- r Wo will bog! ad to receive oommnixicatiost from onr friend j on any and all; mbjecti "o general Interat but The name of the writer mnrt alwayi be far nianedto the Editor. Oommunleatlona nut b vaitten on oolj one aide of thejtaper. Personalities ma oidadv And It la especially ma pard?ularly;cndr stood that the Editor teas not tlways eadort e the riews ot correspondents, unless so tat 4 In the editorial columns. JOSH. T. f AMDfl, ' rTMPTION8.POBTAQB PAIB. 1 rrs 00 Bixaontta, C1W J Tbraal " 7 i Sit Oat month, 60 eatt. BOBk t ' . , - i I -.war W1U VOIi. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1 880. NO. 23 U-8ob wtttyUMf report ay 4 daily REMEMBEft THE LimE FOLKS I Wholesale and Retail. 00 & 'RODDICK a.fl. Corner XOarket Ct Oecond Streets 1 S K'JW FULLY PREPARED TO Mt aaiortas&t of gHoir uv n r Holiday Goods h4T bo rn . They are by far too nu Btreu to mention. A. visit oaly can cover thatgroacd. Toyi, Faay Good, Wheelbarrows, Carts, Vidpeaei, JtpaM Ware. Over 160 4o Dlolls, From 6o to $ each. Brooms, Buckets. Bai keU, Doll OarrUgoi, Booking Hon,, Ihalargett stock of Tim Waw . Bouhf 5ow York. Our Prices are Lower than Ever I lad we can nMy lUte tha no Houge in the oaatry offers greater iadncem ante to a Wholesale Buyers. jjQga QlTe us a call; we cannot poisi blj fixe yon any Idea of onr itook by ad YtrtWnj:. Be in time and lay In yonr ftooki try. BROWN & RODDICKs fancy goods;bazaar, S K Corner of Harket and Beoond its EOT M E ARK MAKING AND HAVE ON- itantly on hand- alf grades, of Rice from COVfYf (YNT to TANCY. ...... n i n e ti a I MAlf KICt, Sitl ALL iflbc. DOUSE A good cheap food for Horses, I Cows, Hogs, &c. Also a line article for I feeding Poultry. All goods sold at Charleston prices NORWOOD GnJE3&CO., ftor IS Proprietors Carolina Rite MUls Highest Casli Prices pAll) TOR HIDES, WOOL, METALS, ke.t by JNO. J. COHFREY CO Brotrt Md GttMr&l Decora , Corner Dock and Watrr Refer to First National Bank, nor lS-lm - Notice. A LL PERSONS are forbidden to harbor JA mv wife. 8arah Jane Tatom, or In any manner provide her with food, raiment or Bhelter, as she has left my kouse without any provocation. I shall proaecute to the utmost extent ot the law any person who alto her in any above particulars. nov23-2td&w M. W. TATOM. turpentine Hands t haw mvr. EMPLOY U RUT. at fa'r 1 waTat. to a few good TURPENTINE H i wn 4 o -ac in South OarollBa. I will eri for box enUing Maton, or from mow taiU Onrifltau, 18SL Good boxemtteraor tiea ai aaa laarm are wanted from new mntu axt Ohriataa or for falloB; trwm Wraon, or by latter to J H BALRNtlNJ, Superintendent, LexiiMttea Courthouje, B. T 18-lwd-Sw J JAS. E- TENTAL 8US0C09 AND MECHANICS UXELXLT . 8 K Corner Front and Market street, nor 18-lw Wilmington, H O The stockholders of the -Atlantic & North Carolina B; &-vereV in session last Tuesday. A majority of the stock was .represented. Mr. F. M. Simmons was the froxy for the State, The prin cipal question for consideration was the lease of the road. Hon. B. B. Bridgers and Capt Jno. F. Divine were present and submitted a proposition for a lease. Mr. W. J. Best was also present and likewise submitted a proposition for a lease. The yotes taken rhowed very plainly that the private stockholders were in favor of leasing the road to Col. Bridgers and Capt. Divine, representing the WOmiDgto.A vjTeldqn B. R. It being ascertained that such was the will of the private , stockholders, and that the question would be brought to a decision at the afternoon session, Mr. Simmons, the State proxy, absented himself, and hence there was no quorum, and the meeting was compelled to ad journ. finbsermentlv. a nrivate meeting: of - y F i " the stockholders was held, and the propo sition; to lease to the Wilmington & Weldon B. B. was endorsed as follows : The following was offered by Major John Hughes: t , Resolved. That with the lights now before us; we desire to express preference Go where you will you will find peo for the proposition for a lease of the ple using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and road to B. B. Bridgets and J. F. Di- unanimous in their testimony concern- vine for the sum of thirty-three tnousana dollars per annum, provided that the Weldon Railroad shall become security for the payment of the rental. -0l etocK voie Demg caneu iui, i the vote resulted : Ayes, 1,024 votes, representing 3,340 shares. IS ays, 384 votes, reoresentinar 7y snares, oi. ono. Morehead. who voted in the negative, explained his vote bv saying that he was not willing at present to commit himself to any one, as otner propositions migut be made before final action. These ttre the facts as we find them in the formal report in the Newbern Nut Shell. The call of shares, we should have stated, .showed 12,666 belonging to the State, and 4,071 to corporations and individuals, represented at the meeting. The proposition to lease to the vv. & W. B. B. was defeated, it will be Been, by the action of Mr. Simmons, the Rfn-tft nmTT. who. it will be but fair to presume, was acting under instructions from Gov. Jarvis. The'question which natnrallv rtisps in this connection is, 1 j - would Mr. Simmons have withdrawn from the meeting had it appeared prob-1 afoflrboldera favor - MV nim w f- " ed a lease to Mr. Best, otherwise the Bichmond & Danville B. B.? This is a very important question and one which Gov. Jarvis will be expected to answer. iW the present, therefore, we make no trictureson his conduct. There is also a very disagreeable charge made asrainst Gov. Jams which it will also behoove him to respond to. a ; w The Kinston Journal says that Gov Jarvis stated openly on the stump, during thf rftfieiit campaisrn. that "the will of the puivate stockholders should be allow - , in tlie matter" and that he oge(j anow them to lease when- ever they desired and to whom iney pre - (erred." And yet the Journal tells us that "before a vote was taken the State's proxy stated that he had a letter from the Governor which would require him to withhold his vote if he saw that the lease was about to be adopted, and re - quested the meeting to adjourn to the evening in order that he might telegrapn to the Governor. The meeting adjourn al tmA nn rpjissemblincr. the State's WUU v (J ' proxy, in obedience to the Governor's tel eirram. refused to vote on the question and thus defeated the lease. LOCAL NEWS. ATew Adverttsements. Heiksbekoeb Zola's Works. W II Stebxixg Branch Office. . CW Yates All that is Necessary. A" & I Shriek The New Store The weather gets no better mighty fast. Window Glass-all sizes at Altafler & Price'a. T 'He only employs his passions who can make no use of his reason. The no west,t latest, beat at RoexxTHAis. and cheapest t a - The emntv errn never kicks, and the ehlpty car makes thejmost noise. & Rwftmn Antrels. Bull Docs, and other ReS volvers at very low prices at Jacobi's. f The receipts of cotton at this port yes - terday and Lday foot up 1,933 bales. . oi.. . v-Hpirtnrrrithont doubt von -on h'ov Cooldnc and Heatins Stoves at al - ! A .v nriee at JACOBI'S. t "This," says an exchange, "is a good time to plant holiday advertisements. If you want to clean white kid gloves rub them with cream of tartar. Ladies, the beat fits and the .e.'-st th-.i little oue are USKN noj lor THAL 8. Counterfeit fifty-cent coin3 are in cir culation. Look out lor tlicm. Christmas this year comes on Saturday; and i3 just four weeks from to-morrow. How to be your own painter. Just buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed ana war ranted at Jacobi's. t Put your head in the cold and you shall be rewarded by having a cold in your head. We advise all in need of Household Hard ware to first go to J acori's. There you get the lowest prices. t Xmas is slowly but surely approach ing; happy should they be whose stock ings are in order. Two beautiful cornets and a trombone are on exhibition at West & Co.'s store. They were ordered for members of the Cornet Concert Club. . iDg its good eilect. 1'nce cent, ' - At fashionable weaaings it is uuw styie to leave the hand ungloved. The . hft frreatlv anoreciated dv wearers of handsome diamond rings. Water street merchants will keep their . T" faet dry in Winter by wearing k&sln- thal's boots and shoes. T The Canadian weather prophet, Ven- nor, predicts a terrific snow storm, to be gin on 22nd of December, during which an average depth of eleven feet and a half will fall. Prepare for it! Rico birds are about played out. Not so with those Scotch soles at Rosenthal's They last for ever. . t Mr. Strangman, Agent here for Por- ner'sTivoli Lager Beer,' kindly remem bered us on Thanksgiving by sending us a present of his excellent beer. The Eevikw office drinks his health by a large . majority if a newspaper should contain all the 1 i,;T,o.a liof all its readers want it to O print it would have to be bigger than a bedspread; if it should leave out all I that each of its readers doe3 not wisn to .read it would be blank paper If you want to enjoy a green old age live on your income while you are young A debt is like a drizzling rain which makes you uncomfortable all the time, while bills all receipted and a lucky pen- nir Inirl Tin for bad weather make the hAJ V w heart warm when the mercury is at zero Dancing lessons given Iree at Rosen i - -r-. t. 'i. '' i ..i the ball rjom. 1 new ten dollar United btates cur- I rency counterfeit is in circulation. It is nr thft Spr;e3 cf 1875. signed John Al- I y1SQQf register, and John C. New, treas urer ipg bres jn the paper are print- e(j the paper is dark and thick, and the 1 eXpreSsion of Webster bad. Keep . a sTp lookout for it How to catch 'em. Just buy the Delusion Rat and Mouse traps. Caught nearly Jorty one night. These traps arc sold at Jaco Bl'S. T A circular has been issued by the Post- a .a' IT j master General directing au postmas ters to discontinue the sending of the waste paper which ac5umulates in their offices to New York and San Francisco. Postmasters are directed to aispose oi their own waste paper at their own offi ces, and on which no commission will be allowed. One of the most beautiful of the raaga- zines for children is "Our Little Ones," published at Boston, Mass, by the Rus- sell Publishing Uompany. it is a Dngm little monthly, filled with choice reading beautifully illustrated. The price per year isISl.50. It will make a nice Christmas present for the youngster. Address the publishers at Boston. Hambugzed Again. I saw so much said about the merits of TTnn Bitters, and my wife, who was always doctoring, and never well, teased me so 1 hnmbutrsred arain : and I am glad l nrtrpntlv to cret ner some, j. codciuucu io did, for in less than two months use of I the Bitters my wile was curea anasne I v. rpmained so for eiirhteen months 1 since. I like such humbugging. H. T. 1 SL raUL non ?cr rrws. A COniCT HAIL. Two Escaped Pcnltfntlary Birds Cap tured. On Tuesdav last Mr. John Ilarrisp, of this city, while on a visit to his grand father, Mr. John A. Sanders, some- four miles distant from the citv. discovered a nest of escaoed convicts in the hayloft nn thfi nlanttinn. Rnd amonrr tha mrtv i r nnrr;ca wiv-A v fcinn ih name of Henry Crews, who was indict" ed and convicted at the last April term of the Criminal Court of this county for arson, having set fire to a building on the very plantation in which he was then attempting to conceal himself. For this crime Crews was sentenced by Judge Meares to a term of 20 years at hard labor in the penitentiary, where he was duly carried and delivered by the proper officers from this county. The other members of this little hiding party were supposed to be George Hill, colored, sentenced at the same term to 6 years for larceny; Shade Bannerman, for the same crime as Hill and the same term of imprisonment o years; uowara v alter, anas iawara Borcum, tried, convicted, and Eentenced at, tne same term lor iu years ior DreaK-1 ing into the tobacco factory in this city. and one J ames Bowden, from J ones coun- ty, who it is thought at the Sheriff's office, was sent from Jones county for stealing a bag of cotton. With the knowledge that there was certainly one convict, and probably more, I Mr. Harriss hastened at once to town and lodged information with the proper authorities. A party was immediately made up, consisting of Dan Howard, C. H. Strode, J. W. Whitney and Toney Ashe who together, we believe, effected the capture, on Mr. Sanders' place, of Edward Walker, the tobacco factory rob ber. but the other birds had flown from tViaf WnllfAr TVif offinora linwp.vp.r wumpv ivvMii vj a s v w y ,w ohtainprl information of t.hp. wheveabouts of another i of the striped birds, and" returning to town, they directed their steps to the corner of Second and Ann streets, where they discovered Jas. Bow-1 den carefully concealed in the kitchen, by a servant employed as cook on the premises. This, together with five convict suits, was the result of the officers' efforts in that direction. The two cap - uvea, Yvuir uuu ojwucii, c iuugcu m jan ma. mguu, , cers burnished up their arms, and pro ceeded the following night to make an - less, kthe "coons" they were hunting having, no doubt, with their keen scent f. oiorm cnifforl liinrrpi. in tho air. and iui uiuiuii uuiiiv muwa climbed a tree in another locality. A Serious Strait. The people ot this city, of all classes and of all conditions, are placed in serious strait just now because of the ex treme scarcity of wood. There is al most literally none in market. The arri- w vals during the past two weeks have been very light and the little that has come in has been taken uo at once on arrival at very high prices. In moderate weather this would not matter so much but du rinsr the present cold and wet weather it Tna Wnrr.P vP.rv serious uiNkj mv vv w ef affiiir. It i3 an emergency for which our people are totally unprepared and the natural result has been much of suffering and actual dis tress. .Taking all these facts into con sideration the suggestion has been made to us and we think it one that is wor thy of consideration that the railroad authorities here be requested to come to the assistance of our entire people by placing temporary low rates on wood from such points where it may readily be obtained and letting it be known among the country people, so thati these rates may be taken advantage of. By thi3 mean3 the entire community will be benefited and no one can possibly be the loser. Perhaps the wood-dealers here, whose stocks, we understand, are almost entirely exhausted, might them- selves make the necessary arrangements with the railroad authorities and get in a supply at once. We throw out these suggestions, hop in that they may meet with attention during the extremity that is now apofl n ww v our people.' Habit, if not necessity, makes a Hai Dressinsr such as Dr. AVer's laboratory issuer indispensable to many. The "Vig or" ia one of the most delightful we have ever used. It restores not only the color, but gloss and luxuriance, to faded and gray hair. There is another prediction for a shower of meteors to-morrow night. Let those who can find a patch of clear ether be on the lookout for them. Yesterday, Thanksgiving' Day with us this year was cold, wet and disagreeable. Almost everybody hugged the fire throughout the entire dav-and but few of ths usual sportsmon lined the woods. The crop of Tonins lia? not been materially reduced Personal. Capt. S. W. Tick, who left us last Fall to go to Charlotte, and after that removed to Savannah, has returned to Wilmington and will probably remain here. Bock Spring water has evidently laid violent hands on him. lie see'mVfv glad to get back and we are glad to haye him back and we sincerely trust that he will do well in whatever he may under take. Sometlitns New. Mr. W. H. Sterling, Manager of the Wilmington TelephonJcExchange, has inaugurated an enterprise which must prove of much convenience to m.iuy Arrangements have been made by which mQS3asQS may be transmitted to and from anVpart of Brooklyn bv the pay ment of a small fee A branch 0ff5ce has been csr tablished at Messrs J. C. Stevenson & Cof, Sto on Fonrth atreet. iust North of Boney Bridge, and the transmission i m will be between the Exchange and the branch office and will be delivered at any point. If the enterprise promises to j us- tify it Mr. Sterling will soon enlarge and limvwpiti fWilitiP r. w . w Boom, Boom, Booming! His majesty, King Cotton, is again on the ramnae. On Wednesday at the I close January futures were quoted at 12 A- Q - I cents; to-day they opened at 12.60; from I that price there was a decline to 12.08, I but subsequently there was another au- I vance. the market closinsr.atll2.20. Theft . j wB I transactions reported in New York to- I day are 404,000 bales, the largest day's I operations, it i3 believed here, that ever I took place. Who says the South cannot afford to be independent, and solidjtoo, for I that matter, with a crop of six millions I of bales of cotton at 12 cents per pound? I Hipl Hip! Hurrahi for the King, owr I King, not King Grant, but better still, 1 old reliable King Cotton. . cncp Wp I tofore discovered can be held ior onemo- I ment ia comparison with Warner's bale 1 Kidney and Liyer Cure. C. A. Harvey, I . n.. wasntnaton. u. v. I Chas. L. Bossiter, 195 Summit St., 1 Toledo, Ohio says: I would not take I one thousand dollars lor my HiXceisior - Kidney Pad, if I could not get another. I have gained in three months thirty pounds. See Adv. New Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. Two Nights Only. Holiday and Tuesday, Nov- 29 & SO I Cyril Searle'a "Drink" Company, support- I lnginewisunguisneuATusve, in JDas, Reade's Dramatization of , Zola's great novel "L'Assommoir'entitled 9f Tuesday night : Mies Rose Eytinge as Amande Chandoce. Tickets on sale at Hehisberger's Live Book Store. Admiasionfl. Parquet Circle 75c. Gallery 25c. No charge for reserved seats. novS-5t ZOLA'S MAGDALEN FERAT ! and Al dine ! By the author of "Nana." fTOLA'S NANA ! NANA 1 Zola's Nana ! j Nana ! Completed and Unabridged. ryOLA'S L'ASSOMMOIR I and Miette By the author of "Nana.' fTOLA'S ALBINE ! Zola's Albinc ! By J &e author of Nana- ZOLA'S CLORINDA ! and Zola's Helne! By the author of , "Nana." ZOLA'S HELENE 1 and Zola's Albine ! By the author of "Nana." For sale at nov 2 HEINSBERGER'S. Grand Opening OF CHRISTMAS . TOIs AND FANCY Goods. Will be ready in a few days. Let everybody wait a minute. Look, to Review for announcement of the opening of the finest stock ox Amas Roods ever brought to this city. - . b. JJSWETT, nov 24 North Front et; New AdvertiBomts Branch IrOffice- TnE CITIZENS OF Wn.VIN-GTON respectfully notified that a branch oflko of the Wilmington TelephoDic 'Exelian has been establishetl at Messr J. C. Steven sou & Co's Grocery Store on Fourth street, just north of Boney Bridge, where messa ges will be rece'ved and sent.' Parties In other parts of the city who may desire to communicate with any one in 4iirooklyn", . can do so by leaving messages at the Central. Office and those in'" Brook iyn' who wiih to communicate with any other part of the city can leave messages at the Branch Olfiet. Prompt delivery guaranteed. Charires al mot nominal. W. II. STERLING, nov 2o .Manager Telephoivc Exchange. 321R?arkqt t, 32 Sisrn of the Show Casa with tie Shoemaker- . M Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SnOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is the time to supply your families. . . A full - line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and buttons. icc 1ns is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. ' A new lot of 'those SCOTCH SOLE GAITERS just received. ..Dou'tforgct.tlie old number. C. SROSENTHAL,- 32 Market Street. DOT 8 CLOAKS, DOLLMAHS, ' AHD .SHAWLS, "N GREATER VARIETY THAN ANY House in North Carolina. R. M. McINTIRE. CARPETS -Sy0KK Afull stock ou hand, many new ft;!cs. . OIL CLOTHS in all widths, . nov 15 - For the People. LARGE STOCK OF . Seasonable Goods HEAVY & LIGHT GROCERIES. v.. To meet' the- demands of trade we art prepared to fill all orders, and guarantee to please all as to price and quality of coo l Send us your or J crs. HALL & PEABSALL. nov 23 All that Is Ncc2?sary . JROP IN AT YATES BOOK STORE and see for yourrelf. Every Fteacer ad?a to his already large sUcV. An oi.ujaa.1 fall stock of Fancy Goods, . iocladiac many noveltlci. ORGANS on easy term?. C. 7. YATEf1, cot 22 Pttioner aid f eck e-Ur The Hew Store QHSIER'S NEW BOOT AND rf Shoe Store rexains ths great pcint y. of attraction' . BOOTS & SHOES For everybody, ;1J aadyoanj, . little and bi. VtsThe fiaeit stock a ad tbo lowest prices afe 4.: "'''-vr:- DIZXLXSZl'fl Shoo StQTd, tow 21 . . lUrket Street " .1J 3 lit: & 11- - x ' "v

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