- V . ea0lwb6d every aruraoe, JSmadays - JO SH. T. JAM Bl t orrox asn fbofbiktob. -nBSCRIPna58,F08TAGE PAID. a rear, $5 00 Six months, $2W ; Three aontht,fl 35; One month, 50 cents. fhB Pper b dIiTered bT 0f eharjre, in any -part of the city, ftt the .Ve rtes, or 13 oents per week. . , . . AdTrtiia rates low and liberal Subscribers will please report any aad & fkilurei to receive their papers regularly. HJMEMBE THE LITTLE FOLKS ! Wholesale and Retail BROWN & 'RODDICK jj Corner Market Cl Second Streets A' f NOW FULLY PftKPARKD 10 iho the Urgeat aaort:nent of Holiday Goods we hive ever ito tn , They are' by far too ni merouj to mention. A, ru t only can cover th it ground. Toji, Faasy Oooda, Wheelbarrowa, Oartfj, W.ocire-les, Japanese Ware. Over 150 doz. From So to $3 each. Brooccs, Bucket, Bsc sets, Doll Csrrisgei, BockingJIorees. TheUrgost etock of Tin Ware rou'h of New York. Our Prices are Lower than Ever ! And we cm safely lUte that to House in tie . couatry offen greater inducements to Wholesale Buyers. gjjjSa GlTe us a call; we cannot pon! bly give yon any idea of onr stock by ad- TirtUicp. Be in time and lay in your stocks eirly. BROWN & RODDICK, FANCY GOODS BAZAAR, X E Cerner of Market and Becord its nor 20 Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO. Wilmington, N. C, Nov 16, 1830. iMotice. fJAUE DIRECTORS OF THE WILMTNG ton & Weldon Railroad Company have de clared a Dividend of 3 per cent, on the Cap ital Stock of said Company payable to the Stockholders on and after November 23d, 1SS0. J. W. THOMPSON, nov 16-td Secretary fc Treasurer. Star copy. Highest Cash Prices plID FOR HIDE8, W09L, METALS, Kl3, 4c , by JNO. J. CONFRKY 4 CO , ' Brokers a d General Dealer; , Cofaer Dock and Water str, . Refer to First National Baak. nov 15-lm Water Mill Meal. JQQQ BUSHELS Prima Virginia Meal. BALL PKA&HALL Long Mullets. thW BARRELS AS USUAL, Guaranteed. hall & pears all. to? 18 -: J AS. E- ECE A, jyiJiTAL SURG SON AND MECHANIC B E Corner Front and Market streets, 0T lMw WUttUsgton, IT C r 1 E VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER LOCAL NEWS. Mew Advertisements. Heinsbebgeh Bridal Presents. C W Yates All that is Necessary. A & I Shriek The New Store Jxo L Boat Wright Special List. No City Court to day. Only two days now to Thanksgiving. The cotton receipts at this port to-day foot up 683 bales. Wicdow tfiass--aii mz z ItaSer & fwice's. . t . The newest, latent, to ftt RoSENTHAIiS. and cbe pea t Coup'3 Circus is to perform in Char lotte next Monday and then to meander Northward. There are quite a lot of hungry tramps i i the city. Why don't they go to Eaton Ohio? Swamp Angels, Bull Dogs, and other Re volvers at very low prices at Jacobi's. f Sheriff ManniDg returned to the city last night from a ten days' trip to New York. There have been lots of ladies on the streets to-day, notwithstanding the un promising weather. Seeing is believing without doubt you can buy Cooking and Heating Stoves at al most any price at Jacobi's. t The river was rising a little when the steamer North State left Fayettevillc on Saturday. There was about seven feet of water on the shoals. Bridesmaids are now frequently dis pensed with at fashionable weddings. Fashion allows the bride to go it alone so far as female attendants arc concerned Ladiei, the best fits and the easiest hoea for the little ones aro at Rosen THAIiS. Those crazy shopping bag3 our grand mothers used to carry about have been revived in all their ancient glory and a few modern embellishments tacked on. Water street merchants will keep their fet dry in Winter by wearing Rosen thal's boots and shoes, t It rained, sleeted, hailed and snowed last night and some one stole our wood. It might have been cheering to the wood manipulator but this morning it was rather cold comfort for ye reporter. . The Asheviile Citizen says a decided reduction has been made in freights over the W. N. C. Railroad on fertilizers from Wilmington to that point. It is now brought there for 5.25 per ton. Dancing lessons given free at Rosen thal's Pump sole boots and shoes for the ball roDm. . f A rumor comes from Paris that bon nets are to be worn on the head hereafter. It strikes us the head would be a good place on which to wear a bonnet, but such a departure will look a little odd at first. We advise all in need of Household Hard ware to first go to Jacobi's. There you get the lowest prices. f Easy expectoration, increased power of the Lungs, and the subsidence of irri tation, manifest from cessation of cough and the enjoyment of rest, are the rewards upon taking Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, by all consumptive patients. Price 25 cents. For the street short dresses will be worn in various styles. It is prophesied that the kilt skirt in long, straight plaits will be 'abandoned for a fuller and more flowing skirt. There will be also an effort made to bring paniers into fashion. R'ce birds are about p'ayel out. Not so with tu 03 Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. f What fine, athletic specimens of hu manity some men are, but somehow or other one cannot think of them as the descendants, or discipies of Hercules, or Theseus, or Samsonrwhen one sees them fiiing around a screen into a sample-room. How to catch 'em. Just buy the Delusion Rat and Mouse traps. Caught nearly forty one night. These traps arc sold at Jaco bi's. f New buttons are larger than formerly, those for outside garments being About the size of a 25 cent coin. Two shades of pearl compose handsome buttons 'for dresses, etc., and - these are granulated kids with a dark pearl foundation, flecked with bright bits of color. Daily Cotton Boom I nr. ' Cotton closed in New York on Sat urday at 11.18 11.19 for November. To-day it advanced to 11.46 11.50, about thirty-two points, but at the clos ing it was off some thirteen point?, clos ing at 11.37. Raold Transit. A gentleman, who is a resident of our city, informed U3 to-day that yesterday mrninghe went to church in Charleston and that last night he heard Bishop Keane preach here. The distance be tween the two cities is about 214 miles by rail. Sew Ice House. ' Mr. B. H. J. Ahrcns commenced this morning to rebuild his ice house on tie corner of Front and Dock, streets, which was destroyed by fire about seven months ago. Mr. Ahrens contemplates putting up an improved building and will have i completed during the nexttwo months Lost and Found. A gentleman friend of ours lost his pocket-book on Saturday. It was pick et up a few minutes afteward3 by a young clerk, who turned the pocket-book over to its owner. The book contained about 50 in currency and some papers which gave a clue a3 to the owner of the lost property. Increase In Kecetpte.- There is an increase last for week, over the same week of last year, in cotton, spirits, rosin, tar and crude turpentine The receipts of cotton last week were 6,910 bales, against 5,408 bales for the corresponding week of last year, an in crease of 1,502 bales. The reeeipts of spirits last week were 2,109 casks, against 1,979 the previous year, an increase of 130 casks. The receipts of rosin last week fere 8,275 barrels, against 3,901 last year, an increase of 4,374 barrels. The receipts of tar last week were 1,263 barrels, against 834 last year, an increase of 429 barrels. The receipts of crude - turpentine last week were 2,588 barrels, against 1,261 last year, an increaseof 1,327 barrels. Addrress on Missions, &c We learn that Rev. R. H. Graves, of Canton, China, is expected to arrive in the city to-night and will be the guest of R3V. J. B.' Taylor, pastor of the First Baptist church. He has been in attend ance upon the Baptist State Convention which has been in session at Goldsboro, and is on hi3 way to the South Carolina Baptist Convention, which meets on Thursday at Camden. We are glad to learn that Dr. Graves will deliver an ad dress on China and the missionary work, to-morrow night, at the First Baptist Church. This faith ful missionary is a native of Baltimore and has been for many years toiling among the heathen. He reached thi8 country about four months ago, and ex pects to return ere long to his loved field of labor. We hope that many of our readers will avail themselves of the op portunity to hear Dr. Graves to-morrow nisrht. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The December number closes bril liantly the ninth volume of this appro priately named magazine, for its popu larity is stupendous'; and that it should bo so is not surprising, in view of. the great intrinsic merit of the publication. The present number contains a vast amount of admirable reading matter, en tertaining and affording much informa tion. "The Industrial Progress of the South," J. B. Killebrew, is the opening article, profusely embellished, and among other highly meritorious contributions are "Annie Boleyn by A. id. Guernsey: "At a Norwegian Wedding," by David Ker; "A Short Trip Around the World," by Thos. W. Jvnox; "Studying the Weather," by Munro, C. E., and which are all finely illustrated. There are interesting short stories by Margaret Blount, Lillie D. Blake, Helen W, Pier- son, Georgie A. Davis, etc., etc.; several sketches and adventures- by popular writers, poems of more than ordinary morit, and an abundant miscellany. As the next number commences a new vol ume now is the time to subscribe, and a most acceDtible holiday-gift will be a year's subscription to this delightful pe riodical. . Each number contains iza quarto pages, and over 100 illustrations, with a handsome colored frontispiece. Annual subscription, $3; single copy, 25 cents; sent postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishing Homse, 53, 55, and 57 Park Place, New York. When you visit or leave New York City. stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restauirmt unsurpassed at moderate prices Street cars, stages and elevated.rallroad to all parts ot the dtj. ly There was a slight snow and a slight fall of sleet last night and, to-day it feels cold enough for a few feet of both com bined. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer stood .in the open air at 39, which is just seven degrees above freez ing point. Holiday Preaeuif, Empty mustard or spice boxes form a good foundation for cigar holders. The card board is cut to fit and decorated to txste. The bottom of card board is sewed in, and quilled ribbon hides the joint and finishes the top of the case. A ribbon is sewed to the sides, and forms the handle. The same case may be hung on the gas bracket and used for lighters. In this case the tapers should be made and the holders filled before giving the present. Newspaper holdersre pretty and easily made. The frames for these are sold at fancy stores, and are merely wooden or papier mache backs, with slits through which the 6traps pass. There are two of these straps of strong canvas, bound with ribbon and worked in point Russe or cross stitch. These straps hold the newspapers, and may be let out or taken up as desired. Death Sodden and Harder Foul. 2 A colored man by the name of John Luther, formerly an emp7oye of the city but more recently a resident of Harnett township, died very suddenly last night, on Fifth, between Princess and Chestnut streets. Coroner Hewlett held an ire quest to-day, the jury finding a verdict that death resulted from natural causes. An old colored man; by the name of Si who lived in this city, was found dead on the road near Barnum's Creek, Brunswick county, on Saturday night. It was reported here by letter this morning that an infant child was found dead in a swamp, near the village of Summerville, in Brunswick county, on Friday last, with the head severed Jrom the body and its right arm cut off. The child was a new-born babe, and its color was dusky, very duskyj ia fact it is thought both of its parents must have been eable-hued ' individuals of the African persuasion. But the motive for the horrible murder and butchery is yet unexplained. Vast Trains. It is said that the new fast schedule is to be put on about Sunday next. The arrangements have been perfected and it only remains now to make np an exact schedule. Col. Bridgers and Capt. Di vine are both Ntrth, relative to the mat ter. It is said that the time between New York and Wilmington will be 1 1 hours and 30 minutes. The fast train will leave New York at 4:35 a. m.f Washington at 11 a. m. and Richmond at 3 p. m. This will put it in Wil mington at 10:05 p. m, of the same day on which it leaves New York. It will overtake at this place the ordinary fast schedule now on the Wilmington & Wei don R. R. and the present fast night train on the W. C. & A. R. R. will , take the mails, with the necessary acceleration made to its speed. . The train on the Carolina Central, we understand now, will not make as close connection with the fast train on the W. & W. as was expected. According to what Capt. Johnson, the Superinten dent, told us this morning a change will go into effect on the C. C. R. R. on De cember 8th, by which the mail train will leave Wilmington at 10 a. m., thus mak ing connection with the night train from the North. The talk heretofore on this road has been of a fast schedule connec tion with the new fast train on the W & W. whenever it is put on. How to be your own painter. Just buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted at Jacobi's. f See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which 8 peer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pro ession for the nee cf invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggist. Catarrh Sometimes commences with a cold, but its cure always commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This old, reliabie. and well-known remedy has stood th test of years, and was never more pop ular than now. Christ. Gerber, - Wholesale Hardware, Toledo, OMosays The Excelsior Kid ney Pad has accomplished more for my wife in three weeks than all the medicine she has taken in "three years. Refer all skeptics to me- Se Aav 22. 1880. NO. 231 Hnmbngzed Aalo. I saw so much said about the merits of Hop Bitters, ana my wife, who was alwayB doctoring, and never well, teased me so urgently to get her some, L concluded to be humbugged again : and I am fflad I did, for in less than two months use of the Bitters my wife was cured and she ha3 remained so for eighteen months since. I like such humbugging. H. T;' St Paul. Pioneer Press. No remedy , for kidney diseases here tofore discovered can be held for one mo ment in comparison with Warner's Safc .Kidney and Liver Cure. C. A. liar vet, Ms. is., asntngion, jj. u. New Advertisement. The Wew Store- gQRIER'S ITKW BOOT aND Shoe Store reaains the great print of attraction BOOTS & SHOES Tot everybody, oil aad young, little and big. o agjfc. T e fineat it net end f e prices at BnmniVfl Shoe Store, nov 22 Market 8treet. All that Is Necessary . JROP IN AT YAIEa BOOK STORE and see for yourself. Every Steamer adds to h!s already large itcct. An nnninal fall stock of including many novelties. ORGAN'S on easy term?. O. W. YATES, nor 82 Stationer and Book Keller Bridal Presents- TTSEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL KJ Presents, in large variety, can always be found at HEINSBERGER'S. Gold Peas aa.d Pencils, TUST RECEIVED a large lot of fine Gold U Pens and Pencils, from Mabie, Todd & Co and John Foley, of New York, at HEINSBERGER'3, Live Book aad Music Store nov 22 FECIAL LIST ! J OFFER TO-DAY to the good people of our city, the following Fancy Articles,which I consider equal to any goods Imported into tils country, snd would respectfully Invite autocall upon me aad see if they cannot find something to please them. I have la Stock all of Oroese A Xlack- well's Fnglisa Goods, consisting of Chow Chow Piokles, Cauliflower Piokles, Onion Piekles, Walnut Pickles, PS Mixed Pickle,Q Muibrocn Sauce, Athenaeum Sauce, Wedge wood Saare, 525 8oho Sauce, Curry Powder, Potted Meas, Calves Foot JellyP" Also Champignons and Petit Pob, O Tamarinds in Pots, lO OJirm, Fareief, Dijobt Monttrde, Mayoneiie Salad Dressing, Serf Capers, Grave Jelly, Tobeseo Sauee, f Pure Olive Oil, Farina, Cracked Wheat, Hani sea. Also a fall l'a) of staple goods. 'PS o All goods bovght cf me I deliver freeO every half hoar daring the entire day. John. Boatwricht, mtM HulURntbrrmt Bt We will beg? ad to receire eommnnicatfert from onr 'fries f a on any and all' abiect-T general interest but The name of the writer must always be ft r aianedto the-Editor. Oommnnieationi cut be writlen,' oa only one aide of the paper PeraoaaUtietznna v voided. And it is especially sm j articular Ij.cnd r stood that the Editnr cot always etdors the views ot correpondH3 ts, unlets so ettted la the editorial colnwnv ' llBest and; Cheapest ! QUR STOCK OF CLOTIIIXd IS C(M-t plete. Come and see us! and w will (0 you good. Everything v. w, r;c. and by, in the way of CLOTHING, ANii FUF.N12Hi.NG GOODS. Prior k dnxvn tfuit tlif tjr.?. A. iV I. NY.. : nov IS i Market k. 32 Market Sign of the Show Case vith thb.. Shoemaker- Y STOCK OF LOOTS AND SUOES always complete. Calt ami examine' Sat isfaction guaranteed to eu.sfonier.s. Now is the time to supply vour families. A full lino, of th.? CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and button-. Su ing is believing. Cunvinro vouiocli oi' th" fact. A new lot of thoso SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. l:.n-t IbrettWj. old number. C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. nor 8 rioeT"' ARE MAKING AND HAVE CON etantly on hand all grades of Ri-e from COMMON to FANCY. HALF RICE, SMALL RICE RICE ft A- DOUSEA good cheap food for Horse, Cows, Hogs, 6n'. Also a fine article foi feeding Poultry. All goods sold at Charleston price?. NORWOOD 'cilLES & CO., nov 18 Proprietors Carolina liice Mills Grand Festival i "QiiDER THE.AtJSPICES OF Til E " YOUNO LADIES OF ST. THOMAE' CATHOLIC CEDT.CH, at Oermania Hall, Tuesday evening, Nov. 23, 1860. Gentleman's Tickets, CO cents. Committee F H Darby, Jaces Cor- bett, D Quinlivan. nov 20 CLOAKS, DOLLMAHK ! . rpHE PRICES AND STYLES WILL id!. These goods we have in larcc variety and quantity and can fit -the smallest or largest sized person. Gents' all Wool Ribted UndersLirts atd Drawers. Children's Flannel Under -gannents ,in all sizes. Carpets : Body Brussels EnILh Urus- sels Tapestries Three Ky, Ingrain, Aic. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT and the styles are good. r. M.-McINTTRE.- OIL CLOTHS in all widths.': nov 1-1 . Hy liTery, ant Sale Slate AVE BEEN REMOVED FROM I'n.i. H cees to Fifth, between Mulberry and Walnu t streets, where J will be pleaWl to tervc my old customers and the pub!ic trenerally. Panic prices. B. SCOTT. nov 17-lw Turpentine Hands. I CAN GIVE EMPLOY HRST, at fr wages, to a few good TrJIZPENTI.sK UAlTDd, to work in gouth Oaroliziu I vria engage for box cutting season, or from now until Christmas, 1B8L. Oood box cutters or' such as can learn ere wanted froa rw until next Christmas or for full season, ' Apply in person, or by letter to J U BALENlINltV Baperlntradent, Lextogtoa Courthouja, H. or to myself, at Wilmington. N. C. sot 18-lwd3wJ r

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