hill by D 8 riaundsrs br deed dated 16th February, 1872, and revis er eo in f-e Keguter Office of said Ocux.ty la book u it , page dj. B K MOOKK. Oom'r DcBeuiz Cctlak, Atty f r Plaintiff. &ot 18-re musical Eecital- New Feature ot the Live Book Store. JT REQUEST MR. E. D. GOODMAN will give another of his Musical Recitations FRIDAY EVENING next, at 8 o'clock. - Lovers of good music are cordially invited At HELNSBERGER'S, nov 17 " Live Book and Mmlc Store. FLSASK fiOTXOZ. W will be f fad to receiv communication from oar frknds on aay tad all; subjetts a reaeral latere but , Jm Bane of tha writer mutt always be far uiatad to the Editor. Oonununlsationa mart be written: on oolr. one aid of the papa. Personalities mum voided. And it is especially particularly. under stood that the Editrw .1 M not always endora the views ot eor retpoa 4d ts, unless to stats I la tke editorial eoluitns. New Advertlsemon t. Wanted Immediately' AT THE WILMINGTON STEAM! LAUNDRY, No. 15 Water Street, Hi White Girls to learn the Laundry busi ness. Steady employment aiid" pool wag;es guaranteed. From $3 to $7 per week: can be made bv competeut Shirt Ironers. nov ly-lt Best and Cheapest t QUR STOCK OF CLOTHING 13 COM pletc. Come and boc -us and we will do) you good. Everything nrw, nice and nob by, in the way of - - CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS. Prices low down to suit the times. A.-& I.' SHRIEK, No. SI Market et. nov !' 32 t Market St. 32 lit'. Sign of tho Show Case kwith tha Shoemaker- M Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SIIOES always-complete. Call and examine. Fat-' isfaction guaranteed to customers, Now ia the time to 6upply vour families. A full line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. Don't forget tho old number. C; ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. nov t EVJeat Buyers T'OULD DO WELL TO CALL AT STALLS 5 to 10 NEW MARKET if they want the best Beef at from 5 tolO cts. per pound. JOHNSON, TILLEY, HINTZE, . & IIUBERTJ New market. nov 15-3t CLOAKS, DOLLMAIIS ! rpHE PRICES AND STYLES WILL tell. These goods we have in large variety and quantity andean fit the (smallest or largest sized person. s Gents' all Wool Ribbed Undershirts and Drawers. Children's Flannel Under garments in all sizes. , Carpets : Body Brussels English Brus sels Tapestries Three Ply, Ingrain, fcc. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT and the styles are good. R. 31. McINTTRE. OIL CLOTHS in all widths. nov 15 " : My Iiyery ani Sale SiaWes ' TTAVE-BBEN REMOVED FROM Prin- cess to Fifthjbetween Mulberry and Walnu 7 - . w m. ..... .J . . J KJ U- f tiJ J old customers and -ttiTpublic generally. Panic prices. B. SCOTT, nov 17-lw Just LARGE ASSORTMENT of fine Vio. Una and Accordeoas. Also Italian VioL'n. and Guitar Strings, which are offered for sale very cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. SACKGAMMON BOARDS, CHECKER ids and Men, Aminos, and an endless variety f otlier gamea justreceivei. at ' , m IHELNSBERGER'S, , nov IT . Lire JSwk tzi 21z2o Btcri mmjr ... 3

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